Saturday, May 24, 2014

Former Kingpin Crew member charged with drug trafficking

Kim Bolan is reporting that a former member of the Kingpin Crew has been charged with drug trafficking in Kelowna. Castanet also ran the story and posted his picture. Quentin James, 37 and Anita Moessner, 31, were initially arrested back in December of last year after James allegedly attempted to mail a package containing three ounces of cocaine to an address in Alberta.

Police then raided James' home, two storage lockers and two safety deposit boxes.They seized various amounts of drugs, including cocaine, marijuana, MDMA, methamphetamine, ecstasy and psilocybin along with a bulletproof vest, brass knuckles, defensive batons, assorted rounds of ammunition and approximately $100,000 in cash.

We know that in January of 2013 the Kingpin crew abandoned their fruit stand by the airport. That would have been shortly after this initial drug bust last Christmas when Quentin tried to mail some cocaine to "someone" in Calgary.

September 2012 Johnny Newcome was busted for running a stolen car ring tied to the Kelowna Hells Angels which also implicated the Kingpin Crew and the Calgary Hells Angels.

February 2013 a judge upheld a ruling classifying the Kingpin crew as a criminal organization. February 2013 they relocated to a residential neighborhood after they abandoned their fruit stand.

I know they were officially disbanded by October of 2013. In May 2013 a member of the Kingpin crew reported his custom motorcycle stolen after he left it outside while he went out of town when he normally didn't park it outside over night.

December 2011 it was reported that Joey Verma was recruiting for the Kingpin Crew in prison and got a new tattoo that said VP as in vice president. Joey was found guilty in the murder of Britney Irving October 2013. Right around the time the Kingpin crew were officially disbanded.

So that means the colors the police seized in this picture were from way back before they were disbanded or he kept a couple as souvenirs. He wasn't selling drugs for the Kingpin crew after October 2013. If he was selling drugs after October 2013 he was doing it under a different umbrella more likely the Independent Soldiers who also work for the Hells Angels. However it doesn't look like this is a new charge. It looks like it is from December 2013.

Evidently, Quentin James was friends with Chad Karylchuk‏ who also sold drugs and was friends with the Hells Angels. He was with Chad and the others on that trip to Mexico in 2007. Chad as we know died of a drug overdose just like Lar's friend William Wendelborg.

In the book Road to Hell, it claims Larry Pace (Lars) killed William Wendelborg in a contract hit ordered by Wolf Carroll’s associate Paul Wilson out in David Giles hometown of Halifax. They knocked him out with a baseball bat and injected him with a lethal dose of cocaine. Larry plead guilty to accessory to murder and served ten years less statutory release. Lars is in Kelowna now. His lake view lot was sold at 2592 Butt Road West Kelowna after that unfortunate house fire. Kinda amusing you can still see an open gas can in the garage with the nozzle still on it. Isn’t that ironic.

Prince Charles' Visit

I see Prince Charles and Camilla were in Halifax last week. I wasn't going to say anything about it because royal visits for me personally are a non issue. I'm sure someone in Halifax would like to visit them just like I'm sure someone in Victoria would like to see them as well. For the rest of us it's pretty much a non issue. I'm not anti the royal family I'm just not into it.

I personally like Charles. He did as he was told and married Dianna which was the best thing that ever happened to the royal family yet things didn't really work out. She was a lot younger than him and he rather be with someone his own age and not so brilliantly beautiful. Him marrying Camilla in the end kinda shows his character. He's not a dirty old man he is a man of dignity and self respect.

However, his recent statement comparing Putin to Hitler over their annexation of Crimea in the Ukraine has got me shaking my head. Does he really think we're that stupid or is he just pulling a Vic Toews and repeating something he was told without thinking about it or actually looking at the voter count last election. Over 70% of the voters in Crimea voted for a pro Russian president in 2010. Over 70%. How much over 70% we don't know but we do know it was over 70%. Enough to help a pro Russian president get elected that election over all.

Letting an unelected coup steam roll over the democratic will of those voters and forcing them to join the EU would be much more of an act of Hitler than Putin protecting them from that coup and annexing them from it. We've talked a fair bit about the conflict in the Ukraine. It's pretty clear the West of the Ukraine don't want to join Russia and the East of Ukraine doesn't want to join with the EU. That's pretty clear from the voter polls in the 2010 election.

What concerns me is the blind nonsense that doesn't make sense. It makes me wonder who's feeding him that kind of BS MI-6? We need to ask MI-6 what British Agents were doing in Iraq dressed as Arabs with a car load of guns and explosives. We need to ask them why they shot at local police the allies put in place at a roadblock and refused to tell them what their secret missions dressed as Arabs was. Instead of revealing that sinister mission England leveled the prison that was holding them and helped them escape without a trial or an explanation.

There are a lot of things MI-6 does that need explanation. God save the Queen and the future Kings. Charles and William both. God save them from the lies of MI-6.

Just for the record, Communist China is a much bigger threat to civil liberty than Russia and no one seems to have a problem with Communist China. They have launched a new campaign to demolish churches there. It's hard to conceive that kind of communism can still exist in our modern world. Telling someone they aren't allowed to be Christian or Jewish or Muslim. It is bizarre. That is not a free republic.

This is why China should not have our oil rights. We should not be funding their military expansion and their destruction of civil liberty every time we get gouged at the gas pumps.

As for the Ukraine, here's a link a blog reader just sent in:

Pierre Omidyar co funded Ukraine revolution groups

Thursday, May 22, 2014

The Hells Angels control of street Prostitution

OK here's part two. We've established two things. The Hells Angels involvement with the drug trade as well as their involvement with prostitution and human trafficking. It is hard to conceive that they would be in any way involved with street prostitution in East Vancouver or in Surrey, but they are. They control it.

Let's talk about the Front Room. The epicenter of drug related violence in Surrey. This is where Janice Shore was last seen before she was brutally murdered for a nominal drug debt. I've talked about the predatory drug dealers outside the Front Room before. They are very aggressive and very violent. I've mentioned how violent they are towards street prostitutes there.

I've always had a hard time visualizing a Surrey or East Vancouver crack ho having a pimp extorting their wages. Now I find out the drug dealers are the pimps. The drug dealers give the street prostitutes crack and create a debt. Then when they get a trick they have to bring the money back to them to repay the debt.

Annette Allan worked outside the Front Room. She was murdered at the Surrey House of Horrors and was dumped in the Fraser River. Joseph Francis Legassie, 38, of Surrey was originally charged with her murder but that charge was dropped and replaced with the lesser charge of unlawful confinement.

Joanna Larson confessed to murdering Annette Allan. She beat her with a hammer and stabbed her nine times with a screwdriver. Wrapped her up in a blanket with rocks and dumped her body in the Fraser River. Jojo was released from prison for that murder in 2011.

Annette was picked on because she wasn't particularly good-looking, and they were trying to make it $40 no less. She'd come back with $20 and that lowered the bar for everyone else. Jojo's claim that Annette was a rat was a bold faced lie.

Teri-Lyn Williams was another sex trade worker in Surrey that was found dead outside Tbarz in 2010. Dustin Lee Lalonde confessed to her murder but we know that often guys in prison will be paid to confess to other crimes they didn't commit.

Recently we talked about Larry Robert Mizen. Another drug dealer and pimp outside the Front Room with a long history of violence. He always had a female co accused as well. Just like Colleen, that fat ugly white girl outside the Front Room right now terrorizing all the sex trade workers there. I think these service providers need better representation than the Hells Angels because the HAs just aren't protecting them from the violence and exploitation at all. They are the ones benefiting from it. If they control the drugs outside the Front Room then they ultimately control the street prostitution there as well.

The drug dealers that exploit the sex trade workers outside the Front Room also demand free service. That tree where they murdered Janice Shore is where they go to get free blow jobs from the sex trade workers they exploit. This is why we have to target the drug dealer outside the Front Room. They are the source of all the violence.

Take a look at the before and after pictures of Teri-Lyn Williams. The first picture is of Terry after her drug addiction in Surrey. The bottom one is of Terry in Alberta taken in 1996. Crack is a poison we have to oppose. We also have to oppose the Hells Angels involvement in human trafficking.

Let's also remember Shannon Collins who was murdered in Edmonton. Her sister was told she was leaving for Calgary to work for the Hells Angels. However, since she was living what police described as a high risk lifestyle, it appears she had already been working for the boys in Edmonton. Georgina Papin was also originally from Edmonton. Her DNA ended up on the Pickton farm. It's a slippery slope. They start off recruiting exotic dancers. Then it's all about strippers and blow. Soon that turns to crack and as soon as the drugs eats away at the woman's beauty and she stops making money she is no longer an asset and is disposed of as a liability.

To all the Mary Magdalenes out there I encourage you to walk away from the drugs. Just walk away and if you can't walk away, run. Run for your life. While you still can. If the drugs won't kill you the one dealing them to you will. Buyer Beware.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Hells Angels control of the Sex Trade

After five years of blogging and over 11 million hits, we have clearly established the Hells Angels involvement in the drug trade. It's not just that they are deeply involved in the drug trade, it's the fact that they use violence to obtain a monopoly on the drug trade.

In Quebec, the biker war had absolutely nothing to do with riding motorcycles. It was a war over drug turf. Julie Couillard's ex husband was Stephen Sirois. He sold drugs for the Hells Angels in Montreal through the Rockers, not to be confused with the Rock Machine. In Quebec, the court heard that the Hells Angels contributed a percentage of their drug profits to a fund to murder rival drug dealers. That is all well documented now.

Likewise in BC the Hells Angels used violence to obtain a virtual monopoly on the exotic dancer industry. Exotic dancing is legal by the way so legalizing something doesn't necessarily stop the Hells Angels from exploiting it. We've talked about the Hells Angels and prostitution. We've talked about how they owned brothels in Amsterdam and Nevada. We've also talked about Otis Garett. He was convicted of ordering the murder of Margo Compton and her twin seven year old daughters after she testified against him for running a prostitution ring for the Hells Angels in San Fransisco called the Lovenest. Well there's more. Much more.

Personally I'm not concerned about indoor facilities the Hells Angels are involved with like the Garden of Eden in Kelowna because that appears to be consensual. What concerns me is the huge level of exploitation that goes on at the street level. However, as many human rights groups strive to raise the awareness about human trafficking in Canada, it appears that many of those indoor facilities also include forced prostitution and human trafficking. In Germany and Spain the Hells Angels were charged in a large human trafficking ring. Right before Canadian Hells Angels were caught in a huge cocaine bust there.

I met with a friend from Montreal who talked about one brothel he visited in Montreal run by the Hells Angels where a woman was chained to the bed, she had a bucket to go to the bathroom in and she was paid in drugs. He said it was the most disgusting thing he had ever seen. Another example of how low predators can go just to make a buck off of sheer exploitation.

Again, the problem is greed. It's not enough for the Hells Angels to be involved in criminal activity. They are obsessed with using violence to obtain a monopoly of that trade. Years ago the Haney Hells Angels ran a brothel in Kamloops called La JJ's just like the one in Maple Ridge. Another woman who had saved up her money tried to set up an independent brothel. The Hells Angels told her she wasn't allowed to. She did anyways so they tried drowning her in her bathtub. Her dog saved her life and she was never heard from again. That's my concern. That's when it stops being consensual. When people are forced into that industry against their will or they are forced to work for the Hells Angels against their will.

The CBC reported that a woman who was forced into prostitution by a Hells Angels member said she was too scared to report the man to police. They had a walk in Nova Scotia to raise awareness about human trafficking in Canada including the Hells Angels involvement. I find it very disturbing and very concerning when a prominent Vancouver advocate for sex trade workers publicly promotes the Hells Angels. That is obscene.

While we're on the subject, let's not forget Adam Hall. The Berkshire County Sergeant at arms. Another white Hells Angels accused of forced prostitution. Court affidavits claim he forced three women into prostitution and told them "You work for me now," he allegedly told one woman "There's no way out of it." One confidential informant told police the forced prostitution took place at the group's clubhouse on Woodland Road in Lee, according to the affidavit.

Monday, May 19, 2014

The making of a Predator

This is something I really want to drive home because it is clearly the root of the problem in Surrey and the DTES. The other day I had a talk with an old friend who still does volunteer work in East Vancovuer. Years ago we both noticed that every year there seemed to be more and more homeless and drug addicts on the streets.

East Van has always been referred to as skid road. A place where the down and out go. Back then it was alcoholics some drinking aftershave to get high. Then heroin came in and that addiction consumed the vulnerable. When crack came in the problem continued to expand exponentially.

After all these years of working in east Van my friend has noticed two things. The number of homeless and drug addicted is off the charts as is the complete feeling of hopelessness there. Back in the day people would always say Oh I'm going to get out. I'm going to get treatment. Not any more. Treatment isn't even on the table. The only thing there now is compete hopelessness. This is what the not very safe injection site has done to the DTES. It has created a forest fire of addiction and the total eclipse of any hope anyone once pretended to have.

He talked about the predatory drug dealers that exploit the homeless. He said they're easy to pick out. He talked about being in an alley meeting a 50 year old woman lying on the ground surrounded by syringes. She hadn't moved or had anything to drink for days. The drug dealer at the end of the alley was dressed like a pimp and kept getting reloaded with supplies by an SUV that drove by periodically. He kept taking this woman's money until she had none then moved on to the next mark. He is a predator.

My friend said he often tries to visualize how anyone could be so far gone and so evil to degenerate to be low enough to profit from that kind of misery. He said he couldn't imagine living life without a conscience like that. All these insane extremists that pervert harm reduction into meaning harm promotion do not have the best interest of the homeless at heart. That much is clear to anyone who walks through that hopeless exploitation.

The officer who wrote the blog of the Diary of an East Van Beat Cop admits the first question people ask is when are you going to arrest all the drug dealers? He then explains why it isn't that simple. But it is. It really is. You arrest the drug dealers and reduce the plague of poison on the street. That is the New York model. I saw it.

All our talk about reducing crime is meaningless as long as we allow drug dealers to sell crack in public. Chasing grow ops while we let crack be sold on the street is ludicrous. The problem is staring us in the face and we are all diminished when we turn a blind eye to it.

Insite is a huge part of the problem. When the not very safe injection site opened the police established a tolerance zone where they wouldn't arrest drug dealers around it. That strategy has been one colossal failure. That's like letting a forest fire burn wild. Crack dealers moved in knowing the police won't arrest them and large groups of people smoke crack everywhere in plain view on the street. People are still shooting up in the allies. Insite has not stopped that. We are using tax dollars to commit murder and claim that is somehow promoting heath when it is doing the exact opposite. This is what we need to address.

The Federal government is frustrated fighting the Supreme Court over Insite. Understandably so. The Supreme Court does not have the authority to break the law but that is exactly what they have done. Notwithstanding the fight over Insite the practice of creating a tolerance zone around Insite is a separate issue. The Supreme Court can not stop the police from arresting crack dealers outside Insite. It really is that simple. Until we do that we all become accessories to murder and the predatory drug dealers that exploit the homeless without consciousness.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Police abandon Public Access in the DTES

In another thread I asked why there was a big metal fence blocking the public access to the police station in the DTES at 312 Main street. One reader called me stupid for not knowing the police station had moved. I was not aware it moved. Yesterday I went to check it out myself.

The Main street police station is still there right beside the courthouse. It's in a perfect location. There are still tons of police there that use the facility. Only it's closed to public access. Even the East Cordova street entrance.

I asked one police officer what the status of the police station was. He certainly wasn't friendly. They sure don't like talking to anyone with a camera down there. I told him I had heard the police station had moved but I notice a lot of police still there. He said the station was split. I see. There is no doubt a need for the police to use that facility.

My only concern is the whole concept of closing it to public access. I don't see how that helps protect the people living in the DTES from violence. A few years ago I spoke with one woman who lived in the DTES. She said that if she was being aggressively threatened, she would run over to the front of the Main street police station. She said because they have cameras out front it was a safe place to go if you were being harassed. Now that small amount of safety for the residents of the DTES has been taken away. They are left to fend for themselves.

I am somewhat concerned about the amount of money that gets spent on helping the people in the DTES and how they never get to see it. So many people and agencies exploit the people living in the DTES it's not funny. They get harassed and brutalized by the drug dealers and thieves while the police just abandon them. The city gives them a free crack kick and says fend for yourself. Get medicated and forget about it. That is not a solution to the violence in the DTES.

All this money on a new state of the art police station on Graveley street and all this money on a fleet of band new expensive police cars while the police turn around and abandon the people who live in the DTES completely. That is not right. The police say well they don't want us there they hate us. That's not entirely true. The drug dealers and thieves don't want them there. The addicts want the police to protect them not give them the boots. It really is that simple.

Of course this policy is from city hall not the police. No doubt individual officers feel frustrated. They had a guy writing a blog about walking the beat in east Van but they ended up pulling the plug on that campaign as well since Mayor Robertson just cares about the city's image like every other politician. At first the police were concerned about closing the station down at night to suppress crime statistics. Now the city has closed the whole thing to the public entirely. This is not progressive. It doesn't help stop the violence against sex trade workers or anyone else there.

The Main street police station is within eyesight of the open drug market at the Carnegie centre. I walked around the block yesterday and saw some street venders on the East Hastings side of the building. One guy had a huge open wound on his face from being recently brutalized. Another guy selling stuff had several rocks of crack in his hand that someone else was picking from after paying him for them. Open crack deals in plain view. That is what needs to stop.

Arresting the crack dealers not the addicts would be an amazing thing outside the Carnegie centre. Addressing the crack plague is no doubt a daunting task but like everything all it takes for evil to triumph is for good men and women to remain silent and do nothing. We can't do everything but we can do something. We are morally obligated to try. We are also morally obligated to stop the brutal violence that victimizes the residents of the DTES on a daily basis. The DTES has been one colossal failed social experiment. It's time to try something new.

You must empty your cup to taste my cup of tea.

Crime and Crack

Let's take a look at some crime stats in Surrey and compare that with areas the police allow the public sale of crack and see how closely related the two really are. The Vancouver Province posted this map of Surrey Crime by Neighbourhood. I didn't add in the orange circles, they did. I simply added in the two small black dots and the arrows beside the headlines The Front Room and Newton. I think naming the two largest crime areas of Surrey is very significant.

The largest circle is around the Front Room which is the epicentre of drug related violence in Surrey. The second largest circle is around Newton where businesses and residents have been consistently complaining about the police not arresting the crack dealers there.

The smaller circles also represent areas where crack is sold just not at the same level as outside the Front Room or in Newton. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to connect the dots. We can clearly see that where the police let crack dealers sell crack, that results in a huge amount of crime. The most in Surrey. This supports my theory that if police arrest crack dealers not addicts that will greatly reduce crime over all. That is the New York model. I saw it work in New York.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

San Diego Hells Angel arrested in Langley

Kim Bolan is reporting that Troy Andrew Scholder, a member of the Dago chapter of the Hells Angels in San Diego was recently arrested in Langley on a US warrant. UT San Diego reported that Troy was one of four men wanted in connection with the kidnapping, torture, assault and robbery of a patched member who had informed the club that he wanted out.

Kim reminds us that the Dago chapter was believed to have been working with B.C. Hells Angels in a cocaine smuggling operation that led to the arrests of two full-patch B.C. members, as well as two associates in Spain last September. Previously Kim reported that Chad John Wilson of Haney is formally a member of the San Diego chapter of the Hells Angels.

Kamloops Hells Angels Associate sentenced to 11 years

Kim Bolan is reporting that John Darrel Krokos of Kamloops has been sentenced to more than 11 years in a California jail for operating an international cocaine smuggling ring from Mexico. The Sun earlier revealed that Krokos was the Vallarta-based cocaine broker for B.C. Hells Angels in Mexico.

Kim states earlier court documents in the case laid out how Krokos got nabbed by American law enforcement agents posing as underworld figures beginning in late 2009. Krokos arranged to purchase encrypted BlackBerrys from one of the agents on an ongoing basis. He then distributed the devices to his co-conspirators, believing they were a secure method for arranging cocaine shipments. Little did he know he was enabling U.S. agents to monitor drug shipments for years.

This is huge. It ties in with earlier reports I received making similar claims that went so far as stating certain key members of the Hells Angels were completely implicated in various murders from those BlackBerries. Let's hope those murder arrests happen before the powers that be let them disappear under the guise of one sacrificial lamb.

Inmate found dead at Kent Prison

The Government of Canada is reporting that on Friday, May 9, 2014, David Langlet, an inmate at Kent Institution was found unresponsive in his cell. At the time of his death, Mr. Langlet, 40 years old, had been serving a life sentence for First Degree Murder since December 9, 2013.

The Vancouver Province reported that David Langlet was recently incarcerated for the murder of drug dealer Shayne Preece on June 12, 2000 in Surrey. Someone murders a rival drug dealer in Surrey then ends up dead in prison and it barely gets a headline. People think well he committed murder so he got what he deserved. If we can't stop lawlessness in prison, how can we stop it on the streets? Who's in charge? The criminals? Evidently so.

December 2012, Kim Bolan reported that a Kent Institution prison guard was been charged with two counts of trafficking inside the federal institution. May 6, 2013 Jesse Lahn was found dead at Kent 12 hours after he had been transferred there from Matsqui.