Saturday, April 8, 2023

Finding Common Ground in Religion at Easter

Some people tell me look at all the wars that have been fought in the name of religion. My response is, that's not completely true. Wars are usually fought for freedom resisting oppression. We can all clearly see that the globalist quest is a war on all religion but it goes far beyond that. It is a war on morality. You don't need a religion to have morals.

It is both ironic and hypocritical that Justin Trudeau wrote a book entitled Common Ground. That was just another lie in a long line of lies he promotes. He wants to share common ground with Xi Jinping's brand of Communism that kills common ground with everyone else and their civil liberty. It censors and oppresses anyone who disagrees with them. There is absolutely no attempt whatsoever to find common ground with people who disagree with their brand of totalitarianism.

Just look at how Justin Trudeau and the fake news defamed and trampled the largest peaceful protest in Canadian history. There was no attempt whatsoever to speak with them and find common ground. That's because Justin Trudeau is a liar. We can all see that now.

The Communist Manifesto eronourly claims that the history of all conflict has been one of class struggle. Eliminate the classes and you eliminate the struggle. Everything about that statement is a lie. In Xi Jinping's brand of Communism there are two classes - us and them. It is an empire of lies built by and maintained with slave labour. Back in the day everyone use to be in an uproar if Nike or some other brand made their products in a sweatshop. Now Winnie the Pooh claims that it's good business. He lies and says there are no labour camps. As soon as they get exposed he lies and says we closed that one down when they just moved it to a new location.

Just like organ harvesting. First they lie and say oh we're not doing that. Then when they are caught they say oh we stopped doing that a long time ago when they most certainly haven't. Their lies hide a great evil. The Uyghurs in Communist China have learned that there is no freedom for them in Xi Jinping's brand of Communism only oppression.

This means right now all religions have a common ground. This also means all atheists who believe in freedom have something in common with all the world's religions. I want to say a few words about past history that will hopefully help to heal the hurt so we can all move forward together united in a common cause.

Muslims believe in the Old Testament. They recognize the legitimacy of Moses. They also believe in the prophet Mohammed. They conceded that the Jews were considered the chosen people at the time of Moses but believe they were rejected by God when they rejected the prophet Mohammed. Jews and Muslims are both circumcised and live the same dietary laws. They call one kosher they call the other halal. It's the same thing. Allah and Jehovah are the same God. One is Arabic the other is Latin. In Hebrew it's Yahweh. It's different languages not different Gods. In English we say God while in French they say Dieu. It's the same God just a different language.

Personally I hate the term chosen people. It is a misconception. God is not a respecter of persons and any nation that fears him and works righteousness is accepted of him. Every nation. I prefer the term covenanted people because at the time of Moses that's exactly what the Jews became. Before they were able to build the temple Moses built a tabernacle in the wilderness where the children of Israel were brought into the bond of the covenant. They made a covenant to serve God and to keep his commandments which were many.

A covenant is a two way promise. You promise something, God promises something in return. You break your promise and you have no claim on the blessings associated with that covenant. Moses spelled out the dramatic details of the blessings and cursings associated with keeping and breaking your covenant with God. It's straight up nasty.

My point is, all religions teach the golden rule - treat others the way you want to be treated because as ye sow so shall ye reap. That means all religions have something in common. When Joshua brought the children of Israel into the promised land he was not given all the land. He was forced to share it with others. God then commanded them to vex not the stranger that sojourneth with thee nor oppress him: for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt and lays out harsh consequences if they break that covenant. It's all very dramatic and extreme.

When will we finally grow up and learn to share? It really is that simple.

As for Jews and Christians, let's put the law God gave them into perspective.

There are a few flat earthers and holocaust deniers out there that like to misquote a scripture in the book of Revelation and take it completely out of context. It makes a reference to the synagog of Satan. John was addressing religious hypocrisy not Judaism. Jesus was a Jew. So was John, the guy who wrote that. The term could apply to any religion including Christianity and especially flat earthers and holocaust deniers. Jesus said take the board out of your own eye before you take the speck out of your neighbours eye. That saying applies here.

Most religions strive to follow God and become his children. However, hypocrisy becomes a roadblock on that quest. If we say one thing and do another then we are no longer children of God, we become children of the Devil because that same spirit that has power to possess us in this life will have power over us in the life hereafter. Paul was very eloquent and said we become bastards, children of someone else referring to the Devil.
Jews get a little defensive when Christians start talking about the resurrection. There's a funny meme that reflects the three different perspectives on Easter. It's three versions of the Pillsbury dough boy. One that says he is risen. Another that says he is not risen while a third says he is fasting. The one that say he is risen compares it to bread that has risen in the oven.

The one that says he is not risen is celebrating the Passover and compares it to a cracker. During the Passover you're not allowed yeast. It has to be unleavened bread symbolic of the Jews flight from Egypt. They were traveling and didn't have time to let yeast rise. So to remember that, they only eat unleavened bread during the Passover.

When I was on a kibbutz in Israel they told me they were sending me to a non religious Kibbutz. It didn't matter to me either way. I was there to see what it was like. During the Passover they had a special meal called the sedar. Everything was symbolic - horseradish symbolized the bitterness of the hardship. The unleavened bread which I already mentioned. There were many symbols designed to help them remember that dramatic event.

I asked the guy who was in charge of the volunteers, I thought you said this was a non religious kibbutz? It is he said. This isn't religion. This is a part of our history. I guess it is. The fact that the jews escaped slavery in Egypt is a historical fact. They're grateful to be free and sometimes overzealous to make sure that doesn't happen again.

The third picture was a dough boy that said he's off limits until sundown meaning he's fasting. Jesus, like Moses, fasted for 40 days. Muslims do the same. They fast during the day and eat after the sun has gone down during Ramadan. Intermittent fasting is actually very healthy.

My point is the awkwardness and defensiveness over the resurrection. So I'm going to set the record straight. The holocaust deniers get all bent out of shape over the fact that the Jews crucified Christ. Which kinda proves they are lying when they say the holocaust never happened. They just think they deserved it for crucifying Christ. Not. I'm responsible for what I do not for what my great grandfather did. The religious and political leaders at the time of Christ were kind of messed up. A lot like now. Christ called them liars, hypocrites and extortionists and they said away with him. He's sent from the Devil.

Josh McDowell wrote two very good books about Jesus' trial. One was called More than a Carpenter. The other was Evidence Demands a Verdict. Those two books had a profound influence on my life when I was young. After that he wrote several books that were pretty messed up but the logical arguments in those two books set me on a path for the rest of my life.

He pointed out that Jesus' trial was a farce. They violated all kinds of procedures. It wasn't supposed to be held a night. It was a gong show. All the witnesses contradicted each other and they had nothing on him until finally they asked Art thou the Christ? All he had to do was say nope and walk away. Except he didn't. He looked them in the eye and said yes I am.

That's when they all freaked. What more evidence do we need? He has convicted himself by his own testimony. We need to clarify a few things here. Jesus claimed to be the Messiah. Either that was true or it was absolute blasphemy. The law required he be put to death for blasphemy. I cannot overemphasize the dramatic nature of Christ's claim. He said before Abraham was I am. He claimed to be the person who spoke to Moses in the burning bush. I think we can all understand how the leaders at the time thought that was blasphemy. He claimed to be Jehovah.

The old testament law was dramatic and extreme. I still have a difficult time processing it. When Moses came down from the mountain they were all dancing naked around a golden calf. Moses was like WTF?! He was pissed and broke the tablets.

The children of Israel had spent a great deal of time living in slavery. They weren't ready for their freedom yet. Moses goes back up the mountain and comes back with a second set of tablets. These were like do this, do that don't do that. It was a lesser law because they weren't ready for the higher law. It wasn't just a lesser law, it was straight up nasty.

If you broke the sabbath, you were to be stoned to death. If you committed adultery, you were to be stoned to death. If you were a rebellious son, you were to be stoned to death. Martin Luther King said the old law of an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind. He's right, it does. It's hard to conceive how they survived without killing everyone for crazy infractions.

That's the law that Jesus gave them. So when they blame the Jews for crucifying Christ we have to blame the law that Jesus gave them. The apostle Paul wrote two thirds of the New Testament. Paul was a Jew. In fact he was a defender of the faith killing Christians for blasphemy.

Finally Christ appeared to Paul on the road to Damascus and said Saul, Saul why persecutest thou me? He was like, my bad. I thought I was doing what you told me to do. Paul repented and changed his ways. If we can forgive Paul, then we can forgive the Jews because as we all know, his atonement was foretold and had to happen. Especially when we probably would have done the same thing ourselves. Born Agains freak out and say Joseph Smith was a false prophet because he claimed to see Jesus standing at the right hand of God. I'm like STFU. They killed Stephen for saying the exact same thing. You are no better than they are.

These fake Christians have no idea what they're talking about. They have a misguided concept of the Trinity that was taught to them by Constantine. When Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane he prayed that his followers may be one. Then he said in the same sense that Jesus and his Father are one. That doesn't mean every Christian shares the same body.

I remember on my mission there was one missionary that was a bit rough around the edges. He got in an argument with a born again minister over the doctrine of the trinity and loses it. He yells out who was Jesus freaking praying to in the Garden of Gethsemane? Himself?! I laughed out loud when I heard that. I shared his frustration because it's such a simple concept some people just don't get. Christ often said he would be seen seated at the right hand of God and they always said that was blasphemy. They still do.

To be perfectly honest I like Muslims a lot more than born agains because Muslims aren't so crazy and intolerant. Intermittent fasting is good for you. There's nothing wrong with it and there's nothing wrong with wearing a hijab. Hijab, sari what's the difference? A nun's headdress or a Jewish hat - who cares? What people wear doesn't matter. What they are and do does.
I remember hearing an amusing analogy of a guy getting a tour of heaven. He walks past a Catholic cathedral having mass. Then he walks past a Jewish Synagogue, a Muslim Mosque and a Sikh Temple. Then he passes by a building where everyone was screaming Yeehaw! Yahoo!! He asked his guide what is that? Is there a football game going on? The guide says no, that's the Pentecostals. They think they're the only ones here.

Easter, Passover and Ramadan: Confronting Evil Together

Here's a timely message from Alan Brough the Executive Director of the Canada Health Alliance.

Happy Easter everyone! And I should also say Chag Pesach Sameach to our Jewish members for Passover which has just been celebrated, and of course Ramadan Mubarak to our Muslim members who are in the middle of their month of fasting.

Christianity, Judaism and Islam all acknowledge and worship the same God. Sure, we all have different rituals and nuances to our beliefs, but it is time that we stopped fixating on the weakness of our denominational differences and instead started focusing on the strength of our commonalities.

The truth of the matter is that right now we all need to stand together against the anti-God agenda of the globalists and the dark forces gathered against us. These forces don't care which religion or denomination we are from, they are against ALL religions and denominations. Therefore we too should not care which religion and denomination we are from, and instead, unite as believers in God (whatever that may be for us personally) and stand on the side of love, light, and compassion in opposition to darkness and despair and the anti-human agenda which is being forced upon us.

While things may seem bleak and it is easy to become overwhelmed and hopeless, based on the lessons and teachings of our religions, we have great reason to be hopeful and to realize the power of our God of Righteousness. In this regard, both Passover and Easter are celebrations of miraculous deliverance in times of utmost fear and hopelessness. These holy anniversaries remind us that we have been in these positions of extreme danger before. God looked after his followers then, as he will look after us again now.

A few days ago I was chatting to one of our Jewish members who said to me, “Passover is the holiday of Freedom. I pray that this notion will extend to all of us at this time.” When I heard this I suddenly realized how significant and relevant this is to our time. Passover happened when the Israelites were slaves in Egypt and it was the last of the tribulations imposed upon the Egyptians to allow the Jews to gain their freedom and leave Egypt. It was all about securing freedom from tyrannical overlords. Is that not exactly what we are praying for again right now?

While Easter is not about freedom per se, it is about miraculous hope at a time of extreme and overwhelming defeat. In the last few years of Jesus’s life, a new religious ‘denomination’ had grown up around him which, over time, would become Christianity as we know it today. But when Jesus was crucified, it all seemed to be over. It appeared to everyone that this little sect had been well and truly crushed. Yet within a couple of days Jesus had risen from the dead, and from those few, terrified, huddling disciples that he had left, Christianity was to grow into a major global religion.

To me, being so focused on building a new better system for the future (starting with healthcare, but eventually including all other ‘institutions’ such as education, the judiciary, law enforcement, etc) this lesson of Easter is very encouraging. It tells me that with faith, hope, and perseverance, and with God on our side, we will be successful in the long term. We will be able to first gain our freedom and then build a new, better world for our children, our grandchildren, and, as our First Nations brothers and sisters tell us, the seventh generation ahead of us.

So, to you all, I say, ‘Happy Easter, Chag Sameach, and Ramadan Mubarak.’

We are all one and we should stand together, united, likely for the first time ever, as we face our greatest challenge. Perhaps this challenge has been imposed upon us simply to teach us this lesson; the lesson that we are all God’s children and we need to stop squabbling and stand up together, shoulder-to-shoulder, to push back this darkness, leverage our true power and achieve our destiny.

Alan Brough

Kelowna drug dealers sentenced: Update

Vancouver is Awesome is reporting that "Two B.C. men will spend two and four years, respectively, in a penitentiary on drug trafficking charges stemming from a mid-level Kelowna-based operation. In the Vancouver Law Courts April 6, Justice Michael Tammen called the trafficking operation in which Noah Didhra, 24, and Tien Roy Mai Dang, 26, were involved, extremely serious criminal activity. He said sentencing must reflect society’s condemnation of such activity." 24 and 26 aren't considered young offenders. They are adults.

"Mai Dang pleaded guilty in January to conspiracy to traffic in cocaine, fentanyl, methamphetamine, ketamine and heroin. He got four years. Didhra pleaded guilty in January to two counts of possession for the purposes of trafficking — one for cocaine, the other for fentanyl. He received sentences of two years for each to be served concurrently."

Castanet is reporting that "Both the sentences recommended to the court by counsel are penitentiary sentences,” Tammen said. “That in and of itself represents a significant sentence for any youthful offender.” Tammen said the two were subordinates of Abd'l Loubissi-Morris, 25, who ran the operation in the Okanagan and Kootenay regions. Loubissi-Morris pleaded guilty to conspiracy to traffic controlled substances and possession of a restricted firearm and was sentenced to 8.5 years in prison."

"The charges stem from a July 2018 police raid on an apartment unit on Kelowna's Academy Way, near UBC Okanagan. There, police found 1.13 kg of fentanyl, 1.552 kg of methamphetamine, 671.55 grams of cocaine and 20.51 grams of ketamine, along with six firearms." A kilo of fentanyl, 1.5 kilos of crystal meth and two thirds a kilo of cociane. However, the same three were originally charged with murder and drug trafficking in Surrey back in 2020.

The Vancouver Sun reported that the three men have links to the Brother's Keepers.

The Brother's Keepers work for the Edmonton Hells Angels.

Previously Castanet reported that "Loubissi-Morris has faced several previous criminal charges stemming from incidents in Kelowna, Vernon and Cherryville dating back to 2016."

This case reminds me of something I heard at the Joey Verma murder trial. I wasn't allowed to report on it until the trial was over because the jury wasn't present. The judge was concerned about the fact that while Joey was in prison waiting to be tried for the murder of Brittney Irving, he was caught selling drugs in prison. The judge was concerned about the magnitude of his operation. It was large scale. That meant he was still working for the Hells Angels.

It meant Joey didn't kill her because he was trying to rip her off. He killed her because he was ordered to so he could have his manufactured debt forgiven. This had nothing to do with Goldammer. This involved someone else.

During the trial it was revealed that Joey tried to get someone else to take the fall for him. He said he couldn't go to jail because he's making too much money selling drugs and started to explain to the guy how it happened so he would be able to convince the court he did it. The guy said he didn't want to know. Then the club spoke with him and Joey said its OK, you don't have to do it. I have to take the fall. That proves Joey was culpable even though he wasn't alone. Blaze was there and helped him do it. Joey served his time. Blaze didn't. Remember that.

Friday, April 7, 2023

The Ibrahim Ali murder trial

Drea Humphrey from Rebel News is covering the Marrisa Shen murder trial. I wasn't going to comment on it until it was over but since Drea is covering it, I will say something about it now.

Obviously publication bans are in effect. This isn't the kind of case I normally cover. It's horrible. It's not the kind of case I'd like to be on the jury for because listening to all those horrific details is traumatic. The court will hear an atrocity. Once the jury hears the evidence Drea will report on what isn't covered by a publication ban. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty. Everyone deserves a fair trial. However, the evidence the jury will hear is indeed disturbing.

Whatever we do, we're going to be wrongfully accused of racism. Marrisa Shen was a 13 year old Asian girl. This wasn't a hate crime against Asians specifically. It was just an isolated deplorable act. Every culture and every race has criminals. Clifford Olson was white and he was an absolute deviant. If one Syrian refugee commits a crime, all the other refugees are not responsible for that crime. We are all responsible for what we do. We are not responsible for what other people do.

The disturbing reality of this case reinstills the need to do criminal record checks on all refugees and all applications for citizenship. It is not surprising to find that some criminals might try to come to Canada. We welcome immigration. We also support law and order. Murdering children is not acceptable in any civilized society. Evidently the suspect speaks Kurdish. My Syrian neighbours speak Arabic. That means he's from Northern Syria. The CIA backed rebels who oppose Assad.

An Inside look at the Drag Queen Storytime

Update: Drag shows at hockey games now but why? "Some noted how while they have no problem with drag shows, they did not pay to go to a hockey game to be entertained by one."

Drag Queen Summer Camps for Kids. That's called Grooming.

With the news of Lady Marmalade joining the New Trans World Order I thought it would be timely for me to comment on the Drag Queen Storytime and the conflicting protests that surround it. Everyone has become so polarized and extreme they seem to forfeit reason and common sense.

There has been a great deal of controversy over the drag queen story time for young children. Is it homophobic or is it pedophelia? Let's find a balance between the extremes. First of all let's address ANTIFA hate because hate is what ANTIFA is and hate is what ANTIFA does.

ANTIA's roots go back to East Berlin. The Communists built the Berlin Wall. They said it was to keep the Fascists out thus they called themselves Anti Fascists. Only the Western Allies had just defeated the Fascists in the trenches. The Western Allies weren't the Fascists, Hitler was. So the founding premise of ANTIFA was a lie. They built the wall to stop people from escaping.

Now let's fast forward to RuPaul's Drag Race. In my Lady Marmalade post I posted an excerpt from one of the episodes where three of the competitors were lip syncing the song Lady Marmalade from Moulin Rouge. The show appears to be a competition to find the best drag queen while competitors who don't make the grade are knocked off one by one like a singing or a dance competition. Notice they're looking for the best drag queen not the worst. I'm pretty sure the guy in the picture with a full beard and hairy chest would get knocked out in the first round. The three competitors they had were actually pretty good.

I want to be clear in that I have absolutely nothing against drag queens. I'm against the sexualization of children just like the Muslims and the Gays Against Groomers are.

If a gay couple wants to adopt a child then by all means feel free. One mom, two moms, no mom, families come in all shapes and sizes. Some homophobes are worried that a gay couple will molest a child. We need to be clear that just because someone is homosexual, that doesn't mean they are pedopiles. There's a big difference. Some heterosexuals are pedophiles but not all are.

The same with drag queens. Not all drag quees are pedophiles just like not all hereoexuals are. If drag queens want to read stories to kids there's nothing wrong with that. However, what are they reading and what else are they doing? If you're reading them a book about incest that normalizes rape, then that would be inappropriate. If you're reading a young child a book that talks about sex, then that would be inappropriate. It would be inappropriate if anyone did it.

In the video clip I posted from the Drag Race one of the competitors was making a motion with their hand like they were performing oral sex and RuPaul giggled. That's fine for consenting adults but that would be inappropriate in front of children. It would also be inapropriate for a heterosexual to do that in front of young children. As the line from the Pink Floyd song Another Brick in the Wall says, Hey! Teacher! Leave those kids alone! The sexualization of children is a valid concern. It doesn't matter what you wear, what your gender is or what your preference is.

As Tara Henley pointed out the CBC is lost in space. They're trying to say that oposing the sexualization of children and the normalization of pedophelia is the promotion of hate. No it's not. The sexualization of children is hate. Let's be real. The fake news bows to the agenda of the WEF and the Communist Party of China who are joined at the hip. They are promotng a sinister plot.

It is no secret that what you see on TikTok in North America is not what you see on TikTok in China. China is trying to destroy America through TikTok. They are trying to erode us and wear us down. I remember when I dropped my son off at University. We saw a poster that said Hot Tub Party. Bathing suit optional. We both looked at each other with our eyes popping out. I turned to him and said, Son, there is a huge potential here. There's a huge potential for good and there's a huge potential for evil. Choose wisely. I left it at that and sent him on his way.

If a heterosexual stripper was teaching young children to grind and take their clothes off, that would be completely inappropriate. If a heterosexual stripper was joking about having oral sex in front of young children, that would be completely inappropriate. The normalization of pedolpelia is not normal and the sexualization of children is not acceptable.

However, the normailization of pedophelia is just one aspect of their master plan. The Devil has many names. The father of all lies is one. That's self explanatory. The enemy of all righteousness is another. Their second objective is to erode morality. They start by ernosly claiming morality is tied to religion and religion is bad so morality is bad as well. That logic is very flawed.

Religion teaches bad men to be good and good men to be better. There's nothing wrong with that yet religion doesn't have a monopoly on morality. You don't need a religion to have morals.

The book Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance states that it is an inquiry into values. The title page of the book states "And what is good, Phaedrus, And what is not good. Need we ask anyone to tell us these things?” No, we dont. We all know what is good and what is not good. We don't need a religion to tell us those things but religion does remind us in case we forget.

Sometimes we can get led astray. Babylon claims that there is no place for religion or morality in the courtroom. That is not true. I do believe in the separation of church and state but the freedom of religion is protected by law and all our laws are famed with morality. Stealing is against the law. Murder is against the law. Those are moral values and important principles.

The reason Babylon strives to erode morals is because they strive for lawlessness. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. That is the goal of Satanism. Morals aren't oppressive or evil. Immorality is evil. Morality lifts us and inspires us to be better.

Xi Jinping and the set up in the Ukraine

Before I dive into the New Trans World Order I want to point out an obvious scam that anyone with a brain can plainly see. Rebel News is reporting that "French President Emmanuel Macron’s visit this week to China for a face-to-face meeting with President Xi Jinping was less than fruitful when it came to the question of Ukraine. During Macron's state visit to China, the two leaders held talks in Beijing, focusing on the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, Politico reported. According to the publication, Macron appeared to annoy Xi when he used his platform to condemn Russia and spoke twice as long after Xi delivered his prepared remarks."

China wants to look like a peacemaker when they themselves are responsible for creating the conflict in the first place. This is Poland dejavu. Remember what happened to Poland? First they sent in the Fascists to exploit them. Then they sent in the Communists to liberate them from the Fascists. That's when their slavery was made complete. This is what Xi is doing to the Ukraine.

The conflict in the Ukraine was clearly provoked. Putting nuclear missiles on Russia's border is what created the Cuban missile crisis. It's an act of aggression. The boycott of Russian oil was to assist the Saudi monopoly so they could raise gas prices and gouge consumers which is part of the World Economic Forum's quest to turn consumers into slaves.

Then there's the Nazi's. Funding the Nazi's in the Ukraine to bomb the Donbas gave Russia justification for military action. Yet who was funding the Nazis anyways? We were - because of Xi Jinping. The Biden family have been involved in a ship load of shady business deals in the Ukraine. They were laundering money there for the Communist Party of China. Joe Biden is Winnie the Pooh's puppet. The WEF demonized Russia so that China could come in and make the peace in a war they created. Xi Jinping is the common denominator.

Xi Jinping controls the WEF. Xi Jinping controls Joe Biden. Xi Jinping controls the UN. Xi Jinping even controls NATO now. When you connect the dots and do the math, it is clear that Xi set up the Ukraine just like Stalin set up Poland. Fascism is bad but Communism is no better. They're both bad. Communism uses Fascism as an excuse to destroy civil liberty. That's their end game.

Police seize 90 kilos of cocaine in Calgary

The Calgary Herald is reporting that "Two men including one from Calgary have been charged after an investigation led to the seizure of about 91 kilograms of cocaine." Calgarian Steven Christopher Fera, 45, and Jason Jamie Chan, 38, of Surrey, B.C. have been charged with two counts of possession of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking. Well done. That saves lives.

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Saudi announces surprise oil cuts: That is haram.

NPR is reporitng that "Saudi Arabia and a handful of other countries stunned the world on Sunday by announcing significant cuts in their oil production – totaling more than a million barrels of oil per day – starting in May. The decision was unexpected because it did not come as a typical, negotiated OPEC+ agreement reached at a regularly scheduled meeting. Instead it was undertaken by Saudi Arabia and other producers including the United Arab Emirates and Iraq, and announced without warning." Oil markets have responded with a price jump. Big surprise that's what happens when you cut production. That's why they did it. That is haram.

This is about greed and exploitaion. Both of which are haram. This gas fraud has become so obvious and so evil it boggles my mind. Say what you want about Donald Trump but the fact remains Donald Trump got the United States off Saudi oil and Joe Biden got them back on it. Once Saudi regained the monopoly they started cutting production to raise the price so they could make more money by screwing over everyone else in the world. That is pure evil.

Oil companies are like drug dealers. They commit murder to obtain a monopoly on the market. Once they obtain a monopoly they jack up the price to make more profit. Just like the pharmaceutical companies and their drug patents. Joe Biden recently visited Justin Trudeau in Canada and it was like a scene from the movie Dumb and Dumber. Only they're not just stupid, they are criminally insane because there is a method to their madness.

Cutting domestic oil production has nothing to do with protecting the environment any more than banning fertilizer does. Both lies reveal a sinister plot. Pipelines are green. They reduce CO2 emissions from transportation to zero. Importing oil from Saudi creates a lot more CO2 emissions then building a pipeline does. They hide their agenda with a lie. Many lies.

This gas fraud also reveals that the CIA have been lying about their motive as well as their method because Saudi is joined at the hip with the CIA. That's where the CIA does its money laundering and arms dealing out of. MI6 and the CIA erroneously claim their sole objective is to promote the financial wellbeing of England and America. They use that lie to justify their method. The end does not justify the means. So even if their objective was true, which it is not, that would not rationalize drug trafficking, torture, coups and a host of other dirty deeds done dirt cheap.

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Vito's son Leonardo Rizzuto shot in Laval

Update: Hells Angels investigation continues with more search warrants in Quebec

Last month CTV reported that "Quebec provincial police are asking for the public's help in solving the attempted murder of Leonardo Rizzuto, the son of the late reputed Mafia boss Vito Rizzuto. The suspect pulled up beside the car as it approached the exit for Highway 13 and fired several gunshots toward the Mercedes, before driving off, according to police."

"Rizzuto, 53, was shot in the leg while driving a black Mercedes on the westbound Highway 440 in Laval Wednesday afternoon. Rizzuto managed to stop the vehicle in the parking lot of a funeral home just off the highway. Police officers found the vehicle riddled with bullet holes, including at least two that pierced the driver-side window." That is big news. Laval is Red and White.

The Quebec Hells Angels were Rizzuto associates. The Ontario Hells Angels were Rizzuto rivals. They supported the Calabrian in Hamilton when Vito was in prison before he was killed. The Hells Angels in Quebec were raided last week but we have yet to hear the results of that raid.

"According to reports, investigators from the National Organized Crime Enforcement Squad (ENRCO) are raiding the residences of half a dozen individuals, including Montreal chapter Hells Angels Martin Robert, Stéphane Plouffe and Michel Lamontagne."

"The homes of other individuals, including the former lieutenant of the Rizzuto clan Francesco Del Balso, now considered by the police to be close to the bikers, were also searched. The suspects are suspected of being the heads of a network of narcotics traffickers and distributors active in Montreal and in the North and South Crowns. This is the first wave of searches carried out during the investigation and intended to gather clues, because since the Supreme Court's Jordan decision, which limits judicial delays, the police and the prosecution want to be ready to release their evidence as soon as a suspect is arrested and charged."

A Lecture on Faith: The ability to trust one's self

A lot of Christians support the freedom movement and I'm a big fan of the freedom of religion. When Christ was on the earth he healed the sick and performed miracles. I'm not a big fan of miracles. It reminds me of the Steve Martin movie Leap of Faith. I had a companion on my mission that used to always say if you're converted by a miracle, it's a miracle you stay converted. I suppose it coincides with the sign seeker analogy.

On one occasion we were speaking with a couple of housewives whose husbands were away on business. The subject of sign seekers came up. I laughed and said oh you don't want to be a sign seeker. The lady was quite persistent and kept asking why not? Why don't I want to be a sign seeker? My companion just looked at me as if to say yo bro don't do it. Don't do it.

She was persistent so I explained that the Bible claims sign seekers are adulterers. People who demand a sign are having an affair. She just looked at me with tears in her eye and all of a sudden it got awkward. My companion rolls his eyes as if to say yo man I told you not to do it.

We left then came back later on that night to drop something off. Only she had a guest and it wasn't her husband. We didn't interrupt them but said yeah that's what we thought. Nevertheless faith is an important part of the gospel. Mormons rightfully believe the first two principles of the gospel are faith and repentance. Faith in what? Faith in Jesus Christ.

Which Jesus? The same Jesus. The one who healed the sick, confronted the hypocrites and was rejected so that he could suffer and die for the sins of the world. As Isaiah said: "He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not. Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed."

Hebrews 11 is a lecture on faith. They say faith precedes the miracle. Yet faith is not blind. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. If ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen, which are true. If I have faith that the world is flat, that is not faith, that is a falsehood. Faith is a belief in things that are unseen which are true. Like electricity.

Faith is the moving cause of action within us. I have faith that the light bulb will go on when I flip the switch so I get up to turn it on. If I didn't have faith, I'd stay in bed and wouldn't do anything. Faith is the reason we work. Work is the means of all accomplishment.

Martin Luther King taught "the belief that God will do everything for man while he himself does nothing is not faith but superstition." Martin Luther King understood this principle.

Years ago we used to serve at the Habour Light food line in the DTES. They had a very powerful mural on the wall. It was a picture of Christ walking on the water reaching out to Peter who tried to walk on the water but began to sink. I suppose it was somewhat allegorical. A lot of people in the DTES are kind of drowning and need a helping hand to get back on their feet. Keeping them under water in not in their best interest. This other picture is from a different angle.
Many years ago Tut spoke at a conference in Minneapolis that I attended. He spoke about their crack down on crack campaign in Florida West Palm Beach which was profound. Then he shared an experience he had patrolling with the brothers in Atlanta. He said Atlanta was the Bible belt. A lot of the members there were Christians. He said one time they were getting ready to leave on a dangerous patrol and one of the brothers asked Tut if they could say a prayer first. He said no.

I kind of raised an eyebrow and heard him out. He told the guy that he needed to have faith in himself. He needed self confidence. I understand what Tut meant. I probably would have said go have your prayer in private. Yet the idea that you're supposed to have faith in yourself isn't really something we are taught at church. We're supposed to have faith in God not faith in ourselves. Yet both statements are true. If you didn't have faith in yourself you wouldn't try to follow God. If you didn't have faith in yourself, you wouldn't try to get off the drugs and get clean.

I have heard it said and I can't remember where that God is a saved being because faith dwells in him independently and men will become saved when they become like God and faith dwells in them independently. Now I know a lot of born agains have a big problem with the concept of eternal progression. They're pretty quick to pick up a stone and cry blasphemy.

Martin Luther King said "Man is more than a whirling vagabond of electrons. Man is a child of God." So what exactly does it mean to be a child of God? The book of Genesis says we are created in God's image. So what does that really mean? The Bible talks about how the faithful will become joint heirs with Christ yet no one can explain what that really means.

I realize what it means doesn't really matter. Whether the pearly gates swing or slide is irrelevant. What we need to concern ourselves with is living the kind of life that will make us worthy to pass through them because not everyone will. Hence the Netflix series The Good Place.

Jesus said "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven." Many will say bla, bla bla "And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity." Kinda kills the born again do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law argument.

My point in this lecture on faith is that faith dwells in God independently. The purpose of life is for us to become more Christlike. We are suppose to strive to develop the qualities that God has. If faith dwells in God independently, then we should learn how to develop that kind of faith so that it also dwells in us independently. I'm not claiming to know what that means. I'm just saying it's food for thought. Maybe is has something to do with the commandment to love yourself. It's kind of what I've been thinking about lately. We need to be able to trust ourselves.