After the crown stayed the charges against one of the guys accused of participating in a gang rape at a Maple Ridge rave, the under age victim is speaking out. She is making an appeal for witnesses to come forward because she says there is no doubt in her mind that she was raped. She has been bullied after the assault.
Dropping the charges was a shocking turn of events. The accused's lawyer was quoted as saying the accused did nothing wrong and the victim accompanied him to MacDonald’s after the party. That kind of statement is so bizarrely offensive it diminishes all of us. The crown dropped the charges or more accurate the charges were stayed because of what they claim to be an unlikelihood of conviction.
Upon hearing the news one father I know said that’s it, I’m buying a gun. There is no justice in our system. When something happens you call the police. They have guns. Yet they can’t do anything and the courts won’t press charges. I’m buying a gun. No doubt it’s easy to see this father’s frustration.
There is a long list of disturbing events in this case. Dropping the charges is just the final straw. It’s not like the victim choked and didn’t want to press charges out of fear of retaliation. We know that does happen in cases of rape, especially in cases of date rape. Instead we have a victim that says I was raped and I want to press charges and we have a video proving it. There is no reason those charges shouldn’t proceed. It’s time for the Attorney General to step forward and make sure those charges do proceed.
The defense’s claim that it was consensual is absurd. It does not pass the test of believability. No doubt in the case of a single date rape, the accused will always try to get off by claiming it was consensual. The use of date rape drug or some other intoxicant over rides that argument. Yet the victim raised a very good point in her appeal. No one in their right mind would consent to that. Being raped by half a dozen guys at once at a party.
The idea of one guy sharing his girlfriend with others is disturbing in itself. Gang rapes are in themselves deranged. I’m going to share this woman with someone else or I’m going to have sex with this woman right after someone else has. That is messed up all on it’s own. Filming it and posting it on the internet adds to the depravity. Having witness stand around and not intervene diminishes all of us. This case makes us all look like criminals for not intervening and not proceeding with charges. It has set human rights back in this country 300 years. Not just woman’s rights but human rights. When we let something like that happen to any aspect of our society, we are all diminished.
Since the gang rape happened in Maple Ridge and since this blog if primarily about the Hells Angels I will point out that the Haney Hells Angels which are located in Maple Ridge were caught with the largest date rape seizure in the country. Supplying that drug to anyone is wrong. Profiting from that is deranged. Maple Ridge is also close to the location of the Pickton farm which involved the Haney Hells Angels.
She was not gang rape. The accused and herself where dancing all night. Then they went outside to hook up. Some kid noticed and started taking pictures. When they saw that they stopped and they went to mcdonalds together. She goes to eat with her rapist? Then they came back to da party to look for her lost phone. So he rapes her goes out to eat with her then tries to help her find her lost phone.. no 1 in maple ridge support this girl because they know she is a lying whore. That was the gang rape. The media has twisted the story same with the police. She saw the pictures online freaked out and cried rape
ReplyDeleteThe video shows her having sex with more than one person does it not?
ReplyDeleteThere is no video, only pictures. The worst one was the accused eating her out. Just her and the accused. I can't believe how twisted the story has become. I no the accused personally. My sister knew the girl. Everyone who knows the girl sais she was a slut. She switched schools and left town because most people in town no the real story. She sais there a code of silence? That's her pathetic excuse. There is no code of silence. Shes full of shit.
ReplyDeleteHe don't ever get any ass lol I wouldn't say he's promiscuous. He said she pulled him outside. She kept telling the police she couldn't remember that's why they said she was drugged. The police who investigated this are idiots. The charges where stayed and they will probably be dropped after a year. He will be suing for defamation of character. The accused is a good person quiet soft spoken guy. Anyone who knows him would tell u the same. The girl kaity has a terrible reputation she accused another guy of raping her before all this. I now realize you can't completely believe everything the cops and the media say.
ReplyDeleteWe call your tactic demonizing the victim in my country.
DeleteYa there is a double standard. I see now you can't completely believe the police or the media. My friend is a good person anyone who knows him will tell you. He's not promiscuous, he never get any play lol! The girl has a horrible reputation. She accused another guy of raping her before all this happened.
ReplyDeleteThere was video of it.
ReplyDeleteThink what you like. She switched schools and changed her name because everyone gave her hell for lying. Every young person knows the real story in maple ridge. They just laugh because we all know she a lying little brat. You have no idea. How come no one will stand as a witness for her? Because she is a lier.
DeleteNope there was only pics. If the media reported that its not true.
DeleteEither that or the mob sided with a promiscuous jock and helped lynch a victimized young girl.
Delete"She accused another guy of raping her before all this happened."
ReplyDeleteIf that happened; and no rape was charged; then that plays into the CPS deciding not to go ahead.
Unfortunately, rape is the one crime that has extremely high rates of false claims, out-stripping any other CC offence. It is approx. 40% of all rape charges investigated, turn out to be un-true, them's the Stats.
Before reading this, I'd seriously thought I knew a lot about how society reacts to a rape victim. But this just shocks the wits out of me. This is how we view rape in India. check it out. www.fishperspective.com
ReplyDeleteColton McMorris charges stayed....kid on here, "friend" savaging girl raped is named "Colt" yah 'nuf said!
ReplyDeleteInteresting coincidence