Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Curtis Lynd’s trial

Jeff Lynd’s nephew Curtis was due in court today to have his murder trial dates set. Curtis faces two counts of first-degree murder in the Sept. 9, 2000 deaths of Barry Kirk Mersereau and Nancy Paula Christensen. The murders were allegedly a hit ordered by the Hell’s Angels.

His uncle confessed to murdering Kirk’s brother Randy in 1999. "Lynds says he lured Mersereau to the home. He said he shot Mersereau five times with a hand gun provided by the Hells Angels who ordered the hit. He then claims his nephew Curtis Lynds and Dean Whynott took the body to a nearby field and buried it. He said Les Greenwood disposed of Mersereau's car."

Curtis Lynds was arrested on drug trafficking charges in 2007 and was subsequently charged with being an accessory after the fact in Mersereau's death for allegedly helping his uncle, Jeff, escape custody. So Jeff ratted out his own nephew.

The key points in this case are that Jeff Lynds, who was a full patch member of the Hells Angels, admitted to murdering Randy Mersereau for the Hells Angles and implicated his nephew in the murder of Randy’s brother and common law wife. The motive of the murders appears to once again be to gain control of the drug trade. Jeff joined the Nomads in Quebec after the Halifax chapter folded and was charged with three murders for the club in Montreal.

Jeff ended up committing suicide in prison after his confession, but locals have a hard time believing that story. People were hoping these confessions would bring a suspect forward in Rusty and Ellen’s murder which is believed to have been an inside job, not the work of s rival. Let’s not forget these Hells angels ordered murders involved the Halifax chapter. That’s where David Giles is originally from.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Bacchus implicated in another murder

On October 3rd, 2012, 54 year old Walter “Buddy” Wheeler of Fredericton succumbed to his injuries at the St. John Regional Hospital. Mr. Wheeler was involved in an assault outside the Twenty-20 Club in Fredericton around 2 a.m. on Sept. 29. Which resulted in serious head injuries.

A witness claims the victim got in an argument with a member of Bacchus in the bar. The witness said Buddy was yelling at the Bacchus member and a bouncer had to separate them. According to the witness, when the bar closed Buddy confronted the Bacchus member again. The Bacchus member snapped his fingers and pointed Buddy to a third individual. The third individual struck buddy and he fell to the ground. No doubt that was when they gave him the boots.

Of course this is hearsay evidence. One has to consider the reliability and the believability of the claims. What we do know is that a member of Bacchus was in the bar and was wearing a Bacchus patch. An argument commenced. Was Buddy trying to pick a fight? Perhaps. Or was the witness trying to cover their ass? Perhaps. Either way we know that someone is dead and it involved another Bacchus member.

Let’s say Buddy was trying to pick a fight. Evidently the Bacchus member wasn’t able to do the job all by himself so he recruited some help. Not very noble or admirable. Then again neither is shooting someone because you can’t take them in a fight like before.

Sadly only one person has been arrested in the murder and the name has not been released. It is highly likely that the low life dirt bag Bacchus member will get off unless someone speaks up. Yet no one wants to be a target of criminal bullies.

These Bacchus members are off the hook and out of touch with reality. There’s nothing tough about getting someone else to beat someone up for you then giving him the boots once he’s on the ground. Kicking someone in the head once they are on the ground with motorcycle boots on is murder not manslaughter. They intended to kill him.

The witness’ statement that the Bacchus member snapped his fingers and pointed buddy out to a third party implies the Bacchus member was persuing buddy not the other way around. Either way it is an insane tragedy. There is nothing good in this Bacchus plague back east. It’s just another manifestation of evil.

If you want to be tough, then join the military and fight evil don’t promote it here and don’t piss on a good soldiers grave by wearing Nazi emblems. That is an offence to France, and offence to Canada and an offense to yourself. It’s obviously someone that has no self respect.

Bacchus Criminal Charges deferred to December

Meanwhile back on the ranch, Pat James, Dartmouth’s patron saint of stupidity with the ridiculously bad ink, along with the other two stooges David Pearce and Duayne Howe have had their uttering threats and intimidation charges put over to December 10 for pleas. Pearce and James appeared in Dartmouth provincial court Friday without lawyers and asked for time to apply to Nova Scotia Legal Aid. There’s a finger and a thumb for ya.

This is from that steroid and magic mushroom seizure the huckleberry hillbillies were caught with. Pearce faces an additional count of uttering threats and five gun-related charges.

The men remain free on $5,000 recognizances. They’re not allowed to possess weapons or associate with members of Bacchus and seven other motorcycle clubs, including the Hells Angels. They also can’t wear or display any Bacchus-related clothing or paraphernalia.

So there ya have it soldiers. If ya see Pat the Flamer James at the Dartmouth clubhouse or the Tim Horton’s where the wee Wind DemonZ finger puppets hang out or if ya see him posting on that ridiculous buttkiss facebook forum, let us or the police know. That would be a parole violation bitch. Take that condom off your nose. You look ridiculous.

What a Wonderful World

Before I dive back into the darkness and talk about the latest gang related murders, I just wanted to pause and post some pictures readers sent in after I requested readers send in some pictures of some of your favorite spots over Thanksgiving. Let’s start locally and branch out. First we have a wonderful sunset from Sooke on Vancouver Island.

Next we have some towers peaking out above the Vancouver fog. Although a reader submitted it, I can tell you where it was taken. It’s from the look out on Cypress during inversion at sunrise. I’ve seen that there before with about 20 other photographers taking pictures.

Next we have the 2009 Vancouver Toy run at the Pan Pacific.

Led by Santa and Mrs. Clause of course at the 2010 toy run.

And now the crème de la crème: Quebec. These two pictures a reader sent in are of North Hatley, Quebec on Lac Massawippi. That lake is huge. I thought it was part of the ocean at first. No doubt cleaner than the Great Lakes in Ontario.

Quebec has the best of both worlds. It has nature and history. Here on the west coast you’d be hard pressed to find a building that is a hundred years old. In Quebec you have a lot of historical sites. The stone wall in Quebec city looks like Old Jerusalem.

The next seven a blog reader took while visiting Cape Cod in Massachusetts. I had Cape Cod missed up with Cape Canaveral at first. Cape Cod looks wonderful. I love those wrap around porches. Just like in Eastern Canada. Tragically the Hells Angels were caught bringing crystal meth into Massachusetts. Evil bringing evil into a nice place. It’s a plague so it is. Yet notwithstanding the plague there are many nice places to see.

Finally the last two shots are when a blog reader was visiting Scotland. 7 foot tall Cardoom thistles and fence detail in Stirling, Scotland. The thistle is of course Scotland’s national flower for those of you that missed the movie Braveheart.

Keep the photos coming. There are a lot of nice places to see. Nature, old buildings and people. Hope in the Shadows is a calendar raising money for the Downtown East Side. Catching a photo of the eyes or face of someone living in the DTES can be magical. Hope in the shadows indeed.

Louis Armstrong, the legendary jazz singer was famous for singing a song called what a Wonderful World. Clearly the world is full of good and evil. We are free to choose what we support and what we see. Is the glass half full or half empty? Indeed, these are the best of times, they are the worst of times. Notwithstanding the darkness and evil, there will always be good. Some of our favorite places to revel in.

I took my father to a seniors camp, many years ago before he passed away. At the camp an old friend of the family sang What a Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong. Hers was not an easy life. Her husband had an affair and left her for another women. Years later her daughter died a premature death and she was left alone to raise her granddaughter. Hearing her sing that song was very meaningful. Surely wherever there is evil, good is not far away. Britney Irving was quite the photographer so she was. Those are her pictures in the video tribute.

Imagine a society where there are no murderers, no drug dealers, no pimps, no liars, hypocrites or extortionists. That would be a wonderful world indeed. That is exactly where we are heading. Lead, follow or get out of the way.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Thanksgiving – send in your photos

Howdy pilgrims. While the turkey’s in the oven and I pause to reflect during thanksgiving, I’m going to make a request. I know everyone likes to hear the latest dirty laundry about the latest Hells Angels or organized crime figures committing murder or some other local outrage. My whole point is that there is more to life than that. I like snowshoeing, hiking, kayaking, sailing, these are the things I enjoy that take me away from the insanity of the inner city.

The website and blog has been getting a lot of traffic from across the country. I’ve been thrilled to hear word from small towns all over Canada especially on the eastern seaboard where some of my own ancestors are from. I visited there once when I was very young. I should return. I remember the covered bridges of New Brunswick and the lobster of Nova Scotia.

The purpose of the covered bridge was to prevent huge pile ups of snow on the bridge so cars could cross it during winter. That tells me they get a lot of snow in New Brunswick which would be prime snowshoeing or snowmobiling country. Nova Scotia, being on the ocean is a lot like here in Vancouver on the west coast. I know there are many beautiful spots out there too.

So here’s the deal. Along with sending in info about the local gangs and links to news clips about the latest gang arrests which I do greatly appreciate, how about sending in some pictures of some of your favorite spots in your own areas? I would love to see a picture of a covered bridge in New Brunswick, especially during winter or some shots of the eastern seaboard along with any scenes in nature from anywhere in Canada. This is our home. It’s something to be grateful for and something to be proud of that deserves our devotion and protection. Even if you’re not from Canada, I’d love to see some pictures of Denmark or any other country.

So next time you’re out and about, take a picture and send me a photo of some of your favorite spots so we can all see that there definitely is a lot more to life than what can be found in a bar or a crack pipe. Tragically, people joke about small towns in BC saying there is a great deal of alcoholism there because there’s nothing to do in those small towns. The hell there isn’t. Let’s prove it.

How to cook a turkey

For those bikers, gang members or even soldiers away from home this Thanksgiving, there’s no reason you can’t have a turkey dinner and inviter a few friends over. Unless of course they don’t sell turkey at the grocery store in Iraq. I can’t help with that. Nevertheless, cooking a turkey really isn’t that difficult and it is relatively cheap when you can revel in left overs for a week.

Superstore and Safeway both had turkey’s on sale for 99 cents a pound. So if you buy a fresh turkey you can start right away. If you buy a frozen turkey you have to thaw it out in the fridge a couple days before hand. If it’s too late for that and you have a frozen turkey you can put it in a clean sink with “running” cold water. It doesn’t have to be running and you can even add some warm water to speed up the process if you’re right there to expedite the process. Thawing it out in the fridge before hand is best. You’re not supposed to leave it out over night.

The fist thing to remember when cooking turkey or any poultry item is do not cross contaminate. If you cut or put a raw turkey on a cutting board, do not put the cooked turkey on that same cutting board without washing and sanitizing it first. Believe you me salmonella food poisoning is nasty.

So you have a frozen turkey thawed out and washed in your sink. Open up the gut and take out the neck. Then open up the other side and take out the paper wrapped innards and throw them out. You can boil down the neck if you want to make a turkey stock but there will be plenty of flavor from the drippings so you really don’t need it.

Put it in a roasting pan with a little oil and season salt. A covered roasting pan is best but if you buy one of those cheap tin foil ones, you’ll need some tin foil to cover the turkey when it’s cooking so it doesn’t dry out. I cook it at 350 degrees. How many minutes per pound? I have no idea. I just go by the way it looks when you baste it. When it’s golden brown and the meat is starting to fall off the thighs, it’s done. With any food it has to be brought to 160 degrees and held at 140 degrees if you are going to serve it in a restaurant.

You need to check on it regularly and baste it. You know, that giant plastic thing that sucks up the juices from the bottom of the pan. You put the juices from the bottom of the pan over the turkey breast and legs through out the cooking process. It’s that easy. You can peel potatoes and make mash potatoes and clean and prepare brussel sprouts or whatever vegetable you prefer but in today’s age you can get all of that stuff out of the freezer if you are a newbie at cooking.

Stuffing is different. I suppose you can get stuffing out of a box. It’s nice but it’s not the same. To make your own stuffing just dice just over a loaf of bread into large squares and put it in the top of your roasting pan or a large clean container. I always add fine diced onions and celery but this year we used onions and bacon because my daughter had it at a friends house once and asked if we could try it. Poultry seasoning would include rosemary, thyme and garlic. If you don’t want to use fresh garlic you can buy the stuff in a can peeled and diced already. The dry stuff sucks. Cranberry sauce you can buy in a can.

Add a cup or two of water to the stuffing and mix it up then cram it in the stomach of the bird and up it's arse before you put it in the oven. You can get some pretty good gravy or brown sauce from a package these days or you can take the turkey out of the roasting pan when it’s finished, drain off all the grease then fill it with cold water, put it on the burner under medium heat and cook it down to make your own gravy. You’ll have to add a white wash of flour and cold water mixed up well to the gravy to thicken it up. Once the white wash is in the gravy you have to cook it for quite a while to get the flour taste out of it.

So that’s it. There’s no excuse to not have a nice dinner if you’re alone this thanksgiving. I remember seeing a memorial to a gang related shooting in Edmonton the other day when someone remembered spending last thanksgiving with a guy who had been shot down earlier this year. Tragic. Life is too short not to cherish it.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Widgeon Creek

I finally got the kayak out today and paddled up Widgeon creek on Pitt Lake. I can’t believe the extended summer we’ve been having. Normally it’s just rain, rain, rain. This year has been awesome. A couple new stories from the east coast to catch up on. I just wanted to pause for Thanksgiving.

Vancouver is no better than anywhere else. Every place on earth has it’s own special spots that take your breath away. I remember jogging on the beach in Bray outside Dublin at Sunrise. That was magnificent. If you’re in Fredericktown, Dartmouth or Halifax, there’s a lot more out there to see that you can’t find in the bar or in a crack pipe. Life is too precious to diminish it like that. Today was another beautiful day so it was.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Vito Rizzuto arrives in Toronto

Well Vito Rizzuto has arrived under police escort in Toronto 11:00 PM last night. Where he goes from there we can only wait and see. The Hells Angels aren’t nearly as powerful in Toronto as they are in Montreal. The Calabrians are in Hamilton and working on smaller cities like Kitchener. I’m not sure how powerful the Calabrians are in Toronto but I think TO is more of a free for all. The organized crime isn’t as organized there as it is in surrounding areas or in Montreal. Time will tell. It always does.

QMI claims Greg Wooley is one of Vito’s potential allies. With friends like that, who needs enemies. Wooley is still with and still working for the Hells Angels. That’s what the big meeting was all about. The Hells Angels supply the Montreal Crips through Wooley. They wanted some of the Montreal bloods to work for them too. When one said no and publically humiliated him, he was shot dead. If Vito wants to supply the Montreal Crips , the Hells Angels already have that market. If he wants to supply the Montreal Bloods, then Greg Wooley is not his friend.

Kelowna HA Sergeant at arms makes bail

Brian Oldham, the Kelowna Hells Angels Sergeant at arms made bail Monday. He still faces charges of possession for the purpose of trafficking a controlled substance. Once again there are numerous over reaching publication bans stifling free speech and the freedom of information in this case.

David Giles and Kevin Van Kalkeren are still in custody and have been charged with conspiracy to import a controlled substance and conspiracy to traffic a controlled substance in association with a criminal organization. I wonder if Giles will be the first Hells Angel to be convicted of criminal organization charges in BC. It would be pretty hypocritical if he ordered John Punko’s murder to avoid that same conviction.

I am told Kevin VanKalkeren used to race in BC and that he stopped racing in BC 4 years ago and started racing in Wenachee and Euphrata, Washington but packed racing in last year because he had his pilot's licence and was too busy. Well, that's interesting. It has even been claimed that David Giles was one of his sponsors. Kim Bolan reported that the civil forfeiture director claims that Kevin Van Kalkeren laundered drug money through his company, KVK Enterprises Ltd.

Laura Szendrei’s murderer cops a plea

The 19 year old from Delta who was charged with the murder of Laura Szendrei has copped a plea. He was initially charged with first degree murder but has now pleaded guilty to second degree murder. No doubt that will be met with mixed feelings from the parents and the community.

First-degree murder is when the killing is “planned and deliberate”. It was premeditated. If it was a murder that involved a sexual assault, that is automatically defined as first degree murder. Those convicted of first-degree murder receive an automatic life sentence with no chance of parole for 25 years.

Second degree murder is an intentional murder that was not planned but took place in the heat of the moment. Like with first-degree, those convicted of second-degree murder receive an automatic life sentence. However, the judge can set their parole eligibility at anywhere between 10 and 25 years. A life sentence with parole after 10 years is not a life sentence. I’m not sure how mandatory statutory release applies to murder convictions.

Keep in mind that is the penalties in adult court. The 19 year old that has pleaded guilty to murdering Laura Szendrei was 17 when he committed the murder. That means he falls under the Young Offenders act, cannot be named and receives a lesser penalty. However, thanks to the advocacy of Chuck and Donna Cadman who lost their son Jesse to an act of senseless violence, young offenders can be charged in adult court. Can be. It has yet to be determined if this case will be. Obviously it should and the crown will no doubt make that application.

Anyways, ten years for murdering someone’s daughter is not closure. It comes with the knowledge that after ten years in prison, the murderer will walk away free and their daughter will still be dead. When you commit murder, you take away something that can never be returned.

Ten years for murder is not closure for the community either. Especially when this case is filled with over reaching publication bans. The purpose of a publication ban is to give the person charged with a crime the right to a fair trial. The purpose of a publication ban is not to hide the truth from the public indefinitely. This is what one blog reader referred to as the difference between freedom and license.

The Charter of Rights and the Freedom of Information act states the public has a right to know what evidence was presented at trial, after the trial is over. The only exception would be to protect the identity of the victim in a case such as sexual assault. Since we already know the name of the victim in this case that does not apply. If there was a sexual assault, then the case would automatically be first degree murder. No plea bargain to reduce that.

The problem we have with this case is that we have no motive and the over reaching publication bans on this case are a threat to public safety.

John Cummins survives leadership challenge

I missed this one but since it’s in the news again, I will cite it. There were some public rumblings about the new leadership of the BC Conservatives. I thought it was strange since John Cummins was newly elected and was doing such a great job. He was right on the money and it was the fastest growing party in the country as a result. Then we find out the source of the internal dissention was from a former member of Gordon Campbell’s liberals. Ah ha says I.

When John van Dongen crossed over and joined the BC Conservatives I said fair enough, let him in. He did a good job as AG. Losing that position because of his speeding tickets was dumb and he was keeping the pressure on the BC Rail scandal. However, I said draw the line there because the last thing we want is a plague of Gordon Campbell’s rats leaving their sinking ship only to infect the hopeful rising BC Conservatives.

Then we find out the source of all the drama and internal back biting was in fact the power hungery John van Dongen himself. After causing all that dissention he then tells the media it wouldn’t be appropriate for him to comment on the matter before a leadership review. Yeah right. He caused it. So after John Cummins survives the leadership review by a 71% vote, Johnnie come lately takes his ball and goes home. Only he’s burned bridges with Christy Clark so he has no home. He still says he will leave the BC Conservatives, which he just joined, because of irreconcilable differences with John Cummins. Well good riddance. That was more than enough drama for his short little grasp for power. Truth is, he wanted John Cummins job.

So now John Cummins gives the remaining few dissenters an ultimatum. Put up or shut up. Support the democratic decision of the party or leave the party. That is fair. Anyone who will persist with childish backbiting after a democratic vote was held, should leave. One bad apple can spoil a barrel. Remember, John Cummins is a true conservative. He supports small business and the free market. He opposes the HST and the gas tax. Let's take that ball and run with it and leave the sniveling little kids behind in the dust. We don’t have time for them and believe you me there will be a wave of Gordon Campbell’s rats wanting to jump on board only to destroy it like they destroyed the BC Liberals.

On Friday, Conservative byelection candidate John Martin defected to the B.C. Liberals. Sorry if I pause to roll on the floor laughing. He defected to the titanic as it’s sinking to show solidarity for John van Dongen and Gordon Campbell’s nightmare? Well he sure isn’t very bright now is he? Even Gordon Campbell’s own rats are jumping that sinking ship. Now he wants to jump in with them? That means he supports the HST and the gas Tax. Like I said, Good riddance. Let them form their own rat party.

Friday, October 5, 2012

The world according to U2

U2 is a popular Irish band that wrote a tribute to Martin Luther King in a song called Pride: In the name of love. Martin Luther King is a man I greatly respect and admire. The first verse of the song reads: One man come in the name of love One man come and go One come he to justify One man to overthrow.

The song isn’t just about Martin Luther King as it also makes reference to one man who came in the name of love who was caught on a barbed wire fence, another washed up on an empty beach and another betrayed with a kiss. The song is referring to martyrs who came in the name of love and gave their all.

In my mind, there is nothing more satanic then seeing a white man wearing a KKK hood. It doesn’t just represent lawlessness, it represents hate and intolerance. The song continues and states: Early morning, April 4 Shot rings out in the Memphis sky Free at last, they took your life They could not take your pride. U2 was obviously referring to the assassination of Martin Luther King.

U2 wrote another powerful song as a tribute to those who died in Derry Bogside in 1972 called Bloody Sunday. That was when the British Army used live ammunition on unarmed civil rights protesters. This didn’t happen in Russia. This didn’t happen in China. They weren’t shot by Fascists or Communists. They were shot by the British Army. It was a horrible stain on history and a reminder of the injustice of foreign occupation.

The song starts off with: I can't believe the news today Oh, I can't close my eyes And make it go away How long... How long must we sing this song It uses the metaphor: Broken bottles under children's feet Bodies strewn across the dead end street But I won't heed the battle call It puts my back up Puts my back up against the wall. They point out: And the battle's just begun There's many lost, but tell me who has won The trench is dug within our hearts And mothers, children, brothers, sisters Torn apart.

It makes a reference to a time when When fact is fiction and TV reality then concludes with a reference to another bloody Sunday when Christ was murdered and states: The real battle just begun To claim the victory Jesus won On... Sunday Bloody Sunday. It’s a positive non confrontational song about not one but two horrific events of murder and injustice. The latter event of course had a higher purpose. Derry Bogside didn’t. It was a senseless tragedy. Yet we will remember them because their innocent blood makes the quest for a free republic holy. Why it’s the 40th anniversary of bloody Sunday so it is.

U2 also has a passion for life. In their song Where the streets have no name they sing about: I want to run I want to hide I want to tear down the walls That hold me inside I want to reach out And touch the flame Where the streets have no name.

Then they refer to a time when: The city's aflood And our love turns to rust We're beaten and blown by the wind Trampled in dust I'll show you a place High on a desert plain Where the streets have no name.

U2 visited a small church in Harlem where they sang their song Still haven’t found what I’m looking for with a rousing African American choir. The remix is quite impressive showing us again that diversity makes us strong.

Take a look outside. It’s a beautiful day so it is. Don’t let it slip away.