Saturday, March 13, 2021

Blaire White interviews a Teen De-transitioner

I have a huge respect for Blaire White. She is a conservative transgender activist who stands up to bullying and makes a whole lot of sense. She is perfectly happy in her transition and last year interviewed someone who regretted their transition. She raises a valid concern about children making this life changing decision before they are ready.

The Three Deadly Ps - Power, Popularity and Praise

I was going to simply link to this one in a previous post but I couldn't find this sermon online so I will cite just what the three deadly Ps are. We have all heard about the seven deadly sins and the seven Christian virtues. Well the three deadly Ps are: Power, Popularity and Praise. We should not seek after these things because a friend of the world is an enemy to God. If the world is evil and the world speaks highly of us, then we must also be evil. So let's break it down.

The quest for power is not good. People who covet power never want it to do good, they want it to control others. People who want to be popular and seek the praise of the world tend to have low self-esteem and a poor self-image. They are externally defined.

Someone who is internally defined doesn't care what the world thinks of them, they only care about what they think of themselves. They care about doing what's right and about living by thier own code of conduct. People who are externally defined need others to tell them they have worth and tend to do what other people tell them to do.

Looking to our role model, Isaiah said " He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not. Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed." Tom MacDonald said if Jesus came today, he would be cancelled.

Mortal Combat - Kigurai

I have a copy of Clay Roueche's print of a Samurai locked in combat with a tiger on my wall. I look at it when I'm lying upside down in my inversion table. I was always intrigued by that painting. The artwork is flawless but the message is profound.

At first I thought it was a bit wishful thinking like some of the more unrealistic martial arts movies of people flying through the air running on leaves and branches. Yet I saw a guy at the gym yesterday who was practicing his jumping skills and it sure looked like he was flying. However, if we step back and pull out a .44 or a .308, that invincible enemy is soundly defeated.

For me it symbolizes being locked in combat with an impossible foe. We all have our own demons to face. It fittingly illustrated Clay's struggle with the legal system in prison. He faced two years in solitary and wrote an inspiring book of empowerment. He gets out of solitary and he paints amazing prints of dragons and phoenixes. He befriended and interviewed martial arts legend Dennis Alexio while in prison. He hired people to set up a website for him and sell his artwork online. Basically, he was thrown in a pit, struck a match and lit a candle. The light from that candle illuminates far beyond his prison cell for the world to see.

Yet this samurai locked in combat with a tiger is inescapable. He calls it Kigurai which is the Japanese word for pride but in Kendo it has a deeper meaning. Kigurai is not arrogant, it is confident. Like in the song New York which says "I'm not cocky I'm confident, so when you say I'm the best that's a compliment." Sadly, Bill DeBlasio has flushed New York down the toilet.

Clay states that "Kigurai essentially means an aura of strength that commands respect. A person that radiates kigurai has an air of nobility and grace, the type of person whose very presence sends shockwaves through the room. The man that possesses true kigurai lets his actions do the talking for him, like this Japanese art print of a samurai fighting a tiger."

As I said in my previous post, arrogance and confidence is different. Confidence is faith derived from self-respect. Arrogance is fake and is derived from a poor self-image. Somone who is arrogant surrounds himself with material possessions and needs those to tell him he has worth. He needs to have more than his neighbour because he is insecure. Kigurai is not boastful.

So when I look at the Samurai locked in combat with a tiger, I think of the All Blacks haka. One of the original translations refers to an ancient time when a group of Maori warriors were greatly outnumbered. One of them yells out we're gonna die. The teams responds we're gonna live. This is repeated then the conclusion is, live or die were gonna fight. To me that is what this painting represents. For we have a labor to perform whilst in this tabernacle of clay, that we may conquer the enemy of all righteousness, and rest our souls in the kingdom of God.

I'm not interested in resting my soul in the kingdom of God but I am interested in conquering the enemy of all righteousness. So like the New Zealand All Blacks, live or die I will fight because as long as we fight, as long as we resist evil, we win. We die free.

Friday, March 12, 2021

Before honour is humility

Solomon once said before honour is humility. At first reading I said no it's not. Honour is above all else. To thine own self be true. Although I still struggle with the meaning of that statement, I think he's referring to worldly honour. The praise of man which is something we should not seek.

In the movie Braveheart Robert the Bruce's ailing father said "Admire this man, this William Wallace. Uncompromising men are easy to admire. He has courage, so does a dog. But it is exactly the ability to compromise that makes a man noble."

In the movie, Robert the Bruce's father was a bit of a sleazebag. He was a politician not a soldier. I don't believe we should ever compromise our principles. Yet I do believe that sometimes in life we have to compromise. It's like the serenity prayer. God grant me the courage to change the things I can, the serenity to accept the things I cannot change and the wisdom to know the difference. Wisdom, courage and serenity or in other words humility.

Paul wrote two thirds of the New Testament. He once said "lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure." Three time she asked God to remove the thorn and three times God said no.

In Hebrews Paul said "But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons." In other words, everyone experiences trials. The son of man hath descended below them all. Art thou greater than he? If we don't have trials, then we aren't children of God we are children of someone else - bastards. Paul concluded when I am weak, then I am strong. God gives men weaknesses that he may be humble and if man humbles himself God can help him turn his weaknesses into strengths.

They say pride cometh before the fall. Arrogance isn't pretty. Yet arrogance and confidence are two different things. Confidence is faith while arrogance is thinking we are better than others. It's the act of comparison. Humility doesn't mean self-hate. It means recognizing our limitations.

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Broken Lives, Broken Dreams

OK this one's going to be all over the map. The Indo Canadian Voice posted a link to the report on sexual harassment in the RCMP called Broken Lives, Broken Dreams. It was part of the Merlo settlement resulting from the class action lawsuit about sexual harassment in the RCMP which was rampant. Before I do that, I will cite two more recent cases of violence against women.

Jana Noella Williams was murdered in Winnipeg and Brianna Lozano was murdered in Victoria. Violence against women is an ongoing problem that still needs to be addressed.

The Merlo report states that the culture of the RCMP is Toxic and that the RCMP has had years to fix the problem. Indeed they have. It took a class action lawsuit to address it but is hasn't been fixed yet. The report cites Training at Depot as that is clearly where the problem begins. I understand that Depot is pretty toxic like the movie full Metal Jacket.

The report states that "I was told that a significant amount of sexualized conduct, drinking and abusive relationships between instructors and cadets occurred at Depot. Although I heard that over time, Depot had changed for the better, I still heard recent accounts of similar behaviour being tolerated or perpetrated by Depot instructors and cadets. I am of the view that the nature of the training that cadets receive at Depot contributes to the continuation of a toxic culture in the RCMP. In my view, it is time to revisit the approach of the training given to cadets at Depot and consider whether it is appropriate in a modern policing context."

OK so there are two separate concerns on the table. One is the negative abusive training within Depot, the other is the inappropriate sexual misconduct that goes on outside of Depot.

When I joined the Guardian Angels back in the /80's it was old school physically challenging and verbal abuse. That is how I was trained and that is how I trained. Since then I have found a better way. In the Guardian Angels the intent was not to break someone down and mold them into a clone soldier. The purpose was to screen people out who were in it for the wrong reasons and to teach them how to deal with verbal abuse on the street.

I had an experience in London, England which changed the way I perceived the old ways and I changed it. I made it 100% positive and empowering. Team building so to speak. You can train people to deal with verbal abuse on walk alongs. When you are with them on the street.

As far as the sexual misconduct that prevails outside of Depot after hours, that illustrates how dysfunctional it really is. Trainers should not be in sexual relationships with trainees. That's a no brainer. The CBC quoted Catherine Galliford who was the public relations officer during the Pickton investigation. She stated that she saw numerous problems inside the investigation, including investigators who were more interested in padding their paycheques and drinking alcohol than catching a serial killer. "They would break between noon and 2 p.m. to just drink and party and go for lunch, but then they would go back to work on Friday and claim double-time." Sound familiar? Old habits die hard yet sexual misconduct shouldn't.

Several years ago I had a young coworker that said he had applied to join the RCMP. He said that one of the questions in the application was all about what kind of porn you watch and how often. He said the question really creeped him out. It's as though they are profiling applicants and picking the deviants. This brings us back to Craig Callen and the FOCCers.

Don't get me wrong. I believe in law enforcement but this is not it.

Drug bust tied to London Outlaws

The Simcoe Reformer is reporting that "The former president of the London Outlaws motorcycle club was among eight Southwestern Ontario residents swept up in a police crackdown this week. Ryan (Big Red) Daigneault, 44, an alleged member of the Outlaws, faces several cocaine trafficking charges, as well as possessing prohibited ammunition, transferring a handgun and selling marijuana, according to court records." Pot is legal now. No one cares about that.

Every Province except for BC makes drug busts. Find out why.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

South Asian Richmond RCMP officer who committed suicide was pregnant by her senior officer

The Indo-Canadian Voice is reporitng that "Now that her family and their lawyer has revealed it to the mainstream media, The VOICE can inform its readers that she was pregnant and the father of the unborn child was her senior officer who reportedly would not take responsibility for it. We know his name. The lawyer, Martin Peters, told the mainstream media that two days before Thiara was found dead it was revealed that she was three-and-a-half months pregnant."

This now becomes a murder investigation just like Brandy Sarionder.

Global has posted a video interview of the family and her lawywr.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Candace Owens' new show on the Daily Wire

Monday, March 8, 2021

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry on Oprah

Rebel News is reporting that Meghan Markle and Prince Harry were on Oprah. I didn't see it and I won't be watching it. When they came to Vancouver Island and were complaining about the paparazzi harassing them I was like leave them alone. Let them have their privacy. However, going on Oprah to trash the royal family was cheap and tacky. It lacked class.

One minute they're like leave us alone. The next minute they're causing drama to get attention. That is disappointing to say the least. I think the inherit problem is that Hollywood is f*cked and Meghan Markle is too entrenched in the Hollywood agenda. So is Oprah. Oprah had a long legacy but she sold out. Good luck with that. Charles has class. Spare us the drama.