Just after 8 p.m. Tuesday night a Mercedes SUV with two male occupants in their 20s was sprayed with several bullets as it drove down the 9200-block of 114th Street by unknown suspects in a red sports car.
Of the two shot at, one is known to police and has gang affiliations Delta police said. "At this point, we're not going to reveal who they are," said Delta police spokesman Const. Ciaran Feenan. “This was a targeted shooting, There is no concern for the public’s safety.” He means he has no concern for the public's safety. This is outrageous. We have made zero progress since the Surrey Six murder.
Eileen Mohan is a much better person than I am. She was the one that made a public appeal for a web site to identify known gang members. She said they were living next door to gang members and did not know it. Had they know, their wonderful son might still be alive. The Abbotsford police department promised us a web site identifying known gang members but they never did it. No one else has bothered.
Now we go to the other extreme where the police knowingly withhold information from the public. They know which gang one of the two in the SUV that was shot at is, but they are refusing to let the public know because they clearly don't give a fuck about public safety. Someone in a red sports car fired several shots at a SUV and somehow that doesn't jeopardize public safety. That is really offensive.
Is there not a mechanism under Canadian law whereby someone can file suit against the police to get a judicial order to release that name? But, then you'd have to find a judge who would support that as being in the public interest....what am I thinking....getting common sense change in how things are done requires an act of parliament...whap! There's that brick wall again...It's just mind boggling, the number of people who are well paid to comprise a system which refuses to do what it is paid to do...
ReplyDeleteI’m not sure. Kim Bolan explained in her blog once that the local police don’t tend to publish the name of someone who was shot at unless they die. Seems to be one step better than the Edmonton Police who don’t even to that. There clearly is a provision to sue the police for the failure of their duty to inform like in the case of the balcony rapist. Eileen Mohan is too nice to add the policed to her wrongful death suit. Perhaps the family of the next innocent victim won’t be so nice. It’s sad when it takes a court order to force the police into preserving public safety. I know they are party concerned about rights of privacy and getting sued by the gang member. Yet in this case they know what gang the victim was and won’t say. That maintains that arrogant we’re better than you attitude and you are all idiots which creates a huge rift between the police and the general public.
ReplyDeleteKim Bolan /V. Sun
ReplyDelete"A body has been found under suspicious circumstances in a wooded area near Burnaby Lake, RCMP have confirmed."
"The Integrated Homicide Investigation Team has taken over the investigation, Sgt. Jennifer Pound said Friday."
"Pound said the body was found in the bushes near Fareham and Elwell, just south of the TransCanda Highway."
"It is not known if the body was of a man or a woman or how long the remains have been at the site."
"Pound said Burnaby RCMP got a 911 call about 9 a.m. Friday..."
Sad. Hopefully we’ll get an ID on the body and a cause of death.