A very disturbing article in the Vancouver Province the other day about the violence in the Ukraine. I still have to find the actual article but in essence it said that the government of Ukraine had boasted of a victory as it attacked two cities in eastern Ukraine. I find such a bold claim to be very disturbing indeed.
The current "government" of Ukraine was the result of a military coup and was not the result of a democratic election. They are the insurgents. For them to launch an "anti terror campaign" in Eastern Ukraine is a act of war. NATO supporting a coup in opposition to a democratically elected president is astounding. Yet we know that was done before in Iran. The west supported a coup in Operation Ajax to gain control of Iran's oil.
Rabble.ca has a pretty toxic article about the conflict but raises one good point. The unelected coup in western Ukraine is being supported by NATO. It quotes a German newspaper that claims "dozens" of advisors from the FBI and CIA have flooded into Ukraine. Other German dailies are reporting the entry of some 400 U.S. mercenaries with the company formerly known as Blackwater. That is believable and is somewhat concerning. Blackwater are mercenaries and would explain the false flag mission handing out those ridiculous anti Jewish flyers in the East.
The Rabble.ca article is written by a socialist and long time trade union activist which is in my opinion an onymoron. Communism has absolutely nothing to do with the worker's revolution. I say the article is toxic because it is dripping with workers revolution rhetoric which as we saw from Lenin ordering the machine guns to open fire on trade unionists that objected to his highjacking of the movement to be very hypocritical indeed.
Fascism is no better and despite the fact that Fascists and Communists hate each other so much, I submit that there is no real difference between the two. Both are dictators that end up in the same spot despite the fact that they arrived at that destination from two different roads. The German papers refers to the "Ukrainian transitional government" in Kiev. Also known as a coup.
The Rabble.ca article states that during an official visit by German Chancellor Angela Merkel, President Obama said "We're united in our support for Ukraine," which isn't entirely true. They are supporting the western coup in Ukraine despite the democratic will of the east. My question is what on earth is the German chancellor doing in this? That is totally inappropriate because it brings back past history when Germany invaded the Ukraine. Now we realize that Germany is no longer Fascist but Russia is no longer Communist either. Why turn this into a conflict of two old extremes? The East wants to be part of Russia, the West does not. It really is that simple.
Here is Finian's Peace Plan for the Ukraine: The military coup in the West of Ukraine need to get their sh*t together. They need to hold a democratic election before they do anything. They have absolutely no right to do anything in the East of Ukraine. Likewise now that Eastern Ukraine has held a referendum and declared their independence, they have no business in Western Ukraine. They may defend themselves in Eastern Ukraine against the western coup and their NATO support but they may not invade or attack Kiev or other cities in the West of Ukraine. It really is that simple and we in the West have to stop supporting the CIA who are nothing but a criminal organization and a bigger threat to our own sovereignty than Russian.