Saturday, June 22, 2013

Dustin Zimmerman, Cliff Montgomery and Glen Hehn

One source claims that Dustin Zimmerman, one of the people arrested in the recent Kelowna Regina cocaine ring, is an associate of Cliff Montgomery. They claim that he lives in Cliff’s house in West Kelowna and does business at Cliff’s other house in Merrit. As we know, Montgomery was charged in that Kelowna cocaine bust where 75 kilos of cocaine was found in a fruit grinder. Those charges against Montgomery were mysteriously dropped last year.

The reason the Dustin Zimmerman and Cliff Montgomery connection is so significant is because another source claims Cliff Montgomery is connected to full patch Hells Angel Glen Hehn. Glen Hehn was caught red handed loading 52 kilos if cocaine from his storage locker into a truck in Surrey but Peter Leask let him off after an associate pled guilty and took the fall.

More recently, another one of Glen Hehn’s associates was in the news. Sulaiman Safi was kidnapped by members of the Independent Soldiers because some money he was supposed to launder in California went missing. Sulaiman Safi shared a car lease with Glen Hehn. Another source claims that when Cliff Montgomery was on a trip to Mexico, Glen Hehn was in daily cell phone contact with him. As I've said before, Glen Hehn is no Surrey Girl. Glen Hehn is scary.

Levamisole: Flesh Eating Cocaine

With the recent Regina Kelowna cocaine bust one blog reader commented on the cutting agents the police found. It didn’t say what the cutting agent was but they sent me a few links on common cutting agents used in cocaine to water it down to make more money.

Everyone knows that cocaine is stepped on or cut with other chemicals to stretch it allowing the drug dealers to make more money. One of the common cutting agents for cocaine and now crack is Levamisole. Levamisole is used to deworm cattle. However in humans it suppresses the immune system and creates flesh eating disease. ABC News posted some pictures.

WUSA 9 claims that the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology profiles six cocaine users who have developed patches of rotting flesh on their ears, nose, and in some cases, their entire body. The study concludes that it's caused by using cocaine that's been cut with the drug, Levamisole. One anonymous commenter on another blog claimed Levamisole is commonly used in Vancouver for cutting crack because it is hard to detect and doubles their money.

The blog reader who sent me these links was a long time former drug user who said people need to know how bad this stuff is. Indeed they do. This is yet another reason we shouldn’t be handing out free crack pipes. It is a heath violation. We might as well be handing out free Dixie cups for people to drink Drano so they don’t catch a cold from sharing a Dixie cup. Drinking Drano is worse that getting a cold. Crystal meth is made from Drano. In Surrey addicts are throwing crack pipes everywhere including in stores where people buy food along with their used needles because they know the government will give them a new one. That is a public health hazard.

Stephen Harper surrenders Canadian Sovereignty

Stephen Harper is a raging lunatic. One minute he spends all that money on commercials about the war of 1812 and talked about boosting our military presence in the arctic, the next minute he completely surrenders Canadian sovereignty to the US. He is either insane or a complete deception.

The Vancouver Province is reporting that a Vancouver lawyer claims the Canada-US maritime policing pact infringes on Canada’s sovereignty. No kidding. Having US police patrol Canada is an act of war.

We can share intel with the DEA and the local police agencies in the US but to let them patrol in Canada is a completely different matter. Especially since that will open up the door to the CIA and the US mercenary contractors doing in Canada what they did during Hurricane Katrina. Given the CIA's documented drug trafficking network as well as their false flag history, this is the biggest threat to Canada’s sovereignty and our national security in recorded history.

Harper is just like Obama - a complete deception. Harper is not a Conservative any more than Obama is a Democrat. Harper says one thing and does another just like Obama. Obama never closed Guantanamo Bay like he promised and continues false flag attacks on his own people because the CIA paid for his education. He was a plant. A fake,. A fraud. An enemy of the constitution and the left just like Stephen Harper is an enemy to the right. Belinda Stronach was more conservative than Stephen Harper and she certainly wasn’t very conservative. Harper is a Corporate Communist. He calls world government world governance. Stalin here we come.

Hanford’s Dirty Secrets

We recently talked about the Nuclear reactor in Washington State that is leaking radioactive waste into the Columbia River. As if the coal pollution in the Columbia River wasn’t bad enough. Turns out King 5 news is diving deeper into the problem and claims Hanford executives has been covering up the seriousness of the leak and that the problem is getting worse. Imagine that. Another private company hiding the truth from the public.

They also talk about how they had no plan in place in the event of a radioactive leak. If the United States can’t figure out what to do with nuclear waste, why are we selling Canadian reactors to India and China? Do we really think they will know what to do with the radioactive waste?

Of course the advertizing campaign is still going well. You can even water ski at night since the radiation will make everything glow in the dark. Hanford’s Dirty Secrets - King 5 news.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Little Ryan is still living small

Another Surrey girl makes it on the dirty. They better be careful. A gust of wind comes along and they'll get blown away. 85 pounds soaking wet. The life of a chipmunk.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Kingpin Crew reported stolen motorcycle

Crimestoppers is reporting a stolen custom motorcycle from the 800 block of Westview Way, West Kelowna. Why that’s where Josh Armstrong and Reza Rahiman from the defunct Kingpin crew live. You can even see the Kingpin Crew logo in the corner of the picture. It is a nice bike. Looks like one of Goldammer’s creations. Sure isn't worth $160,000 though.

The resident reported that his custom built motorcycle had been taken from his driveway while he was out of town. That’s strange. He doesn’t park his bike in the driveway overnight let alone when he goes out of town. They even have a surveillance video of the alleged theft. Sure sounds like a scam to me. Paying that claim would,be a crime. Remember Skeletor's First Stolen Motorcycle.

The Kingpin crew were implicated in a stolen car ring tied to Johnny Newcome and the Hells Angels. This just sounds like more of the same old BS. In that case, the police are alleging the President of the Kelowna Hells Angels reported two vehicles as stolen, and the vehicles were later processed at Newcome's garage. Police also recovered three stolen vehicles that were allegedly in the possession of the Calgary Hells Angels chapter. Only rats would steal a motorcycle. Scamming ICBC effects all our insurance rates. Freakin parasites. Get a real job.

Speaking of Kelowna, Blaze the woman beater’s second cousin, the son of Tony the Tramp, got nine months for videotaping his friend pour after shave on a guy passed out at a party and set him on fire. Kelowna trash. Not much different that Surrey trash. What a shame.

Rare Whale sighting on northern BC coast

A rare sighting of a Right whale off Haida Gwaii in the northern BC coastal waters. All the more reason to protect our waters from coal contamination, oil spills and petroleum coke.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Surrey Shirts takes aim at Rob Ford’s crack video

You know you’re hating is when even Surrey starts making fun of you. Don from Surrey Shirts has added a Rob Ford tribute to his Surrey Shirts collection. It says Toronto’s #1 Authorized Ford Dealer with a picture of a meth pipe. Referring to Rob Ford’s drug dealer not the Ford automobile manufacturer. Well done. You can buy one from

Montreal's interim Mayor arrested on fraud charges

When I first saw the headline about Montreal’s interim Mayor resigning amid corruption allegations, I have to admit I resorted to the rollie eyes and thought not again. The guy replaced the last mayor who resigned amid corruptions allegations. I didn’t realize he was actually arrested. He faces 14 charges, including fraud, conspiracy, breach of trust and corruption in municipal affairs.

CTV is reporting that the charges are related to two real-estate projects that took place between 2006 and 2011, before Applebaum became mayor. The anti corruption commissioner said "these were bribes that influenced a decision, approvals or permit distribution." Police said the transactions being investigated were worth "several hundreds of thousands of dollars." Seemingly this all happened over a decade ago.

Two other Montreal-area public figures were also arrested Monday: Jean Yves Bisson, a former director of permits who worked in Applebaum's west end borough, and Saulie Zajdel, who worked in a ministerial office for the federal Conservatives on ethnic outreach. Zajdel was charged with breach of trust, fraud and corruption.

Since all this drama is tied to corruption in the construction industry in Montreal we can’t forget the allegations against Gilles Varin and QMI Agency’s prediction that the RCMP is close to laying criminal charges against a former Conservative aide to a Quebec senator in connection with the Hells Angels contract to renovate Parliament in Ottawa. What a freaking mess.

I guess they haven’t figured out yet like they have here as long as the bribes are in the form of campaign contributions. They're even tax deductible. Just ask Gateway casinos. Some blog readers think surrey is more corrupt than Montreal because everything is hidden behind the Surrey Development corporation which isn't publicly accountable. Meanwhile, it looks like Harper is going to have his own Big House Crew.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013