Saturday, May 31, 2014

Shots fired in Surrey 152nd St and 64th Ave - Updated

Scan BC is reporting that #Surrey #RCMP have closed 152 St & 64 Ave after two vehicles were seen shooting at each other. Both vehicles fled scene. The car on scene behind the police tape must be a witness. One resident claimed their neighbour heard three shots fired. Two other witnesses on the scene seem to think the incident started at King George and 32nd Ave. That's where they heard two cars skid and get in an accident who were then chased by the police. There is no evidence confirming the two incidents are connected. However, the front bumper of the vehicle in the scene was damaged.

Strangely enough, right when I thought they were going to start dropping police tape and letting traffic through more police kept showing up and started diverting traffic off of 152nd Street before 68th Ave right into a suburb maze resulting in a traffic nightmare. I have no idea why they would expand the crime scene and create a circus side show for traffic when the scene is clearly safe. The shooters have left the scene.

One resident tried to cross 152nd Street to get home and a cop freaked on him and made him wait for the insane amount of time the extended crime scene was up. All the guy wanted to do was cross the street and go home. Nowhere near the actual crime scene. He lived on the same street the same cop just let a car exit from and turn south on 152nd. That kind of bizarre authoritarianism just alienates them further from the public. My response is simple. When are they going to start arresting crack dealers in Newton? You think that is not related to this? I beg to differ.

May 13th the Surrey Now reported that a man was shot dead in Cloverdale around midnight at residence in the 17400-block 57th Avenue. Insp. Tim Shields was the RCMP spokesman on that file. The same person charged in a sexual harassment suit that Bob Paulson promised to do something about. Not. The only thing they are doing is harassing whistleblowers and promoting people accused of sexual harassment.

Update: There was another shooting in Surrey Saturday. News1130 is reporting that Police in Surrey are trying to figure out who fired shots from a moving car on 152nd between 64th and 72nd Avenue Saturday night. That's just down 152nd from the shooting earlier that day.

CPA Investigations at Shakerz

So what is up with the CPA Investigations truck outside Shakerz in Surrey today? Tbarz, now known as Shakerz has been known for it's ties to the Hells Angels. Is CPA investigating their connection to organized crime or do they own the firm? Please advise.

I did see a Dank truck parked outside Tbarz a couple years ago. Bikers of America blog reported that Randy ceased being a director of Dank in October 2010. Trevor briefly ceased being a director on May 30, 2011 — just 19 days after he was indicted in the U.S. But he was reinstated as a Dank director on Sept. 16, 2011, the documents show. Dank hosted a party on Oct. 14, 2009 at T-Barz with the band Swollen Members performing." They claim the Dank website featured a photo of two RCMP officers drinking Dank. Looks like Randy changed the name on his Dank energy drink to 420 energy drink and has an LA sponsor. They now call it purple dank.

Update: Ah yes, security cameras. One blog reader suggested they might likely be updating their security cameras. That would make sense. They must do the security cameras at the clubhouses.

Edward Snowden NBC Interview

Now that we've talked about what the Charter of Rights isn't, let's talk about what it is. The Canadian Charter of Rights, like the US Bill of Rights, protects civil liberty in a democratic system or a free republic. The right to commit crime or belong to a criminal organization is not a Charter Right. The freedom of political or religious association is. The protection from unnecessary searches and seizures is. The protection from big brother spying on you without cause is. Those are important rights in a democratic system.

Recently Germany has officially banned Rock Machine as well as Hells Angel patches. No doubt Germany's past history will raise a few eyebrows. Germany isn't known for it's civil liberty. They had Hitler and East Berlin. Both are the prime examples of what a free republic is not and why a Bill of Rights is so necessary to protect civil liberty.

Nevertheless, the right to belong to a criminal organization and extort the public is not a charter right. With the long list of drug trafficking charges, it has become clear that the Hells Angels are not just motorcycle enthusiasts. Banning a group of motorcycle enthusiasts would be illegal. Yet the case law has shown that the Hells Angels are not only deeply involved in drug trafficking, they also use extreme violence to obtain a monopoly on the drug trade. The case law is clear.

The right to commit crime is not a charter right. No one has a charter right to sell crack. No one has a charter right to smoke crack or inject heroin at the tax payers expense. That is such a gross misinterpretation of the Charter of Rights it's not funny. It has distorted the original intent of the charter beyond any recognition whatsoever.

Edward Snowden was recently on an hour long televised interview. The Rolling Stone is reporting that in the hour-long broadcast, Snowden spoke passionately about his desire to serve as a positive example for future whistleblowers, the distinctions between what is moral and what is legal, and how the U.S. government radically changed following 9/11.

He mentioned how he would like to be able to come home and return to the US. Sadly John Kerry referred to him as a traitor which is a bold faced lie. He is a whistle blower. He is being treated like a criminal for exposing unlawful activity. The NSA has been breaking the law and violating the US Constitution which the President and every other elected official has sworn an oath to defend. Edward Snowden is a patriot.

In contrast, John Kerry knows full well about the CIA's drug trafficking. He chaired the Kerry Committee and heard all that evidence confirming that to be true. That makes John Kerry more of a traitor than Edward Snowden. Wiki leaks was a bit different. Although the intent was similar, to expose government misdoings, Edward Snowden did not expose military secrets. He exposed how the NSA has been breaking the law by spying on it's own citizens and on other allies as well. Edward Snowden is a whistleblower not a traitor. The NSA and everyone who defends them including Barrack Obama are the traitors. Just so we are clear on that fact.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Found: One Good BC Criminal Judge

They say a good man is hard to find. Well in the BC criminal courts a good judge is even harder to find. Lao Tzu once said it is better to light one candle than to curse all the darkness. Well today a candle of justice was lit in the dark abyss of BC's criminal injustice system. The Vancouver Province is reporting that a B.C. Supreme Court judge says rehabilitation is a “remote possibility” for a man who committed a string of robberies, unless he deals with his drug addiction. Not only that but he was sentenced to 7 1/2 years less time served for committing seven robberies.

There are two huge breakthroughs here. The first is dealing with prolific offenders. The second is admitting that prolific offenders who steal to support a drug addiction need to address their addiction before they can be expected to be rehabilitated. Remember when court sentences used to include banning the use of drugs or alcohol during probation if proven to be a factor in the crimes committed? Or forcing someone into treatment? Now we freaking give them drugs in prison.

There is a huge public concern with the injustice in the BC criminal courts. Many come right out and say judges are the problem. Others say it's not the judge's it's the laws that need to change. However, that is simply untrue. The criminal code is federal. Ontario doesn't have a problem applying just sentences to criminal acts under the same criminal code. It is clearly a BC problem with an arrogant and out of touch judiciary that thinks they are better then the public because they are learned in the law. In a democratic society the public elects the government that makes the laws the courts enforce. These judges have just memorized a set of watered down jurisprudence that has diluted justice well beyond recognition.

This decision is the logical answer to the Vancouver Police Department's 30 strikes and your out campaign. Logic dictates the more criminal offenses you commit the more time you spend in jail. Currently the BC judges have it backwards. The more crimes you commit the less time you serve in prison. That defies both logic and natural justice.

One could legitimately argue that 7 1/2 years for seven petty theft robberies could be considered excessive since that is more than the minimum sentence for manslaughter with a firearm. The point is a prolific offender should do more time the more offenses they commit not less and if drugs are a factor in committing those crimes then they should be forced into treatment or at least detox.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Another BC Judge Breaks the Law

This is unprecedented and clearly shows that the BC Judicial system is in a State of Emergency. Judges are paid with tax dollars to uphold the law. There is no jurisprudence authorizing them to break the law. The thought seems ludacruous but that is exactly what has happened.

The Federal Government finds out about a crazy pilot project that uses tax dollars to buy heroin for addicts. They cancel the program so the heroin addicts getting the free drugs sue the government and a BC Judge awards an injunction "forcing" the government to use tax dollars to pay for the illegal drug until the case goes to trial. That is totally out of their jurisdiction.

When examining the Vancouver gang war it is clear that the Aldergrove Judicial Review Board is correct: Judges are the Problem. We need a mechanism in place to fire bad judges. We don't need to do away with the Charter of Rights. We need to do away with the bad judges that misinterpret it.

OK so name the judge. Let's have a little public accountability. We can't sue the judge for misconduct if we don't know their name. Whenever a judge makes a decision they cite a law or a case that gives them the authority to make that decision. Where is the law that states the court has the jurisdiction and the authority to break the law? There is none. This decision is lawlessness. It is not a Charter Right to inject heroin at the taxpayers expense. That is treason.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The Chronicles of Doc Riddoch

There have been a whole bunch of rumors about Hells Angel rivals cropping up on the west coast. Without naming names or promoting chaos I will address the matter. We have already seen a bit of agro between the Warlocks and the Dirty Few outside Edmonton. The Dirty Few are of course Hells Angel puppets, the Warlocks are not. Well to make matters worse, the Rebels are setting up shop in that area as well.

I've mentioned the Rebels before. They're a group from Australia. I can't support them because they use a Confederate flag which to me and most other people represents racism and slavery. BC is multi cultural. They'd get killed here. Edmonton is likely their best shot since it's also plagued by the White boy posse who sell drugs for the Edmonton Hells Angels and use Nazi logos.

I have some pictures and some names but I'm not going to post them because I don't want anyone else to get shot. It is really pointless. One of the new Rebel members is an older guy with the computer tech look. He just has that look that makes you ask what the hell are you doing? Someone bored and wants to be something that he really doesn't understand.

Another one of the Rebel members in the Edmonton looks like a nice guy but has that small town hillbilly look. The third one just looks like a complete idiot. He looks like a clown from Wayne's World doing a burnout on a Harley while fingering the camera. Grown men who never grew up.

Although I support a free market and oppose the Hells Angels monopoly on the drug trade I have to ask these guys what the hell are you thinking? There is nothing wrong with riding motorcycles and living the dream but this 1% fetish to sell drugs and pimp the dream is really messed up. Grow up. You have kids now. You should be getting ready to enjoy grand kids not be selling kids hard drugs.

And then there's the Rock Machine in Surrey. When I first heard the news I said three cheers. Finally respite from the Surrey girl idiots. Then we hear it was some kid who has beef with the son of the Whiterock Hells Angel president that called into the Province claiming he was an RM prospect and that the RM were setting up shop in Surrey. Now I find out which kid it was that is pretending to be a RM associate. That guy is a complete idiot and a compete con man. He is a compulsive liar that rips off women. If he is a RM prospect the Rock Machine need to save themselves a lot of misery and cut him loose now before he does any more irreparable damage. Save yourself the hassle of making him a prospect, member then out in bad standing. You don't have to go through all that hassle just to find out the guy is a complete idiot.

I'm not even going to name his name. Most of you know who it is. That clown has been begging me to put him on the gang member registry for years. In fact I had him on it at one time. He sets up fake profiles and starts passing on intel claiming this guy is hard core and has gang affiliations. He's promoting himself with absolute bullsh*t.

So I had the guy on the gang member registry page. Then he starts harassing and extorting this girl sending her links to my gang member registry trying to pretend he is a gang member while he tries to extort her for money. He is as they say a complete con man. He is a fraudster.

You just have to listen to him speak to figure that out. It will take 30 seconds. It's not that the Hells Angels used him and cast him aside. He was fraudulently pimping the Hells Angels and he knows he would never ever make the cut so now he is pretending to have beef with them because they wronged him. That is a lie.

The sad thing is, this guy is such a loser wannabe that he just might actually shoot someone in a desperate attempt to be something. Unfortunately, like we saw with that Clun Clun clown who claimed to have participated in the Kelwona shooting, even if this guy did shoot someone it would never make him something in the underworld any more than it did Clin Clung. If you're a clown shooting someone will not save you. If you want to be somebody in life, get a job. Spend time with your kids. Be a role model. Do something constructive with your life. Slinging crack is not it.

I don't know anything about Doc Riddoch the president of the Whiterock Hells Angels but I do know this kid claiming to have beef with him is a idiot and a liar who will con your daughter out of money then pretend to be a gang member so she doesn't go to the police. Parents beware.

I do think it's amusing how similar Doc Riddoch's name is to the character Riddick in the movie played by Vin Diesel. I understand Vin Diesel will be in another Riddick movie soon. No doubt Doc Riddoch is glad to be rid of the Surrey Girl Princesses. He's likely missing Randy Jones' business forte. It's gotta be hard on business to trade Randy Jones for Villy Lynnerup. Good old toothless isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer.

Back in the day there was nothing wrong with the Gypsy Wheelers. They were normal. They weren't like Ricky Ciarniello and the Satan's Rejects. Everything went downhill as soon as those other lunatics got involved. Some saw the writing on the wall and got out when the getting was good. They were wise to do so.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Outlaw Associate busted in Gander Newfoundland

The RCMP are reporting that on May 25th, 2014, after executing a search warrant in Gander, Newfoundland the police seized a loaded .22 calibre handgun, cocaine, LSD and marihuana. It looks like just trace amount of drugs and that pistol looks like a pea shooter but the axes and machetes are pretty nasty. Interesting to note the Outlaws MC support shirt also seized in the raid. Nicholas Sheppard was arrested and is facing nine charges. LSD? That's kind of retro.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Ukraine Elections Results

We are still waiting for the official results but CBC is reporting that exit polls suggested candy tycoon Petro Poroshenko won Ukraine's presidential election in the first round Sunday.

I'm trying to find a link to today's article in the Vancouver Province because it is absolutely bizarre. It claimed that the Ukraine sent Putin a loud and clear message. That is absurd. Eastern Ukraine didn't vote. We knew western Ukraine was pro EC. He only won with 55% of the vote. That means if Crimea or eastern Ukraine voted, he wouldn't have won.

This shows the double tragedy. Militants in eastern Ukraine blocked voting stations. That is something you never want to do ever. You never want to stop people from voting in an election. I know the theory was we just voted to separate so we're going to boycott their election. The problem is, when you boycott an election that means the other guy wins.

That's exactly what happened to Quebec one year at an Union National convention. Quebecors are passionate. They got pissed off with the politicking and walked out. So what did the English politicians do? They said great. We still have a quorum and our opposition just walked out so now we're going to ram through every crazy policy we want because no one is here to vote it down. That's exactly what they did.

In the 2010 election with Crimea and eastern Ukraine the pro Russian side had enough votes to elect a pro Russian president. In this election, they boycotted and the pro EC side had just enough votes to get elected. Now it's one great big mess. Again I stress you never want to prevent people from voting in an election. The pro Russian forces in the east made a huge mistake. Now, they're screwed. Sadly this whole mess reminds me of one thing: the Greek financial crisis. How it was created by investment fraud tied to key lobbyists who supported this new operation Ajax.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Bacchus in the news

CBC is reporting that Bacchus moves into Halifax area. I'm a bit confused. I thought they were already there. Those were the clowns that were supplying PEI with drugs as well as the Halifax prison. I thought that's where the idiot Pat James with the worst ink I've ever seen having two eyeballs tattooed on the back of his head is from. These guys scream huvkleberry hillbillies.

Maybe they just mean they moved across the inlet from Dartmough into Halifax itself. CBC is reporting that they're opening a new clubhouse in Harrietsfield which is on the other side of Halifax. The Saint John Bacchus club president plead guilty to trafficking crystal meth.

There is however, a huge factual error with the CBC story. They claim the club is respected in the outlaw biker world. You have got to be kidding. Maybe in Wayne's world but certainly not in real life or in the OMG world. Look at their logo. It's the patron saint of homosexuality. Not that there's anything wrong with that but it's certainly not the logo I'd wear or respect.

We've been through this before. They all freaked out and claimed Bacchus was a Greek god of wine. No that was Dionysus. Sergius and Bacchus were two roman soldiers who were openly gay and secretly Christian. They were martyred for being Christian not for being gay. Being gay was OK back then. Now the Hillbilly Bacchus clowns back east slip into rage and denial insisting their Bacchus is the god of wine not the patron saint of homosexuality.

Yeah? Well take a look at your logo. It's a picture of a Roman soldier not of a Greek god. I joke about them being the patron saints of homosexuality. It is highly unlikely there were ever canonized but it's clear they were openly gay and secretly christian. So it is what it its hillbillies. Good luck with your Bacchus pride and your delusion about being respected in the OMG world.

Update: CBC is clarifying that "Nova Scotia’s only outlaw motorcycle gang recently moved its lone chapter to Halifax and has a new lakeside clubhouse in Harrietsfield."

Ontario drug ring linked to Mennonites

This one's rather bizarre. The Hells Angel supporters are loving it. There was a recent drug bust in Ontario tied to a group of Mennonites in southwestern Ontario. Yeah that's not a typo. Obviously it's not something the Mennonite church endorses. It's just a group of Mennonites who wanted to make some money. I just noticed there was another Mennonite drug ring across the Alberta border September 2013. That's kind of shocking.

Kinda like the Mossad. They have been involved in drug trafficking since Operation Watchtower and Iran Contra. Somewhat hypocritical to say the least. Not long ago the police seized a brick of cocaine in BC that had a Star of David stamped on it. If that's not blasphemy, I don't know what is.