Tuesday, May 28, 2013

A Word on Free Speech

Yes I do believe in free speech. Anyone is allowed to create their own blog about any topic under the sun. I will not censor them or stop them from doing so. I have chosen to make my blog about the Hells Angels violent control of the drug trade and the Vancouver Gang War which is spreading across the country. God knows there are many Hells Angel support groups all over the Internet. This is not one of them.

If people want to talk about how wonderful the Hells Angels are, they are free to do so on any one of the many dysfunctional support groups. I’m not going to approve comments that rehash the same old nonsense that we have already proven false. The Hells Angels are not just a motorcycle club. They are a criminal organization that uses violence to control the drug trade.

I started making the comments moderated because of all the death threats and threats against my family. It became toxic so I just stopped approving those comments. A couple of people felt that because they spammed the blog they somehow owned it and were free to insult me and control the direction of the content of the blog. Not so. The traffic on the blog has continued despite the fact that those spammers are not longer posting on it. Yet traffic isn’t my concern.

The purpose of this blog is to try and make a difference. God knows what we have been doing in East Vancouver for the past thirty years has failed and needs to change. I don’t support needle exchanges. Many do. Any time you say you oppose needle exchanges you will surely hear from them. They are free to set up their own blogs and codependent lovefests elsewhere on the Internet. Just not on my blog. That doesn’t mean I don’t support free speech. It means I’m tired of arguing with idiots. It’s pointless.

Harm reduction is only one of the Four Pillars. We can’t blindly promote one pillar and totally ignore the other four pillars but that is exactly what they are doing. Needle exchanges are supposed to be exchanges. You hand in a dirty used needle and you get back a new clean needle. Changing that practice to simply handing out free needles is a health hazard. It results in used dirty needles thrown all over the city.

My main beef with needle exchanges and this ridiculous safe to inject poison site is the fact that police let drug dealers sell crack around these facilities when there is no such provision in the criminal code to let them do so. It creates a forest fire of addiction that consumes everything in it’s path. Addicts steal from real businesses to pay for their drugs. That is the tapeworm economy these money launders live off of.

One person kept saying I had to stop talking about Operation Northwoods. Yet that same person admitted they hadn't heard about Operation Northwoods until they read my blog. That is exactly why we have to talk about it. Most people don’t know what it is. I only found out about it myself a few years ago. We need to talk about Operation Northwoods because it was such a huge case of treason proposed by the Director of the CIA and signed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff. How that plan got so far needs to be discussed. If Kennedy didn’t veto it, they would have implemented it.

The ATFs drug trafficking in Operation Fast and Furious is important because it was the same as Operation Blade Runner. It was the same thing the CIA had been doing out of Mena Arkansas for years with Barry Seal and many others. Gary Webb claimed the CIA was responsible for the US crack epidemic in the 1980’s. He was right. He documented everything. Catherine Austin Fitts believes the Gary Webb story and so do I.

Iran Contra wasn’t just selling Iran arms to free some hostages. They paid Iran to keep the hostages until after the election. Iran Contra was selling Iran arms to raise money for the contra rebels in Nicaragua. Iran Contra was about selling cocaine and committing investment fraud to raise money for the contra rebels in Nicaragua. That is what Iran contra was. If we want to stop the cocaine that’s coming into Canada and fueling the gang war we need to cut off the CIA’s drug trafficking network. It's that simple.

We need to realize that it was George Bush Sr. that got the agency addicted to trafficking drugs to fund their off the book operations. Back then it was heroin out of Vietnam. Just ask Bo Grits or Terry Reed. That’s why it’s called the George Bush Center for Intelligence. Drug trafficking is their primary source of revenue. They are untrustworthy. In the words of Thomas Paine, I think it fine time we asked for independence from the CIA and MI6. It’s only common sense.

A blog reader just sent me this picture of Kennedy referencing his Secret Society Speech and I think it is very relevant. I will add that I don’t think he was talking about the Free Masons. I think he was talking about the CIA. That’s why they killed him.

In his secret society speech, Kennedy talked about how secrecy in government should be shunned and that “There is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand it’s meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment.”

He talked about a monolithic conspiracy that relies on infiltration instead of invasion on subversion instead of elections on intimidation instead of free choice. He said it was a system that has recruited a vast amount of human resources that combines military, diplomatic and intelligence. Intelligence organizations are the focal point of this monolithic conspiracy Kennedy talked about. This was the person that vetoed Operation Northwoods. He knew what they were planning on doing to deceive the people and rob them of their liberty.

”Dissenters are silenced not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed no secret is revealed.” He talked about the freedom of the press which is exactly what big brother has devoted a huge amount of it’s drug trafficking resources to control. Now we can see why. A salute to Kennedy, Thomas Paine and the return of the American Tea Party. Defending the constitution means all areas of government including it’s intelligence agencies are publically accountable. Keeping unlawful secrets is unlawful.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Arthur Porter arrested in Panama

Stephen Harper’s pal, Arthur Porter stepped down as chair of the CSIS watchdog committee November 2011 after his ties to an Israeli Iran contra arms dealer went public. February 2013 an arrest warrant was issued for him as well as Pierre Duhaime, the former CEO of SNC-Lavalin for their alleged involvement in a massive fraud and conspiracy. Today MSN News is reporting Porter has been arrested in Panama.

Porter faces charges of fraud, conspiracy to commit fraud, fraud against the government, breach of trust, laundering the proceeds of crime, and participating in a secret commission. His wife faces charges of laundering criminal proceeds and conspiracy.

January of this year, SNC-Lavalin was awarded the contract for the Evergreen Sky Train line in Vancouver. That deal was done when Harper and Christy Clark’s advisor, Gwyn Morgan was CEO. As the saga unfolds, SNC-Lavalin is offering amnesty to whistleblowers.

Laundering the proceeds of crime hiding out in Panama. Sounds like an old Van Halen song. That brings back memories of when George Bush Sr. had Noriega working for the Agency in Iran Contra under Operation Watchtower. Explain to me again why they sent Manuel Noriega to jail but made Oliver North a Fox TV News host. That one still baffles me.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Prince George brutal sexual assault sets a date for trial

Speaking of sodomizers, that brutal sexual assault in Prince George tied to supporters of the Crew and Boo’s brother, is in court this Tuesday to set a date for trial. 9:30 AM May 28 2013. Sadly they are all out on bail. The Ministry is criminally negligent in that case.

Rick Ciarniello and the Devil’s Butler Parade

I forgot to comment on this at the time. Please forgive me. Readers sent me links to the story about how the Hells Angels refused to pull over for a police roadblock on Vancouver Island earlier this month. I didn’t think much of it since I agree the charter of rights protects everyone from unnecessary searches and seizures.

However, the freedom of association does not include belonging to a criminal organization and lawful assembly does not include the right to assemble as a criminal organization. With all the extensive Hells Angels cocaine convictions since 1997, I’m sure that old case law will not stand up any more. Especially if they were in fact speeding and breaking other laws.

The thing that gets me is that Rainbow Ricky claims he was leading the pack and the police tried the same thing in Calgary back in 1997 and the courts overturned it. What the hell was fat ass Rainbow Ricky doing leading the pack? That means he’s either the president or was riding beside the president. The Sargent at Arms usually rides at the back to keep everything together.

Since Rick Ciarniello is still their spokes “person” and was leading the pack of criminal misfits, we still need to ask him about his involvement with all the gang that was convicted in the case of the Devil’s Butler back when he was a member of the Satan’s Choice. That was the case where they kidnapped a guy and sodomized him with a broomstick after they made him masturbate naked in front of them standing in a bucket. That's some pretty seriously messed up issues. What on earth is a guy like that leading the sorry pack and speaking on their behalf?

The next time he complains about people not wanting to sit beside his smelly fat ass in a restaurant because they don’t want to sit beside a member of a criminal organization, we need to ask him that. How on earth does he rationalize associating with a group that enjoys sodomizing guys with broomsticks? The wiretaps at the time said that wasn’t their first offense and that they had found “another” butler. I guess I was right about Rainbow Ricky all along.

The Outlaws MC in Ontario

We all know that the Outlaws MC do in fact exist in Ontario. Last summer was their 35th Anniversary in Ottawa. It’s interesting to see how many Rock Machine members showed up for the occasion. Recognize anyone?

Why that’s Joseph Strachan on the right. One source claims he just got out of prison for fire bombing the 187 ink but is no longer in good standing. These new Rock Machine guys have a tendency of kicking out their leaders. Well at least they did Sean Brown. The guy who resurrected the group in the first place.

This is a photo inside their clubhouse.

Hey, there’s Critical Jay again on the right and look at that. Steve King on the Left. I’m told Steve King is a member of the Outlaws now not the Rock Machine. Moving up in the world I suppose.

There were even Mongols and RM from Europe there.

I thought Lone Riders patched over a long time ago. I guess some are still around.

I don’t support selling crack but anyone with a brain can see why the Outlaws are so strong in Ontario. Why just look at the Ontario Village Idiots. Who would want to roll with them? That's pretty embarrassing. I guess every parade needs a few clowns.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Harper takes Environment out of Environment Canada

This one isn’t as dramatic as some of the other recent news but to me it’s just as important. We all know that there has been a great surge in public concern about the environment in the last few years. The now old ideas of reduce reuse and recycle have become a part of our education directing us towards sustainability and environmental responsibility.

In fact, many people go so far as to make the environment a priority in their voting at elections which has resulted in the rise of the Green Party. Elizabeth May has proven to be very competent in more than environmental issues but in preserving the charter of rights as well. Even Preston Manning declares that being environmentally responsible is being fiscally responsible. Yet Stephen Harper continues to defiantly steam roll in the opposite direction.

Stephen Harper has even rebranded Environment Canada. For generations the department in charge of Canada’s weather has been known as Environment Canada. Up until now. Now Environment Canada is called the Weather with no reference to the environment for obvious reasons. Harpers’ propaganda machine wants us to stop thinking about the environment and stop thinking the weather is somehow connected to the environment.

Elizabeth May claims the "Conservatives" (we all know they aren't conservatives) are engaged in what she calls an Orwellian exercise that does not bode well for the future of the federal environment department. No kidding. Harper has removed all previous protections for every lake and stream in the country with one swoop of the pen. He has sent us back to the dark ages with regards to sustainability and environmental responsibility.

The sad thing is that it’s all done under the false pretense of economic action. Tourism is an economic source of revenue. So is commercial fishing. The BC Salmon Farms are destroying the commercial fishing industry. The Fish Farms in Clayoquot Sound are foreign ownership. They don’t care about the wild salmon and the commercial fishing industry as long as they make their money.

They even want to create an open pit mine at Catface Mountain in Clayoquot sound. It’s a freaking mountain. They want to blow the top off the mountain with dynamite and turn it into an open pit mind that resembles the aftermath of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I kid you not. It’s in the centre of a protected biosphere. Lonecone and Catface mountain are the central landmarks within Clayoquot Sound. Everyone from all over the world who goes on a Whale watching or a Bear watching tour will see the devastation to this protected landmark every time they go by. That is the epitome of greed and gluttony.

Harper’s propaganda programmers cannot comprehend that destroying the environment isn’t just irresponsible, it is economically destructive as well. Burning toxic garbage is not a progressive alternative to landfill sights. It is insanity driven by greed.

London soldier decapitated

I had heard the news about a soldier attacked in London recently but didn’t think much of it. Until a blog reader sent me this Youtube video. I didn’t realize the soldier was beheaded and the assailant stayed around to do an interview on a bystander’s iPhone. That’s where the story becomes so absurd it loses it’s believability.

The commentary points out some very real concerns with the video. Like how calm the guy is right after beheading someone and how he only has blood on his hands. There’s no blood splatter anywhere else. Not even on the victim which can be seen in the distance wearing a white shirt. There isn’t even blood on the ground near the victim after his head was supposedly cut off. We’ve seen some pretty gory images of Canadians linked to the drug trade brutally murdered in Mexico. The thing that surprised me about those photos was the amount of blood everywhere. Here there was nothing like that.

Probably the most absurd thing the Youtube video pointed out was that as this guy is calmly giving a live interview on a bystanders iphone holding a kitchen knife and meat cleaver, a woman with a shopping cart of groceries walks right past him which is clearly edited out of the video. You see her approach him and they stopped filming for her to pass, then resumed filming. The whole thing is surreal. She walks right past the scary murderer without even crossing to the other side of the street.

I’m not responsible for what Alex Jones or Glen Beck say. Earlier I simply pointed out that they both think 9/11 was an inside job as well as the Boston Marathon bombing. In fact there is a huge number of people, especially on youtube, that think the Boston Marathon bombing was a false flag attack. We’ve talked about false flag attacks before.

I remember being at the George Bush demonstration at the Sheraton in Surrey. Someone from the Vancouver 9/11 Truth Movement was standing on the sidewalk with a megaphone shouting straight into the lobby 9/11 was an inside job over and over again. That had to be irritating. Yet if 9/11 really was an inside job, wouldn’t that make you want to scream?

As he’s doing this a cop walks up to him and we all brace ourselves in anticipation thinking he’s gonna pull a Rodney King and we’re all gonna get in a throw down. Instead the cop simply pats him on the back as he walks past and says good job. We were all so shocked we all started laughing. Clearly the cop was trying to embarrass the guy but he let him have his right to free speech and lawful assembly. After all, that is a charter right. That’s what our forefathers fought in war for. Taking that right away is in itself an act of war.

There’s a lot of talk about the Sandy Hook hoax as well. I don’t know much about that one other than the fact that Anderson Cooper, who has worked two summers for the CIA, was caught using a green screen to fake one of his interviews at the Sandy Hook funeral and some people think green screens were used in the actual Sandy Hook footage. It takes big brothers manipulation of the media to a whole new level.

Recently, two members of an elite FBI team that were involved in the shooting of the Boston Marathon bombing suspect have mysteriously died in a training accident. I guess that means they can’t be subpoenaed for an inquiry. This elite FBI team is a huge concern. Centralization in this case is not a good thing. It’s easier for corruption to control.

In Russia when the new KGB were caught red handed trying to set off a false flag attack in Chechnya, two local police officers investigated what locals saw and found the bomb before it was detonated. The new KGB said it was just a training exercise and it was a fake bomb yet local authorities said it was real. This new elite FBI team taking over for local SWAT teams is a huge concern. Especially when we see documents like Operation Northwoods flying around.

A friend of the suspect in the London beheading video claims MI5 tried to recruit the suspect. Although he claims he declined the offer, clearly he accepted it. As a false flag actor.

Body found in burnt van parked in East Vancouver

A body has been found inside a van in East Vancouver. Shortly before 6:00 this morning, the van parked on Victoria Drive near East 12th Avenue was found burning. Fire crews extinguished the flames and a body was discovered inside. The Vancouver Province is reporting that residents in the area told Global News that they heard a bang before the blaze.

New Book about the Pickton Farm

There’s a new book out about the Vancouver drug culture at the time of the Pickton Farm written by someone who was actually involved at the time called Jesus of Vancouver: The Left Coast Memoirs by Michael Goodliffe.

It’s not a religious book. It talks about the young boys involved in the Vancouver sex trade. A very real problem that is seldom discussed. It contradicts the findings of the Missing Women Commission of Inquiry that recently publicized the Vancouver City Police's statement that Pickton was not considered a suspect until February, 2002. If he was well known in the street community, the police must have known who he was and what he was doing.

Jim Brown admits in his court application that Grant Wakefield was at one time employed as an agent to do surveillance of the Pickton farm for the VPD August 1999. He claims in his writ that the VPD terminated the whislteblowers contract September 1999 because they no longer considered Robert Pickton to be a suspect in the missing women case. Someone higher up pulled the plug on that investigation again.

It also talks about a steroid called Human Growth Hormone, or, HGH. Prior to its production by recombinant DNA technology, it was extracted from the pituitary glands of cadavers (dead human bodies). Goodliffe claims he was told at the time Pickton sold body parts to make the steroid.

Although I support the decriminalization of pot I totally oppose the legalization of all drugs. Legalizing crack or crystal meth is just plain irresponsible. Handing out free crack pipes has absolutely nothing to do with access to medical care. It’s the exact opposite. Nevertheless, the Rabbit hole of the Hells Angels and the Pickton Farm continues to be exposed.

Gang exit program criticized in Denmark

In Denmark, Michael Green, spokesperson for TBM Fresh Start, a group to help gang members leave the gang life without getting killed, is in the news. He found a secret report the Minister of Justice had been hiding which greatly criticized the government’s gang exit program. We don’t even have one. It just shows that there is a real need for the TBM Fresh Start organization here in Canada as well.

Tragically the government recently took a former gang member they had in a safe house and put him in an intuition where he set fire to himself. Again showing the need for the TBM Fresh Start program. Former gang members talk about how the gang life is not a fraternity, it’s brainwashing based on a lie. There are people who were involved with the life saying that.