Thursday, February 2, 2012

‘Fast and Furious’ congressional hearing

Speaking of congressional hearings, the Operation Fast and Furious scandal has started it's own congressional hearing ironically enough. Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. testified Thursday for more than four hours on Capitol Hill in a showdown with House Republicans, who threatened to hold him in contempt if he does not quickly turn over more documents on a botched gun operation.

During a morning of partisan theater, the Republicans on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee criticized Holder’s management style, interrogated him about internal e-mails, and demanded to know what Justice officials knew about “Operation Fast and Furious” and when they knew it. The Democrats, in turn, defended Holder, advocated stronger gun control laws and accused their GOP colleagues of grandstanding.

What a side show indeed. Republicans pointing fingers at Democrats over arms dealing, drug smuggling and money laundering. Why this all sounds like the Clinton's and the Bush's Mena, Arkansas to me. Corruption is clearly nonpartisan. Holder's got that Olly North look in his eyes. Isn't this just a continuation of the extended version of Iran Contra? After all Iran Contra was about a lot more than Iran. It was about arms dealing and cocaine smuggling out of Nicaragua. Now they're doing it out of Mexico. Has anything really changed?

Speaking of Oliver North, that criminal returned to the scene of the crime recently. At least back then they pretended it was for a cause. Now they're forced to admit the arms dealing and drug smuggling is just about the money.

On another case, in a rather troubling move, it appears that the leadership of the House Subcommittee on Energy and Environment had a documentary filmmaker arrested on Congressional property for daring to try to film a hearing that was taking place on the subject of "fracking" -- an issue for which this filmmaker, Josh Fox, is well known for covering in his documentary Gasland.


I don't watch much TV but tonight I happened to see an interesting episode of the TV series Numb3rs. A mathematician solves crimes by running numbers. Tonight's episode was somewhat interesting as it related to a conspiracy related to the odds five suspicious deaths could be a coincidence and not murders. The more numbers they ran the more evidence came forward.

It was a rerun from Season 3, Episode 18, Aired 3/9/07 called Democracy. The bad guy ran a Hedge fund on Wall Street. The scam the murders were trying to cover up was electronic voting fraud. That kinda sounds familiar. Only it was in Florida not Cali and it was IRL.

A Beautiful Day

Surf's up! Fresh snow and good visibility on the local mountains. Now that's what I'm talking about. Every time I've been in the mountains lately the fog has rolled in and there has been zero visibility. I’m not into Miley Cyrus. I’m not in it for the climb I’m in it for the view. Mind you I did find the dirty Surrey remix to be rather humorous.

Finally we could see something today and what a day it was.

A peak at Indian Arm:

The back of First Pump:

Second Pump and Third Pump from the side:

The trail to third pump had too much snow for me:

A bit of inversion starting:

I thought about the Lindsay Buziak walk today. The fourth anniversary of her murder. The family still wants to know who and why. Tragic. In Ireland we have a saying. Translated into English it means "Our day will come." It's usually shouted while throwing a petrol bomb at some unconquerable enemy.

I don't believe life ends at death. Lindsey will have her day. The day when no false witnesses will be admissible because we will be able to see the truth first hand. There is more I have to say about this case but for today I will salute her and her family in their quest for answers. Lindsay shines and will continue to do so. Others will not.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Lindsay Buziak Memorial Walk

This February second is the four year mark for the unsolved murder of Lindsay Buziak. In her honor and in efforts to keep the investigation alive, there will be a walk from Royal Oak Burial Park, Saanich, B.C. starting at 10 a.m. February 2, 2012 to the Saanich Municipal Hall via 1702 De Sousa Place. Your participation would be greatly appreciated by Lindsay, her family and friends. This is a copy of the poster.

George Wolsey back in the news

Another scam close to home. Slum Lord Greg Woolsey was in the news again today. Protesters and picketers claim he’s still saying his tenants who are on the methadone program must buy their methadone from him or be evicted. These are not new allegations. It is astonishing that it takes pickets to get something done about this crook. The protesters claim that George is using Pharmasave to get his methadone.

It also raises awareness about flaws in the methadone program. Like how medical doctors aren’t prescribing a reduction in dose, they are maintaining and increasing the dosage. The news claims that losing one methadone prescription could mean a loss of $6,000.00 for the pharmacy. That certainly opens the door wide open for white collar fraud.

Investment fraud was a form of fundraising for Iran Contra

While we’re on the subject of fraud, let us remember that the Agency was directly involved in the collapse of the BCCI. That bank failed because it was involved in illegal activity - namely arms dealing, drug smuggling and money laundering.

Let us remember that drug smuggling wasn’t the only source of revenue for the extended version of Iran Contra. Investment fraud was another avenue they used to raise money. Retired Navy Intelligence Officer Al Martin claims that Jeb Bush directed him to commit investment fraud to raise money for the cause.

The double dip was a scam they used to raise money. They would get a loan from a bank to invest in a fake or dry oil well. They would over inflate the value of the well and con investors to invest in it. The stock would crash and they would take the investors money as well as default on the bank loan with the promise of being bailed out with tax dollars.

Sometimes the investors were willing participants. They would invest their money knowing it was going to crash. They would be paid out half of their investment and write off the other half on their taxes. That way they broke even and walked away with an autographed picture of Bush and a warm fuzzy feeling they were helping rid the world of Godless Communism using fraud in the process.

The Bush family repeatedly used the scam of conning people out of their money through dry Texas oil wells. Harken Energy was no exception. Neil Bush was even caught in the mother of all conflict of interests by being on the board of Silverado Savings and Loans in Colorado that approved loans for one of his fake oil companies that defaulted on the loan and was bailed out with tax dollars.

The Bush family weren’t the only ones involved in that popular scam. According to Al Martin in his book the Conspirators, the CIA defaulted on many Texas bank loans during the S&L crisis which were bailed out with tax dollars. This is how the CIA did business. Is it any surprise Goldman Sacs helped rip off the EU by hiding the Greek investment fraud? We must open our eyes and protect ourselves from this kind of investment fraud. Our pensions and our liberty are at stake.

Who’s Killing the Rizzutos? Part Two

The Fifth Estate documentary was on again last night and this time I was able to watch it in it’s entirety. I will concede that there is a remote possibility that Sal the Iron Worker came to Canada and over did the demands for protection money and in so doing turned Rizzutos against Rizzutos. It is conceivable that Desjardins recruited the help of the Hells Angels to take out Sal to preserve the Rizzuto family for Vito’s return. However, I submit that there is also another possibility.

The most obvious question is who has the backing of the Bonannos in New York? Sal or Desjardins? One would think Sal had the backing of the Bonannos. Yet one has to wonder how the Bonannos can be on good terms with the Rizzutos after they gave up Vito Rizzuto to the police for his help with the triple murder back in 1981 that they hired him to do. Is Joe Massino on good terms with the Bonannos for rolling over? That’s hard to imagine. Was he the last Don? Are the New York crime families done?

Back in Ireland, when someone killed someone or blew someone up, someone would always claim responsibility. Whether it be the IRA, the UDA, the INLA, the UVF or some other splinter group, someone would claim responsibility. Let’s contrast that with how the Hells Angels do business. They never accept responsibility for a murder. They always deny it. In fact they have even been known to attend funerals of people they are the prime suspects in ordering the murder.

I don’t pretend to know anything about the Italian Mafia in Montreal. I have however, seen how the Hells Angels have done business in Canada. That pattern tends to repeat itself. In Western Canada the Hells Angels really haven’t been here that long. Before the Gypsy Wheelers patched over we really didn’t know first hand how they did business. Now we know. In a very short time they have completely taken over the drug trade and have used brutal violence to control that monopoly.

What we have seen in British Columbia is that they take over everything and they do not share. Look at how they took over the stripper agencies in BC. Look at how they used that same violence to take over the prostitution industry in BC. Look at how fast that industry has gone downhill in the province under their leadership.

Now, let’s peak at the Hells Angels in Quebec. It all started with the Lennoxville massacre. They murdered their own and created a huge division that resulted in long and bloody biker war. In Winnipeg they killed one of their own and created a drug war there too, but let’s stay focused. After the Lennoxville massacre was the Death Riders take over in Laval. They conspired with key up and coming members and killed the president. Hours after the president’s funeral Death Riders members were seen meeting with Mom Boucher and Biff Hamel. There was no loyalty or honour in that. Kinda like a driver shooting his boss in the back and leaving him in a car trunk.

Likewise we have seen this pattern of infiltrate and murder to take over virtually every gang in British Columbia except for the UN who they did business with and were friends with while they also did business with and were friends with their arch enemies, the Bacon brothers.

In steps Vito Rizzuto. 1981 he puts himself on the map doing a hit for the Bonanno family in New York. He then comes back to Montreal and takes over the drug trade. Yet someone else was also heavily involved in the Montreal drug trade at the time. The Hells Angels were fighting the Rock Machine for control of it. One source claims the Rizzutos gave the Hells Angels the heroin trade in the /80’s on the condition that they received a commission.

We know that the Hells Angels did business with the Rizzutos. Aside from documented cases, it was also mentioned in the book the Sixth Family. We know that Vito’s brother in law was kidnapped by a small clan in Granby that had the backing of the Hells Angels. We know that Del Balso's men shot a Hells Angels associate in 2006 for grabbing his throat and threatening him. We know the Hells Angels retaliated by murdering the Rizzuto under boss.

Call me crazy but I would think that when a Hells Angels associate grabs Del Balso by the neck and threatens him, that would imply a slight amount of tension between the two groups. When then Hells Angels retaliated for his murder by murdering the Rizzuto underboss named Domenico Macri, that to me would imply the Hells Angel associate who made the threat had the backing of the Hells Angels. It’s hard to conceive that he would make that threat without the backing of someone. It’s also hard to conceive that the ransom money for the kidnapping did not go to the Hells Angels.

Think about it. We currently have this war going on in Montreal where someone is killing the Rizzutos but nobody knows who it is that’s doing it. Isn’t that strategic genius? To wage a war without anyone knowing you are doing it? That avoids an all out retaliation. The plausible deniability confuses everyone. Rumors circulate but no one knows for sure who is doing it. Someone is.

Firebombing a funeral home was out of the norm. That’s not something the Italians or Sicilians would do. But it is something the Hells Angels would do. Shooting Rizzuto in his home in front of his family with a sniper in the trees was not something the Italians or the Sicilians would do. That sounded more like the military. Yeah I said it. Who else was involved with operation Fast and Furious selling arms to the Mexican cartel and bring back tons of cocaine into the United States? Who else was involved with the arms dealing, drug smuggling and the money laundering out of Mena, Arkansas?

Who else has returned Afghanistan into the largest producers of opium in the world after the Taliban had that production almost completely stopped? The same organization that cheerfully submitted Operation Northwoods to the Joint Chiefs of Staff for his approval. So who's in charge of the drug trafficking in New York now? The mafia or the military? You tell me. Let's ask Al Martin and Bo Gritz. We can’t ask Chip Tatum, he’s dead. Just like Gary Webb, Danny Casolaro, Barry Jennings and Dr. David Kelly.

Police dogs

There has been a fair bit of media lately about police dogs using excessive force. I used to know a guy many years ago who was involved with training police dogs in Delta. I didn’t really know him, I just remember hearing him speak and give a presentation on police dog training.

To my understanding, back then the dogs were trained to grab the arm and pin the suspect. There was no mauling the suspects face involved in that training. It sounds like things have changed.

In the two cases on the news, both suspects admit wrong doing. One kid admitted to breaking into a convenience store and stealing a monster drink. Hardly a serious offence. Sending a police dog to grab and pin him would be appropriate. Having the dog maul his face is not appropriate. It’s like tasering someone after they’re down or after they are hogtied. Reasonable force means taking the person down not beating the tar out of them once they’re on the ground.

Likewise the other case on the news showed a guy using a skateboard to smash a transit bus door. He was not only in the wrong but committing an aggressive act that warranted a certain amount of reasonable force to subdue him. He too was mauled in the face by the dog and had tendon damage near his knee which made him unable to walk properly long after the attack. Even though that suspect was in the wrong and being aggressive, using force to take him down was warranted but mauling his face and knee after he was on the ground was not.

Mauling someone’s face after they are on the ground is wrong. The dog’s trainer on site is legally liable. He could easily have given the command to stop but obviously felt punishing the suspect after he was subdued was his right when it clearly was not.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

My three beefs

Right now, Harper screwing up our pensions is my primary beef. That is unbelievable. Lying about the bank bailout in Canada, taking us from a surplus in the millions to a deficit in the billions because he gave the banks $65 billion when he said we didn’t have to was astonishing. Repaying that bailout by deregulating pensions is pure evil. Although he didn’t say a word about it during the election, he was involved with the pension theft at Canada Post prior to the last election.

After the employees voted no to losing their pensions, Canada Post locked out their employees knowing that Stephen Harper would legislate them back to work. Now he is continuing that dirty deed in his quest to steal pensions from all new Canadians not just unionized workers. This is not a heritage to be proud of. Stephen Harper and Gordon Campbell are scoundrels.

My next biggest beef is the BC Hydro fraudulent debt and the secret quest to crash the public company and turn it into another Enron disaster at the taxpayers’ expense just because privatizing Hydro will remove all public accountability. That is treason.

My third beef is obviously the gang war resulting from the public sale of crack and crystal meth. Stephen Harper is not an honest man. He was elected on a tough on crime platform, only to cut funding for the RCMP and the Gang Task Force.
He didn’t give anyone more money for more prisons. He came up with an insanely unbalanced crime bill and told the provinces they had to pay for it. That’s like Christy Clark giving away a new stat holiday she doesn’t have to pay for. Only it’s much worse.

His ridiculously unbalanced crime bill will prevent us from being able to afford to fix the problem we have all been complaining about – addressing violent crime. When someone gets more prison time for growing pot than for sexual assault, something is very wrong.

Destroying our prison system, which is exactly what Stephen Harper is doing by over burdening it with nonviolent offenders, will bankrupt it unnecessarily just like the California privatized prison system disaster.

What we need to do is stop letting crack dealers sell crack or crystal meth in public. What we need to do is get rid of Stephen Harper because he is a traitor and a tyrant just like Brian Mulroney.

Stopping the public sale of crack would be an easy task. On welfare night in East Vancouver the line ups for the crack dealers are a block long. It would be a very simple task to walk up to that line and arrest the crack dealer not the addicts. The fact that we are not doing that is suspect. It brings us to Operation Fast and Furious.

Operation Fast and Furious was nothing new. They were caught doing what the Bush and Clintons were doing out of Mena, Arkansas for years. If we want to get crack off the street, we have to open our eyes and take a look at the obvious corruption that is putting it there.

Monday, January 30, 2012

102 minutes that changed the world

There was a very disturbing documentary about 9/11 on TV last night called 102 minutes that changed the world. It showed a lot of unseen footage taken from private cameras and cell phones after the first plane hit the first tower and on through the second plane and the eventual collapse of the towers.

It was very disturbing because without question 9/11 was a horrible event. A few years ago I was at a jobsite and we were discussing 9/11 and the Bush Administration. The person I was discussing it with came right out and said do you believe 9/11 was an inside job? I looked him in the eye and said yes I do. There was silence. A woman I worked with looked at me like I had just said I was an alien from outer space. She was shocked. I shrugged and said I sincerely believe it was an inside job.

One of the things that bothered me about the documentary last tonight was that it didn’t even show the collapse of the first tower. They had all this new unseen footage and they cut out the collapse of the first tower completely. They just showed the tower and a plume of smoke with it gone shortly thereafter and all the shock that the tower had completely disappeared.

It did show the collapse of the second tower once briefly from a distance. The whole point is that buildings don’t collapse like that unless the load bearing beams are blown out in a controlled demolition. A better example is the third tower. The third tower fell in the exact same manner and no planes hit it at all. It didn’t fall over. It collapsed into it’s own blueprint at freefall speed. Architects will tell you that is a controlled demolition. Larry Silverstein admitted they pulled that tower.

Looking back at the twin towers, they too collapsed into their own blueprint at freefall speed. One can imagine that a plane hitting a tower can cause a huge amount of force. Yet the buildings were unmoved. When they fell, they fell at freefall speed. The top floors didn’t collapse first which in turn put pressure on lower floors which caused them to collapse. They all fell at freefall speed just like a controlled demolition.

Another thing that bothered me about that documentary is that it didn’t show the subsequent explosions we all saw after the planes hit. It did interview one witness covered in dust. He was asked What happened? He responded with: It collapsed. The top flours collapsed. I saw it blow and I ran like hell. I may be 69 but I can still run. He saw what blow? He said he saw something blow right before the tower collapsed. He wasn’t taking about the initial explosion when the plane hit it. He was talking about right before the tower fell. Other eye witnesses claim they also saw explosions going off in the Towers after the planes hit. Those witnesses are now dead.

Another disturbing thing is the fact that right after the documentary they advertised another new documentary about JFK exposing his mistresses. We all know it is highly likely that JFK had an affair with Marylyn Monroe. That wasn’t the conspiracy. The conspiracy was the fact that he was assassinated. That is a historical fact. He was murdered after he vetoed Operation Northwoods and reassigned the Joint Chiefs of staff who signed it and fired the Director of the CIA who submitted it.

Allen Dulles was the one that helped hide the Bush family’s dealings with Nazi Germany. Putting him on the Warren Commission to investigate Kennedy’s assassination was a complete conflict of interest. Kennedy was shot from the front not from behind. The secret service pulled back his body guard right before he was shot.

Allen Dulles was also involved with Operation 40 which just happens to be highlighted on Jesse Ventura's TV Series Conspiracy Theory. Barry Seal our cocaine smuggling friend for the Agency in Mena Arkansas was also a member of Operation 40.

If find the timing of a use 9/11 to rationalize going to war right before a slag JFK for vetoing Operation Northwoods to be very suspicious. Many readers will cover their ears when I say 9/11. Many more readers will cover their ears when I say JFK. Some readers will say stop mentioning Operation Northwoods. Only I can’t. Operation Northwoods was a real proposal. If Kennedy didn’t veto it, they would have implemented it. Regardless of who is responsible for 9/11 that is a serious concern.

I’m sure if we took video footage of children screaming with radiation burns in Hiroshima and Nagasaki that too would generate strong emotions. We need to open our eyes and look at the facts. Larry Silverstein bought the twin towers after the port authority lost the court case to pay for the asbestos removal. Yes the twin towers were half full of asbestos and yes the port authority wanted to demolish the towers but were forbidden from doing so because of the health concerns. That horrible dust cloud we all saw wasn’t just dust. It was full of asbestos.

Larry Silverstein went back to court with the port authority at his side and sued the insurance companies again. This time he wanted to get paid double the value of the policy because two planes constituted two terrorist attacks. They won that court case. He doubled his investment over that horrific tragedy.

That’s like insuring a car worth $20,000.00 and getting paid $40,000.00 because it was involved in a three car collision. It’s just not right.

I do believe 9/11 was an inside job and I'm not the only one.

9/11 Loose Change: An American Coup

Scholars for 9/11 Truth & Justice

Fahrenheit 9/11 Trailer

Vancouver 9/11 Truth