Saturday, January 4, 2014

The Vancouver Sun drops the ball

I have a ton of things to catch up on but I just wanted this said. First we have an unprecedented break through when the Vancouver Province nailed the Surrey issue in their front page article on January 2nd. Then low an behold the next day the Vancouver Sun prints an absurd Laura Balance Hail Mary interference play to once again spin that truth and prevent it from being addressed.

I was rather shocked because I thought the same publisher runs both papers. It's as though he wants the Province to appeal to readers who are a little left while he wants the Sun to appeal to readers who are a little right. I doubt that is the case but that is what it appears. The point I want to make is that Dianne Watts is not right wing. She is not pro business. Being pro business means arresting the crack dealers outside the Newton businesses and the Whalley businesses whose complaints have been falling of deaf ears. That's not happening. That's the problem.

Being right wing is supposed to mean being fiscally responsible and opposing excessive consumer taxes and tolls on everything. That is the exact opposite of what Dianne Watts actually does and wants. She is not right wing so don't even pretend she is. By their definition she is a leftist tax and spend kook. That is why I keep saying we have to lose the old left and right stereotypes because they do not hold up to public scrutiny. We need to debate issues and leave the false stereotypes behind because they are being used to promote a very dishonest campaign that says one thing and does the exact opposite.

They are not cracking down on the drug houses in Surrey. McCallum did that while Dianne Watts rode his coattails. She is spending all the city's resources busting grow ops. She is doing nothing to stop crack dealers selling on the street in Whalley or Newton. She is stopping it outside her new Ivory tower but letting it continue unbridled in Whalley outside the Front Room and in Newton.

That is the truth. Spinning that truth is a lie. Just ask the businesses in Newton and Whalley as well as the residents of Newton and Whalley or the residents outside the illegal booze can there was a homicide in.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Body found in Lynn Creek

CTV is confirming a body has been found in Lynn Creek earlier this evening. An extensive search was conducted in the area recently for missing British tourist Tom Billings, but there is no indication the remains are his. OK so Lynn Creek runs under the Lynn Canyon suspension Bridge in North Vancouver.

The missing British hiker was reported to have embarked on a hike from the Lynn Headwaters trying to do Crown mountain then over to Grouse mountain. That's further up stream in Lynn Creek thus the name Lynn Headwaters. It's physically possible to hike to Grouse mountain from the Lynn Headwaters. It's long and flat except for the last part up the other side of Dam mountain which you then climb down to get to the top of Grouse. Doing Crown mountain before that is possible but it is one long ass hike. You have ot go all the way up Crown mountain, all the way down it again, then all the way up Dam mountain only to climb down it to get to the gondola on grouse. It's a summer hike not a winter hike. I've done Coliseum mountain from there and that is a all day hike.

Durring the summer lots of people drown in Lynn Creek. They go swimming and get swept under by an undertow. The only safe spot to swim is the 30 foot pool. But even there you have to be careful wading across the creek in the spring melt off. The water is higher and faster then. The 30 foot pool part is fine for diving in but the rest of the creek is a bit dodgy that time of year.

The Vancouver Province also reported that a woman's body was pulled out of the Fraser River near Knight Street Bridge Thursday morning. Police have not identified the remains or learned circumstances of death but claim there is no indication of a suspicious death at this point. How on earth can you say that when you haven't determined the cause of death? We'd be a little more confident it's not a suspicious death when they release the id of the body.

It's like all those human feet that were washing up on shore but they said they weren't suspicious. What the hell isn't suspicious about a human foot washing up on shore? They all committed suicide and wore shoes that floated. Yeah right. Suicide is not new. Feet washing up on shore is.

Abbotsford Homicide - Red Scorpion Dead

Global is reporting that a man in his thirties walked into the Abbotsford Automall with a stab wound to his neck 3:45 PM on Tuesday. The man died in the hospital from his injuries. A blog reader sent in a page load of stabbings from Scan BC we don't even hear about if there's no fatality. CTV is reporting a source claims the victim is a well known local gang member.

Global is reporting the name of the victim is Matthew Campbell. Kim Bolan is confirming the gang link and refers to him as the "leader" of the Red Scorpions. The puppet club the Bacon Brothers took over for the Hells Angels in the Surrey Six.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

The Vancouver Province nails it

Front page of today’s Vancouver Province was the headline “It’s Just Not Safe” and the caption “Newton residents and business owners say their Surrey neighbourhood has become plagued by drug dealers and violent criminals. Not even Laura Balance’s bullsh*t machine can spin that.

Inside the paper they expound a bit more on an interview with a local business owner in Newton that has expressed frustration with the city’s lack of response to the drug dealers killing her business. We don’t need a task force to figure out what the problem is. We know what the problem is. The problem is Dianne Watts and her Surrey First political party’s refusal to do anything about it.

In the article “It's just horrible, the things we see” Diane MacDermot, the local business owner in Newton describes the struggle she had with drug dealers outside her business. “For a couple of years, Diane MacDermott had battled a drug dealer who had set up shop outside her popular gift store, Beach Basket Giftware, across from the Newton bus exchange and Newton Wave Pool and Recreation Centre.”

She had politely asked him to leave because he was blocking the store door and scaring off customers. He didn’t like that. “He said this was his turf and his territory and he wasn’t going away.” This went on for years. The only thing that got rid of the drug dealer was the fact that he started using the product and turned into a crackhead then disappeared on his own accord.

This is not a new problem. The businesses have complaining about it for years just like the residents were complaining about the illegal booze can in Surrey that the city refused to do anything about which resulted in yet another homicide. What’s new is the fact that the media are now finally reporting it. Up until now if you had any criticism of Dianne Watts you were censored.

In contrast the Vancouver Province ran another article about how Kingsway in Burnaby had similar problems and explains how they solved the problem. One local activist said business owners and residents had to be prodded to report each and every crime they saw. The reason is two-fold. You can’t let criminals get comfortable. And it is statistics that count with authorities. There is a sad truth in the adage, ‘the squeaky wheel gets the oil.’

“It’s your backyard, so you can’t turn a blind eye,” Kumagai said. “Basically you have to take back your area, and get people out walking and going into shops. When everyone comes together, that is when you see the big impacts.” That is what I’m talking about. That is the New York model. That is what we are not doing in Surrey. Remember back in the day we used to have Block Watch and ideas like crime prevention? Those are gone because people have given up. They call the police and the police don’t do anything because city hall has given them different priorities.

If drug dealers are selling drugs outside a business and that business calls the police and the police don’t do anything, that results in criminal negligence. It is inherently hypocritical to pretend that Dianne Watts’ political party supports business when in reality that is the last thing they do. They support flipping agricultural land into industrial for dirty developers that contribute to their campaign. That’s the only business they do.

We need to arrest the crack dealers that are selling crack in public. It is that simple. Failing to do that creates a flood of drug related crime and violence which is what we are now seeing.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year Homicide in Surrey

A tragic start to the New Year. News 1130 is reporting that a woman fell to her death from a tower in Surrey and that the police are treating it as a homicide. The tower is located on 100th Avenue off Whalley Boulevard and the woman fell to her death at 1:00 AM New Years day. News 1130 is reporting that an arrest has already been made. Another homicide one hour into the New Year. Another blog reader said other cities focus on the first bay of the new year while we in surrey focus on the first homicide in the year. Very sad indeed.

I took some pictures from the scene and a man asked me what happened so I told him what I knew. Someone asked what floor she fell from and I said I didn’t know. The man said the 26th floor and I asked who said that. He replied I did. I kind of hesitated as he kept repeating I did. Then as he got into his car he broke down in tears and said it was his daughter. I was stunned and said I’m sorry for your loss.

I spoke with some reporters on scene and they confirmed it was from the 26th floor. This is absolutely tragic. Another horrible loss. Another horrible tragedy. This was a really nice man who really cared about his daughter. I am so sorry for your loss.

IHIT was on scene later on in the afternoon.

The first flowers showed up this afternoon to pay their respects.

More flowers and candles by early evening. Let's hope the city doesn't take these ones away. We need some of these at the Newton Arena site. Looks like they already have.

Update: Global is reporting that the victim was 19 years old and that police were on their way to a domestic dispute call at the apartment between the woman and a 23-year-old male when they saw her fall to her death from 26th floor. Seemingly it wasn’t the first time the police had been to the apartment.

The 23-year-old male is currently in custody but police have not laid any charges in the incident yet. Global is reporting that the police claim “We have gotten cooperation from one person who was inside,” said Dan Splinter, Surrey RCMP. “We believe there were more people inside at the time and would like to speak to them.”

New Years Day: Another Blood Red Sky

I'm not much of a New Years eve kind of guy. My father used to be an elementary school principle in North Vancouver. When I was very young, I remember my father and I stopping off at his staff Christmas or New Years party. When he saw what it was like we quickly left. My father was not a drinker. I saw an older man chasing a younger woman around the house with a shoe and they were both drunk acting like idiots. I remember being in shock. These are adults? I thought to myself. Then I thought these are teachers? God help us. Even a primary student could see that.

I'm more of a New Years day kind of guy. There's nothing like snowshoeing up a mountain with a headlamp before dawn only to catch the first sunrise of the year from the peak of a snow covered ridge. For me the new year doesn't begin at midnight new years eve. It begins at sunrise new years day. Today it's another blood red sky.

The build up to dawn was dark and dreary. Yet behind the dark clouds, the sun is still shining. A new day has dawned and a new year is before us. Last year was pretty much the same as the year before that. Even worse. Only now the data has revealed some root causes of the violence. Last year Surrey had a record number of homicides while Vancouver had the least ever. Something is wrong in Surrey and I'd be happy to tell you what it is.

Everyone knows whenever a crack house moves into town the whole neighborhood goes to pot. Well it's the same thing when you let them sell crack publicly in a particular area. The trickle down violence from that act is off the hook. One activist recently complained about Dianne Watt's trips to Israel and enforcing the law around her new city hall when they don't do the same thing in Newton. Whalley is still a problem that is not being addressed. All they care about is crime in their little bubble. It's as though they made a deal with the crack dealers telling them you can sell in Newton and at the Front Room as long as you don't sell outside the new City Hall. Surely they would never make a deal like that but when you see that happen it sure makes you wonder.

Deal or no deal, they are clearly letting them sell crack in Newton and outside the Front Room. They have prioritized their policing and clearly think that containing it to those areas is OK when it most certainly is not. I can't stress this enough. Letting them sell crack in Newton and outside the Front Room is the problem. All the talk forces and media spin doctors can not change that simple fact. Until we address that issue, we are wasting our time.

A lot of people have been complaining about Dianne Watt's genefication of the city centre. I don't have a problem with genefication. Genefication is part of the New York model but so is enforcement. Enforcement is a vital part of the New York model just like it is a vital part of the Four Pillars program. Extremists quote the Four Pillars and cry about a distorted definition of harm reduction while they completely ignore and oppose enforcement. Those lunatics are not supporting the Four Pillars program. Their twisted definition of harm reduction is in opposition to the Four Pillars program and is in opposition to public health and safety.

I oppose Dianne Watt's selective genefication and selective enforcement. In Whalley the businesses were complaining about how the crack addicts were destroying their business from theft. In Newton the businesses are complaining about how the drug dealers are destroying their business by taking their customers away. Not arresting the crack dealers in Newton and Whalley is destroying business there. That is what we see happening. The businesses need to sue Dianne Watts and Bill Fordy civilly for not enforcing the law equally. They have suffered business losses as a result and have thereby incurred legal damages.

It's not a matter of kicking the cat. Bullying the homeless is not part of the New York model. Arresting the predatory drug dealers is. I saw it. Spreading chicken manure where the homeless live is not part of the New York model. It's kicking the cat by bullying the bullied. We need to arrest the crack dealers. It really is that simple. Nothing has changed from the crime prevention meeting in Surrey years ago Mike Farnworth and Bruce Ralston hosted back in 2008.

Something needs to change because the city of Surrey and the RCMP aren't listening. It is the public that pays their wages. The public is the one that has to pay for Dianne Watts new ivory tower and all her extravagant trips everywhere promoting herself while she neglects the city that elected her. The residents of Whalley where Janice Shore was murdered refer to their neighborhood as the dead zone because police tolerate crime there. That needs to change.

E-mail Campaign:

One blog reader who expressed a mutual frustration with the political corruption surrounding this issue suggested we launch an e-mail campaign to encourage city council to address the issue. They weren't sure if I'd support an e-mail campaign given the fact that I have obviously given up on Diane Watts after she bullied me at the mega casino meeting.

I think an e-mail campaign is a good start. She flipped when she saw the public outrage about the mega casino in a residential area she gave to her dirty developers. Maybe she'll cave in on crime and get Bill Fordy to start enforcing the law equally in Newton and outside the Front Room. Sadly she just turned around and approved the casino locals opposed for Newton instead of Semiahmoo to oppress the seniors there.

Personally I think we need to elect a new city council who aren't clone drones of the mayor's financial self indulgence and we need to trade Bill Fordy and Don Ray for someone else. Anyone else. Trained monkeys perhaps who don't steam roll over the democratic will of the people and the local businesses. As the blog reader pointed out, "Don't tell your dog to shit in your neighbors backyard so you won't have to pick it up. That is not proper nor political etiquette. Even In Surrey!"

Update: Another homicide in Surrey as we speak.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Hockey mom asaulted in Surrey has died of injuries

Well our blog reader was right about the police scene in Newton right behind the Newton Wave pool on 137th Street off 72nd Avenue. Lots of media on site. It looks like Global and CTV are on scene ready to broadcast live. I checked the perimeter and didn't see any evidence markers. I was told that it is an expected fatality and that a woman was hit over the head with a rock. That's so Surrey and so tragic. The Surrey Leader was also on scene and will likely have a good insight of what went down them being local and all.

The Surrey Leader is reporting that: "A 53-year-old hockey mom is not expected to survive after being viciously beaten for her purse. On Sunday, just after 9:30 p.m., the woman was picking up her 14-year-old son after a hockey game at the ice rink at Newton Arena, located at 7120 136B St. In the parking lot, the woman was confronted by someone who demanded her purse. The attacker then proceeded to viciously beat the woman. She is in hospital, and isn't expected to survive."

Barbaric. Evidently it's not gang related but what are the odds drugs are involved? Someone getting robbed and viciously assaulted for five bucks to buy more crack. We've seen that before. That pushes the years record homicides to 25 not 24. The violence needs to be addressed as does the causes of it. Letting crack dealers sell crack in public creates a profound amount of public violence. The Front Room is a huge concern but Newton is another.

The Surrey Now is reporting that a Newton advocate says she's warned council about the area's crime. Big surprise. Just like they were warned for years about that illegal booze can that someone was finally murdered at. Jude Hannah, founder of ReNewton said: "We have been calling on the city to take action and this is absolutely the worst nightmare. And I feel so upset, I feel so angry, I’m so disappointed... This was what we feared would happen, and we warned them,” she said. “I hate to say blood on their hands… (again) but that’s what people have said. This is just shameful.”

“First of all, we need the mayor to address the situation and to get the focus off the city centre and trips to Israel and all of that…. Her legacy wont be that gleaming city centre, but that she’s just pushed Whalley down five miles into Newton. And that will be her legacy. And nobody wants to see that,”

Dianne Watts and Bill Fordy have stopped the crack dealers outside their new ivory tower but as this advocate said, they pushed them over to Newton and the Front Room. We need to follow up and arrest the crack dealers there too. That is the New York model. Building a wall around her new Ivory tower and letting the rest of the city go to pot is somewhat hypocritical. Oh right, the Newton Seniors got the casino that Whiterock didn't want. Thanks for nothing.

Update: The Vancouver Province and the Vancouver Sun is reporting that the mother has indeed died of her injuries incurred during the Newton assault. The Vancovuer Sun is also reporting that Diane MacDermott, one of the owners of the Beach Basket, located across the street from the Newton bus loop, recently said she may close her doors as a result of the area’s crime. She said where once they used to have baby strollers lined up outside, now they have people waiting to buy drugs. MacDermott said the area is plagued by drug dealing, homelessness and prostitution.

The Surrey Now is reporting that Surrey residents call for immediate action to make Newton safe. The flaming concern is public sale of crack and drug addicted prostitution. When you let drug dealers sell crack in public, you create a huge amount of drug related violence from addicts stealing to pay for the destructively addictive poisons. Cutting down the old growth trees will do nothing as long as they continue letting drug dealers sell crack there. The problem is the crack dealers not the trees. 25 murders. A very sad end to the year.

This is the second attack in that area in the past two weeks. On Dec. 16, a Surrey woman in her 20s had just got off the bus at the Newton exchange, about 200 metres from the arena parking lot, when she was assaulted. She was injured in the attack, taken to hospital, then released. This second attack has resulted in the police issuing a public warning in a frail attempt to absolve them of legal liability for more assaults.

Here's the problem. Warning the public isn't good enough. You have to do your job and stop promoting lawlessness. Selling crack in public is illegal. Letting them sell crack there as long as they don't sell it outside the mayor's new ivory tower is not equal protection of the law. Letting the crack dealers sell crack in Newton and outside the Front Room is criminal negligence. The police and the mayor can get sued for that as well. Criminal negligence for refusing to enforce the law and refusing to respond to citizen complaints. That goes for this homicide as well as the one at the illegal booze can they refused to do anything about. It's time to name Diane Watts and Bill Fordy in a class action law suit for refusing to enforce the law. That is the only way they will start enforcing the law. If they are sued in court for not doing so. Just like the Ontario police were sued for not issuing that public warning about the balcony rapist.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

2013 Gang Violence Year in Review

Well a record number of homicides for the year in Surrey clearly is not a good thing. Yet it’s not even a peak in the gang war just a continuation of the drug related violence that followed. It has shown that letting the Hells Angels win the gang war and obtain a monopoly of the drug trade in British Columbia has not resulted in a reduction of drug related violence at all. It has just made them even more bold and brutal.

The three rings showed the Hells Angels control of the Canadian drug trade prior to 2013 violence. Rob Shannon, Trevor Jones and the 2012 bust involving Larry Amero in Montreal established an indisputable pattern of huge cross border drug trafficking linked to the Hells Angels.

2013 saw that trend continue with the Haney chapter getting busted with a huge shipment of cocaine in Spain and Larry Amero's crystal meth bust in Australia. We did have the Joey Verma conviction of the murder of Britney Irving in Kelowna tied to the Hells Angels. Which once again shows them having a monopoly on the drug trade doesn’t reduce the violence at all.

We’re still waiting for the trial of Robert Thomas and Norm Cox for the murder of Daine Philips in Kelowna as well as Skellator’s drug related trial tied to the Kelowna Hells Angels. At least he hasn’t made bail. We're still waiting on the trial for the Kelowna Hells Angels stolen car, boat and motorcycle ring as well. Only rats steal cars.

The Surrey Six murder trial has been a big part of 2013. The revelation that Jamie Bacon tried to extort Corey Lal doesn’t come as a big surprise. Nor does the fact that he did it for the Hells Angels given his brother Jonathon’s ties to Larry Amero at the time. Jamie Bacon is mentally diminished and certainly isn’t the brains of that operation. Surrey Six witnesses drinking and partying with RCMP members continues to be a concern for police credibility.

Letting that illegal booze can operate in Surrey despite years of complaints from the neighbors resulted in at least one fatality there. Letting drug dealers sell crack outside the Front Room in Surrey has resulted in many others. It’s really sad how Diane Watts and Bill Fordy are more worried about their political careers then they are about stopping crime in Surrey instead of suppressing crime statistics.

Judging from the big RCMP dinner it doesn’t sound like Bill Fordy’s behavior has improved any since he was involved with the Pickton investigation. Stopping the crack dealers from selling crack in Surrey central was a good thing. Now they have to do more than contain it to outside the Front Room where those predators bully the homeless. They need to stop it there as well not just outside their new Ivory Tower which has turned out to be one giant financial disaster.

Paying that much money on furniture alone is offensive. The expenditure is simply not worth it. Tolling everything is an obscene tax grab. Tolling bridges that are already paid for is illegal. Dianne Watts has to get her spending under control. Right now her spending is a huge concern for taxpayers. Don’t even get me started on Stephen Harper and Justin Bieber's attack on our civil liberty. That remains our primary national concern.

Another huge concern is the 300 tons of radioactive water leaking into the Pacific Ocean every day two and an half years after the reactor accident in Japan. That is absolutely insane. The fact that it is still leaking that much radioactive water every day is a huge global concern. Add that to the radioactive water leaking into the Columbia River and we see how hard it is to safely dispose of Radioactive waste. Which forces us to rethink our support of that toxic energy source. Not to mention the nuclear weapon threat.

Surrey Pressure cooker scam goes to court

The Vancouver Sun is reporting that John Nuttall and Amanda Korody are due back in Vancouver’s B.C. Supreme Court on Jan. 16, where a trial date is expected to be set for later in 2014, or in 2015. Both have been charged with knowingly facilitating a terrorist activity, possession of an explosive substance and conspiring to commit an indictable offense.

This is that ridiculous scam where two Surrey drug addicts were accused of making pressure cooker bombs with the intent of using them to blow up the BC Parliament buildings in Victoria. The case is a complete scam.

These were a couple of two bit drug addicts on the methadone program that didn’t have money for food let alone rent. All of a sudden they bought all these brand new pressure cookers with rusty nails made in a lab to blow up Parliament in Victoria for no known reason whatsoever.

Victoria is provincial and has no jurisdiction over federal military decisions despite the fact that Canada had already pulled out of Afghanistan after it helped the US gain control of the opium trade there and reversed the Taliban’s decision to give the contract for the oil pipeline to Bridas instead of an American firm.

Joshua Labove, a “terrorism expert” at Simon Fraser University, said “The temptation to connect these individuals to a large intricate (terrorist) network gives them way too much nuance and sophistication,” Labove said. “We just need to be mindful that ... not all terrorism is global and not all terrorism has a particular reason ... It’s quite possible that there’s no good reason that this occurred.”

Well if there is no good reason this occurred then there is no motive now is there. In July, friends told the Vancouver Sun the couple battled with substance abuse, went paintballing and lived on welfare in a Kennedy Heights basement suite. Gee I didn’t think Muslim extremists drank alcohol or did drugs. Last summer it was reported that Nuttall is off methadone "coldturkey ." That’s strange. Everyone else on the methadone program gets increase dosages not decreased dosages to perpetuate that pharmaceutical scam.

As we recall there was no Canada Day plot because he was originally arrested on March 2nd for knowingly facilitating a terrorist activity. The Canada Day claim was a bold faced lie.

Bill Tieleman already reported on the RCMP’s terrorist quotas to rationalize the ballooning budget that has misplaces billions of dollars to “fight” terrorism. Losing $1.5 billion tax dollars a year is terrorism. Even the BC Civil Liberties Association has also raised concerns about this scam because the police were obviously the ones that provided the fake explosives. The bottom line is that US Intelligence agencies set the whole thing up and it was CSIS that tipped off the RCMP.

We need to remember that CSIS was responsible for the Air India bombing. That’s no conspiracy theory, that’s CBC. CSIS had a handler that helped plan the event and provided the explosives. They pulled their handler out the day before the bombing so they wouldn’t be implicated but he had already set the plan in motion and provided the explosives. Just like the Toronto 18.

The RCMP had a video tape showing how powerful the explosives were in the Toronto 18 scam because they were the ones that provided those explosives. Before this case goes to trial, CSIS need to be tried for murder in the Air India bombing. Every day that doesn’t happen is another day mocking justice. Phil Gibson is a fugitive. Charge him.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

47 Ronin is Awesome

47 Ronin is the best movie ever. We’re talking Shogun, Samurai, Bushido, On (pronounced hone without the H meaning honour). Now that’s what I’m talking about. It’s an epic struggle between good versus evil and exemplifies honour, integrity and loyalty.

If you’ve never studied Bushido or learned about the Japanese culture in that time period then some of it might not make sense but for anyone who understands that culture or has studied Bushido it is amazing.

When my kids were young they were into Harry Potter and the Lord of the Rings. I was impressed they were doing so much reading but I just couldn’t get into fiction so I picked up Shogun. Now that was epic. The ritual suicide thing was a bit hard to understand. No doubt they took it to the extreme. In one case a guy jumps off a cliff to commit ritual suicide just to get someone else’s attention to save his life. The English traveler just shook his head. You’d think he could have thrown a rock to get the guys attention instead.

My two best friends growing up were Japanese. As adults I joked with the one who was the best man at my wedding and said the Japanese sure didn’t have a deep understanding of repentance at the time. You know, if at first you don’t succeed try try again. He laughed and agreed. It is an incredibly noble heritage but I really think you need to put the ritual suicide thing in perspective and focus more on redemption.

The main character in this movie is Keanu Reeves. I asked a friend what else he played in because he looked very familiar but I just couldn’t put a finger on it. They responded with the Matrix. Right. That’s where I saw him before. He was the one in the Matrix. No wonder. This roll was just as epic.

I loved the movie because it was all about Bushido but also because it was all about integrity and the struggle of good versus evil. It even talked about how this life is in preparation for the here after. This movie is awesome and ties in with everything I’m trying to convey on this blog.

At the time period Japan had an entrenched caste system just like England did. You had to be a certain class to become a Samurai just like you had to be of noble birth to become a Knight in England. A Knight’s Tale is a fun and inspiring movie about someone who seized the opportunity and lied about his heritage to compete in jousting. After he was discovered and imprisoned Robert the Bruce knighted him for his courage which allowed him to finish the competition. Very inspiring.

"Lands and titles doesn't make a man noble." Braveheart