Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Real Tea Party

I was reading an old book called None Dare Call it Conspiracy. I guess you could call it old school tea party. Or at least what the Tea Party claims to represent. When Sarah Palin completely misquotes and misinterprets the Constitution I would definitely say Sarah Palin is not Tea Party. She’s just a cheer leader at a pep rally who has no idea what she's talking about.

The book could be considered extremely right wing and is very anti Commie. Yet it redefines Communism and warns that the real conspiracy is when the super rich try and sell us into a system of slavery under the lie of the redistribution of wealth. It’s like Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s discourse on Communism and how the founding premise of Workers of the World Unite is the fundamental lie of Communism. Lenin took over the party from Shliapnikov.

Solzhenitsyn claimed since the Revolution, there's never been such a thing as a free trade union. The least strike for pay or for better living conditions is viewed as counter-revolutionary. Workers went in a peaceful demonstration to the Party City Committee, carrying portraits of Lenin, to request a change in economic conditions. They fired at them with machine guns and dispersed the crowds with tanks. No family dared even to collect its wounded and dead, but all were taken away in secret by the authorities. In Germany second they came for the trade unionists.

The book described dictatorships and cites both Stalin on one side and Hitler on the other. It claims Stalin and Hitler both represent more government and how less government is good. Redrawing the left right political stereotype to represent total government on one side and anarchy on the other, it defines a constitutionalists somewhere in the middle.

I’m going to cite the book since it mentions the Rockefellers and big business but I will twist it and sound a voice of warning about excessive privatization. The knee jerk response to a total government conspiracy is obviously less government. Privatize everything. Yet when we do so we lose public accountability and are letting ourselves become slaves to the large corporations and the super rich which is exactly what the constitutionalists try to avoid.

Privatizing the military is a prime example. In doing so little public accountability fast became zero public accountability and the privatized mandate to make a profit turned a noble military into a mercenary force controlled by money and big corporations.

The book refers to an article published by the North American Newspaper Alliance in August of 1967 telling how the Rockefellers pay practically no income taxes despite their vast wealth. That is what I’ve been trying to get at. Just like Donald Trump.

Our problem is that most of us believe socialism is what the socialists want us to believe and is a share the wealth program. That is the theory. In the reality of socialism you have a tiny oligarchial clique at the top, usually numbering no more than three percent of the total population, controlling the total wealth, total production and the very lives of the other ninety-seven percent. Somewhat similar to the leaked Citibank Memo Michael Moore quoted establishing a Plutonomy. Isn't that Ironic. Those wealth seekers call Micheal Moore the Communist.

“If one understands that socialism is not a share-the Wealth program, but is in reality a method to consolidate and control the wealth, then the seeming paradox of super-rich men promoting socialism becomes no paradox at all. Instead it becomes the logical, even the perfect tool of power-seeking megalomaniacs. Communism, or more accurately, socialism, is not a movement of the downtrodden masses, but of the economic elite. The plan of the conspirator Insiders then is to socialize the United States, not to Communize it.”

In simpler terms we tend to view everything on a left right communist fascist plane. Well Hitler’s term for his fascism was National Socialism while Communism is referred to as International Socialism.

So in reality, the Right Wing extremists of today who seek to acquire wealth and avoid paying tax that everyone else has to pay are what this book refers to as Commies which is exactly what that group vocally points the finger at and denounces. Kinda like the born again preacher who publicly denounces homosexuality then gets caught with a gay prostitute. Somewhat problematic.

The book claims, "Communism" is not a movement of the downtrodden masses but is a movement created, manipulated and used by power-seeking billionaires in order to gain control over the world first by establishing socialist governments in the various nations and then consolidating them all through a "Great Merger," into an all-powerful world socialist super-state probably under the auspices of the United Nations.

Prof. Carroll Quigley of Harvard, Princeton and Georgetown Universities wrote a book disclosing international bankers' plan to control the world from behind the political and financial scenes. Quigley revealed plans of billionaires to establish dictatorship of the super-rich disguised as workers' democracies.

Page 324 states "The powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world's central banks which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank sought to dominate its government by its ability to control Treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world."

J. P. Morgan created artificial panic used as an excuse to pass Federal Reserve Act. Morgan was instrumental in pushing the U.S. into WWI to protect his loans to British government. He financed Socialist groups to create an all-powerful centralized government which international bankers would control at the apex from behind the scenes. After his death, his partners helped finance the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia.

And, curiously enough, the Federal Reserve System has never been audited and has firmly resisted all attempts by House Banking Committee Chairman Wright Patman to have it audited. (N. Y. Times, Sept.14, 1967.)

The book goes on to discuss the amount of interest on the National debt the banks make as well as concerns about the stock market. It’s an interesting read so it is.

There are two great ironies in the book. The fist is the bankers and the super rich's desire to exploit people further through Communism. The second irony is all the flag waving anti communist rhetoric they spew to do so. As they pass legislation that erodes and replaces the safeguards against dictatorships found in the Constitution. After all in Germany, first they came for the Socialists. Hitler's conclusion was the same as Stalin's.

Speaking of deceptions, the Bush clan was bad. The Clinton clan was bad. The CIA is horrible. Well Mr. Obama used to be employed by the CIA and has kept many of the Bush clan in power just like Clinton did. That is a concern. Saying one thing and doing another.

The Ken Brotherston case

I noticed in Jeff Buziak's letter entitled Lawless: Beautiful British Columbia, he mentioned Ken Brotherston's case so I decided to look it up. Jeff Buziak stated the drug problem is so bad now he asked if it is time to take matters into our own hands and cited the Brotherston case. Wow. There's a lot to discuss.

First I'll answer the question then explain why. Is it time to take matters into our own hands? Yes it is, but that does not mean committing murder or perpetuating violence. It means reporting crack dealers and murders to the police.

Ken Brotherston was a city councilman on Vancouver Island. During the trial, for five weeks in November and December, witness after witness at the Victoria courthouse recounted details of life in the gritty drug underworld on the West Shore — how debts were owed, threats were made, drugs changed hands and people got hurt. The information was lurid; the allegations were sensational.

It would appear that the real problem that is not being addressed is the drug problem on the West Shore that is allowed to prosper with little or no interference. On one side we have police frustrated with a judicial system that does virtually nothing to chronic offenders who commit a huge amount of property crime to pay for their drug addiction. On the other side we have extremists lobbying City hall to hand out free crack pipes at the taxpayers expense. This enables the drug problems to fester into a gang war that is spilling over on to the streets.

Ken Brotherston admitted to beating the tar out of a crack dealer. In fact he even brought the crack dealer to the police station in his truck unconscious. The crack dealer never woke up. Some would call Ken Brotherston a hero. Others would call him a criminal. Most would concur he is a vigilante.

The bizarre thing is, he got off. He claimed self defense. He claimed the crack dealer put a gun in his face and he disarmed the crack dealer and beat the tar out of him. The crown argued that the beating went beyond self defense and was excessive. The defence argued the crack dealer kept attacking him in a cocaine psychosis first with a gun, then with a knife. Even when he dropped off the body Brotherston expressed the concern of the crack dealer waking up and possibly freaking out again.

I think this case shows us what our moral responsibility it. No I'm not saying our moral responsibility is to murder crack dealers. Crack dealers are a dime a dozen. The real problem is the people who are supplying the crack dealers and profiting from all that misery and violence. I'm not saying kill all Hells angels either. I'm saying the Hells angels are directly involved in the drug trade on Vancouver Island as well as in East Vancouver, Surrey, Kelowna, Vernon, Kamloops, Prince George and Dawson Creek. The Jones brothers indictment following the Robert Shannon conviction is proof of that.

We need to be honest about that and deal with that otherwise the Hells angels will keep finding new mules who will make them more money. As long as there is that much money to be made, they will fight and kill over the drug profits. I'm not saying legalize all drugs either. That would not stop the problem. It would only make an insanely difficult problem an impossible one.

Personally, I'd say Ken Brotherston is one lucky man. Not because he got way with murder, but because he or his sons weren't killed. Any 12 year old kid can pull a trigger. It would be pretty easy to shoot him dead. He is very lucky someone else present didn't have a gun and shoot him in the back.

I do think it is time to fight back. Police forces are often driven by statistics or should I say funded. Politicians are driven by statistics. They like to be able to report that crime is decreasing. That gives everyone the warm and fuzzy feeling that the police are doing their job. Yet the police can't do their job without the support of the community. That is why some of the younger members of the force are actually concerned about public trust and sincerely want to make things better. How noble.

Getting rid of crack dealers or a crack house is a very difficult thing. Entirely possible but very difficult requiring a consistent vigilant effort. The first step in getting rid of crack dealers is to note license plates and descriptions of those involved and report it to the police. Over and over again. Every time you see them out there selling crack call it in. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.

Forming a block watch helps. Getting a police liaison officer for your block watch helps. The more crime is reported and the more people keep track of file numbers and response times the more the police will be given the resources act upon it. I'm not saying the police don't want to act on the calls. I'm saying by forming a block watch and recording response times to reported crime helps give the police the funding to do their job.

Vancouver City Hall were the ones who closed down the East Vancouver police station at night to suppress crime statistics. Yet suppressing the crime statistics shoots yourself in the foot because it reduces the fund set aside to help with the problem. Vancouver City Hall were also the ones who gave the Hells Angels and extra $2 million from the social housing budget when they over paid for the drake Hotel.

The next step is to get rid of ridiculous programs like handing out free crack pipes. That program of enabling has a profound message. When you hand out a free crack pipe you are telling people smoking crack is OK when it's not. You're telling people stealing to support your crack addiction is OK when it's not. You're telling people it's OK to sell crack where they hand out free crack pipes when it's not.

The Ken Brotherston case shows us it is out more duty to address the drug problem on the West Shore and in each one of our communities. Letting the Hells Angels have a monopoly on the drug trade is clearly not the answer. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. The Hells Angels are the ones profiting from the crack plague in Beautiful BC. It may not be the best place on earth but it is still beautiful and it's our home. That makes it worth fighting for. We have no place left to go.

We can't do everything but we can do something. The Lindsay Buziak murder is a shining example of why we have a moral obligation to try.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

A letter from Jeff Buziak

Someone forwarded me this e-mail from Jeff Buziak who is the father of Saanich realtor Lindsay Buziak who was murdered after returning from trip to Calgary where a large Hells Angels drug bust was made. This is the letter:

Lawless: Beautiful British Columbia

A common view of The Province of B.C. now is that it is mostly a lawless province unless you are a speeder or impaired driver. Anything else goes! People now plan or change their careers in The Province of B.C. to be directly involved in, or complimenting criminal activity. The most popular areas they focus in are importation of illegal drugs and weapons, exportation of illegal drugs, manufacture of illegal drugs, distribution of illegal drugs and weapons, money laundering, loan sharking, various ancillary activities involved in support of the previous activities and defending people involved in those activities (lawyers). Alternatively if you get caught and convicted you can go to law school in The Province of B.C. As a learned friend of mine was caught saying, Unfkgbelievable! what goes on in The Province of B.C.

In The Province of B.C. the consequences of these career choices are minimal and less dangerous than crossing the street, speeding or getting caught impaired driving. The bonus is NO TAXATION! Yes you may be shot but chances are slim if the percentages are calculated and you have a bigger or more guns at you disposal. Besides, guns are easy to purchase in The Province of B.C. if you have cash. Cash is easy to accumulate if you are a criminal because you don’t have to pay taxes. Why not then?

Arrests are few compared to the volume of illegal activity transpiring in The Province of B.C. The No. 1 industry in The Province of B.C. is criminal activity but the press, of course, doesn’t publish that fact and have trouble measuring it, as criminals pay no taxes and are slippery slimy creatures avoiding public record but seeking public attention. If by fluke a criminal does get arrested, hungry lawyers clamber to defend them, as they want to get part of the lucrative action and build their reputations as defenders of freedom to do whatever the fuck you want. Alternatively, if arrested, cop a plea, formulate a teary apology and charges will be dropped or it will take years and years for your case to go to trial. In the mean time it is full on sex, drugs and rock n’ roll baby. Why not then?

The Province of B.C. has a proven track record of no consequences. Unsolved murders like Lindsay Buziak’s and many more, few charges or arrests that stick in the criminal world, light sentences, early releases and little if any action taken by police, politicians or citizens.

Consider the following:
No charges in the Vancouver hockey rioting.
No charges or suspects in the Bacon massacre.

Lindsay Buziak’s unsolved murder and many others with no arrests or suspects. Criminals functioning freely in The Province of B.C. society living in upscale residences and neighbourhoods, driving luxury/exotic vehicles, constantly partying, travelling extensively and swiftly implementing their own justice. It’s one big party in The Province of B.C. with no impunity. Why not then?

Don’t fool yourselves law-abiding, tax paying citizens there will be consequences for all that cocaine being snorted in The Province of B.C. When the losers start firing high power automatic assault weapons midday on the main strolling boulevard in one of The Province of B.C’s most popular tourist destinations it is just a matter of time before you or one of yours is killed in the crossfire! When rioters and looters can destroy property, endanger lives and disrupt the peace in one of the most beautiful cities in the world without impunity, you have a problem!

When losers in your society can freely go around and execute innocent young victims like our precious Lindsay Buziak and others without consequences or arrests you have a big fucking problem! Should we do something about it? Why not?? There are no consequences in The Province of B.C. are there Premier Christie Clarke, Solicitor/Attorney General Shirley Bond, Mayor Frank Leonard, Police Chief Mike Chadwick?

Is it time to arm yourself and take justice into your own hands? Why not? What are we waiting for? More deaths, rioting, lawlessness and criminal activity that goes without justice or taxation or are you waiting for new politicians or a premier chosen from the ranks of the UN Gang, the Scorpions, The Hells Angels or the Mafia?

Arm yourselves, be vigilant and execute before its too late folks. Ken Brotherston finally said enough and took action that resulted in punishment matching the lawlessness.

I’ve almost given up on The Province of B.C. and their lawless system. One tries but what’s the point when the criminals kill our children without consequences. There must be justice implemented by somebody. Why not? There are no consequences in Beautiful British Columbia!

Stay tuned,

Jeff Buziak


I will point out that changing the laws won’t bring justice for Lindsey because no one has been charged. Changing our attitude about ratting out murders will. If you have any information about this murder, please let us know. AK

Abuse in the Catholic Church

Every time I mention about the Hells Angels selling crack, pimping crack ho's or participating in a gang rape at the Renegades clubhouse, they always respond with a dig at police with DUIs or the Catholic Church for letting priests abuse young boys.

In the spirit of fairness, I will admit that priests abusing young boys is without question heinous. In fact there is a wee bit of a row over it in the Holy Land so there is. I'm referring to Ireland not Israel. The Pope has recalled the Ambassador to Ireland.

It seems the Prime Minister of Ireland, referred to as Taoiseach, Enda Kenny spoke out harshly against the Vatican recently in denouncing the Vatican's policy to cover up accusations of Priests committing rape. The Vatican responded in shock but I will make one point. The Vatican didn't rape any boys in Ireland so they didn't. It was Irish Priests who did that. Far too many of them. 19 clerics in one diocese. Although the complaints were received after 1996, some of the allegations went back as far as the 1930's.

There has been an insane number of cases where priests have abused young boys. Not just in Ireland but in Europe as well as North America. There have been accusations that the Pope himself has covered up cases under his jurisdiction before he became Pope. These acts of rape are heinous as is covering up those acts. Nothing can excuse or diminish that fact.

In Ireland's defense I will say that it does appear that the counsel they received from the Vatican was less than proactive in bringing these charges to light. Changing that policy is a good thing. Enda Kenny said that it's time for the church to become a penitent church. Truly and deeply penitent for the horrors that it perpetrated, that it hid, and that it denied. He's right. He's absolutely right.

I might add that the church has never taught that rape is OK. The church has never taught priests to rape children. Those sins were committed by entrusted priests who broke the trust they were given.

This does not mean that all priests are bad. Protestants get all freaked out about the set prayers in the rosary. When a family kneels down and says the Our Father and the Hail Mary together through a family rosary, that is not an evil act. When a family goes to a cathedral and kneels down to pray, that is not an evil act. When a family lights a candle for a lost loved one or view the stations of the cross, those are not evil acts. Rape is evil. Whether it be a gang rape or a priest raping a child, rape is evil. Selling date rape drug is evil.

The Haney Hells angels were caught with 300 litres of date rape drug as well as some Hells angels and associates in Toronto. The Maple Ridge youth who bought date rape drug and gave it to a young girl at a party and filmed themselves gang raping her and putting it on facebook was absolutely horrific. People there watched the gang rape and filmed it. They are just as bad as the Vatican for covering up the child abuse. They were present and did nothing. That is profoundly sad.

So in the spirit of fairness I will say that yes, all rape is bad. It is time for us to denounce it within the church, the military, the police as well as within the Hells Angels. It's time for us to denounce anyone who sells date rape drug in our society.

CIA, MI6 helped Gadhafi on dissidents

Surprise, surprise. The Vancouver Province is reporting that documents found in the abandoned Tripoli office of Muammar Gadhafi’s intelligence chief indicate the U.S. and British spy agencies helped the fallen strongman persecute Libyan dissidents, Human Rights Watch said Saturday.

Is there a world dictator the CIA haven't trained and planted? Gaddaffi, Saddam Husein, Bin Laden. Can we see the pattern yet?

“Among the files we discovered at Moussa Koussa’s office is a fax from the CIA dated 2004 in which the CIA informs the Libyan government that they are in a position to capture and render Belhadj,” Human Rights Watch’s Peter Bouckaert, who was part of the group that found the stash, told Reuters.

“That operation actually took place. He was captured by the CIA in Asia and put on a secret flight back to Libya where he was interrogated and tortured by the Libyan security services.”

The files shed new light on the practice known as rendition, used by the United States under former President George W. Bush, in which the terrorism suspects were handed over to other countries for interrogation. Rights groups have criticized the United States for sending these suspects to countries where they were likely to be tortured.

George Bush authorizing torture. No big surprise there. At least Stephen Harper lied, fired the whistle blower and tried to cover it up. Not George W. He vetoed the bill that would have stopped the CIA from torturing prisoners in Guantanamo bay. You can't get any more war criminal than that. The Bush family is a stain on history.

In Washington, CIA spokeswoman Jennifer Youngblood, without commenting on any specific allegation or document, said: “It can’t come as a surprise that the Central Intelligence Agency works with foreign governments to help protect our country from terrorism and other deadly threats. That is exactly what we are expected to do.” Oh the cunning plan of the evil one.

Moussa Koussa, Gadhafi's "torturer-in-chief" linked to the Lockerbie bombing was in fact a MI6 / CIA double agent. Go fugure.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

RCMP Officer accused of sexual assault

The other article in the Vancouver Province I was commenting on was the Mountie Sex Suit where a high ranking RCMP officer, Staff-Sgt. Travis Pearson, has been accused of sexually assaulting a female officer. It is frighteningly familiar to the Colonel Wing Nut case and many others where someone in a position of authority abuses that position to pressure someone vulnerable into a sexual relationship.

We can't discuss this case because we don't have the evidence before us but we can discuss the article because it raises several important points. Here we have a female RCMP officer claiming she was raped and pressured into a relationship by one of her superiors. Those allegations are either true or false. Either way it is very disturbing.

Seemingly the VPD investigated the case but the VPD investigator concluded the evidence did not support the complaint and no charges were laid. The victim claims the VPD detective failed to contact relevant medical experts or adequately consider evidence about alleged inappropriate conduct by Pearson in connection with two other female officers, and several municipal employees, including an alleged relationship “which had elements in common with [Gastaldo’s] complaint.”

If that is true it does indeed establish a pattern of abusive behavior. Her lawyer claims “When you have police officers investigating police officers there is always issues that are held up, and really this is the type of thing that needs to be investigated by a civilian arm.”

That is basically what we have been saying all along. We need a civilian agency to monitor police complaints. However, this case does raise a dilemma. Can civilians investigate criminal charges? After all, if someone wants to press criminal charges against anyone, the police must be involved to investigate. Can civilians investigate criminal charges? It is indeed very problematic.

I completely agree we need a civilian agency to investigate police complaints. Yet all police complaints would likely involve criminal activity. If they have been accused of using excessive force, that would constitute assault. In this case, if someone is accused of rape, that would also involve criminal charges.

Obviously civilians do not have the power to lay criminal charges. They do however have the authority to make recommendations to the crown and they can over see disciplinary courts. When the Delta police investigated the Kelowna mountie who kicked the suspect in the face when he was on his knees, they recommended criminal charges be laid. That is the same thing a civilian agency could do.

It is possible that the VPD did a thorough investigation and sincerely did believe that there was not enough evidence to pursue charges. The victim was married. The complaint surfaced when her husband found text messages of a sexual nature on his wife's phone. No doubt the defense would argue they were in a consensual relationship i.e. she was having an affair and told her husband she was raped. Possible but no more possible than the possibility that she was indeed raped and her eventual submission “was directly related to his authority over her and the command culture of the RCMP.”

Indeed the command culture of the RCMP is something that needs to be looked at. Yet if the guy was raping her, you'd think he wouldn't be texting her incriminating evidence. Unless he was just another wacko that got off on weird stuff. I'm certainly not going to minimize the case and say the victim is lying because she might not be. If what she says is true and her allegations are supported by other witnesses who experienced similar abuse then that does need to be investigated by a civilian agency. In fact it is. A civil court is investigating the matter. Hopefully due process will prevail.

I still don't think this case is enough reason to disband the RCMP. Create a civilian agency yes. Examine the command culture of the RCMP yes but disband it no. We don't disband the education system because a teacher sexually assaults a student. Likewise, we don't dissolve transit because a bus driver has an accident under the influence.

Sarkozy's Sex Suit

These were two completely different headlines in today's Vancouver Province but I thought they went well together. The first headline read "Sarkozy took cash, judge says." Nicolas Sarkozy personally received cash handouts from Liliane Bettencourt, the L'Oreal cosmetics heiress, for his 2007 election campaign, a judge claims in a new book.

No big surprise there. Perhaps Gaddafi's claim that he contributed to Sarkozy's political campaign has merit. Sarkozy is the guy who screwed Gaddafi royally. He took money from him for his campaign, then shafted him and led the bombing for his oil.

The new book called "Sarko Killed Me" written by two investigative journalists from Le Monde newspaper cited in the Vancouver Province quotes a highly respected magistrate who first investigated the affair a year ago. The two journalists interviewed 27 politicians, magistrates, businessmen and other figures who say they were professionally broken and personally humiliated by Sarkozy and his inner circle. Well surprise surprise. Perhaps Gaddafi isn't the only one. Meanwhile, World leaders in Sarkozy's inner circle revel in Gadhafi's demise.

The other headline was Mountie sex suit. At first I wasn't sure if it was a sexual assault allegation or a new kind of adult clothing to replace Colonel Thong's wardrobe. Unfortunately it was referring to another sexual assault. Before I discuss the sexual assault allegations involving a Mountie, let me cite the sexual assault allegations against Sarkozy's political opponent, Dominique Strauss-Kahn.

As we recall, Dominique Strauss-Kahn was the up and coming presidential candidate to challenge Sarkozy. Those hopes were shattered when he was faced with allegations of sexual assault. Only as the case went on, it appeared the credibility of the accuser was somewhat tainted. She had previously lied about a gang rape to gain citizenship and was quoted in private telling a friend not to worry, she knows what she's doing and that he has lots of money.

So now we read that the prosecution is recommending charges be dropped. That makes the initial accusations very suspicious. Nicolas Sarkozy clearly benefited from those allegations. I will declare that sexual asault is indeed a heinous crime. The last thing a rape victim needs is to be not believed. Yet false allegations of sexual assault are equally heinous. Especially if they are made for political purposes.

Wikileaks founder, Julian Assange, is also facing possible extradition for sexual assault charges. Sexual assault is indeed a heinous crime but these allegations against this individual at this time are incredibly suspicious. It seems to be a Method of Operation the attack poodles use that Catherine Austin Fitts described. The same type of attack poodles Nicolas Sarkozy is accused of using in the book Sarko Killed Me. Personally, I think Nicolas Sarkozy is a scoundrel.

Hell Angels Bull riding on Crystal Meth

I thought this one was pretty bizarre but noticed Mike P thought it was cool. Here's a picture of a Hells Angel wearing colours as well as shorts and sneakers riding a bull in Wyoming. I don't understand what it is with the Hells Angels and sneakers. Even cowboys wear boots.

At first one has to ask if the guy is on crack. Well it turns out two of the Hells Angels on site were arrested in possession of crystal meth. So it was crystal meth not crack this time. My bad. One of them did a photo shoot with his daughter strapping spurs to his sneakers. Good dads don't sell crystal meth or run prostitution rings. I find the Hells Angels PR spin rather twisted.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wade Belak found dead

A Nashville Predators spokesman has confirmed that former Toronto Maple Leafs enforcer Wade Belak has been found dead in an upscale Toronto-area hotel, he was 35. He is the third NHL tough-guy to die in the last four months. Both Derek Boogaard and Rick Rypien passed away this past summer after hard-fought personal battles. Third NHL enforced dead in four months. That is strange.

Meanwhile back on the ranch, another human foot washed on shore in Vancouver on Tuesday. The eighth foot to wash on shore since August 2007. An autopsy has confirmed it's another human foot and they have no idea what caused it. Despite not knowing how it got there, no foul play is expected. Yeah people drown and cut off their feet all the time.

Ion Croitoru - Johnny K-9

Ion Croitoru wrestled professionally under the name “Johnny K-9” and "Bruiser Bedlam." He was the Satan's Choice motorcycle club president back in Ontario. We remember him caught on a wire with Clay Rouchette in support of the United Nations gang. Well it turns out he was already in custody for a plot to kill Bacon and his two brothers between Jan. 1, 2008 and Feb. 17, 2009.

My first thought was even with a balaclava on the guy is pretty hard not to miss so I highly doubt he was the shooter that finally killed JB Hog. Then I realized he's still in custody. Croitoru is awaiting trial for first-degree murder in the shooting death of Jonathan Barber, 24, and the attempted murder of Vicky King.

I certainly don't support drug related public executions where innocent people are put at risk and family members are injured, but I will cite the case as an example of a rising force that is opposing the Hells Angels monopoly on the drug trade. I see that as a good thing. Yes, public shootings put the public at risk, yet letting the Hells angels have a ruthless monopoly on the drug trade is just plain wrong. I rather hear about Hells Angels getting shot at then drug addicts tortured or pushed out of windows for drug debts.

So, let's give it up for Romania. The counter revolution has begun. It's not natural justice but it is a natural consequence of tyranny and betrayal. What goes around comes around. Word.