Saturday, November 19, 2022

Donald Trump announces his run for President in 2024

In case you missed it, Donald Trump announced his bid to run for President in 2024. That was his big announcement that was live streamed on Rumble. I didn't report on it at the time because I figured it was a no brainer. That is his right. I'm not a big Donald Trump fan but I'm certainly not a Trump hater who obsesses over him. There are some things he says I agree with and there are some things he says I don't agree with. That's not unusual.

The way the media defiantly misrepresents everything he says and does won me over to his cause as did Candace Owens, the Hodge Twins and Brandon Straka. I supported Trump over Hillary Clinton but I didn't like the idea of building a wall. Yet when you see the magnitude of illegal immigration into the United States it is obviously out of control. That includes child trafficking which needs to be addressed. Yet as time went on I saw that he wasn't a racist and that the media consistently lied about him. That made me question their motive.

We can all see how utterly ridiculous the fake news has become. They blindly defend the WEF's vision of Globalism and defiantly defame anyone who opposes it. So that means if the fake news is against someone, I want to hear what they have to say. The fake news is trying to create a fake rift between Trump and DeSantis. Both are rock solid. DeSantis isn't as controversial as Trump but he's certainly not a Globalist like George Bush and his brother Jeb.

Ron DeSantis was elected in Florida and Mike Lee was elected in Utah. I supported them both. This means despite the mail in ballot mules, the people are indeed waking up. The division we see isn't between Trump and the Republicans, it's about Globalists infiltrating the Republican party and hijacking it like they successfully hijacked the Democrat party. The left has become so far left, they've lost their moral compass. Yeah I went there. I used the M word.

Throughout history morality has always been under attack. The law is built upon moral principles. The very concept that it's wrong to murder or steal are moral principles. Globalists want to erode our morals so they can hijack our laws. They strive to create lawlessness so they can rationalize creating order amidst the chaos. Their order. It's the Problem, Reaction, Solution paradigm.

The fall of Rome was not the result of homosexuality. It was the result of promiscuity and immorality. If a Gay couple want to make a mutual commitment to be faithful to each other, we should applaud that. A heterosexual man who cheats on his wife is a lot worse than a Gay couple who are faithful to each other. A heterosexual man who rapes a child is a whole lot worse than a couple of Gay adults who want to be faithful to each other. It's that simple.

My problem with Gay Pride is not homosexuality, it's promiscuity. Bringing kids to a parade where adults are half naked or wearing lingerie and S&M attire is not appropriate. It grooms them for pedophilia which is the next step on their alphabet soup quest. We have to draw the line somewhere because morality is always under attack.

Now that that's settled, we can unite the bright and move forward against this great evil which seeks to destroy our sovereign nation(s). If Ron DeSantis wants to run for President in 2024, he's free to do so. There is no bad blood there. However, since any president can only serve two terms, it would be strategically prudent for him to let Trump run in 2024 and then run himself in the next two elections after that. That way we get three terms instead of one.

In conclusion, I will point you to the public confession of Nancy Pelosi before she lost control of the House. She said "We won the 40 seats then we lost some when Trump was on the ballot. We lost some in the Trump districts but we held enough seats to hold the house with him on the ballot. He's not on the ballot this time. Oh did I say his name, I didn't mean to." Yes you did because you obsess over him and it's clear that obsession is driven by jealousy because he caused you to lose seats. This is why the media defiantly misrepresents him. However, this isn't about Donald Trump. This is about opposing the WEF's agenda for Globalism which has already hijacked the left and is actively trying to hijack the right. That is what this is about. Just sayn.

Merritt Shooting

Update: Merritt RCMP arrest three suspects in kidnapping incident

Merritt RCMP arrest Ronald Karlson in standoff

In 2021 Braeden Shane Drake was charged with drug trafficking in Merritt. In 2016 Mark Ethan Giesbrecht was also charged with Possession for the purpose of trafficking in Merritt. William Joseph Lavoie has an extensive criminal record all over the Lower Mainland mostly for theft and possession of stolen property. He was born in 1971.

CTV is reporting that "Merritt RCMP said they were called to the 2100 block of Priest Avenue in the early hours of the morning for a shooting they believe was targeted. 'The callers identified a distinctive, mid-90s grey Dodge Ram pickup with a maroon box in the area at the time of the shooting,' police said in their release. The truck then fled the scene at a high rate of speed."

"Shortly after the shooting was reported, a vehicle matching the truck's description was reported on fire near the Highway 5 and Highway 5A on-ramp, police said, adding that the area is known as the Goedy Creek pit. The truck was later determined to have been stolen around 5:30 a.m., and police believe it was stolen solely for the purpose of the shooting"

OK a stolen vehicle used in a shooting near homes is abandoned and set on fire. Yes that sounds targeted. However CTV is also reporting that "Mounties in Merritt, B.C., say they strongly believe shots fired in the city early Friday morning are connected to the incidents that saw up to 100 rounds discharged there earlier this week." OK that sounds a bit fishy.

OK that sounds a bit fishy. When I first heard about the previous incident where up to 100 shots were fired and no injuries resulted, I was like are you sure that wasn't just someone target shooting in a gravel pit? Merritt is pretty rural. You're allowed to go target shootings with long guns in rural areas. People like gravel pits because it's safer.

When you're out in the bush, you have to be sure about what's behind your target. In a gravel pit you can see what's behind your target. It's perfectly safe. No one can accidentally walk behind your target. I just want to clarify the fake news and the real news.

World Freedom Rally London November 19th 2022

The LDS Church & the Gay Marriage Ammendment

CTV is reporting that "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints said Tuesday it would back proposed federal legislation to safeguard same-sex marriages, marking the latest show of support for the measure from conservative-leaning groups. The nearly 17-million member, Utah-based faith said in a statement that church doctrine would continue to consider same-sex relationships to be against God's commandments. Yet it said it would support rights for same-sex couples as long as they didn't infringe upon religious groups' right to believe as they choose."

I just want to clarify a few things. Mitt Romney and Evan McMullin do not represent the LDS Church. They are not General authorities, they are members. Anyone can join the LDS Church. Just because you join the church does not mean you speak for it. As I said before, Mitt Romney and Evan McMullin are tares - weeds planted among the good seed to lead them astray. They are not patriots they are globalists. They do not support the US Constitution, they misrepresent it.

The CTV Article cited a statement on the LDS Church's website which states "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints released the following statement on Tuesday, November 15, 2022. The doctrine of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints related to marriage between a man and a woman is well known and will remain unchanged."

"We are grateful for the continuing efforts of those who work to ensure the Respect for Marriage Act includes appropriate religious freedom protections while respecting the law and preserving the rights of our LGBTQ brothers and sisters. We believe this approach is the way forward. As we work together to preserve the principles and practices of religious freedom together with the rights of LGBTQ individuals, much can be accomplished to heal relationships and foster greater understanding." The LDS Church is supporting the amendment which protects religious freedom.

This is common sense and is the same position the United Church of Canada embraced. You can't stop people from getting married. That would violate their rights. Yet you can't force a religion to perform Gay marriage. That would violate their rights. Taking a church's nonprofit status away for refusing to perform Gay marriage is just as wrong as banning Gay civil marriage. The amendment balances the scales of justice. Know Justice, Know Peace.
This does not mean anyone endorses pedophilia or sexualizing young children in school. This does not mean anyone supports teaching young children there is no such thing as gender. That's child abuse. That falsehood defies the biological science of reproduction. If there was no such thing as gender, people wouldn't need surgery to change their gender.

What consenting adults do behind closed doors is their business. The key words are consenting adults. Raping children is an abomination. So is grooming them to be sexualized. We must stand together to root out this abomination from our school system and stop the administrative abuse of our children. Let Gays be Gay and let Kids be Kids. Protect children from pedophiles.

Toronto Police seize 500 kilos of crystal meth

The Daily Courier is reporting that "Toronto police have seized hundreds of kilograms of illicit drugs in what they say is the largest single-day drug seizure in the force’s history. Deputy Chief Pauline Gray says the force last month sized 671 kilograms of illicit drugs, including 520 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine and 151 kilograms of cocaine. Police say they identified two addresses in Toronto that were allegedly being used as stash houses for drugs."

"They say search warrants were executed at the two addresses and for three vehicles on Oct. 5, when the drugs were sized. Police say they are looking for three individuals connected to the trafficking of the drugs. They say the suspects will be charged with possession of cocaine and crystal methamphetamine for the purposes of trafficking when they are arrested."

This is a broken record. Every province except BC make drug busts. Ask yourself why.

Friday, November 18, 2022

Drea Humphrey: Prepping and Politics

What's her face on FTX money Laundering

Thursday, November 17, 2022

VPD execute search warrant assisted by Kelowna RCMP

Castanet is reporting that "Several arrests have been made after a search warrant Thursday at a home along Martin Avenue. The Kelowna RCMP along with the South East District Emergency Response Team assisted the Vancouver Police Department in the execution of the search in relation to an ongoing criminal investigation. The Vancouver Police Department confirmed Thursday morning's search warrant was due to gang activity." Led by the VPD not the CFSEU.

Why the CIA is on the wrong side and how they got there

As we examine why the CIA is on the wrong side and how they got there, let's start with the infamous Wikileaks video that sent Julian Assange into exile. There's a difference between Edward Snowden and Julian Assange. Julian Assange revealed a military secret. Edward Snowden did not. Both are whistle blowers who reported illegal activity. Why they are considered enemies of the State is evidence of mass corruption. The NSA are using illegal wiretaps. Edward Snowden is a patriot and a hero. So is Julian Assange.

Julian Assange did not reveal sensitive military information that put soldiers at risk. He simply released a video of an extrajudicial murder where innocent civilians were killed. That video is what I want to address because it opens pandora's box.

Recently I saw a movie clip on Netflix of a US president approving a controversial assassination of a suspected terrorist. Not only was he a suspected terrorist, they weren't even sure if that was him. It's a familiar scene we see played out repeatedly. Drone strikes and extra judicial murders have become a method of operation of the CIA and the Pentagon. That is the root of the problem. That slippery slope has led us to where we are today.

According to the fake news, al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri was killed five times. The mainstream media reported that a US drone strike killed al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri on five seperate ocasions. Assuming that one of those five was him, who were the other four people they killed? We don't know and we never will know. That is the problem with extra judicial murders. It brings us to an examination of the American Revolution compared to a Communist Revolution. I'll be the first to admit that the Americans are very fortunate that George Washington was not chairman Mao or Xi Jinping. For a politician or military General to hand over power to the people once he has seized it was unprecedented and thus the US Constitution was born.

Let's look at the intent of the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights. A free Republic protects civil liberty by law. A Communist dictatorship does not. Some of the key principles of the US Constitution include free speech, lawful assembly and the freedom of the press. However, it also includes the right to a fair trial, the right to legal representation, protection from unlawful arrest and the freedom from unnecessary searches and seizures. Extrajudicial murders violate every founding principle in the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights. There was a reason the founding fathers put that in the Constitution. To prevent the Republic from becoming a tyranny.

The CIA are not oath keepers. They do not support or protect the principles of the US Constitutions. In fact they are the enemies of the State. They are enemies of the free Republic. Not only that but they are also compulsive liars. Their mandate is murder to get gain. They don't oppose Communism like they claim, that's just a front for them to rationalize their means. The end does not justify the means and the CIA's means is Communism. Their means leads to that end. If you walk down the road that leads to Communism that is exactly where you will end up.

It's like torture. Torture is not acceptable at any time. Guantanamo Bay is an abomination as are all of the CIA's black prison sites. They violate the US Constitution and the principles the founding fathers fought for. The CIA claimed to have opposed Communism in Cuba but look at what happened at the Bay of Pigs. They sabotaged their own invasion. I don't think they opposed Communism in Cuba at all. I think they helped it happen. They murdered Che Guevara after the revolution was successful so Fidel Castro wouldn't have a political rival. The end does not justify the means and the end the CIA claims they are fighting for is not what they are really fighting for.

Coups are never the answer

I just want to be clear about one thing. Although I do believe electronic voting fraud is real and rampant, coups are never the answer and I'll explain why. What's bad for the goose is bad for the gander. The CIA has been actively involved in Coup d'états all over the world and it's never a good thing. It's always to subvert democracy. Yes, voter fruad is also an atempt to subvert democracy but two wrongs don't make a right. The simple solution is to acknowledge the risky nature of electronic voting and mail in ballots by preserving physical ballots for a judicial recount.