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Let the Ghetto Gospel go forward into every hood possible." Ja Rule
Getting the Gangsters out of Government. Podcast - Vlog
Thursday, August 18, 2016
Tony Blair Faith Foundation
They say the first casualty of war is the truth. Consequently the propaganda war rages on and the Tony Blair Faith Foundation is at the heart of it. It's almost impossible to find an official website for ISIS. That makes it pretty easy for people to falsely claim ISIS said this or that. The Ayatollah Khamenei claims that the US created ISIS to seek discord among Muslims. He also posted a video which lists 6 reasons to prove ISIS serves Israel. I have nothing against Israel.
This video shows Israeli commandos assisting the wounded in Syria and claims it is strictly a humanitarian mission. Possible but some analysts suggest the Jewish state has in fact struck a deadly 'deal with the devil' – offering support to the Sunni militants who fight the Syrian ruler Assad in the hope of containing its arch enemies Hezbollah and Iran.
Israel supporting the rebels who are trying to overthrow Assad is believable. That's exactly what the Americans are doing. Russia on the other hand are supporting Assad. That is what they are all doing in Syria. The Russians and the Americans claiming they are just there to confront ISIS is nonsense. They both have vested interest in the civl war that began before ISIS showed up on the scene. When ISIS showed up both sides claimed it's not us it's a third party.
Israel has now finally admitted to providing aid to Syrian rebels to overthrow Assad. Just like the Americans. However, they now admit to supporting al-Nusra who are in fact Al Qaeda and are closely affiliated with ISIS. So once again the Americans and the Israelis are supporting ISIS.
In steps Tony Blair to run interference. The Tony Blair Faith Foundation is an interfaith charitable foundation established in May 2008 by former British Prime Minister Tony Blair. Ya gotta shake your head over this one. Remember Tony Blair? A recent inquiry paved the way so he could be sued for damages in the unlawful invasion of Iraq. George Bush gave him the CONgressional award for his lie that MI 6 perpetuated through Operation Mass Appeal.
So Bill Clinton tells Tony to set up a foundation where he can raise money for himself and run interference in the press. Just like the Bill Clinton George Bush Haiti fund raising fraud that raise money for relief but didn't provide any. Tony Blair attended a Clinton Foundation event in Arkansas and Bill Clinton attended the launch of the Blair Foundation.
Monday, August 15, 2016
Kasimir Tyabji arrested for drug trafficking in Calgary
In July it was reported that the Canadian Border Services Agency’s Vancouver International Mail Centre intercepted a parcel containing an unknown white powder suspected to be fentanyl bound for a Calgary resident. Turns out it was fentanyl and Judi Tyabji's son Kasimir has been arrested for drug trafficking similar to the Vancouver mayor's foster son. Which just goes to show you this can happen to any of our kids. It was only 122 grams of fentanyl sent in the mail so it certainly wasn't a large operation. .
Earlier this month we posted a link to an informative documentary on the Fentanyl drug trade in Calgary showing how harmful and addictive the drug is. In Calgary addicts are knowingly buying the harmful drug because they are addicted to it. That is the same scenario local drug dealers are trying to create in Vancouver by selling other drugs laced with fentanyl or as in the Shakerz OD selling straight up fentanyl pretending it is cocaine.
Not arresting a local dealer for selling drugs laced with fentanyl to unsuspecting buyers is insane. We should not be promoting that kind of bad business.
Sunday, August 14, 2016
I've seen too much hate
Martin Luther King was an inspiring activist who in the face of great opposition said "I've seen too much hate to want to hate, and every time I see it I say to myself that hate is too great a burden to bear." More and more people are speaking out about the corporate mainstream media. So much so even the mainstream media reporters are starting to address it in their columns.
I will mention the Aaron Driver case and compare it to the John Nuttall case but before I do I just want to restate the obvious. All this sensationalized media hype and hate has become absolutely absurd. The mainstream media is going to great lengths to convince me to live in fear and believe that Islamic extremists are Canada's biggest security threat because troubled caucasian youth are taking up their cause and wanting to plan terrorist attacks in Canada. I reject that absurdity and I reject the hate they perpetuate. That is not the way I was raised.
We've talked about how large corporations tend to control the media. We've also talked about the amazing amount of influence the CIA has on the media and how they are continuously spamming the media with press releases trying to control public opinion. We saw it in Operation Mass Appeal when MI 6 knowingly sent out false press releases to the media about Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction to try and sell the unlawful invasion of Iraq to the public. The Intelligence Agencies spend a great deal of time and energy trying to control the press. With all the media mergers that has become much easier to do. When all the media outlets are owned by one entity the media becomes much easier to control.
ISIS is evil. It is so evil it is hard to believe they are anything but the creation of the CIA. Nobody likes them. Muslims hate them, everyone hates them. ISIS does not represent Islam. Every crime has a means and motive. No Muslims are offended by the West confronting ISIS so where is the motive for radicalization? There is none. All these crimes that ocur without a motive all become very suspect indeed. Operation Northwoods was real. No conspiracy theorist made it up. That declassified document is something we still need to address. CSIS was caught funding and aiding ISIS in Syria. That is something that still needs to be addressed.
The day before 911 Donald Rumsfeld said that the greatest enemy America now faces is the Pentagon bureaucracy. He claimed that the Pentagon was missing $2.3 trillion and that the military can't account for 25% of what it spends. $2.3 trillion - that is organized crime at the highest level. That was the day before 911. Now it is worse. Likewise in Canada, CSIS and the RCMP's anti terror terrorists lost $3.1 billion from their budget. That's not how much they spent, that's how much they can't account for. That is organized crime.
After the judge exposed the RCMP's fraud in the John Nuttall case, Bill Tieleman wrote a powerful article talking about the massive amounts of tax dollars the RCMP wastes on creating terrorist acts within Canada just like Donald Rumsfeld's declaration the day before 911. Now all of a sudden with this ridiculous Aaron Driver case all the missing money is forgotten and the RCMP are patting themselves on the back for the smoke and mirror distraction from the John Nuttall case as they just doubled their budget again. A job well done for organized crime.
All this money and media hype spent trying to create a boogeyman when the real boogeyman is staring us right in the face and buying up our land right here as we speak. Communism is a much bigger threat to Canada and world peace than Islamic extremism will ever be. Mark my word.
Lindsey Stirling strikes again. Shine a light through an open door.
Saturday, August 13, 2016
Cyrus the Great and the Persian Promise
I hiked up Sky Chair again today on mount Strachan at Cypress. You get a great view of the Lions and of Howe Sound. I met two nice young couples from Czechoslovakia on the way up and pointed them towards the lookout spot. When it's hot like this you need to bring lots of water.
Thursday I took the ferry over to Vancouver Island. I had an enlightening conversation with a very intelligent Persian woman who lives in LA while we were sailing through the Gulf Islands. We were talking a little bit about Iran and she mentioned an ancient Persian king named Cyrus. Her heart glowed when she spoke of him as she explained he was great because he established peace throughout the land by allowing religious freedom.
Historically all the great leaders practiced religious tolerance. Alexander the Great, Caesar of Rome even Genghis Khan. Cyrus the Great not only practiced religious tolerance but he was the author of the first Charter of Human Rights known to mankind. That indeed made him great.
"Cyrus had no thought of forcing conquered people into a single mould, and had the wisdom to leave unchanged the institution of each kingdom he attached to the Persian Crown. In 539 BCE he allowed more than 40,000 Jews to leave Babylon and return to Palestine. This step was in line with his policy to bring peace to Mankind. A new wind was blowing from the east, carrying away the cries and humility of defeated and murdered victims, extinguishing the fires of sacked cities, and liberating nations from slavery." Cyrus liberated the Jews from Babylonian captivity.
It was a very enlightening conversation so it was. She said that she was a follower of Rumi who was a poet that wrote about divine love. What a wonderful concept. The world could use a little more divine love so it could. Seemingly Rumi is becoming very popular in the US and there is going to be a new movie abou Rumi that will challenge Muslim sterotypes.
I like challenging stereotypes. Personally I don't care if someone is Catholic or Protestant, Muslim or Jew, Buddhist, Atheist or Baha'i. A man should be judged by the content of his character not by the colour of his skin or the name on his dogma. That's why I say don't fear the hijab, get to know the person under the hijab. Segregation is the first step to racial disinformation. Once you segregate a group of people it becomes easier to slander them. Take the Falun Gong in China. They dont cut themselves. They're not a cult. If you use your brain and get to know them you will see that. Dark forces spend a lot of money on advertizing trying to convince us to live in fear. Yet God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
On my way back on the ferry there was a young Scottish girl my daughter's age playing a First Nations drum. She was from the Cowichan valley and made the drum herself. She did a great job. I asked if it was made of goatskin like most other drums and she said no Elk. I half jokingly asked if she had shot it herself. She smiled and said yes with a bow and arrow. It took me a few seconds to realize she was joking. She said she was wanting to paint some Scottish symbols on it because that was part of her heritage. Great idea. I have Irish symbols painted on mine.
While she was playing it she was also making the vocal sounds to go along with it. No words just sounds. Only it was very uplifting. No disrespect to the traditions but sometimes when they make the vocal sounds that go along with the First Nations drum it can sound kind of ear piercing. That's because it is often a heartfelt lamentation. Hers was slightly different and it was very pleasant to the ear. I mentioned how my son used to go to jazz festivals and I became familiar with listening to the sounds that jazz vocalists make. Again they are sounds not words. She said she had done that in the past. So there it was. She had taken a local tradition and remixed it with some of her own and created a masterpiece. Another Lindsey Stirling but unique. Peace.
Friday, August 12, 2016
World wide protest to set Wang Zhiwen free
Today the Falun Gong returned to the Chinese consulate in Vancouver joining in a world wide protest objecting to China's refusal to let Wang Zhiwen leave the country and join his family abroad after serving a sixteen year sentence as a political prisoner. Anciently the Great Wall of China was built to keep invaders out. Now the CCP has turned the Great Wall of China into another Berlin Wall that keeps political prisoners detained and prevents them from leaving.
Rebel Media was there to cover the event. They did a great job covering the Falun Gong protest at the Vancouver art Gallery. Rebel Media is non mainstream and claims to represent conservative viewpoints. It's nice to see other views being expressed. Glad to see they are concerned about the atrocities of Communist China.
Big brother was of course watching but that's OK because we are watching them and are well aware of their lies about Wang Zhiwen and the Falun Gong. Just remember time is on the side of truth and that no lie can live forever. Wang was arrested in 1999 simply for being known as a Falun Gong coordinator in Beijing when the illegal and violent persecution was waged against the spiritual practice in July 1999. He was one of the first to be targeted in a show trial that was televised across the country as part of the regimes massive propaganda campaign to fuel the persecution. He served a 16-year sentence and was released in 2014. He has been under surveillance 24 hours a day and constant harassment. It's time to let him leave.
The show trial was a bizarre example of government lies and propaganda. The first absurd allegation is that Falun Gong is a cult. That is ridiculous. The CCP claims anyone that disagrees with them is a cult. The Falun Gong are not a cult any more than the Dali Lama is. The CCP hates the Dali Lama too but the rest of the world sees him a a peaceful spiritual leader.
The Falun Gong are peaceful Buddhists that believe in truthfulness, compassion and forbearance. Their crime is that they like to meditate. You can't get any more peaceful than that. During the televised mock trial the CCP made an absurd allegation claiming that the Falun Gong cut themselves. That is simply not true. They even went so far as to set up a fake self mutilation event at Tiananmen Square. Those people weren't even Falun Gong practitioners. It was the perpetuation of the televised mock trial fraud.
Wang Zhiwen is currently under house arst after serving a 16 year sentence. Earier this month he was prevented from leaving the country with his family. It's time to stop the lies and let him leave. He has suffered enough. Organ harvesting is unethical. Stop the greed and stop the lies.
Update: Article in the Epoch Times - English translation.
President of Ontario Nomads shot in Granby
The Stopru is reporting that "The president of the Hells Angels Nomads Ontario, Martin Bernatchez, was the victim of an assassination attempt on Thursday night while camping in Granby." This is interesting. Last April Philippe Boudreau, the vice-president of the Ontario Nomads was shot in Quebec. Stopru claimed that shooting was the result of an internal conflict and asks if this shooting is also the result of an internal conflict.
Granby is in an interesting location. Several year ago the Rizzutos had a conflict with the D'Amico family of Granby. In August 2005, Francesco Arcadi told a sidekick that "bikers" of Granby wanted to "cut off his head."
TVA Nouvelle is reporting that Martin Bernatchez was hit by three bullets but is doing OK. They claim his colours is a bullet proof vest. He was shot around 2:30 AM in the EstriVal campgrounds. TVA Nouvelle is confirming that it appears to be an internal conflict and imply that it is likely because Quebec Hells Angels arrested during SharQ have now been released and want their territory back. Don't f*ck with Quebec. They will blow sh*t up. Je me souviens.
Woman knocks out groper in elevator
This is a funny one because it had a happy ending. However, it could have ended in tragedy which shows why self defense is so important in our cause and effect world. MSN posted a surveillance video of a slimeball creeping out a woman in an elevator. He sneaks up behind her and presses up on her so she immediately steps away to avoid his creepiness. Then he puts his arm around her so she instantly throws his arms off of her and gives him a solid slap across the face which drops him. He gets up then she gives him a solid kick in the groin.
She then grabs his head and knees him in the face for the KO. Then walks off without breaking a nail. Priceless. There was a similar video of a woman in a subway tunnel who kicked a guy's ass for stealing her iphone. Both of these woman obviously had some self defence training. Now I'm not saying it's OK for women to hit men in an argument. I'm saying it's OK for people to defend themselves. As they say in Mortal Combat, finish him.
Thursday, August 11, 2016
Fentanyl addiction in Calgary
A blog reader sent in a link to this powerful documentary on Vice about the Fentanyl drug trade in Calgary. It talks about how addictive the drug is and how it is much worse than heroin. This video talks about people who are addicted to Fentanyl and are intentionally buying it. That is no doubt what the local drug dealers are trying to create here in BC by lacing other drugs with it or as in the recent Fentanyl fatality in Shakers, selling straight up Fentanyl and pretending it's cocaine. These drug dealers who are cooking crack with Fentanyl and selling it to people unkowlingly are complete pecices of sh*t. Not arresting them for doing that is the epitome of insanity.
Just when you think it can't get any worse it does. Fentanyl is worse than Oxycontin and now there's a new drug called Carfentanyl which is even worse than Fentanyl. Border agents recently seized a kilo of the stuff in Vancouver that was enroute to Calgary. Stop the greed.
Rob Ford crack video released after publication ban lifted
The Metro news is reporting that since the publication ban on the extortion trial related to the Rob Ford crack pipe video has finally been lifted the new video of him smoking crack is now online.
So should we have set up a safe inhalation site for Rob Ford to smoke crack or should we send him to rehab? Rehab was the humane thing to do. Perpetuating his addiction was not. Confronting the problem is what forced him into rehab. Remember when courts used to force prolific offenders into rehab? Now the drug dealers support groups just continue to promote the drug trade and any rehab centre that helps people get off drugs instead of turning them into lifetime methadone addicts can't get government funding. Health Canada is the biggest criminal organization in the country funding the tax paid pharmaceutical scam as well as Insite's tax paid junkets.
Update: I totally forgot that Rob Ford passed away. Not to speak ill of the dead, but this guy did have a few issues. My point here is that for drugs like crack rehab is good, harm promotion is not.
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
16 year old drug OD in Starbucks washroom - Update
CBC is reporting that "Port Moody police say a 16-year-old girl died Sunday in a Port Moody Starbucks washroom where they also discovered drug paraphernalia and a small amount of drugs." Police haven't said what drugs were involved and whether or not it is tied to the recent surge in fentanyl fatalities but the bizarre response is very disturbing.
Once again extremists are using this tragedy to try and put a lethal injection site into every community under the sun. So does that mean we are going to open up lethal injection sites to minors? Just what are we really promoting here? Why are we rewarding drug dealers that sell tainted drugs? That is insane. It is indeed tragic a 16 year old girl died of a drug overdose. It could have been any of our daughters. No doubt the patrons at Starbucks are traumatized.
We cannot in good conscience endorse harm promotion without supporting treatment and prevention as well as enforcement of current laws with regards to charging drug dealers. Blindly endorsing the drug dealers the way we are is a crime. I have numerous people from different communities that consistently say they dont want a lethal injection site in their community. We need to start arresting the drug dealers. It is as simple as that. Failing to do that and we are part of the problem not part of the solution. Endorsing drug dealer support groups like VANDU is wrong. It's time to wake up and smell the coffee. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Update: CBC is reporting that "The mother of a Coquitlam, BC, teen who died of a suspected overdose in a Starbucks washroom says she tried to get help for her 16-year-old daughter who was struggling with addiction but the public waitlists were too long and she couldn't afford private clinics." Maybe spending tax dollars on rehab is more important than feeding Insite's slush fund.
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