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Let the Ghetto Gospel go forward into every hood possible." Ja Rule
Getting the Gangsters out of Government. Podcast - Vlog
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Highway Robbery
This morning I filled up with gas in North Van at 143.9 cents per litre. That’s a nine cent a litre hike over night on top of the extra ten cents a litre Surrey and Vancouver pays for Translink more than Aldergrove and Abbotsford pay. By the time I come back to Surrey it’s at 137.9, a three cent hike instead of a nine cent hike. Evidently they were just acclimatizing us again to appreciate the 3 cent over night hike instead of 9 cent.
The bottom line is that this is highway robbery. This election the candidates have been discussing the gas tax. The BC Conservatives and the NDP opposed it. Harper’s pal Gordon Campbell and now Christy Clark support it. Excessive gas taxes are one thing but we are still failing to address the root of the problem and that is the oil company’s monopoly on the market.
They can charge what they want when they want and rob consumers at will. That is not a free market driven by supply and demand. It is Corporate Communism in action. Even more so now since we are now funding Communist China’s military expansion every time we fill up at the pump since after helping the oil companies get a monopoly, Harper sold that monopoly to China.
John Davidson Rockefeller founded Standard oil back in 1870. At that time the petroleum refining industry was still highly decentralized, with more than 250 competitors in the U.S. By 1878 the Rockefellers had attained control of nearly 90 percent of the oil refined in the U.S., and shortly thereafter he had gained control of most of the oil marketing facilities in the U.S.
As public outrage increased and the media continued to write about monopoly corruption, in 1911 the United States Supreme Court ruled that Standard Oil was an illegal monopoly. They ordered Standard oil to dismantle 33 of its most important affiliates and to distribute the stock to its own shareholders and not to a new trust. The result was the creation of a number of completely independent companies.
Today the oil monopoly has returned to destroy the free market and there is no public outrage and there are no media articles about it. That’s because the big Corporations that strive for corporate monopolies own the media and control it through advertizing dollars. Standard Oil has served as the textbook example of why we need antitrust law -in the business world in general and in the energy business in particular. Did I mention the Rockefellers funded the Communist revolution?
Canada's oil monopoly by Robert J. Bertrand
The Tapeworm Economy
I would like to say a word about the Tapeworm Economy Catherine Austin fits talked about and how it effects us locally. We know how it affects us globally. We have seen that in Greece and we have seen how the corruption in Wall Street and the big banks that helped hide Greek’s debt have committed investment fraud to line their own pockets at taxpayers expense. Like always, a white collar thief is much more effective then a two bit thief on the street.
Yet I do want to talk about how the two bit thief on the street is as we speak nickel and diming local businesses to the point of sucking their profit margin just like a tapeworm or a parasite. I first heard Catherine Austin fits use the term Tapeworm Economy in her four part interview on the Looting of America. This is a two minute condensed explanation of the concept.
In the Looting of America video, she talks about the Gary Webb story and how credible that really is. In fact she refers to it as fact, then focuses on the actual money laundering that resulted from it. She cited the lawsuit in Europe brought against RJR Nabisco for money laundering. RJR Nabisco was owned by KKR, a huge investment firm on Wall Street. Fitts also pointed out how New York Stock Exchange Chairman Richard Grasso went to Columbia reaching out in support of FARC in her series on Narco-dollars.
Locally a security firm that is hired to oversee various grocery stores chains in the lower mainland has reported that last month they made more arrests than they ever have in their history. That means theft is rapidly increasing. The majority of these thefts are things easily resold like meat, cold medicine and dvds. The majority of these thefts are drug addicts stealing to support their drug habit. That is how this money laundering from drug trafficking is sucking the real economy dry just like a parasite.
Any business, large or small, has a hard time dealing with such an intrusive attack on their bottom line. Profit margins disappear when so many addicts are stealing from them at a rate that is difficult to control. When we hand out free crack pipes and let crack dealers sell crack in public, we are fostering this attack on business through chronic theft to support their addictions. Giving addicts free drugs is not the answer. That will bankrupt our sacred medical system faster than anything. Arresting crack dealers, not the addicts is the answer. It really is that simple.
All the drug kingpin clowns like David Giles and the other idiots driving around in hummers get their money from addicts stealing. Their life of luxury is a parasite living off others who work and strive to maintain their own businesses. This also applies to the politicians who accept campaign contributions from companies that launder drug money. Such as the dirty developers who launder drug money through real estate as well as the Casinos who profit from the money laundering that goes on in their facilities. These politicians are not role models. They are parasites just like the drug dealers driving around in hummers.
Israeli warplanes strike Syria
Today, Israeli warplanes in Syria targeted a shipment of highly accurate, Iranian-made guided missiles believed to be bound for Lebanon’s Hezbollah militant group. Syrian state media reported that Israeli missiles struck a military and scientific research center near Damascus and caused casualties.
So here we go. On the road to Damascus, Israel seizes the opportunity to strike during Syria’s civil war to protect itself. As long as they are hitting military targets, without civilian casualties, all is well. It’s an example of the effectiveness of Israeli intelligence. Yet we’re forced to ponder over why Israeli intelligence would sell arms to their enemies during Iran contra, yet work so hard to eliminate threats against them on the other. Israeli arms dealers selling arms to their enemies just to make a profit, sanctioned by the Israeli government. It’s all very conflicted so it is. As is the drug trafficking and investment fraud.
I have an Israeli spy story involving Syria. I heard it when I was young, hiking through the Golan Heights which used to be part of Syria until the Six day war. Many years ago, I worked on a kibbutz in Israel. On our day off, a local resident took the volunteers on a tour through the Golan Heights. He told us the story about the eucalyptus trees.
Eli Cohen was an Israeli spy that worked for Mossad. Prior to the Six Day War in 1967, Syria would shell Israel from the Golan Heights. Kinda irritating to say the least. Cohen infiltrated the Syrian government and advised the Syrian military officials to plant eucalyptus trees by all the fortifications in Golan for the purpose of hiding the military positions from the Israelis which they did. I’m told eucalyptus trees grow relatively quickly.
Cohen was caught and hanged for being a spy two years before the Six Day War. During the Six Day War, after defeating Egypt and Jordan in the first days of the war, Israel turned to Syria’s shelling from the Golan Heights. All they did was bomb the buildings near the eucalyptus trees they were advised to plant which resulted in a swift victory.
Sadly, the days of this kind of military intelligence within the CIA are over and it has become a domestic enemy of the Constitution deeply involved in drug trafficking. Even Mossad was involved with Iran contra. Clearly we see a mandated extreme to protect and betray the States’ interest. Clearly our greatest enemy is the enemy from within.
Saturday, May 4, 2013
GI Joe Retaliation
On a lighter note, I just saw GI Joe Retaliation. It’s kind of getting dwarfed by Iron Man 3 but I liked it. I haven’t been following the Iron Man series but I did like him in the Avengers. I’m not much into super hero movies. Except for Thor of course. That guy is awesome. The guy that plays him looks like a Norse god. He’s buff, ripped and has morals. The next one will be worth seeing.
At first when you hear the name GI Joe you think it’s going to be goofy but Bruce Willis and the Rock did a great job. The thing I like about the character Bruce Willis plays is that he doesn’t pretend to be a roid monkey. He’s just old school tough.
Bruce Willis was also in another recent movie called A Good Day to Die Hard which takes place in Russia. His Die Hard series is legendary. After the Russian movie, bloggers changed his catch phrase to Yippee-ki-yay, mother Russia. I’d love to go to Sochi for the Winter Olympics. Unfortunately, I don’t see that in the cards right now.
In 2006 a reporter tried to ask Willis about his political views and he responded by saying: "I'm sick of answering this f*cking question. I'm a Republican only as far as I want a smaller government, I want less government intrusion. I want them to stop sh*tting on my money and your money and tax dollars that we give 50 percent of... every year. I want them to be fiscally responsible and I want these goddamn lobbyists out of Washington. Do that and I'll say I'm a Republican... I hate the government, OK? I'm apolitical. Write that down. I'm not a Republican.” I guess he was disappointed with Bush’s final performance.
Another Fast and Furious movie is coming out soon. That looks worth seeing. The Rock is in it. Vin Diesel was great in Triple X. There’s even a special appearance from his Russian female friend in it that was in the movie Triple X. It was kinda sad to see how empty the theatre was. It’s sad how all the music stores have gone under because people steal music online. Now movies are next. Buy your music. Not paying a buck for an mp3 on iTunes is lame. Stealing movies is even worse. People work hard to make those and many people are destroying that industry with theft.
Update: Fast and Furious 6 is awesome. It wasn’t the Russian girl from Triple X it was the Latino girl from Fast and Furious 5. I missed that one. My bad. It’s well worth seeing and it looks like there’ll be another special guest appearance in FF 7.
CFSEU’s new Anti Gang Web Site
The CFESU, BC’s anti gang unit, released a nine-page newsletter to help the public identify gang risks. Why is it called Black Press Media Group? They are the ones that own the Surrey Leader and have started printing Godzilla’s ridiculous propaganda. They are the ones the Toronto Star own shares in but have written the value of those shares off to nil. They survive off of corporate funding. Many of those corporate funders benefit from money laundering.
It isn’t a gang member registry like we’ve been wanting. It’s a pdf newsletter at telling us what a great job they’re doing. It must be an election year indeed. We want a gang member registry. If all these shooting victims are known to the police, they should be known to the public. We are still waiting for them to release names of gang members.
Bill Fordy says the Police are to release names of gangsters and ask businesses to shun their dirty money. Does that mean Godzilla is going to give back the campaign contributions from Gateway Casinos? Gateway casinos doesn’t launder drug money but gangs do at their casinos which they profit from. Why is it that Bill Fordy has that Gordon Campbell look? It’s untrustworthy.
According to the report there are 188 criminal groups operating in B.C. Oh really? Unfortunately, that sounds like spin. We have the Hells Angels and their puppet clubs in complete control of the BC drug trade and who else? The UN are in prison. The Dhurry Dhak group have been exterminated. My concern about those kinds of statements is that it leads us down the road of misinformation. It doesn’t matter how many Hells Angels puppet clubs there are. If the Hells Angels are in control of them come right out and say it. Don’t run interference for them. That’s how we end up with ridiculous statements like the one made by Pat Fogarty before the Kelowna Hells Angels drug bust and their stolen car ring bust.
Here are the real numbers: Rob Shannon, Randy Jones and Larry Amero. Three separate huge cross border drug rings run by the Hells Angels. They sell the US BC Bud and bring back cocaine as payment to be sold here as crack. That is the problem. As is the money laundering the feeds it and the political campaign contributions that benefit from it. Those are the real numbers.
White Rock shooting victim tied to drug trade
Turns out Craig Widdifield, pictured on the left, was the victim shot in a White Rick strip mall and was a known gangster involved in the drug trade. Well, he was known to the police at least. Bill Fordy has called on local businesses and the city's residents to stand firm with police against gangsters. Oh really? But he met with his Piggy Palace pals and told us everything was OK.
Bill Fordy said Widdifield was a well-known gangster associated to various groups who was known to be involved in the drug trade. And he said his front-line officers would be ramping up patrols of gangster hang-outs across Surrey to let them know that they are “not welcome in Surrey.” Oh really? Then why do we let Tbarz operate freely when it was named in the US cross border drug trafficking indictment? I see a big gap between words and actions here. Must be an election year.
Trevor Aaronson: The Terror Factory
In his new book, The Terror Factory: Inside the FBI's Manufactured War on Terrorism, investigative journalist Trevor Aaronson analyzes 10 years of terrorism cases that were prosecuted in the United States after Sept. 11. By assembling a database of the cases and going through court records, he concluded that the FBI, which receives $3 billion per year for counterterrorism, is "the organization responsible for more terrorist plots over the last decade than any other."
As interesting as his book is, it only deals with the entrapment cases like the Toronto 18 or the recent Via Rail scandal. That isn’t what Operation Northwood was. That isn’t what Operation Gladio was. That isn’t what happened to the USS Liberty. We still need to open our eyes and examine false flag attacks because they are very real. Especially when they want to use them to take away our liberty.
Speaking of which, the AG claims Canada can’t account for $3.1 billion in anti-terror funding. Losing that much money is grand theft. I wonder how much of that money was spent on entrapment or is that recorded in the other budget.
Are We Catching Terrorists? Or Creating Them?
The BC Election and the Christy Clark Lie
The other day I had the misfortune of waking up to another ridiculous Christy Clark add on my clock radio perpetuating the same lie and perpetual misconception. There are two things that bug me. One is the lie. The other is repeating that same old lie fifty million times on TV, radio and even at the Super Bowl. Those other ads weren’t during an election and were paid for with tax dollars. Something Stephen Harper doesn’t seem to have a problem with. Spending tax dollars on political propaganda. That is so big brother.
I’m not going to say much more about the BC election but I will say this: Christy Clark and the BC Liberals are one big lie. It is amazingly hypocritical for her to repeatedly play on an old and outdated stereotype. Oh the NDP will tax and spend. That’s exactly what they did. The gas tax was a tax increase. The HST was a tax increase. They taxed things that were previously tax except. The BC Liberals have been an enemy of small business and BC rail was nothing compared to Campbell Heights and their criminal destruction of BC Hydro.
It concerns me when Adrian Dix is asked if he will balance the budget and he says no they will work towards a balanced budget. Yet part of me is wondering if that just means he’s being honest where Christy Clark lied and committed fraud. In their last fudge it budget the BC Liberals predicted a balanced budget after several years of budget deficits. Only their projections were fraudulent. It included selling public assets and even included revenue from BC Hydro.
Under Gordon Campbell, the BC Liberals not only destroyed BC Hydro, but pushed British Columbia over the most fiscally irresponsible cliff in recorded history. They privatized the power brokers that sell power to BC Hydro. As a result, the private brokers who are mandated to make a profit for themselves at consumers and taxpayers expense, started selling power to BC Hydro at above market prices. This has created a fiscal emergency at BC Hydro. Every year they keep deferring the ballooning debt to hide it’s existence. For Christy Clark to extract revenue from BC Hydro knowing of that growing debt is absolute fraud. It is not a balanced budget.
Clearly, the BC Liberals are the most corrupt government in the history of the Province. This whole paid advertizing thing is absolutely out of control. Yes it happens during an election, but when they use tax dollars for election ads when there is no election, that is the misappropriation of tax dollars. Stephen Harper is a fiend of that as well. Using tax dollars to brainwashing us with HST lies was fraud. Christy Clark is the New Kool Aid kid. Gordon Campbell reincarnated. Remember when Gordon Campbell sent out BC Hydro cash rebates to voters right before one election? Knowing the fiscal emergency he created within BC Hydro, that was yet another fraud in that shameful legacy.
I certainly don’t endorse any political party in BC blindly. I think no one trusts any politician in BC any more. Yet I don’t share the same fear of Adrian Dix that Christy Crunch does. I do think replaying on that same old stereotype that the NDP will tax and spend is really getting irritating when that is exactly what they did. I agree with the president of the B Liberals in Surrey who said most of us are thinking the NDP can’t be any worse. Right now the BC Liberals are still out of control. The Surrey high jacking of the candidacies is evidence of that. Tied directly to Godzilla’s council.
I do like John Cummins and agree with much of what he has to say. My only concern is what happens when he retires? Who’s going to take his place? Is it going to be another Stephen Harper to destroy the party like he did after he took over for Preston Manning? At least the BC Conservatives survived the BC Liberal infiltration. That was a dirty deal indeed.
John Cummins predicts Adrian Dix will win the election and that as the BC Liberals fade away, the BC Conservatives will rise again. I hope so. Unfortunately, I think it might be wishful thinking to predicted corruption will fade away. Somehow that kind of corruption always seems to weasel it’s way back into the spotlight one way or the other. Looking at individuals I have to say Bruce Ralston is a popular choice in Surrey. He is trustworthy and cares about his community. What a refreshing novelty that is.
In White Rock Don Pitcairn from Surrey Shirts and the Naked Truth is running for the Green Party. I think he deserves a chance. Although I do not agree with the Green Party’s position on legalizing all drugs and take offense at the use of the word prohibition when discussing crack or crystal meth, federally, Elizabeth May is indeed a beacon of light. As Preston Manning recently said, protecting the environment is being fiscally responsible.
Dave Hayer was the only one from the BC Liberals who I thought might have been a keeper. Unfortunately he's off to join Harpers’ insanity. I’m shocked and saddened by the fact that Dave Hayer is delusional about Gordon Campbell and the HST. That poison kool aid is a powerful thing. Dave Hayer is supporting Peter Fassbender from the Surrey high Jacking. I’m not. That guy sat on a committee overseeing the RCMP contract negotiations when his son was a member of the RCMP. That was a conflict of interest. His hijacking of the Surrey candidacy was toxic just like their quest for a new garbage incinerator. It’s just more air pollution burning toxic waste.
Rich Coleman is an anti Christ. Getting rid of the RCMP department that investigated money laundering in BC Casinos was a criminal act. Saving that money didn’t help them balance their budget. It made his subsequent position overseeing gaming and casinos in BC very conflicted indeed. That guy should be in jail. I guess my point is here today that I do not fear Adrian Dix like the corrupt politicians do. He cares about crime and he cares about the community. I do hope that as the BC Liberals fade away, the BC Conservatives will rise again without the Harper hijacking that plagued the Reform party. It may be wishful thinking but they say hope floats.
Friday, May 3, 2013
Body found in Pitt River
A body was found floating in Pitt River May 1st. The body was found at 7 a.m. by someone on the water, not far from shore near Harken Towing. For those who aren’t local, the water flows from right to left on the map. I was hoping to get an id on the body but it doesn’t look like that’s forthcoming but will update when it does come. It could have even come from Pitt Lake.
It’s reminiscent of the body that was found under the dock in Kelowna. No foul play was suspected. Oh really? Usually when there’s a boating accident, someone in the party notices someone in their boat fell overboard. They say sometimes it’s a suicide. Oh really? Someone tried to commit suicide by jumping off the floating bridge. That’s not very high off the ground.
Update: Turns out this body was from that car accident in Chilliwack March 10th. Police recovered a woman's body in the river from the car accident but called off the search for the man's body after a few weeks. In the past, other bodies found floating in the Fraser were the result of homicide. Joshua Hendrick from the Crew in Prince George was one and Lisa Francis was another. Those both happened in 2009.
Prince George Police murder unarmed man on his own property
The family is unhappy with a decision from a police watchdog committee that has cleared the police in the shooting of Greg Matter in Prince George. The bizarre thing is he was unarmed and shot dead on his own property where SWAT showed up with machine guns. Kinda like the recent Prince George lockdown we talked about. Don’t get me wrong. SWAT does have it’s time and place. When doing a raid on a Hells Angels clubhouse for example. Not for an unarmed civilian in his own home. That’s not just overkill, it’s murder. It doesn’t matter what some committee calls it.
Seemingly there was an incident on his property a few days prior. Again, the incident was a few days before so there is no emergency. He got in a fight with his brother who came onto his property in violation of a restraining order. He chased him off his property with his car then punched him. The brother leaves then contacts the police. Based on his testimony alone, they decided to charge him with dangerous driving and assault with a weapon. Remember, the brother was trespassing on his property in violation of a restraining order. It was his home.
The police call him and try and meet with him but he refuses to talk with them. The charges aren’t just minor, they are absurd. In the States people will shoot at trespassers without hesitation. Shooting a family member would indeed be extreme but chasing him off his property is not. Greg didn’t want to talk to the police because he shouldn’t have been arrested.
So what happens? The police bring in SWAT and murder and unarmed man on his own property. A 15 year vet who had been treated for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and just wanted to be left alone. Not only that but the police assaulted his mother on their property before they murder her son. Looks like those assault charges never went anywhere either. Prior to that the police refused to let a family member and his psychiatrist be present to diffuse the situation. This isn’t just a mistake. This is murder. The watchdog committee has completely lost any credibility whatsoever. Not only that, they refused to disclose evidence to the family during the proceedings. That is illegal. This is how our Charter Rights are disappearing right before our very eyes.
All of this swarms around the tendency of the police to completely freak out when someone doesn’t obey their direct command at the snap of their finger. Case in point, the Kelowna assault where the cop kicked buddy in the face when he was on his knees. Thankfully that officer now has a criminal record for assault. That situation was ridiculous. He orders the suspect to get down. The compliant suspect gets down on his knees. All the way down the ego maniac screams. OK Buddy says and as he starts to lower himself completely on the ground he gets kicked in the face. He didn’t obey the direct command fast enough apparently.
All of this swarms around the egomaniac command culture that seems to trickle down from the top of that organization. Back in the day it was “Up against the wall” or Spread em. Hands on the car while they were frisked and cuffed. Now the police apparently insist the suspect lies on the ground for them to step on them and kick them more comfortably. In the case of an unarmed suspect, making him lie on the ground to be cuffed is not necessary.
In the Prince George case the police’s ego obviously couldn’t handle the fact that the suspect was refusing to talk to them when the charges were stupid. He didn’t obey their direct command so they had to bring in SWAT. No they didn’t. Now they have simply committed murder. An unarmed vet on his own property. They were obviously freaked out by the fact that he was a vet and might have weapons. Then maybe they should have taken the family’s advice and let he meet with the police with a family member and his psychiatrist. Denying them that request is like denying someone a lawyer for interrogation. I’m not going anywhere with you alone because I don’t trust you. Now we see why. The police in Prince George need to rethink their use of SWAT for nonemergencies. Depot needs to change as well.
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