Thursday, January 19, 2012

Houston, We have a problem

Who is responsible for these murders? A lot of people are talking about how the Hells Angels are now involved in an all out gang war in Vancouver just like they were in Quebec during the /90’s. Although I have no intention of over dramatizing the situation, I will do some basic math.

I wasn’t the one that said the Hells Angels are warring with the Duhres. That was clearly defined in the media. Kim Bolan was likely first to make the claim. So if the Duhres keep getting shot in Surrey, Vancouver and Abbotsford, who one earth do you think did it?

Here’s my point. If the Hells Angels contract a murder as an organization, then they are legally liable for that murder as an organization. Both civilly and criminally. Percy was murdered in a Surrey crack house several years ago. The hit man who was convicted of the murder claimed he was contracted to do the murder for the East Vancouver chapter of the Hells Angels. If the Hells Angels contract a murder as an organization, then that clearly makes them a criminal organization. Especially if the murder is drug related.

Vancouver and Abbotsford’s first murders of 2012 have ties to the Hells Angels. Surprise, surprise. Although Vancouver’s “gang war” peaked in 2009, I do think this year we have made some significant progress in dealing with the problem. After all it is a problem that is affecting public safety.

The progress that I think we’ve made has nothing to do with the drop in number of public executions. As I’ve said before, that just means one side won. The progress that we have finally made is that now we all know the Hells Angels sell drugs, use violence to control the drug trade and are now the prime participants in the current gang related violence we are currently witnessing.

Sure it seems like one step forward three steps back but I do think it is a significant step. After all, rage and denial are the primary tools that hide an alcoholic’s addiction in a dysfunctional family. The first step in dealing with an alcohol problem is to admit one has an alcohol problem. “Hi, my name is such and such. I’m an alcoholic.” Or in our case, Hi, my name is Vancouver. We have a Hells Angels problem and it’s a big problem. It’s tied to drugs, prostitution and extreme violence that is affecting public safety. There, that wasn’t so hard was it?

The next step in dealing with our problem is to get over the fallacy that we are somehow better off if we let the Hells Angels control the drug trade. That is so wrong. When is a monopoly ever good? Giving a criminal more power does tend to corrupt. Giving him absolute power tends to corrupt him absolutely.

Supply and demand states that if there are two drug dealers on a corner they will compete for business. Maybe one will charge less than the other. Maybe one will give a better more pure product than the other. If a customer is mistreated by one, they can simply go to another. Yet when you let the Hells Angels have a monopoly on the drug trade that just doesn’t happen. People start loosing fingers for small drug debts. People start getting pushed out of windows for large drug debts.

What’s even worse is they will betray and brother and they will betray a sister just to make more money. Greed consumes them and they start bragging about murdering a woman. That is the peak of their abomination. That is the turning point where society says enough is enough. The light penetrates the darkness and all of a sudden people realize who the real rats are. People start to realize that ratting out a rat is good. Bragging about murdering a woman is not.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Man shot dead at the Vancouver Sheraton Wall Centre

A man was shot dead at the Vancouver Sheraton Wall Centre last night while eating at a restaurant. My first impression that was out of the norm. Not the typical Surrey drug dealer getting shot dead for selling drugs in the Hells Angels area. Yet it turns out the victim was a well-known gangster named Sandip “Dip” Duhre. He would be part of the Duhre clan. The ones who are warring with the Hells Angels. Only it doesn't really look like a war. It just looks like the are getting exterminated by the Hells Angels.

Kash Heed had some interesting things to say about Sandip Duhre. Kim Bolan reported on a “chance meeting” Kash had with him in a restaurant. “Chance meeting?” That sounds awfully suspicious to me. Sure it happens. The Gang Task force had a chance meeting with several gangsters outside of various nightclubs. It’s just that when a politician has dinner with a gangster it’s hard to develop trust and confidence in that politician.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Canadian Forces member charged with Espionage

HALIFAX - A Canadian navy intelligence officer has been charged with communicating information to a foreign entity in a case the RCMP commissioner says is an indication that Canada is not immune to threats of espionage.

Jeffrey Paul Delisle, 40, appeared in Halifax provincial court on Monday on two charges under the Security of Information Act that deal with communicating information over the past five years that could harm Canada's interests.

A CTV exclusive claimed the foreign entity was Russia and that the Canadian government claims that Russian spies are as active now as they were in the cold war. Give me a beak. I find that hard to believe. I believe CTV is right. I just think our government is pulling our leg again.

Whistle blowing is not Espionage. Reporting misconduct, false flag missions or drug trafficking is a moral duty. Yet revealing to location and movement of troops to the enemy is treason. We need to protect whistle bowers not fire and slander them or even worse murder them.

Speaking of spies and espionage, the Vancouver Sun ran an article the other day about how England was caught spying on Russia as recently as 2006 using a fake rock. Everyone spies on everyone else. The Americans spy on Canada. They sold us the PROMIS software to help us organize our files. In reality it was a Trojan horse that helped the CIA have access to all our confidential police records. No one was ever charged in that.

RCMP spy unit devastated by abuse of power

An RCMP spy task force called Special O was highlighted in Sunday's Vancouver Province. It starts off with more sexual harassment complaints but gets weird after that.

Although Bergerman and her colleagues quickly noticed that Pearson seemed constantly to be furtively texting and dashing out of the office without warning, they couldn't know that two young women he ushered onto the unit would allegedly become on-the-job sex partners who later claimed they were compelled into relations with Pearson and sexually assaulted.

Doesn't sound very professional to me. These are the people who investigated Air India, Robert Pickton and the Surrey Six. No wonder one of the RCMP officers investigating the Surrey Six ended up having an affair with a witness. Bizarre behaviour leaving key investigations short changed.

This is why our police forces and our "intelligence" agencies need to be publicly accountable. The public doesn't need to know details of an investigation,but they do need to know about an investigator's misconduct.

Yet another Ecstasy fatality

Another fatality related to Ecstasy. This one a 16 year old male from Langley. The list gets longer and longer. Tragic. Turns out that there's a more toxic fake ecstasy on the street called PMMA.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Gay Divorce

Gay divorce is in the news oddly enough. I don’t want to sound mean or insensitive but I don’t give a rat’s ass about gay marriage. If two gay people want to get married, who cares? I mean really. Who cares?

The new news is that a foreign gay couple who were married in Canada are now seeking a divorce. For some reason the government has a lawyer present arguing that their marriage is not legal. Rather bizarre. Of course their marriage is legal – in Canada. The problem is, they now want a divorce. Seemingly, the Divorce Act in Canada states that for you to get a divorce in Canada, you have to be living in the country for a year. So if a gay couple comes to Canada to get married and gay marriage is not legal in their country, then getting a divorce is somewhat problematic indeed.

It reminds me of a similar case when gay marriage was first allowed in Canada. A gay couple had been living together for several years. When gay marriage was passed, they decided to get married. Unfortunately, the relationship broke down shortly there after and they wanted to get a divorce. However, although the marriage act had been amended to allow gay marriage, the divorce act hadn’t been updated yet so they couldn’t get a divorce.

Excuse me for finding that somewhat amusing. You want gay marriage? OK you’ve got it, but you’re stuck with it. No divorce allowed. Knowing that divorce proceedings can be somewhat tense at times, I did find that somewhat amusing. Obviously the divorce act has been amended by now but the loop hole for foreigners who get married in Canada is still slightly problematic.

No doubt if they are living in the United States, they could get a divorce in a state that allows gay marriage. I have no idea if the divorce act in the respective states has a similar requirement to have lived in that state for a given period of time but I doubt it. Likely if you can get married in a whim in Vegas you could also get divorced in a whim there as well. Unfortunately, until the divorce act is amended in Canada, gay foreigners who get married in Canada are stuck. Perhaps Katie Perry will come up with a sequel to That’s what you get for waking up in Vegas to That’s what you get for waking up in Vancouver.

Risky Dix – a clear step forward

Adrian Dix is a promising investment. The Christy Clark / Gordon Campbell government makes me sick. These attack ads simply show how desperate they are about their drop in popularity. Interesting that their attack adds don't mention anything about her involvement in BC Rail. Face it. Gordon Campbell left office with the lowest approval rating in the Country. Even the Christy Crunch spin doctors can’t hide the fact that she’s just another Kim Campbell hiding the mess our own Brian Mulroney left us.

The same old bullshit day in and day out. The 1990’s was a federal and world wide recession. You can’t blame that on Adrian Dix. “They” keep saying the NDP will raise taxes and increase spending. Well the Campbell / Clark government did a fine job at that. The HST was a raise in taxes. The gas taxes were a raise in taxes.

I would vote for Adrian Dix way before I would ever vote for Christy Clark and that Sith Lord smile that giggled as she told the Vancouver Mayor and the Vancouver police chief there would be no funding for extra police during the Stanley cup Riot. My second choice would be John Cummings because a traditional conservative is a lot better than a neo con.

I think we should spend money on schools and hospitals. I think we should protect pensions and seniors. The Campbell government lining their own pockets at the expense of seniors and the mentally challenged was a shameful disgrace. I’d vote for John Cummings first except for the fact that I don’t think BC Hydro should be a private for profit corporation that isn’t accountable to the public. The privatized subsidiaries of BC Hydro have created this huge out of control fraudulent debt that is much worse than any NDP government has ever dreamed of.

I’m really offended by the same old nonsense. The NDP will tax and spend and the sky will fall if we vote NDP. Bullshit. The sky has already fallen. We need to fix the BC Hydro fraudulent debt now by making it publicly accountable not by turning it into another Enron scam at the taxpayers’ expense.

I support Adrian Dix. He’s a hard worker not a drunken pig. He cares about crime in the community. The Campbell / Clark government has turned their backs on crime if not been active participants in it. Mike Farnsworth would be an amazing Attorney General. This would be a wonderful step forward for British Columbia. Listening to the same old neo cons will drive this province right into the toilet of our own Enron tsunami.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Another Pickton Inquiry Bombshell

This is astounding. The Pickton Inquiry heard evidence claiming that not only did the police delay in arresting Robert Pickton after having several tips about him murdering women on the pig farm, but one officer visited him and told him the name of two informants who claimed he was killing people on the farm.

Words cannot express how absolutely outrageous that is. RCMP Supt. Bob Williams refused to say on the stand at the Missing Women Inquiry Thursday if naming those informants put their lives at risk or undermined what was still an active serial- murder investigation.

Williams interviewed the officer, Cpl. Frank Henley, for his 2002 report on whether the Mounties could be liable for civil lawsuit compensation to the families of women murdered by Pickton.

"Snitches are not welcome in the criminal underworld. In fact, they are probably often killed?" demanded lawyer Jason Gratl, a lawyer acting for Downtown Eastside aboriginal and women's groups.

Pressed by Gratl to say if revealing sources was a "breach of discipline . . . or a firing offence," Williams, the first senior Mountie to take the stand, protested, "that's going pretty far."

OMG. Who on earth is Bob Williams? If the devil was ever called to testify at the inquiry, that is no doubt exactly what he would say. Telling Pickton the names of two police informants was a colossal breach of trust. They are only worried about civil liability. No wonder. They certainly breached that.

Not investigating Pickton when they had more than one tip and more than one witness was bizarre. Telling Pickton the names of the informants was absolutely outrageous. Unprofessional doesn't cover it. It was pure evil. It makes us wonder about when the inquiry will here the promised evidence that off duty police officers attended the wild sexfest parties at Piggy Palace.

There was another witness who was going to testify in the Pickton trial that Hells Angels attended parties at Piggy's Palace in colours. When "Bikers" showed up at her home she left town and didn't testify. Did Cpl. Frank Henley also tell the Hells Angels the name of the informants that were going to testify against them? This is more evidence that Pickton did not act alone. He wasn't the group of bikers that showed up at that witnesses' home to scare them out of testifying in court.

Is Mitt Romney another Obama?

Although I totally agree Mitt Romney is a much better choice than Sarah Palin, Donald Trump or Newt Gingrich, I’m still forced to ask is Mitt Romney another Obama? Does he walk the walk or does he just talk the talk. There was an editorial in the Vancouver Province recently about how keeping Guantanamo Bay open was Obama’s biggest failure. His next was like unto it. Opening more Guantanamo bay prisons accross the United States.

The passing of the NDAA which throws away the Bill of Rights and gives the military obscene powers to violate anyone’s right they conveniently classify as a domestic terrorist. As that bill was passed, England put the entire occupy movement on the domestic terrorist list while in the US they were pepper spraying seniors and University students for peacefully exercising their right to lawful assembly.

How did Mitt Romney vote on that bill? The devil’s apprentice, John McCain passionately supported it. Then he threw in his support of Mitt Romney. How did Mitt Romney vote on the bail out Wall Street fraud? No doubt he supported the betrayal and desecration of Muammar Gaddafi.

Don’t get me wrong. Mitt Romney seems like a nice family man with traditional religious values. Yet Obama seemed like a great guy too and he said one thing and did the other. No doubt his background in the Secret Service had something to do with his caving in to the same old agenda.

Ron Paul’s position is pretty clear. The neo cons have committed a lot of fraud and created financial chaos for the public interest while lining their own pockets through insider trading and campaign contributions. Ron Paul is still speaking out and a lot more people are listening.

Stopping Smart Meters and the Hydro Fraud

Front page of the Surrey Leader says “The move to a modern power grid. 80% of Delta and Richmond homes now have smart meters; in Surrey, 20% do.” That is astounding. First the fraudulent premise. Installing Smart Meters isn’t just a matter of modernizing the power grid. It is a scam to increase Time of Day Billing and it implements intrusive surveillance that can be sold to spammers and intercepted by criminals. Even Bill Vander Zalm opposes them. That means it’s not just a matter of a lot of misinformation out there like the Hydro scam claims.

BC Hydro is “supposed” to be a public company. That means they are “supposed” to be publically accountable. The amount of fraud at BC Hydro and their unilateral dishonesty about it is absolutely shocking. Proceedihg with the Smart Meters when the cities have voted to freeze them is wrong.

We’ve talked about the ballooning BC Hydro debt that has been created by a fraudulent scam. Christy Sith Lord Clark’s government privatized Teirson Gas but they also privatized the BC Hydro subsidiaries that sell power to BC Hydro at an inflated rate. The private company is ripping off the public company so they can privatize the public company and completely shaft us, the consumers.

These are the same privatized subsidiaries that were charged along with Enron doing false billing. Surprise, surprise. Are we beginning to see the real concerns yet? Enron was a disaster. It was another example of what happens when you turn a public company private and remove public accountability. Criminals take over and rip off tax payers. This isn’t about the unemployed being jealous of the rich. It’s about criminals ripping off taxpayers with fraud. BC Hydro rejected powerline carrier technology because it would not support time of day billing.