Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Surrey Trailer Park full of crack and no one cares

I’m going to tie two stories into one. A story on the front page of today’s Vancouver Province and a story on the front page of today’s Surrey Now. Both exemplify the same old Surrey trash mentality that we are trying to address without simply pretending it doesn’t exist.

The Vancouver Province reported on a story about a 16 year old girl who wrote to the mayor about the horrible crack problem where she lives in Surrey. She was excited to get a response that said the police would be in touch with her but that excitement was short lived. Nothing has changed and no police showed up.

Godzilla seized the media opportunity and said the landlords shouldn’t rent to people who sell crack or are involved in the sex trade. No kidding. Maybe she’ll give herself another award for such a ridiculous statement. The girl is reporting crime. You’d think they’d do a little more than tell her to move to another neighborhood. It really makes you wonder who is profiting from all this money laundering.

It’s like the dead zone where Janice Shore was murdered. No one really cares about the drug related crime there. They just want to pretend it doesn’t exist and threaten to sue you for claiming it does. Years ago it was Doug McCallum who put pressure on the crack houses in Surrey. The City would evict them onto the street. I saw it. Godzilla just rode his coat tails. After him, it’s just been a lot of sound and fury signifying nothing.

There is a serious drug problem in that trainer park that needs to be addressed. Having Laura Balance send out a few press releases to distract everyone will not change that fact. Something needs to be done and right now nothing is other than rage, denial and the suppression of crime statistics.

Also in today’s Vancouver Province and on the front page of today’s Surrey Now is a story about several woman assaulting another woman at a kids sports day in Surrey. This is what we mean when we refer to Surrey trash. These pieces of garbage should be ashamed of themselves. Ganging up on a woman is one thing but doing it at a kid’s sports day is another. It boldly declares they are what they are – Surrey trash. Not everyone is Surrey is like this but there is a big enough of a problem for it to be addressed not lied about.

Update: Of course since the problem made the paper, Godzilla stepped out of her ivory tower long enough for a photo shoot to misinterpret the concerns and spin in into something it isn’t. In today’s Vancouver Province it reports that: “The 16-year-old Surrey girl is being lauded as a local hero after she emailed Mayor Dianne Watts to plead for an intervention at her crime-riddled trailer park, which she said has been taken over by drug dealers and prostitutes.” The concern is crystal clear.

Yet Godzilla spins it into something it isn’t. "You can clearly see that there are areas kept up well, but there was a fire at one of the units and it's clearly not cleaned up," said Watts, who spent about a half-hour walking around the trailer park.” That’s just spin and rationalization of her bullsh*t image.

"The residents' general concern was that the landlord had not been taking care of the premises that he's renting to unsavory individuals," she said, adding that bylaw officers handed the landlord a number of tickets.” No, you’re not listening. The problem is the criminal activity surrounding the drug trade. That is a policing problem. She even has the audacity to claim it’s a tenancy issue that falls under provincial jurisdiction.

How can anyone with a conscience spin that? The paper got it right. The problem is the drug related crime. Something that Laura Balance and Godzilla don’t like to admit exists in Surrey. Something they most certainly don’t want to solve. If Dianne Watts and Bill Fordy won’t deal with drug related crime, then it’s time we elected someone who did.

This Surrey First scam has been one big political con. It all started with a dramatic fanfare of a crime fighting coalition. She promised to highlight high crime areas on a web site – never happened. She even had someone speak about the New York model. Only it was never implemented. The only thing that happened was a suppression of crime statistics and a media spin. Nothing has changed since the public crime prevention meeting five years ago where Whalley residents in the “dead zone” complained about the police letting crack dealers sell crack in public. Nothing has changed.

The problem in this girl’s neighborhood is crack, crystal meth and drug related prostitution which brings a huge amount of public health and safety concerns. This is criminal activity that children should be protected from. They’re not doing it. What needs to happen is the police need to arrest the crack and meth dealers. I don’t give a rat’s a*s about grow ops. We need to prioritize arresting crack and meth dealers. Not the addicts, the dealers. That is the New York model. Quoting the New York model and not following it is what Macbeth described as a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage then is heard no more. It is a tale told by an idiot full of sound and fury signifying nothing. God help is. Godzilla sure won’t.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Outlaws MC in Newfoundland

Remember when a couple of hecklers were all freaking out because Alex Caine said the Outlaws already had chapters in Eastern Canada? The rage and denial was indeed suspicious. Well here it is. The RCMP are reporting that the Outlaws arrived in Grand Falls-Windsor August 2012. Ironically enough, they moved into town shortly after Bacchus did.

Bacchus has been in that town since January 2011. 6 months later, the Black Pistons moved in. August 2012, the Black Pistons patched over to become Outlaws. The Hells Angels have already brought drugs and violence to Saint John's NL. Sounds like the Outlaws are going to have a gathering at Grand Falls-Windsor in July. Perhaps there will be a showdown at the OK coral after all. Is that why Bacchus went to Fort McMurray to get help? They’re gonna need a lot more help than that. They’re gonna need some serious time with Dr. Phil. I mean just look at that idiot with eyes tattooed on the back of his head. Flaming idiots alright.

In March there was a home invasion in Grand Falls-Windsor . Two guys in their 20’s broke into a home and assaulted a 63 year old man. Holy crack heads batman that is sleazy. Dwayne Hiscock and Corey Killam face numerous charges including assault with a weapon. Police believe they planned to steal prescription drugs.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Reflections on Fatherhood

Lots of snow at the top of Lion’s Chair and all the way up Sky Chair.

Nice to get a snow fix in June when it’s summer everywhere else.

My father used to like to take pictures of the Lions from Cleveland Park at the foot of Grouse Mountain. I like to take pictures of the Lions from the top of Sky chair on Cypress or Hollyburn Ridge. You have to work harder to get there but you see them eye to eye.

Yesterday I visited my father’s grave. Grateful for the life lessons he left me. I remember one time speaking about fatherhood and giving a tribute to my father. After the fact he gave me hell for not mentioning my mother. I thought that was a given. The talk was on fatherhood. He did have a good point though. You can’t respect the one without respecting the other.

It’s interesting how many people get religious all of a sudden at funerals. Most of the tombstones have some kind of reference to God and the after life. As Russell Crow said in the movie Gladiator, what we do in life echoes in eternity. When I was young I remember an old timer that rode a shovel head. He would always joke around and had a very tough image. Yet he would always turn to me in private, look me in the eye and say having kids was the best thing I ever did. I guess it helped instill in me a desire to have kids of my own.

Parenthood, the toughest job on the planet. The most rewarding as well. There’s nothing more gratifying than seeing your kids succeed. Nothing more heartbreaking than seeing them stumble. It is without question a roller coaster ride to remember. Sometimes it just makes you grateful to be back on dry land.

Elijah talked about turning the hearts of the fathers to the children and turning the hearts of the children to their fathers. Metallica quoted that in one of their songs. Banned by the light, I’m on the left. Come follow me, I'm the one or I’ll make you pay the curse of Malachi. Somewhat Satanic. I wonder who the light is that banned them they referred to. Kinda misquoted Malachi’s curse as well but I suppose that’s to be expected when one follows the father of all lies.

I guess there are good Dads, there are bad Dads and there is the freedom to choose what kind of Dad we will become. Even Skeletor is a Dad. I’m not saying he was a bad Dad. I’m just saying the lifestyle that made him rich was bad and set a bad example for his kids. Doesn’t matter how nice he was to them. They all profited from the proceeds of crime and the violent misery that profit came from. Thankfully, there are still some things that money can’t buy. Choose wisely.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Top level drug dealers busted in Victoria

Vicnews.com is reporting that CFSU and VicPD have busted two of the top-level drug traffickers for Greater Victoria. Police arrested a 37-year-old Langford man and a 27-year-old Saanich man on June 6. Both have a history of violent crimes, drug trafficking, and ties to organized drug crime in the Lower Mainland.

"These guys represent the top of the food chain for the Greater Victoria area," said Staff Sgt. Conor King with the Victoria police. Both men have been released and no charges have been laid yet. CFSEU expects charges to be filed within "a month or two."

The two suspects were arrested at a residence in the 2700-block of Peatt Rd. in Langford. Investigators also searched a home in the 2700-block of Claude Rd. in Langford and in the 500-block of Heatherdale Ln. in Saanich. From the three locations, officers seized 28 pounds of marijuana, two kilograms of cocaine, 1 kg of crystal meth, 10 L of GHB, 200 pills of ecstasy and 1 kg of a "buffing agent" used to cut cocaine, 9 mm ammo, scales, a money counter and gun holsters. The grow had a medical license that had to have been approved by their landlord.

One source claims the suspects are Zachary Scott Matheson aka Ziggy and Ali Ziaee. Ali’s father was convicted of money laundering in Florida. The source claims they recognized Ziggy's house on the 5:00 pm news and said it was owed by prominent realtor Shirley Zailo. Ziggy lives at the 2700 block of Claude Road. The same area one of the police searches. Ziggy is friends with Jason Zailo, the son of their landlord. Jason is Lindsey Buziak’s ex. This is a big bust indeed.

Jason Yeo and Cory Falls in PEI

We mentioned the drug related home invasion in PEI that Jason Yeo was involved with. According to facts read out in court, Chase Roper and his accomplices robbed the man because they were under pressure to pay drug-related debts. Gee I wonder who they owed the drug debts to?

Roper pleaded guilty to armed robbery, wearing a disguise and assault with a weapon. He also pleaded guilty to trafficking cocaine. He was caught in an undercover police sting that was underway at the time of the home invasion. Federal prosecutor Scott Barry said cocaine trafficking on P.E.I. has international links to organized crime. Gee, I wonder which organized crime group? The victim of the home invasion also faces drug charges. Great. Another drug rip to pay off more drug debts. It’s one big vicious circle so it is.

In 2005 a member of Bacchus named Derreck Dean Huggan was arrested in a cocaine trafficking ring connecting Halifax to PEI. Huggan ran a Hells Angels support shop called Route 81 in Charlottetown that sold Hells Angels support gear. In fact, above is a picture of drug trafficker Jason Yeo with Cory Falls, who is son of Bobby Falls, the president of the Charlottetown Harley Club. Cory is the taller one on the left, Jason is the shorter one on the right. CSIS claims some members of the Charlottetown Harley Club sell drugs for the Hells Angels, (bottom of page 30) but nobody trusts CSIS.

This is a picture of Cory’s father Bobby. An innocent friendship and association of course but it does make ya wonder just how far the MC movement is degenerating back east. We know Bacchus have been charged and convicted of supplying the Halifax prison with drugs.

Sadly, that’s not all. In this picture Jason Yeo is in the middle back with Kyle Dingwell on the left. Kyle is now dead. Tragically he was shot by his younger brother Dylan and even more tragically Dylan was found guilty of manslaughter in his death. It’s a sad story in more ways than one.

A lawyer for CBC argued for the release of 911 tapes at Dylan’s trial and got them. That’s how it’s supposed to work. Yet it shouldn’t have taken a lawyer and a court order to get them. Evidence submitted during a trial falls under the freedom of the press. The only time a publication ban applies is if it was evidence discussed when the jury wasn’t present or if there is another case ongoing that evidence might prejudice.

The Surrey Six trial falls under that provision. It’s a mess. The trial is divided up into three separate trails in addition to the police misconduct trial involving the IHITit officer who slept with a key witness and the officers who covered it up. Publicizing evidence in one of those trials before the other trials run their course could prejudice those other trials. That’s why I’m not covering the case. That and the fact that I don’t want to do anything to screw it up because it is such an important case. I will add that when all of those cases have run their course, all of the evidence in all of those trails would then fall under the freedom of the press.

In the Dingwell case, Dylan was Kyle’s younger brother. Kyle was older and bigger than Dylan and always beat him up to get his way. Court transcripts allege drugs were involved as in a drug binge distorting one’s behavior. Kyle took Dylan’s car again without permission then beat him up when Dylan expressed his outrage. Dylan left the house after getting beat up and went to his car. Dylan came out of the house to pursue the matter and was ready to bear spray him after he had already assaulted him. Dylan pulled out a gun and shot him in self defense yet was convicted of manslaughter. He should have chosen trial by jury.

Tragic that a brother would abuse his younger brother like that. Tragic that the younger brother actually shot the older brother dead and tragic that the younger brother is convicted of manslaughter and spends his son’s childhood in jail. It’s a no win situation for everyone. Dylan was the one that called 911 after shooting Kyle.

The moral of the story: Drugs mess you up. Just like the case in Surrey where a guy killed his room mate by shooting him in the neck while on a crack binge. Crack kills. In more ways than one. Word.

Sylvan Lake shooting linked to Hells Angels puppet club

Gotta love those full face helmets. Idiots. The Calgary Sun, the Edmonton Journal, Global and CBC are reporting that police have charged two members of the Malicious Crew Motorcycle Club, which has ties to the Hells Angels, after a man suffering from gunshot wounds on June 3rd was found walking near the town located just west of Red Deer. The man, who is also affiliated with the club, has since undergone surgery and is expected to survive. With friends like that, who needs enemies?

Daniel Huddlestone, 34, and Cameron Monkman, 28, have been charged with attempted murder using a firearm, robbery with a firearm, aggravated assault and other weapons offences. Robbery? Why does that not come as a big surprise?

Insp. Garrett Woolsey said there is no evidence the shooting was ordered by the Hells Angels. Oh brother. If a Hells Angels puppet club did a shooting or committed a murder, there is not a snowballs chance in Hell they didn’t do it without the permission of the Hells Angels. I have no idea why they keep making these kind of ridiculous statements.

Earlier this week, RCMP in Sylvan Lake charged Andrew Waunch, 30, with attempted murder in a separate incident that also happened in the area on June 3. Police say it was a separate incident and although Andrew Waunch knew the suspects from the Malicious Crew charged in the other shooting that happened that night, police aren't saying Waunch is affiliated with the biker club. Things that make ya go hmmm...

Metro Vancouver opposes Surrey’s new coal terminal

Metro Vancouver's board voted 21-4 to oppose the new coal terminal at Fraser Surrey Docks. It’s just a symbolic measure since they have no say in the matter and the Surrey Docks declare they will proceed unilaterally without public consultation. Yet this timely decision comes as news breaks of Ridley Terminals in Prince Rupert being accused of dumping coal in the ocean. Which coincides with a court case and campaign to stop coal export pollution in waterways in Washington and in Oregon.

BNSF Railways and coal shippers are being sued in US Federal Court for water contamination violations in Washington under the Clean Water Act. So what do they do? They bring their toxic waste to Surrey of course.

We’ve talked about coal pollution recently. How although it was common to use in the past, it is really not progressive for the future. Aside from the toxic pollution to waterways and fish we eat, it has a huge impact on CO2 emissions. Wherever coal is mined, transported and burned, pollution results.

Last weekend I saw a train loaded with coal roll through downtown White Rock right beside the beach. It’s something we don’t normally think about. There goes a coal train, so what? Yet the toxic pollution of our waterways contaminating the seafood we eat as well as the air we breathe is a huge concern.

Think about it. It many areas we aren’t even allowed to have a wood burning fire in our fireplace or burn organic materials in a construction site. We’re going to ban the residential and commercial burning or organic materials but we are going to increase industrial burning of coal? That just doesn’t make sense.

The court case in Washington where the coal companies are being sued for contaminated water in the Columbia River and the Washington coast and the allegations of coal dumped into the ocean in Prince Rupert act as a wake up call to our moral responsibility. It’s not even a matter of being a tree hugger any more. Polluting the water and contaminating the fish effects the food we eat as well as other commercial industries.

All of a sudden we see that it has adverse effects on other viable and sustainable businesses as well. So it isn’t a matter of making money. It’s a matter of one industry making money on a project that contaminates our water, our air and the food we eat as well as taking money away from other business ventures. Coal is bad business. Surrey is not being progressive for cramming this through without public consultation.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Shootings in Surrey, Coquitlam and Langley, Orcas in Burrard Inlet

CBC and the Vancouver Province are reporting there was another shooting in Surrey this afternoon at the 14200 block of 108 Avenue. The victim drove himself to the hospital and the police arrested a suspect on site in what they refer to as a targeted attack.

Last night there was a double shooting in Coquitlam. A man and woman are in stable condition after being shot around 11:30 PM at Ballenas Court and Gabriola Drive, near Coquitlam River Park. Police suspect it was a targeted and drug-related shooting but claim they have no reason to think it was gang-related. Ok that’s just plain silly. If it’s drug related, it’s gang related since the gangs are fighting over the drug trade.

On a lighter note, a pod of Orcas were seen in the Burrard Inlet today between Stanley Park and North Vancouver on both sides of Lions Gate Bridge. The Vancouver Aquarium claimed up to eight orcas were spotted. One witness said they stayed in the area for 3 hours. Exciting indeed to see a whole pod of orcas that close to the city. Global and the Vancouver Province have posted some pictures.

Update: CKNW is reporting that Saturday morning two men were shot in Langley near 232 Street and 56 Avenue, RCMP say possibly during a drug deal.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Quebec Conservative Lobbyist tied to the Hells Angels

We previously talked about the controversial $9 million renovation project on Parliament Hill tied to the Hells Angels. Well today The Ottawa Sun published an article quoting QMI Agency about how a deceased Conservative lobbyist in Quebec named Gilles Varin was being investigated for his ties to Marvin Put your shirt back on Ouimet. The whacked out Hells Angel from Trois-Rivières accused of committing 22 murders, fraud and laundering the proceeds of crime. Trois-Rivières is an awesome place by the way. Mad Marvin and the Hells Angels are infecting it like a STD.

The Ottawa Sun is reporting that: “Varin even met with Ouimet and a half-dozen other construction company bosses at a suburban Montreal restaurant on Sept. 25, 2008 - under the watchful eyes of police investigators. While Varin bragged of having ‘'easy access’' to political and government officials to help rig contract bids and get government contracts, witnesses said, Ouimet's gang tattoos were seen at the table.”

They are also reporting that “QMI Agency has learned the RCMP is close to laying criminal charges against a former Conservative aide to a Quebec senator in connection with the contract.” They’re pretty good with their facts. This should be interesting. Back when Marvin was arrested Sûreté du Québec Inspector Michel Forget said it was the biggest money-laundering operation ever encountered by the police, and that there was more to come. Indeed, here it comes.

Ya gotta wonder how Christian Paradis fits into this picture. Clear Politics is reporting that there are “allegations that Paradis was involved in influence peddling relating to the construction contract awarded to a Montreal firm for the renovation of Canada’s Parliament building in Ottawa.” Don’t worry. Maybe they’ll get their partner in crime Jacques Leger to hear the case. I wonder if Harper still wants the RCMP to clear any charges with him before they talk to the press about it. That would be somewhat conflicted.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Rob Ford smoking crack video

I haven’t said anything about the latest Rob Ford scandal because I think it’s highly unlike Rob Ford smokes crack. Not because he said so since he’s a lying drunk, I just personally think it’s highly unlikely. At least I did at the time. We know he’s an abusive drunk. We know he lied about getting kicked out of a hockey game for being drunk and abusive to a couple at the game then later admitted it was him.

We know he was caught with weed in Florida when he was pulled over for a DUI and refused to blow. We know the police were called to his home in response to a domestic abuse call where he denied hitting his wife but admitted they had marital problems and claimed they were staying together for the kid’s sake.

We know he was driving around in a van with a personal license plate talking on the cell phone and a mother and daughter claimed he gave them the finger when they told him to get off his phone while driving. He admitting talking on his cell while driving but denied giving them the finger. Sadly, Rob Ford just isn’t credible and it has nothing to do with him being left or right wing. It’s about him being an abusive liar.

I find the whole claim that a video of him smoking crack exists but mysteriously disappeared suspicious. Yet one media outlet claims reporters saw the video before reporting it. This picture of Rob Ford with a drug dealer who has since been shot is pretty bizarre. Locals claim the house people claim the photo was taken in front of was indeed a crack house and they have a hard time believing the mayor was there. Another outlet claims Ford went to school with one of the inhabitants and partied there often. We know he likes to party. Him saying he doesn’t smoke crack is very different from him saying he has never smoked crack. Him saying he’s not addicted to crack doesn’t mean he’s never smoked it.

Although one media outlet said it would be impossible for someone to fake a video of Rob Ford smoking crack, this one youtuber showed it is possible. The short five second clip of rob ford smoking crack on the internet was taken from the fake video. Yet the picture of him with a drug dealer and then claims of him partying with a high school friend who lives in a crack house are very hard to ignore. As is the Toronto Star’s description of the video they saw. Two reporters from the Toronto Sun state what they saw in the video. That’s pretty credible.

Nevertheless, I think all the drama this guy gets is somewhat over rated. The fact that he is mayor of Toronto knowing his drunken abusive history is quite astonishing all on it’s own independent of his political beliefs. This smoking crack video just takes the cake. Rob Ford: A timeline of denials