Thursday, April 25, 2013

Prince George Lockdown

The Vancouver Province is reporting that a Boston-style police lockdown closed a Prince George neighbourhood yesterday, trapping residents inside their homes while RCMP pursued a suspect considered "armed and dangerous." Police said it was done for public safety reasons.

“Several residences were evacuated, the area was blocked off and residents were prevented from returning to their properties. Those already inside were asked to stay there. Deanna Holman, trapped inside the cordoned-off area, had a bird's-eye view from the house she was visiting. She saw camouflaged officers in ‘battle gear’ and green-painted faces lying hidden under trees. ‘Police were all over the place,’ she said.”

That is insane. Prince George is a pretty small town. Overkill is an understatement. The suspect faces charges of uttering threats, pointing a firearm and possession of a prohibited weapon, all as a result of an incident on April 3. Lockdown for that? Fatigues and face paint? These guys have completely lost it. They brought in SWAT and or the military three weeks later and all of a sudden it’s an urgent matter of public safety? I think not.

I remember what it was like living in a neigbourhood in West Belfast where the army regularly patrolled. I remember on one occasion a very young girl was outside her home in the early evening talking to a few friends. An army patrol saunters by and this little girl wearing bunny slippers walks up to one of the soldiers grabs a hold of his weapon sideways, looks him in the eye and says wash your face. He too was wearing face paint.

Prince George is not West Belfast. The Vancouver Province also reported that civil libertarians said personal rights issues were raised. No kidding. A few months ago I was driving home after picking my daughter up from work late at night. There were abandoned police cars at the intersection beside where I live which looked like they were warning people of black ice so I slowly drove around and proceeded home.

Several police officers ran up to my car in a complete panic slammed on my hood and started ordering me around. I responded by shouting out this is Canada not Russia. We have the Charter of Rights. One guy in particular was in a complete panic. I was furious. I told them I live here. Finally a female officer who had some composure said there is a police incident and asked me to wait around the corner which I did. They arrest the guy and left, then the female officer said I may proceed home.

Turns out it was just two guys who got in an argument and someone mentioned the gun word. We saw the guy getting cuffed. I thought to myself, I know that guy. Let me talk to him. These police officers running around in a complete panic is embarrassing. It’s very unprofessional. The police are supposed to serve and protect. I think many of them forget that. Part of it is pride, power and ego but part of it is just total fear of dealing with a gun call. If that’s the case, somebody needs a career change. Running around like terrified Gestapo ordering people around just isn’t acceptable.

Surrey Shooting

Another shooting in Surrey last night at 7:00 PM. This time in a Whiterock strip mall. For those of you who aren’t local, Whiterock is in Surrey but it is it’s own community near the beach. People in Whiterock jokingly say living in Whiterock means you never have to say you’re from Surrey.

1130 News is reporting that the 28 year old victim was Craig Widdifield and died on the scene next to a white Mercedes SUV. Police say the shooting was gang related. Fighting over the drug profits we enable by handing our free crack pipes and letting dealers sell crack in public. Isn’t it time we consider the source of all these horrible drugs?

Widdifield was well-known to police but not known to the public. That is another ongoing problem.

Update: Kim Bolan is reporting that the police are finally ready to release names of Gang members to protect public safety. We have been waiting for them to do this for a long time. Since Eileen Mohan made the request years ago. Abbotsford PD said they were going to a long time ago but never did. Perhaps finally this time they will. Every time we hear a shooting victim was known to the police but not known to the public it continues to put public safety at risk.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Iran Contra 101

Since Iran contra keeps coming up and since it’s the basis of the Gary Webb story, I think it’ll be helpful if we very briefly clarify just what Iran contra is for everyone who just tuned in. We all remember Oliver North being on trial for something. The official story was that the CIA was selling Iran arms to get them to release the American hostages but that’s not what it was really about.

It was about selling Iran arms to raise money to fund the contra rebels in Nicaragua. That is what it was about. It had nothing to do with freeing hostages. Unfortunately, that’s not all they did to raise money for the contras. The Gary Webb story confirms they traded arms for cocaine and were responsible for the US crack epidemic in the 1980’s. Brian Mulroney was tied to Iran contra through Trans World Armaments in Quebec and Richard Secord.

Al Martin spelled it out in his book The Conspirators how they also used straight up investment fraud to raise money for Ian contra. I confirmed this in a interview with someone back east who told me exactly how Earl Brian embezzled $50 million for the CIA from Nesbitt Thompson’s clients and went to jail for fraud. Ari Ben-Menashe claims he met Brian several times in Iran contra and that Brian accompanied Robert C. “Bud” McFarlane to Tehran in late February 1980.

The sad / funny thing is, in Wikipedia they rewrote the October Surprise. Earl Brian along with George Bush Sr. and William Casey from the CIA met with Iranians in Paris and bribed them to keep the hostages until after the election so Reagan could get elected. Wikipedia now claims they bribed them to release the hostages. That is not what the October Surprise was. They bribed them to keep the hostages until after the election. That is what the October Surprise was.

So Iran contra was a huge arms dealing drug trafficking organization Oliver North and the CIA were in charge of. Funny thing is, after Iran contra, Oliver North becomes a Fox TV news host and is spewing CIA propaganda on the air. This guy was an arms dealing drug trafficker. Now he’s a Fox TV News host giving us everything the CIA want us to know or at least want us to believe. Just like how Anderson Cooper worked two summers as an intern for the CIA is now a journalist for CNN. Big brother is clearly controlling the media we watch. Back in the day that was called propaganda. Operation Mockingbird is alive and well.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Head of CSIS takes over National Defence

Well this is going from bad to worse. Don’t get me wrong. Fonberg was a traitor but at least he didn’t wear ladies underwear. My concern is putting someone from CSIS in charge of National Defence. It’s hard to take CSIS seriously at first. It wasn’t until 2004 that they finally got rid of their buck tooth beaver in a trench coat logo. I kid you not.

However, today’s article in the Vancouver Province is reporting that Deborah Grey will sit as a member of the Security Intelligence Review Committee (SIRC), which oversees CSIS. Well that’s somewhat ironic. We remember that tall tale. Arthur Porter was the chair of that committee.

November 2001 Arthur Porter stepped down as Canada's spy watchdog. April 2013 a warrant was issued for his arrest. April 2012 The Harper government tried to do away with the office that oversees CSIS. A move critics said opens the door to abuses of power by CSIS. The abuse of power, imagine that. They do say power corrupts.

Let’s roll back the reel here. Arthur Porter resigned as Canada's spy watchdog after his financial involvement with a controversial lobbyist named Ari Ben-Menashe based in Montreal came to light.

Ben-Menashe was a former “Israeli government employee”. He was arrested in the United States in 1989 by the FBI and charged with illegally attempting to sell three military transport airplanes to Iran. He went to trial and was acquitted in 1990; a jury believed his account, that he had simply acted on orders from his government in Israel to attempt the aircraft sale. He claimed it was part of Iran contra when the CIA was selling Iran arms not to release hostages but to fund the contra rebels in Nicaragua.

Ben-Menashe wrote a book called Profits of War: Inside the Secret U.S.- Israeli Arms Network. It talks about his involvement in Iran contra. Ben-Menashe is an Iranian-born Israeli businessman who worked for Israeli and US intelligence during Iran contra. Interesting indeed. So here he’s still doing questionable financial transactions with the head of the committee that oversees CSIS who along with SNC-Lavalin senior executives is arrested for fraud. Insert I told ya so here. Let’s not forget that Gwyn Morgan got SNC-Lavalin the contract to build the Evergreen Skytrain line in Vancouver.

So here we have the watchdog of CSIS charged with fraud who was doing business with a professed arms dealer from Iran contra. Does it get any dirtier than that? This is why I keep saying CSIS has a zero security clearance. Everything they know goes directly to the CIA’s drug trafficking network.

So now we’re gonna put someone up to his eyeballs in CIA drug trafficking in charge of National Defence. What’s he gonna do, oversea the military’s involvement with the opium production in Afghanistan? I just have to shake my head and walk away. These are the people that want to be able to spy on citizens without a warrant and arrest people without a charge. Buyer Beware. Military Intelligence has sure changed since a Man called Intreprid.

Monday, April 22, 2013

False Flag comes to Canada

Sorry but this latest news report is absolutely ridiculous. MSN news is reporting “Canadian police say they have arrested two men and thwarted a plot to carry out a major terrorist attack on a Via passenger train in the Greater Toronto Area.” Bullsh*t. It’s like a bunch of kids who start telling a lie then get more and more absurd to try and get people to believe their lie.

This Canadian false flag arrest comes just as Parliament debates a bill that gives police the right to arrest people without a charge. Another Violation of the Charter of Rights I mentioned in my Ebook.

The investigation was part of a cross-border operation involving Canadian law enforcement agencies, (including CSIS) the FBI and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. There ya go. US bullsh*t crossing the border. Operation Northwoods was real. We need to discuss that. The Joint Chiefs of Staff who approved Operation Northwoods went to Europe and implemented the same plan in Operation Gladio. They didn’t just talk about it, they actually did it.

Today’s’ case reminds us of the Toronto 18. No kidding. That was another ridiculous scam of entrapment. At least Canada hasn’t killed innocent civilians yet. They just make up these ridiculous stories the US Homeland security feed them under the watchful eye of the CIA. Who as we know have a long history of drug trafficking.

Vic Toews is the one that said if we don’t support his crime bill we support pedophiles. Then when the media pointed out his crime bill gave the police the authority to put people under surveillance who have not been accused of committing a crime he said he was surprised to find that out. Exactly. He didn’t even read the bill. This is why we need to examine 9/11. If we let them get away with that, there’s no end to the insanity they will keep pulling.

The RCMP send out a press release and the media run with it. What about Richard Barszczewski? He was that high ranking RCMP officer that pulled the plug on pressing charges against the Hells Angels when 2 and 1/2 tons of cocaine were seized in the Western Wind. Julian Sher reported “It would have been a success if not for Richard Barszczewski, says one Canadian police officer, noting it was Barszczewski who pulled the plug not once but twice on the operation.”

Oh yeah, he’s in Whiterock and won the lottery. Says he wants a summer cottage in Halifax with his buddies. Come to think of it, David Giles was the one implicated in that cocaine shipment. He’s from Halifax. Skelletor was in court today to fix a date part of E-Predicate. The Hobo clown still hasn't made bail.

Richard Barszczewski was named in yet another RCMP sexual harassment case. Money talks and the bullsh*t never stops. What about Michael Riconosciuto? Keeping an unlawful secret is unlawful. A Noble Lie The Oklahoma City Bombing

Bo Grits Oklahoma City Bombing

Sadly, Justine Trudeau’s Liberals are actually supporting the bill in defiance of his father’s charter. The NDP are the only ones expressing a concern about the timing of the bill. They still might support it but they are expressing a concern about the timing. Why is it that the socialists in Canada are the only ones concerned about human rights and protecting the charter when the capitalists are not? I guess that’s another misconception. Thomas Mulcair one, Justin Trudeau zero. Stephen Harper – go directly to jail.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Misconceptions: A Free Ebook by Gangsters Out

Several people have asked me about writing a book. I’ve been hesitant because I never indented to make money off this web site or blog. It is strictly volunteer because it is a cause I sincerely believe in. Yet making a free ebook would solve that problem so here it is.

It’s not a novel. It’s more like a booklet or a paper but it is longer than a blog post and it is completely free. To appease the masses it starts off about the Hells Angels. Yet it does get into political corruption and corruption on Wall Street. It even mentions 9/11 so if you have any fears or paranoia about conspiracy theories please don’t read it. It’ll make you go blind. Either that or it will open your eyes for once.

Here's the link. You can download it for free. It’s in pdf so I think every system can read it including my daughters tablet. It’s not much but it’s something that matters to me if no one else. Cheers.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Vandu feeds the gang war by drug promotion

The other day the Vancouver Province reported that Vandu, the Vancouver Drug Users Association, was receiving special treatment from City Hall and skipped the requirement to get a building permit. Let me be clear. Vandu has absolutely nothing do do with harm reduction. Their mandate is to promote drug abuse and feed the gang war by creating more addicts.

There is no way they should be exempt from building codes and there is no way they should be getting tax dollars to operate. In February the Vancouver Courier reported that VANDU gets $250,000 from the province and $20,000 from the city hall. The Vancouver Province reported that the month after the Vancouver Courier article Vancouver City Hall gave Vandu another $10,000 to make that $30,000 for the year. Tax dollars.

So once again we see elected officials spending tax dollars on the promotion of drug addiction and the abandonment of the four pillars program. That is the problem. We can talk about the gang war all we want. We can talk about helping stop the violence in the gang wear all we want. As long as we are spending tax dollars on the promotion of drug addiction in the name of harm reduction all those conversations are in vain because we are supporting the gang war with tax dollars.

Harm reduction has failed and it has absolutely nothing to do with the promotion of heath. It does the opposite. It uses tax dollars to help people poison themselves and commit suicide. Harm reduction didn’t save Ashley Machiskinic. Buying addicts free drugs with tax dollars is not the answer either. We might as well cut a cheque directly to the Hells Angels. Oh but wait City Hall already did that.

City Hall bought the Drake hotel from the Hells Angels for social housing and gave them $2 million more than it was worth. How does that relate to Mayor Gregor Robertson's foster son's firearm and cocaine charges? Who was he selling cocaine for? You ask why I write about the Hells Angels control of the drug trade? You ask why I write about corruption in politics? This is why. They are using tax dollars to support gang related violence and organized crime.

Operation Mockingbird

There are two things we need to look at. The recent news of a senor RCMP officer stealing cocaine from an evidence locker doesn’t surprise us. It’s not hard for us to conceive of a corrupt police officer or a corrupt politician. Why then is it so hard to conceive of a corrupt secret service agent? The clowns caught stiffing a prostitute in Columbia were anything but professional.

All this brings us back to Michael Riconosciuto. The RCMP did an investigation of that case and the frustrated investigating officers’ conclusion was that they weren’t allowed to tell the public what they found. It was classified. I can tell you this, if Michael Riconosciuto was guilty and the allegations he made about the CIA were false, the RCMP wouldn’t hesitate saying so. That information wouldn’t be classified as it would support the official version. The only thing that would be classified is if Michael was telling the truth. Yet keeping an unlawful secret is unlawful.

The other thing we need to look at is the agency’s control of the media. Operation Northwoods isn’t all Allan Dulles was famous for. He was also involved with Operation Mockingbird. This was a CIA campaign to influence the media in the /50’s and continues to this day. It involved recruiting leading American journalists into a network to help present the CIA's views. Following the shell company model, Operation Mockingbird was a maze of CIA front magazines and cultural groups. They ran leftist papers and attempted to infiltrate leftist organizations.

Which of course brings us to the Obama deception. After graduating from Columbia University, Obama worked for a CIA front company called Business International Corporation (BIC). BIC was a CIA front company that used journalists as non-official cover (NOC) agents around the world. This is crossing the line. Using a journalist as a CIA assets puts all journalists’ safety at risk. It also undermines the credibility of the freedom of the press. It is frighteningly familiar to big brothers control of the media.

We know MI6 were caught red handed giving false information about Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction to the media. It was called Operation Mass Appeal. They knowingly gave the media false information to justify an invasion. That means they didn’t just make a mistake. They intentionally sent the media false information to justify the invasion of a sovereign state.

We know someone sent the press release about the third tower falling too soon. BBC reported it falling before it fell. After a huge public outcry BBC said just because they reported the third tower falling before it fell doesn’t mean they were in on the conspiracy. It just meant they made a mistake. Saying something happened when it didn’t happen, that’s a mistake. Reporting a bank robbery before it happened isn’t a mistake, it’s a security breach.

More recently, Anderson Cooper of CNN has been accused of working for the CIA. During college, Cooper spent two summers as an intern at the Central Intelligence Agency. Many find Anderson Cooper’s use of a green screen in the Sandy Hook funeral interview questionable. Weathermen use green screens to show the weather. Movies use green screens to add special effects. In some ways many of our modern news reports seem like a fictional movie made by big brother.

Jesse Ventura brought up a good point. When he was elected Governor of Minnesota he was interrogated by the CIA. They wanted to know how he pulled off the election. Then he had a question for them. The CIA doesn’t have jurisdiction in the United States. That’s the FBI. What are they doing asking him questions on American soil? Indeed. What are they doing controlling the American media as well? That would overstep their mandate.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Merrit RCMP Chief pleads guilty to stealing cocaine

Stuart Seib, the former RCMP commander in Merrit, BC pleaded guilty to stealing and using cocaine from an evidence locker. This is an old story but he recently pleaded guilty in February. His sentencing was supposed to be April 9th in Kelowna but I haven’t seen any news of what happened yet.

As I recall, the disturbing part of this case was that he was caught because he told a subordinate about it. That would imply he thought the subordinate would have been OK with it which he was thankfully not. That leads us to ask how many other subordinates knew about what he was doing and were OK with it. One of the places he previously served in was Prince George.

Boston bombing suspect killed

After releasing more photos of two possible suspects in the Boston bombing the media announced the suspects were on the run and that a Boston suburb was in lockdown. Now after a fire fight we hear one suspect has been killed and one is on the loose. How convenient. Murder without trial in another suspicious attack. They're sure fast in sending press releases out. At least they didn't send that one out before the actual bombing this time. Here’s another view of the suspects.

Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss. I'll get on my knees and pray we don't get fooled again. At least someone of us won’t. You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time. Unfortunately, you can fool some of the people until the end of time.

The suspects Aunt was skeptical and said the picture looked staged. When asked who staged the picture, she told reporters that the tactic of blaming someone else for a tragedy that serves your own purposes reminds her of when she lived in the Soviet Union and had to be constantly wary as an oppressed minority. Imagine that. Just like the Soviet Union where people didn’t have a right to a fair trial.

I’m a lawyer back home. Give me evidence. I participated in court sessions, where I had to prove the guilt of others,” said Maret Tsarnaev from outside her Etobicoke apartment. “Do the same here, show me evidence, give me more than a photo. But to be convinced that my nephews committed to these atrocities, convince me. Then come back and get my reaction and ask me how I feel.”

Excellent point. Oh but wait, he can’t have a fair trial and we can’t see any evidence because they just murdered him without a trial. Again. Alex Jones supports the false flag theory. He spotted a couple of contractors from Craft International, more Blackwater mercenaries operating under a different name at the Boston Marathon. They had backpacks too.

Chechnya is one of the places that Russia has been accused of using false flag attacks themselves. In 1999, the Russian KGB allegedly conducted a wave of bombings in Russia in order to justify war against Chechnya and put Vladimir Putin into power. This was apparently a false flag attack wrongfully blamed on Chechen terrorists.

September 22, 1999, locals in the regional town of Ryazan saw three men emerging from the cellars of a block of flats who later turned out to be FSB officers. When local police checked the cellars they found sacks of high explosive wired up to a detonator. The FSB later attempted to explain away the incident by claiming that the entire operation was a training exercise.

A Noble Lie The Oklahoma City Bombing

Bo Grits Oklahoma City Bombing