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Let the Ghetto Gospel go forward into every hood possible." Ja Rule
Getting the Gangsters out of Government. Podcast - Vlog
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Democracy won’t sway pipeline fate
Today’s absurdity comes right out of the horse’s mouth. Well one end at least. Stephen Harper claims Politics won’t sway pipeline fate. What he really means is democracy won’t. Politics is the problem. The Reform party talked about giving MP’s free votes and encouraging MPs to poll their electorate and vote on issues how their constituents want them to vote. What a fairytale that would be. Stephen Harper has gone as far away from this principle as physically possible.
Stephan Harper adapts the adage, Big Brother knows best. We decide then we spend your tax dollars on advertizing brainwashing you into believing we were right. Case in point, HST commercials. Attack adds when there isn’t even an election on. Attack adds against the Liberals after they were wiped off the face of the earth in the last election. Robocalls tricking people not to vote has nothing to do with democracy and polling the electorate. It is fraud.
As soon as BC gets vocal enough on the Northern Pipeline scandal that even Christy Clark starts to express concerns, Stephen Harper changes the rules and says BC has no say. He and his cabinet does. Then he has the arrogant audacity to claim politics won’t sway the pipeline. Science will decide. That is a bold faced lie. Money will decide not science. And it’s not money for the country it’s money in the pockets of corporate executives who contribute to his political campaign.
"Here's a government that has gutted the environmental assessment process and the [National Energy Board] process, so that politics trump science, trying to tell British Columbians that well, in fact, science will play a bigger role than politics. It's clearly not the case," Peter Julian.
"We think it's obviously in the vital interests of Canada, and in the vital interests of British Columbia," Harper said following an announcement in Vancouver. “We think.” First of all we don’t care what you think. You are elected to do as you’re told not to rob us of our say. It’s not in the vital interest of BC when we say we want a fair share of the revenue for taking the environmental risk and they say that is ridiculous. Clearly it’s not in our economic interest when you say our desire to have a fair share of the revenue is ridiculous.
Clearly it’s not in Michigan or Wisconsin’s best interest when we see the ongoing environmental impact from an ongoing problem of Enbridge pipeline leaks resulting from long term bad maintenance and bad safety standards. When we deregulate the banks, criminals commit investment fraud and rob it. When we deregulate the oil industry, criminals take short cuts on safety and maintenance to save money and make more profit at the expense of the environment and the public. Not just the general public but other business ventures as well.
Giving the profits from our oil to a Huston Based company doesn’t economically benefit Canada. Letting our oil industry be bought out by Communist China is even more as absurd. If the oil industry was nationalized in Canada like it is in Mexico, then Canada would receive some benefit from a pipeline. Yet it’s not. We give those criminals a monopoly to regularly raise the price of gas at the pump as much as they want. There is no free market here. It’s a monopoly. Our tax dollars are feeding that monopoly so the elites can get obscenely rich at the expense of the taxpayer. Stephen Harper likes to do a lot of name calling but mirror mirror on the wall, who’s biggest flaiming Communist of them all? Stephen Harper is. Don’t you forget it.
The Vancouver Province ran this editorial cartoon on August 9 2012.
This week the Surrey Leader ran a Raeside cartoon about a leaky oil pipline with Christy Clark saying the royalty cheque is in. Clearly I'm not the only one concerned about Harper's abandonment of democracy in the BC decision.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Harper’s Clone Army: The Drone Wars have began
Never mind George Lucas. This is a page right out of George Orwell. Remember how Stephen Harper recently made all those drastic cuts to the military to offset, not pay for, the cost of his fleet of insider trading jets? He cut their pensions, their benefits, their support counseling. He even cut the Coast guard in Vancouver. He even raised the age of everyone’s retirement. Now Harper wants to spend $1 billion to buy a drone army. I kid you not.
Anyone familiar with the Star Wars saga understands not only the dangers of false flag attacks but also the dangers of creating a clone or in this case a drone army. Soldiers have brains and consciences. Drones don’t. Don’t you think it might be a bit of a concern that after creating a drone army, that your enemy will find some kind of radar jamming equipment to steal your drones from you and use them against you?
Wouldn’t it be easy for a corrupt government or a corrupt government “agency” to use drone attacks on their own people? The Guardian ran a very interesting article about Obama’s drone wars and the normalization of extrajudicial murder. They hit the nail on the head. That is exactly what this is: extrajudicial murder.
It’s bad enough we are torturing prisoners without legal representation or a fair trial in CIA black prison sites all over the world. Now we are cutting the red tape and murdering people without a fair trial. That is destroying the Constitution.
Recently we read the headline U.S. drone aircraft strike kills 12 suspected militants. Killed 12 suspected militants. Killed. Suspected. Murder without trial. Who suspected they were “militants” the CIA? The same ones who said they knew Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction when they in fact did not. So now, instead of invading a country and inspecting their WMD by force, now we can just kill them without a trial. That is inherently wrong. Gaddafi was executed without a trial. So was bin Laden.
In addition to the concern about extrajudicial murder, we also have the real, problem of operator error and the murder of innocent civilians. This is happening more and more. So what do we do? We increase the use of drone attacks. Under who’s direction? The CIA. After Hilary Clinton apologized for the civilians killed in US drone attacks in Pakistan, the CIA has stepped up drone attacks in North Waziristan in recent weeks.
The CIA are the ones in charge of this drone army we are building for them. The CIA is a criminal organization whose primary source of funding is arms dealing, drug trafficking, money laundering and investment fraud. They have absolutely no public accountability. We want to build them a drone army? Are we on crack? Can we not see how insane this really is?
Then there’s the crash test dummy problem. Another headline claims Drone-crash increases spur safety rules call. Internal federal documents show crashes by unmanned aerial vehicles are increasing the number of accident investigations undertaken by the military's flight-safety branch. They don’t even report drone crashes to the public.
Meanwhile back on the ranch, a plan to transform a remote south-eastern Alberta community into a world centre for testing commercial drone aircraft is getting off the ground. The plan is to use the restricted civilian airspace zone as a selling point this November at the Unmanned Systems Canada convention in Ottawa, where corporations from around the world will be gathering to talk drones.
Corporations from around the world will gather to talk about drones. Gee, how many drones does this corporation want to buy to protect it’s corporate interest? This is what the drone wars are really about: Harpers Corporate Communism. It’s time Canada found a conservative party. Harper is very much on the wrong road. Creating a drone army in not the way to go.
This is refuse the cruise times a thousand. A private corporation is mandated to make a profit. Making and selling drones for profit removes any public accountability or any moral variables. Since Blackwater has been relocated and renamed to Xe and is still a mercenary army utilized by the agency, how many drone armies to we want to build for them to sell to the highest bidder?
Harper says he wants them to protect the arctic. No he doesn’t He wanted them after the invasion of Libya. He’s just using that as an excuse because Col. Paul Maillet, an aerospace engineer, said Harpers pal’s F-35 does not meet the needs of the government's First Defense Strategy, a key pillar of which is Arctic sovereignty.
"How do you get a single engine, low-range, low-payload, low-maneuverability aircraft that is being optimized for close air support to operate effectively in the North?" he asked. Maillet called the F-35 a "serious strategic mismatch" to Canada's military needs, and suggested the Royal Canadian Air Force would be better off purchasing a fleet of F-18 E/F fighters.
Committing to purchase a plane that is still in development is financially perilous, Maillet said, adding that the planes are likely to cost much more than $25 billion. Maillet said a competitive bidding process was never held - the decision coming from an "old boys' club of air force generals and politicians."
Monday, August 6, 2012
Standard Chartered and HSBC's Fall Guy
Here’s an interesting progression. A blog reader just sent me a link to an article about Standard Chartered being accused of money laundering in Iran. Seemingly they made millions off transactions in the billions. But wait, when we hear the term money laundering, we instantly think of laundering drug money. Yet that doesn’t seem to be what this is about. It appears this is about doing business with Iran which was legal prior to November 2008 when the Treasury Department banned them because the US put sanctions on Iran.
So the issue appears to be doing business with a country the US has placed on sanctions. Kind of a double standard like how we can bend over backwards doing business with Communist China but put sanctions on Cuba. It’s all very blurred. Rick Perry railed against companies doing business with Iran. At the same time his largest campaign contributor was doing exactly that.
Over the last couple of weeks, global banks have fallen under the scrutiny of regulators, particularly given their overseas operations. In mid-July, HSBC was accused by a Congressional subcommittee of having lax anti-money laundering policies, which ultimately exposed the U.S. financial system to “a wide array of money laundering, drug trafficking, and terrorist financing.”
Now we’re getting to the interesting part. HSBC’s involvement with laundering drug money. A US Senate committee report claims that Mexican drug cartels laundered millions through HSBC. Well. At least they said sorry.
Don’t worry, we haven’t forgotten about the Vatican bank. The interesting thing is that the Vatican Bank isn’t the only one tied to intelligence agencies. So is the HSBC. It’s a good read so it is. It reminds us of the BCCI.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
BC Smart Meters are a Fire Hazard
BC Smart Meters are causing fires and BC Hydro is denying liability claiming the fires are starting at the base of the meter which is the owners responsibility. But the same bases weren’t causing fires with the previous meters. It’s not just one case in Mission. There was another fire in Alberni as well as in Nanaimo. In Pickering Ontario the smart meter exploded. The list goes on. It’s not just in Canada either.
Smart Meters are arcing and causing serious fire hazards. This is what happens when you remove democracy from Canada. This is what happens when you privatize a public company and prevent it from being publically accountable. Where’s Bill Vanderzalm when you need him?
Vancouver city council has joined a growing chorus of local municipalities asking BC Hydro to allow electricity users to opt out of having smart meters installed in their homes. But they’re not. We object and they proceed unilaterally. This is not right. We need a class action lawsuit.
This is our home
This is our home. Stephen Harper says we don’t have a say in protecting it. He is wrong. Harper’s still running those offensively dishonest commercials. His pal Gordon Campbell was all about the Carbon tax. The NDP in BC are opposed to it. So are the real Conservatives in BC. Paying for dishonest brainwashing while you remove our say on a pipeline through our own province. Shame on you. We need a conservative party in Canada. We don’t need Harper’s Corporate Communism. Save the Whales and the Penny. Lose the clown instead.
Harper removes BC’s say on Enbridge
This is exactly what we mean when we say Stephen Harper is not a conservative. This is exactly what we mean when we say Stephen Harper is an enemy of democracy. Just as the news breaks of a long list of Enbridge pipeline leaks in Michigan and Wisconsin that causes public outrage and forces Christy Clark to question the Enbridge pipeline through northern BC, Stephen Harper removes BC’s say on the matter.
The Harper government moved Friday to streamline the review and decision-making process for the proposed Northern Gateway oil pipeline. That government also formalized new rules that for the first time give the Harper cabinet the final word on whether the pipeline should go ahead, even if the arms-length NEB-led panel concludes the project is environmentally unsound.
So now he proposes on building an environmentally risky pipeline through BC and he completely removes any say BC has on the matter. That is evil but that’s not all. There’s another pipeline in the works called the Trans Mountain pipeline. That one will go right through Surrey and we have no say on the matter. This is not democracy. Right through Chuck Cadman’s riding. The guy they tried to bribe with an insurance fraud scam.
Bacchus bringing drugs to P.E.I.
We heard about how the president of Bacchus in Saint John recently shot up the whole neighborhood and murdered a guy he had beef with because he couldn’t take him in a fight. Well, now the media is reporting that Bacchus are expanding into P.E.I. as well as Dartmouth.
Some say the new report is a joke because these clowns were already there, they’ve just changed their name again. Others are concerned about the increase in drug trafficking that is destroying the MC movement out east.
The Hells Angel friendly Charlottetown Harley Club has been in PEI for 35 years. It’s a newer small group called Cerberus that started in PEI in 2009 that are patching over to become Bacchus. Just add water, bring to a boil and ready in five minutes. Instant puppets.
We’ve already talked about Jason Yeo and Brandy King who were involved in a large drug bust in PEI. They obviously wasn’t wearing a Hells angels patch but it’s hard to conceive that they were trafficking that much drugs without the Hells Angels permission.
In 2005 a Charlottetown drug ring connected to Halifax was busted. The drugs involved were cocaine, ecstasy, cannabis and prescription drugs. One of the people arrested was Derreck Dean Huggan, a man police say is a member of the Bacchus Motorcycle gang located in New Brunswick. Huggan ran the Route 81 shop in Charlottetown. Route 81 was obviously a Hells Angels support shop.
Back in 2000 Derek Dean Huggan was caught with $85 thousand worth of crack cocaine, marijuana, and hashish as well as a loaded handgun. In 2007 Derreck Dean Huggan was described as a drug kingpin and was sentenced to 6 1/2 years for conspiracy to traffic in cocaine.
In 2006 James Robert Long, one of Huggan’s pals tied to the Route 81 shop for the Hells angles was sentenced to five years after pleading guilty to trafficking cocaine and hydromorphone, a prescription pain killer. Hydromorphone must be similar to oxycontin.
Ryan MacKinnon was caught selling crack for Huggans in PEI who upon appeal got 18 months served conditionally in the community. That isn’t even house arrest. Bizarre. He was ordered to perform 100 hours of community service but was allowed to pay $7 an hour for service he couldn’t be bothered to do.
This article claims while based in New Brunswick, the Bacchus brown nosers expanded to P.E.I. about the same time the Route 81 store opened.
There was ultimately a suspicious fire in the Route 81 support store after it became Tombstone Tattoos. The weekend before the fire police arrested Donald Gregg Gautreau there for threatening to kill a Charlottetown woman, as well as kicking in the back door to her home. He was released before the fire after promising not to contact the alleged victim or her daughter. Nice guys. I know I don’t support any of that.
Not only was Route 81 tied to the Bacchus and Hells Angels drug ring brining drugs from Halifax to Charlottetown, PEI, but two of the drug dealing associates murdered Stephen Peebles. Powers and Smith promised to sell Peebles some cheap heroin and hacked him up with a meat cleaver.
Saturday, August 4, 2012
High speed police chase in Kelowna and Vernon
OK time to start catching up on gang news. A high speed police chase in Kelowna is in the news. A car refused to pull over for the police in West Kelowna and led them through a high speed car chase to Vernon switching vehicles and firing at police along the way. Someone with a police scanner posted a play by play on Castanet. Reports came in that a woman travelling with the group was injured and had to be taken to the hospital which prompted an investigation from the New Westminster police force.
First of all, before the New Westminster police force investigates anything, they need a new use of force trainer. The last guy that got drunk, robbed and beat a newspaper man in Vancouver while shouting racial slurs is a disgrace to Canada. The fact that he’s still a trainer means the police don’t give a rats ass about the public’s opinion or the country’s democratic will.
I did see a youtube video of a high speed police chase in the states where a car led the police through a very dangerous high speed chase ramming police cars and causing mayhem. As soon as the car came to a crashing halt, the police dove on the suspect and gave him the boots. However, that doesn’t seem to be the case here. The police fired upon the vehicle and it was confirmed that the woman was shot.
Ok people. The car led the police on a high speed car chase and was firing at the police. The police are allowed to return fire. That clearly falls within the definition of reasonable force. Even if the woman was kidnapped and was an innocent victim, (highly unlikely given the fact that the suspects changed cars three times) the police are still allowed to return fire.
The bizarre thing is Michael Edward Ellis did the exact same thing in 2009 and a judge dropped the charges in 2011. That is what needs to be addressed. In 2009 Ellis led police on a high speed car chance and intentionally rammed a police vehicle with a stolen pick up truck. Nearly half a pound of crystal meth was found in the truck and the judge dropped that case. There’s another judge that should be hanged.
Ellis spent 31 months in jail waiting trial and the judge dropped it saying his right to a speedy trial was violated. I’m not going to argue that was not a long wait. I’m going to argue that wait didn’t outweigh the seriousness of the charges against him. Compare that to the delay in Joey Verma’s trial. After a three year delay the judge postponed the actual trial for another year. That is criminal. It was the court that made the delay not the prosecution. The court is liable not the crown.
If Joey Verma’s trial gets dropped because the judge created those excessive delays then the judge should be charged with accessory to murder. Let’s watch what happens to the new charges against Ellis. Half a pound of Kelowna crystal meth. I wonder who that was for.
Palestinian murder prompts public protests
Last Thursday there was a small article in the Vancouver Province about a Palestinian who slit his wife’s throat in public after she filed for a divorce for abuse. A West Bank counselor claimed the wife was regularly beaten by her husband and sometimes hospitalized. This public murder has prompted angry accusations that the Palestinian police and courts ignore violence against women.
Often, like in Afghanistan, we help liberate a group of people from their oppressors, only to find out that the group of people we help liberate, become just as bad if not worse than the people we helped liberate them from.
However, Palestinians are fighting back and held a public protest in response to the murder. 13 cases of woman killed by their husbands or fathers in Palestine in 2011 and 11 cases already in 2012 have prompted a public outcry for reform. This tragedy took place in Bethlehem of all places which is just south of Jerusalem.
This whole concept of “honour killing” is very disturbing. Some of those cases involved accusations of adultery. Anybody can make an accusation like that after they have murdered someone to justify the murder. How often do you hear of men getting stoned for adultery? Not very often. They don’t commit adultery all by themselves. The whole issue of ongoing violence against anyone especially women is concerning.
It appears Mitt Romney has been putting his foot in his mouth lately in Israel as well as England. In contrast, Hamass in Gaza stuck both feet in their mouth recently. They criticized a Palestinian official for visiting a memorial at the Nazi death camp of Auschwitz and paying respects to its 1.5 million victims there, most of them Jews. Hamas official Fawzi Barhoum, expressing the Islamic militant group’s position, claimed that the Holocaust “is a big lie.”
That is not only ridiculous, it is incredibly offensive. I don’t think people should go to jail for denying the holocaust but I do think they should have a mental health exam. They are either delusional or liars. The holocaust did happen. Calling it a lie is absurd. It doesn’t help the credibility of your campaign at all.
I’m not saying Israel is always right because historically that is simply not true. I’m saying making ridiculously offensive statements like that loses international support for whatever injustices Israel may in fact be perpetuating in Israel. I don’t support forced eviction of Palestinians from their homes, but I don’t support that kind of offensive racism either. God bless Ziad al-Bandak.
Save the Whales and the Penny
Let’s save the whales and the penny and let’s get rid of Stephen Harper instead. It’s no secret that Stephen Harper is a big fan of the HST and of Gordon Campbell. Everyone hates Gordon Campbell for good reason. After leaving office with the lowest approval rating of any premier in Canada, Stephen Harper gives him that sweetheart job as commissioner during the London Olympics. He even spent tax dollars giving that drunken pig a chauffeur to drive him around London so he doesn’t get another impaired charge like he did in Hawaii.
It’s no secret that Stephen Harper hates the environment and has launched the biggest full scale attack on the environment in recorded history. Now he’s even killing the penny. I realize killing the penny isn’t really that big of a deal but is it really a priority? Going to the loonie and the twoonie has saved money. The Americans don’t want to because they like their paper bills. Fair enough. We like our loonie and if it saves production costs then all the better.
Yet with all these extra stupid taxes, getting rid of the penny is problematic. Businesses are asked to round up or round down. Well you don’t have to round up or down on debit or credit transactions. So we just round up and down on cash transactions.
Cash is being used less and less these days. Most people pay with debit. I really question how much killing the penny will really save. It’s like Harper wants to kill everything. Club the seals, kill the whales, destroy the environment. He’s out of control. His latest trick was to group a huge number of bills all into one and ram a huge amount of legislation through without debate and without the public really knowing what’s going on. Even Vicki leaks Toews didn’t realize what was in his crime surveillance bill because he hadn’t read it. Harpers assault on the environment is concerning. He is not a moral man. He is not trustworthy.
I’m not a big fan of the NDP but I am getting really tired of hearing how evil the NDP is and how good the Harper government is. All we have seen is the exact opposite. Firing whistleblowers, warrantless surveillance, robocall nonsense, insider trading, fraudulent advisors, the list goes on.
The image that comes to mind is that of Carol James and Gordon Campbell. I can see Carol James with a sign saying Everyone Matters and Gordon Campbell with a sign that says it’s all about me. Gordon Campbell made reckless cuts to seniors, and the mentally challenged and gave himself huge pay raises and the very gold plated pension he originally campaigned against. The guy should be in jail not being driven around London going from one expensive party to another. What Harper did was wrong. It was not good. It was evil.
Harper slandering the women in the class action RCMP sexual harassment law suit was not good. It was evil. Those offensive statements the Harper government made should comprise a human rights complaint against the Harper government at the human rights tribunal.
Vicki leaks Toews and the Harper government interfered in the RCMP and tried to get them to scale back an apology during the Pickton Inquiry. That kind of political meddling is not good, it is evil. I say save the whales and the penny and get rid of Harper and his heartless dishonesty.
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