Sunday, August 11, 2013

Kelowna Teenage Drug Death

August 3rd the Vancouver Province reported that the police issued a warning after three Kelowna teens became violently ill from taking some bad ecstasy. “Ecstasy is a synthetic drug that is made in clandestine labs that have no quality controls,” read an RCMP release.

“You can never really know exactly what is in street drugs, and something what is being sold under one name could be something else entirely. Drug dealers are only in it for the profit and don’t care about the health or well-being of their clients.” How true.

That very morning 17 year old Marissa Ginter was found dead. She died in her sleep after a night of partying. Friends thought she took a bad batch of ecstasy. Turns out it was heroin passed off as ecstasy which made the three other teens sick and killed Marissa. Once again this shows the predatory nature of drug dealers that exploit all their customers including teenagers.

The Province then ran a front page article about the story after finding a youtube video of Kelowna teenagers talking about the dangers of ingesting bad drugs. Marissa was one of the teens in the video.

Marissa appears to be everything her fiends claim she was - an energetic bright light with her whole life ahead of her that was extinguished far too soon. Some of the guys in the video appear to be the Whalley burn out type but she was different.

This tragic case reminds me of the song Angel by Shaggy. “Now life is one big party when you're still young And who's gonna have your back when it's all done It's all good when you're little, you have pure fun Can't be a fool, son, what about the long run.” Her death has served as a wake up call to many of her friends encouraging them to get off the harmful drugs. A hard lesson well taken.

Prince George Paisley Queen gets three years

Kim Bolan is reporting that Jacobi Farrell from the Gay Tight Soldiers in Prince George was sentenced to three years after being convicted of possessing loaded prohibited firearms. We remember Jacobi. He’s the Paisley Queen of Prince George. Who wears Paisley? That’s not old school that’s no school. Look and those mannerisms and the way he wears his scarf. Looks like he just got off a Gay Pride float. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. I’m just saying he is the Paisley Queen. Stephen King used to roll with those clowns. Now I hear he’s with the Outlaws. He sure moved up the food chain. I'm sure Rainbow Ricky is thrilled about that.

Rod Sweeney wanted for assault

Beavis and Butthead are in the news again. Rod Sweeney is a member of the Winnipeg Hells Angels. His brother Dale is the chapter president and was convicted of cocaine trafficking. Rod is wanted for assault after allegedly chasing down a guy and his kid on their bicycles while in his car and beating him with a metal pole. This guy needs some professional help.

I’m gonna chase down someone I don’t know and beat him down in front of his kid with a metal pole because I’m butt ugly and I have anger issues. No wonder someone tried to shoot him on two separate occasions. On one occasion he was shot six times. On another occasion he was shot in the head from point blank range and survived. Clearly he must have received some brain damage from that shooting but locals who know him claim he had brain damage before the shootings. Looks like he hasn’t learned a thing. He really has to do something about his unresolved anger issues. And that face, please do something about that. Maybe that’s why he’s so angry.

Don Lyons charged with beating his girlfriend

OK folks, here it is. The moment we’ve all been waiting for. The other day I’m reading the paper and I see an article about a gang member having his parole revoked because he has been charged with assaulting his girlfriend. Then I read it’s Don Lyons and I’m like whoa, I know that name. He’s from Kelowna.

He was convicted of trafficking cocaine for the Hells Angels along with Lester Jones the former Kelowna vice president. Which reinstalls my premise that the Independent solders work for the Hells Angels just like the new Red Scorpions do. After the Bacon brothers took them over and turned them into the Red Lobsters. Larry Amero was tied to Jonathon Bacon as well as Randy Naicker showing the Hells Angels control of both puppet clubs.

Larry Amero wasn’t acting on his own. He was on official business of the white rock chapter. That’s why they sent him on official business to Montreal. Now Larry Amero is with the surrey girl chapter. Which is rather amusing since he’s not from surrey he’s from Langley. He started taking steroid because he was beat up in high school. Walnut Grove. How lame is that?

BTW we all know Randy Jones from the Whiterock chapter, now overseeing the business for the Surrey Girl chapter, owned Tbarz for the club not his brother or mother. We all know the name change of that strip bar is a scam because they don’t want it seized by the US in that cross border indictment where Tbarz was considered the hub of a huge cross border drug ring tied to the Hells Angels.

So if Shakerz isn’t owned by Randy Jones and the Hells Angels any more what are those three Harleys doing parked out front right outside the front door last night where Tbarz had a sign saying bike parking only. If Bill Fordy really cared about crime in Surrey he’d check it out. But he doesn’t so he won’t. He just wants to posture for a political position like Fastbender over.

OK so back to Don Lyons. After doing time for drug trafficking on behalf of the Hells Angels, his parole gets revoked because he was charged with assaulting his girlfriend. Selling crack and now an accused woman beater. You cant get any lower than that.

What’s worse is that one of his family members is accused of trying to get the victim to change her story. Reminds me a lot of Donny McWhirter. Another fro ho woman beating loser connected to the Independent Soldiers in Kelowna. Maybe beating up your girlfriend and getting a stupid looking haircut are new initiation rituals for the group of dirt bags.

Here’s a fact for ya: “He who loves his wife, loves himself.” Guys who beat woman have a bad self image. They have no self respect despite their arrogant facade. That sad thing is, they can never build a healthy self image by mistreating their spouse. It’s a self defeating process that spirals down the toilet of misery.

Interesting to note in the Lester Jones drug conviction is that case was tied to three chapters of the Hells Angels. He was the former vice president of the Kelowna chapter drug trafficking in Winnipeg for the Calgary chapter. The police agent bought two kilos of cocaine off Lester in Calgary and left $72,000 in cash for the drugs at the Calgary clubhouse. I guess Randy Irons doesn’t sell crack but his clubhouse does.

Lester was convicted of being involved in the Winnipeg drug trafficking ring where Deli and Sean Wolfe were busted for selling crack through the Zig Zag crew. The Zig Zag crew would sell crack supplied by the Hells Angels and pay the Hells Angels protection money so they would protect them from rival drug dealers.

Since Lester was the former vice president of the Kelowna chapter, we all know who became vice president after him. It was David Giles, Skeletor himself. According to Neil Hall’s book Hell to Pay, Giles was the Hells Angel implicated in the Western wind bust where 2 and ½ tons of cocaine were seized. Neil Hall used to be a reporter for the Vancouver Sun and covered the E Pandora trial. He heard all the wiretap evidence in court. That was the case where Richard the crook Barszczewski got him off. Looks like the Hobo Clown is toast now finally.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Alberta Sheriff assault: No Charges No Justice

This just in. A blog reader sent this story in which really enforces the desperate situation the RCMP is in across the country and how our civil liberties are consistently under attack. This one is again from Alberta. Camrose just south east of Edmonton.

Global news is reporting that Simona Tibu claims she was seriously assaulted by a sheriff in a road side stop. At least he didn’t shoot her dead this time or in the leg like they did the guy from the man tracker show.

She claims an Alberta sheriff pulled her over for speeding. In BC, sheriffs don’t have the jurisdiction to pull people over for speeding. They transport prisoners and work in the courts.

She claims he was banging on her window and demanded to see her license and registration. She claims she said you can see them as soon as you stop banging on my window and if you don’t stop I’m going to film you on my cell phone. She then claims he became more enraged smashed the cell phone and then extensively assaulted her.

To her amazement when the RCMP officer showed up he said she was going to be charged with resisting arrest. Just like Rodney King. This has been a horrible week for police brutality in Alberta. It stains all of us because law enforcement is so important.

This sheriff needs to be sued civilly and charged criminally then if found guilty in a court of law not in a rogue RCMP officers opinion, he needs to be fired. This isn’t some wild crack head. This is a doctor. It's not just his word against hers. She has injuries that were not self inflicted. Resisting arrest for speeding doesn't make sense. He destroyed the evidence by smashing her cell phone. She didn't smash her own cell phone.

Right now we have a serious problem with police misconduct and police brutality that is a direct violation of the Charter of Rights. Once again the arrogance of the department shows they must be sued in court before they will even think about addressing the problem just like in the class action sexual harassment suit despite the many proven allegations. Rage and denial is all we’re getting from the federal government. That needs to change. In more ways than one. Through the democratic process and through the courts of law because like it or not the Charter of Rights is real. If police want to enforce the law they must be bound by it.

Clearly police misconduct does not make criminal behavior acceptable. It does not condone selling crack or stealing cars and we are to applaud the hard work of the good cops out there like the EDGE unit and the CFSEU that are really making a difference despite the shameful conduct of their coworkers. We do have lots of gang news to come.

This case really infuriates me. Even though it appears in Alberta sheriffs have been given jurisdiction for traffic offenses, this guy is a woman beater. Those injuries do not constitute reasonable force. He is a piece of garbage.

Here’s another one from the States. US cops laughing after tasering a kid for doing graffiti and killing him. Back in Alberta we have another case of a deaf mute in Red Dear suing a sheriff after he jumped him for signing he couldn’t understand his command.

In Winnipeg two former Manitoba sheriff's officers are facing another round of sex-related charges. These arrogant violations of civil liberty need to stop. I never made a big deal about the taser incident at the airport because everyone knows they made a mistake and lied to cover their ass. Yet all these new cases show how out of control police accountability really is.

Reexamining 9/11

One more for the road. Since Keith Alexander had the audacity to mention 9/11 to rationalize destroying the Constitution, then so will I because the obvious needs to be said. Many think 9/11 was an inside job. First there were the “left wing kooks” who thought it was another Operation Northwoods. Then we had the “Right wing conspiracy theorists” who started thinking it was another Operation Northwoods.

Now we have another large group emerge that think 9/11 was an inside job and they aren’t left wing kooks or right wing conspiracy theorists. They’re professionals in the field of controlled demolition. In the documentary 9/11 Explosive Evidence Experts Speak out we see a multitude of architects and engineers in the field that say the third tower and the twin towers all fell just like a controlled demolition.

They all collapsed into their own blueprint at freefall speed. The only way that can scientifically happen is if the load bearing beams are simultaneously blown out so the building falls straight down without meeting any resistance. They don’t just say we’re experts believe us. They show you numerous clips of controlled demolition and compare it to the fall of the three towers and say what does that look like to you? It sure looks like a controlled demolition to me.

The fact that they found thermite in the ruble is another important fact that would point to controlled demolition yet the way and speed the towers collapsed is all the evidence we really need. No planes hit the third tower. Never in history has a steel framed tower collapsed into it’s own blueprint at freefall speed due to heat and fire. That ridiculous claim is not scientific and defies every other model in existence.

Some claim that terrorists went in before hand and planted explosives on the load bearing beams. Obviously they did. That would have required further planning and opens Pandora’s box as to who it was that planted those explosives before hand.

This is why we need to examine all the evidence of 9/11 and all the suspects without covering our eyes and ears burying our heads in the sand. Operation Northwoods was real. They implemented that plan against the USS Liberty when President Johnston recalled the air support to help repel that attack. That historical treason needs to be addressed. Especially if we are going to use false flag attacks just like Hitler did to throw away the constitution and civil liberty.

Although the hecklers didn’t believe him, Keith Alexander claims the NSA is trying to protect America and Americans. But what is America? In the movie Shake Hands with the Devil, the Canadian General is speaking with a local leader in Rwanda who says exactly that. The leader tells him I’m trying to protect Rwanda. The General then responds with and what is Rwanda? Those mountains? Those trees? How can you protect Rwanda without protecting it’s people?

Likewise, how can we protect America without protecting Americans and the constitution? How can we protect freedom by abolishing it and removing civil liberty? It just doesn’t make sense. It is a con that George Lucas described well in his Star Wars Saga.

The first three episodes of Star Wars, which were released after the second three episodes, showed us how Darth Vader became Darth Vader and showed us how the evil emperor took over a free republic and enslaved it into his own galactic empire. A slimy senator used a false flag attack to become chancellor just like Hitler then used it to suspend the free republic to address the false flag attack. That is how he destroyed a free republic. That is exactly what we have to be mindful of now if we plan on protecting our free Republic and the people within it.

James Connolly: Where Left meets Right

Many years ago when I was in West Belfast, a friend gave me a pin of James Connolly. Not knowing the local history, I thanked her sincerely and said who is that? She smiled and with a twinkle in her eye said, he was an Irish rebel. He was a Communist. I thoughtfully nodded, cherishing the gift and resolved to read up on this Irish rebel.

Aside from being a Socialist, James Connolly was one of the signers of the Irish Proclamation which was very similar to the American Declaration of Independence promising to protect equality, free speech, freedom of religion and civil liberty. Most would see that as a direct contradiction to his claim of being a Socialist.

It reminds me of a friend who used to think I was a Communist for the same reason I thought he wasn’t – we both believed in democracy and free speech. I thought that was somewhat ironic.

On another occasion I spoke with a National leader of a Canadian Trade Union who also claimed to be a Communist. Knowing my passion for democracy and my concerns about the revolution in Cuba he said to me, the Communists in Russia, China and Eastern Europe call themselves Communists but they aren’t really Communists. I said to him yeah, well what the hell are they because that is what Communism is. I was referring to the oppressive slavery that resulted in the death camps and the machine guns pointed inward on the East side of the Berlin Wall.

My father used to say that Communism works in theory but not in practice. Clearly wherever Communism has been portrayed, civil liberty has been lost and it has become the oppressive slave driver it originally set out to abolish.

In my opinion, James Connolly’s pledge is the reason why Communism never works outside a Free Republic. If you want to oppose slavery then you protect civil liberty. If you want to promote collective rights, you do so by protecting individual rights. The end does not justify the means. If you want to create a democratic socialist sate, you need to protect democracy. It's that simple.

My union friend used to claim that Cuba was the best model of Communism we have. I shook my head in amazement. No it’s not. Cuba has political prisoners of conscience. Sure it’s watered down Communism in that people are allowed to have a religion, but they only allow one political party on the ballot and you can’t be a member of that political party and run for a position in government if you have a religious affiliation. That is discrimination and is not a democracy.

In response I said the best model of Socialism we have is the Kibbutz movement in Israel where people are free to come and go as they please. It is based on a democratic system. In my opinion that is the only condition where socialism can properly exist. Where people are free to join or leave and democracy is protected by law.

When push comes to shove I agree with the Beatles in their song Revolution. You say you want a revolution Well, you know We all want to change the world But when you talk about destruction Don't you know that you can count me out. You ask me for a contribution But if you want money For people with minds that hate All I can tell is brother you have to wait. But if you go carrying pictures of chairman Mao You ain't going to make it with anyone any how.

China Red Square, East Berlin and Stalin’s death camps are all what I oppose. Yet James Connolly’s free republic I completely support. If he wants to create nationalized oil and public banks within a free republic based on democracy and the will of the people then have at it. Just don’t start denying private ownership of land and forcing public ownership of everything without making it publically accountable. Otherwise you just go from one rich elite to another.

In the famous musical Fiddler on the Roof, the young university student that wanted to marry the guy’s daughter appears to be involved in the demonstrations that gave rise to the Communist Revolution in Russia. Which has to make you wonder how many Jews supported that revolution. Not just the Rothschild’s, the average worker. Somewhat ironic since after Lenin high jacked the trade union movement in Russia he executed the striking trade unionists and killed more Jews than Hitler. The families of the striking trade unionists were too afraid to even collect their dead. Historically people have been conned to support a revolution opposing one great evil only to be taken over by a worse evil. That is why we need to protect civil liberty and a free Republic.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Defending the Constitution and the Charter of Rights

Lots more news to catch up on. The breaking news is the fact that Don Lyons just had his bail revoked because he has been accused of assaulting his girlfriend. Big surprise there. That and the Edmonton cocaine bust tied to the Hells Angels that the local media hasn’t seemed to have picked up on yet. Before I get down and dirty on the new news I wanted to make two philosophical posts because they are important and relevant.

Even though most of us are rightly concerned about the drug related violence that is plaguing our community, none of that is reason to give up our civil liberty. Especially when we see who it is that’s ultimately the driving force behind the drug related violence. I’m not talking about the Hells Angels this time. I’m talking even further up the food chain. We all know locally the drug violence leads either to the Hells Angels or a drug dealing rival they are fighting with. I’m talking about who benefits from their business. The ones that benefited from Freeway Ricky’s business in LA without his knowledge.

First I want to address the Constitution. The US Constitution has been a blue print for democracy around the world. The Irish Proclamation is similar to the US Declaration of Independence. The Canadian Charter of Rights is very similar to the US Bill of Rights. All of these important documents need to be preserved and protected because they are currently under attack.

Stephen Harper is an enemy of the Charter of Rights. At first I thought he supported those rights but just didn’t like the fact that it was Pierre Trudeau, his arch enemy, that finally entrenched it into law that would bind subsequent governments. Now I realize Harper's hate of the charter goes much deeper than that.

One article even had the audacity to claim Harper opposed the Charter of Rights because Quebec never signed on to it. What a joke that is. Harper doesn’t give a rat’s ass about Quebec. Saying he doesn’t support the Charter because Quebec never signed the constitution is absurd. Quebec didn’t want to be a part of England and swear allegiance to the crown. They totally support the civil liberties in the Charter of Rights. Ever heard of the French Revolution?

The French Revolution was founded on three principles: Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. In fact, the real motto was Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité ou la Mort. Liberty or death so to speak. Just like Thomas Paine's declaration.

People try and translate Fraternity to something else trying to make it more politically correct but in doing so it loses in the translation. The French symbol for Liberty is a woman. Fraternity does not exclude women. It’s a bond within a common struggle. Some people say Solidarity now but for many that term raises the hair on the back of their necks because of it’s socialist leanings and often for it’s political hypocrisy by those who shout the word the loudest. I prefer the term Fraternity which in no means excludes woman.

My point is, Quebecors clearly support the principles within the Charter of Rights. It’s England and the crown they have a problem with not liberty. The Statue of Liberty was a gift from France.

Stephen Harper opposes the Charter of Rights because it protects civil liberty. That is what he has a problem with it and that is why he continues to violate it on a regular basis. Sadly he isn’t the only one. Justin Trudeau had the audacity to claim that the NDP were lukewarm on the charter when he voted with Harper for a bill that violated the Charter and was illegal. It was the NDP, the Bloc and the Green Party that voted to defend the Charter not Justin Trudeau shockingly enough.

Likewise the Constitution in the US is under serious attack by the same government officials who swore and oath to defend it. One of the most offensive things Keith Alexander said when he was being heckled in Las Vegas, other than pretending he wasn’t a liar was his pretending he supported the constitution. That was another bold faced lie that needs to be addressed.

One of the hecklers said Read the Constitution. He answered with I have, you should. That was absurd and offensive. The Constitution is all about protecting civil liberty. It’s all about protection from unnecessary searches and seizures. It’s all about the right to a fair trial, to legal representation. Someone has to be charged with an offence before they can be arrested. These are the fundamental rights they are violating on a daily basis. That needs to be addressed. We need to be familiar with the civil liberties protected by the Constitution and the Charter of Rights so the next time some snake oil salesman like Keith Alexander or Sarah Palin pretends to support the Constitution we will see through their lies and know otherwise.

Order a free copy of the Canadian Charter of Rights

You can order a free copy of the Canadian Charter of Rights from the Human Rights Department of Canadian Heritage by filling out this form and E-mailing it to of by faxing it to: 819 994 5252. The Charter is available in two sizes, in poster (18" x 23") or certificate (11" x 14") size. There is no charge. Every home in Canada should have one on their wall. Stephen Harper won't celebrate the 30th anniversary of the charter but we can and should.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

NSA heckled for lying and violating the constitution

The Vancouver Province is reporting that Keith Alexander, the Director of the NSA was heckled at a conference in Las Vegas which clearly shows you can’t fool all of the people all of the time. The NSA is an enemy of the constitution. Keith Alexander is a liar and a traitor.

Operation Northwoods had nothing to do with protecting Americans. Recalling the air support for the USS Liberty had nothing to do with protecting Americans. Giving a drug addict $250,000 and a new BMW to fire a missile at American soldiers has nothing to do with protecting Americans. They are liars and traitors. Not to mention thieves who steal billions of tax dollars every year from their budget and refuse to give a public accounting of where that stolen money went. The NSA, the CIA and all the intelligence agencies within the Five Eyes alliance are criminals who are actively trying to destroy the constitution.

I sincerely believe that the coming civil war that Canadians and Americans will face will not be about left versus right nor will it be about terrorism. It will be about those who support a free republic and those who do not. Keith Alexander does not. Stephen Harper does not. Harper created a whole new agency called the Communications Security Establishment Canada who are solely mandated to violate the Charter of Rights. Harper gave them permission to exchange information with foreign “partners” who gathered information from torture just like Adolf Hitler.

Thankfully, the people are starting to think. Finally. So tell me, what shall we die for Elizabeth? Brethren, hoist the colours - The Constitution and the Charter of Rights. That is what we must defend. That is what this is about. Edward Snowden is a hero. Keith Alexander is not.

After shouting out BS and saying we don’t trust you, one heckler said, you lied to congress why should we believe what you are saying now? Alexander responds with I never lied to congress. Then the heckler provides the name and date of the NSA representative that did in fact lie to congress and Alexander says thanks for that. If that NSA representative lied to congress and Alexander was the director of the NSA at the time, then Alexander was the one that told him to lie to congress.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Research ship sets sail to study Pacific dead zone

A research ship funded by a Google executive has set sail from San Francisco to study a dead zone in the Pacific Ocean off Vancouver Island. Dead zones in the ocean are a growing problem where areas of low-oxygen water are expanding because of pollution and climate change. Since we get most of our oxygen from the ocean, this needs to be addressed.

UVic has a deep sea web cam in place to study the ocean floor called VENUS: Victoria Experimental Network Under the Sea. Now there appears to be a network of web cams in place called Neptune. The Venus web cam spotted an octopus that entered the dead zone but left to find an area with more oxygen.