Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Vancouver's Secret Court Revealed

I was having a look at today's court list for the BC Criminal Supreme Court in Vancouver and was somewhat shocked that there is a murder case listed that not only has a publication ban in effect, the ban covers listing the names of the parties in the trial.

Now I'm not a lawyer but as my friend who is a partner in a large New York firm once said, I have been in front of a judge more times then he has. I am well familiar with publication bans. When a publication ban is in effect, the public and the media are permitted to attend the trial. They just can't report on what the ban covers. Usually names of witnesses or evidence discussed when the jury is not present, or sometimes anything until the apeals have been exhausted.

I have never before seen a court list without the names of the accused in a trial or the charges. Yet when you look at today's court list it has become a frighteningly common occurrence. The first and third case involve murder. In all the other cases, the public is not even allowed to know the charges. They are all simply listed as Limited Access. That is George Orwell. If you attend the trial you will probably find out who is involved but if you don't know the charges or the names, it becomes impossible to look up. This is astounding. Accountability needs to improve.

Update: OK I went to the Vancouver courthouse today and the trial lists posted were normal. They had the names of the accused on them as well as the charges despite the fact that various different publication bans affected numerous cases on the list.

The Court Communications Officer pointed out I was looking at the wrong list. The daily court lists posted on the court web site are normal. The ones posted on the government website are not. Although the government website doesn't list the name, it does list some of the charges and the publication bans so you can search what they cover. Comparing both lists side by side gives you more information and helps you find out what you can and can't report on.

Alberta man dies after surgery cancelled due to COVID

This tragic story is of significant importance. The father's heart surgery was deemed nonessential. Even during COVID, heart surgery and cancer treatment is not nonessential. Canceling his heart surgery over COVID fears, be they real or absurdly overexerted, was wrong. Writing COVID on his death certificate as a cause of death is an obscene fraud and reaffirms what the doctors from Montana and from Minneapolis said about falsified death certificates.

This fraud had a political motive. One could say it was indirectly COVID related because of the lockdown but he did not have the virus and the virus did not cause his death. Our stupidity did.

Hamilton mobster targeted

The Toronto Star is reporting that "Someone has painted the word “rat” on the garage door of a Hamilton man who was considered family to killed mobster Pasquale (Pat) Musitano. Two cars were also torched around 2:30 a.m. Friday morning in the driveway of the home on Miles Road, between Rymal Road East and Twenty Road East. The vandalism comes a week after Musitano, 52, was shot to death in a Burlington parking lot. The murder remains unsolved."

"The home belongs to the family of Giuseppe Carmelo (Pino) Avignone, 59, who for decades was considered a loyal member of the Musitano crime family of Hamilton. He is one of the two men who met with Musitano at the time of his murder last week."

I am by no means an expert on the mob in the hammer IE Hamilton. All I know is that the Calabrians who warred with the Rizutos in Montreal were from Hamilton. We know that Pat Musitano was recently murdered in Hamilton and he was an associate of the Rizutos. Giuseppe Avignone was Pat Musitano's nephew through his wife's side and was born in Calabria. Giuseppe was an orphan and came to Canada and lived with Pat Musitano when he was 13.

The Toronto Star is reporting that Giuseppe "is one of the two men who met with Musitano at the time of his murder last week." So, was he a rat for betraying Pat, for going to the police after Pat was shot or did the police do this so he would become a rat? Time will tell. It always does.

Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson discusses the We Charity

Laura-Lynn is endorsing Derek Sloan for the Conervative leadership bid. I have no problem with Derrick. I think he is a solid team member. I just think Leslyn Lewis would be a better choice as a leader to Unite the Bright. This is a simnple example of how it's OK to disagree on some issues. We need to rise above the minion mind set because it is cultlike. People are allowed to disagree.

Woman paints over Black Lives Matter graffiti

These guys are superheros. Buff, brain power and humor. What a delightful combination.

Compromised Task force targets Hells Angels rivals

Dr Kim is reporting that "Task force targeting Brothers Keepers gang has reduced violence, police say." Yes that is what the police say and Dr Kim does report on what the police say. Unfortunately, ever since the Kelowna Summer Jam of 2012, the BC Gang Task Force became compromised and stopped arresting Hells Angels associates for drug trafficking. They only arrest fringe rivals instead, helping the Hells Angels maintain a monopoly on the local drug trade.

The question we need to ask is why did the BC GTF wait until after the Hells Angels killed Ali to target the Brothers Keepers? Was it because they started selling for someone else after that bitter betrayal? Why don't the BC GTF make HA drug busts any more? Is that because they have so many HA associates in the rat out your rivals program? Police accountability is needed here.

Explore BC: Harrison Lake

Yesterday we soaked up the sun and took the kayaks to Harrison lake. They have a lot going on there. You can rent kayaks, jet skis, paddle boats or enjoy two hours in an inflatable water park on the lake. You need to buy a ticket and wear a life jacket but they'll take the kids out on a raft pulled by a jet ski. It looks like a lot of fun. The promenade has a ton of restaurants and the Milos Greek restaurant has an open patio on the second floor that over looks the lake. This is a kid friendly family spot. We paddled down the Harrison river and saw the petroglyph.

Kilby was pretty busy and we ended up having to fight the wind and the tide going down. When the tide comes in, the current actually changes direction. It's hard to believe that you have to fight the current paddling down the river. Yet the tide comes in and the tide goes out so if you wait it out the tide will change. Unfortunately there aren't a lot of places to beach the kayaks. The lake itself is probably a lot more fun. In November Harrison Mills is where the eagles are.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Drea Humphrey joins Rebel News

Now it's official. Drea Humphrey is with Rebel News. Three cheers. I'll let her interview speak for itself. I'm just going to reiterate the need for independent media. This isn't a battle of the bands. This is a coalition. Together we are strong. The media mergers in Canada have turned news into biased propaganda. It never used to be like that but that is what we now face.

The leftist narrative the MSM is bombarding us with is sheer propaganda. That's all it is. I had heard some pretty bizarre allegations about Rebel News a few years ago but now that we have entered the new era, we can see things much more clearly now. The new far left claims everyone on the right are alt right white supremacists and Nazis. That is ridiculous. Libertarians believe in Constitutional equality. The same Constitution Martin Luther King lobbied to be enforced. Libertarians are not Nazis and neither am I. I Oppose Fascism and Communism both.

Recently Ezra Levant made a video about Norman Traversy & Q-Anon theories. He nailed it. Ezra Levant is the voice of reason here. Bringing Drea Humphrey on board simply builds Rebel News' credibility. Companies should advertise with Rebel News because we're not following Main Stream Media. If you want to sell your products and make money off of the rest of society who can think for themselves, you are going to have to advertise with other media outlets.

Look at what's happening in our world right now. If you connect the dots, the real picture becomes clear. Candace Owens is leading Black Exit. The Conservative Twins have embraced it. Brandon Straka is leading the #Walk Away movement. These are people with brains thinking and speaking for themselves about the false narrative that's being crammed down our throat.

This tsunami of support for Conservative values all started before the coronavirus was launched. I say launched because that is what happened. There was a motive behind it. Ezra Levant wrote a book entitled China Virus: How Justin Trudeau’s Pro-Communist Ideology is Putting Canadians in Danger. It's called China virus because that is where the virus came from. The fact that Bill Gates Marxist Media Network tried to deny that is ridiculous.

China has a magnificent culture that predates Communism by thousands of years. The Epoch Times is a Chinese newspaper that opposes Communism. The Epoch Times pointed out that there were no bats sold at the Huanan Seafood Market in Wuhan.

Someone from the Wuhan lab that was studying the virus in bats either accidentally launched the pandemic buying lunch at the seafood market or the Communist Party of China pulled a Chairman Mao and launched it on purpose. I believe it was on purpose because of the timing and the narrative. Their motive has become clear. Dr Fauci's foundation gave the Wuhan lab the grant to study COVID-1984 in Chinese bats. He is part of the narrative.

The virus did come from bats in China but it did not spread from someone eating bats. How do I know that? Wait 'till I tell ye. I used to be a chef by trade. When you cook something over 140 degrees Fahrenheit, you kill all the bacteria and make it safe to eat. Eating raw pork or raw chicken is unwise. It will give you food poisoning and make you sick.

This bat soup tradition comes from eating cooked bats in soups, stews and curries. They weren't biting the heads off raw bats. I'm not a medical doctor but I was a chef and I say COVID 1984 did not come from eating cooked bats. Someone from the Wuhan lab launched it at the seafood market because that is what they were told to do.

So am I going to pay money to subscribe to a newspaper that will tell me lies? No I will not. Will I pay $8.00 a month Canadian to subscribe to Rebel News? Yes I will. In fact I just did. I am now a subscriber and recommend you do the same. I don't collect money but if you want real news in our COVID1984 era you're going to have to buy subscriptions because the free news is fake.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Marches to unmask across Canada

Today there were large anti mask marches in Edmonton, Calgary, Vancouver, Winnipeg as well as Regina and Saskatoon. The primary concern is making masks mandatory. There are pros and cons to wearing masks. The simple solution is make them optional. If you are afraid, wear a mask. If you are not afraid, don't. It's that simple. Plexiglas in businesses is a big help.

My right to defy does not interfere with your right to comply. This is summer. We need fresh air and sunshine. Heat and humidity kill the virus. The main stream media bombarding us with false information is criminally insane. Arresting people for not wearing a mask is absurd.

We need to make hydroxychloroquine and Remdesivir available to those who want it. You can get hydroxychloroquine from Costco but you need a prescription and the doctors won't prescribe it for COVID. That is outrageous and clearly shows that there is a political motive behind this chemical attack on our civil liberty. Allowing doctors to prescribe hydroxychloroquine would cost nothing and would save lives. The government's refusal to do that exposes their ulterior motive.

Dan Dicks YouTube channel shut down

That is George Orwell. You can find Dan Dicks on Pressfortruth.ca. He is posting videos on other platforms and you can find the links to those videos on his website. Bypass the censorship.

I will add that this cop that arrested Dan in the short video clip Laura-Lynn posted saved his life. Dan was filming the white trash ANTIFA losers in Vancouver during the Black Lives Matter hijacking. He showed a group of Anarchists trying to provoke a violent confrontation with the police for no reason. Dan exposed that. Then he started filming their faces as they were berating him and falsely accusing him of being a White Supremacist. As soon as the mob started throwing stuff at him, the cop escorted him away from the mob.

Dan was like why are you pushing me? In the clip Laura-Lynn posted the cop replied, I'm trying to save your life. That's exactly what he did. Dan was determined to film the trailer trash thugs and as noble a quest as that was, it put him at risk. That cop realized the seriousness of the situation. He knew that mob was going to break Dan's camera and f*ck him up so he escorted him to safety. When Dan refused to stop filming the cop arrested him to get him away from the mob. That young cop was experienced and professional. Defunding the police is a bad idea.