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Let the Ghetto Gospel go forward into every hood possible." Ja Rule
Getting the Gangsters out of Government. Podcast - Vlog
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Another Surrey Shooting
Well John was right. Another gang related shooting in Surrey last night. I drove right by around 10:30 PM and saw the police cars and the blocked off street. Didn't realize it was another shooting. I did notice CBC had camera crews outside the Pho Hoa restaurant on 104 Ave and 144 next to the Hen Long market around that time.
Everyone is wondering if it's in retaliation for the Kelowna shooting. The police aren't releasing his name or gang affiliations other than saying he is known to the police and does have gang affiliations. It sure doesn't look like we're making much progress from the Surrey Six murder. All these guys are still known to the police but not known to the public. Surely there is a legal liability the police are breaching in withholding that information. It's really sad we can't all just work together. Why withhold that information and put the public at risk?
Kim Bolan is reporting that the Duhre brothers in Abbotsford are denying involvement in the Kelowna shooting. Like they would admit it if they were involved. Even the Hells Angels deny when they are involved in a shooting. I really don't think it was them though. Kim is also reporting that Larry Amero has been flown out of the province to recuperate from the shooting. Back in the day, people joined gangs for protection. Now that it's all about selling crack, joining a gang is like wearing a t-shirt that says shoot me.
Wow. 1:00 PM Saturday and the police are still on the scene and the road is still blocked off. "Well known drug corner?" I'm not so sure about that. The 24-year-old has a history of police that stretches back to his late teens. Kim Bolan is reporting that When a gunman opened fire about 9:30 p.m. Friday, he was with others who have been the subject of police “duties to warn” because there are others out there that want them dead. The victim remains in critical condition. He is currently out on bail on trafficking charges
Subject of a duty to warn because others out there want them dead? Then who are they and who are they affiliated with? Revealing that would fulfill the legal obligation of a duty to warn. Withholding that would not. Looks like we've taken one step forward and two steps back with regards to the duty to warn. Looks like there were two unrelated shootings close by last night in Surrey.
Diary of a Vancouver beat Cop
There's been a few stories in the news about a new blog by Steve Addison called Diary of a Vancouver beat Cop. It's being billed as a new voice for the Downtown Eastside.
He claims Members of the Vancouver Police Department have a history of being on the cutting edge when it comes to using media to educate and inform people about the tragic and wasted lives on the Downtown Eastside. Indeed they have.
Sgt. Toby Hinton, (Ret.) Const. Al Arsenault and the rest of the Odd Squad led the way with Through a Blue Lens, produced in 1999 by the National Film Board of Canada. The officers carried video cameras on the beat to document the existence of several Downtown Eastside residents and their fight to survive.
I think highlighting the problems of East Van is a good thing. I don't think handing out free crack pipes to mental patients on the street is the humane solution to closing down mental institutions.
The other extreme I'd like to cite is the concept that some police claim that the 'Void' in drug underworld cause of biker war in Winnipeg. Just as the VPD want to highlight the social problems in the Downtown East side, I want to highlight the misconceptions that enforcement is wrong and being enablers is right. That is absurd.
The biker war between the Rock Machine and the Hells Angels support clubs was not because the police cracked down on the Hells Angels and the Zig Zag crew. It was because the Hells angels killed one of their own to let the Ontario Hells Angels take over the drug trade in Thompson Manitoba. That created an internal rift where Hells Angels members crossed over to the Rock Machine and fought back.
It had absolutely nothing to do with making Hells angel and Rock Machine arrests. If the Hells angels hadn't killed one of their own, they all would still be working for the Hells angels even after the Zig Zag crew were arrested.
Enforcement is not wrong. It is a civic duty. When you see the problems of the Downtown East Side you can see that enabling addiction is not humane. Giving an alcoholic alcohol is not the answer. Neither is letting the Hells angels have a monopoly on the drug trade and profit from all that exploitation.
The Hells Angels are recreating the social problems in the Downtown East side in smaller communities across the province and across the country. This greed driven exploitation needs to stop. We need to pull together to address the problem and over come it. It all begins with enforcement. That is the New York model. Letting crack dealers sell crack in public is morally wrong. We need to target the dealers not the addicts.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Freewheelers MC
Well it looks like the Free Deli crew are now the Free Willy MC. The Freeloaders, I mean the Freewheelers are replacing the Zig Zag crew in Saskatchewan. I wonder how much the Freeloaders have to pay in dues to the Hells Angels? No more love for the Zig Zag crew after they got caught.
It never ceases to amaze me how fast the Hells Angels will dump their dearly loved brothers and simply find a new mule to sell crack for them. After all, that is what the Zig Zag crew were caught doing for the Hells Angels in Manitoba.
Free Deli. The guy was a crack dealer. They even killed one of their own guys to let the Ontario Hells Angels have Thompson Manitoba. Thompson isn't even in Ontario. Those flakes could never make it in a big city like TO that's multicultural. Not too many members of the White Boys Posse in TO.
The Saskatoon Freewheelers clubhouse is at 139 Barnes Avenue. Or at least it was for the 2004 Christmas party. Looks like they had a chapter in Saskatoon and Regina and were starting one up in Lloydminster.
Is Tiny Mac still making trips out to Regina from Calgary these days? If the Freewheelers are sponsored by a criminal organization that got caught selling crack, does that make their clubhouse the proceeds of crime? Please advise.
Their logo kinda looks like something from the opening scene of Look Who's Talking. The skull however, does look like it's jaw has assumed the puppet position just like the Darksiders in Nova Scotia.
Looks like they have to wear sneakers on their motorcycles too just like the Ontario flakes. Freeloaders Forever Forever Freeloaders.
Citizens lift burring car of motorcyclist
Well this story is certianly inspiring. A motorcyclist in Logan, Utah was involved in a car crash and was pinned under a burning vehicle. Several citizens come to his aid and litterlly lift the buring car off him and drag him to safetty which sucessfully saved his life.
Yellow Ferrari crashes in the Atlantic
Austin Powers crashed his piss yellow Ferrari into the Atlantic ocean. I guess he'll wanna sell it now. Or at least learn how to drive.
The Hells Angels control of the Ports
One blog reader contacted me and asked why the media doesn't talk about the Hells Angels control of the ports more and sent me a few links. I think the stereotype is that the Hells Angels control the ports. I'm told Larry Amero's father is a longshoreman.
"Their drug-smuggling operations in Halifax, Montreal, and Vancouver were aided enormously by the federal government, which dismantled its ports police in the 1990s, despite strong warnings from major police forces, the provinces, and some of their own advisers. Authors Julian Sher and William Marsden of The Road to Hell: How the Biker Gangs Are Conquering Canada estimated in 2003 that forty-three Hells Angels and associates worked in the Port of Vancouver, at least eight of them as foremen and one as the training officer for longshoremen. Other gang members worked on docks in trucking, maintenance, laundry, and garbage service. While the Angels beefed up their presence in the ports, Ottawa simply walked away."
The Tyee wrote an article about an interview with Julian Sher, one of the authors of that book. "The Road to Hell recounts how the Angels brand-marketed their name, took control of nation's ports and the drug and sex trades. The book is now being used in courtrooms and by police as a guide to the inner workings of the gang in Canada."
The article cites the Stirling case where 2 1/2 tons of BC Hells angels cocaine was seized but no charges were laid. The article also claims "By Canada's own admission only three per cent of the shipments are actually checked. The Hells Angels realized this and have members working in the Vancouver ports and close associates working in Montreal and Halifax. In fact, the auditor-general's most recent report estimates that something like 4,000 people with ties to Canada's biker gangs and other gangs work at the country's major ports and airports."
We've talked a little bit about the Hells Angels control of the airports in Calgary and Edmonton. We really should address the Hells angels control of the ports as well.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Asbestos in the Twin Towers
With all the media coverage of the tenth anniversary of 9/11 there has been a lot of talk about remembering the rescue workers and indeed we should. We should remember how they were put in harms way, were denied medical compensation and how they were exploited to make Haliburton rich. We really should remember that. Michael Moore talked about it in his movie Sicko.
The twin Towers were full of asbestos. Well half full. They stopped using asbestos half way through during their construction. Yet the Port Authority lost the court challenge forcing the insurance companies to pay for the asbestos removal. In the end the Port Authority had to pay for the asbestos removal themselves and were not allowed to demolish the towers because of the public health risk that would present.
Meanwhile back on the ranch, Michael Moore is reporting that Former Senator Bob Graham Urges Obama to Reopen Investigation into Saudi Role in 9/11 Attacks. Former Senator Graham – who co-chaired the Joint Congressional Inquiry into 9/11 in 2002 – writes that “the government of the United States has engaged in a sustained and effective campaign to keep the American public from knowing the truth. Still unanswered after nearly 10 years are the questions of the full extent of the Saudi pre-9/11 involvement,” Graham writes. “Why the cover-up by our government?”
It's pretty obvious. We all know most of the 9/11 terrorists came in through Saudi Arabia not Canada. In fact the CIA over ruled suspicious visa applications from Saudi Arabia on a regular basis. Like that's not suspicious.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
The UN and the Hells Angels - a bad date
OK this one's finally about the UN... and the Hells Angels. Only it surprises us coming from the UN. The Hells Angels, well, we've begun to expect that sort of thing from them. Omid Bayani, a member of the UN has gone missing right before being sentenced on a drug charge.
The whole case involved trafficking date rape drug with the Hells Angels in Maple Ridge and in Toronto. Omid Bayani, from the UN and Vincenzo James Sansalone from the Haney Hells Angels were arrested in BC. 600 litres of the drug was seized all together.
Mark Figueiredo was the Hells Angels associate convicted on the Ontario end. He brought his wife and niece and cried like a baby in court when he was sentenced to six years for trafficking date rape drug. What if someone had used that drug on his wife, sister or niece? Can't they see something is inherently wrong with this picture?
I will add that Mark Figueiredo was sentenced in Ontario back in 2008 while Omid Bayani, charged in the same drug trafficking ring is just being charged now, three years later. Ontario has a much larger population than BC does. They have many more cases to go through yet they go through them faster than we do. Yet they have the same federal criminal code. Another example of why something is wrong with our judicial system in BC.
My point here is that the UN borrow some Chinese Charaters and talk about loyalty, honour and respect just like the Hells Angels do. Yet their is no honour, loyalty or respect in selling date rape drug. None whatsoever. In fact, since it is my opinion no one sells drugs in Maple Ridge without the Hells angels permission, just like in Prince George, I wonder who sold the teenagers the date rape drug to give to that young girl at a party in Maple Ridge where they took pictures of themselves gang raping her and posted it on the Internet. That was deranged.
Every time the police make a cross border drug bust involving the Hells Angels one has to ask oneself how much more already got through. In this case, where did the kids get the date rape drug from in Maple Ridge to give to the girl they gang raped?
We were told the Hells Angels had a rule against rape. That was such a lie. Mom Boucher was convicted of armed rape before becoming a Hells Angel. Dave Pickton was a Hells angels associate and he was convicted of rape on the same pig farm his brother was convicted of murdering all those women. Then we have two cases of gang rape before the courts in Prince George committed by members of the GTS in the Renegades clubhouse. The Renegades being a puppet club for the Hells Angels. GTS being drug dealers who sell crack for the Hells angels in Prince George just like the Zig Zag Crew did for the Hells angels in Winnipeg.
There is no honour in that and there is no honour in lying about that. We expect it from the Hells angels but it disappoints us to hear from the UN. Saying one thing and doing another is living a lie. That's worse than reporting a crack dealer or a rapist to the police. Much worse. That is the legacy they have to live with. DFFD.
And just for the record, Michael (Speedy) Christiansen who came from the Halifax chapter of the Hells Angels to the East Van chapter and currently with Kelowna chapter along with his 13th Tribe pal David Giles was sentenced for a gang rape back in Halifax before he became a Hells Angel. Great guys.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Adam Hall's Motley Crew
OK this case just keeps getting more and more bizarre. First we heard that Adam Hall, the Sergeant at Arms for the Pittsfield, Massachusetts Hells Angels was being held on numerous charges, the most recent of which was threatening a 16 year old girl so she would send him nude photos of her. This was while he was waiting to be charged with kidnapping and extortion as the witness in that case had mysteriously disappeared.
Then we hear court affidavits claim he forced three women into prostitution and told them "You work for me now," he allegedly told one woman "There's no way out of it." One confidential informant told police the forced prostitution took place at the group's clubhouse on Woodland Road in Lee, according to the affidavit.
I thought that was the topper. Not yet. Three bodies have been found. Now we hear he's been charged in the murder of the witness that was going to testify against him along with two other co accused, David Chalue and Caius Veiovis. At first I thought the picture of the third guy on the right was some photo shopped picture the police got off facebook. The nose ring didn't even look real. But no, have a look at the picture close up:
All of a sudden the nose piercing looks real, you can see the number 666 clearly tattooed on his forehead and what the hell are those bumps that look like horns? One blogger claims they're implants. That is insane. It doesn't look scary it looks sad. This isn't some 14 year old kid listening to heavy metal music wanting to freak out his parents. A grown man tattooing 666 on his forehead is ridiculous. Our French friend from the RM said 666 is just a number that comes after 665. Well this guy thinks it means something else and that is why he has a tattoo of it on his forehead. That is way worse than a finger and a thumb. It's a big double L for big time Loser.
I'm having a hard time believing those implants on his forehead are real. If they are, it spells stupidity. Why on earth would an adult pay for surgery to do that? Just for the record, the devil is refereed to as the father of all lies. No one likes a liar. Satan is the epitome of evil. Gang raping a young girl. Forcing her into a life of prostitution. Torturing and mutilating sex trade workers. These are the things the devil does. That is nothing to brag about. It's time these old men on Viagra grew up.
Well it turns out that devil horn implants do in fact exist. It just shows that our sick world just got a whole lot sicker. And I don't mean that in a good way.
Organized crime, Investment Fraud, Basi-Virk
Here's another story of organized crime connected to investment fraud. Ricardo Francis Scarpino was a drug dealer with a lengthy criminal record and was shot dead outside a Vancouver restaurant in 2008.
His lengthy criminal record is interesting but so is his involvement with investment fraud. This Supreme Court decision states Ricardo Scarpino, one of the promoters of the investment scheme, ordered $5 million worth of gold bullion which was delivered to TGR and then vanished. To date, the plaintiffs say they have received no funds from the defendants, and that MDLP’s bank account balance is zero. Scarpino is now dead, and TGR is inactive.
Another inherently interesting fact is that Scarpino used to be the ring leader in a cocaine importation scheme in Victoria, BC around the same time as the RCMP allegations of drug and organized crime related to the search warrant for the BC Rail Bassi Virk trial.
It was described as Victoria's largest-ever drug bust, which took in millions of dollars worth of cocaine after a three-month undercover investigation that had ties to Naniamo. What I'm wondering is what ever happened to the drug and organized crime allegation in the BC Rail case that provided grounds for the initial search warrant? There's another organized crime group in Naniamo but I can't seem to think of the name of it off hand...
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