Sunday, May 19, 2024

Search of Trent Jeske and Jade Heffer's home empty

Remember that dramatic early morning raid where the Australian gang task force brought the media with them to take inappropriate pictures of the suspects when they were hauled out of bed? Well the raid didn't find anything. So that was a just a demoralizing publicity stunt.

Consequently the judge has amended the bail conditions and rescinded the ban that prevented the newlyweds from having any contact with each other. "Heffer's revised bail conditions still require her to live at her mother's home but allow her to stay at Jeske's home when in Sydney for prearranged legal and medical appointments. Justice Adams noted Jeske was somewhat of a positive and stabilising influence for his new wife."

"Jeske was charged with the unrelated offence of driving while licence application refused and granted conditional bail to appear in Parramatta Local Court on May 30." AYFKM? All that drama for a parking ticket? "Jeske walked free in February after a 20-month stint behind bars for being a leader of the Ready 4 War street group which distributed drugs for the Alameddine crime gang."

Yeah we know. The Five Eyes don't like rivals. "Heffer was found to be in breach of prior bail conditions which required her to live with her mother in Barham on the NSW/Victoria border."

Bail conditions for what charge? She was accused of talking to the police when they came to her home to check to see if her previous boyfriend was complying with a firearm ban. That's what she's accused of. She's accused of talking to the police when they came to her home.

Turns out the dramatic allegation of her current husband appearing in a video having sex with a dog was fake. That was defamation with a malicious intent. Turns out when SWAT tore apart his mother's home over their claim she used a fake Covid certificate to go to work was false as well. That means that was an unlawful search of her home. So who are the real criminals here?

"Mr Terracini accused Strikeforce Raptor officers of mistreating Jeske and putting her in handcuffs due to an outrageous, fantastic, made-up charge. 'They leaked it to the media ... they trashed our house after they searched it and they videoed us after,' he told the court."

Seemingly there is a gang war in Sydney between the Hamzy Crime Family (Brothers 4 Life) and the Alameddine Crime Family. The strange thing is they are both Lebanese and they both have ties to Islam. But drugs, alcohol and prostitution is Haram so it is obviously one great big contradiction. One of the Brothers 4 Life chapters started admitting Afgan members and that eventually created an internal power struggle where they started shooting each other.

Why is this suspicious? Because the CIA has a long history of drug trafficking in Lebanon and Afghanistan. The CIA crashed the Nugan Hand bank in Australia through arms dealing, drug trafficking and money laundering just like the BCCI. Now with the Five Eyes alliance, Australia shares all their intelligence with the CIA who are the ones that crashed the Nugan Hand bank.

The crimes of patriots : a true tale of dope, dirty money, and the CIA. Lying is their MO.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Forest Fires, Arson and Preignition

Forest fire season has started early this year and that's already suspicious. Last year was Canada's worst forest fire season on record and many of those fires were set by arson.

Brian Paré is a Quebec man who plead guilty to setting 14 forest fires in 2023. That was just one guy. Last year CTV reported that "A 28-year-old woman has been arrested after a series of fires were intentionally set along the Galloping Goose Trail in Sooke, BC."

That's just two who were caught. Recently someone sent me a video of military personal using a new contraption on a jeep to set large forest firers. The video on Twitter had a warning which said that it was a planned preignition to fight a fire but when I embedded the tweet it disappeared.

We know that preignition is a new fire fighting strategy which has proven to be flawed. That's what made some of the fires in BC last year much worse. It's a bad idea. On that note, Glen Beck recently did a video showing a new home defense robot dog equipped with a flame thrower. He was laughing showing how cool it was and said it's also used in forest fire management. That's kind of a red flag. Fighting fires by setting fires is an oxymoron.

Obviously arsonists are mental cases. In urban settings a single arsonist can be responsible for setting many fires. People who set a forest on fire are even more mentally deranged. Yet we can't help but wonder if some of them are being paid to do it.

The article about the arsonist in Quebec states that he was a conspiracy theorist who claimed the government was responsible for starting fires. Yet he admitted to starting 14 himself. There's something in that narrative that doesn't make sense. If he objects to the government staring forest fires, why would he start them himself?

If he was a climate change denier, why would he set new fires to help the climate change narrative? It's like someone who thinks 911 was an inside job performing a terrorist act himself. Why would he do that? Truthers object to terrorist attacks they don't support them.
As for the disappearing video of military personnel starting forest fires, take a look at this. Last summer CBC reported that "Federal assistance including military resources are being mobilized to help British Columbia's fight against hundreds of wildfires, Canada'a Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Bill Blair announced Friday."

Take a look at what he's holding in his hand. It's not a shovel. It's "a drip torch to set a planned ignition on a wildfire burning near a highway outside Vanderhoof in northern B.C. on July 11." So we did hire the military to set fires. Last year Dan Dicks showed video footage of helicopters using tiger torches to set fries in BC from the air. That is a bad idea. We're spending money on the wrong thing. Water bombers are far more effective than helicopters.

They're also a lot more effective than a guy with a shovel or a guy with a drip torch. This relates to the Maui fraud. They shut off the water so residents couldn't fight the fire in Maui any more. These granola whack jobs claim that water is too sacred to fight fires with. STFU you lying freak.

CSIS wants to ban TikTok to censor it

Global fake news is reporting that Justin Trudeau says Canadians need to listen to CSIS about a Tik Tok ban. AYFKM? If anyone needs to listen it's that clown. This is why we need to examine Justin Trudeau's new love affair with CSIS. CSIS wants a to ban Tik Tok because they can't censor it like YouTube. This became especially obvious with the war in Gaza.

Gen Z use Tik Tok and were sharing horrific videos of children being killed in Gaza along with hospitals and refugee Camps being bombed. CSIS and the Five Eyes want to ban Tik tok because they want to censor it. It has nothing to do with data sharing.

This is why I find CSIS' new campaign on China suspicious. It's a red herring. They create a problem to justify giving them more power so they can go after people who disagree with gender ideology. CSIS and the Five Eyes support the WEF and the UN's NWO. I do not.

Dan Dicks: CSIS Says Canadians Opposed To Gender Ideology Are A Possible Violent Threat

Jessica Watson sailed around the world

I've been watching the Jessica Watson story on Netflix called True Spirit. She sailed solo around the world at the age of 16. It's very well done. In the top picture Jessica Watson is on the right and the girl on the left is the actress that played her in the movie.

I started watching it a long time ago but was just watching it in pieces because I found it difficult to watch. That was a pretty risky adventure. As a parent it's hard to watch. I kayak. I did a bit of sailing when I was young and loved it. I always thought when I retire I'd get a sailboat and do some sailing. Yet sailing around the world solo is totally beyond be.

It's like climbing mount Everest. I love hiking and snowshoeing but that kind of an expedition requiring oxygen is beyond me. The same with sailing around the world. If I was to do something like that I'd hugged the coastlines and load up a long the way for more supplies. What she did was astounding. Sailing across the open sea can be very risky during storms.

In the movie the Perfect Storm, a small boat faces the wave head on and gets flipped over. I'm not sure how you'd do that in a sailboat. There's a scene in the movie where her boat capsized in a storm and was 15 feet under water. Evidently that did happen. Jessica said in real life it was probably only a few seconds but seemed like eternity. She said there was actually 7 tip overs in that storm. I'm sure there are a lot of life lessons we can talk about here but I'll just recommend the movie and point you to her YouTube channel that has some actual video footage of her trip.

Friday, May 17, 2024

Police seize 100 kilos of cocaine in Montreal

The Montreal Gazette is reporitng that "The Montreal police say drug traffickers were using an Old Montreal condo for storage after 100 kilograms of cocaine with an estimated street value of $2.5 million was discovered in a raid on Monday night."

"In addition to the cocaine, police also seized $230,000 in cash as well as crystal meth, psychedelic drugs, MDMA and cannabis. 'The drugs were destined for various organized crime (drug) distributors across Quebec,' the police said Tuesday." Two men, ages 38 and 56, were arrested and they appeared before Quebec Court Judge Guylaine Rivest at the Montreal courthouse Tuesday afternoon."

Police use water cannon to disperse weekly anti-government protest in Tel Aviv

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Bodkin on Netflix is Awesome

For a long time I couldn't find anything worthwhile on Amazon or Netflix. Now all of a sudden all these gems are appearing. I just watched Bodkin on Netflix. It's about an American pod caster who goes to a small town in Ireland to solve a cold case murder. It's really well done.

The dynamics between the main characters is a very good chemistry. Dove is a very dry sarcastic Irish woman trying to sort out her past. Emmy is an enthusiastic addition whose character development is a true inspiration. Gilbert is the American pod casters trying to save his marriage who discovers the real story is the worth of a soul. It's entertaining and thought provoking.

Robert Thomas released on parole

Castanet is reporting that "A former member of the Kelowna Hells Angels who beat a man to death with a baseball bat back in 2011 has been recently released from custody once again, to serve out the remainder of his sentence in a halfway house. In a decision by the Parole Board of Canada earlier this month, 59-year-old Robert Leonard Thomas was once again released from prison on statutory release, despite the Correctional Service of Canada recommending he stay behind bars because his risk in the community has become unmanageable.”

"Thomas, a former full-patch member of the Hells Angels, was handed a 15-year jail sentence in 2014 after he pleaded guilty to manslaughter for the 2011 killing of 51-year Dain Phillips. After Phillips' two sons had gotten into a dispute with two other teenage brothers who were associates of Thomas and fellow Hells Angels Norman Cocks, Phillips arrived unarmed on the evening of June 11, 2011 near McCurdy and Gibson roads to try and resolve the dispute. Instead, Thomas and Cocks, using a bat and a hammer respectively, immediately attacked the father, killing him."

I covered this story and attended parts of the trial. This was a horrific tragedy and it was stupid. It shouldn't have happened. It was a stupid high school dispute that totally spiraled out of control. I put these posters up around Kelowna at the time.

Dain's son got in a fight at school. The kid he got in a fight with was friends with a short Hells Angel named Norm Cox. Norm's father Bob was a the president of the Throttle Lockers at the time. Norm got involved in the high school beef, threatened Dain's son and punched him. Dain finds out about it and chases Norm down in his car while Norm ran away from him.

Norm comes back with Rob Thomas and a car load of sh*t bags to confront Dain. Norm gets out of the car with a baseball bat and says to Dain so you wanna f*ck with the Hells Angels?! Dain raisins his hands in a defensive posture and says he just wants to talk about what happened.

Robert Thomas takes a big swing and smashed Dain in the leg with the baseball bat. Dain didn't budge. Thomas kept hitting Dain in the leg with the baseball bat until he finally went down. After Thomas got Dain down, Norman, Bob and all the little bags of sh*t jump out of the car with hammers. They give Dain the boots when he was on the ground and beat him to death with hammers. It was completely cowardly and completely senseless.
The East Van chapter offered 5 thousand bucks to have Thomas beat up in prison so Mathew Johnston knocked him out. It was not a beef between the Bacon brothers and the Hells Angels. Robert Thomas was kicked out and it was punishment for f*cking up. Norm Cox was also beat up at the same time. I haven't heard if he's still a member or not. If Robert Thomas was kicked out Norm Cox should be kicked out as well. It was his fault. Robert Thomas is no longer a threat to society because he was kicked out of the club. Right now he's a threat to himself.

Another Montreal rapper shot dead

CBC is reporitng that "A 27-year-old Montreal rapper was shot and killed near the Central Market, in the Ahuntsic-Cartierville borough, in Montreal, on Tuesday evening. Christopher Shawn Jean Vilsaint, aka Dirty S, was known to police for being associated with street gangs. The man was shot several times while walking to a recording studio." The Dirty News is running the story.

He brought a skinny white French kid with him to film a video in Haiti. Haiti is hard core. You see all those very young kids with some fully automatic weapons? Sh*t be cray yo. I still say it's just not worth it. If you want to die for a cause die for a cause. Don't die for a watch.
This is a perfect example of how ridiculous the Bacon brothers were and the Wolf Pack is. Gumby and the Bacon brothers were suburban princesses. Yuppies from rich homes in the suburbs. They are fake wannabe gangsters. These Haitian guys are the real deal. If you're from the hood that means you were brought up poor. You don't ride around in overpriced SUVs that look like a soccer mom's minivan. Look at the kids in the video these guys made back in Haiti.

That young kid had healed over bullet holes in his arm. They have to fight just to survive. There's a funny scene in the movie Bad boys where the cops get in a shoot out with some Haitians and they were like Haitians? Why did you have to go and piss off the Haitians? Now we're really f*cked. We saw how the Wolf Pack hired some Somalians and f*cked them over. Watch what happens when the Wolf Pack f*ck over the Haitians. There won't be any Cub Pack left.

Assassination Attempt on Slovak Prime Minister

Efrat Fenigson is reporitng that "Earlier today, Prime Minister of Slovakia, Robert Fico, was shot several times in an assassination attempt. Fico was strongly against mandates & forced vaccinations, in January announced he'll investigate Politicians and over purchase of medical devices & vaccines. He strongly rejected the WHO pandemic treaty and expanding the powers of the WHO - see speech from Nov. 2023." CBC is confirming that he was shot multiple times but will survive. MI6 claims it was a lone wolf. Yeah right. Just like Yitzhak Rabin.