Monday, February 27, 2012

Ohio school shooting leaves one teen dead, 4 wounded

Another tragic school shooting in the States. This month alone, at least four shootings of students have occurred in schools across the country, including today's deadly attack outside Cleveland, Ohio. We can talk about guns, bullies and violence but one thing is certain - something is wrong.

The Columbine High School massacre occurred on Tuesday, April 20, 1999 where two students killed 12 other students and one teacher and wounded 21 others. Michael Moore's movie Bowling for Columbine was thought provoking.

The Robocall Scandal widens

The robocall scandal continues to widen. It certainly wasn't just one riding where one young kid was involved. Elections Canada and police are currently believed to be looking into reports that automated calls in as many as 18 ridings falsely advised voters that the location of their polling stations had changed. Opposition parties claim it's more like 27 to 34.

The Conservative Party does not need to look into "robocalls" made during the last federal election any further, Defence Minister Peter MacKay says. "It's certainly not something our party condones," MacKay said Sunday of the fraudulent calls to voters. "It's inappropriate behaviour to say the least." But he told CBC News in New Glasgow, N.S., that he believes the calls directing people to wrong or non-existent polling places were isolated incidents.

Yeah, right. It's not something we condone. Just like we don't condone torture of prisoners. Much. Harper initially said the Conservative party had no knowledge of the scam. Yet with the rapidly expanding magnitude of the scandal, that is really becoming hard to believe.

I'm not a fan of Bob Rae but he did say one thing in question period that made sense. When will Stephen Harper begin to take personal responsibility? Excellent question. Unfortunately the answer is never.

Elizabeth May was profoundly eloquent on the matter. She said she was enraged because this scandal is an assault on Democracy. Turns out the robocalls were used in her riding as well to discourage non conservative voters from voting by telling them where they vote was moved. Elizabeth May said we don't have a smoking gun here. We have a dead body on the floor. I like her. She is a welcome addition to the debate. Clearly the police should investigate the matter because it is fraud.

Hells Angels Arrested in Funeral Shooting

Police have arrested a Hells Angel gang member several months after he was suspected of fatally shooting a fellow member at a funeral for the regional leader of the motorcycle gang.

Steve Ruiz surrendered Saturday evening after San Jose police surrounded his motel in Fremont, police Sgt. Jason Dwyer said Sunday.

Ruiz, 38, had been the subject of a widespread manhunt since Steve Tausan was shot and killed during memorial services for Jeffrey "Jethro" Pettigrew on Oct. 15. Police believe that Ruiz shot Tausan when a fight broke out at the San Jose funeral, which was monitored by police.


What's the matter? Isn't anyone going to scream and claim that the Hells angels didn't have anything to do with this shooting either? Just because the accused is a member of the Hells angels and just because the guy he shot was a member of the Hells angels and just because it happened at a Hells angels funeral doesn't mean it involved the Hells Angels. Much.

Dave Pickton's revolting cover up

Well, convicted sex offender Dave Pickton is in the news again. Earlier this month, scared women on Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside put up posters warning that the brother of infamous serial killer Willie Pickton has been seen in the area. “BEWARE!!! Don’t be fooled!” reads the poster, under a 1995 picture of Dave Pickton.

Now, he contacts the newspaper claiming he has started another nonprofit and is fundraising for poor children in Africa. I think we have a legal liability to notify the good people of Ghana that Dave Pickton is a convicted sex offender.

Dave Pickton was convicted of rape in 1992 on the same pig farm his brother was convicted of murdering and mutilating numerous women. Not only that, but during Pickton's trial Dave was accused of another rape. The victim claimed in 1999 he tied her to the bed with bungee cords and tried to shove pills down her mouth. Sgt. Dan Almas said he was aware of that allegation, and agreed that pills and bungee cords were found in a search of the younger Pickton's bedroom but stated "Someone who is alleged to have committed a serious sexual assault does not a murderer make." No but someone alleged to have committed a serious sexual offense should be charged and tried for that serious offense.

One of the most disturbing elements of the Pickton case was that Dave Pickton knew where bodies were buried on the farm. If that doesn't make him an additional suspect it surely makes him an accessory to the crime.

Recently we heard that the Hells angels ran an illegal booze can on sight right across from the Pickton farm which also contained a grow op run by the Hells angels. Yet Dave Pickton was the one who ran another supposed charity called the Piggy Palace Good Times Society. So was it a Hells angels booze can or was it Dave Picktons? Sometimes it's hard to tell. Either way letting him raise money for the disadvantaged is shocking to say the least. It's rather disappointing he still shows no regard whatsoever for the East Vancouver homeless. You'd think he'd have a little more compassion and remorse since so many of them were murdered and mutilated on his farm.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Syrian Intervention

There’s a lot of talk about military intervention in Syria these days. Clearly the situation has gone from bad to worse. I’ll be the first to admit that military intervention in Libya and not Syria was suspect. Syria was firing on unarmed civilians. Libya was firing back at armed rebels. There was a huge difference. Even Saudi Arabia was firing on unarmed protesters at one point. Oh but they let US troops in and contribute massive amounts of money to US presidential campaigns. That means it’s OK if they shoot unarmed civilians. The bottom line was Libya had oil and Syria didn’t.

It was shocking that China and Russia both vetoed military intervention at the UN when Syria started firing on unarmed protesters. The allies didn’t wait for China and Russia’s approval to overthrow Gadaffi. They went in under the guise of enforcing a cease fire and started bombing one side. Why? Because Gadaffi was a socialist and he had oil just like Kuwait and Iraq did.

I remember arguing with someone during the Gulf war. They claimed the US went in to liberate Kuwait because they had oil. I said you’re crazy. Iraq invaded another country. Then I found out that not only did the CIA put Saddam Husseinin power, but Saddam asked the US what their position was if he invaded Kuwait before he did. They told him the United States has no position on that matter. Then when he goes in, the US freak out and lead a huge coalition of the willing while Saddam is scratching his head saying what the hell? They set me up.

So now we’re looking at Syria and it’s a mess. Russia argues that the protesters have now taken up arms and the UN is encouraging them. The UN is telling them if you keep fighting we will support you just like in Libya. That kinda makes sense but if I was protesting and the government started shooting at me, I think I’d take up arms too.

No one likes to stand by and watch a dictator kill civilians. Rwanda was a horrible genocide. Where was the UN there? Oh right, they didn’t have oil either. Clearly we are free to choose and we don’t have to wait for the UN’s permission to do anything.

Yet I’m not sure if military intervention in Syria is timely. We can say we oppose you killing civilians. We can say we won’t do business with you if you do that. That is the first step. The Arab League is meeting and discussing the matter and well they should. They are able to do something themselves. They don’t have to wait for our approval and they don’t have to wait for us to do it for them. One minute they’re burning flags and saying F the USA then the next minute they’re crying please help us.

The news showed footage of Syria and locals saying where is the UN? My response is where is the Arab League? It’s their neighborhood. The problem with using our military to overthrow a foreign dictator who hasn’t invaded any other countries, is that we don’t know who we are supporting in his place. In Libya, the rebels had ties to the Taliban. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. It’s just if you are trying to convince the world the Taliban is bad, supporting them in a separate conflict is somewhat hypocritical.

Don’t get me wrong, if Hitler hadn’t invaded any other countries and just started killing Jews or Muslims in his own country, we would still have been morally bound to stand against him. The situation in Syria does concern me greatly. I just think we should let the Arab League lead the way while we support them in trying to bring peace to that war torn nation.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Koran burning in Afghanistan

I was shocked to hear that US soldiers had accidentally burned a couple copies of the Koran that were accidentally placed in an incinerator. I realize that the Koran is a holy book just like the Bible. Burning it intentionally is offensive. Just like burning a country's flag is.

When that wacko false preacher in the States sent out press releases about his intent to intentionally burn a copy of the Koran, that was offensive. That is not something a Christian is supposed to do. Yet to kill someone over the burning of a holy book is in itself the epitome of hypocrisy.

The Koran and the Bible both teach thou shalt not kill. Historically, Jerusalem and Belfast have both misunderstood the old law of an eye for an eye. That primitive law meant that if you commit murder, you were to be put to death. It did not mean if someone commits murder that you randomly take some innocent person from the same race, religion or country and execute them. That would be another murder. That is what Martin Luther King meant when he said the old law of an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind.

The BBC is reporting 20 people have died since the protests began. The whole idea of murdering an innocent person because someone burned a holy books is disturbingly hypocritical. I don't think that is something the Dalai Lama or a Buddhist would do. Although burning a Bible is also sacrilegious to a Christian, I don't think you'll find many Christians who will murder someone, especially murder some innocent person, just because someone burnt a Bible. I think that says a lot about the two different religions.

The "activists" in Pakistan foaming at the mouth while they burn an effigy of the US look like crazed animals. They don't look like inspired holy men to me. So what does an enlightened sage really look like? Like Gandhi, the Dalai Lama, Mother Teresa or Martin Luther King perhaps. Someone who's life is evidence of a peaceful enlightened mind. Not a crazed lunatic foaming at the mouth in a drunken rage of vengeance.

The whole mission in Afghanistan was tainted from the beginning. Bin Laden was found in Pakistan not Afghanistan and there is a huge amount of evidence questioning his involvement in 9/11. Osama and Colonel Gadaffi were both executed without a fair trial. Something a democratic society promises.

Three months before 9/11 the Texas oil barons were wining and dining the Taliban trying to win the contract for the oil pipeline. As soon as the contract for the oil pipeline was taken from UNOCAL and given to an Argentina firm named Bridas, Afghanistan was invaded and that decision was reversed.

Canada has been significantly involved in the Afghanistan mission. We have lost many good soldiers who went there to help the people of Afghanistan and gave their lives in their service. One name stands out in my mind. He was a reservist from Edmonton named Bill Turner. He was involved with the kites for kids program there. At his eulogy they said he was the type of soldier who would say "Hi, my name is Bill. I'm here to help." That was a good soldier. Just like the soldier who took his helmet off as a sign of trust meeting with some local elders and a crazed assailant attacked him from behind with an axe. That was a good soldier. He had also written about the missing women from the DTES.

Burning any holy book is disrespectful just like burning any country's flag is. Yet killing someone for doing so is shamefully hypocritical. We need to aspire to something higher.

UN arrests in Mexico

We haven’t heard much from the UN after the arrest of Clayton Rouche and the crack down after the UN were charged with shooting at the Bacon brothers outside Tbarz in Surrey. Other than the recent UN member who was murdered in Mexico.

One reader sent me these articles about two UN members they claim were arrested in Mexico for money laundering. I can’t read Spanish and the pdf files won’t cut and paste in a online translator but I will link to the articles for your reference. Basically, the UN do what the Hells Angels do but are more on the radar so to speak.

This is a copy of the news article and this is a copy of the police report. The peanut gallery will claim that this wasn't sent in from any source at all and that I just made it up. Although I don't know Spanish.

BC Teachers Strike – Mediation or Legislation?

Nobody likes to see schools shut down from job action. Yet removing free collective bargaining rights from Canadians is a bad precedent for everyone. Throwing out collective agreements and rewriting them through acts of legislation is not only wrong, it is illegal. If you deem something to be an essential service, which may well apply to teachers in schools, then you need to adapt mediation and arbitration. Unilateral acts of legislation changing the status quo to impose a settlement are wrong. Education is important.

Friday, February 24, 2012

From coast to coast a toast to the host we hate the most

Well here it is. In Stargate a host was a tapeworm or parasite that lived in someone else’s body. Yet unlike Stargate, this parasite doesn’t keep the person alive, it lives off of and sucks the life out of him just like Catherine Austin Fitts described in the tapeworm economy.

In the Rocky Horror Picture Show, everyone throws toast at the screen during the part when they make a toast. This gang war certainly is a Rocky Horror Picture show of lies and betrayal all in the name of greed.

The recent murder of a Hells Angel associate in Nova Scotia is timely. It comes not long after the Jeff Lynds suicide in prison. Jeff Lynds is the Hells Angel who admitting to shooting Randy Mersereau for the group many years ago and has now turned informant. Some speculate his prison suicide was part of a cover up to put him into protective custody. Some speculate that is why his sister recently tried to kill herself by overdosing on insulin. Because she’s afraid the Hells Angels are going to kill her to punish her brother. Now that is really messed up. Harming someone’s family for any reason is really messed up.

There’s an interesting connection between Vancouver and Halifax and it leads to Kelowna. David Giles. The rusty vibrator was originally from the Halifax Hells Angels chapter. He came to Vancouver then Kelowna after the Halifax Hells Angels were charged in the Lennoxville Massacre in Montreal.

Turns out the Halifax chapter was invited to the same party to witness the execution of their brothers from Laval. For some reason the police thought they were involved with the murder. Those charges didn’t stick so the spoils of war were divided between the surviving chapters.

The Halifax chapter was originally known as the 13th Tribe. For some strange reason they thought there was a legend about a 13th tribe of Israel that was bad so they named themselves after that tribe. Actually it was one of the 12 tribes that was predicted to fall which resulted in one of the other tribes receiving a double portion keeping the number of tribes at 12 but that’s besides the point.

The 13th tribe named themselves after a group of people they thought were bad. Turns out the 13th tribe lived up to their reputation and patched over to become Hells Angels thus once again securing the Hells Angels control of the local drug trade.

One news source claims they got a little too rough with a prostitute and ended up getting charged with living off the avails of prostitution which they were convicted of. So David Giles, a member of that chapter comes to Vancouver with Mike Christiansen, another member of that chapter who ends up in Kelowna with Giles.

Although Giles certainly isn’t as repulsive as Robert Thomas from the Kelowna Hells Angels who was nothing but a petty thief from Ontario who’s saggy ass and a few associates used baseball bats and hammers to murder Dain Philips in public. He has nonetheless been involved behind the scene in leadership roles of the club’s business for years.

When Revell and Remple were convicted of cocaine trafficking in Kelowna, Giles was caught on wiretap saying Revelle made him $30,000 in the previous few months. Although his lawyer argued in court that only proved Revelle worked for Giles not that Giles was involved in any criminal activity, his lawyer failed to show what legitimate business they did that earned him that much money in that short a period of time.

Likewise, the day Juel Stanton was murdered, one blog reader from Kelowna recognized Giles from the website and said they saw him having a heart to heart with a younger kid explaining something serious to him. Obviously the kid was wondering why Stanton was murdered. Another source claimed there was a court disclosure that connected Giles to Stanton that was not only embarrassing for the police but showed that Giles shad been hiding things from Bryce. Yet that disclosure has yet to materialize.

Giles’ trip back east right before Bacchus and the Darksiders expanded into Nova Scotia was somewhat suspicious. According to Neil Hall's book, Giles was the one the 2 1/2 tons of cocaine that was seized from the Western Wind was going to although no charges were ever laid. Speaking of the Rocky Horror Picture Show, how is his DUI charges going?

Gang rape victim speaks out

After the crown stayed the charges against one of the guys accused of participating in a gang rape at a Maple Ridge rave, the under age victim is speaking out. She is making an appeal for witnesses to come forward because she says there is no doubt in her mind that she was raped. She has been bullied after the assault.

Dropping the charges was a shocking turn of events. The accused's lawyer was quoted as saying the accused did nothing wrong and the victim accompanied him to MacDonald’s after the party. That kind of statement is so bizarrely offensive it diminishes all of us. The crown dropped the charges or more accurate the charges were stayed because of what they claim to be an unlikelihood of conviction.

Upon hearing the news one father I know said that’s it, I’m buying a gun. There is no justice in our system. When something happens you call the police. They have guns. Yet they can’t do anything and the courts won’t press charges. I’m buying a gun. No doubt it’s easy to see this father’s frustration.

There is a long list of disturbing events in this case. Dropping the charges is just the final straw. It’s not like the victim choked and didn’t want to press charges out of fear of retaliation. We know that does happen in cases of rape, especially in cases of date rape. Instead we have a victim that says I was raped and I want to press charges and we have a video proving it. There is no reason those charges shouldn’t proceed. It’s time for the Attorney General to step forward and make sure those charges do proceed.

The defense’s claim that it was consensual is absurd. It does not pass the test of believability. No doubt in the case of a single date rape, the accused will always try to get off by claiming it was consensual. The use of date rape drug or some other intoxicant over rides that argument. Yet the victim raised a very good point in her appeal. No one in their right mind would consent to that. Being raped by half a dozen guys at once at a party.

The idea of one guy sharing his girlfriend with others is disturbing in itself. Gang rapes are in themselves deranged. I’m going to share this woman with someone else or I’m going to have sex with this woman right after someone else has. That is messed up all on it’s own. Filming it and posting it on the internet adds to the depravity. Having witness stand around and not intervene diminishes all of us. This case makes us all look like criminals for not intervening and not proceeding with charges. It has set human rights back in this country 300 years. Not just woman’s rights but human rights. When we let something like that happen to any aspect of our society, we are all diminished.

Since the gang rape happened in Maple Ridge and since this blog if primarily about the Hells Angels I will point out that the Haney Hells Angels which are located in Maple Ridge were caught with the largest date rape seizure in the country. Supplying that drug to anyone is wrong. Profiting from that is deranged. Maple Ridge is also close to the location of the Pickton farm which involved the Haney Hells Angels.