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Thursday, July 12, 2012
A Damning Indictment
Everyone’s talking about a report on an Enbridge pipeline oil spill in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Tar Sands Oil Spill in Kalamazoo River in Michigan the Most Expensive Onshore Oil Spill in History. The spill was back in 2010 but the report was just released and hit the news. Opponents to the Northern Pipeline are using it as fuel to their campaign to oppose it. Even Christy Clark has expressed concerns about it.
I will come right out sand say I am not opposed to the Northern Pipeline. I am opposed to a reckless and irresponsible abandonment of safety precautions to protect the environment. One would think that as time progresses and we become more technologically advanced and one would hope more civilized so to speak, we would be having less detrimental impact on the environment we live in.
In reality, as time proceeds, the colossal scale of the devastation to the environment keeps growing and growing. The accidents keep getting bigger and bigger and keep doing more and more damage to the environment. It’s not even like spitting in the wind. It’s like pissing in your drinking water. It really isn’t very intelligent.
Somehow I got on an NDP e-mail list. I don’t normally read them because usually every e-mail from every political party asks for money. Yesterday I received an e-mail from the NDP claiming to be from Adrian Dix. It talked about the new report on the Michagan oil spill and raised some very valid concerns:
On Tuesday, the US Transportation Safety Board released a report on a 2010 oil spill from an Enbridge pipeline in Kalamazoo, Michigan. For 17 hours, bitumen from the Alberta oil sands poured from the pipe, spilling at least 3.2 million litres of oil with devastating impact.
I wanted to share what the Board's chair said today:
"On that July evening, at about 6 p.m. when many people in Marshall were sitting down to dinner, Enbridge's Line 6B ruptured and began spewing crude oil through a more than six-and-a-half-foot-long fracture.
"For more than 17 hours and over three shifts, the people controlling the pipeline did not respond to the alarms, pressure differentials or even follow one of their own safety procedures established following another catastrophic release in 1991 in Grand Rapids.
"The people of Marshall would finish their dinners, get ready for the week ahead and go to bed. As they slept, and even when they got up on Monday morning, instead of stopping the flow, Enbridge staff twice pumped more oil - about 81 percent of the total release - into the ruptured pipeline.
"It wasn't until late Monday morning - 17 hours and 19 minutes after the rupture - that a worker from a local gas utility found the spill and notified the Enbridge control center. Then, and only then, did the Enbridge staff begin their response and start closing remote valves upstream and downstream of the rupture.
"Learning about Enbridge's poor handling of the rupture, you can't help but think of the Keystone Kops." It's a damning indictment. And it highlights the enormous risks BC would take on if Enbridge is allowed to build the proposed pipeline here in BC and oil tankers are allowed on our north and central coasts.
Adrian Dix
It then links to a petition to stop the Northern Gateway pipeline. Personally, I am very concerned with the reckless abandonment of safety in the oil company’s pipelines. Personally, I don’t care if Adrian Dix is red, blue, green, pink or purple. He raises some valid points and expresses some valid concerns.
I do think an oil pipeline can be good for the economy but I don’t think it will be worth it, if we recklessly abandon safety measures to protect the environment. Clearly greed equates to irresponsibility. The huge oil spills in Alberta are concerning. We don’t want that in British Columbia.
The recent oil spills in Alberta, we are now hearing, were the result of rusty pipes that the company knowingly failed to perform scheduled maintenance on to save money. Herein lies the inherit problem: greed. Making money isn’t good enough we want to make more and more money at all costs.
The more I hear TV commercials for the Northern Pipeline the more angry I get. Stop spending money trying to brain wash me and start spending some money fixing the huge problems you have created and start spending some money on preventative maintenance. I’m still hearing Harper’s ridiculous attack adds on TV. The more I hear them the more I turn into Smeagol from the Lord of the Rings. Me HATES them. I hate them for the same reason I hated the HST commercials – because they were based on a lie.
Harper goes on and on about how Thomas Mulcair opposes trade agreements that will help the economy. That is such a lie it makes me want to scream every time they say it. TILMA is the prime example. Making it illegal for any level of government, federal, provincial or municipal, to create a law that would inhibit a corporation’s ability to make a profit. That is the devils deal.
Those kind of trade agreements make it illegal for us to require oil companies to clean up their mess or to perform preventative maintenance. Those kind of trade agreements are totally irresponsible and are treasonous because they give up our sovereignty which is something the conservatives are *supposed* to protect.
Enbridge is based in Houston? Like that’s not suspicious. I don't support that. Isn’t there a Canadian company that can do the Canadian pipeline? How about we build an oil pipeline but we give the contract to someone else? Do you think if we gave the contract to Bridas, we would be invaded like Afghanistan was? I wonder…
Monday, July 9, 2012
Council divided over harm reduction
Now that Abbotsford has gangs and drugs, extremists want to continue to profit from that misery by trying to con them into embracing East Vancouver style “Harm Reduction” which is anything but.
Needle exchanges used to be exchanges. You hand in a dirty needle and get a clean needle in exchange. Victoria residents began to complain when that idea was twisted and they just started handing out free needles. The number of used needles that ended up on their property or on school grounds increases considerably.
Even in the article it talks about a guy who is addicted to heroin but doesn’t inject it, smokes it. He grabs 20 needles for his friends without handing in any dirty needles. Does he then sell them? Where do you think those needles end up?
Remember that tragic case of the girl who overdosed at the Vancouver Occupy site? She was given a clean needle to kill herself courtesy of Coast “Health” Harm Reduction. That is just plain wrong. Once again, I’m not the only person that has concerns about needle exchanges and expanding the criminally twisted harm reduction program to Abbotsford. Two other concerned citizens wrote in to the Vancouver Province:
Stop helping addicts use drugs
The thought of needle exchanges in our cities just makes my blood boil. Let the drug addicts take care of themselves. Why should we pay for their dirty habits? Next you’ll be giving prostitutes cellphones to “keep them safe’’ on our tab. Most people can barely get by and we are sick of paying for everyone else. Say “no” to needle exchanges. Move the drug addicts out to the wilderness.
Elizabeth Gillis, Abbotsford
Pick life!
First of all, Vancouver and Surrey were not forced to deal with addicts from other towns; they welcomed them by handing out needles, etc. How much longer is the government going to make it easy for addicts? It’s very simple: make using easy for addicts or stand firm and say, “No!” It is as easy as yes or no, life or death. You pick. I’m proud to be a recovering addict and picking life.
Kiekie Roski, Abbotsford
Harper's abuses of democracy threaten liberty
Very interesting editorial in today’s Vancouver Province entitled “Harper's abuses of democracy threaten liberty.” Michael Den Tandt gives an interesting analogy and comes up with a valid and stirring conclusion. Growing up Conservative, I was always told it wasn’t the government’s job to find jobs for people. I was told it was the government’s job to protect liberty and let a free market create jobs for people.
Interestingly enough, Michael Den Tandt talks about Trudeau’s long reign as Prime minister of Canada and points out that Trudeau was less concerned with the economy and more concerned with protecting liberty. Somewhat ironic when Harper’s Mulroneyism claims the exact opposite. They hate Trudeau. They say he was a Commie that put us in debt and destroyed our country.
Somewhat ironic when they are digging an obscene debt deeper than Trudeau ever imagined with their bank bail out and insider trading jets. Somewhat ironic when Harpers Neo Cons claim to fight for democracy and liberty when their actions are the exact opposite.
Although my family never voted Liberal, Trudeau was always a respected leader. He was a political leader as opposed to a dirty politician like Harper and his slimy band of evil doers. We were told that Trudeau’s tradition of French Common law where the government created jobs for the public was bad and wrong. Yet in retrospect I think finding jobs for the public was a lot better than robbing taxpayers by giving their taxes to pay for bank fraud.
During the Occupy movement I remember a sign that said “We have privatized gains and socialized losses. That is not Capitalism.” Harpers obsession with big corporations creating monopolies is not a free marker either. A free market means small business has just as much a chance as the next guy to create a company and profit from an idea.
Trudeau gave us the Charter of Rights. Harper is eroding it. Robocalls, warrantless surveillance. Trade agreements that give up democratic sovereignty. Over burdening our prisons and judicial system with nonviolent crime preventing us from dealing with violent crime. Cutting our military and coast guard to pay for insider trading. It’s all one big nightmare really. Is there hope in Trudeau Jr? I don’t know but I do know there is no hope in Harper’s nightmare.
Michael Den Tandt quotes Trudeau Sr. when he was a cutting journalist and said: "It is a serious matter when the government attacks our inalienable rights, whether by laws or by executive action," he wrote. "it is still more serious when citizens, through cowardice or stupidity, relinquish their rights even when not required by law to do so."
I totally agree. We need to be more concerned with liberty than with economics. We need to create a free market and let that free market take care of itself.
When a judge fails justice
When a judge fails to uphold justice, they’re like salt that has lost it’s flavor. Good for nothing. Geoffrey Gaul was appointed to the BC Supreme Court in 2008. His recent acquittal of Eldriegson Lopez Delalcazar clearly shows he has no concept of justice whatsoever and should not be sitting on the bench.
Yesterday, simpatico news highlighted a moving video about domestic violence that went viral. The bottom line is that these moving videos mean nothing when we show by our actions that we really don’t care about domestic violence. The just of the video was a woman using make up to hide her bruises from being in an abusive relationship. Hard to believe would actually happen in today’s world. Yet decisions like Geoffrey Gaul’s shows why.
How did you get those bruises? I fell down the stairs. Why would anyone hide that? Shame, guilt, fear. No one starts a relationship wanting to be assaulted. For those who are, fear is a real factor in their imprisonment. Fear that a police officer won’t believe them. Fear that a broken judicial system won’t protect them. Fear that if they say anything they will be hurt worse or even killed. Which sadly enough is often the case.
Suffice it to say most women in abusive relationships are afraid to press charges or testify in court. In the Delalcazar case we have grown men afraid to testify. Dixon testified that he was sitting in a booth at the back of the restaurant when he caught a glimpse of four men walking in. Suddenly, he was punched in the face, pulled from the booth and pushed to the ground. He testified that when he was on the ground, he covered his head and did not see the people who were kicking and punching him.
Yet the surveillance video showed that it was Eldriegson, his brother Jefferson, Kevin Baker and one other unidentified male who approached the booth. After the fight Jefferson was seen sitting on top of his ex girlfriend hitting her and had to be pulled off her. The fight was about Kevin’s girlfriend and Jefferson’s ex girlfriend were sitting at Denny’s restaurant with two guys they met that night at a club. The four guys jumped the two guys and Jefferson kicked the crap out of his ex.
Acquitting Eldriegson because the witnesses and even the men who were assaulted were afraid to name him was wrong. The judge agreed an assault occurred. The video showed four men approaching the table. To some extent witnesses being afraid to name names and point the final finger does to some extant tie the judges hands but clearly the evidence does speak for itself. Gaul failed to uphold natural justice. Sadly, he might well be one of our better judges which shows the seriousness and the depth of our judicial vacuum,. I am now convinced that judges should be elected in BC just like they are in the United States. Judges not being accountable just isn’t working.
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Ex-border guard guilty in coke-smuggling case
Two more local drug stories to catch up on. The first is that ex border guard case who was caught letting people smuggle 208 kilos of cocaine across the border. Baljinder Singh Kandola was found to have been a part of a conspiracy along with his co-accused, Shminder Singh Johal, of running drugs through the Pacific Highway crossing from May 2006 to October 2007.
Someone claimed it was part of the Bassi Virk case but I can’t find the connection. If someone out there can, please send a link. The second case will have to wait a day. I know the Hells Angels are so excited about the dirt on the Pickton cop I’ll give them one more day of their glory before I rain on their parade. Again.
Friday, July 6, 2012
Here comes the sun
Speaking of the Beatles, Here comes the sun. Finally. All the rain we were beginning to wonder if we’d ever see summer. Here it comes. I went to White cliff last night. It’s nice to get away from the world’s insanity. I like the smell of the ocean.
Clear sky, calm water, very peaceful. My father used to take me there when I was very young to take pictures of the sunset. We’d climb down on the rocks and I’d fish while he read First Nation legends of Vancouver as compiled by Pauline Johnston. White cliff is nice. I like to put the kayak in there now. It’s a poplar protected diving spot. Yet anywhere you go there are nice secluded places to visit.
When I went to Kelowna climbing up the face on Knox Hill was the perfect place to watch the sunset. Across the lake there are nice trails along bear creek and the perfect ridge you can climb to watch the sun rise over Kelowna.
Kelowna is a really nice place. I don’t think all those slimy little night clubs are making that much money. They might be busy on a Friday or Saturday night but that’s not enough to carry them throughout the week. In due time supply and demand will do them in. I didn’t realize how many young families are in Kelowna. It sure isn’t a retirement village any more. There is a great potential for growth and a good foundation of young families who really don’t want or need the Hells Angels' drugs. So we’re gonna soak up the sun while it’s here yet I’m already starting to long for winter. I’ll have to climb the glacier on Baker to get my ice and snow fix.
Pickton cop posted torture pictures online - Update
Again the force becomes a farce. The unprofessionalism has become absurd. The media is reporting that a Coquitlam RCMP Officer posted pictures of him with bound women on S&M porn sites. This officer was also involved in the Pickton investigation. Many of the pictures are too graphic to post but the Vancouver Sun wrote a description of them.
We have already heard how the female officer who represented the police in the Media during the Pickton arrest has filed a class action lawsuit against the RCMP claiming the investigators on the case were very inappropriate and how she was subjected to sexual harassment as a result. This class action law suit has snowballed into an absurd medley of continued inappropriate conduct.
An RCMP code-of-conduct inquiry is underway into a Mountie who played a bit part in the investigation into serial killer Robert Pickton and appeared on an Internet website posing in sexually explicit torture images reminiscent of the pig-farmer's crimes.
In some of the graphic pictures obtained by The Vancouver Sun, Coquitlam Cpl. Jim Brown appears to wear only his regulation-issue Mountie boots and an erection as he wields a huge knife and a bound naked woman cringes in terror.
The narrative of the still photographs, posted on an S&M website, progresses from an apparent street scene of the woman walking past Brown sitting on a wall; he overpowers her; he hog-ties her, he imprisons her in a cage, he threatens her with a large butcher knife and he slashes her.
His detachment commander, Supt. Claude Wilcott, said "The alleged issue was deemed to be off-duty, non-criminal, adult consensual activity during which the individual was not representing himself as a member of the RCMP and thus it did not appear to legal services to meet the threshold for a code-of-conduct violation."
Meanwhile back on the ranch, Missing Women Commissioner Wally Oppal is refusing to reopen the inquiry. Of course he is. He was in a slasher movie himself while he sat on the Missing women inquiry and he didn’t see anything wrong with that. This kind of insanity is very offensive.
On a matter of personal privilege, someone sent me a whole whack of screen clips of the dirty freak. Yes, Cpl Jim Brown is the one holding the knife. Also known as the Kilted Knight. He's no knight but he is jilted. His account has now been emptied but that was only after the case hit the media. It continued for a year after it was reported to the police.
Most of the pictures are pure porn. Nude or semi nude pictures of sexual acts. I don’t run that kind of a server. One could argue those were consenting adults. Yet what our friend the freak doesn’t realize is that the whole concept of posing in pictures with knives and forced sex are fantasies of real criminal acts. Jilted Jim Freak pays someone to stage photos of him with an actress pretending to enjoy forced sex, assaults and knife play. He posts these pictures trying to recruit willing partners in those kind of sick fantasies.
So yes they are pictures of consenting adults but what they are depicting is criminal acts of sexual violence. It’s like the balcony rapist who used a knife to commit sexual assault. The fantasy of getting aroused from forced sex is deranged. Fantasizing about a criminal act are deranged. A person defiantly displaying and bragging about those kind of fantasies to his coworkers is unlawful. It constitutes sexual harassment which is why the RCMP are now facing a class action law suit for failing to enforce the law and protect their employees from sexual harassment.
One will note that in the screen clip of his profile designed to meet willing partners, he claims there is a stalker out there saying slanderous things about him and if anyone potential partner wants to know the truth about him they should find out for themselves and talk to him not a former partner that is warning people about his deranged character. That is yet another red flag. The guy’s a freak defiantly posting his criminal fantasies trying to meet willing partners who are into S&M while a former partner is out there warning people about his true character. It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to do the math.
Bev Oda resigns over frivolous spending
Conservative MP Bev Oda resigned amid ongoing concerns about her frivolous spending of tax dollars. Too bad Peter McKay’s expense account is untouchable. He’s just as bad. Oh bla di oh bla da, life goes on. It’s just the continuous saga of ruthless cuts mingled with frivolous spending all in the name of greed.
Meanwhile, Spain kicks off it’s annual bull running event as their Chief Judge resigns under similar spending controversies. I guess the bull running event has new meaning now. Not just in Spain but everywhere across the globe we have to run for our lives from the banking fraud bullshit.
I saw that ridiculous Harper attack add last night repeating the same old ridiculous nonsense. This one even had the audacity to claim Mulcair opposes trade agreements that will help the economy. How stupid does this guy think we are? Sending our jobs overseas isn’t going to help the economy.
There is nothing wrong with free trade. There is no reason to put crazy things in a free trade agreement that have nothing to do with free trade and everything to do with giving up our sovereignty and our democratic system. TILMA is insane. Making it illegal for any level of government to create a law that will inhibit a corporation’s ability to make a profit.
Making it illegal for the government to protect the environment? Making it illegal for the government to tell the oil sand blasters that they have to clean up after an oil spill or create safety regulations forcing them to build cut off valves in the pipeline? That is irresponsible. The trade agreements that Harper supports do not help our economy. They weaken it and remove our sovereignty. Money talks and the bullshit never stops.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Mitt Romney’s wealth hidden in off shore accounts
The Vancouver Province is reporting on Mitt Romney’s off shore and Swiss bank account tax havens. That guy’s obsession with the Bush family was the big red flag. The Associated Press is also reporting for nearly 15 years, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's financial portfolio has included an offshore company that remained invisible to voters as his political star rose.
Based in Bermuda, Sankaty High Yield Asset Investors Ltd. was not listed on any of Romney's state or federal financial reports. The company is among several Romney holdings that have not been fully disclosed, including one that recently posted a $1.9 million earning — suggesting he could be wealthier than the nearly $250 million estimated by his campaign.
Sankaty was transferred to a trust owned by Romney's wife, Ann, one day before he was sworn in as Massachusetts governor in 2003, according to Bermuda records obtained by The Associated Press. The Romneys' ownership of the offshore firm did not appear on any state or federal financial reports during Romney's two presidential campaigns. Only the Romneys' 2010 tax records, released under political pressure earlier this year during the Republican primary campaign, confirmed their continuing control of the company.
In contrast, one blog reader sent me a link some articles about the Robin Hood tax. We forgot about that. It made the press when occupy movement started but we haven’t heard much about it since. No wonder. That’s about as popular as nationalizing the oil reserves. The greed wouldn’t allow it.
Although I think the Robin Hood tax is a good idea, I think the first thing we need to do is address the epidemic of bank fraud that is collapsing world economies. Speaking of which, we already heard the Greek financial crisis was the result of investment fraud. What was public money became private money then disappeared. Well, it turns out that Spain’s banking troubles are also the result of fraud. Imagine that.
We need to stop the fraud. Deregulation has opened the flood gates for criminals to steal from banks then demand tax bailouts. This is not only affecting our pensions and our standard of living, it is affecting our liberty.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Emanuela Orlandi's disappearance
This is a cold case, in more ways than one, that has returned to the spotlight when a mobsters body was exhumed in Rome two months ago. In 1983, 15 year old Emanuela Orlandi was kidnapped after leaving her family's Vatican City apartment to go to a music lesson in Rome. Her father was a lay employee of the Holy See.
Enrico De Pedis a member of Rome's Magliana mob, was killed in 1990. His one-time girlfriend has reportedly told prosecutors that De Pedis kidnapped Orlandi, and an anonymous caller in 2005 told a call-in television show that the answer to Orlandi's disappearance lay in his tomb. Public protests erupted May 27 2012 and the body of De Pedis was exhumed. No word yet on any discoveries. I’m not a big fan of exhuming bodies. I don’t even like autopsies. I think the dead should be left to rest in peace. Yet there are many elements of this case that are worth examining.
In 2008, Italian news reports quoted De Pedis' ex-girlfriend as telling prosecutors that Orlandi had been kidnapped by the Magliana gang on the orders of Archbishop Paul Marcinkus, the late US prelate who had headed the Vatican bank and was linked to a huge Italian banking scandal in the 1980s. Marcinkus had always asserted his innocence in the scandal and the Vatican at the time of the allegation said the woman's claims had "extremely doubtful value".
First of all, we know that Paul Marcinkus was a bad man. He was in charge of the Vatican Bank when Pope John Paul I was murdered and when $1.2 billion were embezzled from Banco Ambrosiano through the Vatican Bank. There’s even talk about this case having something to do with the assassination attempt of Pope John Paul the Second.
Speculation has long swirled around the location of De Pedis' tomb, since it is buried in a prominent church alongside important Catholics - an unusual final resting place for a reputed local mobster.
One of the things I find strange is the tip that an answer to the girl’s disappearance will be found in De Pedis tomb. If a mobster ordered the murder of someone’s daughter, why on earth would they burry the girl's body in the same tomb? When the tomb was recently opened, investigators found some 200 containers with bones near De Pedis' tomb in the ossuary, and that they would be tested in the coming days and weeks. Still no word on what that was about.
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