Friday, December 16, 2011

50 guns stolen from Regina store

Fifty guns plus ammunition was stolen from a Regina sports store in a break and enter early morning on December 13th. No one is going to commit a crime with a registered firearm but they sure will with a stolen one. Didn't Deli and Tiny Mac do business in Regina?

This same chain in Langley carries M-15's and other semi automatic assault rifles. They'd be illegal if you bought them with a banana clip but they don't sell them with banana clips so they're legal. However nothing is stopping you from buying a banana clip from somewhere else then using it with an assault rifle from there.

BC Biker Meth Labs Raided

Police raided five meth labs in the greater Vancouver area tied to bikers. [Photos] The news claimed the police wouldn't say which biker gang was involved but admitted the Hells Angles and their puppet clubs are the only Biker gangs operating in the province so it doesn't take a brain surgeon to do the math. Kim Bolan can figure it out.

One was in Surrey. Three cheers! Meth labs are far more of a public concern than grow ops. Those chemicals are toxic and get dumped anywhere they want. The effects of crystal meth on addicts and the community are devastating. OMGU rocks. Remember that meth lab in Kelowna tied to the Hells Angels that was a huge production point? The Hells Angels were also tied to Surrey meth cook Kerry Ryan Renaud.

Hells Angels and the Mob

Well the Christmas murders are continuing across the country like popcorn on a stove without a lid. Mafia Today, Radio-Canada and the Montreal Gazette are reporting that Antonio Pietrantonio – also known across the Montreal Mafia as Tony Suzuki – is the man shot and severely wounded outside a Jarry St. E. restaurant Tuesday night.

It now resembles a hit list – the names of a trio police sources say were major players in an attempt to reach a consensus over who should assume control over the Mafia in Montreal. Montreal businessman Antonio (Tony Suzuki) Pietrantonio is the latest target in a series of shootings that began in September.

Pietrantonio was arrested in 1993 after an RCMP investigation into a plot hatched by the Hells Angels and the Mafia to smuggle cocaine into Canada. In that instance, he was sentenced to a three-year prison term. Again we see the Hells Angels in business with the mob. Since the Hells Angels betray everyone they do business with it is not a stretch of the imagination to think they are involved in the Rizzuto murders. I think my Christmas Epiphany has merit.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Edmonton's 45th homicide

Another gun related murder in Edmonton Wednesday night. This surpasses Edmonton's record for the most murders in one year. An awful lot of them are gun related. Hard to believe they're not related to the drug trade that the Hells angels there clearly control. Almost half are young men. There was also that RCMP officer accused of shooting to death his wife at their Edmonton home.

This in addition to the two shootings in 24 hours in Vancouver. One of which was another mother executed in her car with her toddler in the Back Seat. Sounds like something the Bacon brothers did in Surrey a while back. This is outrageous.

A New York Minute

Have you ever heard the term a New York Minute? I spent time in New York in the late 80's. Rockin the A train to 155th Street. Then later on chillin on the Deuce. I became familiar with the term. They say New York is the city that never sleeps. Things are happening 24/7. Then all of a sudden, in a New york minute everything can happen at once. This week has been a New York minute. Incredibly busy at work, home, Internet, computer crash. Everything happened at once.

It all started with my Christmas Epiphany. Right when I was researching it, I had an intrusion attempt and a complete system crash. The timing was very suspicious. Now wait 'till I tell ye... I wasn't born yesterday. I've been doing this blog and web site for a while now. It all started because of the Surrey Six. A gang hit executed two innocent bystanders and a community was outraged. Chris Mohan's mother spoke at a rally against gang violence where they released doves in memory of lost loved ones. It was touching.

She made a public appeal for a web site to identify known gang members. She said they were living next door to gang members and they had no idea. All these murders we hear the victim was known to the police. If they are known to the police they should be known to the public. She had a good point. When she made the appeal I thought to myself, I could do that. I've gone up against enough corporate lawyers in my day.

So the web site was born. In the beginning I expressed my opinion that the Hells angels were ultimately responsible for the Surrey Six murder. That theory was met with rage and denial. Yet Larry Amero being shot while parading around Kelowna with Johnathon Bacon showed that I wasn't far off. The Independent Soldiers meeting with the Bacon brothers at the Castle fun Park in Kevlar before the hit was more evidence. Since then the evidence has been coming forward.

The point is, the Hells angels never claim responsibility when they murder someone. The accusation is always met with denial. When I say the Hells angels control the drug trade in a particular city, I am flooded with denial and threats. When I posted my opinion that the Hells angels were behind the Surrey House of Horrors, I was met with threats and accusations. They said I was talking about something that could get me killed. One poster was pretty hostile and claimed I was Anton thinking I had inside knowledge on the matter. Turned out I wasn't Anton but he did have inside knowledge on the matter.

Locally there have been another two shootings in 24 hours. The most recent of which was a mother executed with her toddler in the car. That is outrageous. Who would do that? We we know it's been done before locally.

A mother was shot dead with her toddler in the back seat in Surrey. Her husband was an associate of the UN and she was a personal friend of the guy who owned the condo where the Surrey Six murder had taken place. They hunted him down after the fact and killed him in a take over of the leadership of that gang. The old Red Scorpions were affiliated with the UN and had beef with the Haney Hells Angels. The new Red scorpions are Hells Angel puppets.

Who would shoot a mother in front of her toddler? Well in Surrey, it was Team Bacon Brothers who were empowered by the Hells Angels. Who would kill people during Christmas? Well in Vancouver 1995 it was the Hells Angels.

Before I recount Montreal, let me cite Grande Prairie. Recently, Grande Prairie had it's largest drug bust in it's history. A group called the Baseball team was involved. I have two independent sources that claim the Baseball Team work for the Hells angels. When I made that post on my blog, someone claiming to be from Grande Prairie said you know about Surrey but I know about Grande Prairie and the Hells Angels are no longer involved in the drug trade there. Well I personally find that hard to believe. They were just implicated in the city's largest cocaine bust.

Meanwhile that crazy lady from Grande Prairie who knows Shaun Thexton who was recently arrested in that Grande Prairie drug bust, is spamming my blog claiming she knows who I am and is threatening to post my home address all over the Internet and social media. Someone else is at the same time spamming me with threats about the Hells angels gang raping my daughter. These are deranged people making deranged threats. Obviously they are not directly affiliated. Yet the depravity is concerning.

I post my Christmas Epiphany and someone claiming to be from Montreal claims the Hells Angels are no longer involved in the Montreal drug trade. I gagged and said I beg to differ. Then another reader posted a link to a headline how after the recent police round up the Hells Angels are reorganizing in Montreal with four new puppet clubs.

Freddy, who is an informed contributor to the blog does not think the Hells angels are the ones responsible for knocking off the Rizzutos. Fair enough. I personally disagree. I think they are. Even this recent article which presents some theories admits the latest hit was very amateur. Shooting the Rizzuto patriarch through the window in front of his family was out of the norm for Italians as was fire bombing a funeral home. That was more someone a devil worshipping Hells Angel would do.

Freddy understandably claims that people don't want speculation, they just want the facts. Fair enough. Unfortunately I don't give a rat's ass what people want. Personally, it's like Ricky Nelson's song Garden Party. You can't please everyone, you've gotta please yourself. Not in a selfish way but in a Shakespearean to thine own self be true kind of way.

A journalist just writes the facts. A columnist would express an opinion. I however, am neither. I do express opinions and present theories. The scientific method starts off with a theory. It then conducts experiments to test the theory and records observations. In the literary world we start with a theory and seek out supporting documentation to prove or disprove the theory. Yes I do believe the Hells Angels are the ones killing the Rizzutos. The book the Sixth Family claims the Hells angels were working with the Rizzutos. The links I posted in my Christmas Epiphany show that the Hells angels were implicated in a Rizzuto clan kidnapping and extortion in 2005 and a subsequent retaliatory murder in 2006.

Obviously the Hells angels would deny it if they did it. They aren't like the French or the Irish who claim responsibility for what they do. They are like the English who historically betray in back rooms ever since Braveheart. Remember one of the opening scenes from the movie Braveheart? The wee lad walks into a barn where he sees his father and other leaders in the community hanged. The British King had invited them to a special meeting and had ambushed them and executed them. That is how the Hells Angels have done business in Canada ever since Lennoxville.

One final note. It's Christmas. Spend time with your family. I didn't create my web site and blog to be a real time debating team drama fest. No one is going to agree with everything I post. You may be right, I might be crazy. But it just may be a lunatic you're looking for. Yet during the holiday I want to steer away from the drama. I am reminded of Don Henley's song in a New York Minute.

That song was written long before 911. It starts off talking about a man who jumped in front of a subway train and committed suicide. It talks about how everything can change in a New York minute. All too true. These Christmas murders will not stop as long as we continue to enable the Hells angels violent control of the drug trade by denying their involvement. There will be no peace on earth while we do that. Prince George has just once again been named Canada's most dangerous city thanks to the Hells angels violent control of the drug trade there.

The trial for Britney Irving's murder has been set for January. There is no way Hells Angels associate Joey Verma acted alone in that case. The tragedies continue. Let's not forget Dain Philips either. To this end, let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me. It may be painful and outrageous but ultimately it will be the truth that sets us free. Word.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Christmas Epiphany 2011

Well here it is. I'm going to post the Christmas Epiphany early this year because I have a ton of stuff to do and my computer is screwed. An epistle is a letter. An epiphany is an awakening. Buddhists say Nirvana. In Zen they say enlightenment. An epiphany isn't a full scale Nirvana or enlightenment. It's just a small step in that direction. A light goes on and after connecting the dots in two previously unrelated items things all of a sudden make sense.

When I first started this blog and web site people kept asking me what my hate is for the Hells Angels. By now they don't ask that any more because the Hells Angels violent control of the drug trade has become clear.

One thing is certain and that's the Rizzuto family are getting wiped off the planet by what appears to be non Italians. Most of the hits aren't following the norm. A sniper shooting the patriarch through the window in front of his family. Firebombing a funeral home where a funeral was to take place. That was abnormally disrespectful. That's something that neither the Italians or the French would do. They have more respect for the dead than that.

People ask me who I think is responsible and I say the Hells Angels to which they respond of course you do. Yet while combing through some English translations of some French news articles I had an Epiphany. It was at that time my computer had an intrusion attempt that crashed my whole system completely.

Speaking of talking about things I have no idea about, I'm going to mention the Italian Mafia in Canada. Since I'm from the West coat, I know next to nothing on the subject. I know the Italians use to have gill nets and wine with a small bonfire in Ambleside beach back in the day. No harm in that. Yet I went for lunch with an author from Montreal last month and he said what surprised him most was when the Rizzutos gave Mom Boucher the heroin trade way back when. I said the Rizzutos gave the Hells Angels the heroin trade in Montreal? and he said yes. They had to pay the Rizzutos a cut but the family let the Hells Angels take it over because it was easier for them to manage.

Well I said. That would kinda support my theory that it's the Hells Angels putting hits on the Rizzuto family simply because they don't want to pay them a cut any more. Now before you scoff and cry blasphemy, let's look at an interesting article in French from January 2007. Translated into English it claims:

A family of Granby has used threats and intimidation for two years to recover $900,000 with the leaders of the Rizzuto clan, learned the Royal Canadian Mounted Police during its investigation of the Sicilian Mafia. The conflict has almost degenerated into bloody war.

In a document of 131 pages to accompany requests for search warrants, the RCMP said the episode in detail, as the organization (the Rizzuto clan) is having a conflict with the D'Amico family of Granby.

In January 2004, the clan chief, Vito Rizzuto, was arrested at the request of the Americans who accuse him of being involved in a triple murder on behalf of the Bonanno family in New York. His lieutenant, Francesco Arcadi, takes the lace. A month later, Luigi D'Amico him phone the restaurant to his son, St. Charles La Trattoria, in Granby, to make an appointment.

At the end of the afternoon, the RCMP hidden cameras reveal the presence of Arcadi, Luigi d'Amico and his son Tiziano back in the office of the Consenza social club, which serves as the headquarters of the clan Rizzuto, Saint-Léonard. It is unclear what men have said. But in August 2005, Arcadi told a sidekick that "bikers" of Granby wanted to "cut off his head."

Halloween night, 2005 Nicola Varacalli from the Rizzuto clan is kidnapped. The police know who the kidnappers. But it seems that they have kidnapped Varacalli to send a message to the Rizzuto clan.

Negotiations continue with the kidnappers. RCMP captures a multitude of conversations. Thus, in the bar Laennec, another haunt of the Rizzuto clan in Laval, a henchman of Arcadi, Lorenzo Giordano, mentions the name Patrizio D'Amico, he associates the "frenchman" (Hells Angels). He suggested paying half a million now and $ 400 000 later, when Varacalli will be released. It has been said that D'Amico family of Granby is linked to the Hells Angels.

This article is in English: Montreal kingpins rattled by small-town gang. On Aug. 22, 2006, a scuffle outside a downtown restaurant between Mr. Del Balso and Hells Angels supporter Charles Huneault ended with the Mafia men opening fire on Mr. Huneault's Porsche.

When an underling urged him to cool off, Mr. Del Balso said: “So why does this guy (Mr. Huneault) have the honours of grabbing my throat?” A week later, the gang was flustered further when one member, Domenico Macri, was shot dead by two motorcyclists as he was motoring towards Mr. Arcadi's home.

This French article translated into English claims: The report, citing a New York journalist and confidential sources, shows that the decision to kill Rizzuto did not require approval of the Bonanno family in New York as many have suggested. The decision would come from Hamilton, Ontario where three Calabrian families share the power, Papalio the Luppino and Musitano.

These clans could ally with Calabrian already well established in Quebec, as Luigi D'Amico, of Granby, who would do business with the Hells Angels Sherbrooke and Francesco Del Balso, a specialist in money laundering.

Sources also assume that Francesco ACARD, a close Rizzuto might change sides. "Everything is possible, says John Galianos. We saw the Rock Machine to join the Hells Angels." (Must be referring to Mom Boucher's old friend Salvatore Cazzetta who crossed over to become the President of the Montreal Hells Angels)

To make a long story short, the kidnapping of Nicola Varacalli Halloween 2005 was pivotal. The Hells Angels were behind it. They were blackmailing the Rizzuto family. They said they were ready to cut off their head and were ready to bring them a war like in Iraq. That tension increased in 2006 with the retaliatory murders of Charles Huneault and Domenico Macri. Mon Dieu! I may be crazy but the Hells Angels are clearly at the root of our drug and organized crime violence in Canada.

Drug Violence in Prince George

With all the unending drug convictions tied to the Hells Angels and their puppet club associates, it is very clear that drug trafficking is the Hells Angels primary business. That and prostitution of course. I will remind you that at first they kept lying to us claiming they aren't involved in drugs. That has proven to be a lie.

We've talked about the shell game and how the Hells Angels keep creating a maze of puppet clubs to hide their involvement in drug trafficking. In the Quebec biker war, it was no different. The Rock Machine were the rivals and the Rockers were the puppets who sold drugs for the Hells Angels. Then Mom Boucher, the white supremacist, made Greg Wooley a member of the Rockers and got him to set up his own finger puppet club called the Syndicate. Through Greg Wooley's puppet club, the Hells Angels were able to supply all the Crips in Montreal with cocaine.

On the West coast it all became clear in Prince George. The police claimed that the Hells Angels ran the drug trade in Prince George and they denied it. Publicly that is. What they said in private was a very different matter. First they established the Renegades who were a puppet club for the Hells Angels in Prince George. After a police agent infiltrated the organization which resulted in drug trafficking convictions tied to the East Vancouver Hells Angels two full patch members were executed to pay the price of sponsoring an informant. Billy Moore and Cedric Smith. They killed their own.

Then the Renegades set up an finger puppet club called the crew who sold crack ultimately for the Hells Angels. They started to get some bad press over cutting off a finger for a $170 drug debt so the Hells Angels did a shell game shuffle. They brought in the Independent Soldiers and the GTS. Both of whom turned out to be working for the Hells Angels. The trial for a GTS gang rape in the Renegades clubhouse in Prince George is still under way.

Yet the most heinous thing the police revealed is the crack shack torture chambers they found in Prince George. They found crack addicts chained in crack shack basements where they were tortured for having drug debts. All that to the Hells Angels patch.

Recently two names from the Crew have resurfaced. Not like Joshua Hendrick who turned up dead in the Fraser River. These two surfaced in the courts. Alia Pierini was convicted of some brutal assaults in Prince George, done to collect drug debts from crack addicts she was supplying.

Police alleged, and the court found, that Pierini and co-accused Scott Payne were part of an organized crime group called The Crew, a puppet club of the notorious Hells Angels. Pierini admits that she was involved in reprehensible acts of violence and extortion, including whacking a crack addict who owed her money with a medieval battle axe. But she says she was never part of any official "crime group." Don't they all. There is no way she would have been allowed to sell crack in Prince George or use violence to collect drug debts, if she was not working for the Hells Angels.

Dustin Lee Pierini was found guilty of brandishing a weapon recently. He was also a member of the Crew. His sister is Boo (Alia) Pierini. So the names have changed but the denial and the drug related violence remains the same. Boo reminds me of Joanna Larson from the Surrey House of Horrors. We need to remember that it's the Hells Angels who are ultimately responsible for this extreme drug related violence.

2004 Saskatoon killing tied to the Hells Angels

Two Calgary men who are charged in the 2004 death of a Saskatchewan man appeared in court on Monday, as new details emerge in the case. Neil Yakimchuk and Kennith Tingle appeared in court on Monday, after they were charged last week with first-degree murder in the shooting death of Isho Hana, 34.

Hana was chased down and shot in the middle of Preston Avenue one night in April 2004, in what police at the time described as a contract killing. At the time of his death, Hana was out on bail, waiting to stand trial for selling cocaine, ecstasy and steroids, CBC News has learned.

Police allege that Tingle and Yakimchuk, both of whom are from Saskatchewan, were living in Calgary when they were ordered to come back and kill Hana. At Hana's funeral, local members of the Hells Angels came wearing their full colours to pay their respects.

Sources told CBC News that Hana was caught up in a drug turf war that featured the Hells Angels, the Terror Squad, and an Asian gang from Calgary that was trying to establish a presence in Saskatoon. Yakimchuk and Tingle were hired by the Asian gang to kill Hana, according to the sources.

Possible but how many times have the Hells Angels shown up at a funeral they were the prime suspects in contracting the murder? Rusty Hall is one that comes to mind. Duane Meyer is another. Either way, the whole point is Isho Hana was a cocaine dealer. Hells Angels attended his funeral. He was shot dead by rival drug dealers in a drug turf war in Saskatoon that involved the Hells Angels and some rivals.

It is clear that the Hells Angels primary business is not riding motorcycles. It is drug trafficking and using violence to maintain a control on the drug trade.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Citizens spark smart-meter protest

Saltspring Islanders are organizing to stop B.C. Hydro smart meters from being installed on their homes. One thing to look for in the New Year is the next campaign to oppose the not so Smart Meters that let Big Brother monitor everything you do and sell that information to whoever they want. Health concerns do exist but the huge concern is the over reaching breach of privacy and surveillance.

We also need to remember the insane cost of changing all the existing meters over instead of just using them in new construction units. We also need to remember the huge debt BC Hydro keeps deferring and how it got there. It got there because Christy Clark's Liberals privatized the companies that BC Hydro buys it's power from at inflated rates. The private companies are mandated to make a profit and are ripping us off. Thus creating yet another manufactured emergency with BC Hydro's artificially created ballooning debt. Power should be public.

The Gingrich who stole Christmas

The Vancouver Province ran an interesting article about Newt Gingrich today. The title was 'Serial adulterer' Newt dodges a bullet. Most flawed candidate is leading campaign's most charmed existence. In the article Sheldon Alberts asks a valid question:

"Should voters consider marital fidelity when making their choices for president?" Of course they should. The guy is referred to as a Serial adulterer. What kind of poster boy for the religious right is that?

"If you will cheat on your wife, if you will cheat on your spouse, then why wouldn't you cheat on your business partner, or why wouldn't you cheat on anybody, for that matter?" Texas Gov. Rick Perry said during Saturday's Republican debate in Iowa.

"I think character is obviously very important," added Texas Rep. Ron Paul. "I think it should show through in the way we live, and I think it should show through in your marriage." Video: You're a mean one, Newt Gingrich.

It's tragic that the Shadow government can't accept a real candidate like Ron Paul or Mitt Romney. After realizing the people aren't gullible enough to vote for out right idiots like Sarah Palin or Donald Trump, now they have to sink deep into the cess pool and find an immoral leader they can control. It's tragic really.

Mitt Romney said that Newt Gingrich should pay back the $1.6 million he took in fees for advising Freddie Mac. No kidding. This kind of corrupt politics is what has created the manufactured emergency that fraudulently stole tax payers bailouts and put the United States into the deepest deficit in recorded history.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, I noticed two books for sale locally. One by Bill Clinton Back to Work and the other by his partner in crime George Bush Decision points. These two scoundrels are con men. It all centres on Men Arkansas and the arms dealing, drug smuggling and the money laundering that lead to the BCCI collapse. George Bush talks about his drinking problem. That's the least of his worries when you compare that with the unlawful invasion of Iraq based on a lie which his other partner in crime, Dick Cheney financially profited from. If reminds me of Pink's song Dear Mr. President. You've come a long way from whiskey and cocaine.

I totally support religious freedom. I totally believe people can change. I also believe a lot of people out there are con artists pimping the church for their own personal gain and it is truly tragic how gullible the kind hearted public is when the snake oil salesman comes knocking at the door for forgiveness. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.