Sunday, December 4, 2011

Rootstrikers: Republic Lost

A blog reader recently sent me a few links to Lawrence Lessig and his book Republic, Lost: How Money Corrupts Congress - and a Plan to Stop It. In an interview with Charlie Rose he is asked: "That’s not a democracy in your judgment because the few are making the decisions because of the power of their money and influence."

Then responds: "Right. So our framers gave us what they called a Republic. And what they meant by a Republic was a representative democracy. And what Federalist 52 says is that a representative democracy would be a government dependent upon the people alone.

Now, whatever that means, what we know is congress has evolved a different dependency; a dependency upon the funders and that dependency is different and conflicting with the dependency upon the people because the funders are a tiny slice of the people. If you ask who in 2010, what percentage of Americans maxed out in a contribution in a congressional campaign, the answer is .05%. So Occupy Wall Street says we’re the 99%, that’s bad marketing. They should be saying we’re the 99.95% who don’t have access and influence inside the system because we are not the .05% with the extraordinary power that funders within the system have."

Who is this guy? He even quotes the Federalist Papers. All of a sudden we have someone who makes sense. He's a professor of law at Harvard. Yet he's smart, he's not arrogant, and most importantly he makes a lot of sense. Turns out he has his own blog and has started and activist group called Rootstrikers which claims Wall Street should buy stocks not politicians. He even quotes Michael Geist. Three cheers!

The name of his activist group appears to come from a quote by Henry David Thoreau which states: There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root. One would then assume that Rootstrikers are committed to striking at the root of evil.

Lawrence Lessig's point is how lobbyists can buy government. We clearly see the same thing happening within the Harper government. Lawrence Lessig has articulated the problem well which was also dramatized in Eddy Murphy's movie Distinguished Gentlemen. My focus's is how those bought votes are taking us away from democracy and how preserving the Constitution and the Bill of Rights is essential to preserving a democratic system.

I will add that the idea of the rich buying politicians is a scam in itself. Obviously the rich aren't going to share their wealth. I'm sure the banks didn't donate $75 billion to Harper's campaign even though he gave them that much of taxpayers money. For them it's a high yielding investment. Micheal Moore pointed out that by spending a few million dollars to buy Congress, Wall Street was given billions.

The key thing to remember is that it effects both political parties. Michael Moore was told to cool it when reporting about Senator Dodd yet he also reported stuff on Clinton.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Harper's Corporate Communism

I find Harper's name calling and the name calling of Gwyn Morgan, his Pee Wee Herman advisor somewhat ironic. It seems so much like the born again paid minister who passionately denounces homosexuality then gets caught with a gay prostitute. Harper said anyone who didn't vote for him were Socialists or Separatists. His Pee Wee Herman Corporate advisor claims that the Occupy movement will leave everyone poor because they are Communists trying to achieve a redistribution of wealth. Will the real Communist please sit down.

Setting the name calling and the propaganda aside, we need to look at historical facts. The fact is, Big Corporations and Big Banks funded the Communist Revolution. The Rothschilds funded Karl Marx.

"Probably no name symbolized capitalism more than Rockefeller. Yet that family has for decades supplied trade and credit to Communist nations. After the Bolsheviks took power, the Rockefellers' Standard Oil of New Jersey bought up Russian oil fields, while Standard Oil of New York built the soviets a refiner and made an arrangement to market their oil in Europe. During the 1920's the Rockefellers' Chase Bank helped found the American-Russian Chamber of Commerce, and was involved in financing Soviet raw material exports and selling Soviet bonds in the U.S."

Before Winston Churchill became Prime Minister of Great Britain, he acknowledged a conscious effort of wealthy people to install a communist dictatorship in Russia.

"The Bolsheviks were not a visible political force at the time the Czar abdicated," Allen wrote. "And they came to power not because of the downtrodden masses of Russia called them back, but because very powerful men in Europe and the United States sent them in. "They [Lenin and Trotsky] joined up, and, by November, though bribery, cunning, brutality and deception, they were able (not to bring the masses rallying to their cause, but) to hire enough thugs and make enough deals to impose out of the gun barrel what Lenin called 'all power to the Soviets.'"

According to Senator Barry Goldwater, Chase Manhattan built a truck factory in Russia which could also be used to produce armored vehicles such as tanks and even rocket launchers. Perloff echoed, "American technology helped the Soviets construct the $5 billion Kama River truck factory ... [which was] successfully converted by the Kremlin to military purposes."

Wall Street continued to aid the Russian communists as they supplied the Vietnamese communists that Americans were fighting in Vietnam, says Allen. In the late 60s Rockefeller and other industrialists built synthetic rubber plants and an aluminum factory totaling about 250 million dollars. Professor Sutton observed, "these American capitalists were willing to finance and subsidize the Soviet Union while the Vietnam War was underway, knowing that the Soviets were supplying the other side."

An article appeared in the New York Times on January 16, 1967, which carried the headline, Eaton Joins Rockefellers to Spur Trade with Reds. Perloff summed up the story, "The ensuing story noted that the Rockefellers were teaming up with tycoon Cyrus Eaton, Jr., who was financing for the Soviet block the construction of a $50 million aluminum plant and rubber plants valued at over $200 million." He added, "The Chase, which maintains a branch office at 1 Karl Marx Square in Moscow, has gained notoriety for financing projects behind the Iron Curtain." Professor Sutton, Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution

It doesn't take much digging to find that Wall Street, Big Corporations and the big Banks funded hard line Communism so the wealthy could continue to oppress the working class. This is Harper's Communism. Paying lip service to small business but abandoning small business in favor of large corporations. Getting rid of the Wheat Bord was to help muscle out the small private farmer and aid the large corporate monopolies.

Gwyn Morgan and Stephen Harper like to do a lot of name calling, trash talking and pointing the finger but the truth is, they are the Leninists not the people who pay taxes, care about the environment, support individual rights and freedoms and oppose trade agreements that erode national sovereignty. Throwing away the Bill of Rights is the final step.

The Capitalist-Communist Connection

Our Awful Situation

Friday, December 2, 2011

Grow Op in 100 Mile House

A commercial marijuana grow operation housing more than $2 million worth of pot has been dismantled near 100 Mile House. Mounties raided a rural property near Abel Lake at 105 Mile House on Tuesday and seized the marijuana, which police estimate had a street value of $2.7 million, said RCMP spokesman Cpl. Dan Moskaluk in a release.

Also seized was about $1 million worth of property, including four trucks, a backhoe and two large commercial diesel generators on triple-axle trailers. Three men, two from the Lower Mainland and one from Vancouver Island, were arrested at the scene and are facing charges for drug production.

Wasn't there a new Hells Angels clubhouse in 100 Mile House?

The Human side of James Riach

As I mentioned earlier, James Riach finally appeared on the radar after walking away from the Jonathon Bacon / Larry Amero shooting in Kelowna. Kim Bolan found him in court trying to get his armoured SUV back after it was seized. Ya gotta admit he has good reason to want to be driving around in an armoured car.

I don't know James Beoch but I do know he is human. Just like everyone else including Larry Amero. None of us are bullet proof. We know that James Riach was at one time close with Anton. The police claim when they raided his shared condo and seized numerous firearms, they found a picture of Anton in his bedroom. They were at one time close.

We know that James Riach attended the famous Castle Fun Park meeting in kevlar with the Bacon brothers. Obviously if you're associated with the Bacon brothers you need kevlar. That historic meeting at castle fun park no doubt was a prelude to the famous Surrey Six murder when two innocent bystanders were intentionally executed. That incident is what set this all off. The public outrage, this web site, the ongoing gang war. Shooting each other is one thing but endangering the public and intentionally executing innocent bystanders is another.

At the time of the meeting James was a member of the Independent Soldiers who as we all know are no longer independent. They are Hells angels puppets. They don't like to be called that but that is what they are. The Hells Angels used subtle alliances and brazen murder to take over that gang. Now we have to wipe Randy Naicker's drool when ever he's seen with Larry Amero grabbing a feel of his pecs.

So James Riach was at the Castle Fun Park meeting with the Bacon brothers before they plotted the Surrey Six murder as a representative of the Independent Soldiers. The alliance between the Independent Soldiers and the Bacon brothers is not new nor is the alliance between the Independent Soldiers and the Hells Angels. We were surprised to hear Larry Amero was with Jonathon bacon when he was shot dead. Before that time they were trying to keep that association secret. Now that much of the UN leadership are in jail it appears they went very public with that secret alliance.

My point is, James Beoch has a human side. I doubt he was directly involved in the Surrey Six murder other than showing support for the Bacon brothers with their intention of taking over the leadership of the Red Scorpions and turning it from a UN affiliated gang to a Hells angels affiliated gang, with them in charge of course. More political opportunists from the suburb's.

Dennis Karbovanec was the one who confessed to murdering Chris Mohan in the Surrey Six. To see him smiling in court was sickening.

Obviously the ones who are ultimately responsible for that pivotal murder were the ones supplying and supporting the Bacon brothers in their take over of the Red Scorpions - the Hells Angels. That triggered a public gang war between the UN and the Bacon brothers. Bacon brother associate Kevin LeClair was shot dead with automatic weapons outside the Langley Mall. He was also tied to Revolution which was also tied to the Hells Angels so we clearly saw the not so hidden association between the Hells Angels and the Bacon brothers way back then.

In response, Nicole Alemy, the mother who was friends with the owner of the condo the Red Scorpions were living in when they were murdered was hunted down and executed with her young child in the car. That means the two most ruthless gang related murders in Surrey are the result of the Bacon brothers and the not so secret backing they had within the Hells Angels.

Now the Hells Angels are keeping their word of eliminating all the competition in Surrey by murdering everyone from the Durry Dak Pack and anyone else in town who sells drugs for anyone but them. It's a cruel shell game consumed with greed.

We're all human. We all wanna make some cheddar and provide for our family. Yet when that drive to provide turns to greed and is about driving a more outrageously expensive ugly car where you are willing to kill a former friend over the right to sell crack then something has gone seriously wrong. Time for a little Ghetto Gospel and time to make some serious changes.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Targeted shooting in Delta

Just after 8 p.m. Tuesday night a Mercedes SUV with two male occupants in their 20s was sprayed with several bullets as it drove down the 9200-block of 114th Street by unknown suspects in a red sports car.

Of the two shot at, one is known to police and has gang affiliations Delta police said. "At this point, we're not going to reveal who they are," said Delta police spokesman Const. Ciaran Feenan. “This was a targeted shooting, There is no concern for the public’s safety.” He means he has no concern for the public's safety. This is outrageous. We have made zero progress since the Surrey Six murder.

Eileen Mohan is a much better person than I am. She was the one that made a public appeal for a web site to identify known gang members. She said they were living next door to gang members and did not know it. Had they know, their wonderful son might still be alive. The Abbotsford police department promised us a web site identifying known gang members but they never did it. No one else has bothered.

Now we go to the other extreme where the police knowingly withhold information from the public. They know which gang one of the two in the SUV that was shot at is, but they are refusing to let the public know because they clearly don't give a fuck about public safety. Someone in a red sports car fired several shots at a SUV and somehow that doesn't jeopardize public safety. That is really offensive.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Rock Machine shot at in Winnipeg

Two homes in the 1000 block of Beauty Avenue were hit with gunfire Tuesday night in what sources say was most definitely a targeted attack linked to organized crime. The Free Press has learned two high-ranking members of the Rock Machine were inside one of the homes at the time bullets started flying. It appears the other residence that was struck was simply a case of poor aim by the unidentified shooter. Looks like the Big Red Machine just can't let it go. Give it a rest in December you heartless pricks.

The latest Edmonton shooting victim has been identified as Ashneil Singh. Looks like the newspaper got that from facebook not from the Edmonton police.

BC Liberals extend RCMP contract

Why is this not surprising? All those articles in the Vancouver Province about how we need a Regional Police force fell on deaf ears when it came to the Christy Crunch covering up what the RCMP has on her and the BC Liberals with BC Rail and the Basi Virk drug charges.

Gwyn Morgan is an Idiot

The Vancouver Province ran another absurd column today about Occupy. This time it was a guest column from Gwyn Morgan. Turns out Gwyn's a guy and he sure loves his Pee Wee Herman tie. The title is Occupy's proposals will make everyone poor. Clearly this guy is on crack. You can tell by that glassy look in his eye and his poor choice of wardrobe.

Once again he labels everyone supporting the Occupy protest as Communists. After all, everyone who didn't vote for Stephen Harper is a socialist or a separatist so they claim. He goes on and on about the redistribution of wealth. That is not what this is about. He is not listening.

Stopping investment fraud will not make everyone poor. Refusing to do so will. Recently the fact that most of the politicians in the US legally get away with insider trading made the news. Stopping insider trading will not make everyone poor. The Greek financial crisis was the result of investment fraud. The Bank bailouts were also the result of fraud. This kind of corporate theft is what's making the hard working tax payers poor by stealing from them. Committing fraud to create a manufactured emergency then using tax dollars to replenish what they stole. Gwyn Pee Wee Herman will not change that fact with his verbal nonsense.

Gwyn Morgan is not a conservative. He is a corporate neo con. Bill Tieleman claims he is Christy Clark's transition advisor. Transitioning us from in the frying pan with Gordon Campbell to straight into the fire with Christy Crunch.

"It is my earnest submission that signing the Kyoto Protocol would go down in history as one of the most damaging international agreements ever signed by a Canadian prime minister." Gwyn Morgan, Christy Clark transition team advisor. Sustainability is a civic duty. Refusing to be accountable is irresponsible.

The neo con emerges when they abandon small business in practice and only pay them lip service. The neo con emerges when they become consumed in corporate greed. Letting huge corporations rape the planet at will all in the name of increased profit. Everyone has to pay their fair share. Donald Trump paying no taxes while a bus driver pays a significant amount more taxes is wrong. Just as making small business pay the bulk of the business tax and reducing the huge corporation tax bill to zero is wrong. It's not about the redistribution of wealth. It's about getting rid of the freeloaders who refuse to pay any tax while they exploit the general public.

This guy is a serious fruit loop. The Tyee claims he supports the NAU and all the erosion of individual rights, freedom and sovereignty that brings with it. Being an advisor to both Christy Clark and Stephen Harper is a huge red flag. In fact, there are some interesting conservative arguments about how the corporate Rockefeller's are the real communists trying to enslave the general public and rob them of their freedom.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Another Edmonton Murder

Edmonton City Police are probing a suspicious death after a 21-year-old man was found on the outskirts of the city, suffering from several gunshot wounds and at least one stab wound. Police were called to the location on 170th Street south of Ellerslie Road shortly after noon Tuesday after the man called police from his cell phone, asking for help, but the man wasn't able to give his location.

"He said, 'I've been stabbed.' He didn't know where he was," said Inspector Brian Nowlan. "We could tell he was obviously in distress. He just kept saying he's hurt and needs help." It took police about a half-hour to locate the man, who was found lying on the roadway about 50 feet from his white sedan, which was parked among several outbuildings on an abandoned farm in a remote area along 170th Street.

He was still holding the phone, trying to keep in contact with someone as he fought for his life. The man was taken by STARS to the Royal Alexandra Hospital, where he died. Edmonton Very sad. Police are treating the death as suspicious. If it is deemed a murder, it will be the city's 44th of the year.

Suspicious death? I still don't understand how they can say that with a straight face. Are they trying to cover something up or just look like complete idiots? Last month two men were found dead in a bullet ridden SUV. Police hadn't determined if it was in fact a homicide and treated that death as suspicious. What's suspicious is the EPS using Groucho Marx to write their press releases.

Joe Kapp and Angelo Mosca

Well there was a little senior citizen Grey cup agro. Joe Kapp and Angelo Mosca were at a Grey Cup luncheon. Joe Kapp jokingly offered Angelo Mosca a flower as a peace offering and Angelo said on mic cram it up your ass. He tried to lighten things up a bit by tickling him with the flower. Angelo pushes him back then once he was back he knocks JK's glasses off with his cane. JK then drops him. Kinda sad. Kinda bizarre. Some people just can't take a joke. I think we just get grumpy when we get older.