Thursday, October 16, 2014

Saskatoon Hells Angel uttered threats on camera

Last August we heard news that Saskatoon Hells Angel Jesse Bitz will stand trial in October for uttering threats kill the owner of Xtreme Mining and Demolition. Well, it's October and as several blog readers have pointed out, the trial is under way.

The Star Phoenix is reporting that Xtreme Mining’s owner, Leonard Banga, testified Bitz threatened to kill him on three occasions. Banga said he phoned Bitz on Dec. 23, 2012, after getting a report that Bitz had been caught sleeping on the job by an employee at the Agrium Vanscoy potash mine and then threatened the employee. Banga said he told Bitz, “If you get caught sleeping at work and you threaten somebody, you’re fired.” Bitz replied, “‘Nobody fires a f----n Hells Angel’ ... He said if I try to fire him, he’s going to f---n kill me,” Banga told court.

Banga’s wife Michelle also testified on Tuesday. She said she was sitting next to Banga during the phone conversation and could clearly hear Bitz yelling, “You can’t fire a Hells Angel, you’re f----n dead.” Testifying in his own defence, Bitz said he remembered the conversation differently. He denied saying he’d kill Banga. “I told him I’d smash his face in,” Bitz testified.

"On Dec. 31, 2012, Banga and Bitz met south of Saskatoon, but that conversation didn’t go well, ending in a fight on the side of road. Banga said Bitz threw the first punch and the fight ended when he wrestled Bitz to the ground." Bitz threw the first punch and his boss took him to the ground. The two men didn’t have any more contact until they ran into each other on June 24, 2013, at Cabela’s. Banga said Bitz started yelling at him, saying he’d never forget what happened on the side of the highway. (when the boss kicked his ass)

“The only reason you’re still alive is because you have Hells Angels working for you,” Banga said Bitz told him. “Once you don’t have Hells Angels working for you, I’m going to kill you and your family.” Banga’s wife was with him and testified Bitz said similar words that day. Bitz testified that what he said was, “As soon as the last guy’s done working for you, I’m going to put your teeth in the back of your head.”

OK so the brain surgeon that was caught sleeping on the job admits to uttering threats in colours on several occasions. He claims he threatened to assault his boss, witnesses claim he made death threats. The fact is, by his own admission, he threatened his boss in coulors on more than one occasion. On top of that he was caught on video confronting his boss is a store.

The Star Phoenix posted the video the court saw were the Hells Angel wearing colours storms into the store right after his boss and girlfriend enters it, confronts him with his finger in his face then storms out showing his colours for the security camera. This guy is brain dead. Threatens someone in colours on camera in front of a witness. Good luck with that buddy. Who's a dead man now? The Saskatoon Hells Angels are suing for wrongful dismissal. If they only had a brain.

Kelowna drug bust

Castanet is reporting that on Oct 10, members of the Kelowna RCMP Street Enforcement Teams (SET) concluded a four week long drug trafficking investigation with the execution of simultaneous search warrants residences in the 200 block of Mills Road and the 1400 block of Crawford Road.

Only a trace amount of heroin, hash and ecstasy was found but Castanet is also reporting that on August 22nd police seized a kilo of cocaine and a kilo of crystal meth out of a vehicle in Kelowna. Two Kelowna men in their 30'a have been arrested and charged. I'm assuming it's the same two in the previous seizure. Names have not yet been released for some strange reason.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Saanich drug bust tied to Vancovuer gang - again

The Vancouver Province is reporting that "Saanich police have arrested six people believed to have ties to gangs on the Lower Mainland following an investigation into a drug-trafficking operation in an apartment on Gorge Road West." No names have been released yet. Police seized 26 litres of GHB, 100 grams of crystal meth and four ounces of heroin as well as a semi automatic rifle.

Name the accused and name the criminal organization. Although these are low level dealers, the last high level drug bust in Saanich with ties to a lower mainland gang were connected to the Independent Soldiers who work for the Hells Angels. Very problematic indeed since Saanich drug dealers have been implicated in Lindsey Buziak's murder.

Lindsay Buziak's ex boyfriend who she was trying to leave was friends with top level drug dealers in Saanich and Langford. Ziggy Matheson and Ali Ziaee were charged in that bust. Careful how far you go down that rabbit hole. You might end up back at BC Rail and implicate the BC Liberals.

Last June Hells Angels associate Bryce Cameron McDonald from Courtney was charged with various offenses after 19 firearms were seized by the CFSU along with six grams of crack cocaine, a machete and equipment believed to be used for the sale of drugs. Imagine that.

Lethal injection kits produce 31 overdoses

This is a lethal injection kit from the assisted suicide centre at Insite. Yesterday the Vancouver Province reported that there were 21 overdoses at Insite in two days. The spike in overdoses has prompted police to issue another warning about "bad" heroin on the street. Not that there's any such thing as good heroin because it is a poison but this batch is even worse which is indeed a public health risk.

So how about arresting the drug dealers selling the bad heroin? Is that really such an outrageous thought? How can we issue parking tickets but not arrest drug dealers selling harmful drugs in public? That is unequal protection of the law.

Today the Vancouver Province is reporting that it's now 31 overdoses. Insite and the needle exchange program is a failed social experiment. It is dramatically increasing the number of addicts not decreasing them. Harm reduction is in reality harm promotion and the only ones benefiting are the drug dealers selling the poison on the street.

You don't give alcohol to alcoholics as treatment. That would not be humane or socially responsible. Likewise, helping heroin addicts slowly kill their brain and body is not a humane response to addiction. Turning people into zombies has nothing to do with promoting health and welfare. It is the exact opposite. [Dr. Colin Mangham on Insite]

There's a bad batch of ecstasy out there as well. One woman in Saanich just about died from it. The Vancouver Province is reporting that "the active ingredient in ecstasy is MDMA — a drug often not even included in batches of ecstasy."

Freedom isn't determined by a poll

The Vancouver Province ran an editorial today by Langley MP Mark Warawa. In it, he claims that Fundamental freedoms cannot be determined by a poll. He's absolutely right. He is referring to the Law Society of B.C's decision to have a vote on whether or not they should allow law graduates from Trinity Western University.

Religions discrimination is illegal. Period. It is illegal for them to refuse to recognize law graduates from Trinity Western University because of their religious beliefs. Period. There are religious law schools in the United States and they are all recognize in the US. No one likes religion crammed down their throat but it goes both ways.

Gay marriage is simple. Allow civil Gay marriage and allow churches to perform Gay marriage if they elect to do so. However, you cannot force a region to perform Gay marriage if it is contrary to their beliefs. It's that simple. Some people hate Christianity. However, this could aply to a Jewish or Muslim University as well. A free republic guarantees the freedom of religion. That right isn't subject to an opinion poll. [Law Society Bans Gay Lawyers]

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Outlaws in Saskatoon

July 2014 the Metro News reported that "According to Saskatoon police Det.-Insp. Jerome Engele, intelligence shows the Outlaws motorcycle club has seven full-patch members in the city." This is a picture of some of them getting their patches Christmas 2013.

I'm all for a free market. I do like a V -twin with a skull better than a feathered helmeted skull with devil horns. One is cool, the other is not. Yet I don't like crack dealers period. My eBook will explain why. The Outlaws are traditionally Hells Angels rivals. Yet one source is claiming that these Outlaws in Saskatoon pay into the Saskatoon MC coalition which is run and controlled by the Saskatoon Hells Angles.

Obviously this recent Hells Angels fraud bust in Saskatchewan is going to hurt their recruitment and public support. I have said that I rather see Outlaws in Surrey than Hells Angels. Yet that local clown claiming to be a prospect for the Outlaws in Surrey calling up the paper and filling them full of BS has got to go. I don't have beef with Doc Riddoch. I just don't support the business they have sanctioned through Larry Amero or what their puppets did to Janice Shore.

It's time to move forward. It's time to grow up. "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things." It's time for you to do the same. Leave the life and have a fresh start.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Soviet Criminal Act vs US Patriot Act

I stumbled across an interesting youtube video of another whistle blower getting shafted by the US Patriot Act and they made a passing reference to how the US Patriot Act is very similar to the Soviet Criminal Act. Some people have since claimed that they used the Soviet Criminal Act as a model when drafting the US Patriot Act. Truthers and Debunkers will then argue yes they did, no they didn't back and forth until the intent of the claim is lost completely.

It doesn't matter whether or not they used the Soviet Criminal Act as a model when they drafted the US Patriot act. The fact is they are both very similar. Both are also very similar to the German Enabling Act which is yet another example of how two different roads lead to the same place.

I always find it strange how Fascists and Communists hate each other so much when in reality both extremes lead to the same destination: Dictatorship. The inherit problem with all three documents is the removal of civil liberty and the destruction of a free republic which is what the US Constitution was framed to preserve and protect.

The US Patriot Act is illegal because it violates the US Constitution which is the highest law of the land. The first and most important right that it removes is the right to due process. The right to have a lawyer, a fair and speedy trial, even the requirement of the State to charge you with an offense before they arrest you. If there is no charge they are not allowed to arrest you according to the law established in the US Constitution.

The US Patriot Act removes that crucial requirement. Susan Lindauer was an American citizen whose Constitutional rights were thrown out the window under the US Patriot Act. She also warns how under the act rights can be removed for environmentalists or any other group the State chooses violating the freedom of association as well as everything else the Constitution stands for.

She also explained how Gaddafi was an advocate for woman rights. Women were allowed to say no to a marriage proposal under Gaddafi's regime. They didn't have to wear the complete burka either. We helped the Islamic extremists over throw and murder Gaddafi. The same rag tag extremists we now claim are a more serious threat to world peace then Communist China. I beg to differ. These rag tag extremists are being used as a cover for removing civil liberty and throwing away the US Constitution and the Canadian Charter of Rights here at home.

In the US we saw two groups rise: the Occupy Wall Street movement and the Tea Party. I submit that both extremes had a common interest. Preserving and protecting civil liberty in the Constitution. Americans pledge allegiance to their flag as opposed to a politician. "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

"And to the Republic for which it stands." The intent of the pledge of allegiance is to protect the free republic which is what the flag is supposed to represent. The US Patriot act is a violation of the pledge of allegiance. Elected officials in the United States take that pledge one step further. When they are sworn into office they swear an oath to defend the Constitution. Every politician that voted for the US Patriot Act broke their oath of office.

There's a new movement rising in the United States. They're called Oath Keepers. Police and military officials and supporters who are outraged at how the Constitution was violated during hurricane Katrina. They made an oath to protect the Constitution from all enemies both foreign and domestic and they intend on keeping that oath.

Thanksgiving has always been a time to stop and express gratitude for all the things we have to be grateful for - a job, a roof over our head, food on the table, the freedom and liberty we enjoy. Yet right now we are being robbed of that freedom and it isn't being taken by a handful of rag tag extremists, it is being taken by enemies in office who have burnt the flag and have broken their oath to defend the Constitution. This Thanksgiving is a call to arms. Oath Keepers arise. "Gentlemen may cry peace peace but there is no peace. The war is already begun."

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Jamie Bacon accused of ordering hit on Dennis Karbovanec

A blog reader recently referred to this and despite it's significance and relevance I had entirely missed it. The Abby news reported that on Dec. 31, 2008: Dennis Karbovanec survived a targeted shooting in Mission at an undisclosed location. He was wearing body armor at the time.

CBC reported that Five alleged members and associates of the United Nations gang have pleaded guilty in B.C. Supreme Court to conspiring to kill the worthless Bacon brothers in 2008 and 2009. However, the UN hasn't been charged in the 2008 shooting of DK in Mission. That's because Jamie Bacon has. I can't post a link to the media report confirming the charges because it contains things that are covered in ongoing publication bans.

I can confirm that Jamie Bacon has been charged with ordering the hit on Dennis Karbovanec on December 31st 2008. I'm not going to name the person accused of doing the shooting but I will name Jamie Bacon as the one accused of hiring him to shoot his own guy. This is somewhat profound because DK was a Bacon Brother associate. DK kind of took over Person Y's role as Jamie Bacon's body guard when Person Y was in jail.

Person Y testified in court that he cooperated in the Surrey Six investigation because he saw the loyalty among these thieves was a complete lie. This proves it. This is why so many hitmen for the Hells Angels flip. They keep getting betrayed by the people who hired them. Just like in the Vancouver Christmas of /95 hit.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Linda Hepner's campaign billboards

Yesterday we started seeing Linda Hepner's campaign billboards popping up all over the city. I don't want to be mean but that woman looks like she just crawled out from under the house that fell on the witch in the Wizard of OZ. She does not have an honest face. I guess it's just because of all the toxic bullying of Barinder and the Campbell Heights scam. She so desperately wants Barinder's ruby slippers her jealousy has become painful to watch. Only Barinder doesn't have the ruby slippers. She's not mayor yet. There are others more qualified running for the position.

In contrast McCallum is talking about shutting down the SCDC which clearly is a good thing and balancing the budget which needs to be done. A 3% reduction in operational expenses isn't much if he plans on getting rid of the new ivory tower and going back to the old city hall in the prime location. Yet there's no Wizard of Oz drama there. Just common sense.

Thankfully the Safe Surrey Coalition signs are also appearing. They look somewhat more normal and hopeful. It doesn't look like the unHappy Bunny promoting herself. It looks like a team ready to do business and balance the budget fixing Diane Watts' ivory tower fiscal catastrophe.

Kill the Messenger

Last night on ET they made reference to a new movie about the Gary Webb story called Kill the Messenger. That is awesome. It totally ties in with Operation Fast and Furious. Very timely since December is Gary Webb appreciation month. This December 10th will be the 10th anniversary of his murder. Jeremy Renner from the Avengers plays Garry Webb in the new movie.

I think it's awesome that Jeremy Renner has helped bring this pivotal story to life on the big screen. Martin Luther King was right. Truth crushed to the earth will rise again simply because no lie can live forever. This is an actual interview with Gary Webb in real life before his murder.

This is an overview of the story called Crack the CIA and of course the famous video of former LAPD officer Mike Rupert confronting the director of the CIA with the fact that the Agency tried to recruit him to sell drugs for them in LA years prior. Mike Rupert also died of a suspicious suicide after he went into hiding posting on his blog From the Wilderness.

There's another related documentary coming about Freeway Ricky's role in the CIA's LA crack cocaine ring called Crack in the System due to be released October 17 2014. Yo bro this ain't over yet. "Gentlemen may cry peace, peace, but there is no peace. The war is already begun."

In Vancouver Kill the Messenger is playing at the Cineplex Odeon International Village Cinemas 88 West Pender Street. There is free parking in the underground of the International Village.

I have now seen the movie and I must admit Jeremy Renner nails it. I'm shocked the Rolling Stone Magazine gave it a so so rating. The movie was awesome. It's not the kind of movie you walk away having a warm fuzzy feeling. It makes you sad and a bit scared to know how messed up the media and the government really is and how much control the CIA has over both. It's a true story that was buried and needs to get out because it wasn't the first or the last time it happened. Operation Fast and Furious shows it's still happening today.

The movie concludes with the fact that although John Deutch, the director of the CIA when Gary Webb released his articles resigned and a 400 page report admitting Gary Webb was right was produced, the world was more concerned with the Bill Clinton Monika Lewinsky scandal to even notice. The Gary Webb story wasn't an isolated incident. The Judge Bonner story was similar but because of his standing he didn't get the same backlash Gary Webb did.

Judge Bonner said when he was in charge of the DEA the CIA brought a ton of cocaine into Florida which hit the streets. The CIA passionately denied it all the way right up until he went on 60 Minutes and documented everything. Then they finally admitted it but said that was the only time and it was a mistake because they were trying to track it to arrest higher level drug dealers. However, just like in Fast and Furious that was a lie because they made absolutely no effort to track the cocaine after it hit the streets. Sadly the movie points out that Gary Webb was eventually found dead in his apartment. He was shot in the head twice. His death was ruled a suicide. Just like Mike Rupert and many others.

This pattern has been used by the CIA since it's inception. Bo Gritz and Terry Reed both testified the Agency was responsible for massive amounts of heroin trafficking during Vietnam. In the Gary Webb story one could see them use the argument the end justifies the means yet in Operation Fast and Furious there is no such excuse. My book will connect the dots and tie it all together.