Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Paul Porter pleads guilty to cocaine possession

Java the Hut spared his girlfriend a potential criminal record and prison sentence Tuesday, admitting instead he was the one who possessed nearly a quarter of a kilogram of cocaine found in her purse on the front seat of his vintage Cadillac Deville. Wow, that's not very HA like. Usually they'd rather their own son go to jail for them instead of taking the fall themselves.

VANDU plagues City Hall

About 100 protesters stormed Vancouver City Hall on Tuesday, concerned about gentrification in the Downtown Eastside and disruption of the local drug trade. Only in Canada.

I'm all for free speech and lawful assembly. I also support democracy and sanity. VANDU are a bunch of spoilt brats that has held Vancouver hostage for far too long. Vancouver Drug Users Association. A bunch of freaks from Xanadu. They are complaining new developments in East Vancouver will disrupt the drug trade. Just how is that supposed to be a bad thing? Homelessness is one thing, enabling the drug trade is another.

Are we going to cater to the Association of Thieves and Muggers as well as the Coalition of people engaged in Break and Enters as wel land any other criminal activity? The drug problem in East Vancouver is a problem. It's out of control and anyone with a heart would want to help the situation improve not continue to perpetuate the horror and abuse forever.


Looks like I'm not the only one that feels this way. The Vancouver Province just ran a follow up called "The sooner the DTES is fixed up the better."


I wholeheartedly agree with your editorial that cleaning up Vancouver's Downtown Eastside is a must. I have travelled to many lovely cities around the world, but still find Vancouver to be the loveliest. The idyllic setting, with the ocean, Stanley Park and mountains just cannot be beaten.

That being said, those of us brave enough to wander onto East Hastings Street get a rude awakening. There just is no way that area should be allowed to continue in its deplorable state. Visitors should not have to run a gauntlet of beggars and drug pushers.

Larry Comeau, Ottawa


See what happens when you give crackheads an Insite centre for them to shoot up in for free.

Now they occupy Vancouver City Hall because a new condo development will disrupt their illegal drug trade. What a joke!

Shawn Storey, Surrey


The Downtown Eastside has had decades to sort out its problems with drug addiction. If gentrification is the only way to rid this area of the scourge of drugs, so be it. Everything else hasn't worked.

John Clench, Vancouver

Killer claims Victims of massacre were 'not innocent'

This is tragic and shows a connection between politics and crime. The wacko who committed mass murder in Norway has started his trial. What a freak. He claims the children he murdered were not innocent. He killed them because of their political affiliation. They were youth attending a labour conference.

They weren't Communists,they weren't Socialists,they were Labour. Abraham Lincoln once said said “If any man tells you he loves America, yet hates labor, he is a liar. If any man tells you he trusts America, yet fears labor, he is a fool.”

Even if they were Communists, Pastor Niemoeller once said:

First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a communist; Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a socialist; Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a trade unionist; Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Jew; Then they came for me - and there was no one left to speak out for me.

Freedom of association is an inherit right in a Free Republic. Removing that right is treason. It violates the Constitution and the oath of the President.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Neil Heywood and Jack Abramoff

Two cases of corruption in the news.

On the right we have Jack be Nimble:

A former partner of disgraced Washington lobbyist Jack Abramoff in a fraudulent casino boats deal testified Wednesday that an associate with purportedly high-level links to New York’s Gambino crime family ordered the 2001 slaying of a prominent South Florida businessman.

Adam Kidan, who purchased the SunCruz Casinos fleet with Abramoff in 2000, pointed the finger at 73-year-old Anthony “Big Tony” Moscatiello at a pretrial hearing. Kidan, 47, said Moscatiello told him face-to-face he was behind the shooting death of Konstantinos “Gus” Boulis by a New York-based mob hit man.

Abramoff and Kidan both pleaded guilty to federal fraud charges and served prison time in the $147.5 million purchase of SunCruz from Boulis. Abramoff, once a high-powered lobbyist in the nation’s capital, also was convicted of bribery and corruption involving numerous public officials.

This case connects a lobbyist in Washington convicted of bribery and corruption involving numerous public officials who ends up getting whacked by the mob. Makes ya kinda wonder who hired the mob to do the hit now doesn't it. National Heritage, Goerge Bush and John Gotti. What do those three have in common?

On the left, Neil Young:

The British businessman whose murder has sparked political upheaval in China was poisoned after he threatened to expose a plan by a Chinese leader's wife to move money abroad, two sources with knowledge of the police investigation said.

It was the first time a specific motive has been revealed for Neil Heywood's murder last November, a death which ended Chinese leader Bo Xilai's hopes of emerging as a top central leader and threw off balance the Communist Party's looming leadership succession.

Bo's wife, Gu Kailai, asked Heywood late last year to move a large sum of money abroad, and she became outraged when he demanded a larger cut of the money than she had expected due to the size of the transaction, the sources said.

She accused him of being greedy and hatched a plan to kill him after he said he could expose her dealings, one of the sources said, summarizing the police case. Both sources have spoken to investigators in Chongqing, the southwestern Chinese city where Heywood was killed and where Bo had cast himself as a crime-fighting Communist Party leader.

Briton in a Chinese Scandal Reportedly Brokered Overseas Money Transfers, New York Times.

I'm not sure what money the Chinese Communists would be laundering. Communists are usually like, if you sell drugs in our country, we will shoot you dead. Problem solved.Kinda like the IRA. However, I do know an author from Montreal that said something about trying to find the Hells angels money laundering ring in China.

Nevertheless, this Jack Abramoff has a web of interesting associates.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Trevor Jones Disclaimer

OK I think I screwed up. This is a picture of Trevor Jones wanted in the US for Conspiracy to Distribute Marijuana and Cocaine. This is Randy Jones brother. The other picture I posted appears to be of Trevor and Randy's brother in law who also works for Dank Energy drinks or at least was wearing a Dank T-shirt he got from one of his brother in laws. I'm still working on tracing back my original links as to how the error was made. My bad. Trevor is however still a fugitive and Randy is still the Walrus. The brother in law wasn't so butt ugly.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Bridgewater Brothel, Dartmouth Virus

This is interesting timing. Right after the Darksiders move into Bridgewater, NS a new brothel gets busted there. A 30-year-old Halifax woman was arrested this week in Bridgewater for allegedly operating a brothel in the town, police say. Bridgewater Mayor Carroll Publicover said the arrest did not come as a surprise to him. Publicover said it's a Halifax problem that is spilling over into his town, about 100 kilometres away.

"We have, I think, a situation where anything that's happening in HRM, whether it's prostitution or drug use, all those things that you find in large urban centres are now happening in areas as far as 100 kilometres away," he said.

Gee, what organized crime group do we know of that spreads like an STD from inner cities to take over smaller towns and infect them with their viruses?

Speaking of viruses, today there was a big meeting of affiliates at the Darksiders clubhouse in Dartmouth. That's the one that used to be owned by the Hells Angels. Isn't that surprising.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Goldman Sachs - take the money and run

Conflicting reports about Goldman Sachs CEO's pay raise. The Washington Post claims Goldman Sachs Group Inc. awarded Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Lloyd C. Blankfein $12.4 million in compensation for 2011, down 35 percent from a year earlier, as the firm’s profit and stock fell.

Yet Sympatico Finance is reporting that Goldman Sachs Group Inc Chief Executive Lloyd Blankfein's compensation increased 14.5 percent to $16.2 million in 2011 despite a sharp decline in profits and share price during the year, leaving the bank open to more attacks on its pay policies. Sounds like a lot of manipulation of numbers to me.

Last June it was reported that After Taking A $10 Billion Bailout, Goldman Sachs Announces It Will Outsource 1,000 Jobs To Singapore.

When a partial disclosure of where the bail out money went was released, Chuck Grassley said, "We thought originally we were bailing out AIG. Then later on ... we learned that the money flowed through AIG to a few big banks, and now we know that the money went from these few big banks to dozens of financial institutions all around the world."

Grassley said he was reserving judgment on the appropriateness of U.S. taxpayer money ending up overseas until he learns more about the 32 entities. Jobs being sent overseas is bad enough. Sending tax payers bailouts over sees is even worse.

I'm afraid Mitt Romney is more of the same. We had hope in Ron Paul.

Macleans Gas Rage

Looks like I'm not the only one concerned about the outrageous scam at the pumps these day. It made the cover of Macleans. 136.2 for regular. What a joke. How about adding all the Surrey and Vancouver gas taxes making it 143.9 in Surrey while it's 128.9 in Abbotsford.

Last year there was talk about governement intervention into this scam. This year not a word. We keep getting scammed and shafted and as long as the Oil companies keep throwing the politician tax deductible campaign contributions, not a word is said on the matter.

Another Swarming in Kelowna

Rick Dennis of Vernon, Daniel Orge of West Kelowna, and Ryan Tanner are charged with aggravated assault when they swarmed and beat a diving student who is the stepson of a First Nations leader in an unprovoked attack in Kelowna. A fourth person is being investigated.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Yellowknife drug trafficking tied to Hells Angels

CBC is reporting that a man testified that he has ties to the Hells Angels in a Yellowknife courtroom Thursday during a drug trafficking trial involving nearly $90,000 worth of marijuana and cocaine.

Robert Livingstone and Rory Moore are charged with possession of drugs for the purpose of trafficking. Livingstone appeared in court to testify against Moore. He testified that he got the drugs from his cousin, who is connected to the Hells Angels. Robert Livingstone has a grade three education and is an admitted drug adict.

He said that while his cousin didn’t offer him money to deliver the drugs to Yellowknife, his cousin often manipulated and bullied him into being his mule and drug runner. He said he was never told what to do with the drugs once he got to Yellowknife. Livingstone testified that he hid drugs in the truck the two were driving from B.C. to Yellowknife.

Speaking of Yellowknife, Rob Yews, owner of recently opened BB Rox, has brought popular clothing like Affliction, Christian Audigier and Ed Hardy, all makers of limited edition clothing, to Yellowknife. Wasn't he the poster boy at the Hells Angels' party in Langley?