Saturday, May 17, 2014

Conflict in the Ukraine continues

A very disturbing article in the Vancouver Province the other day about the violence in the Ukraine. I still have to find the actual article but in essence it said that the government of Ukraine had boasted of a victory as it attacked two cities in eastern Ukraine. I find such a bold claim to be very disturbing indeed.

The current "government" of Ukraine was the result of a military coup and was not the result of a democratic election. They are the insurgents. For them to launch an "anti terror campaign" in Eastern Ukraine is a act of war. NATO supporting a coup in opposition to a democratically elected president is astounding. Yet we know that was done before in Iran. The west supported a coup in Operation Ajax to gain control of Iran's oil. has a pretty toxic article about the conflict but raises one good point. The unelected coup in western Ukraine is being supported by NATO. It quotes a German newspaper that claims "dozens" of advisors from the FBI and CIA have flooded into Ukraine. Other German dailies are reporting the entry of some 400 U.S. mercenaries with the company formerly known as Blackwater. That is believable and is somewhat concerning. Blackwater are mercenaries and would explain the false flag mission handing out those ridiculous anti Jewish flyers in the East.

The article is written by a socialist and long time trade union activist which is in my opinion an onymoron. Communism has absolutely nothing to do with the worker's revolution. I say the article is toxic because it is dripping with workers revolution rhetoric which as we saw from Lenin ordering the machine guns to open fire on trade unionists that objected to his highjacking of the movement to be very hypocritical indeed.

Fascism is no better and despite the fact that Fascists and Communists hate each other so much, I submit that there is no real difference between the two. Both are dictators that end up in the same spot despite the fact that they arrived at that destination from two different roads. The German papers refers to the "Ukrainian transitional government" in Kiev. Also known as a coup.

The article states that during an official visit by German Chancellor Angela Merkel, President Obama said "We're united in our support for Ukraine," which isn't entirely true. They are supporting the western coup in Ukraine despite the democratic will of the east. My question is what on earth is the German chancellor doing in this? That is totally inappropriate because it brings back past history when Germany invaded the Ukraine. Now we realize that Germany is no longer Fascist but Russia is no longer Communist either. Why turn this into a conflict of two old extremes? The East wants to be part of Russia, the West does not. It really is that simple.

Here is Finian's Peace Plan for the Ukraine: The military coup in the West of Ukraine need to get their sh*t together. They need to hold a democratic election before they do anything. They have absolutely no right to do anything in the East of Ukraine. Likewise now that Eastern Ukraine has held a referendum and declared their independence, they have no business in Western Ukraine. They may defend themselves in Eastern Ukraine against the western coup and their NATO support but they may not invade or attack Kiev or other cities in the West of Ukraine. It really is that simple and we in the West have to stop supporting the CIA who are nothing but a criminal organization and a bigger threat to our own sovereignty than Russian.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Kamloops drug bust tied to the Hells Angels

Kamloops this Week is reporting that seven people have been arrested after police found and seized 15 pounds of marijuana, 10 ounces of cocaine and 40 firearms. Police wouldn't say which criminal organization the alleged drug-trafficking ring was linked to, but Hells Angels support stickers were among the seized items shown to reporters.

Jason Robertson, 36, was one of the seven arrested. Police executed search warrants on three of his homes which resulted in the seizures. This is so bizarrely HA. Take a look at the guy. He looks like a complete idiot. A flaming Weird Hal wannabe. A total geek. Yet that firepower is staggering. He owns three homes? This is how the HAs do business. They take a complete idiot that would never make it on his own and empower him with the patch. That way they don't have to worry about him working for anyone else because he would never make it anywhere with put the patch.

Larry Robert Mizen

Speaking of violence against drug addicts and sex trade workers, who is Larry Robert Mizen? He has quite the criminal record. In 2006 the Vancouver Province reported that "Larry Robert Mizen, 45, of Surrey has been charged with forcible confinement, extortion, robbery, assault, assault with a weapon, sexual assault, weapons possession and uttering threats against sex-trade workers, street-level criminals and drug addicts in North Surrey. Further charges are expected."

There was a court case in 2005 that talked about some of the allegations against him. He often has a female co accused. Once again this is someone who has a long record for using violence to collect drug debts in Surrey outside the Front Room. I guess as long as he doesn't smoke a joint on Wreck beach, that's OK. The predatory drug dealers are still outside the Front Room.

Don't worry. They'll send a bike patrol a mile down the road from Newton where it's safe. Just as long as the public sees a bike patrol Bill Fordy will be happy. No one actually wants to have a police presence in a high crime area to disrupt the crack trade. That would mess up everything.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

RCMP want tent on Wreck Beach

This is the perfect example of everything that is wrong with the RCMP. Front page of today's Vancouver Province is an article about how the RCMP intends on pitching a collapsible tent each afternoon on wreck Beach from the May long weekend to Labour Day as a public-safety measure. A nudist beach. No other beach in Vancouver just on Wreck beach. The biggest tragedy is the fact that they can't even see how totally unappropriated this is.

What are they going to do have Jim Brown and Don Ray patrol that beat? Talk about creepy. How does this help overcome the RCMP's bad image of perverts and sexual harassment? Patrolling a beach? How about patrolling a high crime area like the DTES? Why don't they set their little tent up in Newton or Whalley where the crime is, not to spy on and creep out the general public on a nudist beach. Is there any hope left for the RCMP? I don't know where to begin.

The day after another shooting fatality in Surrey Bill Fordy says he's doing everything he can to make Surrey safe. He forgot one thing: TRANSFER. If he transferred out of Surrey that would make it a lot more safe. Then whoever replaces him can start addressing the drug realted crime in the big red circles on the map. In Surrey you're allowed to sell crack. You just can't jay walk.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Anthony Terezakis and Piggy's Palace

I picked up a book about the Pickton Farm a blog reader recommended called On the Farm by Stevie Cameron. I must say it is very informative. So I open up at the chapter on Piggy's Palace and read how closely involved the Hells Angels were with the Pickton farm and Piggy's Palace.

Dave Pickton claimed "he used Tony from White Knight Security for all his parties. He's an Angel. A Hells Angel." (Page 135) Dave was referring to Anthony Terezakis! The Hells Angels associate who was selling drugs in East Vancouver for the club and filmed himself beating the life out of crack addicts who owed him money.

However, White Knight Security was a reputable security firm run by a different Tony. Tony C not Tony T. Tony C was not affiliated with the HAs Tony T was. It is highly unlikely White Knight Security had anything to do with Piggy's Palace. However, the author states Dave referred to Tony Terezakis and that was a direct quote from him.

The book is very clear about the Hells Angels prolific involvement with Piggy's Palace and the Pickton farm. That's what bugs me. To my knowledge none of that was ever admitted in Willie's trial. The Vancouver Province ran an article about how a band member who played at Piggy's Palace said Hells Angels attended parties there all the time. He never testified in court. The Vancouver Province reported at the time how a woman was going to testify to that fact in court but bikers showed up at her home during the trial and she left town without testifying so none of that evidence was ever submitted to court.

When that evidence was submitted to the Missing Woman Inquiry Wally Oppal shut down the inquiry and turned it into a Panel Discussion. He banned any evidence about the Hells Angels from being admitted. I didn't realize Dave bought land on Tannery Road in Surrey for his P&B business. That's near the Jesters clubhouse.

Page 137 of the book On the Farm states: "But the truth is that almost all the people in the community knew the Palace as a wild party place with drugs and prostitutes. And everyone knew that the bikers who attended usually finished the parties at their own place across from the Pickton farm, a clubhouse that had become infamous as a booze can serving alcohol and drugs to members and friends. By the end of 1996 the neighbourhood became known in criminal circles as a biker area, one controlled by the Hells Angels."

"Off duty police officers attended the parties and so did city officials." (p 136) "He was worried they were going to get busted at the Palace... But the place was full of cops too, lots of them, all in plainclothes." (p 138) Diane Rock had vanished in October. Her boyfriend was a 34 year old longshoreman named Vince McMurchy who treated her like dirt. The book claims he said she was a piece of crap and was better off dead. (p 365) I want to follow up on the Diane Rock story. From what I hear it will blow the lid off the cover up completely.

The Diane Rock story is tied to Bill Fordy, Don Adam and Bob Paulson who are friends and associates of Craig Callens who was from Prince George during the time of David Ramsay. Bob Paulson knows something important about the Diane Rock story that was never admitted to court. That is likely why Cameron Ward wanted him to testify at the Mission Woman Inquiry and why Wally Oppal forbid it. The day will come when the Diane Rock story will be told. reported that Bill Hiscox claimed the "special events" convened at Piggy Palace--a converted building at the hog farm--where drunken raves that featured "entertainment" by an ever-changing cast of Downtown Eastside prostitutes. Sounds like there was more than one person watching the entertainment. Police telling Pickton the name of informants was astounding.

The Diane Rock Story

The book On the Farm stats that "Janice Edwards talked to the police about her friend and co-worker Diane Rock, whom she had picked up, hysterical and bleeding, at a gas station in Port Coquitlam in August 2001. Dianne had described being raped repeatedly in a cellar at the Pickton farm, Edwards told them; she shared everything she could remember about their conversation. Constable Sandra Lavallee drove her to the gas station where she remembered having picked up Diane." (Page 535) This incident happened before Diane Rock went missing in October 2001.

Diane Rock was hysterical and bleeding. She claimed that she was "raped repeatedly" in a cellar at the Pickton farm before she went missing. Raped repeatedly by one person? Willie Pickton? No that is not what she said. What she really did say is paramount to the investigation.

The book On the Farm later states that "Wilie Pickton was back in court on June 30, 2003, when the preliminary hearing resumed. This time the judge listened to days of testimony from 'last seen' witnesses, people who had been identified as the last people to see a victim before she disappeared... Vince McMurchy, Diane Rock's former boyfriend, was one of these; so was her friend Janice Edwards, who picked her up after Diane had been tied up and raped by several men in a building on the Pickton farm." (Page 629)

One step closer to the truth. This time we hear that Diane Rock claimed she was repeatedly raped by several men on the Pickton farm. This clearly implicates more than one suspect but there's more. She named two groups of men that raped her. A claim that Bob Paulson didn't believe. One that he, Bill Fordy and Don Adam all covered up completely.

No doubt the inclusion of Janice Edwards evidence that Diane Rock was gang raped by several men on the Pickton Farm was what led the judge to tell the jury they could convict Robert Pickton of murder even if he wasn't the only suspect or even the main suspect. They could convict him if he was just an active participant which they did. However, the integrity of a Missing Woman's inquiry would look at this evidence implicating other suspects not cover it up like Wally Oppal did.

What about this cellar at the Pickton farm where Diane Rock was gang raped? What else did the police find in it? Was Big Tony making more movies there too? What was this DVD pertinent to the Picktonm investigation the police thought Jim Brown had? Please advise.

I guess Mom Boucher wasn't the only one who broke the no rape rule.

Finian Commission uncovers the Pickton cover up

Rizzuto Associate Sentenced to 10 Years

The US Attorney's office in New York is reporting that Alessandro Taloni, an alleged associate of the Montreal-based Rizzuto organized crime family of La Cosa Nostra, was sentenced to 10 years in prison, to be followed by 5 years of supervised release. In May 2013, Taloni pled guilty to cocaine trafficking charges contained in a superseding indictment returned on April 3, 2013. As part of his sentence, Taloni will also forfeit $2,663,191 that federal agents seized from multiple locations in California that Taloni used to store narcotics and drug proceeds.

Taloni and ten members of a Montreal-based drug distribution organization affiliated with the Rizzuto and Bonanno crime families, the Hells Angels, and the Sinaloa Cartel were charged with narcotics and money laundering offenses in connection with trafficking over $1 billion worth of marijuana, cocaine, and ecstasy into the United States between 1998 and 2012. The organization transported tens of thousands of pounds of marijuana from outdoor growers in British Colombia (most of BC Bud is grown indoors) to Montreal, Canada, and controlled numerous warehouses in and around Montreal for the manufacture of ecstasy and hydroponic marijuana.

The drugs were smuggled into the United States using transportation networks run by the Hells Angels and Native American co-conspirators from the Akwesasne Mohawk Reservation along the U.S./Canadian border. Once the drugs were sold in the United States, much of it by distributors tied to the Bonanno crime family in New York, the organization used millions of dollars in drug proceeds to purchase more cocaine from the powerful Sinaloa Cartel in Mexico for exportation to and distribution in Canada. Taloni was personally sent from Montreal to Los Angeles, California, to receive those drug proceeds and to purchase cocaine from the Mexican sources and export cocaine to Canada.

The New York Daily News is reporting that Taloni included Pope Benedict XVI’s blessing in court papers begging the Brooklyn judge for mercy. Defense lawyer Gerard Marrone referred to the “official blessing from the Vatican” in court papers, but did not raise the Papal prayer in court.

Evidently this is the same ring Larry Amero was charged in out of Montreal. Trading BC bud for cocaine to be sold here as crack. The greed continues. Jimmy “Cosmo the Clown” Cournoyer was the Hells Angel fall guy and was sentenced to 20 years after he plead guilty May 2013 to supplying BC Bud to the big apple. Gee I wonder if Randy Jones was tied to the BC end? No doubt Hal was.

The National Post reported that authorities said Taloni was arrested not long after delivering $188,000 to an undercover DEA agent, who was participating in an investigation into the drug ring "kingin" (fall guy) Jimmy Cournoyer. Larry Amero was busted in Montreal for his involvement in this ring November 2012. Cosmo was arrested Feb. 16, 2012. Larry went to Montreal after he was shot in Kelowna August 2011.

3 Mounties Recovering after Alberta Shooting

CBC is reporting that three Mounties are recovering from their injuries after a shooting erupted on the main street of St. Paul, in northern Alberta. The gunman was killed in the confrontation.

6 p.m. Friday officers responded to gunshots outside the local RCMP detachment. Police saw a black Dodge pickup truck leaving the parking lot, and officers followed the truck as it sped towards the downtown core. At that point, the driver of the truck seemed to intentionally ram a police cruiser, trapping an officer inside the vehicle. Police say that's when the man opened fire. Chief Supt. Randy McInnes says the officers returned fire, killing the gunman.

McInnes says the female officer inside the police vehicle suffered serious leg injuries. A male officer was shot in the hand and another was hit in the face with flying glass. Both men were treated and released. Meanwhile, officers found another man dead while responding to a medical distress call nearby.

CBC is now reporting that a Catholic Priest was the murder victim. Father Gilbert Dasna an associate pastor of the St. Paul Cathedral parish, was alone in the rectory when he was shot in the chest. The Diocese confirmed he was shot more than once.

It's not clear if the death of Father Dasna and the downtown shooting incidents are related, but police say the two scenes were within a few blocks of each other.

Crack Cures Cancer

Stoners of the world, Unite! Recent medical breakthroughs suggest that smoking crack cocaine cures cancer. Not. Give your head a shake. Smoke is bad for the lungs. That's why the leading cause of death in house fires is smoke inhalation. Smoking weed is no different. Pot smoke is even more cancerous than cigarette smoke. We really have to stop believing everything people say without at least thinking about it first. A new Canadian study states relatively heavy smoking of marijuana may as much as double the risk of someone contracting lung cancer.

Drug dealers are telling kids that smoking pot cures cancer. Aside from being false, don't you think the drug dealers have an ulterior motive for telling kids that kind of bullsh*t? Not only is pot smoke bad for your lungs but scientific research admits that adolescents who regularly smoke pot suffer brain damage and a reduced IQ. Adolescents should not be smoking pot.

Let's think about it. Anything that gets you stoned or baked or wasted, can't be good for you. It's no different than alcohol. Getting sh*t faced isn't good for your health. People respond with anything in moderation to which I concur. But people aren't smoking pot in moderation. If you smoke pot every day or more than once a day that's not moderation.

When I was in high school in Surrey many years ago, lots of people smoked pot. Some smoked way too much pot. We called them stoners. They certainly weren't role models. They were examples of people who elected to waste away their lives. Now if someone is a heavy pot smoker we call them an activist. Times have certainly changed. But that's not all that's changed. The pot now is much stronger than it was in the /60's. BC Bud is a lot stronger than home grown was 25 years ago. It even smells different. It doesn't have that relaxing pleasant smell. It smell sharp and poignant because it is a different strain that is much more powerful. It smells like skunk cabbage.

So this is what's happening. The pot today is a lot more powerful than it was 25 years ago and people are smoking it much more often - every day and sometimes several times a day. What do you get when you tell an alcoholic they have a drinking problem? Rage and denial. It's the same thing with pot. Anything in moderation has been thrown out the window. Now it's an obsession to get high every freaking day. Before work, after work, during work. Even while driving your car.

If you smoke pot while driving your car you should get more than a ticket. You should get an impaired charge because smoking pot while you're driving is irresponsible. People say I'm fine to drive when I smoke pot. That' exactly what I mean. That is the problem right there. People are so obsessed with these insane ideas that they think driving stoned is fine when it's not. Just like driving under the influence of alcohol isn't OK either.

I know this is a sensitive issue. I know way too many people in BC smoke way too much pot. I agree throwing them in jail or giving them a criminal record for smoking pot is ridiculous. But so is claiming that smoking pot every day and several times a day is good for you. It's not.

Almost 50% of the population think pot should be legalized. Slightly over 50% of the population think it should be decriminalized. I don't agree with legalization I agree with decriminalization. So what's their response? If I don't agree with legalization, I'm stupid. Maybe so but if you smoke pot every day, or more than once a day, you have a pot problem.

I agree smoking pot every day is way better than smoking crack or crystal meth. I would much rather see doctors hand out prescriptions for medical marijuana to help crack addicts get off the crack. I just don't think tax dollars should pay for the prescriptions. Turning the not very safe injection site into an inhalation site for people to smoke crack is absolutely insane. I do not support that and totally object to tax dollars being spent on cocaine or heroin at Insite.

I think Stephen Harper is wrong and I think Justin Trudeau is wrong. We are going from one extreme to the other. What ever happened to moderation or balance? It's being thrown out the window with extremism on both sides. Justin Trudeau has been a huge disappointment. I really thought he was going to be the solution. Far from it. Now he's just running around like Justin Bieber trying to usher in the Brave New World of state controlled everything.

In the thread on the Misconceptions about Pot, some argued that pot does cure cancer. If you have a bonafide link, post it there. I don't have time to go through them all but Dr. Smythe has made some pretty relevant observations. One person said pot cured Tommy Chong's cancer. Dr Smythe pointed out that's not what the article said at all.

I didn't realize it was freaking Chong from Cheech and Chong. If smoking pot cures cancer then how and the hell did he get cancer? In the article he claims he stopped smoking pot for three years and that's how he got it. Yeah right. I'm supposed to believe that guy stopped smoking pot for three years. I don't. Even if he did, I don't believe he magically contracted cancer during the three years he stopped smoking pot not before. He didn't say it cured his cancer. He said he's smoking pot in hopes that it will cure his cancer. There's a big difference.

If pot cures cancer how come Bob Marley died of cancer? They call me stupid for having a hard time believing them. There have been interesting claims made about cannabis oil that should definitely be studied but all smoke is bad for you. If you have cancer and you want to try pot to see if it will help, by all means feel free. But don't ignore other medical procedures.

Years ago I knew a lady who was diagnosed with terminal cancer. Her liver was full of it. Some forms of cancer are treatable: skin cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer. When it hits the liver, that's not a good thing. This woman was given 6 months to live. Since she was a young mother she was understandably desperate to find a cure. She went to a very expensive clinic in Mexico where they gave her raw carrot juice. Her money started to run out so she started calling friends to recommend the clinic to get money from referrals.

Then the magic day happened. She told everyone she was healed. They told her the cancer was gone. Right before she died. It was a heart breaking story of how a wonderful woman was conned and how her family were robbed of the last precious six months of her life. Please be careful. Don't let snake oil claims con you into smoking pot every day. There is a lot more to life than that.

Misconception about Pot

Friday, May 9, 2014

Colin Martin ordered extradited

CBC is confirming reports that helicopter pilot and drug smuggler Colin Martin has been ordered extradited to the United States. Kamloops this Week and the CBC had previously reported that the hearing was today in Kamloops. Kamloops this Week has posted court documents.

This is somewhat interesting since The Vancouver Province reported that he admitted to reporting other cross border drug smugglers to American Drug Enforcement Agents. In exchange they let him keep operating for 10 years. CBC confirms the claim. I wonder who he fell out of favor with.

According to U.S. court documents, Leonard Ferris was arrested on Feb. 21, 2009, while driving a car containing 83 kilograms of cocaine in Utah, en route to a meeting with one of Martin’s helicopters in Washington. Two days later, DEA agents met the helicopter when it arrived at a pre-designated location in northeast Washington state. The pilot, Samuel Lindsay-Brown, was arrested and the chopper was seized, along with an estimated $5-million worth of drugs it was carrying. Tragically Samuel Lindsay-Brown, who was working for Martin, hanged himself in prison. He was caught with 400 pounds of marijuana that was to be exchanged for the 23 kilos of cocaine. No doubt he didn't think he'd be able to come up with the money to cover the loss for the red and white in time so he hanged himself unlike Jeremy Snow who was shot dead.

“Martin explained that he could identify other co-conspirators and direct law enforcement to drug loads so long as he was allowed to continue his drug business for 10 years and was assured that law enforcement would only arrest other people,” the document reads. This article claims the DEA did not accept that offer. Yet that part isn't in the indictment.

Evidently he's sporting a shaved head now.

I wonder when Trevor Jones will be extradited. Bizarre how they won't extradite Randy as well.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Hells Angels Associates busted in Saanich

1130 News is reporting that Arash Younus and Dustin Wadsworth who police claim are tied to the Independent Soldiers face charges in Victoria after officers seized $250,000 worth of drugs from a home in Saanich. Police seized 1.5 kilograms of cocaine, 1.2 kilograms of methamphetamine and over 300 grams of heroin on April 10th in the home and a car. They also found a semi-automatic handgun, ammunition, and $6,500 in cash.

Hells Angels associates with 1.5 kilos of cocaine and 1.2 kilos of crystal meth in Saanich. Isn't that interesting. I wonder what Bryce and Ricky C have to say about that. The Vancouver Province is also reporting on the bust. I wonder how Spike's pal James Riach from the Independent Soldiers is doing in the Philippines. We know Larry Amero's pal Randy Naicker from the IS was shot dead.