Thursday, May 8, 2014

Hells Angels and Red Devils busted in Quebec

CTV is reporting that "The Hells Angels and the Red Devils biker gangs were targeted in 49 police raids which saw 650 police officers arrest 69 suspects in Saguenay, the Laurentians and Laval Wednesday. Six suspects are still being sought in the roundup of the drug operation which dealt meth, cocaine, and cannabis."

"The raids were mainly directed in the Saguenay area where the network was also suspected of other crimes, including extortion, arson, kidnapping and other crimes. Some of those arrested were Daniel Labrie, 41, of Terrebonne, Daniel Bouchard, 40, of Jonquière, Éric Bleau, 32, of Saint-Eustache, Pierre Chayer, 50, of Rawdon and Normand Girard, 60, of Laval."

So much for riding motorcycles and living the dream. They're just pimping the dream. "Where there is smoke, there is fire and where there is a God there is a devil." And of course where there is crack or crystal meth, there is the Hells Angels. That Judas Priest BS is so grade 8. Nutbars.

Evidently, The Red Devils are an international puppet club for the Hells Angels. In South Carolina they were charged with selling crystal meth along with the Hells Angels out of the Rock hill clubhouse under a confederate flag.

Monday, May 5, 2014

George Wolsey scams Surrey

There was a very impressive piece of investigative journalism in today's Vancouver Province. They heard rumours of East Vancouver slum lord and pharmaceutical scammer George Wolsey setting up shop and running another scam in Surrey so they did some surveillance of their own and got a picture of him at a shady methadone clinic in Surrey when he has been banned from practicing.

Turns out he and his shady partner were running another scam with a bogus recovery house in Newton set up to scam the system again. A former employee of George Wolsey who ran the recovery house said their responsibilities included finding residents, getting them on medication, and sending them to IHS Pharmacy to fill their scripts. Just like the scam he pulled in the DTES. Only that time he was a slum lord. This time he did it under the guise of a recovery house. Only “There is no service, there is no recovery,” said Weinmeister of the Impact Housing Society. “It is not recovery. It is a flop house.”

This is the problem. Recovery homes in Newton that aren't recovery homes,. They just scam the system by abusing the methadone program. That is why recovery homes like the Welcome Home Addiction Recovery Academy are so important. They actually help addicts get off drugs instead of fostering ongoing methadone addictions at the tax payers expense. The problem with the methadone program is that they never reduce the dosages they just keep them on the program forever so they can make money filling out prescriptions at the tax paters expense.'

The Welcome Home Addiction Recovery Academy doesn't use the methadone program. That's why they get so much opposition from the medical scammers. Instead they give them life skills and help them actually get a job at Price Pro their private fundraising company. This is a program we should support. The fake recovery homes like this one run by George Wolsey are just a pharmaceutical scam and should be shut down.

The Vancouver Province is also reporting that Wolsey missed his court appearance this morning. Do they have a Pulitzer Prize for Investigative Journalism in Canada because this article definitely qualifies since it nails the Newton problem once again.

Bill C-13 violates the Canadian Charter of Rights

The National Post ran an interesting article yesterday explaining "How federal bill C-13 could give CSIS agents — or even Rob Ford — access to your personal online data. "A wide-ranging new federal bill that will allow Internet and cellphone providers to hand over your personal data without a warrant has privacy advocates concerned about just how many officials will have access to that information, a list that could range from CSIS agents to Toronto Mayor Rob Ford."

"When passed, Tory bill C-13 will mean that any “public officer” or “peace officer” can request, obtain and use data that has been voluntarily provided to them by telecommunication companies, and it spells out legal immunity for any company that co-operates."

"The officers obtaining that data can be anything from tax agents to sheriffs, reeves, justices of the peace, CSIS agents, and even, yes, mayors. That aspect of the bill was enough of a concern for then-Privacy Commissioner, Jennifer Stoddart, to raise the alarm. She released a statement in November noting “the potentially large number of ‘public officers’ who would be able to use these significant new powers.”

So guess what happened when the Privacy commissioner sounded the alarm? Harper fired her like every other whistle blower. Only now the interim Privacy commissioner is saying the same thing.

Ottawa snooping on social media

CBC is reporting that Federal government departments are collecting data on Canadian citizens via their social media accounts for no good reason, Canada's privacy watchdog says.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Surrey Bomb Threat

There was a bomb threat at the Real Canadian Superstore at 14650 104 Ave in Surrey Today. The whole store was closed down and the bomb squad was there. After the scene was deemed safe the store was reopened for business as usual. However, I do want to comment on protocol.

Obviously any bomb threat no matter how ridiculous it sounds has to be taken seriously. My concern is this huge amount of secrecy every time there is a police scene. I know I'm idealistic and live in a fantasy world but in my dream world the public isn't kept in the dark and isolated so much. If there's a police scene all they have to do is say I'm sorry the store is closed there's been a bomb threat. Oh OK. Or, there's been a shooting or a stabbing and we need you to stand back. Oh OK. Thanks for keeping us safe. Instead we are told nothing and are alienated by the police.

I realize that they have to protect the integrity of an investigation but if there is an incident near your home or workplace, you should be allowed to know what is going on. After the scene was deemed safe the employees were forbidden to discuss the matter with the customers. I had to weasel around and talk to non employees and other customers to find out what really happened.

Seemingly someone left a bag in the store and said it was a bomb. OK that has to be treated seriously but if it was someone in the store who left a bag and said it was a bomb they have them on surveillance video so finding out who it was shouldn't be a problem. My first question is was it some crack head? After the store reopened a new set of customers arrived who had no idea what was going on and I told one guy who asked what was going on that there was a bomb threat but the scene has been deemed safe now. The guy just shrugs it off and says who is going to bomb a grocery store? I chuckle and said you have a good point.

In any police scene it would be nice if the public were told a simple basic fact instead of treating them like idiots and keeping them in the dark. No one wants to live in a police state.

When the Rebel Yells

Last month the Vancouver Province printed an article about the rumours surrounding the Rock Machine coming to Vancouver. Although some claimed it was just some kid calling in to the paper making stuff up, the article quotes a Vancouver cop who claimed Rock Machine colours have been seen in the Lower mainland.

Shortly after that article came out the Toronto Sun printed an article where police in Montreal claimed they found a warehouse with Rock Machine colours in it. Although the Rock Machine was founded in Quebec and raged a long war with the Hells Angels there over drug turf, they had been extinct in Quebec for almost a decade.

We know that the new Rock Machine is in Ontario and Winnipeg and has expanded to Australia. Well now we are hearing rumours about the Rebels from Australia coming to Canada and setting up shop in Toronto. There are even rumours of them trying to set up shop here in BC. I want to be clear that the purpose of my blog and web site is not to advertize for aspiring gangs or gang members to promote their cause and help them build a reputation for their business. This as all rapidly becoming one toxic cess pool of crime and mid life crises.

Obviously the Rock Machine are enemies of the Hells Angels and are affiliated with the Outlaws who have coined the phrase ADIOS (Angels Die in Outlaw States). Seemingly the Rebels from Australia are also enemies of the Hells Angels and are fighting with them in Asia. Evidently, the Rock Machine and the Rebels had some kind of war going on in Australia making everything one big toxic mess.

To make matters worse, last year one chapter of the Rock Machine in Australia patched over to the Bandidios. This was after the Rock Machine's assimilation with the Bandidions in Canada failed and they went back on their own. More complicated still, the Finks who fought with the Hells Angels and refused to join them after they got the woman beater Chris Hudson to defect, have now patched over to the Bandidos.

One of the things that drive me crazy is this ridiculous saying AFFA. Angels Forever Forever Angels. All the puppets and enemies copy the same phrase. It's stupid when the Hells Angels say it and even more ridiculous when a puppet says it knowing full well all the puppets are desperately striving to one day become a real boy just like Pinocchio of old and trade in that puppet patch for what they perceive to be a real boy patch making their forever very short term indeed. Forever is forever until they trade it in or get kicked out and screwed over.

We also know that the Warlocks, another enemy of the Hells Angels have set up shop in Fort McMurray and Drayton Valley outside Edmonton. There are even rumours of them wanting to come to BC and set up shop in Salmon Arm. OK so hold the door. The enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend. No offense but the Warlocks are just more aspiring criminals who are no better than the Hells Angels just not as well organized. Bragging about a lockdown page where their members have been convicted of criminal offenses is absolutely ridiculous.

I will say a word about logos. Back in Belfast, the Provisional IRA used to use a Phoenix as a logo. The graffiti I saw there was of a brown bird that looked similar to an eagle rising from the ashes. However, I can only find green ones online. The Warlocks also use a Phoenix only theirs is yellow and looks like something out of Harry Potter. No offense. It's a free country but that's not the kind of logo that I would be proud to wear nor does it tend to send fear into the hearts of their enemies. It kind of makes me think of Harry Potter and Dumbledore when I see it.

The Rebels on the other hand use a confederate flag. I cannot support that. The confederate flag represents slavery. The saying the south shall rise again refers to that insane quest to bring back slavery. As God lives, if the south shall rise again the north will be there to stop them. Consequently I can not support the Rebels MC in BC.

I do like the Rock Machine logo. I don't support them selling crack but I do like their logo. An eagle's head is way better then a helmeted skull with devil horns that looks like something out of the lord of the flies. I also like the Outlaws logo. I usually can't stand the over use of the skull in logos but a simple skull with V twin pistons is fine and comes in second to the RM logo in my opinion. In third comes Michael McCrea's Highlanders MC in Cape Breton. I like claymores.

So here's the deal. I have beef with the Hells Angels monopoly of the drug trade in BC and of the sex trade. If you say you want a revolution and you want to rage against the big red machine, I am totally down with that. But if you want to sell crack or pimp crack hos and wear a 1% f*ck up patch then you can count me out. When that rebel yells you're on your own. I will not support it. Instead, my guitar will gently weep.

Misconception about Pot

Not to flog a dead horse but I do want to address the blind obsessiveness that is driving the legalization of pot campaign which I see as cult like. I've said a million times before that there is a huge difference between pot and crack or crystal meth. A huge difference. So much of a difference that I agree it is insane to implement mandatory minimum sentences for pot when we need to deal with crack dealers not users and violent crime.

Throwing everyone in jail for smoking pot would be a huge waste of tax dollars. Having said that I think it is really important we be completely honest and clear up some of the obsessive misconceptions about pot that many actually believe to be true despite the obvious facts staring them in the face and the huge dissinformation campaign on the internet.

Pot does not cure cancer. Chemotherapy cures cancer. Pot eases the side effects of chemotherapy. You can't get any more clear then that. When someone writes in and calls me an idiot for claiming chemotherapy cures cancer not pot I am forced to ask what else are you smoking? Years ago, if you had Hodgkin's disease, you likely died from it. Now it is totally treatable. Now many forms of cancer are successfully treated. Chemotherapy and radiation treatment are horrible things to go through but the success rate has been scientifically recorded. To say those documented cases are false is absurd. To abandon those facts and claim that pot not chemotherapy cures cancer is not only false but cult like.

Everyone knows that smoking cigarettes is bad for you. It causes lung cancer. The warnings on the packages keep getting larger and larger and society today all know about the harmful effects of smoking cigarettes. The concerns about second hand smoke has resulted in banning smoking from most public places including airplanes. Second hand smoke is irritating and unhealthy. So what makes you think that smoking pot is somehow magically different than smoking cigarettes?

I knew a guy just out of high school who was a long distance runner and liked pot. He knew smoking was bad for you so he ate it in cookies or hash brownies. The truth is, pot smoke is unfiltered and causes lung cancer even more so than smoking regular filtered cigarettes.

We need to be honest about the facts. When I see people obsessively denying the facts I'm forced to step back and reexamine their movement. Recently the Vancouver Province ran an article about pot legalization in Colorado. The picture that went with the article was a large group of demonstrators celebrating their victory and smoking pot in public. They all looked like a bunch of spoilt brat stoners. I don't go anywhere near the Vancouver Art Gallery on 420. It's is completely out of hand. They're just a bunch of spoilt brats empowered by the mob mentality. To each their own but that is not my thing. Just so we're clear on that.

There are also concerns about ingesting pot in food. The guys at work are famous for bringing pot cookies to special events. They were all joking about one older guy who ate several of these powerful cookies and sat in his van for hours because he was totally f*cked up. I mentioned it to another old timer and he asked how many the guy ate. He was shocked and said you've only supposed to eat half of one. Well someone should have told him. Sitting in your van and getting f*cked up for hours is not my idea of a good time. Evidently they are having the same problem of controlling doses in Colorado when people ingest pot in food.

In fact, the cult like obsessiveness to legalize pot claiming it will solve all your problems and even cure cancer reminds me of the book Brave New World and how the drug Soma was used to tranquilize the masses into obeying the World State. Personally I think pot is over rated.

Marijuana smoke contains 50% to 70% more cancer-causing substances than tobacco smoke.

Marijuana contains more carcinogenic hydrocarbons than tobacco smoke.

Part Two: Crack Cures Cancer

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Stephen Harper vs the Supreme Court of Canada

Stephen Harper has launched an interesting mud slinging campaign of Supreme Court Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin. The concern appears to be about Harper's desire to appoint Marc Nadon to the Supreme Court. Beverley McLachlin expressed a concern about his eligibility and Harper goes off on a tirade about how it's inappropriate for her to lobby the government about appointments.

CBC quoted Adam Dodek who said "Every minister of justice in this Conservative government and in its predecessor Liberal governments going back at least 15 years has stated publicly that they have consulted with the chief justice of Canada about appointments to the Supreme Court of Canada. So where is the issue and where is the problem here?"

Wikipedia claims "Nadon was nominated by the Conservative government of Prime Minister Stephen Harper to be a puisne justice of the Supreme Court of Canada. He was formally appointed to the Supreme Court of Canada on October 3, 2013, and sworn in on October 7, 2013. Following controversy regarding his appointment, he stated that he would not hear cases until the legal challenge to his appointment was decided. His appointment was struck down as unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in Reference re Supreme Court Act, ss. 5 and 6 on March 21, 2014.

By a 6-1 margin, the Court found that he did not meet the requirement of s. 6 of the Supreme Court Act, which requires that Quebec appointments to the Court be either a sitting judge on the Quebec Court of Appeal or Superior Court, or a current member of the Barreau du Québec. As a result, the Court ruled that his appointment had never taken effect and he remained a supernumerary judge of the Federal Court of Appeal."

Harper ignored a legal caution from Canada's chief justice on Marc Nadon's eligibility and proceeded unilaterally. He has now launched a character assassination of her in retaliation. I'll admit that I didn't understand the beef at first. Quebec, BC. Nova Scotia, it doesn't matter where someone is from. A lawyer is a lawyer a judge is a judge and the elected government appoints judges.

The National Post clarifies the concern by stating that Justice Nadon sat on the Federal Court of Appeal, not a Quebec court. The Supreme Court of Canada Act requires at least three judges be “appointed from among the judges of the Court of Appeal or of the Superior Court of the Province of Quebec or from among the advocates of that Province.” A key reason is to ensure expertise in Quebec’s civil code, which differs from the common law in other provinces. Mr. Justice Nadon is to be the third Quebec justice, after the retirement of Mr. Justice Morris Fish, but the Federal Court of Appeal is not a Quebec court, even if a Quebecer sits on it.

The Globe and Mail confirms that Justice Nadon was (and remains) a judge on the Federal Court of Appeal. No Federal Court judge had ever filled one of the three spots on the court reserved for Quebec judges.

So clearly Marc Nadonm can become a Supreme Court Judge. He just can't fill one of the three positions reserved for Judges with experience in Quebec civil law. It's that simple.

It's obvious on some appointments there are underlining concerns of political affiliations just like with the Senate appointments. For example, the right wants to appoint judges who oppose abortion and the left want to appoint judges who are pro abortion. That's just one example. Judges are supposed to be impartial and interpret the law but we know that's a fallacy in the real world since judges are human beings and have their own independent political opinions. Conservatives appoint their judges, Liberals appoint their judges and so forth. Beverley McLachlin was appointed by Jean Chretien while Marc Nadon was originally appointed by Brian Mulroney, hence the conflict.

We all know that Stephen Harper is an enemy of the Charter of Rights. He admits he hates it and wants to get rid of it because it restricts his quest for absolute power. Opposing that quest and upholding the civil liberty protected in the Charter of Rights is clearly a good thing.

One of the concerns on the table is that Harper wants to unilaterally do away with the Senate and the Supreme Court said no. The United States has a Senate and a House of Representatives. Doing away with the Senate completely gives one government far too much power. Senate reform is one thing but doing away with the senate completely is another. There is nothing wrong with making senators elected. There's nothing wrong with making senators accountable for their spending. It would be very hypocritical indeed to do away with the senate completely to "save money" when it was your appointed senators that were caught squandering tax dollars.

Upholding civil liberty and the Charter of Rights is a good thing. Yet it is clear that the court can easily overstep those boundaries and become a law unto themselves which is not in the public interest. Every civil servant need to be publicly accountable. It is wrong for the Supreme Court to make their own laws contrary to the democratic will of the people who pay their wages.

Peace in Northern Ireland

Peace in Northern Ireland is very problematic. It is very similar to the current struggle in the Ukraine as well as the problematic nature of Quebec Separatism. One side wants to separate but the other side does not. Clearly the recent arrest of Gerry Adams is an attempt to derail the peace process. Some want that process to fail. Most do not.

The struggle in Northern Ireland is not a two way struggle it is a three way struggle. It's not just the Irish fighting the British for self determination any more like it was in the south. In the north, half the population is Protestant and want to remain affiliated with England. The Catholics in Northern Ireland do not. They want to be free and independent of England. One side wants one thing while the other side wants something else making the conflict very problematic indeed. Setting up Storemount and self representation is a step in the right direction.

There is a crazy legend in Northern Ireland which comprises the province of Ulster involving the O'Neils. "According to one myth, the kingdom of Ulster had at one time no rightful heir. Because of this it was agreed that a boat race should take place and that 'whosoever's hand is the first to touch the shore of Ireland, so shall he be made the king.' One potential king so desired the kingship that, upon seeing that he was losing the race, he cut off his hand and threw it to the shore - thus winning the kingship."

Legend has it this was the O'Niels thus their use of the Red Hand of Ulster in heraldry throughout the generations. One could say that they were losing the boat race and cheated. Others would say if they want the land that bad, let them have it.

Wikipedia claims "Another variation of this story concludes that it was none other than Niall of the Nine Hostages who severed his own hand in order to win his crown from his brother." I don't believe that version. Niall of the Nine Hostages was the High King of Ireland seated in Tara outside of Dublin in county Meath. He wasn't in competition with his brother for anything. His son Eogan went north and settled Ailech just outside of Derry in the north. Well Donegal which is technically in southern Ireland but is in the north of the Island.

Eogan's heraldic symbol was the red lion which his grandson carried over to Scotland. Muirchertach mor mac Ercae was the grandson of Eogan. His brother Fergus mor mac Ercae went to Scotland and married into Scottish royalty there. As a wedding gift Muirchertach mor mac Ercae gave his brother Fergus the Stone of Scone which rests in Westminster Abby as recorded in the Anals of Ulster. The O'Neils red hand of Ulster was adopted later on. My father's father was a descendant of Eogan. Although he was born in London he was of Scottish ancestry. Originally the surname was O'Cahan but it was changed three times in Scotland after subsequent heirs.

Anyways, my point is the O'Neils are freaking crazy. No disrespect intended. The O'Neils themselves are fine but all this crazed obsession among the self professed loyalists is really toxic. "Londodnderry Westbank Loyalists still Under Siege, No Surrender." They are passionate about their right to live in that land and I have to admit they have just as much right to be there as anyone else. That's what makes the whole peace process problematic. You can't just kick them all out and do what you want. You have to include them in the process. Which is in itself problematic because I personally wouldn't want to live with those nutbars.

I rather find somewhere else to live which I have. Or at least my father and his father has. In my opinion it is a better land with mountains, forests and the ocean. I'm just a rider on a western highway. I am from Vancouver. That is my home now and that makes this land holy too. It is where we live. It is where our children were raised and it is where our fathers are buried. It is a multicultural community where people don't care what religion you are. We have no place left to go.

Not long ago I was on Grouse Mountain checking out the latest movie they have about local history in their viewing centre. I picked up on the accent the girl who was hosting the show and asked her where she was from. She said Ireland and I asked where abouts? She said Donegal, Letterkenny. Letterkenny says I with a big grin on my face. The land of the rebel safe houses. She smiled and her eyes grew wide and said shhhh. People here don't know about any of that. Indeed they don't. People here aren't interested in those kinds of conflicts.

I do hope and pray for peace in Northern Ireland but I do recognize that peace in Northern Ireland is going to have to represent both sides there who want two different things. Justice does not mean ignoring one to reward the other. One thing is certain and that is the violence needs to stop. Nobody wants that to continue any more. Just a handful of extremists that have no right to highjack the democratic will of the majority who just want to live in peace.

Are we going to go back in history before the signing of the 1998 Good Friday peace accord and retry every Protestant, every Catholic and every British insurgent for past murders? Because if you do one, you have to do the others as well. That would be a daunting task indeed that would clearly leave everyone blind. I don't think it would support the peace process either.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Gerry Adams on Trial

Gerry Adams is in the news both locally and internationally. He was arrested on suspicion of ordering the 1972 killing of Jean McConville, a mother of 10 in West Belfast.

Jean McConville was seized by the IRA from her Divis Flats home in West Belfast, shot dead and secretly buried. Her body was found in 2003 on a Co Louth beach. The IRA thought she was a spy for the British so they executed her. She was a widow and the mother of ten children. Her husband had died of cancer and the children were separated and raised as orphans. It is without question a tragic event. I hesitate to comment on the case but since everyone knows of my love for the Holy Land (Ireland) and since my hecklers will no doubt use this case to trash me I will address it now.

There are a lot of things that the IRA did that I don't agree with. However, there are a lot of things they did that I do agree with. The Easter Rising and the Irish Proclamation was an inspired rebellion against foreign occupation. The founding fathers of that sacred proclamation said: "We place the cause of the Irish Republic under the protection of the Most High God. Whose blessing we invoke upon our arms, and we pray that no one who serves that cause will dishonour it by cowardice, in humanity, or rapine."

When I first visited Ireland many years ago, the IRA had kidnapped a dentist in Dublin and sent his fingers to his family with the ransom note. That was horrible. I did not agree with that. It was an example of inhumanity and rapine. Yet the quest for liberty is a noble cause. The movie Michael Collins with Liam Neeson sets the stage for the struggle that existed in that time period.

In launching their struggle against foreign occupation the provisional government needed to address the problem of informants. British spies who would pass on information to the invading army resulting in the murder of local revolutionaries. To combat this problem they initiated the practice of executing informants for treason. Treason is without question a serious offense. Executions without a trial is however, very problematic.

Was Jean McConville an informant that spied for the British? I don't know. I personally doubt it. Yet I don't doubt it because a British tabloid said there was no evidence she was a spy. I doubt it because if she was Irish and lived in the Divis Flats in West Belfast, I find it very hard to believe she felt any sympathy for the British invasion whatsoever. No one there does. I used to ride the black taxis down the Falls road to Divis flats in the late /80's.

I realize the family needs closure and will never find such because no truth will replace what was taken from them. Right or wrong it appears that the IRA executed their mother for being a spy. Whether or not she really was a spy is very difficult to ascertain. Yet we know who killed her and why. I'm not sure how trying to blame one specific person for that murder now will help with the healing process. When something as tragic as that happens, there is no justice.

I am somewhat surprised the police want to press charges at this point. I thought there was an amnesty granted since the cease fire and the peace talks from 1998, when the Good Friday peace accord was signed. Both sides murdered many people in that political war. The IRA, the UDA and the British Army. I was never a big fan of Gerry Adams. I had no problem with him. I was a fan of Bobby Sands. He was the activist who died for his beliefs. Gerry Adams was more of a politician. When Bobby Sands and the hunger strikers of H block were dying, Gery Adams was sitting at home in his office. Someone had to be the political voice.

I was in West Belfast when the crazed lunatic from the UVF, a branch of the UDA, showed up at an IRA funeral in Milltown cemetery and started throwing hand grenades into the crowd, then opened fire on the crowd with a hand gun as he tried to flee the scene. I was told not to attend that funeral but I had a friend who did. He was one of the youth that took fire and chased the gunman down giving him the boots until a British Helicopter came down and saved him.

Years later after word of a cease fire and a peace process many political prisoners were released as a sign of good faith. That's why I'm rather surprised they want to go backwards and arrest Gerry Adams for something that happened before the cease fire and the peace process. To me it doesn't seem to be bargaining in good faith. No disrespect to the genuine loss of the McConville family. It's just that even the Miltown bomber was released from prison as part of the cease fire.

To Jean McConville's children I say I am truly sorry for your loss. Nothing can replace what was taken from you. Yet as God lives, life does not end at death. You will see your mother and your father again. Your day will come. Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted. Remember, Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called children of God. Many people were murdered in that war. We need to remember them, we need to honour them and we need to move forward to create a climate of peace so more innocent people don't suffer like you have.

The Irish Flag is an ensign for peace. It's called the tricolour. Green is for Irish Catholic. Orange is for the Irish Protestants and White represents peace between the two. When hate driven "loyalists" burn that flag and shout Ulster Say No to peace in Ireland, they are teaching their children to hate and as Martin Luther King declared hate is too great a burden to bear. Mistakes were made on both sides. "What's done is done, what's won is won and what's lost is lost and gone forever. All we can do is hope and pray for a bright brand new day in the town that I loved so well." Peace.

Nanaimo Hells Angel going back to Court

News 1130 is reporting that Nanaimo Hells Angel Robert Frederick Widdifield is going back to Court to face extortion and theft charges in connection to a stolen boat.

Widdifield and three others linked to the Hells Angels were charged in October 2010, and the trial was scheduled to start in October 2012 but was then put off until the fall of 2013. However, on June 11 2013 Justice Robert Johnston dismissed the case over delays.

The right to a speedy trial is indeed an important Charter Right. Not if you're the one causing the delays though. BC Court of Appeal Justice David Frankel has now ruled that Johnston was mistaken, and the Crown was responsible for only five months of delays, while 11 months of postponements can be blamed on the unavailability of defence counsel.