Sunday, March 10, 2013

JJ Truscott is out of his mind

Justice John Truscott has lost his marbles. Perhaps we should put an add in the paper for him. This case is yet another example of what a joke the injustice system in BC has become. Only it’s not funny. John Truscott just acquitted a Surrey trucker who was caught smuggling 114 kilos of cocaine across the boarder in his truck.

The Vancouver Province is reporting that: “On July 19, 2009, Amritpal Singh Narwal was stopped at the Huntingdon (Sumas) border crossing driving a 2003 Kenworth tractor and pulling an apparently empty 1996 commercial trailer. When a border officer inspected the trailer, he observed that washers holding screws to a metal plate on the back of a refrigeration unit appeared scratched, as if the plate had been removed and replaced repeatedly.

Using a screwdriver, he removed one or two screws, peered behind the plate and pulled out two kilograms of cocaine. When the plate was completely removed, it was discovered that the interior of the refrigeration unit had been hollowed out and filled with 144 kilograms of cocaine. At the trial Narwal claimed that he had no knowledge the cocaine was in the trailer and no reason to suspect it was there.

B.C. Supreme Court Justice John Truscott concluded "that whoever loaded the cocaine did it without the accused's knowledge and involvement, so that the accused would not appear nervous at the border or disappear with the cocaine." Come on, that is ridiculous. The border officer noticed that “the washers holding screws to a metal plate on the back of a refrigeration unit appeared scratched, as if the plate had been removed and replaced repeatedly.” Replaced repeatedly. As in it has been done many times before.

“Someone” Hollowed out the refrigeration unit without his knowledge. That’s pretty hard for a driver not to notice. 144 kilos of cocaine takes up a fair amount of space. It’s highly likely that by hollowing out the refer unit, the refrigeration stopped working. That’s kind of hard for a trucker not to notice. On top of that he produced a false delivery bill to cover up the fact that he drove all the way to LA to pick up the cocaine.

This judge is an idiot. This is even worse than the Glen Hehn case where he was caught red handed loading 52 kilos of cocaine from his storage locker onto a truck. He told the judge that he didn’t know what was in the boxes and was helping an associate move. Yeah, what did the associate say was in the boxes? An associate isn’t going to move that much cocaine without the Hells Angels permission.

At least in the Glen Hehn case someone else took the fall and said they did it. In this case no one took the fall and the judge let the guy walk away free. That is crazy. Not much of a deterrent there. This brings us to the misconception that the public are not allowed to criticize judges. The public’s not learned in the law so they can’t understand the law like the judge can. Bullsh*t. We pay their salaries. We elect the governments that make and change the law. The public has a right and a duty to criticize bad decisions that mock justice.

Check out JJ’s rap sheet: Police received a call about someone tied up on a person’s property. The police responded to the call and found a grow op on site. JJ threw out the evidence because he said the call claiming someone was tied up inside was bizarre and contained little rational information suggesting someone was in danger. He said “In my view, when the two constables went to the address and spoke to the accused at the front gate and were told that there was no one tied up at that residence, they should have accepted that and left,”

JJ must be on crack. Do you really think if they had someone tied up inside that they would tell the police about it? Do you really think if the police went to a crack house in Prince George and said Hey, do you have anyone chained up in your basement that you’re torturing? No? OK, thanks. That’s good enough for us. That would be irresponsible and negligent.

Yes warrantless searches are a concern. Yet dismissing a 911 call claiming someone is tied up inside being held captive because it sounds crazy is absurd. Stranger things happen every day.

In fact, this egomaniac even overruled a city bylaw to allow an addiction treatment centre in effect banning the treatment centre. Supreme Court Justice John Truscott found the bylaw was inconsistent with the city's official community plan (OCP) and therefore contrary to the Local Government Act.

"In my view, in order to authorize this recovery facility on this site, city council will be required to amend the OCP," Truscott wrote in a reasons for judgment. Council adopted the bylaw in December 2011 to allow the creation of a 30-bed Northern Supportive Recovery Centre for Women at the now-closed school. JJ shut it down. He was way out of his jurisdiction.

In fact, JJ even acquitted a man for assaulting a peace officer even though a witness saw him and he was convicted. Instead of ordering a retrial, which there was no basis for, he acquitted the man and set him free. JJ said the witness who testified to seeing the suspect wrestling with the police officer, was 40 or 50 meters away and wore a hearing aid. He saw the suspect wrestling with the police officer which supported the police officer’s testimony. He didn’t have to hear anything. He saw it. Wearing a hearing aid isn’t relevant.

JJ said the key issue in acquitting the man after another judge found him guilty was because the previous judge said he had no great confidence in Mr. Briscoe’s version rather than stating that he had no confidence in the accused’s version of events since it contradicted the police officer’s version and another independent witness. “To say that he had no great confidence is to suggest that he still had some confidence” which means there was reasonable doubt. He was being nice. He had no confidence in the accused’s version because it contradicted the evidence. Idiot!

This is a pattern of insanity. John Truscott needs a psychiatric evaluation before he returns to the bench. He is clearly a danger to society in that position.

Skytrain to Langley is not fiscally responsible

This mayor’s council is the perfect example of everything that’s wrong with politics in North America. The right has become consumed with pork barrel politics. Politicians make all these ridiculous promises they can’t afford, then go into debt trying to buy the voters that elected them. Instead of people electing someone with the mindset what will they spend on us, we should be electing candidates who stop the insanity of pork barrel politics and start acting fiscally responsible.

The right always screams the left will tax and spend but they are doing the exact same thing they accuse the left of. Only they’re worse because instead of spending it on the elderly and the homeless they are spending it on themselves and the dirty developers that elected them.

One minute this wasteful mayors’ council screams poverty asking for a regional sales tax so they have a budget to spend giving them a reason to exist. They rationalize it by claiming Translink is over budget and needs money. They try to sell it by claiming we need to get rid of transit police to help Skytrain balance their budget. Then at the exact same time they say we need to spend another $2.22 billion we don’t have to extend skytrain to Langley. That is insane.

Langley doesn’t need skytrain. Skytrain and subways are for urban areas not rural areas. A stop and go skytrain with no express routes would be a painful experience not to mention insanely costly. What we do need is a bus route from Walnut Grove to Vancouver. That is what we do need. What we need is for the bus route from Walnut Grove to Vancouver to stop at Guildford on it’s way over the Port Mann Bridge to Vancouver. That is what we do need. Instead they tell us they refuse to supply that demand and force everyone to take the ridiculous bus and stop and go skytrain journey into Vancouver which is simply painful.

The Fraser Institute is not conservative. Their obsession with promoting the BC Liberals despite scandal after scandal is astounding. The BC Liberals are the most corrupt political organization in Canadian history. The recent Surrey high jacking is another example of how nothing has changed and that Christy Clark is the least of their problems. Godzilla is just an extension of those problems.

They are still using the fear mongering in the media to promote their self serving corruption. Look at the polls they say. If we don’t do something Adrian Dix and the NDP will get elected. So they keep poring on the propaganda trying to sell us some swamp land in Florida promoting the BC Liberals when the voters already know better. It’s not a matter of the BC Liberals or the NDP. There are other choices. There is a reason they aren’t endorsing John Cummings and the BC Conservatives. It’s because John Cummins is a conservative and they are not. They support tax and spend pork barrel politics and John Cummins doesn’t. That is why they don’t endorse him they keep endorsing Gordon Campbell rejects instead.

What we are seeing isn’t a drive to promote business and a strong economy. We are seeing political corruption that uses fiscal irresponsibility to brainwash voters through tax paid advertizing trying to sell them a bad deal. A strong economy is good. Yet bad business does not support a strong economy. Bad business is what Catherine Austin Fitts describes as the tapeworm economy that feeds off taxpayers like a parasite.

I’m glad the politically corrupt BC Liberals have stopped trying to infect the BC Conservatives. We just need to remember that there are more than two choices this election and voting for the greater evil because we are afraid of the NDP is not responsible. The vice president of the Surrey Tynehead Liberals just resigned because of yet another scandal tied to Surrey First and the Blue Oyster Cult. He said that BC Liberals are fed up with scandal after scandal and admits that the current BC Liberals are worse than any NDP government we’ve ever had. Many are starting to believe that a NDP government couldn't be any worse and they are absolutely right. Yet there is so much good that we can do when we stop believing the fiscally irresponsible propaganda and start using our brain and thinking for ourselves.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Sex trade worker beaten, tied up and dragged by a van

Catching up with stories from the week, this one is disturbing. March 4th a Vancouver sex trade worker was beaten, tied up and dragged by a van. She’s from, where else, East Vancouver. Robert Pickton’s old stopping ground. She was driven to a secluded area where she was beaten and tied up. She managed to partially free herself and fearing for her life, jumped from the moving van. If she hadn’t it’s quite possible she would have been another missing woman from the DTES.

The suspect is described as a white man with a tanned complexion, balding with a moustache or goatee. He may have had an Australian accent. His van was described as a white panel van with roof racks. My question is, was this a John, a Pimp or a drug dealer? Back in the day, Vancouver prostitutes used to have enforcers that would beat up Johns that mistreated the women. That all changed when the Hells Angels took over the industry. After they took it over they all started to go missing at biker parties on the Pickton farm.

Update: Police have released a composite sketch of the suspect in the East Vancouver kidnapping and assault. They also have a video clip of the van he was driving.

The police also released a composite drawing of two men who are suspects in another sex trade worker assault in Surrey that occurred October 18th. The assault happened between 4 and 6 p.m., when a sex trade worker was picked up by two men in the area of King George Boulevard and 105th Avenue. She was driven to a secluded area in the 12800-block of Colebrook Road and sexually and physically assaulted. Waheed Faiyaz has been charged in yet another case.

Janice Shore's funeral was yesterday. This is a different case. The level of violence in that case was very disturbing. People say if she was murdered for a drug debt it couldn't have been a large debt because she was a user not a dealer. She was kind and soft spoken. The kind of mark these drug dealing predators target.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Former Mountie is being censored

CBC is reporting that: "A veteran RCMP officer who was scheduled to testify before a House of Commons committee investigating harassment within the force says she's being censored and excluded after submitting her speaking notes.

Krista Carle said Friday she was shocked when Conservative members of the House of Commons standing committee on the status of women cancelled her appearance yesterday on Parliament Hill, shortly after she submitted her speaking notes to the committee 36 hours before hand, as required." What a disrespectful way to celebrate international woman's day. With more censorship and denial.

"Yesterday, only one former Mountie, who is not currently involved in any litigation against the RCMP, got to tell the committee about her years of working under a male boss at the RCMP."

North Korea is off the hook

Lots of gang news breaking but I think it’s important to remember how outrageous North Korea is being and how that directly relates to public safety. All this talk about Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq that they never had while North Korea is defiantly launching missiles testing and displaying it’s nuclear capabilities. That is outrageous; sanctions are urgent.

North Korea claims it will cancel the 1953 cease-fire that ended the Korean War. Any country that conducts nuclear tests to scare the world should be immediately placed under sanctions. Stop doing business with them and the countries that support their military arsenal. When North Korea threatens to return to the Korean War where a Communist dictatorship tries to invade and oppress a sovereign nation, then that’s time to enlist for military service to stop them. It’s that simple.

What we need to do is revoke this insane deal giving Communist China, who backed North Korea and North Vietnam in those wars ownership of Canada’ oil rights. We are funding their military expansion. North Korea cancels non-aggression pact with South Korea, Canada cancels China’s ownership of their oil. It’s that simple. North Korea has threatened to strike the U.S. with nuclear missiles. We cannot support that and must oppose it. All the refuse the cruise and anti nuclear weapons demonstrations are in vain if we don’t. Canada selling China nuclear reactors contributes to this international threat. Where do you think North Korea gets it from? This problem is our fault.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Public denied entrance to Surrey Six trial: Update

The public were banned from the Surrey Six trial today. I need to find out more details as to why. A publication ban does not mean the public or the press are not allowed. It means they are not allowed to publish any evidence the jury was not present to hear. After the publication ban is lifted they may. If they aren’t allowed to be present they won’t have anything to report when the ban is lifted.

Sometimes portions of a trial can be in camera or in secret so to speak, when national security in at risk or when one client asserts privilege such as attorney–client privileged communications. We know this applies to Jamie Bacons’ case but that is separate from the other trial so it should not apply today in this trial.

Today: “The court door entrance was covered in newspaper so no-one could see in, the door was locked and it said 'do not enter there is a publication and disclosure ban in effect' or words to that effect.” It didn’t say in camera. A publication ban has nothing to do with denying the public or the press entrance. We know there is a publication ban regarding any evidence that might have anything to do with the RCMP case where an IHIT officer had an affair with DK’s former girlfriend. Please don’t tell me this is another cover up.


Today, March 7th, the trial was in camera again. I’m told the trial will be public but was private yesterday due to “sensitive” audio. There is a huge confusion as to when the case will be public. You just get the colossal run around when you ask why it went in camera. The court will put you through to the Crown, the Crown refuses to answer the question and puts you through to the media representative who has his answering machine on. This is sadly shocking. This latest act of treason is brought to you by Madam Injustice Catherine A. Wedge who is clearly sitting on the wrong side of the bench. An interim publication ban does not ban the media or public. Welcome to Canada’s new Iron Curtain.


Today, March 8 2013, the Surrey Six hearing in courtroom 209 at the New Westminster courthouse was under publication ban but was open to the public. Wednesday and Thursday they were in camera meaning the public were not allowed in. Still no reason given why it was in camera.

I am told there was a protester outside the courthouse this morning objecting to Judge Wedge’s decision to hold the hearing in camera. The Clifford Olsen trial and the Robert Pickton trial were high profile cases that had publication bans but the public were still allowed to attend. We are going to have to stay viligant and keep an eye on them to see if they go back in camera. If you show up at court and are denied entry, please let me know. Cheers.

Monday, March 4, 2013

State of the Union

Charles Dickens once said, it was the best of times, it was the worst of times… it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair. Organized crime is getting out of hand. A few years ago, Steve Brown referred to the gang violence as an insurgency. Yet many of us are likely unphased by a gang war. Drug dealers murdering drug dealers. Many will say good riddance. Yet for me the concerns permeate our very existence. It has become a culture of violence. A culture of cruelty and brutality. We are losing touch with humanity and becoming consumed with greed. Tragic really.

We have known that the Hells Angels have murdered a lot of people in Quebec over the years in their biker war which was a war for the profits of the drug trade. A refusal to share those profits. An obsession with greed and a monopoly on the drug trade. Seeing that obsession thrive in Vancouver diminishes all of us.

I’ll admit I didn’t lose any sleep over the news of Jonathon Bacon’s death. He and Larry Amero have been responsible for many murders. In Quebec the Hells Angels had a fund they would channel a portion of their drug profits into to pay for the murders of rival drug dealers. Larry Amero’s friend being recently charged in a Toronto murder is but one example. The murder of the leader of the Bo Gars in Montreal because he refused Greg Wooley’s offer to work for the Hells Angels is another.

Now we have two cases before us that have created a public outcry. First is the Surrey Six. The Bacon brothers have been charged with murder in a plot to take over the leadership of the Red Scorpions and make them work for the Hells Angels. It is clear that Larry Amero and the Hells Angels supported them. Murdering two innocent bystanders crossed the line and created a public outcry that continues despite the perpetual violence.

The other case was two members of the Hells Angels and one member of the Throttle Lockers beating Dain Philips to death with baseball bats and hammers. That is the epitome of barbarianism. It has shown how completely out of control the Hells Angels have become. Sure, many have turned their back on them and offered a rewards for beating them up in prison, yet Dain Philips wasn’t the only one. Britney Irving and Geoff Meisner are two others. There have been many more.

Joey Verma getting a VP tattoo for the Kingpin Crew after murdering Britney is once again the epitome of barbarianism. Arrogance that has lost touch with reality. Murdering a wonderful young woman is nothing to brag about. These animals are so confused they can’t even see that. That’s another case coming to trial this year.

Clearly the Hells Angels have no right to use the word rat ever again unless they are referring to themselves. Johnny Newcome’s stolen car ring was low life. Now he’s back in business and nothing has changed. They just don’t get it. They have no concept of what L & R means at all. Clearly it’s because they don’t even respect themselves. Their deranged actions are proof of that.

Skeletor’s first stolen motorcycle shows us how he got his start. By benefitting from the betrayal of the brothers he pledged to support. We know the Hobo clown only worships money and he himself declared his friendship is for sale. The Devil’s Butler has shown us Ricky Ciarniello’s real history. Janice Shore and Bob Roth’s murders have also diminished us.

Clearly these are the worst of times. It is the winter of despair. Yet because we can see through their lies and their plastic inhumane world, these are the best of time. It is the spring of hope because we are free. We are free to act. Free to choose. Without being blinded by their lies any more. Live your life without the brutality and violence. Good riddance to the violence.

Dain Philips murder trial and the Surrey Six under way

A blog reader pointed out that Robert Thomas as well as Bob and Norman Cocks were in court today to set a date for Dain Philips' murder trial. That is an important case to follow. Ironically enough the Surrey Six trial was on today as well.

The Surrey Six murder trial has been split in two. Jamie Bacon will be tried separately because his lawyer raised concerns about solicitor client privilege about prison wiretaps. To my knowledge, there’s just a publication ban on evidence that involved the RCMP case where officers have been charged for covering up the affair one of the members had with a witness.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Larry Amero associate charged with murder in Toronto

Kim Bolan is reporting that a former B.C. man wanted for murder in a Toronto hit has been arrested in Greece. Rabih (Robby) Alkhalil grew up in Surrey and has been charged with the murder of Johnnie Raposo last April outside a cafe in Toronto’s Little Italy. Dean Wiwchar was arrested for his involvement in that murder last June. Nicola Nero and Martino Caputo were also recently arrested for that same murder.

Turns out that Alkhalil is also charged along with Larry Amero with cocaine trafficking in Montreal. Larry Amero and Jonathon Bacon attended one of the Alkhalil brothers wedding in Ottawa before Jonathon was shot dead in Kelowna. So why is Larry Amero’s associate charged in the murder of Johnnie Raposo? Things that make ya go hmmmm.

BC Liberals: Rats fighting over a sinking ship

Well this is rather bizarre. “Surrey Liberals” call for Christy Clark’s resignation. What a bunch of self serving ego maniacs. Kicking the cat by blaming their indiscretions on Christy Clark. That is a joke. Remember Gordon Campbell? Remember the HST? Remember the party’s history of arrogantly steam rolling over voters? Christy Clark was their best chance at helping voters forget about their past. We can see nothing has changed.

This new declaration is right after the Liberals lost riding presidents in Surrey-Whalley, Surrey-Fleetwood, and Surrey-Green Timbers. Three of the four ridings in Surrey. So just who are these new representatives calling for Christy Clark’s resignation?

James Plett was the Vice President of the Surrey Tynehead riding association until he took to Twitter to say he is tired of all the scandals and quit. On twitter he wrote: 'Sick of "Today's @bcliberals" corruption + scandal after scandal. Worse than the BC NDP of yesteryear. I quit effective now #bcpoli'

CKNW is reporting that Plett says the party is riding roughshod over the associations and just putting candidates into place with no nomination race or voting. "I have been a dyed in the wool believer and I think myself and a lot of people are just being shuffled off and are just being told to take a hike and its actually very disappointing it is not a good turn and at this point myself and a lot of BC Liberals...former BC Liberal supporters are asking themselves if an NDP government would be that much worse."

He wasn’t referring to Christy Clark. He was referring to these new yahoos that high jacked their way into the Surrey candidacy. Which brings us to Marvin Hunt and the Blue Oyster Cult. Marvin Hunt just announced his candidacy for the BC Liberals. He was part of Godzilla’s Campbell Heights scandal where dirty developers who donated to the BC Liberals got a sweetheart deal on some land at the Campbell Heights Industrial play park and flipped it at a huge profit after Surrey First rezoned it for them. It’s all very conflicted. I guess that’s what James Plett means by scandal after scandal.

Why now we hear the Langley Mayor has just decided to run for the BC Liberals. Why he’s part of that Metro Vancouver Mayor’s council. That’s another scandal all on it’s own. Wasting tax dollars to promote their own political careers. Shameful.

Get this, Fassbender is running, you guessed it, in Surrey. He's one of the yahoo's causing the trouble that's causing people to resign. He's a fast bender alright. Oh and a Langley RCMP inspector is also running in Surrey: Surrey Tynehead! What a bunch of corrupt self serving idiots. All I can say is I’m glad these idiots are fighting over the sinking ship and have stopped coming over to pollute the BC Conservatives.