Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Deadly explosion at Gaza hospital: Cease fire

The Al Ahli Hospital in Gaza was blown up. Both sides blame each other. Israel claims Gaza did it by accident. Gaza claims Israel did it. The simple solution is to call for a cease fire. Israel stops bombing Gaza and Gaza stops bombing Israel. Mercy is a quality of godliness. Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy. Likewise, if you show no mercy, you shall receive none.
The surveillance video is unclear. It shows a location in Gaza firing small rockets successively. Israel claims that one of those rockets mysteriously fell short right after launch and hit the hospital. Although it is remotely possible it doesn't seem plausible unless it was shot down shortly after launch. I'm also not sure how much damage those small rockets were capable of doing. I'm not sure it was capable of leveling the hospital.

It wasn't one large missile that misfired, it was a serious of small rockets. What I find more plausible is that Israel fired a missile trying to hit the spot that was launching the rockets successively and their missile fell short hitting the hospital accidentally.

Either way, this new information about the IDF stand down order during the Hamas attack and the CIA's documented connection to ISIS we are forced to question their ties to Hamas and the use of this attack as a false flag to justify a new bombing campaign in Gaza. No lie can liver forever. More information is coming forward and a cease fire is in everyone's best interest.
I recognize that Hamas attacked Israel and declared war. I also recognize that the United States obliterated many hospitals in Hirosheema and Nagasaki after Japan declared war. I believe that was a horrific thing but recognize that it was the result of Japan's declaration of war.

Gaza has an awful lot of rockets. They are bombarding Israel with rockets hoping to overwhelm their Iron Dome defense. The fact that they have a stock pile of rockets shows they were preparing for this. I'll have to admit, from the number of bombs Israel has dropped on Gaza I am very surprised there hasn't been more casualties. That would imply that Israel is indeed focusing on Hamas targets firing rockets. However the group Islamic Jihads sounds very CIA. All Hamas has to do is surrender. They would rather increase the civilian body count and play the victim.

The National Post is reporting that "An international Muslim group with a Canadian as its current president has issued a full-throated condemnation of Hamas’ Oct. 7 attacks against Israel, and barred members from attending the myriad of pro-Hamas rallies breaking out in cities across the West. The group says it represents roughly 800 mosques and Islamic centres around the world, and since 2020 its president has been a Canadian, Imam Shaikh Saleh Seboweh, the founder of the Iranian Islamic Center of Montreal."

GIC PUBLIC STATEMENT CONDEMNING THE RECENT HAMAS TERRORIST ATTACKS Everyone needs to remember that politicians start and end wars. They grant and remove civil liberty. They also raise and lower taxes. Everyone hates politics but politicians have a significance influence over everything that directly affects us. The thing that people on both sides of this conflict need to realize is that the kind of politicians that refuse to compromise and insist on using violence not in defense but to advance their own specific political agenda are not the kind of politicians you want ruling over you. The politicians that want to free us through war are the same politicians that want to enslave us through Covid restrictions and starve us through fertilizer bans.

A lot of crazy things are done in the name of National Security namely 9/11 and the Patriot Act. Japan elected a fascist government and paid dearly for it. Hitler used false flag attacks to gain power and also used them as a pretext for war to advance his political position just like George Bush did. Neo Cons are not our friends any more than Joe Biden and the leftist extremists are.

The CIA, ISIS and the IDF stand down order

Update: The video of Kim Jong Un endorsing Donald Trump is completely fake. The words he's speaking are not what the English translation claims it is. Not even close. He doesn't even mention Donald Trump or the war in Gaza. I showed it to someone who speaks Korean.

OK let's connect the dots and do the math. The CIA created ISIS. We now know that to be true. Dan Dicks was going over declassified documents which confirm it. Tulsi Gabbard visited Syria. She stated "Syrians ask me, 'Why is the United States providing support & arms to terrorist groups like ISIS who are raping, kidnapping, torturing, & killing the Syrian people when it was Al-Qaeda who attacked the United States on 9/11, not Syria. I didn't have an answer.'" We now know the answer. The CIA created ISIS to drag the US into the Syrian pipleline war.

Knowing that the CIA created ISIS and approved the visas for the 9/11 bombers means we have to now question their involvement in Hamas but it also means we have to reflect on the simple fact that the CIA did in reality create ISIS. The CIA need to be charged with those crimes.

It wasn't an indirect act through their unlawful invasion of Iraq based on a lie, it was a direst act. One of the first people ISIS was alleged to have beheaded was a Mossad agent. Yet there is a significant difference between the world's response to ISIS compared with their response to Hamas. As soon as ISIS stepped onto the field they were brutal and extreme. So much so, both sides in the Syrian pipeline dispute said it wasn't us and both sides claimed to be fighting ISIS. So first off, ISIS didn't start off good then go rogue. ISIS started out insanely extreme. The CIA did that to shock people to provoke a reaction justifying their desired solution.

The American's weren't bombing ISIS in Syria, they were bombing Assad supporters. When the fake news said Donald Trump kept his promise and was bombing the sh*t out of ISIS, they lied. He wasn't. His troops were bombing the sh*t out of Assad supporters and told him they were bombing ISIS. Remember, the fake news is fake. Blind obedience to anyone is blind.

When Hamas were accused of raping women and beheading babies, the leaders of Hamas didn't deny or denounce that. They defiantly justified it just as the Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority did. That is very concerning. Blind obedience to atrocities is not good. The end does not justify the means. In WHF's comical sketch she illustrated just how crazy the three main extreme positions on the Israeli conflict really are. The next thing we need to look at is the IDF's stand down order during the Hamas attack. That is the elephant in the room.

Did the CIA create ISIS? Yes. Did the CIA create Hamas? Perhaps. Was the IDF given a stand down order during the Hamas attack? Perhaps. If they were, we need to examine that and charge whoever gave that order. It's like the attack on the USS Liberty under President Johnston's orders. At first they lied and said it was a mistake. It was not.

One of the Israeli pilots said it was a marked vessel bearing an American flag. When he was given the order to fire on the vessel he refused and said that's an ally. He wasn't told why, he was simply told if he didn't obey that order he would be court martialed when he got back.

We now know the attack on the USS Liberty was a false Flag ordered by President Johnson who recalled the air support for the American vessel while it was under attack. Likewise, if the IDF was given a stand down order during the Hamas attack, that wouldn't represent complacency, that would represent culpability. We need to investigate who gave that order just like we need to investigate who gave the order to fire on the USS Liberty. All the PLO groups agreed to the Oslo accord except for Hamas. Just like all the IRA groups agreed to the good Friday accord except for a small splinter group. Hamas is bad but so is the CIA and so is whoever gave the IDF stand down order. We can't confront one without confronting the other.

Having said that, I don't know if the translation is true but someone sent me a link to a twitter post of the President of North Korea endorsing Donald Trump for president. Obviously the Neo Cons will use it to defame Trump. However, it shows us that some of our "enemies" have a brain and aren't blind. Yet Donald Trump is indeed capable of being deceived by the CIA's lies.

It also shows that there is merit in the prophecy that said the truth will one day be declared in every nation including North America. The truth will be declared but so will the lies.

I believe that the truth in the west is under attack because the east is opening up to it. I know someone who visited Vietnam. They sent me a picture of a building lit up at night with a cross on it. They also said they saw Flaun gong practitioners meditating in a park. So Christians can go to church and the Falun gong can practice their religion in Vietnam? That is very interesting. China's new Constitution now recognizes five oficial religions. That's progress we should recognize.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

WHF on the Gaza Conflict

I don't want to joke about a serious conflict but this chick is funny as f*ck. The more I watch the mainstream media about the Gaza conflict the more I find things that fail the test of believability. One thing I do know is that the CIA is evil and that dirty a*s spook is evil. He is a lying POS.

When I mentioned Dan Dicks video going over declassified documents showing that the CIA created ISIS someone said just because the CIA created ISIS doesn't mean they control them and that they can't go rogue. God damn you. Take your offensive bullsh*t and cram it up your a*s. I still say Hamas AND the CIA have BOTH got to go. Same with Blackwater and Erik Prince.

Crystal meth shipped from Vancouver to New Zealand

The Vancouver Supreme court is reporting that Kien Trung Pham was caught trying to ship three kilos of crystal meth to New Zealand through Lomis. It was part of a dark web bust in Nanaimo on Vancouver Island. Before you jump to conclusions take a look at the names of his co accused - Kerry Chang and Gordon Brooks. (Ice is the Australian name for crystal meth)

In 2019 the Naniamo News Now reported that "Brooks was charged along with Colin Lamontagne who were on trial for a combined 27 charges related to an alleged local drug ring, primarily drug and weapon offences. Lamontagne faces 15 of the offences for a string of November 2016 incidents, including the alleged forcible confinement and beating of a drug addict for an unpaid debt. Colin Lamontagne was the guy the Veterans MC tried to help but he couldn't break free of his involvement with drugs and crime so they had to cut him loose.

Colin Lamontagne ended up pleading guilty to several of the charges. Colin beat up a drug addict pretty bad for a drug debt. The drug addict had "a broken left hand and wrist (requiring surgery), three broken ribs and partial lung collapse (requiring a chest tube), broken bones in his face and jaw and three fractures to his skull. Mr. McMillan was tied up. It was a prolonged beating."

"Mr. Lamontagne was in charge and played the primary role although a number of assailants took part in the assault. A weapon, a Taser on a cane, was used by Mr. Lamontagne in the assault. Another offender, who has pleaded guilty in other proceedings, pistol whipped Mr. McMillan and 'gave him a bullet' so that he would remember the event. Other individuals were told by Mr. Lamontagne to stay in the room and watch the assault. "

I don't think Colin was working for the Triads in Nanaimo. Nanaimo is where the Devil's Rejects were working out of. So when you see a bust like this you've got to do the math before you jump to any conclusions. " In a pre-sentence report, Mr. Lamontagne described Mr. McMillan as a 'booster' or someone who commits property crimes to pay for their drug use. Mr. Lamontagne assaulted him because Mr. McMillan owed him money." Look at the amount of drugs Colin had.
So here we have a drug dealer seriously beating up a prolific offender so the prolific offender commits more crime to pay his drug debts. We can all see where this circle leads. A former Vancouver mayoral candidate once said, if you have a viper in the middle of a city, you don't pet it and give everyone snake venom. You get rid of the viper. What we are doing in the DTES is wrong. What we are doing in Nanaimo is wrong. We need to evolve and move past this.

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Being Prepared in chaotic times

A lot of Americans are panic buying firearms and ammunition again. Although the handgun freeze is still in effect Canadians can still take the firearms safety course and purchase long guns. As the Assembly of First Nations Chiefs pointed out, hunting is a treaty right. You can't ban hunting.

Since I'm so carefully monitored and since Google freaks out if I talk about legally acquired guns, I won't discuss which guns I think everyone should have. All I'm going to say is that it's a good idea to have a hunting rifle, a shotgun and a semi automatic rifle. Lever action rifles are just plain fun to shoot. That's all I'm going to say. Figure it out. If ye are prepared, ye shall not fear.

I just want to clarify something on the Tyson James music video Enemy of the State. January 6th was not an insurrection. It was a set up. The police let them in. QAnon Sharman got a police escort thorough the building. Anyone who counsels you to use violence is an Agent Provocateur. Defending yourself against looters is fine. Waging war with the police is not. That's what the WEF wants you to do so they can justify taking all our rights away. We need to be smart not impulsive.

Hamas and ISIS : Reflecting on the Other side

Update: The CIA, ISIS and the IDF stand down order

Just one more statement on the other side of the Gaza conflict. Was the CIA involved in funding, arming and encouraging Hamas to attack Israel? Perhaps. However, the simply truth remains. The PLO signed the Oslo accord and Hamas rejected it. Hamas has clearly declared war with Israel. Not a smart thing to do but we know how they operate. They always use acts of violence then play the victim whenever anyone responds.

Dan Dicks has quoted the Israeli Prime Minster who said Hamas is ISIS. Wait a sec. That's an uncomfortable comparison. The CIA created ISIS to drag the US into the Syrian pipeline war. Dan Dicks discusses declassified documents confirming that the CIA created ISIS. So did they create Hamas? I dunno, maybe. The point is, Hamas has got to go. We need to support the Oslo accord and end the violence. Israel and the Palestinians both have the right to exist. The CIA doesn't.

These declassified documents that Dan Dicks is talking about which reconfirm that the CIA created ISIS reaffirm that the Americans assassinated the Iranian General responsible for defeating ISIS in Syria. So what is this 6 Billion dollars Biden wants to give Iran? Reparations for murdering an innocent man? Hamas has to go but so does the CIA.

Calgary Shooting

CTV is reporting that "Calgary police are investigating a Thursday evening shooting in the city's northeast. Police were called to 16 Avenue and 36 Street N.E. around 7 p.m. A GMC Envoy crashed into a tree before ramming through the sound barrier lining homes in the community of Rundle, police said. Officers said the male driver was still in the vehicle when they arrived and had been shot multiple times."

"He was taken to Foothills Medical Centre in life-threatening condition. He has since been upgraded to stable. Police believe the man was driving west on 16 Avenue toward 36 Street when another vehicle pulled up alongside his and someone opened fire."

The Trail Times is reporting that "One man is dead and another arrested after a trailer shooting in Sparwood on Wednesday (Oct. 11)l Elk Valley RCMP said Friday that the trailer was located in the 6200 block of Lower Elk Valley Road. Police arrested a man outside the trailer around 3:15 p.m., and a subsequent search located the body of a man inside."

Friday, October 13, 2023

Hamas has declared war with Israel

Update: The CIA, ISIS and the IDF stand down order

I've had time to process what Hamas did and had time to calmly and rationally reflect on my position without making an emotional decision. I am sick and tired of people sending me links to articles complaining about the fact that Israel has cut off the water to Gaza and is bombing them. Hamas has declared war with Israel. What do you think that means? What do you think war is?

When Japan declared war with the United States, the US nuked two entire cities until they surrendered. That's what war is. Personally I thought that was excessive but it was clearly effective. My generation has a hard time with the idea of civilians being bombed. I wasn't there when Germany was bombing civilians in London England but we know it did happen on an ongoing basis. I don't like it but that's what war is and Hamas declared war with Israel.

Hamas will be bombed until they surrender and sign an agreement not to attack Israel any more. If Hamas refuses to sign that agreement they will be wiped off the face of the earth. That is their choice. I have set before thee life and death. Choose life that you and your household may live.

Let's talk about India. "It was reported that Indian forces committed gang-rape of 882 Kashmiri women in 1992 alone. The Humanitarian Law Project/International Educational Development documented more than 200 cases of war rape from January 1994. Many cases are not reported because of the shame and stigma associated with rape in Kashmir."

The Hindu soldiers were raping Muslim women. That is abominable. I don't support that. Yet that is exactly what Hamas was doing. Allah does not support what Hamas did and if you do, then bow your head in shame. Remember what Simeon and Levi did after they raped their sister.

If Israeli soldiers have ever done that then that too would be inexcusable but two wrongs don't make a right. If the Israeli soldiers have ever done that then I would denounce they just as forcefully. There are a lot of shady things about this conflict that just don't make sense.

In Islamic culture insulting someone's sister is very offensive. We all remember Zinedine Zidane headbutting that guy on the soccer field for insulting his sister. So now you are going to turn around and support raping someone's sister? You have lost your mind.

Yesterday morning on my ride into work I could once again see Venus high and bright. Only this time the crescent moon had joined the morning alignment. It was a waning crescent moon meaning it's getting smaller and was close to the horizon below Venus. It made me think of the Muslims in Gaza getting their a*s kicked since the crescent moon is the symbol for Islam. I kinda felt sorry for them because Saturday is the new moon and they will be completely extinguished.

Then I realized they just declared war with Israel. They're getting exactly what they asked for. Let me tell you a story. Once upon a time there was a valiant soldier named captain Moroni. He was a large and powerful man. Notwithstanding that, his enemies would regularly attack him trying to conquer his people, steal their property and make them slaves. Each time they attacked he took up the sword to defend his people and repel their invasion.

One time he was slaughtering his enemy and they surrendered. He collected up their weapons of war and said, now depart with a covenant of peace. Swear and oath that you will never attack us again. His enemy said we will depart but we will make no such oath because we will be back. Captain Moroni then returned all their weapons of war and said Behold, we shall end the conflict.

The PLO signed the Oslo accord which recognized Israel's right to exist. In exchange the State of Palestine or the Palestinian Authority was created. Yasser Arafat successfully liberated Palestine. They were granted the right to self rule. Hamas refused to recognize that agreement and have been bombing Israel ever since. That's why Israel has the Iron Dome - because Hamas won't stop bombing them. Hamas refuses to recognize Israel's right to exist.

Put that into perspective. Everyone has a right to exist. Jews, Palestinian, Gentiles, everyone. Yet Hamas refuses to recognize Israels right to exist. They weren't asked to recognize Israel's right to rule over them. They were asked simply to recognize Israel's right to exist like everyone else. Yet they defiantly refused and haven't really stopped bombing them ever since.

So now that Hamas has officially declared war with Israel it presents itself as a golden opportunity to wipe Hamas off the face of the earth once and for all. Not all the Palestinians. Not the PLO, not Fatah or the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, just Hamas. Everyone wants peace except for Hamas. Cast out the scorner and contention shall cease.

So don't bomb every man woman and child. As justified as it may be, the world is not ready for another Hiroshima or Nagasaki. Send in the ground troops with air support and let the snipers take out all the leaders and members of Hamas who are using their women and children as human shields. That's how we do this. Behold, we shall end the conflict. Rescue the hostages.

You can't do a prisoner swap because that's rewarding unacceptable behavior. If you agree to a prisoner swap you are encouraging them to do it again. You have every right to move in and rescue the prisoners. And why in god's name would the US give Iran 6 billion dollars? How about you lift sanctions and just leave them the f*ck alone. They have oil, let them sell their oil. Biden and the CIA's connection to the World Economic Forum is going to bankrupt the nation.
While you're at it, Israel needs to sever all ties with the CIA and all of their mercenary armies. A soldier serves his country while a mercenary serves his wallet. They want you to use Biden's bombs so they can turn the world against you. They want you to use their white phosphorous so they can turn the world against you. In the name of Messiah Ben David I boldly declare that the CIA is not a friend of Israel. They are an enemy from within. Do not share your military intelligence with them. They will remove their agents within Hamas and bring them to safety.

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Corey Greenwood shot dead

CTV is reporitng that "Ontario Provincial Police say one person has been arrested in connection with a homicide in Kemptville, Ont. Police were called to a home on County Road 19 just after 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, where one person was found dead inside. The victim has been identified as Corey Greenwood, 35, of North Grenville. A suspect was arrested about three hours later, police said. Jamie Quesnel, 27, of South Dundas is facing a charge of second-degree murder."

OK that's big news. We were just talking about that guy. Corey Greenwood was the head of the Loners MC in Cornwall Ontario. He used to be with a Hells Angels support club called the 13 crew. Then he was striking for the Ontario Nomads but got booted out for shooting Phil Boudreault for the Quebc Charter so then he started up the Loners.

Tuesday one of his own guys shoots him dead in front of his father because he was sleeping with his GF. It was his best friend. He was sleeping with his best friend's GF and his best friend shot him dead. That's pretty f*cked up. He shot him in front of his father so there was a witness. That's what you call a crime of passion. Something that wasn't very well thought out.

Ontario has a lot of different clubs. The Ontario Nomads of the Hells Angels are back. The Loners and the Rebels were on good terms. The Rebels are ex Outlaws while the Loners are ex HA associates - Red Devils or the 13 Crew.

Come let us reason together

Isaiah once said, "Come, let us reason together. Thou your sins be as scarlet they shall be white as snow." Personally, I don't believe that but I do believe in negotiation and in honest conversations. When Hamas first launched it's attack on Israel we all thought it was too outrageous to be true and that it must be a false flag.

So then I look up who's in charge of Hamas. What do they have to say? Are they claiming responsibility or denying it. Are they saying it wasn't us it was ISIS and the CIA. Nope. They said yeah it was us without any hesitation or remorse. That my friends is bat sh*t crazy.

Then we have protesters and counter protesters here in Vancouver. Here in Vancouver we actually had protesters endorsing what Hamas did. That my friends is bat sh*t crazy and we definitely need to talk about it. As I've said before I do not blindly endorse Israel. Israel is not always right and Big Brother is not always wrong. When I say Big Brother I'm referring to Russia. I don't agree with everything Russia or anyone else does but I will state they are not always wrong. That's why we have to look at the issues and examine the facts.

I must admit, I didn't see the footage. I was skeptical as to what sources to believe. My daughter who is normally very supportive of the Palestinians said she hadn't posted anything yet because she wasn't sure what to believe. She felt the idea of beheading babies was too outrageous to believe but she definitely didn't agree with kidnapping civilians. She said she found the footage very disturbing and said she spent most of her time crying. I said stop watching the footage. It's like watching snuff films. It's not healthy. We need to preserve the sanctity of life.

However, there are indeed many things we need to talk about. All I saw was a couple of guys with guns parasail in to a music festival. I didn't even see the footage of the shooting and I don't want to. If that actually happened, then by god we are morally obligated to fiercely denounce it. That is double haram. Then there's allegation of hamas militants raping women. If that is true then quadruple haram. Rape is double haram. Raping civilians in an unprovoked attack is quadruple haram. Then there's the beheading. If hamas militants beheaded anyone then OMG. You need to beg Allah to strike you down because the hell he has prepared for you is far worse than death.

There are completely separate issues at play here. Forced evictions and the Israeli response are completely separate and we will discuss them but before we do we need to stop right here and acknowledge what hamas did was abominable and inexcusable. Anyone who endorses what they did is mentally deranged. Now an eye for an eye does not mean you kill one of ours, we kill one of yours. An eye for an eye means if someone has committed murder that person is charged with murder. You don't murder some other random person from their community. In this case, the leaders of hamas who sanctioned this attack need to be executed. That's all there is to it.

Having said that, I don't agree with forced evictions in West Bank. I don't think they're doing that in Gaza. If you want to stand with a sign and say forced evictions are wrong then I will stand beside you but if you want to kill and rape civilians then I will denounce that will all my being.

If you want to go old school then go after military targets but don't go after civilians and pretend it is noble or justified because it's neither. Hamas is new. We all remember the PLO. I remember seeing PLO graffiti beside the IRA graffiti in West Belfast. The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. When I mentioned that to Sebastian he said he remembered seeing PLO graffiti beside FLQ graffiti in Montreal. We both thought that was a bit odd.

I remember Yasser Arafat. He was a man like unto Michael Collins and was well respected. He was Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) from 1969 to 2004 and President of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) from 1994 to 2004.

Yasser Arafat cut a deal just like Michael Collins did. He signed the Olso accord which recognized Israel's right to exist and in exchanged created the Palestinian Authority which was self rule. He liberated Palestine. No doubt some extremists were upset with him for recognizing Israels' right to exist just like extremists in Ireland were upset with Michael Collins for agreeing to the creation of a Free State. The free state was a stepping stone to becoming a free republic which it now is.

Gerry Adams later signed the Good Friday accord in the north in which the IRA agreed to a cease fire. It also recognized the existence of the British government. This was a huge step forward and likewise some militants were defiantly opposed to it. They created a splinter group called the Real IRA which was anything but. My point is everyone wants the violence to stop. What Hamas did and plan to do is wrong. We need to denounce it and Israel has every right to execute their leaders in retaliation for that attack. Hamas is not the PLO. Hamas is Haram.

When you see the abomination desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place. Take the higher road. Sailors rights. Protection of persons and property.