Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Coming face to face with your own mortality

It was refreshing coming home to some Hodge Twins humor after a morbid day at the courthouse. Before I explain, I'd like to pause for a somber moment and once again reflect upon the solemnities of eternity. There were several murders on the court list today and they weren't all gang related. One involved a father and a son while another involved a senseless and brutal murder of a older couple in which the man was disabled and had a walker. The senselessness of the tragedies continued to echo in my brain throughout the day.

Last year I watched my mother die then shortly thereafter I watched my sister die. Now I am watching my brother die and as I look at them I see myself and come face to face with my own mortality. Add that to the Aging Rebel's recent death and I am reminded of a Neil Young song.

In the beginning of the song the young man says old man take a look at my life. I'm a lot like you were. Then as the years pass the young man becomes old and says old man take a look at my life, I'm a lot like you (are). I'm not there yet. I'm at the Simon and Garfunkel stage where I am older then I once was but younger then I will be. That's not unusual. Stevie Nicks said time makes you bolder. Children get older. I'm getting older too. Life's like an hourglass glued to the table.

Patrick Morley wrote a book Man in the Mirror. I haven't read it but it sounds relevant.

Rebel News digs up more dirt on the We Scandal

Justin Trudeau's new motto is We scandal, We scam and We spend everybody else's money so we do. Now we love Lilly Sing but using tax dollars to fly her to a partisan event is a scam. We love her show but it's on NBC and their new Universal Studios theme park in Communist China makes their news reporting tainted. Stick to the comedy because Justin Trudeau is a joke.

Kayleigh McEnany: making Press Secretaries great again

The Conservative Twins nail it once again. White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany is a rock star. She is smart and on point in the face of the leftist media vipers. The Hodgetwins declare Kayleigh McEnany is making Press Secretaries great again. Word.

This female reporter is a rude, spoiled brat. She thinks it is her right to interrupt and publically berate the president of the United States and the president's press secretary on national television so she can hijack a White House Press conference with a False Narrative.

That scumbag needs to be banned from future press conferences and if her network does it again, that network needs to be banned from the press conferences without hesitation, reservation, equivocation or negotiation. Pride cometh before the fall and great shall be the fall thereof. That kind of insolent arrogance reeks. It's time to flush the toilet.

BC NDP and Andrew Wilkinson attacks religious freedom

Action 4 Canada is reporting that BC NDP MLA Spencer Chandra Herbert complained about "10 Liberal MLAs for running ads in the Light Magazine, a Christian publication that upholds tradition biblical values on family and marriage and socially conservative views. Several MLA’s apologized and the leader of the BC Liberals, Andrew Wilkinson, not only apologized but said they would be backing away from advertising with the magazine, saying “there is no room for homophobia, transphobia, or any discrimination in the BC Liberal Party.”

AYFKM? Andrew Wilkinson's statement is false. There obviously is room for discrimination within the BC Liberals because he is discriminating against Christians and their right to religious freedom. The ad said Happy Thanksgiving. That's all it said. The leftists and the globalists are stealing our liberty right in front of us. That is obscene.

How a military-style boot camp on Salt Spring is related to a Surrey murder investigation

The Breaker News is reporting that Joe Clemente is a resident of Salt Spring Island. "He was driving on northern Salt Spring in March 2018 when he came across about 50 people marching in military camouflage fatigues and boots. Clemente’s 35-second video shows they were primarily women, apparently Chinese."

"Clemente said he had heard rumours of a large group booking at Mineral Springs Resort, a secluded, seaside getaway. A joint investigation by and CTV News Vancouver reveals the owners’ connections to companies and real estate in Langley and Surrey, including a crime scene in Grandview Heights."

"Bo Fan, a 41-year-old who came to Canada from China in February 2019, was the victim of murder on June 17. RCMP initially pinpointed a property on 27th Avenue, the headquarters of Create Abundance International Institute Inc., which owns Mineral Springs, the venue for the boot camps. 'That is very strange that it is connected to this place here on our island,' Clemente said."

Belinda Karahalios removed from Ontario PC Party for vote against Bill 195 in support of the Charter of Rights

Rebel News is reporting that "Progressive Conservative MPP Belinda Karahalios has voted against the controversial Bill 195 put forth by Premier Doug Ford. The bill, introduced in early July, aims to give the Ontario government the ability to extend some of the power granted to it from the emergency measures act, in hopes of easing the progression towards the reopening of the province following the fallout from the coronavirus lockdowns."

"Rebel News can verify that following her vote against her parties motion, Karahalios has since been removed from the PC party caucus in response. Robert Benzie of The Globe and Mail also confirmed the removal of Karahalios on Twitter."

"The bill has received harsh criticism from all sides of the political spectrum following its announcement. President of the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms John Carpay stated Bill 195, "ignores the spirit of Ontario's emergency legislation," and "transforms Cabinet's temporary emergency power into a longer-term power that is wielded without the oversight of the Legislature for the next year."

"Christine Van Geyn, Litigation Director for the Canadian Constitution believes, "this is power-grab by the premier is an unjustified violation of Charter protected rights and citizens should be concerned." The Ontario Nurses Association called the bill, "unconstitutional and unnecessary," adding that, "it provides extraordinary powers to override existing laws and constitutional rights, such as Section 2(d) of the Charter."

These are not traditional Conservative values. This is a globalist Neo Con that attacks our civil liberty and violates the Charter of Rights. Ontario is displaying some pretty Orwellian reactions to COVID1984 and Doug Ford is at the root of it. This type of behaviour is what the Reform Party was created to oppose. I'm glad that Rebel News can see that.

New Face Masks made by Slave Labour

Rebel News is reporting that "China is using the slave labor of persecuted and imprisoned Uighurs to make the medical PPE and masks the rest of the world now needs because the Chinese government let the disease spread outside of their border. That is, the mandatory mask orders hitting North Americans are made possible by communist slave traders in China."

"If you do have to wear a mask, or are forced to wear a mask, please make sure that it's not made by the communists!" The Uighurs are Muslims in Communist China that face the same religious persecution the Faun Gong do. Muslims, Jews and Christians have a common enemy - the Communist Party of China. We need to support religious freedom for everyone.

I'm thrilled to see that Drea Humphrey has joined the Rebel News team. Diversity makes us strong. On that note, I am also thrilled to see that Raheel Raza is also on the team. Raheel is a Muslim who opposes Radical Islam the same way most Conservative oppose White Supremacy.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Burning documents at the Chinese consulate in Houston

Click 2 Houston is reporting that "Houston police and fire officials responded to reports that documents were being burned in the courtyard of the Consulate General of China in Houston Tuesday night, according to the Houston Police Department."

ABC is reporting that "Trash cans full of documents are being burned in the courtyard of the Chinese Consulate on Montrose Boulevard. The consulate is considered Chinese territory, so the Houston Fire Department is standing by outside but has not entered the grounds. The Chinese Consulate reportedly must leave the building by this Friday."

Heavy dot com is reporting that "Houston Police told Fox 26 that the fire was from burning classified documents before an eviction." I guess they don't have a paper shredder.

December 2019 the New York Times reported that "The American government secretly expelled two Chinese Embassy officials this fall after they drove on to a sensitive military base in Virginia. American officials believe at least one of the Chinese officials was an intelligence officer operating under diplomatic cover." In 1987 Two Chinese diplomats left the United States after they were detained on suspicion of espionage under the Reagan Administration.

Update: The New York Times is reporting that "The United States ordered China to close its diplomatic consulate in Houston within 72 hours" which would be Friday.

The Communist Party of China's Sate run media claims that well never mind. It's the same nonsense that the New York Times is reporting because they have the same owner.

Evicting Communist Diplomats is just the first stage in regaining American sovereignty. We need an impartial court to sue for financial compensation over the coronavirus. The UN is not it. We also need to evict the Confucius Institutes from Canadian and American university campuses. We have seen where ANTIFA and Communism leads and we oppose that agenda with a passion.

Rebel News: US orders China to close consulate in Houston amid growing tension

The Aging Rebel Rides Free

Martin Luther King once said Free at Last. U2 sang about it. Well it grieves me to report that Don Charles Davis, the blogger known as the Aging Rebel passed away June 19th. Ride Free brother.

Biker Trash Network is reporting that the Aging Rebel died from critical injuries he received in an accidental fall. Nick Mead made a post on the Aging Rebel's blog confirming his passing.

Don Charles was an advocate for biker's rights. He helped inform and educate and as Benjamin Franklin said, "Any nation that expects to be ignorant and free expects what never was and never will be." Don and Nick helped George Christie produce a DVD call the Last American Outlaw. It was very well done and inspired me to go on my own quest.

I realize after George was put out in bad for beefing with Barger, Nick and Don denounced the movie and distanced themselves from George. I don't want to disrespect Don by bringing it up now. I just want to say what they produced was pretty significant as our rights are being challenged now more than ever and if we don't rise above the small disagreements, we will all lose the freedoms that we now have.

Don was discouraged by the pandemic and the protests clouding the future of America but he was hopeful it could become an American renaissance. I share that hope. Peace.

Rachel Blevins discusses Afghanistan Bombing budget

The continued bombing campaign in Afghanistan has nothing to do with freedom.

Taliban Oil on Vimeo. The Taliban stopped opium production in 2001. The allies restarted it.