Thursday, January 31, 2013

Large Rock Machine bust in Manitoba

RCMP claim the entire chapter of the Manitoba Rock Machine motorcycle gang was swept up into police custody in an RCMP raid Wednesday. Police and RCMP seized 13 pounds of cocaine, 1,800 tablets of Benzylpiperazine about eight pounds of marijuana, firearms, ammunition, two pipe bombs and eight other commercial explosive devices

In their excitement they claim that the Rock Machine Motorcycle Club has been wiped off the Winnipeg map and that "today is a very good day for public safety in the province of Manitoba." I’m less eager to agree. That is a small bust compared to Hells Angels standards. Wiping out the Hells Angels rivals does not make the streets safer for anyone. It just makes the Hells Angels more ruthless in their monopoly as they continue to murder any drug dealing rival and torture drug addicts for drug debts.

It is a step forward, but unless it is followed up with an increased resolve against the Hells Angels, it will result in three steps back. 6 kilos of cocaine is nothing compared to the 2 and a half tons seized from the Hells Angels on the Western Wind. What this bust does show is that the Rock Machine has indeed returned to become just another drug dealing gang. Please note that the RM support club is the Vendetta not LHS. LHS was a Hells Angels support club until they betrayed them and killed one of their own for the Ontario village idiots.

When you loot at the police photo, there’s nothing there that I support. Guns, explosives and pot to fund Cocaine and BZP the fake ecstasy that people die from. It’s just a perpetuation of greed. I will say that I like the RM logo better than the HA logo. An eagles head is way better than a helmeted skull with devil horns and feathers. Yet both roads lead to the same place: misery and violence driven by greed. That has nothing to do with riding motorcycles and living the dream.

Although the police claim the entire manitoba chapter has been wiped off the map, only 11 arrests have been made. 4 of them RM members. Joseph Strachan is one of them. He's charged with cocaine trafficking, proceeds of crime and participating in a criminal org. Does that mean he gets house arrest like CJ Barrowby did when caught trafficking cocaine for the Hells Angels in Surrey? Strachan was unable to make his first appearance due to being taken to hospital following his arrest Wednesday. A paid civilian agent was used to take down the crime ring. Sounds like all Strachan did was go for a car ride with the police agent. Anybody know what 18 13 stands for?

Evidently the RM has the Hells Hounds as well as the Vendetta.


  1. Anybody know what 18 13 stands for?

    It stands for R & M as they are the numbers they represent in the alphabet......

  2. On the page that is linked from the "Joseph Strachan" above is an interesting comment posted Augus 31

    "I cannot believe this, Winnipeg's Machine chapter's President is none other than RAT Todd Murray HAHAHAHA he is a proven RAT that is probably working for the cops right now! UNBELIEVABLE! How could they possibly even let that RAT around them. THERE IS TONS OF PAPERWORK ON HIM LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!"

  3. Interesting but I think he's busted. I don't think he was the police agent.

  4. I dont think so either, those who hate someone will start a rumor about that person. If he was a Rat, RM would have known about it.

    What gets me is they say the whole Chapter was busted yet only 4 patch holders & 1 associate are in custody? In sure after a few years in Winnipeg there are more than 4 RM Members seeing four I dont think can hold a Charter. I think when the Bandidos were here it was a minimum of 5 Members for a Chapter.

    Maybe these were the Motorcycle riding members seeing lately Winnipeg MC Clubs have had members who didnt ride at all.....

    1. Its 6 members to have an active charter, BMC or RMMC...

  5. I would suspect Hells Hounds is their Puppet Clubs & Vendetta is their Street gang....

  6. Nice Chanel designer logo ball cap Mr. Steroids is wearing....I didn't know Chanel had a new fragrance, "Eau de Scumbag"

    1. I think we’ve established that was a simple mistake. We have seen some pretty bizarre things with man purses, Merle Norman eyebrows and most recently butterflies so nothing would surprise me. Trailrunner is a soldier not a cop. There’s a big difference. Sadly it’s the guys that sell crack and crystal meth who are the pigs now not the cops. So tell me, why does someone who supports a member of the
      Rock Machine use the username Muscles HA?

  7. Its not a chanel hat idiot, it is a DC hat. I suspected you didnt have a clue about what you were talking about, guess this proves you don't.

    1. Excuse me, "Realist", I don't have time to keep up on meaningless fashion trends, I guess you do. But yes, of course the fact that I may not have known this automatically calls in question anything else I've ever said. Moron. I guess that you guess a lot, probably even have the jeans to prove it.

  8. I had to Google the Chanel logo. It looks like two C's back to back.
    This one does look a little different.

  9. Are those plucked eyebrows? Oh... the vanity!

  10. Wait until you see the retro picture of David Giles. His eyebrows looks like Groucho Marx.

  11. It's a DC logo on the hat... they are a shoe and clothing company for extreme sports.

  12. Rock Machine got infiltrated very easily, Adam and J.P. were good guys, didnt know the others well enough but a contact out west who did things with them did not like the way they did things and another who flew down to arrange things walked away and that guy he knows a lost cause or dead end when he sees it. there was an informant C.I. in R.M. long before any of these 2 busts went down, all i will say is the initials were C.R. last i heard he was arrested in alberta ramming rcmp cruiser with a stolen truck. don't like the word 'rat' sounds ignorant, jail bird lingo, i'm above that no offense.

  13. Rats were Cory Cadotte for Project Deplete thay got Billy Bowden and Pardeep and this busts rat was Stephen Cabral aka Chop. Benji Thompson was one too and set up Bullet and JJ and both got 6 years.

    1. Yeah but when you're selling crack, doesn't that make the dealer the rat?


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