Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Police seize 60 kilos of cocaine in Abbotsford

Around 7:45 AM Saturday policed noticed a suspicious 24 year old loitering in a Clearbrook Road parking lot with two locked duffle bags. After providing answers to the police that did not make sense, the police searched the duffle bags and found 60 kilos of cocaine inside.

That is a huge haul. The largest cocaine seizure to date in Abbotsford. It’s amazing what all the round the clock police protection for the Bacon brothers and their associates buys. The unnamed suspect is from out of province. I’m not sure why they’re not naming the suspect or saying what province he’s from. Looks like we still have a ways to go yet in police transparency.

Dec. 6, 2010 an Abbotsford man named Curtis McLay was caught outside a restaurant in Bellingham with 184 kilos of cocaine he planned on smuggling into Canada. He was sentenced to 10 years in a U.S. prison last May.

Andrew Meisner

Speaking of suicides, I’m sad to report that the rumors have been confirmed about Geoff Meisner’s brother Andrew being found dead in Nelson. The police say foul play has been ruled out although it is unclear how he died. Which again makes you wonder how they can rule out foul play if they don’t have a cause of death.

One rumor going around was that he slipped and hit his head on some ice a week before he died which may have resulted in internal bleeding. The tragic part is that he was found in a drug lab. Which makes his death even more suspicious. Regardless of the actual cause of death, suicide, accident or murder, here’s another life lost and another period of mourning for a family that has already lost so much.

It is strange how Geoff got involved with the Hells Angels and the kingpin crew and how his brother Andrew got involved in a drug lab when their father was a retired police officer. Who worked on the Pickton file nonetheless. It’s like that other tragic case of two prominent RCMP officers in Kelowna whose daughter Lisa has been charged with drug trafficking. She was arrested in Richmond but was arrested with another Kelowna woman. Kinds of a conflict of interest for the parents.

Any kid from the best family in the world can get addicted to drugs or start selling drugs to make some cash on the side. The huge amount of money involved is a very real temptation for anyone.

Andrew’s death makes me wonder about Chad Karylchuk‏’s death. He was involved in the drug trade and died of an overdose. Locals seem to think it was a forced over dose. Yet these deaths never get investigated because foul play has been already ruled out.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

The heartache of suicide

I’m going to pause from posting for a moment of silence in remembrance of Kevin Fry. I’m going to take a standing eight count to grieve and reflect. My kids went to school with Kevin. I attended his funeral today with my son. The minister talked about how hard any death is. It’s hard when grandparents move on after having lived a full life. We miss them. It’s even harder when a child dies before their parent. That is so true.

The minister went on to say it’s even harder still when there are unanswered questions. Indeed not knowing the cause of death inhibits the grieving process. Today the minister confirmed that Kevin’s death was suicide. We were all shocked. Kevin was such a good person. He was so happy and friendly.

No disrespect to the family. My heart goes out to his mother, sister and brother. Such sorrow is very real. I had two coworkers in Surrey who each lost a child to suicide. One was a young man in high school. He was being bullied and gave up. The other was a daughter in college. A talented musician who struggled with a mental illness. She was so relieved to get a partial diagnosis. She said I’m not crazy after all. Meaning that she wasn’t imagining there was something wrong, there was indeed something physically wrong that she had to cope with. Unfortunately she committed suicide before finding a cure.

Both cases caused me to shudder. I knew and worked with both fathers. One was my partner at work for quite a while. That kind of grief, of having to burry a child caused me to shudder. Later on there was another suicide at work. This time it was a coworker. He was going through a second divorce. After working so hard for so many years to pay child support for his own biological children, his second marriage broke down and he was expected to pay child support for someone else’s kids from a previous relationship. That is when he threw in the towel, put a gun to his head and said tax that.

I was shocked. This was a coworker who I not only had worked with but was someone who had helped me through a dark time with his genuine empathy. His daughter cried at the funeral filled with coworkers who cared. She said he didn’t think he had any friends. That was tragic.

Any time someone commits suicide the first thing that comes to mind is, was there something I could have done to prevent it? All of us are busy and all of us are responsible for our own choices. Yet attending this funeral and seeing kids I hadn’t seen in a while I felt to ask, how are you doing? No really, how are you doing?

These are tough times. The cost of housing compared to wages offered is way worse now then when I first left high school and moved out. I had a good job, a cool car and a place of my own. I could afford it on the wages I made. Now it’s not so easy. Housing has skyrocketed yet wages haven’t kept up. In some industries they make less now than they did 25 years ago. That is one thing that has always terrified me. As a parent you always hope to leave this world a better place for your kids. Unfortunately, I’m not seeing it. The cost of housing is seriously affecting kids’ standard of living when they leave high school.

Yet there is hope. There are things we can do. The key is to pull together, not to try and do it all on your own. Historically, many in some Christian denominations were taught doctrine that was very black and white: heaven and hell. You either made it or you didn’t and if you committed suicide you went to hell. I do not believe that. If a parent can have compassion on a child that committed suicide, how much more so can a heavenly parent. There is no doubt in my mind that God loves Kevin and has compassion on him.

Personally, I think hell is more of a state of mind. Sometimes it can be regret. In other ways it can be brought to face some of the evil we have done and refused to acknowledge during this life. Seeing and feeling the pain we have caused other people.

My son said Kevin’s body was found two days after his best friend had his birthday. He said that on his best friend’s birthday his facebook status was all about how this was the most empty and lonely birthday he had ever experienced and how he just wished he could see Kevin. At that point even my son began to tear up and I remembered an experience from his past.

Years ago, when he was young, my son had a big buddy in elementary school. An older student from Ethiopia who was assigned to be his big buddy and befriended him. Turns out they lived in the same complex and became good friends outside of school. Then the day came for his friend to move away. After they said their goodbyes my son quietly walked up to his room and sobbed. He cared deeply about his friend and was going to miss him dearly. I was touched.

So I think about Kevin’s friend and his pain loosing his best friend in such tragic circumstances. There’s a lot of pain there to deal with. First there’s the loss. The deep emptiness not being able to see his friend again. Then there’s guilt. Wondering if there was something he didn’t do that he should have. Then there’s betrayal. Why didn’t he tell me? I was his best friend. No doubt his mother and sister have similar feelings.

There is no doubt in my mind that Kevin did not want to hurt anyone. He has, but that clearly was not his intent. How can you tell someone you love you’re going to commit suicide? You can’t. They’ll stop you. I don’t know why Kevin committed suicide.

The minister suggested that most often the person feels they are in a hopeless situation that they cannot change. Perhaps it was the economic challenge youth today face, I don’t know. I do know that other kids his age are also struggling. Giving up is understandable. Yet if we pause and take a step back to see the bigger picture we will realize there is always hope. There is always a solution to any problem. Sometimes we have to think outside the box and be creative. Whatever we do, we have to pull together. We can’t do it alone.

During the service the minister got the congregation to repeat God give Kevin Peace three times then finally God give Kevin’s family peace. Looking at the slideshow it is very clear that Kevin was a wonderful person and that is a good thing. The memories recorded warm the heart. They are good memories. Life does not end at death. Loved ones can be reunited but not yet. We have a purpose to fulfill. Things to accomplish. Joy yet to experience.

When I look at Kevin’s smile. It warms my heart. He was a good person. Here’s a song one of his friends wrote for him. God give Kevin Peace. He is loved and missed dearly.

Two more shootings in Surrey

Two more shootings in Surrey this morning. This is after the headline in this weeks Surrey Leader reads: Are we in the midst of a gang war? Four shootings in past month in Surrey were gang related. Surrey's fifth murder in a month. Look what that casino money supports.

A volatile start to the New Year indeed. During the 2009 Vancouver Gang war, there were six shootings in January only two of which were in Surrey. Clearly the Hells Angels don’t need a clubhouse in Surrey to execute rival drug dealers. They sure seem to be spending an awful lot of money on executions trying to make Surrey safe for Larry Amero and his merry band of village idiots. Clearly that guy is a liability not an asset. Glen Hehn is scary. Larry Amero is not.

New Publisher for the Vancouver Sun and Province

Gordon Fisher replaces Kevin Bent as the new president and publisher of the Pacific News Group which puts out the Vancouver Sun and the Vancouver Province. Gordon Fisher appears to be a good guy and there was nothing wrong with Kevin Bent. It appears to be another move to help increase profitability of the newspaper industry in a digital age.

The freedom of the press can be a powerful tool in the democratic process. It can also be a powerful tool in the propaganda conflict where the truth is always the first casualty. Most of us, at least I always used to, think of newspapers and non biased reporting of current events. Far from it.

In England the biases are far more prevalent. Take Robert Murdoch champion of the wiretap scandal. The newspapers Murdoch produced were always biased towards supporting Conservative candidates in the election. Tony Blair was the one exception after he supported George Bush’s lie that formed the reason for the invasion of Iraq.

After that, Murdoch and his papers supported David Cameron. Now when I say support that doesn’t just mean he voted for and contributed to his campaign. I mean the paper ran biased articles in favor of those candidates. Which is in complete contradiction to what I personally thought newspapers were supposed to do. I thought they were supposed to be non biased. Now there are just supposed to make money.

We did see something similar in Canada when the media tyrant Conrad Black started buying up all the newspapers and media outlets. His newspapers became very right wing and very biased in the way it reported the news.

As shocking as this may seem for those as naïve as myself, it isn’t really a problem in our supply and demand world. If a paper is clearly right wing or left wing biased, it will generate that kind of readers and those kinds of advertizing dollars. No doubt the big corporations are going to have more money to spend on advertizing and are therefore in a better position to manipulate the media.

The thing we need to do as consumers is remember that those biases do in fact exist and seek out alternative or nonbiased media sources. Supply and demand. I will note that although Conrad Black created the National Post which was very right wing at the time, it never made a profit and lost millions under Conrad’s leadership.

Conrad Black sold the remaining 50% of his shares in the National Post in 2001 to CanWest Global Communications Corp which owned the other half of the paper. Gordon Fisher took over and the reporting became less biased. As a result, on October 28, 2011, The National Post announced its first ever yearly profit. Since it started in 1998, until it was sold in 2001, the National Post had lost millions. So Gordon Fisher comes back out West to turn the tide once again and help save the newspaper industry in our digital age.

Television is free. That industry makes money on advertizing. Likewise on the Internet, sites that get high traffic volume can also make money on advertizing. The question is, does the media answer to consumers who buy and read their material or do they answer to their sponsors and try to control their readers with ads like Steven Harper and Christy Clark’s painful propaganda paid for with tax dollars. Time will tell.

On the subject of modern main stream censorship I will cite the case of Dan Rather. One blog reader just reminded me and sent this link to the story. It is a flaming example of how pathetic our main stream media has become. Just like the Gary Webb case. Dan Rather and Gary Webb were both right.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Canadian on trial in Mexico

This case infuriates me. Here we have a Canadian on trial in Mexico not for a drug related offense but for being a peacemaker protecting human rights. She is a political prisoner. If she is guilty of what they accuse her of and there is discrepancies in the evidence, then that is the crime she is accused of. Trying to make peace and protect human rights. Now they want to send her off to Guantanamo with Martha Stewart.

A Canadian mediator named Cynthia Vanier has been accused of trying to help Gaddafi’s son and family escape Libya during the war and try to negotiate a peaceful resolution to the conflict. Now she is sitting in a Mexican prison facing four charges including attempted human trafficking. That is astounding.

Private security contractor Gary Peters claimed he and Cynthia Vanier had worked on a plan to fly Saadi Gaddafi to Venezuela as part of a scheme to mediate talks with the Canadian government and Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to end Libya’s civil war.

Ms. Vanier, a professional mediator from Mount Forest, Ont., has denied any involvement with Mr. Gaddafi. Speaking from the Mexican prison where she remains in custody, she has said that Mr. Peters “has made a lot of things up,” should not have credibility and had ruined her life with his “delusional portrayal” of events.

Let’s pause for one minute and remember who the real criminals are in the invasion of Libya and the murder of Moammar Gaddafi: Canada. We went in as peace keepers to create a no fly zone. We did not do that. Instead he helped one side bomb the other side and helped the rebels murder Moammar Gadaffi and his children without a trial in a cruel and inhumane manner. We carry that liability. We had a Canadian General who was a poster boy puppet oversea that mission. He ran public relations interference so the secret objective would be accomplished and the no fly zone mission broken. We are liable for breaking that mission.

Some people say, Oh Gaddafi was a dictator. Is that so? Then why did Nicolas Sarkozy publicly try and convince the world in 2007 that we should trust Gaddafi with nuclear weapons so France could sell him a French Reactor? If Gaddafi was a dictator then why did Sarkozy say he wasn’t and try to convince the world we should trust him with nuclear technology? The claim that Gaddafi was a dictator and deserved it fails miserably when you take three seconds to look at the facts.

We helped Sarkozy murder Gaddafi for deciding to buy a reactor from Argentina instead of France. That is what that lie was really about. Sarkozy was accused of doing the same thing in Pakistan - Blowing up someone for changing their mind about buying arms from France. Nicolas Sarkozy is a dirty dog who was not re-elected. We helped him commit that fraud under the blood stained banner of peace keeping.

Remember Donald Trump’s bold declaration about the war in Libya when he was running for the Republican nomination? He said he would go in to Libya and take their oil. He said in times of war, that’s what you do. You go in and take the spoils of war. If he was president, that is what he would do. No beating around the bush there. Donald Trump was simply an honest George Bush. Gadaffi was a socialist. He believed in nationalized oil. That is the other reason we helped over throw him.

This whole charade with Cynthia Vanier rotting away in horrible conditions in a Mexican prison is a stain on all of us. Stephen Harper and Nicolas Sarkozy should be in prison, not Cynthia Vanier.


Update: After 18 months in prison Cyndy Vanier has finally been released and has returned to Canada. A tribunal of the Supreme Court of Mexico upheld her appeal.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Large Rock Machine bust in Manitoba

RCMP claim the entire chapter of the Manitoba Rock Machine motorcycle gang was swept up into police custody in an RCMP raid Wednesday. Police and RCMP seized 13 pounds of cocaine, 1,800 tablets of Benzylpiperazine about eight pounds of marijuana, firearms, ammunition, two pipe bombs and eight other commercial explosive devices

In their excitement they claim that the Rock Machine Motorcycle Club has been wiped off the Winnipeg map and that "today is a very good day for public safety in the province of Manitoba." I’m less eager to agree. That is a small bust compared to Hells Angels standards. Wiping out the Hells Angels rivals does not make the streets safer for anyone. It just makes the Hells Angels more ruthless in their monopoly as they continue to murder any drug dealing rival and torture drug addicts for drug debts.

It is a step forward, but unless it is followed up with an increased resolve against the Hells Angels, it will result in three steps back. 6 kilos of cocaine is nothing compared to the 2 and a half tons seized from the Hells Angels on the Western Wind. What this bust does show is that the Rock Machine has indeed returned to become just another drug dealing gang. Please note that the RM support club is the Vendetta not LHS. LHS was a Hells Angels support club until they betrayed them and killed one of their own for the Ontario village idiots.

When you loot at the police photo, there’s nothing there that I support. Guns, explosives and pot to fund Cocaine and BZP the fake ecstasy that people die from. It’s just a perpetuation of greed. I will say that I like the RM logo better than the HA logo. An eagles head is way better than a helmeted skull with devil horns and feathers. Yet both roads lead to the same place: misery and violence driven by greed. That has nothing to do with riding motorcycles and living the dream.

Although the police claim the entire manitoba chapter has been wiped off the map, only 11 arrests have been made. 4 of them RM members. Joseph Strachan is one of them. He's charged with cocaine trafficking, proceeds of crime and participating in a criminal org. Does that mean he gets house arrest like CJ Barrowby did when caught trafficking cocaine for the Hells Angels in Surrey? Strachan was unable to make his first appearance due to being taken to hospital following his arrest Wednesday. A paid civilian agent was used to take down the crime ring. Sounds like all Strachan did was go for a car ride with the police agent. Anybody know what 18 13 stands for?

Evidently the RM has the Hells Hounds as well as the Vendetta.

Resisting Evil

I have a few stories to catch up on. I have been told that someone is claiming I was outed on Kim Bolans blog the other day. I appreciate the notification. That has happened a few times before and I made a podcast about it a while ago in my disclaimer so nothing has really changed.

What I want to comment on is our moral duty to resist evil. Someone sent me a link to the HAMC web site which not only confirms a new charter being issued to the Surrey village idiots who call themselves the WestPoint chapter, but also has a huge list of new HA chapters in Germany. It makes me think of Xerxes and the armies of Babylon in the movie 300. A mob of bullies who covet the opportunity to rob, rape and destroy. Only Xerxes in our story isn’t big and powerful. He just a clown behind a curtain like in the Wizard of Oz deceiving the masses with smoke and mirrors.

Let’s remember Larry Amero is with this new WestPoint chapter whose actions are an offense to the real WestPoint they insult. Larry was just another suburban princess. A kid from Walnut Grove secondary in Langley of all places. A kid who was beat up in high school and took to steroids as a result. He even bragged about his plastic world by naming his ridiculous boat Steroids and Silicone. His father was a longshoreman. That’s how he hooked up with the HAs.

Randy Jones is much more of a businessman than Larry. Larry is just a kid with high school issues that never grew up and sells drugs. Supporting the Bacon brothers was bad enough but lying about it and pretending he wasn’t when he was, that’s cheap. Nobody likes a liar.

Listening to Ricky Ciarniello deny everything has become really irritating. Every word that comes out of that guy’s mouth is a lie. Bryce’s son wasn’t acting on his own, he was selling drugs for the club. Ron Lising and John Punko’s convictions are evidence of that.

This picture of Ricky Ciarniello and David Black holding up a flag with a swastika on it says it all. Ricky’s pal David Black was convicted along with six others from the Satan’s Angels of kidnapping a guy, torturing him and sodomizing him with a broomstick. That is a deranged association to brag about.

Crying like a baby because someone saw his smelly fat ass in a restaurant and said they wanted to move because they didn’t want to sit beside someone who was a member of a criminal organization is typical of how these bullies always play the victim and how pathetic that really is. Ricky C is just a clown behind a curtain who smells bad.

What we need to do is to step back, take a deep breath and calmly look at the truth. Look past the lies and the propaganda and see things for what they really are. People say the Hells Angels have a rule about no rape. Yet we know that is a lie. Mom Boucher joined the Hells Angels right after he got out of jail for armed rape. That’s just a Hollywood spin from a clown behind a curtain hiding the truth. The drug deals, the prostitution, the murder of drug dealing rivals, the torture of addicts for drug debts, that is what this Babylonian horde is all about. It is our moral duty to resist evil. Failing to do so is aiding and abetting those crimes.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Constible Frank Dean Rudge’s retrial

Speaking of dirty cops, wiretaps played in Frank Dean Rudge’s court case heard a conversation between two Hells Angels named Brian Sauvé and Timothy Muise. Tim expressed a concern when he saw a police car parked outside the Cedar Bay Inn. Brian responded by saying “It’s just Dean being a loser.” He was referring to Const.Dean Rudge.

The crown argued that the wiretap shows a familiarity between Rudge and Hells Angels members. Indeed it does. Ridge’s lawyer said the phone calls only mentioned the name Dean and didn’t specifically refer to Rudge. That doesn’t even make sense. Of course they were referring to Rudge. What other local police officers driving Ridge’s patrol car named Dean are there?

The sad thing is, here’s a dirty cop that everyone knows is dirty and they’re having such a hard time getting rid of him. That’s gotta affect moral when everyone knows a coworkers is a rat for the Hells Angels and is jeopardizing the safety of everyone he works with. It's Tragic really.

Sadly both the Green Hornet and the Batman Dark Knight movies contained a story about a corrupt mayor and a corrupt police chief that would manipulate crime stats to make themselves look good. It's sad when fiction becomes reality. Just another Bloody Sunday.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

East Van sword attack & Surrey’s fifth murder

I didn’t realize the East Van sword attack was actually a swarming and may have been related to drugs. Manraj Akalirai has been identified as the 19 year old murder victim. Six men between the age of 19 and 21 have been arrested. Manraj’s friends are suggesting that he got caught up in a conflict that he had nothing to do with. Tragic.

I was surprised to hear it was Vancouver’s first murder of the year. We had that bloody Sunday where 8 people died but only three of them were from Surrey. The rest were from across BC. Monday was Surrey’s fifth murder victim. Monday’s murder victim was Jaskaran Singh Sandhu who survived a previous murder attempt in Coquitlam two years ago.

Our local friend from Surrey Shirts has one design that says Better Safe than Surrey. I’m assuming he doesn’t work for Laura Balance. Evidently, serious security flaws uncovered in B.C.'s criminal justice computer system could have let gangsters hack into witness contact information and details of police investigations. Isn’t that special?