Wednesday, August 17, 2011

India anti-corruption protest

Thousands of people took to the streets Wednesday in India to support activist Anna Hazare, who plans to stage a public hunger strike as part of a mass anti-corruption protest. Hazare says the current anti-corruption bill being considered by parliament isn't strong enough because it exempts senior judges and the prime minister from investigations.

Meanwhile back in merry old England, Clive Goodman warned executives after he was jailed in 2007 that hacking had been "fully supported" by the tabloid's editors, including Andy Coulson, who later became an adviser to David Cameron. Imagine that. Shortly after it was leaked out that the British police were involved in the phone hacking scandal, the whistle blower that leaked that information was found dead. Now we see another connection to David Cameron's government. Lets see if this whistle blower ends up dead too.

We hear a lot about charges against the London rioters but not a word about charges against Scotland Yard's CO19 for committing murder and for betraying the public trust by lying about it. Perhaps England and Canada could do with a few anti corruption laws too.

Person of interest

Everyone is wondering who the guy with a wounded arms seen in the Kelowna video clip leaving the scene is. Many are wondering if it's James Riach. I thought James Riach went to the hospital. This guy is walking away with a group of people on his own accord. Anyone recognize him? Obviously we'd like to get a photo of Riach to compare if anyone has one.

The Vancouver Province is reporting that James Riach fled the scene. Maybe this screen clip is him after all. News 1130 also reported that James Riach is still on the loose despite the fact that one source claims they heard on a police scanner that the police had one suspect in custody. It's not clear if that meant protective custody or under arrest. However, since it's a group of people it is also possible they were just witnesses who were hit with broken glass in the crossfire.

Another source claims Riach was taken to hospital and later released which would men this is not him.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Kelowna shooting victim left paralyzed

The Calgary Sun has reported that friends of the victim claim one of the two girls with Jonathon Bacon and Larry Amero in the brazen daytime shooting has been left a paraplegic. The names have been released but we're still not sure which Hells angel one was the niece of and which Hells Angel the other was the girlfriend of.

The Vancouver Province is reporting A 21-year-old Maple Ridge woman, who is related to several Haney Hells Angels members, was paralyzed in the brazen hit that killed notorious gangster Jonathan Bacon.

It is tragic the girl is paralyzed. Just like it was tragic when Louise Russo was caught in the cross fire at a Toronto sandwich shop when Toronto Hells Angel Paris Christoforou teamed up with mobster Peter Scarcella in a drug related gang hit.

One person commenting on the article pointed out that the police did issue a public warning not to associate with the Bacon brothers because there was a gang hit on them. It is a tragedy these two girls were wounded, one seriously. Yet they were wanted not to associate with them and did so anyways. They also knew where the money from that boat and everything else was coming from. The mother they shot in Toronto was a completely innocent bystander.

Again, I think it is terrible these two girls were shot one chronically. Yet that is something the Hells angels do. The Hells angels are quick to kill a spouse along with a target just because. The Hells angels are the first ones to threaten someones family. I'm certainly not saying they deserved it. I'm saying that is what they do but we need to take the higher road. The solution is simple. It involves implementing the New York model not the Amsterdam model.

Jonathon and Larry's Boat

Speaking of Robert Shannon's boat, here's an interesting photo. An anonymous source claims they saw this boat was pulling out from the public dock in the Okanagan lake in Kelowna less than a block from the Grand hotel where the shooting took place the following day. This happened around 3:00 PM on the Saturday.

The witness claims when they saw the boat they jokingly said that must belong to a drug dealer. Then to their surprise they recognized the driver and passenger from photos on this web site. They claim the driver looked like Jonathon Bacon and the passenger looked like Larry Amero. They stopped at the dock and picked up another tattooed guy and two girls.

I certainly don't condone the evil these guys do to make their money. Obviously if these guys are riding around in a boat like this it was bought with drug money. I wonder how many addicts fingers were cut off or how many addicts were tortured in crack house basements to pay for that boat? It represents the epitome of greed.

The boat does have a strange name: Steroids & Silicone. Silicone as in implants? What a plastic world. The witness did say it looked like Jonathon was on steroids. We know Larry has. Another source claims they knew Larry in high school. They claims Larry went to Walnut Grove in Langley. They said he was skinny and got picked on. So there ya have it. Take steroids, join a gang and sell crack. That way you can get payback for being picked on all those years and become a bully. The problem is, steroids don't make you bullet proof and any 12 year old kid can pull a trigger. Steroids & Silicone certainly isn't something I'd put on my tombstone.

Surrey Gang related Shooting

Conflicting reports about a shooting in Surrey last night where Global is reporting three gang members were targeted. Global says the shooting took place outside a nightclub in Surrey. They include a photo of 153 street and 101 Avenue.

CBC reports that just after 10:30 p.m. neighbours reported gunshots in the 10100 block of 153rd Street, outside a nightclub near Surrey's Guilford neighbourhood. The Sun is reporting the attack happened at around 10:40 p.m. near the intersection of 101st Avenue and 153rd Street.

Not to be picky but there is no nightclub at 101 and 153 street. The Mirage is at the 15300 block of 102A Ave with a parking lot on 153rd. That is a nightclub alright but it sure isn't a gang affiliated club. It's a teenie bopper nigh club where young surrey girls dressed like tramps get falling on the floor drunk and all the slimy opportunist come to exploit the madness. They mentioned the Mirage in that Dirty Surrey remix of the Miley Cyrus spoof.

So I'm not sure if the neighbours at 101 and 153 heard gun shots of if they had left the Mirage and someone targeted them or if the Mirage was just a nearby reference point. The point is there was another shooting in Surrey last night and the targets had gang affiliations. The suspect fled on foot. Doesn't sound like a professional hit to me. We'll have to wait and see if the police will release the names of the victims before we can speculate on motive and gang affiliations.

Today the Province mentioned the Mirage and reported that the shooter fled in a vehicle not on foot. The Mirage is part of Bar watch. They scan your ID and take your picture. If the shooters or the target were at the mirage that night the police know exactly who they are. It's disappointing they are withholding information from the public and not releasing the names. If they released the names, they'd get more tips and have an easier time solving the case.

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Hells Angels and Forrest Schab

Hey, remember that Canadian Rapper that went missing named Forrest Schab? Well someone just sent me a link to a court file where John Punko and Randy Potts were charged with trafficking cocaine is Surrey of all places. It names Surrey meth cook Kerry Ryan Renaud as well as Forrest Schab.

So if Forrest Schab was involved with the Hells Angels one has to wonder about the post on the Dirty claiming that Forrest owed Larry Amero and Rob Velek money. Rob Velek is connected to Revolution in Langley where Larry and Weird Hal Portoeus were posing in support.

But that's not all. The court file also names Jason Brown. He's the Hells Angels associate that was found with a 9 mm, cocaine, a kilo of meth and Red Scorpion gear back in 2009. Well the new Red Lobster logo at least.

So he was tied to John Punko, Randy Potts and Kerry Ryan charged with producing and trafficking meth as well as trafficking cocaine in Surrey, Vancouver and New West. So if the Hells Angels were selling cocaine and crystal meth in Surrey at the time, who was Eric Sandberg referring to when he said "they" were ready to eliminate at the competition in Surrey? He was telling it to a Hells Angel associate from the Zig Zag crew.

This is another clear connection between the new Red Scorpions and the Hells Angels. The other previous hint we had that the Hells Angels were connected to the Bacon Bothers RS takeover was the fact that Larry Amero and Weird Hal Porteous were posing in support of Revolution. Murdered Bacon brother associate Kevin LeClair used to fight out of Revolution.

What's my point? The Hells Angels don't just kill rivals. They kill people who owe them money as well as people they rip off in bad business transactions as well as anyone they mistakenly perceive to be a rat. Let's see.. Geoff got ripped off and Britney was falsely accused of being a rat. Do the math and call it in. Crime Stoppers. Rats rip people off.

Rob Shannon's Boat

Hey, remember Rob Shannon's Boat? Well someone noticed a boat just like it for sale at the action in Scottsdale Arizona.

They even have a truck just like his to pull it with.

How can some hillbilly ride around in a truck and a boat like that and not know it was from the proceeds of crime? Looks like dear old dad was an accessory to the crime(s).

I wonder if that's the same truck and boat and they seized his ASSet.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Jonathan Bacon shot dead in Kelowna Larry Amero injured

Wow. Machine gun fire in Kelowna killed Jonathon Bacon dead and injured five others including Larry Amero full patch Hells Angel from Whiteropck Chapter. What on earth was Jonathon Bacon doing in Kelowna with Larry Amero? That pretty much confirms the suspected association.

We knew that Larry Amero was pals with Randy Naicker from the Independent Soldiers. We know that the Bacon brothers met Randy Naickers with several other gang members in the Castle Fun Park meeting in Kevlar. Jamie Bacon is being charged in the Surrey Six Murder. That previously showed an indirect connection between Larry Amero of the Hells Angels and the Bacon brothers who did the Surrey Six Murder. We knew Larry's friends were Bacon brother's friends and we heard rumors of Larry being friends with Jonathan Bacon but getting shot with him in Kelowna pretty much confirms the association.

The Surrey Six murder was committed because the Bacon brothers were trying to take over the leadership of the Red scorpions who were formally associated with the UN and had beef with the Haney Hells Angels. After the Surrey Six murder and subsequent shootings the leadership changed and the Red Scorpions became puppets of the Hells Angels who clearly are the driving force behind BC's gang war.

It said four others were injured. I wonder if Matt the rat was one of them. With this proven association all his UN ass kissing must look awfully suspicious right about now. Matt the rat was pals with that dirty former cop Rob Sidhu who fraudulently obtained the info about where the Bacon brothers were living after the were shot up in Surrey. Larry Amero's former girlfriend was in the car with the UN guys that shot at the Bacon brothers outside Tbars.

It sure would appear Larry Amero and Matt the rat have been lying to the UN all along and have been playing both sides by supporting the Bacon brothers while still trying to do business with the UN. Kinda makes Matt the rat being with Elliot in Mexico before he was killed there very suspicious. With friends like those, who needs enemies.

Kim Bolan reports that the niece of a Haney Hells Angel was present and wounded in the shooting. Fortunately she was just shot in the leg. We hear too many stories of pretty young girls getting shocked when they're out with their gang member boyfriend and a car pulls up shooting at their boyfriend. Obviously the girlfriends are innocent yet it's impossible to be in that association and not know where all that money comes from.

Haney Hells Angels were the ones that had the beef with the old Red Scorpion leadership that were affiliated with the UN. Weren't they the ones that ran the grow op on Pickton's farm and attended parties at Piggies' Palace? Not much to be proud of there.


Kim Bolan is reporting that James Riach fled the scene and is a member of the Independent Soldiers. Evidently James Riach has been with the IS ever since meeting with Randy Naicker and the Bacon brothers in Castle fun park. In 2008 Riach's Yaletown home was found to contain numerous firearms along with some cocaine and heroin.


Barry Espadilla was also with the Bacon brothers at the Castle fun park meeting representing the Independent Soldiers. Espadilla was living with and charged with Riach in the Yaletown firearm seizure. These are not new alliances.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Police in Winnipeg protect a Hells Angel

Police in Winnipeg heard about a hit on a Hells Angel and set up surveillance on his house. When the Rock Machine tried to shoot him, the police rammed their vehicle and intervened. Stopping violence is a good thing but offering the Hells Angels private security and protection to sell crack is not.

Maybe we should be offering protection to the judges and crown prosecutors that prosecute the Hells Angels. You know, the ones the Hells Angels threaten. Hells Angel Ian Grant was found with a confidential RCMP file in his home. The police have a leak. Ken Houston is a retired Winnipeg police officer who was caught in the same SUV as a Winnipeg Hells Angel charged with manslaughter named William Bowden. Both men faced numerous weapons charges as well as possession of a controlled substance.

Selling crack is not a badge of honour

Jean Paul Beaumont, sergeant-at-arms of the Rock Machine in Winnipeg, has had a weapons charged against him dropped. Police found an ASP baton in a vehicle Beaumont had been travelling in, but found no forensic evidence linking the man to the device — an expandable baton often carried by police officers. The Crown has opted to stay a charge against Jean Paul (J.P.) Beaumont, 38, of failing to comply with a court condition not to possess any weapons.

A woman should be allowed to carry pepper spray in her purse for self defence. The difference is whether you have it for self defence or whether you are using it to commit a crime. If someone uses pepper spray to mug someone then yes they should be charged. Likewise, a baton or an arnis stick is an effective defence against a knife. It's better to knock a knife out of someone's hand with a baton then stab them with another knife. Yet using a baton to commit a crime should be prosecuted as well. In this case, JP wasn't caught using the baton to commit a crime.

I am however a bit confused. Jean Paul Beaumont was found not guilty of numerous previous charges including possession of a restricted firearm, possession of ammunition and careless storage. Police have previously identified Beaumont, 36, as a member of the Zig Zag Crew, the "puppet club" of the Hells Angels in Manitoba. I guess several Hells Angels and Zig Zag crew in Winnipeg crossed over after they killed one of their own guys in Thompson.

In another case, a Rock Machine prospect recently told Winnipeg police that his involvement in the city’s ongoing biker war is “a badge of honour” that he’s ready to die for. Until of course he patches over to some other club. Selling crack is not a badge of honour.

JP Patches was in the Zig Zag crew who sold crack for the Hells Angels and payed the Hells Angels protection money. The Hells angels killed one of their own in Thompson because the Ontario Hells Angels wanted to take over the drug trade in that small Manitoba town. The guy they killed was selling crack. The reason they killed him was so they could take over the crack trade. Now the Rock Machine are fighting the Hells angels for the right to sell crack. There is absolutely nothing noble about that.