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Let the Ghetto Gospel go forward into every hood possible." Ja Rule
Getting the Gangsters out of Government. Podcast - Vlog
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Religious Freaks on both sides of the Planet
Once again we have psychopaths pretending to be Muslim murdering innocent people. That is not Islam. That murder is a far greater insult to the prophet Mohamed than any disrespectful movie is. Allah says thou shalt not kill. He didn’t say thou shalt not kill unless someone insults you or one of his prophets then murder is ok. It’s not OK. The old law of an eye for an eye, which leaves everyone blind, says if someone commits murder then the person who committed the murder should be put to death. Not some random innocent person from the same race, religion or country. Chris Stevens was a good man.
Nevertheless, in this case the guilty party never committed a murder. The guilty party made a religiously offensive movie. Yes that was bad. Yes that was disrespectful. Yes we should denounce it and speak out against it, but murder? Four innocent people? Who are you kidding? Are you kidding yourselves? If you are, you aren’t very bright. Murdering innocent people because some other idiot made a disrespectful move is an insult to Allah and the prophet Mohammad. It is the highway to hell.
In case you missed it, some prick from California made an offensive movie about the prophet Mohammad. In response there were riots in Egypt and in Libya. Only in Libya the mob stormed the American embassy and murdered the US Ambassador and three staff members who had absolutely nothing to do with making that offensive movie. This is the kind of thing we in the West think is so outrageous, it must have been the CIA to get everyone over here ready to nuke those animals.
This is a repeat offense. These aren’t Muslims they are religious freaks. We see them infiltrate every religion under the sun, not just Islam. This is why we should not have spent our tax dollars supporting armed rebels in Libya when we were sent in to uphold a cease fire. Yet we know the real reason we did. We did it for the oil. Again. We need to be honest about that for a change.
So, Sam Bacile is trying to promote hate. Just like Morris Sadek and Terry Jones are. Just like Ian Paisley of old. “I’ve seen too much hate to want to hate and every time I see it I say to myself that hate is too great a burden to bear.” We need to denounce their hate as well as the murder of these innocent people. Both are wrong but murder is worse than hate. I was just at the store and saw a local woman wearing a Muslim head dress. I nod and don’t give it a seconds thought. She certainly didn’t murder anyone in Libya. Hating her for something someone else did on the other side of the world is as absurd as murdering an innocent person for what someone else did.
Canadians eye Iranian cash
Having said that, just because a mob of idiots we helped “liberate” from a “dictator” murder some innocent people in one part of the world, does than mean we should steal from someone else in another country in another part of the world? Of course not. Let’s not use this tragedy in Libya to rationalize bombing or stealing from Iran because that would be just as wrong killing some random American for making an offensive movie.
In today’s’ Vancouver Province a headline reads: Canadians eye Iranian cash. Since Stephen Harper has kicked out Iran’s diplomat from Canada now everyone wants a piece of the pie. Now they want to steal money from Iran. The case they use as a first example is a court judgment a kidnap victim in Lebanon was awarded. I kid you not. Someone was kidnapped and mistreated in Lebanon and these criminals want to steal the court awarded damages from Iran of all places. That is as absurd as the court order awarding the families of the victims of 911 billions of dollars from Iran of all places. Why? Because they have oil and they have money and we want it. That’s why.
It all started with Operation Ajax but it certainly didn’t end there. This court order claiming Iran owes the victims of 911 billions of dollars is absolutely absurd. It is as we say, a red flag. Iran had nothing to do with 911. The terrorists came in through our friends in Saudi. There is a lot more evidence proving the CIA did 911 than Iran did.
Some people were under the misconception that Iraq was invaded because of 911. Not so. It was never implied they had anything to do with 911 when they were invaded. Bush said they knew Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and he was proven wrong. Instead of saying sorry guys we made a mistake, he said Mission Accomplished. Then when the British weapons inspector in Iraq leaked out to the media that they knew Iraq didn’t have any WMD and MI 6 were caught intentionally giving false information to the media about Iraq’s WMD, that whistle blower died of a suspicious suicide.
We initially thought Afghanistan was responsible for 911. That is why we assisted in that invasion. Only Bin Laden’s “confession” video didn’t even look like Bin Laden. Then we found out the truth about the oil pipeline and the opium production in Afghanistan. Evil powers are at work and that evil is from within. Ganging up on Iran next and stealing from them is wrong. Stephen Harper is a liar and a thief.
Continued Protests
Obviously continued protesting violence looks like a mob of crazed dogs not adherents to any religious order. Burning American flags is just as offensive as burning a Koran or insulting Islam. They insult others and threaten violence if anyone insults them. That is not Islam. A Canadian Muslim group is encouraging Canadian Muslims to ignore the offensive video. Someone made an offensive video slandering Christ called the Last Temptation of Jesus. As sad and offensive as that movie was, we didn’t see Christians running around like wild dogs burning things and killing people. That behavior is exactly what one of the stereotypes in the offensive video portrayed.
Comments in this thread have been closed by St. Francis.
Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace; where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Port Moody Public Rally Against Gang Violence
Last night there was a public rally at Port Moody city hall in response to the recent outbreak of gang violence. I attended the rally and noticed that when all the TV cameras showed up, many of the people went inside and were too afraid to be out in public on camera. There was a similar concern when Surrey had their rally against gang violence a few years ago, yet that rally was also well attended.
The mayor’s pr brainstorm was to open up the inlet theatre for the public to express their concerns and listen to a panel of police officers ready to address their questions. At first I spoke with the wife of one of the organizers of the rally and said what’s up with that? Is the mayor high jacking the rally? Where do you want people to meet? She said, no if the mayor is willing to listen to the people’s concerns then let’s hear him out. Fair enough said I so we did.
Of course the Aldergrove judicial revue board was there but before I address his important message, I want to touch on what some of the other local residents had to say. Several mothers spoke and expressed their fear of the outbreak of gang violence in their community. One mother’s heartfelt plea wasn’t just her fear of her or her daughter being hit by a stray bullet, but of her daughter witnessing a dead body lying in the street. She doesn’t want her children to have to deal with that.
Another mother raised a very good point. She said in their neighborhood, they had a problem with youth drinking and having loud parties that would cause problems for the neighbors. She said that the Port Moody police were very good at responding to 911 calls and since they became aware of the problem, increased patrols in the area and increased their presence. As a result of the increased police presence, the trouble makers left and went somewhere else.
Taking that logic one step farther, she asked if the police had stepped up patrols and increased their presence at the rec centre when one gang member was executed. The officer did go into detail about many other things and she kept coming back and asking point blank, have patrols at the rec centre increased? The final answer was no because the rec centre is safe and it was just fate that the shooter found the gang member there when he shot him.
Then the well meaning officer said something that I found disturbing. He said they knew where all the gang members live and do regular surveillance around their homes. Then reiterated that the rec centre was a safe place. I’m sorry but I do have a problem with devoting police resources to protect gang members homes. In fact that could be one of the reasons they are shot in public when they leave their home.
One older gentleman stepped up to the mike and said he lived in the same building the Bacon brothers lived in when they stayed in Port Moody. He said he was kinda sorry to see them leave because when they lived there they had round the clock police presence. Sad that regular citizens can’t get that kind of protection.
I know the police are well meaning. I understand the logic in that if a rival shoots a gang member at his home, that will endanger the neighbors in that community, but the round the clock police protection the Bacon brothers got in their Abbotsford home was a shameful misuse of public resources. Increasing a public police presence at the Port Moody rec centre will deter gang members from going there.
In all fairness, the police from the VPD and the Port Moody PD as well as the mayor, all gave very good presentations. One thing the mayor and one of the other officers kept stressing was how the BC judicial system has improved lately. That is ridiculous. We aren’t seeing it. Yes a Peter Leask decision was appealed and overturned, but Peter Leask is still sitting on the wrong side of the bench when he should be in jail and that crime still needs to be addressed.
There is a huge difference between the judges in Ontario and the judges in BC despite the same federal legislation. The judges in Ontario are on the ball. The judges in BC are off their rocker. Right before the meeting we joked about a time share. How about we send our BC judges to Ontario and trade them so the judges in Ontario can come here. That would help our situation considerably.
The Aldergrove Judicial Review board’s position was and is that judges are the problem. He says judges keep letting the criminals go free when the police put a lot of hard work in and prepare excellent cases. He didn’t site any examples but there are many. His emphatic point is judges are the problem.
This speaker was from Aldergrove where his community became outraged with the BC judicial system because of the revolving doors around property theft. People were caught stealing in their neighborhood over and over again and they kept getting released to reoffend. The VPD came up with a proposal called 30 strikes and you’re out. As absurd as that sounds, they weren’t kidding. There is a huge problem with prolific offenders. The more crimes they commit the less time they spend in jail.
The Mayor pointed out that even reporting property theft to the police is important because nine times out of ten that person is stealing to support their drug habit. When that person gets some more money to buy drugs, he calls his dial a dope dealer to bring him some. Then when that dealer comes in to that neighborhood, he brings the risk of gang violence with him. In that sense property theft does relate to gang violence.
So too with the judicial absurdity about prolific offenders. That is feeding the gang war by enabling the criminals to buy more drugs which causes more fighting over who’s going to make the money off that deal. So clearly, judges are the problem. From throwing out good evidence and letting kingpin gang leaders go free, to filling the gang leaders pockets with the proceeds of prolific crime, it does all stem around the judges.
Getting away with Murder
Having said that, there is one other point raised that sparks a civic call of duty. Another mother expressed her concern that these gang members were getting away with murder. She said I guarantee you that if I went and shot someone in broad daylight, the police would be knocking on my door in a mater of days. Someone sees a five foot nothing woman shoot someone in broad daylight, they’re going to get her description and a plate number and the police will come knocking on her door.
Her concern, which was shared by others, is how brazen the gang violence has become. Not only no regard for public safety, but shooting people in broad daylight as though no one is going to see them or get a plate number. That is a valid concern. It behooves us as citizens ready to respond to the call of duty, not to intervene in a gang shooting but to remember plate numbers, and descriptions as they’re ducking for cover. Cell phones can take pictures as well as dial 911.
Her ultimate concern was that these gang members are literally getting away with murder. They are rarely caught and when they are the judges throw out good evidence or give them a slap on the wrist. This is true. Judges are still the problem.
9/11 Tribute
Since it’s the anniversary of 9/11 and people are posting tributes I will extend my condolences to all the lives lost in that tragic event as well as to all the rescue workers who got sick from all the asbestos in the towers and of course all the civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan who died for a crime they did not commit. I do believe 9/11 was an inside job and I am not the only one.
No doubt members of the Vancouver 9/11 Truth Movement will be outside the Vancouver Art Galley today just like they are on the 11th of every other month. There is a lot of information that has a lot of people including scholars, engineers and architects concerned about the fraudulent version of 9/11.
I do believe Larry Silverstein is a devil. Profiting so much financially from that tragedy is horrendous. He sued the insurance company and was paid twice the value of the Towers. He didn’t just double his money from the tragedy, he doubled the value of his investment. That’s like taking out a loan on a new car and getting paid twice the value of the car just because it was involved in a two car collision. That just doesn’t happen in the real world. Clearly that huge of an insurance fraud also adversely affected the US economy. Yet he still wants more.
Quebec shooting at political rally
Several stories to catch up on. First is that shooing in Quebec at a political rally. I know it’s not gang related but it is related to gun violence and I do find it very disturbing. We talk about preventing gang violence but preventing fruit loop violence is a whole other dilemma. The guy was wearing a bath rope and randomly starts shooting outside a victory rally for the new Quebec Premier. Congratulations on Quebec’s first female Premier I might add. My condolences for a tragic twist to that victory.
There’s a lot to talk about and I’m just going to throw it out there and come back later to expand on the post. I have errands to run and several stories racing through my brain at once. The party Quebecois won a minority government. Not very surprising. Charest was in power for three decades. The PQ took advantage of the striking university students promising them the moon. Let’s see if they will now deliver on that promise.
The issue in this election wasn’t separatism. July of this year, one year after the Bloc was wiped out by the NDP in Quebec, a Nanos survey reported the Bloc dropped another 6.2 % since last years election. In the recent Provincial election like Stephen Harper, the PQ only received just under 32 % of the vote while Jean Charest received just over 31% of the vote. A third party, the CAQ, received 27% of the vote.
Translated into actual seats in parliament the PQ got 54 seats, Charest’s Liberals got 50 and the CAQ got 19 seats. Theoretically, there is nothing stopping the Liberals and the CAQ for forming a coalition and forming the government. Even if they don’t form the government together they certainly hold the balance of power in any decision making.
I certainly wouldn’t say there aren’t people in Quebec who still want to separate. There are people in BC who want to separate for heavens sake. I’m saying the federalist view is still alive and well In Quebec which I see as a good thing because they are strong allies in helping us defeat Stephen Harpers’ madness. I think the University tuition was a pivotal issue and time will tell how that plays out.
I do think free or reduced University tuition is a very worthy goal. I just think we have to balance it with other priorities like, medical, seniors homes, pensions and everything else like tax revenue and a balanced budget. Making changes through the democratic process is the right way to go about it. Not by preventing other kids from going to class or by throwing stones and destroying property.
The PQ’s desire for more control of immigration is a concern. It’s kind of a way to stack the deck in a possible future referendum. I think preserving the French Language and culture is important. That’s why I support bilingualism even though I suck at French. The whole idea of discriminating against people moving to Quebec based on their first language or their political beliefs is somewhat concerning.
Regardless, the whole idea of a nutbar shooting people at a political rally is very disturbing.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Paul ‘Sasquatch’ Porter gets two years for cocaine possession
Paul ‘Sasquatch’ Porter was sentenced to two years in prison Friday for possessing nearly a quarter-kilogram of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking. Before sentencing Porter, Ontario Superior Court Justice Paul Kane likened drug trafficking to a “form of aggressive cancer permeating our society.”
“It is destroying the lives of users, it is destroying the lives of family members, it is all done in the name of greed, for money and profit,” said Kane. “These are serious crimes.”
Three cheers for Paul Kane. He is absolutely right. Crack kills. It destroys the lives of those who are addicted to it. It destroys communities plagued by the violent crime that goes along with it. It even destroys the lives of those who kill each other for the greed of cheating his neighbor and getting a monopoly on that dirty blood money.
Right now I have some of the girlfriends or spouses of some of the Ontario village idiots all up in my grill. One said I was a blood sucking parasite and asked if I even have a job or get paid to run my web site. Yes I have a job. I was hit hard in the recession and downsized so I had to take two part time jobs for peanuts to feed my family. Now I have a single full time job that pays better so things have improved considerably.
No, I don’t make a penny off of my web site and I want to keep it that way. I’ve had people kindly offer to donate to the cause but I thankfully declined and encouraged them to donate to a homeless shelter or foodline in East Vancouver instead. That’s where the real need is. I don’t even have advertizing banners on the site so I don’t make a dime.
It is a volunteer project because I genuinely care about my country and community and I genuinely care about the Vancouver gang war and all the lives those toxic drugs destroy. Having said that, yes I am very sarcastic and very uncouth. Am I no better than the criminals I write about? No I am not, but I don’t sell crack and I don’t profit from the crime and prostitution that destroys families across the country.
The sad thing is, the brain dead supporters of these village idiots have absolutely no remorse whatsoever. They have no conscience. So and so is a nice guy. He’s a good father and uncle. The guy is a cocaine dealer. This isn’t his first offense. The puppet club he was enforcing for was caught selling crack for the Hells Angels in Ontario just like the Zig Zag crew was in Winnipeg. Instead of being arrogant stalkers they really need to stop and think about what it is they are really supporting.
Have you ever walked down East Vancouver and seen the misery and violence that drug trade is causing? I saw a crack dealer the Hells Angels were enforcing for try and turn a guys’ 14 year old girlfriend into a crack ho at Surrey central. A 14 year old girl. If you have to ask why I am enraged, I can’t explain it to you. You people, who blindly support that with your lies and denial should be ashamed of yourselves. Instead of being quiet and remorseful about it, you’re loud and arrogant about it. That is shocking.
Here in Surrey, it’s hard to keep up with all the drug related shootings. The other day a guy was executed in his car picking his kids up from day care apparently with his kids in the back seat. That is outrageous. Just like the mother in Surrey who was executed while driving her car with her toddler in the back seat. That kind of unbridled evil is disturbing. Just as disturbing as the raging drama queens supporting it. You should be ashamed of yourself but your not and that is sad. You are the blood sucking parasite not me. You are the one profiting from that, not me.
A word about Paul Porter
Paul Porter used to be a member of the Rock Machine in Quebec. He crossed over from the Rock Machine along with the gangs founders and a few other leaders in 2000 right before Mom Boucher went to prison. Mom Boucher greeted these guys including Paul Porter with hugs and kisses. That’s a little bit too much man love for my comfort zone personally.
What’s even more disturbing is the allegation that during the Hells Angels drug war with the Rock Machine in Quebec, one source from Quebec claims Mom Boucher paid the Rock Machine to murder some of his own political rivals within the Hells Angels. At first I thought that was too outrageous to believe. Yet when you see the Rock Machine leaders cross over right before he went to jail, and how he greeted them, I’m beginning to wonder.
After all that’s their MO. That’s how they took over the leadership of the Death Riders in Laval. This isn’t about love and respect. This is about greed and betrayal and it’s about time we all realized that. The only way to stop the violence is to rat out the real rats. That is justice. No Justice, No Peace. Know justice, Know Peace. Word.
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Another Port Moody Shooting
Meanwhile back on the ranch, a 32-year-old man well-known to police was shot and killed outside his Port Moody home today at 10:00 AM. The Vancouver Province is reporting a local resident claims the victim was Joseph Allen Markel who has a long history of drug trafficking offenses.
Port Moody Public Rally Against Gang Violence
Donny McWhirter pleads guilty
Speaking of dirt bags in Kelowna, I hear Donnie McWhirter just plead guilty to assault in his sexual assault case on August 29 2012. I’m going to have to sift through the charges because there are many. So here we have another slime ball dirt bag who pleads guilty to assault of at least one woman. He was also charged with break and enter January of this year.
He’s affiliated with the independent soldiers who are a puppet club for the Hells Angels. He is friends with Joey Verma who is with the Independent Soldiers. Joey is on trial for the murder of Britney Irving and now sports a VP tattoo. He has been reported to be recruiting for the Kingpin crew in prison. Assaulting and murdering women. You can’t get any lower than that. The slime from the Kelowna cysts keeps oozing all over the place.
The Roman Wall on Mount Baker
On the brighter side, I hiked up to the Roman Wall on Mount Baker yesterday. It was awesome. Ya know I’ve very Canadian and I’m a Vancouverite all the way, but when you drive from Langley to Abbotsford Mount Baker is staring at you saying here I am, come and get me. Baker is one of the nicest hiking trails in the Pacific Northwest.
When I fist started snowshoeing a few years ago I said to myself I want to snowshoe on Baker. I want to see if I can make it to the glacier. I wanted to see what climbing on glaciers was like. So I head up to Baker and snowshoe up the Ptarmigan Ridge trail. You get a pretty awesome view of Baker up close and personal. Yet between that lookout spot and the glacier is a huge inaccessible gully. I said surely there’s a way to access the glacier.
Turns out the ski hill on Mount Baker, as awesome as it is, isn’t actually on Mount Baker it’s on a few peaks right beside Mount Baker. To get to the glacier on Mount Baker you have to turn at the town of Glacier and drive up Glacier Creek Road. It’s an old single lane logging road that has pull outs on the shoulder were you can pull out on if there’s an oncoming car.
You drive up Glacier Creek road then hike the Heliotrope trail and climb up Hogs Back. Hogs Back is pretty unique and easy to identify. It looks very much like a hog’s back and serves as the base camp for those who are serious about climbing the summit. From the base camp at Hog’s Back it’s about an eight hour return hike to the summit. It’s very deceptive. It really doesn’t look that far from there but it is. You’re just out of the tree line and Baker is huge.
Climbing a glacier in the summer can be dangerous. Part of the glacier is crumpled like an accordion, that’s the Coleman glacier. Other parts of the glacier depending on the time of year are breaking up and have huge crevices you can fall in. In the winter they’re full of snow but in the summer the glacier stats to melt and break up. One year I went the glacier was totally screwed. It was receded way beyond normal and the trail was inaccessible because the normally small crevices were these huge monster crevices that there’s no way you wanted to fall in one. There were like 15 feet wide and went down a very long way.
The last couple times I went the glacier was right to the base camp on Hog’s back and the footpath was clear. You had to step over a few crevices yesterday but they weren’t the huge monster crevices that were everywhere a few years ago. Yesterday the danger was if you slipped and lost your footing in the soft afternoon snow melted by the summer sun. If you slipped and start sliding down the mountain, that’s when you can fall into a large crevice. That’s why you’re supposed to travel in pairs and bring full gear including rope and ice anchors to pull your partner out if they fall in a crevice.
That’s a lot of gear for me to carry. I'm just a day tripper. I’m OK with a day pack carrying all your water and lunch with crampons and an ice axe to stop me in case I slip and start to slide into a crevice but all that gear is just too much for me to carry climbing all that way.
One year I climbed up to a rock formation that looked like Hadrian’s Wall in Scotland. When I got back home and looked on the map it was actually called the Roman Wall. It’s a natural rock formation where the wind has eroded the mountain that forms jagged peaks resembling a wall along the top on the way to the summit. The path to the summit goes right beside it. The rocks on Baker are crumbly slate. They’re not the typical large solid rock you see around the Vancouver mountains. I guess that’s because it’s volcanic. You can also see a fair bit of pumice as well.
I climbed up the glacier to the roman wall yesterday and the glacier looked a bit doggy after that so I turned back. It was nice to get your ice and snow fix at the end of summer. Ya gotta love that.
This is one of my favorite pictures I took a few years ago of the sun rising behind Mount Baker. You can see the path on the right along the Roman Wall:
This is as far as I made it that year. The path on the right was totally accessible. I just ran out of steam and had boots that didn’t fit properly:
Friday, September 7, 2012
Harper severs diplomatic ties with Iran
Canada abruptly closed its embassy in Iran and expelled Iranian diplomats in Ottawa. Iran supports Syrian president Bashar Assad. Well so does Russia. Does that mean we’re going to sever diplomatic ties with Russia? I don’t think Iran should have nuclear weapons but I don’t think China, India or any other country we are selling them to should either. Sarkozy said let’s trust Gadaffi with nuclear technology because we want to sell him a reactor. Then when he says he’s gonna buy one from someone else, we invaded and executed him. Stephen Harper is a dick wad. Remember Operation Ajax and Mohammad Mosaddegh? That is what this is about.
I am sick and tired of these ungodly oil wars being disguised as a quest for human rights. What about the Pakistan bombing? Somebody makes a deal to buy arms off Sarkozy. Then when they change their mind some intelligence agency blows them up.
If one of Israel’s enemies acquires nuclear weapons then that is a huge concern. The problem is that Mossad is so busy selling drugs and committing investment fraud along with the CIA, it’s hard to believe a word that comes out of their mouth either.
Nuclear power is problematic. Letting an enemy have nuclear power lets them have nuclear weapons. That’s why we shouldn’t be selling Candu reactors to China and India. Everyone rightfully freaks out when North Korea defiantly launches a missile test. Yet no one bats an eye when India conducts a nuclear test. Oh that’s OK because they’re an ally. It’s not OK. Just like it wasn’t OK for Iraq to use chemical weapons we sold them to use on Iran. That wasn’t OK either.
Look at the pattern. If a country has a nationalized oil program they all of a sudden become terrorists. That’s why Operation Fast and Furious existed. Other than making money off the arms and the cocaine, they wanted to sabotage the Mexican president’s war on drugs so they would elect a president that would follow through with the privatization of their oil.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Another Targeted Shooting in Surrey
Another targeted shooting in Surrey this afternoon in broad daylight. When you look at the number of bullet holes in the front windshield I’d sure say it was targeted. The Vancouver Sun is reporting that the man gunned down in today’s shooting is the brother of a recently-convicted cocaine smuggler.
Sources identified the victim as Jag Johal, brother to Shminder Johal, who was sentenced to 18 years in prison in July for smuggling cocaine and guns into B.C. after a 2007 arrest. Johal was shot multiple times in broad daylight while sitting in the passenger side of a car in a parking lot at 68 Avenue and King George Boulevard.
A blog reader who was on scene after the shooting and took these pictures, claims they saw someone show up after the shooting that looked just like Rob Yews. Last we heard he was selling “shirts” in Yellowknife. If wonder if he’s in town and why.
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