Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Hells Angels control of the Stripper Agencies in BC

If the Hells Angels use violence to control the drug trade and the prostitution, then why do they or are they allowed to control the stripper agencies in BC? Surely getting a stripper addicted to cocaine is a step towards turning her into a prostitute. Letting them control the stripper agencies wouldn't be in the public interest.

Some people argue that we should let the Hells Angels own legitimate businesses like Tbarz because it gets them out of the drug trade and into legitimate business. But does it really. If a criminal organization branches off into legitimate businesses doesn't that simply mean the legitimate businesses could be used to launder drug money? Why would the criminal organization give up that aspect of their business if it was so profitable?

I am told that there used to be several stripper agencies in BC but now there are only three and they are tied to the Hells angels. I don't know about the other two but we know one is. That idiot CJ Spoon runs one for Randy Jones in Surrey. CJ was the one that got house arrest from Peter Leask for trafficking cocaine for the Hells angels so we know he has ties to the club. We just can't understand why.

CJ was charged along with Kerry Ryan Renaud and David Pearse. All three "alleged bikers" plead guilty. Ryan and Pearse were the Hells Angels meth cooks tied to John Punko and Ron Lising. Ryan wrote a bullshit letter to the court and Peter Leask said Renaud was one of a "relatively rare" number of inmates who see the light during incarceration. "I believe Mr. Renaud will probably not reoffend," he said. lol

Leask sentenced Renaud to six years in jail but gave him credit for a total of 40 months off his sentence and sentenced Pearse to four years with credit for 28 months off. So six years in prison less 40 months is less than a 3 year sentence. Four years less 28 months is less than two years for running a huge crystal meth operation for the Hells Angels. No wonder the police are frustrated.

Years ago the Vancouver Sun quoted Andy Richards who said: There used to be six or seven agencies that handled strippers in Vancouver, but now two are controlled by the Angels or associates and one is an independent, Richards said.

In the early 1990s, Richards said, the now-dead Hells Angels member Donald Roming was one of the key enforcers helping push others out of the stripper business -- at one point seriously assaulting one of the owners of another agency.

"Without speaking ill of the dead, he was responsible for laying a very serious beating on a 67-year-old man who was involved with one of the independent companies at the time, to the point this guy was hospitalized," he explained. There were no arrests from these "takeovers" because of the victims' reluctance to report the activities to police, he added. No offense but Andy Richards seemed to have a much better understanding of what was really going on.

Stripper net is likely the largest agency. It's hard to conceive that would be the one independent. I think the independent one might be Brandy's ever since Gino is out of there. The City wouldn't renew her license as long as Gino was involved with it.

Stippernet is claiming their new address is 101 10768 King George Highway in Surrey. That's the Byrd or more formally known as the flamingo. I used to know the guy that owned the Dell Hotel in Surrey. I was somewhat surprised to hear he owned the dive. I was under the impression the Dell and the Byrd were the same owners. He said something about selling the whole package to new owners but I can't remember what he said the deal involved. It would be interesting to hear the Hells angels bought it. That would mean they own more than just Tbarz in Surrey. The Dell Hotel has reopened as the blue Corvette Lounge.

Another source claims Eli Bruneau is a long time Haney member and runs both Deluxe Entertainment and a travel agency in Maple Ridge BC. They claim Eli Bruneau owns a place in Salmon Arm B.C. I wonder who let the Hells angels know there was a grow op operating outside Salomon Arm that wasn't run by them. Strange it was abandoned after Uncle Joe and Cory were caught trying to pay them a visit.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Little White Rock Ryan and the Chipmunks

Here's a picture of Little Whiterock Ryan in the middle with Larry Amero, the guy who was shot with Jonathon Bacon. Isn't the UN big in Whiterock? In the next picture he's on the left with Weird hal. He was even in the Revolution photo shoot with Shane Bunting.

Little Ryan says he has issues and he likes to flirt with addiction. How much did his pal wee Shane Bunting blow on Oxycontin and Viagra again? Bust this. Little Ryan claims "This is Whiterock. We got members taking guns to the airport." He would be referring to toothless. Villy Lynnerup the Sergeant at Arms for the Whiterock chapter of the Hells angels who was caught trying to get on an airplane with a gun. Why would somebody brag about something like that? He even mentions Tbarz. Isn't that where all the old brown pedophiles hit on young girls? Tbarz and the whiterock chapter of the Hells Angels were implicated in the US Indictment for that huge cross boarder drug ring bringing massive amounts of cocaine into Canada.

"You [the HAs] supported me when everyone doubted me." No wonder. Only an idiot like Weird Hal would support that kind of lyrical trash. The club made you an honest man. What a liar. There is nothing honest about that club. Who killed Britney Irvings, Geoff Meisner and Juel Stanton? There's nothing honest about selling crack and running prostitution rings. That's not manhood.

The person who posted that song also posted Germarier: White skinheads fight for C18. Go figure. That is what the Canadian military fought against in the trenches and on the beach at Normandy.

Ryan Chiappe, Kalib Starnes, Little White Rock Ryan and Rob Velek. Ryan Chiappe is 5' 9". How tall are the rest of them? DY was the only good rapper. Why did they kill him? "Selling crack and flippin keys?"

Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Hells Angels and Prostitution - Update

It's time for me to update my page on the Hells Angels and Prostitution. Several years ago I saw the writing on the wall so to speak. Actually it was graffiti.

I was walking by a residential home on 108th Avenue that had a house fire. Someone wrote graffiti on the outside of the boarded up house that said "Hells Angels Pimp Whalley Girls."

When I posted it on my blog several years later I was threatened. They said I was talking about things that could get me killed. They didn't deny it, they said I shouldn't be talking about it. Then they started attacking me claiming I was Anton. At that point in time I had no idea who Anton was but if he was in the know and if they didn't like him, I thought it might be worth investigating further.

The Hells Angels have a huge PR machine that pretends they don't sell drugs or run prostitution rings and are just a motorcycle club. However, that simply is not true. There's one thing worse than a rat and that's a liar.

It is not slander to say the Hells angels profit from prostitution. They own brothels in Amsterdam and Las Vegas. The attack poodles are quick to point out that prostitution is legal in Amsterdam and Las Vegas. Yes it is. I didn't say it wasn't. I said the Hells angels profit from prostitution. The brothels in Amsterdam and Las Vegas is proof of that. That is Pandora's box.

The next step of the investigation asks what about illegal prostitution? Was the graffiti on the house in Surrey true? I didn't realize it at the time but that house was a few doors down from the Surrey House of Horrors and very close to the home of a Hells Angel. Or at least a home with a Hells angels truck parked outside.

Then we have Otis Garret. He was a friend of Sony Barger who was convicted of running a prostitution ring for the Hells angels in San Fransisco called the Love Nest. This wasn't something he did on his own. This is something he did on behalf of the Hells angels. Sony Barger attended his trial and still has him honoured on the Las Vegas Filthy Few web site.

It is therefor not slander to say the Hells angels have profited from illegal prostitution as well given the Otis Garret conviction. Otis was later convicted of ordering the murder of Margo Compton and her twin six year old daughters because Margo Compton testified against him in court regarding the prostitution which resulted in his conviction. That is simply deranged. Anyone from any club that brags about that deserves a bullet in the head.

Recently we've discusses allegations of the Hells angels running a prostitution ring out of La JJ's massage parlour in Maple Ridge. Others claimed the Haney Hells angels also ran a prostitution ring out of a La JJ's in Kamloops. Even the business adds claim that both massage parlours were escort services.

In court lawyers make submissions supporting their case. It is my submission that the Hells Angels do in fact run the prostitution in Surrey and Maple Ridge and I find that very concerning. I have one of many good sources that claims you can't be a prostitute in Maple Ridge without the protection of the Hells Angels. Now that is an oxymoron.

I'll tell ya a Jackanory. A story that is. Once upon a time there was a woman who saved all her life and opened her own brother. The Hells Angels came and told her to shut down because she didn't work for them. She didn't. So they strangled her. They had her in a tub with a bag over her head. Her German shepherd saved her life but she was never seen since.

This story may sound like a tall tale but it is similar to other stories of violence against anyone else selling pot in East Van other than them. Who knows what happened in Salmon arm.

The whole idea of the Hells Angels running the prostitution in Surrey and Maple Ridge concerns me greatly. That would imply East Van as well. We know DNA from a sex trade worker at the Surrey House of Horrors was found on the Pickton Farm. If the Hells Angels lied about selling crack and controlling the prostitution, what else did they lie about? Juel Stanton and John Punko were involved with crack houses in Surrey. Punko was very involved with meth cook Kerry Ryan Renaud.

Recently we talked about the Berkshire County Sargent at arms Adam Lee Hall's arrest. Turns out there's more to that story too.

In 2005, Hall was charged after police responded to the Crossroads Cafe -- a Pittsfield bar frequented by the Hells Angels -- and found four known club members, including Hall, standing next to Hall's truck, which had a bleeding man in the back. That man told police Hall stabbed him after telling him, "This is our bar and you're a punk; get out." The charges in that case were dismissed, according to court records.

Glasser, the missing government witness, was attacked from behind with a baseball bat at Hall's home after being lured there by Hall and his associates in 2009, according to a court affidavit. Attacked from behind with a baseball bat. Four on one in a bar and one of the four had a knife. Are we beginning to see a pattern?

Here's the creme de la creme. Witnesses said that even Hall's wife was afraid, according to the affidavit, which mentions hundreds of instances of Hall using the threat of violence to force three women to have sex with him and his Hells Angels associates for money, which he kept or split with the women. "You work for me now," he allegedly told one woman. "There's no way out of it." One confidential informant told police the forced prostitution took place at the group's clubhouse on Woodland Road in Lee, according to the affidavit.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Jarrod Bacon opts for trial by judge

So Jared Bacon changes his mind and opts to be tried by a judge. I guess it's easier to threaten or bribe a single judge then a mob of angry citizens who hate him. Remember, this trial is for his cocaine charges. Bacon brothers, accused of selling cocaine, tied to the Hells Angels. Surprise, surprise.

Notorious Bacon brothers? Notoriously whacked. They're hated. People hate them because they are low lifes. People don't fear them. People fear standing beside them in case they get shot at. Spikey bleach blond prep.

Hells Angel held on multiple charges

Adam Lee Hall, a member of the Pittsfield, Massachusetts Hells Angels is being held on $1 million cash bail on charges of child pornography and extortion, while the search continues for a key witness scheduled to testify against him in a separate upcoming criminal trial and two others.

Police and prosecutors allege Hall coerced a 16-year-old girl to send him lewd photographs of herself or else she wouldn't see her friend again. How noble. Extorting a 16 year old girl. Three witnesses who were to testify against him in another case are now missing.

The helmeted skull with devil horns on a Confederate flag. That's the same flag Wayne Kellestine proudly waved along with the Nazi flag. He's the guy who murdered his own brothers in the Bandidio Massacre. Adam Hall is just dripping with nobility isn't he? What's next, threatening someones grandmother?

This isn't just one member gone bad. He's the chapter's Sargent at arms. He's also being charged with cocaine distribution. Surprise surprise.

Conspiracy theories thrive 10 years after 9/11

"Everybody knows the 9-11 attacks were the result of a conspiracy. It just means a plan by several people, in secret, to commit a crime."

"What we're disagreeing about is simply who were the conspirators and why did the conspirators do this, and how?" Claims reverberating around the Internet range from the U.S. government having prior warning of the attacks -- and consciously doing nothing -- to cries of active White House involvement.

"At the very least, hundreds of millions of people in the world don't believe the official story." [Loose Change 9/11] [Fahrenheit 9/11] [Halliburton] [Operation Northwoods] [Asbestos in the Twin Towers]

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Online Protest over Gordon Campbell's Order of British Columbia

Oh right. The other insanity was the announcement that Gordon Campbell has been given the Order of British Columbia. The guy left office with a single digit approval rating. The lowest in the country. The Vancouver Province is reporting that hundreds of B.C. residents are joining an online protest over the government’s decision to award ex-premier Gordon Campbell with the Order of British Columbia. Stephen Harper just doesn't get it. Or maybe he does. He just doesn't care.

Of course the Order of British Columbia is a provincial appointment not a federal one. Like that's not one big conflict of interest. It's just insanely offensive they've given it to Gordon Campbell.

Turns out Surrey City Counselor Barbara Steele is the president of the UBCM (Union of B.C. Municipalities) and, as such, was part of the team accepting the nomination. Steele also ran for the Liberals under Campbell in Surrey-Whalley in the 2005 election, losing to the NDP's Bruce Ralston. I'd say that was a conflict of interest.

Tony Blair the Godfather

Well I'm getting tons of tips but I just wanted to throw two more tangents out there before they slip my mind. The Vancouver Province reported today that Tony Blair is godfather to one of Rupert Murdoch's young children, sources said Monday, raising fresh questions about British political links to the media mogul's empire.

Well, well, well. Isn't that cosy. Mr Congressional honour for supporting Bush's lie about Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction is tight with the controversial media mogul Rupert Murdoch. So tight Murdoch made Tony Blair the Godfather of his daughter. Somehow I doubt Tony Blair is Catholic. It must be a Church of England Godfather of sorts. (Turns out Tony Blair actually converted to the Catholic faith.)

Needless to say it does establish a close relationship between two scoundrels. A witness claimed that the wiretapping at the news agency was widespread and an accepted practice. We had heard that politicians were involved in the scandal and as soon as it was leaked out that police were involved, the whistle blower was found dead. Isn't that cosy Mr. BLiar? First Dr. David Kelly then Sean Hoare. Does that deserve another medal?

Ah but it gets better. The Vancouver Province reports that James Murdoch knows more than he admitted. Surprise surprise. Maybe they should recall James Murdoch and Tony blair to the stand. That that it would do any good. Just more lies and denial.

Crone told James Murdoch more than one reporter involved.

Phone hacking: timeline of the scandal - all the drama. Why is everyone so surprised? "They" aren't the only ones.

On another tangent, someone sent me this link about Harvard.

La JJ's Massage parlour in Maple Ridge

Here's a place of interest: #4 11955 207th Street Maple Ridge. It's called La JJ's Massage parlour. The business is on the side of the building around back.

One source claims it's a prostitution ring run by the Hells Angels. At fist read that sounds pretty outrageous. Yet this add for the business claims it is an escort service not a massage parlour. The source claims it's run by the Haney Hells Angels. No doubt the land title won't be in their name. Even Rndy Jones has Tbarz registered in his mother's name.

Another source I have claims the Hells Angels run all the prostitution in Maple Ridge. So we have two independent sources making similar claims. La JJ's doesn't seem to represent LA as in Los Angeles. It seems to be an Anglophone trying to sound French. La is the French word for the. In fact, someone from Kamloops claims there used to be a La JJ's run by the Hells Angels in Kamloops up until a few years ago. They claim that JJ's was named after Jim Airth and John from the Haney chapter. I'm forced to wonder why so many sources are claiming the Hells Angels are involved with prostitution in Maple Ridge.

There were two other cases where sex trade workers were brutally raped in Maple Ridge. One of those cases the accused told the victim her husband owed the Hells angels money and was running the risk of being killed if he didn't pay up. It's all very disturbing so it is. Unconfirmed of course but well worth investigating.

We know Otis Garret was convicted of running a prostitution ring for the Hells angels in San Fransisco. Prostitution is as they say the oldest profession. Yet there's something about the idea of the Hells Angels running the prostitution in Maple Ridge that creeps me out. That's awfully close to the Pickton farm so it is.

If the Hells Angels ran the bar at Piggy's Palace and if they had a grow op on site, why would they be involved in prostitution in Maple Ridge? There were an awful lot of dead prostitutes found on the Pickton farm and Dave admitted to knowing where they were buried. So which chapter was Dave Pickton affiliated with anyways? Haney had a clubhouse in Maple Ridge but Vancouver had a clubhouse in Coquitlam. Both are pretty close to the farm.

Monday, September 5, 2011

The Ron Paul Revolution

When I made my last post about the Real Tea Party and defending the Constitution, someone asked me what I think of Ron Paul. Aside from his position on the legalization of all drugs, I think he is totally right about many things. I just cannot accept legalizing crack, crystal meth or date rape drug. I do not believe that is socially responsible.

In this interview Ron Paul answers the criticism that he is not electable as a Republican. His response is very valid. Hearing him make those kind of statements is refreshing. He is indeed a Constitutionalist and therefore leading the real tea party.

His foreign policy is solid. The unlawful invasion of Iraq cost trillions of dollars and made Haliburton rich. I agree with Ron Paul on foreign policy. I think those kind of statements are worth being heard. I support the constitution and civil liberties that both administrations are eroding.

Yet I am part socialist at heart. I do believe in socialized medicare. I don't like the idea of turning away someone who is homeless from receiving medical aid. I agree with him in that medical coverage is not a right but a privilege. Yet I believe it is a privilege a civilized society should aspire to.

I don't like the hostility toward Obama Care. The same people who are totally hostile towards Obama Care seem to have no problem wasting trillions of dollars on morally wrong military intervention based on lies. Obama Care is poorly timed. They should get their house in order first and stop deregulating the financial markets which has opened the door for investment fraud and tax payer bailouts.

Once the budget is balanced they can then extend the hand as they aspire to something higher. I keep using Alberta as an example. They don't have provincial sales tax yet they provide free medical coverage. If the Federal Government in Canada hands over more power to the Provinces to administer their own medical insurance without collecting the same taxes for it, then that kind of decentralization is a good thing.

I just don't like to see the government keep raising taxes and keep cutting services when they aren't paying down the debt they are spending it on other things like conflicted jets and bombing countries for their oil.

Nevertheless, I do think Ron Paul would make a much better candidate than Sarah Palin or Donald Trump. Those two are in my opinion dumb and dumber. Yet the only way Ron Paul would survive an assassination attempt if he was elected president is if Jesse Ventura ran on the same card as vice President. The only reason they wouldn't kill Ron Paul would be because of their fear of Jesse Ventura.