Sunday, March 9, 2025

Where we are: Vaccine adverse reactions

Another aspect of where we were is the media censorship and misrepresentation of Rna vaccines, all cause mortality rates and child grooming. While the media was misrepresenting Covid deaths and  hospitalizations rates, they also pushed a very extreme gender ideology on young children in school.

As I said in my previous post, one of the strange facts we observed was the reality that all cause mortality did not increase during the pandemic. Another strange fact we observed is that all cause mortality did rise after the Rna vaccines roll out. 

That forced us to ask what was going on. Shortly after the Covid Rna vaccine rollout, Laura Lynn Tyler Thomson interviewed a BC paramedic who observed a huge surge in the number of young people with emergency heart related concerns. He recognized that was very unusual. 

We did see a very sharp increase in myocarditis among young men after the Covid Rna vaccine rollout. We also saw a huge surge in healthy athletes collapsing on the field from heart problems. The media kept telling us over and over that it was all completely unrelated to the Covid vaccine. Yet Vaers Canada wasn't letting people report adverse reactions at the time. 

Dr. Charles Hoffe from Lytton had several patients who had adverse reactions from the Covid vaccine and he was unable to report those adverse reactions. The Pharmaceutical companies had a huge influence over the media and the College of Physicians with regards to vaccine promotion and adverse reaction denial. 

Dr Hoffe joined the Doctors on Tour sharing his observations and was suspended for doing so. After he sued for wrongful suspension the College finally dropped the charges against him

Bonnie Henry and the fake news kept saying follow the science then went out of their way to censor the science and discipline medical opinions that contradicted their false narrative. 

Dr. Byram W. Bridle, a vaccine specialist, explained that traditional vaccines stay in your arm. That caused the body to send antibodies to the arm and build immunity to it. He then said Rna vaccines are different. The Covid Vaccines don't stay in your arm. The Rna causes the vaccine to bypass the immune system and enter your organs. That's why it caused an increase in myocarditis. It would send a live virus right into your heart. 

I interviewed Dr Steven Pelech, a virologist professor from UBC. He expressed his concerns about Rna vaccines as well as the changes Bonnie Henry made to the College Of Physicians. 

Before the College consisted of specialist in the field elected by their peers. Bonnie Henry changed that and did away with elections. They were no longer specialists in the field elected by other doctors in the field, they were simply someone appointed by the government. They threw the science out the window and replaced it with partisan politics. That is where we are. 

This isn't where we want to go. That's why the theme for 2025 is being Steadfast. Not to be distracted by the diversions.

As I previously said gender ideology was a distraction. The left pushed something on us that was so outrageous, as soon as someone saved us from that, we wouldn't notice that he took was taking us somewhere else we didn't want to go. 

Likewise Trump's trade war with Canada is also a distraction. It's creating an emotional response that's causing us to forget all the bad things the Liberals did. I liken Trump's current distraction to Hitler and Stalin's deception of Poland. 

Hitler invaded Poland and caused an emergency. Stalin offered to save them from that emergency. As soon as his did their captivity was complete. Mark Carney is not a moderate he is a World Economic Forum clown just like Chrystia Freeland and Justin Trudeau. Be steadfast and don't be distracted from where he wants to take us because that is not where we want to go. 


  1. Sigh, another round of this? We can't find anyone better?

    1. You mean Harper or Carney? Both are bad. The fact that Poilievre quotes Harper is a huge concern but not as big a concern as Carney's WEF. Harper got rid of the long gun registry but he brought in the HST after Mulroney brought in the GST. Poilievre is a big step forward. We just have to dial him back whenever he starts talking about Harper.

      That's why we elect governments not just one person. The majority of the elected officials have to agree on laws. If they don't agree, they don't do it. Not like Trump who rages forward with every crazy idea that enters his head.

      I think Leslyn Lewis or Ruby Dhalla would be better than Poilievre but Poilievre is an important step forward at this time. We need to lift the energy moratorium which is driving inflation and food costs out of reach. Poilievre will do that.

  2. Why would Dhalla be better?

    1. Dhalla would be better than Carney and Lewis would be better than Poilievre. Dhalla would probably be better than Poilievre as well because she would appeal to both sides of the spectrum. People are afraid Poilievre will go too far just like Harper did.

  3. Harpers side problems aside. I made more money back when harper was in charge, we have dollar parity with the USA and life was good!

  4. None of them are good.

  5. 2016 all over again. Hopefully not another 8 years this time.

    1. We'll see. Thankfully Dominion doesn't count federal ballots. Yet.


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