A tragic start to the New Year. News 1130 is reporting that a woman fell to her death from a tower in Surrey and that the police are treating it as a homicide. The tower is located on 100th Avenue off Whalley Boulevard and the woman fell to her death at 1:00 AM New Years day. News 1130 is reporting that an arrest has already been made. Another homicide one hour into the New Year. Another blog reader said other cities focus on the first bay of the new year while we in surrey focus on the first homicide in the year. Very sad indeed.
I took some pictures from the scene and a man asked me what happened so I told him what I knew. Someone asked what floor she fell from and I said I didn’t know. The man said the 26th floor and I asked who said that. He replied I did. I kind of hesitated as he kept repeating I did. Then as he got into his car he broke down in tears and said it was his daughter. I was stunned and said I’m sorry for your loss.
I spoke with some reporters on scene and they confirmed it was from the 26th floor. This is absolutely tragic. Another horrible loss. Another horrible tragedy. This was a really nice man who really cared about his daughter. I am so sorry for your loss.
IHIT was on scene later on in the afternoon.
The first flowers showed up this afternoon to pay their respects.
More flowers and candles by early evening. Let's hope the city doesn't take these ones away. We need some of these at the Newton Arena site. Looks like they already have.
Update: Global is reporting that the victim was 19 years old and that police were on their way to a domestic dispute call at the apartment between the woman and a 23-year-old male when they saw her fall to her death from 26th floor. Seemingly it wasn’t the first time the police had been to the apartment.
The 23-year-old male is currently in custody but police have not laid any charges in the incident yet. Global is reporting that the police claim “We have gotten cooperation from one person who was inside,” said Dan Splinter, Surrey RCMP. “We believe there were more people inside at the time and would like to speak to them.”
Horrible but avoidable if the entire JUDICIARY and RCMP would do their JOBS with HONESTY and ACCOUNTABILTY to the PUBLIC, and hold POLITICIANS and their BOSSES to the same ACCOUNTABILITY!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure how this one could have been prevented not knowing the motive yet. However, I do think the Newton one could have been avoided if they started arresting the crack dealers in that area.
ReplyDeleteYes, avoidable as you look at the fact that there had been previous calls on these 2 people with physical abuse upon the 19 year old girl. The father could obviously not get the help they both needed. The system failed for this family.
DeleteWhere did you read there were calls on these 2 people?
DeleteIt said on the PrimeTimeCrime link that they have been to the apt. before for dom violence. Probably gave him several warnings and did nothing about it. He would get a bigger sentence for speeding in this country.
ReplyDeletePolice say they have called to the same suite on other occasions
DeleteRead more: http://bc.ctvnews.ca/common-law-partner-released-after-teen-s-26-storey-fall-1.1615272#ixzz2pIQoj6bw
Domestic violence is a huge problem in society but is very hard for police to prevent. If the police had been called there on more than one occasion, what was she still doing there? It was her choice. Obviously she is not to blame. I'm just saying it's hard for the police to prevent domestic violence if the person stays in that relationship. Not arresting crack dealers outside of a business is a much better example of police negligence.
DeleteThe only thing that might come into play was response time. Was there a long delay in police response time? If there was, then they may have been able to prevent it had they responded to the call sooner.
Huh? The system failed them? You can warn the girl to leave. Tell them to break up. Do everything in your power but if they refuse to separate, if no restraining order is filed, what can the police or anybody legally do?? To say the police and system failed them is to say the parents and friends and everyone around failed them. These two never even took advantage of the system to begin with. They got themselves into a toxic relationship and now a young woman is dead and a young man will spend a few yrs in jail (thanks to BC's pathetic justice system)
Deletesometimes there can be consequences to trying to leave a relationship when one person is extremely dominant and or violent.
DeleteAlso, some human traffic situations use 'domestic' situations as a cover, so it 'looks' more like the woman is staying of her own free will. Sometimes traffickers set the situation to get pets, children, or siblings involved so they have a hostage to use for further leverage. Or it could even be ailing parents. Whatever. The point is control, and the people doing it often lack self-control, except in as much as they've trained themselves to override normal human decency to do unspeakable things to keep people under their power. The men /trafficker in these situations can be psychologically wounded too, in fact that is almost necessary to be able to make them good pawns in doing this sort of thing, ie break them in prison for minor offenses so now you've got them in your pocket and can make them do the big stuff. mkultra mind control cia type stuff etc. healthy communties and supportive communties can do a lot to intervene, for instance traditional rooted restorative justice and restorative circles, and other conflict resolution and community healing techniques, but the urban environment, in a capitalist, individualistic-consumer market shaped culture makes this much less likely to be available or resources present for this... people live in 'proximity' to others, but often not 'together', or in a strong 'community' with them...
I'm glad to see such insightful, fact focussed blog posts on this issue; it is nice to know that some people think this is important, and are doing something about it.
Thanks. Yeah that domestic human trafficking thing is one that I have a hard time understanding. Pimping out your own wife or GF and all. You make a good point about people being blackmailed to stay in an abusive relationship. That's a sad world alright.
DeleteHas there been any follow up with Maurine's death? She was my lab partner and I carry her picture in my wallet every day. She deserves justice. Her death was not an accident.