Friday, May 10, 2013

Family of Pickton victims sue for damages

Well this is exactly what Wally Opal’s Red Hearing inquiry was trying to avoid. Legal action from the families of the victims in the Pickton case suing the police for negligence. An interesting twist is the fact that they are also suing Willy as well as his brother Dave and his sister Linda. I don’t know much about his sister Linda but Dave knew where the bodies were buried. That means he was criminally negligent. Naming him in a wrongful death suit is totally appropriate.

Basically there are two aspects to this lawsuit. One is police negligence, the other is liability for wrongful death involving Willy and Dave. There are a few things I have to say about this case but let’s start there. First let’s look at police negligence.

Obviously this is why the police lawyered up and were so evasive at the not so public inquiry Wally Opal shut down and turned into a panel discussion because the Hells Angels were mentioned. Without getting into the huge concerns I have with Wally Opal and the shameful disaster of the Pickton inquiry, let’s just zero in on police negligence.

The first point I want to make is that the police didn’t kill the missing women. Well not collectively as there have been many bizarre allegations of individual police officer’s involvement on the farm but that is a separate matter. Collectively, the police did not murder the woman. Robert Pickton and who ever he helped did. Just like that cop that failed to get out of his car to investigate the shots fired call where Lisa Dudley was wounded and tragically died days later. Although the police officer made a mistake, he did not kill Lisa Dudley. We need to remember that and remember someone else did shoot her which caused her death.

Did the police take a lax attitude because the victims were drug addicted sex trade workers from the DTES? No doubt they did. Clearly if a woman from a wealthy neighborhood went missing and was murdered the police would have made that a greater priority. It is a sad reflection of society in general but does that make them negligent? Personally, I don’t think so. Someone reports a drug addicted prostitute went missing. She could have gone anywhere. That doesn’t means she was murdered. Yet the growing number of cases did reflect cause for concern. Did the police fail to warn the sex trade workers in the DTES? I don’t think so. They all knew about the rumors of women getting ground up on a pig farm.

The only criminal negligence that arises is when that cop goes and tells Pickton someone has accused him of murdering prostitutes on his farm and then tells him the name of the witness. I think that witness has every right to sue him for police negligence. What that cop did was wrong and suspect.

Which leads us to the question of police involvement. We were told that the Inquiry would hear evidence that off duty police officers attended parties at Piggy’s Palace, an illegal booze can run by the Haney Hells Angels in Dave and Willy’s name. That information about which police officers and what they were doing never came out in the Inquiry. Wally Opal shut it down before that could happen. We didn't hear from Catherine Galliford either. Perhaps she will testify in this new trial.

We know that one of the officers from the Coquitlam RMP who was involved with the case named Jim Brown is an S&M freak. He posted pictures of himself and a model posing with a boning knife. Fantasizing about a criminal act is not healthy. The police investigated the matter and since both were consenting adults they dismissed the investigation. Then a whistleblower went public with some of those photos and all hell broke loose. Because of public pressure the police said they would reexamine the matter. Yeah right, like that actually did anything. Clearly that reexamination went nowhere.

The thing is the whistleblower went public with the photos after Jim Brown was investigated by the RCMP and they decided to do nothing. People sent me links of the Kilted Knight’s profile and I saw the pictures there myself and took screen shots of some of them. It wasn’t until after those pictures went public those profiles were shut down.

So what was the response? Rage and denial of course. The RCMP stormed into the whistleblowers house and got a search warrant to seize his hard drive and flash drives. Information used to obtain the warrant claimed they said they were looking for a DVD that Jim Brown might have that involved the Pickton case. Well ya think if Jim the freak Brown had the dvd they could of asked him for it instead of searching and seizing computer hard drives from a whistleblower?

Jim Brown turned around and sued the whistleblower and a lawyer named Cameron Ward for defamation. More smoke and mirrors. You can’t sue someone for defamation if they are telling the truth. Alfonso Galigano found that out. Unless of course you lie under oath and destroy all the other evidence like Brian Mulroney did and get an out of court settlement.

Fortunately, Cameron Ward isn’t that stupid. He knows what defamation is and what it isn’t. He’s not intimidated by these fraudulent law suits and simply said, let’s go to trial. No out of court settlement from him. The one good thing that I can see in this new case where the families of four of the victims are suing the Provincial government on behalf of the police (RCMP are Federal by the way so the federal government should be named as well) is that they should be able to subpoena the evidence that Cameron tried to get for the public inquiry and was denied before it was shut down. The families should by law be able to subpoena those documents Cameron Ward tried to get but Wally Opal refused to admit. That would be fair. Gagging those documents would not.

Jim Brown case

My oh my, it’s not just defamation Jim the freak is suing for it’s Unlawful breach of privacy. He claims the pictures he posted online for the world to see on a bondage website called fetlife are private. What a freak. It was a bondage site for like minded freaks to meet to arrange violent sex. When he posts those kind of requests online for the world to see wearing his RCMP boots, that is a public matter of public safety. The profiles were public. I saw them. I didn’t have to log into any account to see them.

He is however suing for defamation over an article printed by Ian Mulgrew in the Vancouver Sun the whistleblower provided information for. Jim the Freak admits the whistleblower was at one time employed as an agent to do surveillance of the Pickton farm for the VPD August 1999. He claims in his writ that the VPD terminated the whislteblowers contract September 1999 because they no longer considered Robert Pickton to be a suspect in the missing women case.

There are other minor accusations that the whistleblower claimed Brown was getting tax dollars to sue the media and silence victims which may or may not be true. There was also a concern about another set of photographs Brown claimed were not of him yet his troll tried the same thing with the ones I posted. They claimed the ones on a separate account weren’t him where his face wasn’t shown even though it was clearly the same butt ugly brown mole belly and RCMP boots as in the other photos.

The truth is, Jim Brown set up an account on a bondage web site trying to solicit sexual relationships with other consenting adults who were into bondage. I say that fantasizing about criminal acts is not healthy. Fantasizing about raping a woman is not healthy even if the model he is seen in the pictures with is a consenting adult. It implies that there is an underlying fantasy about forced rape at knife point. Having those fantasies and being a member of the RCMP is a huge concern for public safety.

This guy is a bully. People need to know that. I have one source who claims to have seen a photo of Jim Brown in a threesome with Dave Pickton. No doubt that is what the police are so frantically trying to find and destroy. If anyone does have a copy of that picture I’d love to see it. Of Jim Brown and Dave Pickton together that is. I certainly don’t want to see either of those ugly mutts naked. Nobody wants to see that.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Trucker in Hells Angels drug ring gets 12 years

Well, Kim does it again. Breaks the news of a local trucker convicted in a cross border drug ring tied to you guessed it, the Hells Angels. This was the second cross border drug ring tied to Randy and Trevor Jones out of Tbarz. Sounds like Randy is in the new Surrey Girls chapter as well along with the rest of the other chipmunks. We knew Larry Amero couldn’t be the brains of anything. So Tbarz isn’t under new management after all. That’s what we thought. I’m glad Bill Fordy says everything’s OK. I guess our only hope now is the Liquor board.

Kim Bolan is reporting that “A court document filed earlier in the case by the U.S. Attorney said ‘the marijuana was obtained from Trevor Jones, a confirmed associate of the Hells Angels White Rock chapter, and smuggled across the Canadian border by various means.’

‘Cash obtained from the sale of the marijuana was transferred to Southern California, where it was used to purchase large amounts of cocaine to be smuggled … into Canada through the United States. Trevor Jones was the ultimate customer for that cocaine,’ it said.” This drug ring was transporting and distributing 1,000 to 2,000 pounds of marijuana and 100 to 200 kilograms of cocaine every month.

So now a 60 year old North Vancouver trucker named James Postlethwaite has been sentenced to 12 years in Seattle for transporting the drugs. Trevor Jones has been charged but hasn’t be extradited yet. His brother Randy, the real owner of TBarz, hasn’t even been charged. Yet. Let’s give it up for the Walrus!

Agents found out about hidden compartment in Postlethwaite’s truck that allowed him to transport as many as 95 loads of drugs across the border. Just like the hidden compartment in another truck at the Sumas crossing. JJ Lost Marbles acquitted the driver because he claimed he didn’t know the 144 kilos of cocaine were in his truck even though he submitted a falsified record hiding the fact that he had driven all the way to California to pick it up. Who says the BC Injustice system doesn’t need help?

The fact that the North Van trucker in this case was caught in Idaho makes me wonder whether or not this was also connected to the fourth ring that involved Brock Palfrey in Vernon. That drug ring moved more than a tonne of cocaine from California across the Saskatchewan-Montana border and into B.C. Brock kept his mouth shut who he was working for but here in Seattle it appears our number one criminal organization has been implicated once again. Big surprise. That one also involved the Edmonton chapter as in 51 - Edmonton Angels.

There are two things about this that bug me. I couldn’t care less if the Hells Angels sold pot and had a few grow ops. What pisses me off is their claim that no one but them are allowed to sell or grow pot. That is bullsh*t. The other more dramatic concern is the fact that they trade all this BC Bud for cocaine to be brought back into Canada to be sold as crack. That is messed up.

At first we thought they paid for the pot in the US with cocaine like in the movie Lord of War. However, Kim’s report on this new court case claims they used the cash from the sale of pot to buy cocaine to bring back. That means they could have taken the money and run. But they didn’t. Their greed drove them to take that money and buy cocaine so they could make more money. That has nothing to do with living the dream and that is what’s f*cking up our country.

It’s all about GREED. No one else can grow or sell but us. We want to take the money we make and reinvest it in cocaine so we make even more money so we can drive around in hummers or ridiculous boats that scream idiots. That’s what’s bringing all the crime and violence here. Take your blow and cram it up your a**.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Mission Grow Ops tied to the Hells Angels

On Friday May 3, the CFSEU busted four more grow ops in Mission tied to the Hells Angels and arrested a Langley man who was the caretaker of all the grow ops. 10,000 plants and 200 pounds of dried marijuana were seized.

The Vancouver Province is reporting that warrants were executed on homes in the 10000-block Sylvester Road, 14000-block Sylvester Road, 12000-block Dewdney Trunk Road and 13000-block De Graff Road. A 34-year-old Langley man, alleged by police to be the caretaker of all the properties, was arrested in a home in the 4500-block 206 Avenue in Langley on the same day.

Tell me again the Hells Angels aren’t using violence to take over all the grow ops in BC. I could use a good laugh. A grow op at 22043 Lougheed Hwy burnt down last month. I guess a lot of growers are going to be indebted to the Hells Angels now.

One has to wonder why on earth they are going to so much trouble busting these Hells Angels grow ops which keep popping up faster than they can bust them when they let them sell pot out of the Black door and the Bulldog café. It just doesn’t make sense. You’d think if they were concerned about the one, they’d be concerned about the other. As long as they let them sell out of the Black door, new grow ops will keep popping up. It’s supply and demand.

The same with busting all these cocaine rings. Why would they go to all that trouble to bust a cocaine ring then turn around and let them sell crack openly? It just doesn’t make sense. If they really wanted to address the problem, they’d attack it from both angles. Stopping the crack dealer on the street is just as if not more effective than making the big cocaine busts. As long as they let the crack dealers sell it on the street, someone else will be bringing it in for the Hells Angels. Busting the mules won’t touch the Hells Angels or their operation. We have to stop letting the crack dealer sell in public. That is the New York model.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Sunshine, shorts and snowshoes

Today was what U2 would describe as a beautiful day. Don't let it slip away. Sunshine, shorts and snowshoes hiking on a massive melting snowpack. Gotta love that. I used to think winter was my favorite time of year. The fresh snow blanketing the landscape was rejuvenating. Yet now I think this time of year is the best. Melting snow in the sunshine, or head straight to the water or forests. Which will it be snowshoes, kayak or forest? Take your pick. Louis Armstrong was right, it is a wonderful world so it is. IZ saw it too. Mind you he did live in a tropical paradise.

Highway Robbery

This morning I filled up with gas in North Van at 143.9 cents per litre. That’s a nine cent a litre hike over night on top of the extra ten cents a litre Surrey and Vancouver pays for Translink more than Aldergrove and Abbotsford pay. By the time I come back to Surrey it’s at 137.9, a three cent hike instead of a nine cent hike. Evidently they were just acclimatizing us again to appreciate the 3 cent over night hike instead of 9 cent.

The bottom line is that this is highway robbery. This election the candidates have been discussing the gas tax. The BC Conservatives and the NDP opposed it. Harper’s pal Gordon Campbell and now Christy Clark support it. Excessive gas taxes are one thing but we are still failing to address the root of the problem and that is the oil company’s monopoly on the market.

They can charge what they want when they want and rob consumers at will. That is not a free market driven by supply and demand. It is Corporate Communism in action. Even more so now since we are now funding Communist China’s military expansion every time we fill up at the pump since after helping the oil companies get a monopoly, Harper sold that monopoly to China.

John Davidson Rockefeller founded Standard oil back in 1870. At that time the petroleum refining industry was still highly decentralized, with more than 250 competitors in the U.S. By 1878 the Rockefellers had attained control of nearly 90 percent of the oil refined in the U.S., and shortly thereafter he had gained control of most of the oil marketing facilities in the U.S.

As public outrage increased and the media continued to write about monopoly corruption, in 1911 the United States Supreme Court ruled that Standard Oil was an illegal monopoly. They ordered Standard oil to dismantle 33 of its most important affiliates and to distribute the stock to its own shareholders and not to a new trust. The result was the creation of a number of completely independent companies.

Today the oil monopoly has returned to destroy the free market and there is no public outrage and there are no media articles about it. That’s because the big Corporations that strive for corporate monopolies own the media and control it through advertizing dollars. Standard Oil has served as the textbook example of why we need antitrust law -in the business world in general and in the energy business in particular. Did I mention the Rockefellers funded the Communist revolution?

Canada's oil monopoly by Robert J. Bertrand

The Tapeworm Economy

I would like to say a word about the Tapeworm Economy Catherine Austin fits talked about and how it effects us locally. We know how it affects us globally. We have seen that in Greece and we have seen how the corruption in Wall Street and the big banks that helped hide Greek’s debt have committed investment fraud to line their own pockets at taxpayers expense. Like always, a white collar thief is much more effective then a two bit thief on the street.

Yet I do want to talk about how the two bit thief on the street is as we speak nickel and diming local businesses to the point of sucking their profit margin just like a tapeworm or a parasite. I first heard Catherine Austin fits use the term Tapeworm Economy in her four part interview on the Looting of America. This is a two minute condensed explanation of the concept.

In the Looting of America video, she talks about the Gary Webb story and how credible that really is. In fact she refers to it as fact, then focuses on the actual money laundering that resulted from it. She cited the lawsuit in Europe brought against RJR Nabisco for money laundering. RJR Nabisco was owned by KKR, a huge investment firm on Wall Street. Fitts also pointed out how New York Stock Exchange Chairman Richard Grasso went to Columbia reaching out in support of FARC in her series on Narco-dollars.

Locally a security firm that is hired to oversee various grocery stores chains in the lower mainland has reported that last month they made more arrests than they ever have in their history. That means theft is rapidly increasing. The majority of these thefts are things easily resold like meat, cold medicine and dvds. The majority of these thefts are drug addicts stealing to support their drug habit. That is how this money laundering from drug trafficking is sucking the real economy dry just like a parasite.

Any business, large or small, has a hard time dealing with such an intrusive attack on their bottom line. Profit margins disappear when so many addicts are stealing from them at a rate that is difficult to control. When we hand out free crack pipes and let crack dealers sell crack in public, we are fostering this attack on business through chronic theft to support their addictions. Giving addicts free drugs is not the answer. That will bankrupt our sacred medical system faster than anything. Arresting crack dealers, not the addicts is the answer. It really is that simple.

All the drug kingpin clowns like David Giles and the other idiots driving around in hummers get their money from addicts stealing. Their life of luxury is a parasite living off others who work and strive to maintain their own businesses. This also applies to the politicians who accept campaign contributions from companies that launder drug money. Such as the dirty developers who launder drug money through real estate as well as the Casinos who profit from the money laundering that goes on in their facilities. These politicians are not role models. They are parasites just like the drug dealers driving around in hummers.

Israeli warplanes strike Syria

Today, Israeli warplanes in Syria targeted a shipment of highly accurate, Iranian-made guided missiles believed to be bound for Lebanon’s Hezbollah militant group. Syrian state media reported that Israeli missiles struck a military and scientific research center near Damascus and caused casualties.

So here we go. On the road to Damascus, Israel seizes the opportunity to strike during Syria’s civil war to protect itself. As long as they are hitting military targets, without civilian casualties, all is well. It’s an example of the effectiveness of Israeli intelligence. Yet we’re forced to ponder over why Israeli intelligence would sell arms to their enemies during Iran contra, yet work so hard to eliminate threats against them on the other. Israeli arms dealers selling arms to their enemies just to make a profit, sanctioned by the Israeli government. It’s all very conflicted so it is. As is the drug trafficking and investment fraud.

I have an Israeli spy story involving Syria. I heard it when I was young, hiking through the Golan Heights which used to be part of Syria until the Six day war. Many years ago, I worked on a kibbutz in Israel. On our day off, a local resident took the volunteers on a tour through the Golan Heights. He told us the story about the eucalyptus trees.

Eli Cohen was an Israeli spy that worked for Mossad. Prior to the Six Day War in 1967, Syria would shell Israel from the Golan Heights. Kinda irritating to say the least. Cohen infiltrated the Syrian government and advised the Syrian military officials to plant eucalyptus trees by all the fortifications in Golan for the purpose of hiding the military positions from the Israelis which they did. I’m told eucalyptus trees grow relatively quickly.

Cohen was caught and hanged for being a spy two years before the Six Day War. During the Six Day War, after defeating Egypt and Jordan in the first days of the war, Israel turned to Syria’s shelling from the Golan Heights. All they did was bomb the buildings near the eucalyptus trees they were advised to plant which resulted in a swift victory.

Sadly, the days of this kind of military intelligence within the CIA are over and it has become a domestic enemy of the Constitution deeply involved in drug trafficking. Even Mossad was involved with Iran contra. Clearly we see a mandated extreme to protect and betray the States’ interest. Clearly our greatest enemy is the enemy from within.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

GI Joe Retaliation

On a lighter note, I just saw GI Joe Retaliation. It’s kind of getting dwarfed by Iron Man 3 but I liked it. I haven’t been following the Iron Man series but I did like him in the Avengers. I’m not much into super hero movies. Except for Thor of course. That guy is awesome. The guy that plays him looks like a Norse god. He’s buff, ripped and has morals. The next one will be worth seeing.

At first when you hear the name GI Joe you think it’s going to be goofy but Bruce Willis and the Rock did a great job. The thing I like about the character Bruce Willis plays is that he doesn’t pretend to be a roid monkey. He’s just old school tough.

Bruce Willis was also in another recent movie called A Good Day to Die Hard which takes place in Russia. His Die Hard series is legendary. After the Russian movie, bloggers changed his catch phrase to Yippee-ki-yay, mother Russia. I’d love to go to Sochi for the Winter Olympics. Unfortunately, I don’t see that in the cards right now.

In 2006 a reporter tried to ask Willis about his political views and he responded by saying: "I'm sick of answering this f*cking question. I'm a Republican only as far as I want a smaller government, I want less government intrusion. I want them to stop sh*tting on my money and your money and tax dollars that we give 50 percent of... every year. I want them to be fiscally responsible and I want these goddamn lobbyists out of Washington. Do that and I'll say I'm a Republican... I hate the government, OK? I'm apolitical. Write that down. I'm not a Republican.” I guess he was disappointed with Bush’s final performance.

Another Fast and Furious movie is coming out soon. That looks worth seeing. The Rock is in it. Vin Diesel was great in Triple X. There’s even a special appearance from his Russian female friend in it that was in the movie Triple X. It was kinda sad to see how empty the theatre was. It’s sad how all the music stores have gone under because people steal music online. Now movies are next. Buy your music. Not paying a buck for an mp3 on iTunes is lame. Stealing movies is even worse. People work hard to make those and many people are destroying that industry with theft.

Update: Fast and Furious 6 is awesome. It wasn’t the Russian girl from Triple X it was the Latino girl from Fast and Furious 5. I missed that one. My bad. It’s well worth seeing and it looks like there’ll be another special guest appearance in FF 7.

CFSEU’s new Anti Gang Web Site

The CFESU, BC’s anti gang unit, released a nine-page newsletter to help the public identify gang risks. Why is it called Black Press Media Group? They are the ones that own the Surrey Leader and have started printing Godzilla’s ridiculous propaganda. They are the ones the Toronto Star own shares in but have written the value of those shares off to nil. They survive off of corporate funding. Many of those corporate funders benefit from money laundering.

It isn’t a gang member registry like we’ve been wanting. It’s a pdf newsletter at telling us what a great job they’re doing. It must be an election year indeed. We want a gang member registry. If all these shooting victims are known to the police, they should be known to the public. We are still waiting for them to release names of gang members.

Bill Fordy says the Police are to release names of gangsters and ask businesses to shun their dirty money. Does that mean Godzilla is going to give back the campaign contributions from Gateway Casinos? Gateway casinos doesn’t launder drug money but gangs do at their casinos which they profit from. Why is it that Bill Fordy has that Gordon Campbell look? It’s untrustworthy.

According to the report there are 188 criminal groups operating in B.C. Oh really? Unfortunately, that sounds like spin. We have the Hells Angels and their puppet clubs in complete control of the BC drug trade and who else? The UN are in prison. The Dhurry Dhak group have been exterminated. My concern about those kinds of statements is that it leads us down the road of misinformation. It doesn’t matter how many Hells Angels puppet clubs there are. If the Hells Angels are in control of them come right out and say it. Don’t run interference for them. That’s how we end up with ridiculous statements like the one made by Pat Fogarty before the Kelowna Hells Angels drug bust and their stolen car ring bust.

Here are the real numbers: Rob Shannon, Randy Jones and Larry Amero. Three separate huge cross border drug rings run by the Hells Angels. They sell the US BC Bud and bring back cocaine as payment to be sold here as crack. That is the problem. As is the money laundering the feeds it and the political campaign contributions that benefit from it. Those are the real numbers.

White Rock shooting victim tied to drug trade

Turns out Craig Widdifield, pictured on the left, was the victim shot in a White Rick strip mall and was a known gangster involved in the drug trade. Well, he was known to the police at least. Bill Fordy has called on local businesses and the city's residents to stand firm with police against gangsters. Oh really? But he met with his Piggy Palace pals and told us everything was OK.

Bill Fordy said Widdifield was a well-known gangster associated to various groups who was known to be involved in the drug trade. And he said his front-line officers would be ramping up patrols of gangster hang-outs across Surrey to let them know that they are “not welcome in Surrey.” Oh really? Then why do we let Tbarz operate freely when it was named in the US cross border drug trafficking indictment? I see a big gap between words and actions here. Must be an election year.