Thursday, February 10, 2022

Ottawa police decree is illegal, Justice Centre warns

True North is reporting that "With video now showing Ottawa Police confiscating fuel and arresting truckers for carrying empty gas cans, constitutional lawyers on the ground in Ottawa are warning police that it is illegal for them to be intimidating or arresting people for these actions."

“People who bring food, water, gasoline or other supplies to peacefully protesting truckers are not breaking any law,” stated Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF)) lawyer Nicholas Wansbutter in a press release. “There is no basis for this police threat, that was issued by Twitter (Sunday) morning, states lawyer Nicholas Wansbutter, retained by the Justice Centre, which is representing the Freedom Convoy.”

“In a free and democratic society that is governed by the rule of law, citizens can freely associate with each other, including the giving and receiving of goods and gifts. There is no law that would allow the Ottawa Police to arrest people for giving fuel or food to another Canadian,” continues Mr. Wansbutter. The Justice Centre adds “The truckers themselves are exercising their Charter freedoms of expression, association and peaceful assembly, as they are legally entitled to do,” concludes Mr. Wansbutter."

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Vancouver to NYC to Finland: Unvaccinated Lives Matter

The Daily Mail is reporting that "Hundreds of supporters of Canada's 'Freedom Convoy' and New York City workers who are facing termination if not vaccinated by the end of the week marched across the Brooklyn Bridge Monday." The people have started to sing.

The New York Post is reporting that "Over 300 city workers and others marched across the Brooklyn Bridge Monday protesting the city’s announcement that municipal employees without a COVID-19 vaccination would be fired by week’s end. Firefighter Paul Schweit, 31, founder of Bravest for Choice, an FDNY anti-mandate group, led the chants."

France 24 is reporting that "A protest movement by Canadian truckers angered over Covid vaccine rules has become a rallying point for opponents of pandemic restrictions, firing up crowds from New York to New Zealand. 'Unvaccinated Lives Matter' and 'Workers Are Essential, Mandates Are Not,' read signs carried by the crowd, which included firefighters and teachers."

Saskatchewan and Alberta lift Covid Restrictions

The National Post is reporting that "Starting Monday, Saskatchewan will no longer require COVID-19 vaccine passports. It is also ending its indoor mask mandate at the end of the month."

The Canadian Press is reporting that "Premier Jason Kenney says Alberta's vaccine passport will end almost immediately, with most other big COVID-19 health rules gone three weeks later.

Second Liberal MP breaks with Justin Trudeau over pandemic restrictions

The Hill times is reporting that "A three-term Quebec Liberal MP is raising questions about the Justin Trudeau’s handling of the pandemic and says he agrees with fellow Quebec Liberal MP Joel Lightbound who yesterday said the federal government’s response has become politicized and divisive. 'He [Lightbound] said exactly what a lot of us think,' said Liberal MP Yves Robillard (Marc-Aurèle-Fortin, Que.) in an interview with The Hill Times. 'I agree with everything that Lightbound said.'” Liberté, égalité, fraternité. Je me souviens.

Google just deleted another Blog Post

Google just deleted another blog post. I'm have no idea why. This is the blog post they deleted in it's entirety on my mirror. All I said was The Canadian Press is reporting that "Premier Jason Kenney says Alberta's vaccine passport will end almost immediately, with most other big COVID-19 health rules gone three weeks later." I quoted the news report.

I added two links to news about the Alberta border blockade but I have said all along I don't support blockades. When Google deletes blog posts that simply link to truthful news reports you know you have now entered the Twilight Zone. This is why so many people are protesting.

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

The Empty Gas Can Protest has now Begun

Someone posted a link to this video in the comments on a previous thread. Since Justin Trudeau's Gestapo are arresting civilians for giving gas to the Truckers, a new trend has emerged. Everyone is coming to the protest in Ottawa carrying empty gas cans. I love it. The fake news has picked up on the story but their version is so ridiculous I'm not even going to cite it.

"But on Tuesday, police revealed that demonstrators were trying to subvert officers by filling jerry cans with water, or just leaving them empty. 'It does provide a layer of logistical complexity to us,' said Steve Bell, Ottawa deputy police chief. He said the increasing number of gas cans being delivered to protesters presented challenges to conducting stop and searches. 'It identified a level of sophistication and a level of ability of this group to try and subvert police efforts,' he said."

That's why we're here! Stop and Search is illegal. It violates the Canadian Charter of Rights. So is arresting people for carrying gas cans around. Since empty gas cans are easy to stop, some protests were filling the gas cans up with water. In the Twitter video above on guys offers the police Kool aid. I saw some pictures of people drinking from their gas cans so I guess they put Kool aid in theirs. Well done. That's the new trend. Embrace it.

Excellent article from an Ottawa resident who met the convoy.

The Ottawa resident said he met someone from every province except PEI. However, the Wheel burner just interviewed someone from PEI who had been there since day one but was leaving that day to join another convoy back in PEI.

On a matter of personal privilege, Jim Watson is no relation to me. He's a Dick.

Circumstances don't make the man, they reveal him to himself (and to the rest of the world).

This life is a test. It's like a politician's career. During the campaign the politician is kissing a*ses and making all kinds of promises trying to win over voters. When they get power we then see what they do with it. As they say, power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Jagmeet recently claimed that the goal of the Convoy is to overthrow the government. Since we know not even he is that stupid we once again see him making a ridiculous lie. He will be remembered throughout eternity as a compulsive liar since what we do in life, echoes in eternity.

The Truckers embarked on their convoy to Ottawa protesting the cross boarder vaccine mandates Justin Trudeau implemented. These guys are self employed and sit in their truck all by themselves. They provide zero risk to the public. The vaccine mandate for Truckers should be lifted. Instead of dealing with that fact, the misguided media has been consistently lying about the Convoy calling them racist white supremacists. The media's hateful lies are racist.

The mainstream media has revealed their character or rather lack thereof to the world. So have the politicians mocking the convoy. When the Quebec government recently overreacted to Omicron bringing back unnecessary restrictions there were mass protests. The Health Minister resigned and those restrictions were soon lifted. Justin Trudeau does not have the dignity the Quebec Health minister had. Justin Trudeau is another selfish, it's all about me, Happy Bunny like Erin O'Toole who boldly declared he would never step down right before they voted him out.

A lot of people are very upset with Justin Trudeau personally and are indeed calling for him to resign. This doesn't mean anyone is trying to overthrown the government. If Justin Trudeau had the dignity to step down, the Liberals would appoint an interim leader until a new leader could be selected by the membership. When Brian Mulroney resigned in the wake of declining popularity, Kim Campbell became the next Prime Minister. Justin Trudeau should do the same.

Brian Mulroney is remembered as Lyin' Brian. He's still sabotaging the Conservatives. Mulroney prevented the Conservatives from winning last election by bullying Jean Charest into withdrawing his leadership bid. Likewise, Justin Trudeau will forever be remembered as a slimy little rat faced git. A weasel who coveted power just like Commodus in the movie Gladiator.

True North reported on a Liberal MP from Quebec who spoke out against false labels attached to the convoy and said they had a legitimate grievance. Perhaps he should take over the Liberal party leadership. Quebec respects lawful assembly and so should we. If that many people gather about an issue, then they have a right to be heard without name calling distractions.

Monday, February 7, 2022

Taking Back Our Freedoms dot ca

Former Premier of Newfoundland-Labrador Brian Peckford is the chairman of Taking Back Our Freedoms dot ca. He is the last living signer of the Canadain Charter of Rights. Dr. Laura Braden is a member of the board. She is a molecular biologist with a focus in immunology.

Dr. Byram Bridle, Dr. Paul Alexander, Dr. Francis Christian, Dr. Roger Hodkinson, Dr. Eric Payne, Dr. Patrick Phillips, Dr. Julie Ponesse, Dr. Jessica Rose are all on the Advisory board as well as Daniel Bulford from Mounties 4 Freedom, Brian Denison from Frontline 4 Freedom, Retired Lieutenant-Colonel Pierre Lemieux, Retired Lieutenant Colonel David Redman & Mad Max.

Arresting people for giving fuel to the truckers is a prime example of how far away we have fallen from the Charter of Rights. That is the whole point of the protest. That's why we're here.

Sunday, February 6, 2022

12 Countries End COVID Restrictions

Great Game India is reporitng that "Europe is speeding plans to end the COVID regulations. Sweden and Switzerland have announced that they will lift COVID limitations and eventually open their nations, joining Denmark, Norway, Finland, Ireland, the Netherlands, Italy, Lithuania, France, and the United Kingdom." Justin Trudeau wants police who do not question unethical orders.

"Leading Israeli officials also stated this week that the country’s COVID vaccine passport, known as the Green Pass, will be phased out of restaurants, hotels, gyms, and cinemas."

Huge protest in Coutts, Alberta

OK so there's a big protest in Coutts, Alberta blocking the border crossing. I haven't been reporting on it much because I'm not sure what's going on and I don't support blockades. I'm nobody. People are free to do whatever they want. I think in Nova Scotia they had a blockade on the border with New Brunswick not too long ago. I didn't support that either but it was effective. People are frustrated and there is a lot of shady sh*t going on.

The media is completely f*cked. When the media deliberately lies about groups of people it doesn't just represent a credibility meltdown, it represents a criminal act. People are fed up with the organized crime surrounding Covid. I get it. So am I. We all just want the restrictions and mandates to end like they have in England and Ireland. That is not an unreasonable expectation. That has nothing to do with racism or Donald Trump. We all see Donald Trump supporting it so why aren't our politicians? Omicron was a fraud. There was no reason to lockdown over Omicron. Booster shots are a fraud. Locking down to force booster shots constitutes organized crime.