Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Double Homicide in Kelowna

This is a strange one. Police claim two dead bodies found in a black SUV that had crashed into a light standard in a condominium parking lot were victims of a homicide, not a car crash. We’ll know more when the names of the victims have been released.

Police are waiting to release the names so they can notify next of kin. That is appropriate. The family of Kevin Fry were heartbroken the grandparents heard on the news their grandson was dead before the family could tell them.

Castanet originally reported that the crash was reported around 11:30 p.m. Monday night. Witnesses say the large black SUV took out a cement and brick light post before it crashed into the side of the Terravita condo complex in West Kelowna. RCMP say a male passenger escaped on foot before they arrived at the crash site.

The dog team was called in and a manhunt was underway. RCMP believed the man was heading to Kelowna, and they blocked off several streets looking for the runaway -- it is unclear if the man was captured at this time. When emergency crews reached the SUV they discovered both the driver and the passenger were deceased. Even though the airbags were deployed, the crash did not appear to be serious enough to cause death.

Here’s some links to the homicide story:

[Castanet] [CBC] [Province]


Update: Police have confirmed Tiffany June Goruk and Jeremy Daniel Snow were the victims.

March of 2009 Jeremy Snow was arrested in Idaho after landing a helicopter loaded with more than 170 pounds of BC bud. Operation Blade Runner began with an arrest of an Alberta man in Salt Lake city with 80 kilos of cocaine. Seven Canadian men and one American were charged in an elaborate scheme where BC bud and ecstasy was being dropped off across the border in exchange for cocaine. Sound familiar?

Kim Bolan is reporting that Sam Brown, the helicopter pilot that committed suicide in a US Prison just prior top Jeremy Snow’s arrest, was caught with a drug shipment that was part of the same gang. Sam’s father seems to think his son was a pawn and took the fall for someone else. Colin Martin bragged about how many drug shipments he did and escaped prosecution.

Jeremy Snow had a nice tattoo of Christ on his chest. Unlike the skulls and deadheads the others have. Both Jeremy and Tiffany had young children from previous relationships. You have to wonder about the integrity of an organization that would use and promote someone like Joey Verma for taking the fall for the murder of Britney Irving. It is sad as in pathetic, a group can brag about killing such a wonderful young woman. Sam Brown was not a bad guy. Neither was Jeremy Snow or Tiffany Goruk. Colin Martin is a dirty rat and the Big Red Machine is deranged.

Turns out Tiffany had Norm Cocks on her Myspace friends.

Even Weird Hal Porteous:

Somehow I don't think she was killed by a rival.

Bullies picket East Vancouver Restaurant

Front page of today’s Vancouver Province is an article about some East Van bullies picketing a restaurant in East Van just because. They are opposed to the gentrification of East Vancouver because they want it to remain a drug dealing sex trade toilet.

Back in the day, people used to protest closing down East Van slum lord mansions because they were rebuilding them and charging more money which made it unaffordable for the previous tenants. Durring Expo many of those concerns had merit. However, times have changed.

Now Vancouver is approving mixed development sites. These are new condos that include social housing and affordable housing. It’s a win win situation. Instead of a vacant building we have new social housing and new affordable housing in a nice new condo. It is great for the homeless. I’s just bad for the drug dealers. The bullies claim that these kinds of projects will clean up the East end and drive their customers out. That is their real concern. If they were genuinely concerned about the homeless, they would be applauding new buildings with social housing units in them.

The people complaining about the mixed development sites are the drug dealers who don’t want to lose business when the neighborhood is cleaned up. Any homeless activist would be thrilled to see the homeless get nice housing instead of a slum lord mansion where drug dealers like Tony Terezakis use extreme violence on the tenants.

Targeting this restaurant is a violation of everyone’s rights. It’s a violation of the owners right to free enterprise. It’s a violation of the customers right to go to a restaurant of their choosing. It’s a violation of the local resident’s rights who are living in fear and want to see the neighborhood cleaned up but are silenced by the extreme violence of these lawless bullies.

In the article it quotes one resident who said “I’m really surprised they are picketing here,” he said. “I’d say 90 per cent of the people who live down here can’t figure out why these idiots down here are protesting. They have this communist rhetoric going on.”

Simon & Garfunkel once said the words of the prophets are written on the subway walls. Well New York might have graffiti proof trains now but East Van doesn’t. This is a picture of some revealing graffiti in Eat Van. It says “I’m scared too, but we’ll make it.” People in East Van are scared. They are being terrorized by bullies. Drug dealers are violent predators that prey on the most vulnerable.

Tony Terezakis filmed himself beating the life out of drug addicts that owed him money. Now we see women being pushed out of windows or brutally raped and beaten into a coma for drug debts. How did those drug debts happen? The first rule of drug dealing is never front someone drugs. So here we have predators that give people drugs for free and then beat the life out of them for payment. Here’s another picture of a prophetic warning in East Van.

It says “You live by the drug, you die by the drug.” I guess that wasn’t written by the drug dealers at Vandu or the bullies picking on the innocent customers of the new restaurant. It was written by someone who lives there. Someone who feels the fear and sees the violence these drug dealing predators bring.

We need to stop catering to the bullies. They are not the 99%. The real problem is that there are no mixed development projects in Surrey. Not at all. No social housing, no affordable housing and next to no rental units. That is a valid concern in Surrey. In East Van we should be applauding mixed development sites and anyone who steps up to make it a better community for everyone.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Hells Angels selling crystal meth in South Carolina

In Columbia, South Carolina five members of the Hells Angels are in court for drug dealing, gun running and robbing drug dealers. They were dealing cocaine and crystal meth. The charges include conspiracy under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act.

Last June 21 Hells Angels and associates were originally arrested part of a two year FBI investigation. Many have already pleaded guilty, including “Diamond Dan” Bifield, vice president of the Rock Hell City Nomads Hells Angels club; and David “Yard Owl” Pryor, president of the Rock Hill Red Devils club.

“The clubhouses where these bikers met and gathered in what was called “church” by them are dingy places that proudly display Confederate flags, Nazi symbols and other symbols of hate. All Hells Angels must be white men. They do not like society’s rules, they and their lawyers say. Apparently, though, they do not like anybody who’s not white to be a part of their rebellion against rules. At the Rock Hill clubhouse of the Red Devils, the underlings of the Hells Angels, the Rebel flag flies, tattered, along with the American flag, also tattered.’

Evidently, the Hells Angels are still bringing crystal meth to the East coast of the United States. Don’t forget Sony Barger’s pal Gregory Domey was convicted of trafficking crystal meth for the Hells Angels in Massachusetts. He was the Salem and East Coast president. Do they sell crystal meth on Sons of Anarchy? I’ve never watched the show.

I guess the FBI didn’t let the Agency in on their investigation. According to Michael Riconosciuto the Agency are the ones cooking the crystal meth in Cali for the Hells Angels to bring out East. Oh, but we’re not allowed to talk about Mike. Much. Keeping unlawful secrets is unlawful.

Bad Treaty in Parliament

Christy Clark is ready to give away millions of tax dollars and thousands of hectares of land to one native village on Vancouver Island as well as forestry rights and the right to self government. I kid you not. Self government means their chiefs become kings and queens and the members of their reservations have absolutely no rights whatsoever.

I know this is a sensitive issue but we really need to start using our brains here. Clearly we have abandoned reason up to now. Currently there are many outstanding land claims. In fact since each village can’t agree on what land was theirs, the outstanding land claims are for all of the land in BC and then some.

For example, at the public hearing on the Surrey Mega Casino, a member of a local First Nations village spoke. She expressed her concern about the proposal and objected to the fact that their village wasn’t getting any money from it. She cited how in other provinces, the provincial government automatically shares a portion of the gaming revenue with the First Nations.

Most importantly, she outlined her village’s land claims and admitted another village has also put a claim on some of the land they claim. In essence there is over 150% of BC up for grabs. Sorry to say, only 100% of BC exists and we need to coexist with all the other residents.

All of us came here from someone else. Including the First Nations community. Yes they were here before the white man so to speak but this isn’t about the white man any more. It’s about equality for every race colour and creed that now lives here. We all have rights and we all must share this land. Chief Seattle said land ownership was a white man’s concept.

I was born in North Vancouver. When I was young, my father took me hiking in Lynn Valley. That doesn’t mean I own Lynn Valley. Just because a small Native village walked somewhere or canoed somewhere, that doesn’t mean they own that land.

I talked about the Idle no More movement and expressed my concern about one group of people setting themselves up as better than another group of people. Especially when they claim they don’t have to work or pay taxes and we have to work to support them. That is wrong.

If you don’t want to pay taxes, then I guess you don’t want to drive on roads, use electricity or the plumbing those taxes paid for. Yes there were injustices in the past. The residential schools were horrible. Judge Ramsey’s sexual abuse of under age aboriginal women was inexcusable. That doesn’t mean we are supposed to throw away the constitution and make one group better than all the others. That is not a free republic.

In Central America, there are plenty of aboriginal people. You don’t see any reservations there. The aboriginals live with the rest of society. They have to work and provide for themselves just like everyone else. Everyone is equal. I don’t like to see anyone get shafted including members of the First Nations community. But let’s face it, to say they own the whole province and then some and we have to rent it from them is wrong. There’s a reason we have the queen of England on our money and not the king of France. There was a war and the French lost. Yet we share this land with the French and everyone else who lives here.

Historically, the British came here to make some money in the fur trade. Fort Langley was built and we did business with the local natives. In fact the local natives in Fort Langley liked doing business with the British. Other tribes would plunder them, kidnap them and take them away as slaves. Doing business with the British protected them from their enemies.

Let’s face it, historically we did business and were friends with some tribes but not all tribes. Some tribes were mean bullies that exploited other tribes. We didn’t have treaties with everyone. We can’t give every native village everything they want because that’s more land than exists.

On top of that, why is Christy Clark giving one village millions of tax dollars? The use of land is one thing, handing over tax dollars is another. For the record, self government is insane. That means the chiefs become rich kings and queens and the members of the reservations have no rights at all. It also means they can legalize crack and have their own crack houses on the reservations for people to come to and our laws can’t stop them.

Self government sounds like a good thing but it’s not. It sounds like self determination but its not. Those words have legal meaning and the inherent right to self government means their chiefs become kings and queens and the charter of rights has no jurisdiction to protect the rights of the members of the reservation. This is just Christy Clark spending more money she doesn’t have to try and get reelected just like Gordon Campbell’s BC Hydro rebates only MUCH worse.

The inherent right to self government means that a tribe could say, historically we used to raid that other tribe and make them slaves so we are going to retain our historical right to keep slaves and your laws that ban slavery have no jurisdiction now. Great thinking Christy. Not.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Garbage Incinerator in South Surrey

There’s a lot of talk and a lot of controversy over waste to energy incinerators these days. Burnaby already has one. Vancouver just turned one down and Godzilla is talking about bring one to Surrey. Kinda like Gordon Campbell’s gold plated pension he originally campaigned against. Oh it’ll never happen. Much.

Turns out there’s plans to build a giant incinerator by Aquilini “Renewable Energy" in the Campbell Heights Industrial park. We remember Campbell Heights. That’s the epicenter of money laundering for the dirty developers that contributed to the BC Liberals.

Flipping agricultural land into industrial so some insider campaign contributors can make a quick buck is one thing, but building a garbage incinerator on agricultural land is another. I’m sure the neighbors are thrilled. Just another lie and broken promise from the mighty Godzilla. Go Godzilla.

Kinda fitting they’ll have smoke stacks from a giant incinerator behind the giant statue of Gordon Campbell at the industrial play park. Kinda like having a giant shredder in the BC Rail investigation. We’ll pollute Surrey First, next the World. Surrey Shirts should do that one next.

When I fist hear about the idea I think wow can they really do that? Turn garbage into energy? Then I find out they’re just talking about an incinerator that burns the garbage and generates some electricity on the side. Like burning toxic garbage doesn’t have any real concerns.

I like the back country for two reasons. Seeing mountains as far as the eye can see and seeing clean air. Looking at the city from the mountains used to be nice. Now you can’t get a photo of the city at any time of the day without seeing several factories billowing smoke out into the air. The Fraser Valley, surrounded by mountains has become a grey haze of air pollution.

Everyone wants jobs and wants us to prosper and make money. Yet there is good business, bad business and a whole lot of gray areas in between. With news of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch where the ocean currents are collecting plastic garbage into huge islands that decimate wildlife, people are becoming more aware of their environmental foot print so to speak.

The Green Party is an example of an increase in public concern about the environment. In response politics becomes very polarized. We have some people prioritize protecting the environment while others, like Stephen Harper are consciously going in the exact opposite direction in open defiance of those concerns.

Reducing landfills is good but creating more air pollution anywhere, especially in the Fraser Valley is not. CO2 emissions is a huge concern. Getting rich killing the planet is very counter productive. We can’t take that money with us to the grave. Words like sustainability aren’t just for granola freaks, they are for every responsible citizen now.

Incinerators create air pollution. They say it’s OK because the Burnaby plant is within acceptable limits. Yeah, who’s limits? It burns toxic garbage and gives off pollution. Who said how much pollution is acceptable and how much is not? Air quality in the Fraser valley is a very real concern.

Environmentalists are celebrating a “victory” in the cancellation of a proposed incinerator in Vancouver. So once again they want to bring another failed Vancouver project to Surrey. However, the celebrations are premature. The company expressed a concern about the government making a decision that protects the environment because it is a violation of NAFTA chapter 11. They’re quite right.

These insane clauses in these ridiculous trade agreements have nothing to do with free trade. Companies who plan to pollute the environment sue the government for preventing them and get millions of dollars in compensation from a NAFTA tribunal. That compensation is in tax dollars. Which is not very fiscally responsible.

We need to trash these insane trade agreements that have nothing to do with free trade and stop awarding compensation of tax dollars to companies who want to pollute the environment. Removing our democratic rights is never a good thing. Neither is polluting the air we breathe.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Mount Baker from Hollyburn Ridge

Well we survived another calamity with the asteroid fly by. The sun was out so I snowshoed up Hollyburn ridge today on Cypress. Monday it was raining with zero visibility and the parking lot was packed. Today was much better. The first picture is actually Mount Baker from Hollyburn. You can see Golden Ears bridge over the Fraser river. The picture below the header on my web site is also of Mount Baker. Climbing up the glacier as the sun rises after camping out on Hog’s back.

Today on Cypress it was sunny and had snowed earlier so the snow on the trees was melting so fast it was like rain in the forest. Fine when you got into the clearing.

This one is a panorama of the Lions from Hollyburn Ridge.

A helicopter flew over.

There was a little inversion starting today. You can see a clump of low clouds half way out the ocean between Vancouver and Vancouver Island. The mountains peaking out of the top of the clouds is Vancouver Island.

This is the start to the Hollyburn ridge trail. That snow pack will last well into spring.

Meteor explodes over Russia

A meteor streaked across the sky and exploded over Russia this morning, sending fireballs crashing to earth. Buildings were damaged and more than 500 people injured but no fatalities have been reported.

The meteor hit hours before an asteroid capable of destroying London was due to fly close by the Earth, coming closer than many satellites. The European Space Agency, in a post on its Twitter account, said its experts had determined there was no connection between the Russian event and the asteroid.

Scientists say that there is no chance of the 150ft (45.7m) space rock hitting the planet. But there is a remote possibility that it could collide with one of more than 100 telecommunication and weather satellites in fixed orbits above the Earth.

The asteroid, 2012 DA14, has been closely tracked since its discovery a year ago. It is predicted to reach its nearest point to the Earth at about 7.30pm UK time this evening.

As for 2012 DA14, this could be its last close pass. Earth's gravitational field will significantly alter the asteroid's orbit around the sun, reducing its orbital period from 368 to 317 days. This will mean most of its orbit will be inside that of Earth's.

You can watch 2012 DA14 live online. NASA will also be providing live commentary starting at about 2 p.m. ET. I think that's 11:00 AM Pacific Standard Time for us West coasters.

Ottawa Mountie in court for child abuse

Ottawa police arrested the 41-year-old officer and a 34-year-old woman on Tuesday after an investigation at the officer's home. Police sources told CBC News a child was chained in the basement, and said what officers found was "the worst case of abuse police have seen."

Both face three counts each of aggravated assault, two counts of assault with a weapon, one count of forcible confinement and one count of failing to provide the necessaries of life. The man also faces one count of sexual assault and an additional count of assault with a weapon.

The names of the accused have not been released to protect the identity of the victims, police said. There is also a court-ordered publication ban on the names of the accused and victims. The RCMP said the officer has been on leave since May 2011, but the reason for that is under a court-ordered publication ban. Police sources also told CBC News the man worked for the force's counter-terrorism unit. The officer was suspended with pay Wednesday, RCMP said.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Human rights report accuses RCMP of rape

CBC is reporting that New York-based Human Rights Watch released a report today at a press conference in Ottawa claiming that police abuse of aboriginal women in BC included threats, torture and sexual assault. The report calls on the federal government to launch a national inquiry. First of all, a public inquiry isn’t what Wally Opal just did in the Missing women inquiry. He shut the inquiry down as soon as the Hells Angels were mentioned and banned key evidence from being admitted.

Two researchers - one from Canada and one from the U.S. - spent five weeks last summer in the province’s north, visiting 10 communities between Prince George to Prince Rupert and hearing accounts from aboriginal women of alleged mistreatment at the hands of police.

The report suggests some of the accounts of harm done to women and girls appear to be the result of poor policing tactics, over aggressive policing and insensitivity to victims. It documented eight incidents of police physically assaulting or using "questionable" force against girls under 18.

I did see a youtube video of an aboriginal girl in BC who was arrested and sitting in the back of a patrol car. She was freaking out. Perhaps she was innocent and panicking what would happen if she was taken away by the police. Perhaps she was a spoilt brat throwing a temper tantrum. I don’t know why she was arrested.

All I saw is her kicking the window in the back of the car. The officer said if you don’t stop that, you will regret it. She kept it up, so he opened the door and punched her in the head. Yes it was shocking. Normally when a kid throws a temper tantrum you let them kick and scream until they tire themselves out. Punching a young girl in the head was shocking.

The report also contains troubling and graphic allegations of physical and sexual abuse, including from a woman, identified as homeless, who describes how police took her outside of town and raped her. Rhoad said the woman told her the officers then, "threatened that if I told anybody they would take me out to the mountains and kill me and make it look like an accident."

In the missing woman inquiry, sex trade workers claimed police officers blackmailed them into having sex. They claimed the police officers said if they didn’t have sex with them, they would arrest them for solicitation. Guess where those allegations went? Right under Wally Opal’s carpet of denial.

There is no excuse or rationalization for rape. If that happened, that was inexcusable. We know that it did happen in Prince George with Judge Ramsay. He was convicted of sexually abusing under age aboriginal women. No doubt there was a huge amount of rage and denial before that conviction was obtained.

I do remember there were allegations at the time of police officers helping to cover up Judge Ramsay’s crimes as well as allegations of some officers being involved in some of those crimes. I also remember a RCMP officer suing the RCMP for investigating him for abuse. I kid you not. Surely if the allegation was made he’d want to be investigated and exonerated. I believe it was during a custody battle with his ex wife and it seriously affected his case in that proceeding.

Stephen Harper is a heartless antichrist. His response is just do it. File charges. Kinda like Catherine Galliford and all the women in the RCMP who have filed a sexual harassment complaint on court? Harper’s response was to deny everything, slander the victims and blame them.

The RCMP want to investigate the allegations. They want to know who the victims are. Kinda like in the Jim Brown case? Grant Wakefield was a whistleblower of a deranged Coquitlam RCMP officer who was posting BDSM pictures online trying to recruit some new BDSM partners. The police’s response? Search Grant’s house and seize his computer hard drive and flash drives to help Jim the freak Brown sue Grant and Cameron Ward for defamation. That whole circus side show is a farce. Jim Brown posted the pictures. Saying he did was true.

"Human Rights Watch was struck by the level of fear on the part of women they met to talk about sexual abuse inflicted by police officers." No wonder.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Surrey Girls

Turns out the new Surrey Girls chapter of the Hells Angels consists of little whiterock Ryan and the chipmunks. All the little girls that Whiterock chapter didn’t want. This is a picture of little ryan, Shane Bunting and Weird Hal Porteous. I guess now that Larry amero and little whiterock Ryan have been kicked out of the whiterock chapter he has to call himself little surrey girl Ryan now.

Larry Amero was the one ultimately behind the Surrey six murder. He supported Jonathon Bacon back then and lied about it. Larry Amereo is a lying backstabbing drug dealer. He’s a clone of David Giles who only cares about the money. These guys even have the audacity to use the word honour when they betray a brother. They have no honour. They are the exact opposite everything the real west point stand for. Just a bunch of surrey girls no one likes or respects.

Heartless? Shooting Chris Mohan and Ed Schellenberg was heartless. Shooting Nikki Alemy dead with her son in the car was heartless. Brutally raping a homeless woman in Whalley and putting her in a coma for a drug debt was heartless. You're the one who are heartless.