Thursday, March 6, 2014

Bill C-13 does away with civil liberty

Speaking of Stephen Harper's Corporate Communism, Open has put out a new youtube video about bill C-13 that has been picked up by the Huffington Post. Warrantless surveillance is illegal. They are violating the Constitution and the Charter of Rights. There is nothing good about this deception. This is big brother in your face. Everything he promised to oppose. Sound familiar?

Vikileaks Toews, the good Christian who had an affair on his wife and fathered a child with a younger woman originally said anyone who opposes this bill supports pedophiles. That was a bold faced lie. When the media told him the bill gives the police the right to put someone under surveillance who has not been accused of a crime he said he was surprised to find out that was in the bill. Liar. Even Michael Geist opposes it. Somehow I don't think he supports pedophiles. This is about protecting civl liberty. Something the Harper government opposes.

Jason Yeo found guilty of organizing PEI home invasion

CBC is reporting that Jason Yeo has been found guilty of organizing an Emyvale home invasion and will be sentenced on March 31. This was the drug rip he orchestrated because he said one of his co conspirators owed him a debt after their drug shipment was busted by the police.

Four Teenagers arrested for armed robbery at Surrey pharmacy

CTV is reporting that four teenagers have been arrested in connection with an armed robbery at a Surrey pharmacy Tuesday night, just one week after officials voiced concern over a number of drugstore thefts in the city. The teens were arrested in Burnaby by the VPD.

I'm glad they made the arrest. I'm just wondering why they bother arresting these kids when they let everyone else sell stolen pharmaceutical drugs outside the Carnegie centre in East Van. I mean why arrest one but not the other? It just doesn't make sense.

I thought the government said they were banning oxys because of all the theft and misuse. That doesn't seem to be happening. The over prescription of oxys is still rampant. The pharmaceutical scam continues.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Defending a Free Republic

The last post about Putin using a MC to invade the Ukraine has generated some very interesting discussion. I want to be very clear about the difference between Capitalism and Freedom. Many people today think they are on in the same but there is a huge difference. Capitalism is a condition that exists within a free market. The free market represents democracy not the greed of Capitalism. Greed in itself is not good. A Free Republic is good.

I do admire the Americans. They have a very high respect for their flag. They never let it touch the ground. They view it as sacred. They even say a pledge of allegiance to the flag and the Free Republic it represents. The US Constitution guarantees a Republican government.

The Founding Fathers were not referring to Capitalism or George Bush. They were referring to a Free Republic where civil liberty was protected by law not abolished by a manifesto. The movie Gladiator was about the struggle to establish a free republic. So was the Star Wars saga. Eddy Murphy was in a comedy called Distinguished Gentlemen which was about the corruption among the lobbyists in Washington. In Michael Moore's last documentary Capitalism a love story, he illustrated some of the corruption that plagues both parties in the senate. How senators get campaign contributions in the form of insider trading tips on Wall Street like what they threw Martha Stewart in jail for.

It was interesting to hear of the threats and the opposition Michele Moore received for exposing Senator Dodd and the insider trading corruption that plagued the Democrats as well as the Republicans. They told him to cool it. His position was that he would expose corruption on either side on the political fence not just on one side.

So without question the insider trading that is bribing US government officials is staggering but get this. It is nothing compared to the wealth among the politicians in Communist China which promises to oppose the greed of Capitalism. In reality they are far worse offenders.

The Business Insider is reporting that the 70 Richest Members Of China's 'Congress' Are Worth $90 Billion. This is more than the $7.5 billion net worth of all 660 top officials in the three branches of the U.S. government. History repeats itself. Corruption infiltrates both sides of the fence. Communism does not represent social justice and does not oppose the greed of the big banks. They are in reality funded by the big banks only to become much worse offenders. So you say you want a revolution? Just be careful the devil you don’t know isn’t worse than the devil you do know.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Putin recruits Russian MC

Well this is interesting. The Telegraph in England is reporting that the Night Wolves are Russia’s largest motorbike club, with over 5,000 members. They appear to be aligned with the Bandidos not the Hells Angles.

Following feminist group Pussy Riot’s ‘punk prayer’ in a Moscow cathedral, the Night Wolves offered to guard Orthodox cathedrals against any further ‘hooliganism’. Bikers protecting a church against vandalism? That's ironic.

They are mobilizing in the Ukraine in support of Russian troops there. It sure is a mixed up world so it is. Just ask the Kinks. The Aging Rebel has also done a write up about them.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

East Vancouver open air drug markets

Here we go again. Banging our head against the wall. Front page of the Vancouver Province was a picture outside the infamous Carnegie center in East Vancouver talking about all the drugs for sale outside. Everyone knows the police let them sell drugs there. The whole drug war is a complete farce as long as they let them do that.

The new news is that prescription drugs are now sold there just as much as crack and crystal meth which opens up Pandora's box as to more tax dollars getting ripped off by drug dealers.

Once again it focuses on the root of the problem. Why the fuck are we letting drug dealers sell crack, crystal meth and stolen oxy's outside the Carnegie centre? It makes no sense whatsoever. Selling hard drugs is illegal. Busting someone for growing some pot but letting someone else sell crack outside the Front Room in Surrey or outside the Carnegie Centre in East Vancouver is criminally insane. The spin off violence is off the hook.

We are enabling the predatory drug dealers that beat Janice Shore to death for a drug debt in Surrey and pushed Ashley Machiskinic out of a window for a drug debt in East Vancouver. Letting these predatory drug dealers exploit the homeless is not being compassionate. It's being cruel and heartless. The same with handing out free crack pipes and mouth pieces. This is absolutely insane. I don't have to make another blog post ever again. This is the root of the problem right here. Until we address it everything else is a complete waste of time. When we let these drug dealers sell crack in public we are supporting all the trickle down crime and violence that creates which includes the torture and murder of drug addicts for drug debts. That is inhumane.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Another murderer applies for day pass

This case is yet another example of how screwed up the injustice system really is. The Vancouver Province is reporting that Vince Li, the nut bar who stabbed and beheaded someone on a greyhound bus six years ago then started eating the victims flesh while the police watched might soon be granted unescorted day trips outside his mental hospital.

Vince Li's psychiatrist says the one-time undiagnosed schizophrenic has not been violent, no longer suffers delusions and has made tremendous progress. Great. Then put him in jail to serve the rest of his sentence. Giving him unescorted day passes is criminally insane.

The courts would argue that the public need to be educated on the law. No, the courts need to apply the law the citizens create when they elected governments to make them. The courts don't know the law, they know a bunch of watered down jurisprudence that has diluted natural justice into nonexistence.

March Against Corruption - Update

Well. well, well. The Georgia Straight is reporting that rallies from coast to coast will be held Saturday (March 1) as part of the international campaign March Against Corruption. Tomorrow in Vancouver, protesters will gather outside the Vancouver Art Gallery at 1 p.m. for a march downtown. Finally the people are beginning to sing.

Update: Although I totally agree raising public awareness about corporate corruption is crucial in our day, I'll explain why I'm not going to this rally. First is because I don't support the Idle no More movement. Not because I don't support human rights it's because I support equal rights. I don't think any one group is any better than another and has the inherit right to tax and extort the general public just so they don't have to get a job. That is insane. No offense.

Second is because I don't support the Harper no more concept. Although there are many things the Harper government is doing that I totally oppose, just about all of the other political parties support spying and the removal of our civil liberty. That needs to be addressed. We can't end up like the Quebec University students who were conned by the Party Quebecois. The Party Quebecois exploited the University students concerns to get elected then turned around and basically did the exact same thing the other party did once they were elected. Yes Harper is an idiot, but he is the elected idiot. Just like Rob Ford. Who's the bigger fool? The fool or the fool that votes for him?

The opposition likes to attack everything about Harper's "tough on crime" stance. I don't oppose that concept at all. I just don't think Harper has embraced it and I think mandatory minimum sentences for pot is stupid. It prevents us from implementing mandatory minimum sentences for violent crime like murder and rape or for hard drugs like crack or crystal meth. We need to implement mandatory minimum sentences for selling not using crack. It's that simple. Legalizing pot AND doing away with mandatory minimum sentences for SELLING crack is stupid.

Thirdly I do not support the ultimate extreme some of the nutbars who are supporting this rally propose. I don't think we should throw the baby out with the bath water. I don't think we should jump out of the frying pan into the fire. The Communists denounce corporate corruption and promise to resolve the matter with force. Wrong. They are the driving force behind the corporate corruption. The right wing extremists are in fact corporate Communists. Wall Street and the big banks funded the Communist revolution in Russia. Communism is not freedom. Communism is not democracy. Communism is not social justice. It is a lie that takes us in the exact opposite direction.

Although I thought Russia did a great job hosting the winter Olympics we cannot forget that right after all that good will they are preparing to invade the Ukraine after they began protesting the removal of their sovereignty. If today is the day we expose corporate corruption, today is the day we expose how corporate monopolies destroy the free market and lead to Communism not freedom. Russian troops have now invaded Crimea in the Ukraine.

We need to remember that Communism is still a real threat and that the greatest threat to our liberty lies with the enemy from within. Al Martin testified that Jeb Bush instructed him to commit investment fraud as a tool to raise funds for Iran contra. We need to remember that Earl W. Brian embezzled $50 million from Nesbitt Thompson’s clients in Canada on behalf of the CIA which went to fund the October Surprise. The CIA is the biggest criminal organization on the planet then comes the Hells Angels. Word. Just ask the Black Eyed Peas. "Why we have terrorists right here in the USA. The big CIA, the crips, the bloods and the KKK."

Thursday, February 27, 2014


Well all good things must come to an end. I had hoped that at the end of the Surrey Winter fest the person who murdered Janice Shore would have been arrested. I had also hoped that since she was brutally murdered for a drug debt that the police would stop letting them sell crack outside the front room since anyone selling crack there would be a suspect in Janice Shore's murder. I am disappointed to say the least. Not only that but I am totally burnt out.

The greed and political corruption we face is indeed overwhelming. I realize all it takes for evil to triumph is for good men and woman to remain silent and do nothing. Yet this endless banging one's head against the wall seems so pointless. People are free to choose. I will always support that right. Yet when the majority of people chose evil, that's when I simply record my dissent and walk away. One tin solder.

I appreciate all the feedback and I appreciate all the links people send in. I will continue to blog but not at such a frantic rate. I'll only blog about main stories like the David Giles case. I'm not concerned about the little fish. I want to see a difference in the real predators out there.

I need to make time for one final project. I'm coaching North America's new Dali Lama. It's quite an honour really. Perhaps he will succeed where I have failed. It's time to give the next generation a shot. So if you see my reflection on a snow covered hill, maybe a landslide will bring it down.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Hells Angels Grant Street clubhouse sold for twice it's value

I realize the Hells Angels Nomad clubhouse in Burnaby on 3910 Grant Street has been for sale for a while now. Well Kim Bolan is reporting that it has been sold. The property was assessed at $1,098,000 yet just sold for for $2.175 million. Sounds like another scam to me. Just like when the city bought the Drake hotel from the Hells Angels and paid them twice what it was worth. The City of Vancouver gave the Hells Angels an extra $2 million marked for subsidized house just because.

In 2005 Grant Street Holdings was called 666 Holdings with Bob Green as a director of both companies. Tony Pires is another piece of work involved in the Grant Street sale. "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Ephesians 6:12