Sunday, June 2, 2013

Ex RCMP Officer shot his wife in the face

The Vancouver Province is reporting that “The trial of a former Mountie accused of killing his common-law wife has heard the woman was shot in the face with a nine-millimetre handgun at the couple’s home in Penticton, B.C. Keith Weins is charged with second-degree murder in the death of Lynn Kalmring in the early hours of Aug. 16, 2011. A Crown lawyer has told a B.C. Supreme Court jury in Kelowna that Kalmring was killed after the couple had a fight.”

Boston bombing suspect states he is innocent

The Vancouver Province is reporting that “The remaining suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings has recovered enough to walk and assured his parents in a telephone conversation he and his slain brother are innocent, their mother said on Thursday.”

“Meanwhile, the father of a Chechen immigrant, killed in Florida while being interrogated by the FBI about his ties to the slain brother, maintained U.S. agents killed his son 'execution-style.' Abdul-Baki Todashev said his son suffered six gunshot wounds to his torso and one to the back of his head.”

The Boston bombing story doesn’t make sense. FBI claimed they shot the suspects who were throwing pressure cooker bombs at police. Really? Pressure cooker bombs? That’s not like a hand grenade. It’s worse than throwing a shot put. They’re not going to be able to throw them very far.

As I said before, Alex Jones isn’t the only one who thinks the Boston bombing was a false flag attack. Glen Beck thinks it was too. There are two events we have to look at. The attack on the USS Liberty and Operation Northwoods.

We’re coming up to the 46th Anniversary of the attack on the USS Liberty. In 2010 the survivors of the USS Liberty attack were calling form a congressional hearing to expose what really happened and why they have been threatened into silence for all these years.

Alex Jones put out a very good documentary of the attack showing that President Johnston recalled the air support for the USS Liberty. Although treasonous trolls called Alex Jones a liar, this BBC documentary a blog reader just sent me confirms his findings. Start at 26:00 into the video.

The US had planes in the area equipped with nuclear missiles and had actually launched them to attack Egypt in retaliation for attacking the USS Liberty. Only when the Russian spy ship entered the waters to witness the false flag attack, the mission was called off as was the bombing of Egypt. The commander of the 6th fleet asked to send air support to the USS Liberty when it was under attack. Robert Macamara refused to authorize it. When the commander sent them anyways, President Johnston himself recalled the air support.

That was treason and Operation Northwoods is the only feasible explanation. Israel knew it was an ally. They knew what radio frequencies they were on to jam them. They were under American orders to sink the vessel. This needs to be examined more closely. President Johnston and Robert Macamara are traitors and history needs to recognize them as such.

The thing that enrages me about the BBC documentary on the USS Liberty is that they were going to nuke Egypt based on a lie. A premeditated, well planned and executed lie. Obviously President Johnston recalling the air support for the USS Liberty when it was under attack is a huge concern. Yet we already knew about that. It just confirmed what Alex Jones said in his documentary on the USS Liberty.

The fact that they were going to nuke Egypt and actually had planes in the air with nuclear missiles on their way to bomb Egypt is to me astounding. Obviously the value of human life is a huge concern. Civilian casualties. Yet setting the human life atrocity aside, what about the historical and archeological destruction? The Pyramids? The Sphinx? The Cairo Museum? These are treasure chests of world history. Nuking that at all is complete irresponsibility. Nuking it based on a premeditated lie is just plain evil.

The fact that they launched those planes means that attack was planned ahead of time. Planes were in the area and nuclear equipped. The fact that they launched them against Egypt claiming it was in retaliation for attacking the USS Liberty but refused to send air support for the Liberty when it was under attack is outrageous and is evidence of the false flag plot. It wasn’t just a matter of embarrassing an ally. All they had to do was ask them to call off the attack. Hey guys it’s us, you got the wrong ship. Launching planes to nuke Egypt but refusing to send air support to stop the attack is a deep betrayal of the American people and the civilized world.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

The Hells Angels and Stock Fraud

David Banes, the stock fraud expert from the Vancouver Sun put out an interesting article two blog readers just sent me. In the article he asks Are the Hells Angels financing the illicit promotion of dubious penny stocks in B.C.? He claims he has discovered evidence that raises that distinct possibility.

B.C. Securities Commission learned Erwin Speckert had funneled $8.2 million from offshore accounts to Abbotsford stock tout Colin McCabe to promote dodgy stocks listed on the OTC Bulletin Board in the United States.

In February this year, the RCMP charged Speckert with possessing the proceeds of crime, trafficking in the proceeds of crime, possession for the purpose of trafficking in proceeds of crime, and laundering the proceeds of crime from the proceeds of illegal gambling in Ontario.

Although the RCMP declined to provide any information on the gambling enterprise David Banes connected the dots and discovered that it was an Internet gambling enterprise involving London Hells Angel Rob Barletta. Barletta was arrested along with Toronto Hells Angel Billy Miller tied to Platinum SB, an offshore betting site in Costa Rica with an active client base in the GTA.

Police said the gambling site provided the Hells Angels and their partners in traditional organized crime groups with millions of dollars, which fueled other crimes, such as human and drug trafficking. Whether any of that money was destined for illicit stock promotion purposes is not clear, but it certainly raises that rather disturbing possibility. I believe Alex Caine is going to touch on this in his next book about the Hells Angels due to come out this fall.

March 29 David Baines reported that Speckert has also been closely associated with longtime West Vancouver stock promoter Ingo Mueller, who has been in regulatory trouble here and in the United States. Remember the VSE? The VSE was shut down because of it's coruption being filled with fake pump and dump stocks.

April 9 David Baines reported that Erwin maintained a very close relationship with a stock promoter in Port Coquitlam. That three part series concluded that Erwin dealt through a web of offshore companies, mainly his firm Everest Asset Management AG, a Zurich-based company that provides asset management and protection services.

By dealing through a Swiss-based company he can invoke Swiss secrecy laws, as he is trying to do with the B.C. Securities Commission. But almost everything else about him and his services appears to be Canadian. He was born and raised in Canada, and currently lives in Minden, Ont. Many of his clients reside in Canada, more particularly Vancouver. And many of the bulletin board companies he deals with are either based in Vancouver or have strong connections to Vancouver.

Dare I say who else uses the shell game to hide their tracks?

April 11 David Baines reported that Erwin was tied to Quest Water Global Inc., a North Vancouver-based bulletin board company. A stock that a Panamanian-registered company named Resource Project Partners paid U.S. newsletter writer Mike Casson $900,000 to prepare and distribute a report that promoted the stock.

March 28 I reported on a Surrey father and son involved in an international stock scam. Two San Diego lawyers helped the pair hide their involvement in the company and provided misleading legal opinions. Former Vancouver geologist and mining executive John Gregory Paterson pleaded guilty to four of nine counts of fraud September of 2012. August of 2012 five from Surrey were accused of stock manipulation. Something the oil companies do all the time.

Coal in China from Surrey

There’s a lot of talk about coal these days. The Huffington Post recently ran an article on the Chinese Coal Bubble while a blog reader just sent me this article about the pollution in China from their use of coal. Coal was an important fuel source that started the industrial revolution. Yet in our day, we can see the effects of coal and can clearly see the impact it has on the environment.

Coal-fired power plants are a major source of greenhouse gas emissions. There are health problems involved in mining the coal and the burning of coal. In Wales where coal was mined the rivers ran black from coal dust. That destroys fish habitat and the ecosystem we live in.

China is the world’s largest consumer of coal. They have suffered greatly from it’s effects both in their water and their air quality. Cleaner energy technologies are becoming more competitive and more accessible. The next decade will be crucial for countries - especially developing nations - to make the right energy choices. We should be sporting the right choices not making a quick buck off the bad choices.

Protesters in Oregon rejected exporting coal in their ports. So once again Surrey gets a proposal that no one else wanted. Exporting coal in the Surrey docks will be a quick buck but it is not a responsible sustainable choice for the future of the planet or the residents of Surrey. Wherever there is coal dust, health problems are associated with it. New Westminster city council says No but Godzilla says Yes. That is not progressive.

Burning toxic garbage in Surrey is not a progressive solution to landfill sights. It’s just a way for another corporate polluter and campaign contributor to make a quick buck at the planet’s expense. In contrast, Surrey is planning on the building largest organic biofuel facility in Canada.

The Surrey Now is reporting that “the $65-million facility will convert 80,000 metric tonnes of organic waste per year into compressed natural gas. The renewable fuel will be used by FortisBC and will also power a fleet of 52 waste trucks in Surrey's Rethink Waste program.” One step forward, two steps back. Ross Buchanan writes for the White Rock Sun now and has just posted an article about this very issue called Our Dirty little Secret.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Bacchus and the Syndicate in Fort McMurray

OK this one blows me away and I’m going to have to process it. Someone tells me there’s this Hells Angels puppet club in Fort McMurray called the Syndicate. Only unlike Greg Wooley’s Hells Angels puppet club in Montreal called the Syndicate, these guys are all white. In fact some of them appear to be white pride like the other Hells Angels drug traffickers the Whiteboyz Posse.

Kinda strange how the white guys would pick the name of a black gang in Montreal but hey, stranger things have happened. Just look at what Bacchus named themselves after. Yo bro that ain’t no Spartan. That’s a roman soldier. A pretty famous one at that. A warm brotherhood indeed.

So here we have a Bacchus member from Newfoundland hanging out with the Syndicate in Fort McMurray. A Newfie Bacchus, I’m sure there’s a joke to be told there somewhere. Bacchus in Eastern Canada have quickly attained criminal organization status. So I guess if the Syndicate poses with Buttkiss, that makes them affiliated with a criminal organization. The Fort McMurray today is confirming that the Syndicate does exit there.

After Jeffrey Caines received a 14 year sentence for drug trafficking in Fort McMurray, a member of the Ontario Biker Enforcement Unit said: "The Hells Angels have interest in that area because of the drug market and if one person is out of the picture, they will replace them with someone else." Evidently, Fort McMurray is another small town that is suffering from the Hells Angels drug and prostitution trade. The Hells Angels, bringing drugs and prostitution to a small town near you.

One source claims Cecil (Kristian) MacEachern, the guy with the white Pride shirt is from Glace Bay, Cape Breton and is the one running the Syndicate Mc in Fort Mcmurray. Seemingly Cecil was kicked out in 2009 for being a rat and is now back in charge. They go around town telling everyone that they are the Hells Angels Syndicate and are here to do the HA work.

This is Cecil wearing a 1% Southland Hells Angels hoodie. That’s a Hells Angels chapter in Calgary. Notice the red flag in the back pocket. That’s a very outdated tradition along with the fuzzy troll that the black gangs in LA used to use.

This is a picture of Cecil and his mother. He always was one sorry SOB.

Dion Piercy is a tattooist from Cape Breton and was a big player on the Syndicate coming to Fort Mcmurray. He has since left town and moved to the Edmonton area. He is now on the HA probate program. He too was busted on some fraud charges a few years back and cut a deal with law enforcement to rat out his brother so he could get sent to Poundmaker's Lodge.

This is big Jay aka Jason King with the glasses on his head flipping the bird sporting a Syndicate vest. Jay lives in an apartment with his mom and little brother.

That’s Ron Clark and Bruce Scrivner. Ron Clark is a long time resident of Fort Mcmurray. It says striker on his vest under Fort McKurray. I wonder if they have a dental plan.

Aaron Sweetapple and Mitchell Burry are the Newfies in the very first picture. Mitchell is the one with the Bacchus Newfoundland patch and Aaron is the one with the Syndicate Fort Mcmurray patch. Both are from Glovertown Newfoundland and have both since left Fort Mcmurray.

This is Aaron at the Health Science center in St Johns NL drying off his fingers after some serious nose picking with a broken leg. He's not the sharpest tool in the shed. Syndicate Forever Forever Syndicate or at least until the next clown comes along. Just like the Zig Zag crew and LHS. Only they shot their LHS guy themselves. No L&R there. Just money and greed.

BC Government says no to Gateway but Alberta says yes

Although the BC Government has said no to the Northern Gateway proposal, Alberta still wants to cram it through by going through the federal channels since Harper took BC out of the equation in the decision. For BC to say no and for Harper to cram it through anyway would be an act of war. Jail would be too good for him.

The Alberta Premier already said our concerns were absurd so there really is nothing left to discuss. An oil spill on land or on sea is a huge concern. Especially when it’s not oil it’s this toxic precursor to oil. The mountain of Petroleum coke refining that crap produces is another concern. It’s not that much money for BC. It’s financially not worth the risk. Especially when they refuse to give us a break at the pumps and insist on screwing us at the pump thanks to their government sponsored monopoly. Enbridge has shown to be irresponsible in pipeline maintenance.

Brian Mulroney’s Barrick gold, the shady gold company founded by an arms dealer, has been fined $16 million by Chile’s environmental regulator for very serious violations of its environmental permit. Here in Canada, Stephen Harper rewards corporations for destroying the environment.

The Environmental Superintendent said all other construction work on Pascua-Lama must stop until Barrick builds the systems it promised to put in place beforehand for containing contaminated water. Instead of building the canals, Barrick’s bulldozers went ahead and moved mountaintops in preparation for a projected 25 years of gold and silver production. Moved mountain tops? Why that’s exactly what Imperial Metals wants to do to Catface Mountain in the middle of a protected biosphere.

Meanwhile, protesters at a Canadian mine in Kyrgyzstan, Russia blocked a road and cut off power to the mine desirous the mine be Nationalized. That means the profits would go to the people not a fat cats pocket like the oil in Mexico. Kyrgyzstan is south of Kazakhstan.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Jimmy Cournoye pleads guilty

Jimmy Cournoye pleads guilty as the "Kingpin" of the latest Hells Angels drug trafficking ring to be busted that shipped BC Bud to New York and then to LA in exchange for massive amounts of cocaine. He will receive a mandatory sentence of 20 years in prison and could face life in prison. Yet that huge sentence will not touch the real kingpins and the Hells Angels cross border pot for cocaine ring will continue as the Agency continues making it's cut. Sad news for Cosmo the clown. Sad news for the rest of us too who want to deal with the problem instead of having to watch another circus side show. Just like Manuel Noriega and Freeway Ricky. More scape goats.

Imperial Metals Protest in Vancouver

Friends and residents of Clayoquot Sound in Tofino were protesting today outside Imperial Metals AGM in Vancouver. Imperial Metals wants to blow the top off of Catface Mountain and turn it into an open pit mine. I kid you not. It’s a mountain in a protected biosphere. It is astounding how anyone can be so irresponsible. A lot of people don’t know this insane plan is being proposed.

Raising public awareness is the first step. Shareholders need to know that kind of gross negligence will create a knee jerk reaction from locals and supporters from all over the world who fought to save that pristine ecosystem back in the /80's and in the summer of 1994.

As investors we need to blacklist Imperial Metals. For considering this plan they are a no go – do not invest. That means pensions, stock investments whatever funds are invested in them need to be withdrawn. If they are showing that kind of complete irresponsibility in this project, God knows what they have planned for the rest of the province. We need to boycott Imperial Metals.

Catface and Lonecone Mountains are the centre point of Clayoquot sound. Everyone from all over the world who goes on a whale watching or a Bear watching tour see that wonderful landmark as they go past it. Destroying the ecosystem as well as the local tourist industry is irresponsible.

Recently, over by Ucluelet, Toquaht Bay marina has been closed down because they found arsenic, selenium and cobalt which effects everything in that area including all the shellfish. This is a pristine boat launch for the Broken Islands.

Turns out the poisons were dumped there from a local iron ore mine that shipped iron to Japan in the /60’s. 50 years later the toxic damage to the local ecosystem and tourist industry is just being discovered. We need to wake up and be better stewards of the environment we live in. It’s time to visit Tofino on Vancouver Island and see this wonderful ecosystem before it’s destroyed.

Mountain of Petroleum coke rises in Detroit

Last night Canada was in the news. A mountain of petroleum coke from the Canadian tar sands is rising in Detroit. Locals are rightfully concerned about it’s existence in their city. They claim if provisions aren’t being made for the safe storage of the tar sands byproduct now, what’s going to happen when they increase production through the Keystone Pipeline? A valid question.

Despite all our technological advances we still keep shooting ourselves in the foot with our bizarre attack on the environment. It’s the same with these idiots promoting coal in Surrey. Coal is a step backwards not a step forward. Tar Sands oil is a nightmare.

In the late /80’s back in Ireland everyone heated their homes with coal fires. In the North they had enclosed fireplaces that heated radiators that ran through the house. In the South it was just an open fireplace. Sometimes they would burn peat but mostly it was coal. The coal man would come around to the houses just like the milkman used to here back in the day.

As a result, most small towns like Cork had a huge cloud of coal dust smog that lingered over the city. Air quality was low. I mentioned this to my father at the time and he said when your mother and I were married it was the same thing in West Vancouver. You're kidding I said. That was just one generation ago. Now we have central heating. You turn a switch and a natural gas furnace heats your home or in some cases, an electric radiator. Electricity and natural gas is a step forward from coal. Propane is clean burning. We can make money without being so irresponsible.

Yet many are determined to make a buck off of sending us back in time with regards to environmental responsibility and stewardship. Remember when the rivers in Wales ran black from coal dust? We don't want that here. Oregon doesn't want Coal exports so we bring it to Surrey with welcome arms. I suppose we'll welcome the medical concerns it brings with it.

Leaving a mountain of petroleum coke in Detroit is irresponsible. It doesn’t matter how much money they spend on advertizing telling us it’s good for us. Next they will try and tell us it prevents tooth decay and will start selling it to us for our tooth paste.

So if they put the Enbrige Pipeline in BC and build a refinery in Kitimat, what's their plan for dealing with all the Petroleum coke? Dump it ion the ocean and kill all the food for the migrating Grey and Humpback wales?

A Word on Israel

Although I am very concerned about Mosad’s involvement in Iran contra, denying the Holocaust and hating on Israel is as unpatriotic as is hating on Muslims, Trade Unionists, Environmentalists or any other group. Israeli arms dealers selling arms to their enemy should concern them. Israeli Arms dealers trafficking cocaine or committing investment fraud to raise money for intelligence operations should concern everyone.

Although I will agree there are many corrupt Jews involved in banking and oil that are clearly part of the monolithic conspiracy Kennedy talked about, denying the Holocaust is both ridiculous and offensive. It’s like saying the earth is flat when we know very well it is not. It’s offensive because we fought Hitler for a reason. Denying the enslavement and murder of any group of people is offensive.

Israel, like everyone else, has a right to exist. Historically, Israel never controlled all of Palestine but Israel was very much a part of it. Historically, Israel hasn’t always been right. Yet their rights and their freedom of religion is tied to ours and everyone else’s. Zionism isn’t displacing people from their homes, it’s a quest for a better life for everyone. It’s a higher ideal we can all aspire to.