Friday, July 19, 2013

Gun found under crib mattress in PEI

Here’s a popular girl from PEI. She has a history of drug trafficking despite the fact that she has wonderful young children. Wednesday her and her boyfriend's home was raided were cocaine was seized as well as cutting agents and a firearm under a crib mattress. That is very concerning. Valerie Anne Burke (MacArthur), 28, and Vance William Atkinson, 24, were taken into custody and each charged with possession of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking, careless storage of a firearm, and breach of firearms prohibition. I understand this isn't the first time she's gone to jail for a boyfriend who promised her the world. Each arrest she's only had a very small quantity of drugs but she's got to start thinking about those kids. Who isn't paying their child support?

Detroit files for Bankruptcy as Freedom is under fire

Recently it was announced Detroit filed for bankruptcy. Bonds are tanking and the court claims the governor lacks the power to “diminish or impair pension benefits,” so it's trying to halt the bankruptcy application. Stealing pensions again. Didn't the US banks get a bailout? This is serious. What happens in the States usually follows in Canada. Clearly our freedom is under fire and the greatest enemy we have is the enemy within that is embezzling huge amounts of tax dollars. The day before 9/11 Donald Rumsfeld announced the Pentagon lost $2.3 trillion dollars and can’t account for 25% of what it spends. That is a huge concern which has only gotten worse.

Al Martin calls Huntsville, Alabama Corruption City, USA. Martin claims the accounting "discrepancy" at the Huntsville military complex was $16 billion. These are military officers stealing from the American citizens. That is a huge concern. Canada has the same problem. CSIS lost or more accurately hid $3.1 billion in anti terror funding. The Canadian military stole millions in black assets. There needs to be more financial accountability here because this kind of embezzlement is killing us. Privatizing the military just makes this problem uncontrollable.

Raising the age of retirement will be the least of our worries. Soon we will wake up and a communist nation will own us. Don’t look now. They already do. Communist China owns our oil rights and is buying up private property in the United States. Yet communists don’t believe in land ownership. So is this the new form of war? Conquering land by hostile corporate takeovers?

We need to address the debt and we need to address the biggest cause of the debt, the missing anti terror funding and the Canadian bank bailout that Harper says never happened. Those two expenditures are the most fiscally irresponsible decisions in Canadian history. Along with Gordon Campbell’s’ BC Hydro scam of course. That kind of fiscal irresponsibility is far beyond any leftist ideal of social justice. It constitutes fraud and is a criminal act.

Price of Oil drops but price of gas jumps

Well it happened again so I’ll say it again. The price of oil per barrel dropped and the price of gas at the pump jumped another ten cents a litre. That is highway robbery. Why? Because we let the oil companies have a monopoly on the market so they can charge whatever they want. Even worse, thanks to Stephen Harper, us getting gouged at the pump is helping fund communist China’s military expansion since he sold our oil rights to them giving them the profit instead of Canadians.

Back in the day when the Rothschild’s pulled that off with Standard oil, the courts said that kind of a corporate monopoly was illegal. Anti trust laws prevented it. Now corrupt politicians whose campaigns are bankrolled by these scoundrels say gouging the consumers through corporate monopolies is good business. Not. It destroys the free market and everything real conservatives stand for. That is the neo con. The road to Bildebuerg steals our money and our freedom.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Giuseppe De Vito found dead in prison

About the mafia is reporting that Giuseppe De Vito was found unconscious in his prison cell at Donnacona Prison before being taken to a local Quebec hospital where he was pronounced dead. De Vito is believed to have been a close ally of Raynald Desjardins who led the rebellion against the Rizzutos while Vito was in prison. Since Vito’s release, he’s been kicking ass. CBC is confirming Giuseppe's death. Tragically, Giuseppe's ex has been charged in the murder of their two daughters. One would hate to think that was a mob hit. One would also hate to think the mother did it. Innocent kids that appeared to be well cared for. Very sad.

Bill Tieleman questions Surrey bomb plot

Three cheers for Bill Tieleman and the 24 hours newspaper. A blog reader sent in this link to an article he wrote for the Vancouver edition of the 24 hours newspaper. He asks “How did John Nuttall and Amanda Korody, two disheveled, poverty-stricken drug addicts living in a Surrey basement suite and recent converts to Islam, become Canada’s biggest terrorist threat?”

Bill Tieleman points out that two weeks after the shocking announcement, there are more questions than answers. Finally, someone with a brain. He points out that this insane plot sounds similar to others in the US “where clueless and troubled people have been convicted of deadly plots after undercover agents and informers “facilitated” their crimes to incredible degrees.”

An example he uses is “James Cromitie, a low-level ex-drug dealer who converted to Islam. A well-paid FBI informant befriended the Walmart worker and promised him $250,000 and a new BMW car to fire Stinger surface-to-air missiles at U.S. military planes and plant bombs at Jewish targets in New York.”

This goes well beyond entrapment. I bet ya he didn’t make the Stinger surface-to-air missiles himself. Someone provided him with it which, as Bill Tieleman observes, facilitated the attack.

He points out that “questioning RCMP actions is not to condone illegal activity.” Nobody thinks terrorism is OK. Questioning how CSIS or the FBI set people up is a real concern. That doesn’t mean anyone in their right mind thinks terrorism is OK because it’s clearly not. It’s just as wrong when a crazed terrorist does it as when a crazed CSIS handler does it like in the Air India bombing. What we need to question is how they lost 3 billion dollars in anti terrorist funding. Kinda makes ya wonder who the real criminals are.

My concerns are two fold. These crazy cases of entrapment that go way beyond entrapment. The crazy plots where law enforcement actually facilitate crimes. That is the first concern. The other concern is actual false flag attacks like was planned in Operation Northwoods and was executed against the USS Liberty. That is a whole other can of worms. Denying it happens doesn’t provide public safety.

I used to think that we better be careful how loud we get about questioning these crazy cases of entrapment. They just might actually kill someone just to try and get us to believe them. Then I realized, they already did – Air India. CSIS needs to be charged and tried for that before we even talk about cases of entrapment exploiting drug addicts on welfare. BTW Bill Tieleman has also raised some valid concerns about BC Hydro.

Were RCMP involved in B.C. legislature bomb plot?

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Clay Roueche and Pablo Escobar - Coldplay

I saw this post referring to the Rolling Stone article on Clay Roueche. They compared Clay to Pablo Escobar and it made me think about the Pablo Escobar story. My daughter just mentioned it last night while we were at an awesome little Mexican restaurant in Surrey.

Googling Pablo Escobar led me to the Ramon Milian story. Another CIA drug smuggler tied to Iran contra. He was considered Pablo Escobar’s right hand man. So here we have more drug dealers working for the CIA, betrayed by the CIA and serving life in prison for them just like Noriega. It’s all recorded in the Kerry committee. Frontiline has a video of Ramon Milian Rodriguez testifying at the Kerry committee. Felix Rodriguez was another one who worked for the CIA. It’s not that the war on drugs failed. It’s just that the CIA was on the wrong side of that war.

Although I hesitate demonizing the UN when it’s clear their violence was in response to the Hells Angels violence, I think prosecuting one without prosecuting the other is treason. I have heard of IHIT members claiming that everything was fine until they started going after the Hells Angels. All the small groups were much worse then them. That is so untrue. IHIT members who really believe that need a career change because they are on the wrong side.

Recently I heard a young choir sing a stunning remix of Coldplay’s Viva La Vida. Theirs was based on a German remix but they tweaked it a bit themselves. I hadn’t paid too much attention to the lyrics in the original Viva La Vida. I thought the line in the chorus that said For some reason I can’t explain I know saint Peter will call my name. The remix really emphasized the original says won't call my name which when you read the rest of the lyrics, makes much more sense. The guy had lived a dishonest life.

I have more compassion for Clay than I do for David Giles yet I am concerned that people don’t start idolizing the bad that Clay did. Right is right and wrong is wrong. Crack and crystal meth are horrible drugs. Slinging those evil drugs just so you can drive a new SUV is the epitome of greed. Everything that Confucius, Taoism and Zen teach against. Clay showed compassion to help his friend get off crack but profited from many others' miserable addictions.

When I think of the Coldplay remix, I think of David Giles. The fallen hobo clown who used to rule the underworld. Never an honest word was ever heard when he used to rule that underworld. For some reason I can’t explain I know saint Peter won’t call his name. Anyone can change but we need to start somewhere. If we don't try no one can help us. It all begins with uttering an honest word. Facing the truth. That is the first step on the road to redemption.

Toronto mob murder tied to the Hells Angles

Salvatore Calautti and James Tusek were shot dead at 1:00 AM Friday morning in Toronto. The Toronto Star is reporting that the Montreal RCMP claim Calautti had rung up gambling debts with the Rizzutos and the Hells Angels, which doesn’t make a lot of sense. If he was their rival, it’s unlikely he would ring up debts with them. I’m sure gambling is a part of it, but most of these mob murders are about drug trafficking territory. The fact that he was accused of shooting Nicolo Rizzuto Sr. is a far more likely motive for his murder. Amusing how the Hells Angels support the Calabrians out of Hamilton when Vito is in prison, then kiss his ass as soon as he gets out. It appears that Montreal's mob violence is spreading to Toronto.

Nova Scotia man convicted of impaired driving by drugs causing death

CBC is reporting that William Fogarty from Antigonish, N.S., been found guilty of impaired driving by drugs and causing the death of two teens. Fogarty was driving a Crown Victoria and the teens were in a Ford Mustang driven by one of the teens when the head-on collision occurred on a clear November afternoon.

Fogarty had methadone, several prescription drugs and Valium in his system when his car crossed the centre line on the two-lane road. Fogarty was found guilty of two counts of dangerous driving causing death and two counts of impaired driving by drugs causing death.

Even more tragically, if he had methadone in his system, he likely got it free from the government. The fact that he also had other drugs in his system while he was on a methadone program once again shows how that system is being abused. Mostly by doctors who over prescribe it and refuse to reduce the dosages once people are on the program. It’s a big money maker.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Police confirm FK were tied to the UN

Kim Bolan is reporting that the police confirmed earlier reports that the UN were linked to the FK in Calgary. The FOB or Fresh off the boat were connected to the Hells Angels through the Red Scorpions and the Independent Soldiers. The FK or FOB killers were tied to the UN. Which means the FK got the drugs they sold from the UN while the FOB got their drugs from the Hells Angels. This once again shows that the Hells Angels were directly involved in the drug related violence in Calgary as well. Kim is also confirming rumors that John Punko is out of jail.

62 kilos of Surrey cocaine seized at the border

The Peace arch News is reporting that Custom officials from the Pacific Border crossing seized 62.3 kilograms of cocaine destined for Surrey last month. It’s the largest seizure in BC since July 2011 when 115 kilos of cocaine were seized from the same crossing. I guess the Walrus will be choked. Then again they’ll just make the driver indebted to them for the loss.