Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Alex Jones on the new Supreme court Decision

Alex Jones is in the news. The Hill is reporting that "The trustee in charge of Alex Jones’s bankruptcy proceedings said Monday that he will move to shut down his Infowars media site and liquidate Jones’s business assets as he attempts to repay the families of Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting victims." That's pretty shady. When you file for bankruptcy they divide up your assets. They don't take your job and prevent you from working.

"Families of the victims also sought to take over Jones’s social media accounts." OK that's George Orwell. Obvious I don't agree with everything Alex Jones says or does. I cannot comprehend why he said Sandy Hook never happened. That's like saying 9/11 never happened. Of course it did. Just because it was an inside job doesn't mean it never happened.

I do think the Sandy Hook lawsuit was punitive. $1.5 billion? That was insane.

Alex Jones did put out an excellent video about the Attack on the USS Liberty. The attack on the USS Liberty was a false flag attack. The Israelis were acting under the orders of President Johnston who recalled the air support when the Liberty was attacked. The attack only stopped when a Russian spy ship entered the waters to record who was really attacking it.

Trudeau says he won't quit after stunning byelection loss

The National Post is reporting that "Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Tuesday he is taking his party’s unexpected loss in a Toronto byelection Monday as a clear sign of voters’ frustrations, but insisted he won’t be leaving the party leadership. Trudeau’s Liberals lost the byelection Monday in Toronto—St-Paul’s, a riding they have comfortably held for over 30 years."

Julian Assange walks free after plead deal

Update: Julian Assange lands in Australia a free man

ABC is reporitng that "When WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange sets foot in his native Australia Wednesday, he will be a free man for the first time after 14 years spent in some form of confinement while attempting to avoid U.S. prosecution. He will also meet his two young sons for the first time ever outside of prison." Oh happy day.

"Assange is due to appear in federal court in the Northern Marianas Islands, a remote U.S. territory in the Western Pacific, early Wednesday morning local time, where he will plead guilty to one felony count of illegally obtaining and classified information as part of a plea deal with U.S. prosecutors. After that, he is expected to fly to his native Australia. There he will be met by his wife, Stella and their two young sons, who have never known him outside of captivity."

This is a step forward. One down, one to go. I will give credit where credit is due. This came after significant lobbying from the Australian government. Our troll spook said it would never happen. This deal was made with the Biden Administration. Donald Trump didn't pardon Julian Assange, Joe Biden did. Just sayn. I don't agree with many Biden policies but this one I do agree with. Just like I also agreed with pulling out of Afghanistan. When the opposing party does something right we should recognize that. Refusing to do that is cheap and dishonest.

Balancing the Extremes in life and politics

I've talked about balancing the extremes before but as always that quest is relevant now more than ever so I will repeat my position. Draw a line in the sand. Call that line democracy. The further away from that line you go to the left or the right the further away from democracy you get and the closer you get to Dictatorship. So in reality, politics isn't a line, it's a circle.

Tom MacDonald recently put a new video called Me Versus You. In it he portrays both sides of the divide in American politics. He wears a red hoodie while he argues one side and wears a blue hoodie while he argues the other side. It is very well done. They want us divided.

I support Tom MacDonald's right to say what he has to say. I was somewhat disgusted to see Ben Shapiro's appearance in one of his videos. Ben's part was, in my opinion, ridiculous. Until the Gaza conflict Ben Shapiro had us fooled. After firing Candace Owens he has revealed his true colours as has Ezra Levant and we need to talk about that.

Ezra Levant and Ben Shapiro rightfully oppose Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum. Yet they both blindly support Benjamin Netanyahu who is a Globalist that supports the WEF. So their blind support of Netanyahu reveals the complete hypocrisy of both their media platforms. It's as though their purpose was to infiltrate the right and lead it astray.

That's a very Mossad thing to do. Just sayn. Just like Tucker Carlson. He was a hero. Then he spins for Felix Rodriguez and puts his whole motive into question. Notice how deeply involved the intelligence agencies are in any platform that denounces the narrative. Satan will tell you nine truths to get you hooked on one lie. So will Mossad and the CIA.

Tom MacDonald has a colossal following and has made a lot of cheddar. As a result there are dozens of haters and trolls that are trying to make a name for themselves by trashing him yet he isn't taking the bait. IMO Mac Lethal is an idiot. He has nothing to say that I find worth listening to. Yet he has the right to kick against the pricks. Dax is worth listening to.

I've said what I had to say about the local white west coast rappers here in BC trying to rationalize crime and addiction in God's name. I ain't gonna hate. I'm just going to separate.
On that note, I see that Tom MacDonald made a video with Madchild a while back. Just to set the record straight, I don't have a problem with Madchild. I did have a problem with one of his songs but that was a long time ago. I saw how Voldemort f*cked him over and sucked him dry. I support morality and ethics. No matter what your past you have a spotless future. I don't support the mob mentality of the clone soldier creeps that want to make a name for themselves by trashing people who were kicked to the curb by the club. We the people yo. In order to form a more perfect union.

Evidently Tom MacDonald's girlfriend raps under the name Nova Rockafeller. Peace.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Edmonton Oilers Game 7 Final Score

Well wasn't that an exciting series? I just want to say that there's no shame here. The Edmonton Oilers did awesome. Everyone hates summer soldiers and sunshine patriots. Fans who only jump on the bandwagon when everything is going well. The Oilers are true blue so to speak.

As Nova Rockafeller said you did your best and there's more to you than the wars you lose.

Not that I give a f*ck about hockey because I don't. It's just that I'm from Vancouver and we support our team win or lose. Several months ago that Oilers fan at work asked me, so you don't follow hockey? I said no, for me watching sports is kind of like going to the gym and watching someone else work out. He said not really. I was like I know but that's kind of how it feels for me. I watch UFC or Rugby but I don't have a long attention span. I mostly like to watch highlights.

I really find football hooligans in England irritating. In some places of central America you have two rival teams from the same city where fans will fight with each other that often results in fatalities. That is insane. Rival fans fighting with each other at a family event is stupid. There's nothing noble about it. Especially soccer. No one here cares about soccer. Well not many and in not that sense. Football hooligans clearly don't understand the mean of or sanctity of life.

New Covid Fraud in the UK

Well MI6 is hard at work trying to resurrect another Covid fraud in the UK. I saw a recent headline in the fake news stating here are the new Covid rules as a new variant sweeps the UK. I'm like AYFKM? These people are mentally deranged. How about Iraq's WMD Tony BLiar?

As we know, when viruses mutate they get weaker not stronger. Omicron was weaker than the seasonal flu, This new June variant is even weaker than that. A June cold is usual but because it's summer that explains why it's so week. We need to stop funding all these biolabs that keep producing new variants. It's wasn't a China virus. Fauci funded the gain of function research in Wuhan just like Hunter Biden profited from Metabiota. It was a CIA virus. China ran with it.

The fake news is once again repeating the ridiculous narrative cases are up. Cases don't mean anything. Cases are up because you started testing again. As the real UK specialist declared you need a positive test and symptoms to be a case. One without the other is not a case. There is no such thing as asymptomatic cases. Asymptomatic means healthy.

Now the fake news claims that summer hospitalizations surge in the UK. That is a lie. They started testing people in the hospital with a useless test that produces a 90% false positive. It can't tell the difference between Covid and the common cold or flu. So yeah, a few people in the hospital in England getting surgeries tested positive for a cold. No one cares.

New YouTube Channel about BC back burns

Saturday, June 22, 2024

The Edmonton Oilers exciting come back

Well here it is. After being down 3 games to nothing in the Stanley cup final against the Florida Panthers, the Edmonton Oilers won 3 straight to tie it up as they go into game 7. I don't really care about hockey but there are a few Oiler fans at work who are ecstatic.

I remember when Vancouver lost to the Oilers in a close series one of them was excited because it looked like the Oilers would win against Florida. Then they just couldn't beat their goalie. Well game 4 they figured out how to beat their goalie. So this is exciting. For them. It's been a long time since a Canadian team won the Stanley cup in a league they used to dominate.

Seemingly their goalie goes low and it's impossible to beat him on the ground so they go high and have been getting it in. Everyone was talking about an Oilers fan who went viral after flashing her boobs for the camera. Evidently she goes by Kait and was recently featured in Playboy.

She's being billed as the Edmonton Oilers good luck charm. She's obviously very attractive and will be very successful which apparently has caused some trolls to be jealous. However, posing for pictures flipping the bird is a bit trailer trash. All the wannabe bikers do that and it looks kind of silly. At least she likes to hike in the mountains. Someome is trying to rip her off by managing her Only Fans page. Behind every pretty girl is a line up of dirty pimps wanting to exploit them.

Let's raise the bar for game 7. "Game 7 goes Monday in Sunrise, Florida. Edmonton is looking to become only the fifth team in NHL history to win a best-of-seven showdown after trailing 3-0 — and just the second in the Cup final, joining the 1942 Toronto Maple Leafs."

Everyone's also talking about the Hawk Tuah girl from Nashville and I'm like whatever. That's not my thing. However, the fact that so many guys are obsessing over this is a bit Dr Phil.

BC Gangster arrested in Newfoundland

The RCMP is reporting that "RCMP Federal Policing – Eastern Region, in collaboration with the RCMP-RNC Joint Forces Operation West (JFO West), announced today that it has seized the province's largest non-pharmaceutical (illicit) quantity of fentanyl earlier this week on the province's west coast. As a result of Project Beamline, charges have been laid against 25-year-old Abishake Lohia, who recently moved to Newfoundland and Labrador from British Columbia."

Abishake Lohia was busted beside Kyle Latimer and Jamie Bacon back in 2018.

There were a few things pretty shady about that Project Territory bust. They did nail Kyle who was a high ranking member of the Red Scorpions. In fact, Kyle and Lolo Lanski both ended up betraying Gary' Kang's BIBO faction after he was killed and have taken over the leadership now that Jamie Bacon is in Witness Protection. So the project Territory bust was real.

However, the dramatic press releases about pressure cooker bombs were fake as f*ck. It screamed foreign intelligence. The CIA are the only ones who know how to make pressure cooker bombs. The average citizen doesn't. I sure don't and I have experience with chemistry sets. John Nuttall didn't. John was panicking because he couldn't figure it out after the police agents downloaded the instructions for him. He was afraid Mr Big was going to kill him and his family if he couldn't make one. So he says you know what would really make this thing work - C4. Then when they showed up with C4 he sh*t his pants. That's why it was entrapment. Without the Police agents' pressure and assistance there was no means or motive to commit the crime.

Likewise, it's pretty obvious that the police planted the pressure cooker bombs in Project Territory. However, there was another anomaly. The police seized some really tacky giant black Scorpions. As soon as I saw that I said WTF is that? The name of the group is the Red Scorpions. It's as though the foreign intelligence agency didn't read the memo.

Let's not forget, the Hells Angels were grooming Jamie Bacon because he was an easy mark to tax. While Gary Kang was active with his BIBO faction the Hells Angles hired the Brother's Keepers to kill BIBO members of the Red Scorpions but they left Jamie Bacon alone. That's because the club wanted him there. Shrek was a long time associate of Jamie Bacon.

As we recall, Kyle Latimer and Lolo Lansk both recently betrayed the BIBO faction cementing their leadership under the Hells Angels. Lolo Lanski's trailer trash GF finally read the memo and is keeping her mouth shut after she tried to start drama with Kyle's GF at a nail salon. That was ridiculous. She wasn't even Lolo's baby mamma. She was a nobody trying to be somebody by starting stupid sh*t that interfered with them all making money.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Toronto Moving Bilboard promotes the narative

OK let's talk about this. Today a coworker showed me this video clip on his phone. He was outraged that leftists were calling a moving billboard in Toronto hate speech. When I first saw it I said was that Rebel News or Billboard Chris? Turns out it was Rebel News.

I'm going to talk about this and I'm going to talk about the extremes on both sides of the debate. It's no secret that I have been sadly disappointed with Rebel News' one sided coverage of the conflict in Gaza. Rebel News has not said one word about the massive weekly protests in Israel calling for emediate elections demanding Benjamin Netanyahu resign. Not one word.

Rebel News has not said one word about the irregularities surrounding the October 7th attack. Not one word. Instead they've been force feeding us the narrative that October 7th was Israel's 9/11. That's a huge red flag. Does that mean Rebel News refuses to recognize 9/11 was an inside job? Evidently so. I don't know about hate speech but I personally find the message on their moving billboard hateful and offensive. I'll expand more tomorrow after my overtime shift but I just wanted to throw it out there that this divisive message promotes the narrative.

The Irish Proclamation, like the US Constitution and the Canadian Charter of Rights guarantees the freedom of religion. It states that "The Republic guarantees religious and civil liberty, equal rights and equal opportunities to all its citizens, and declares its resolve to pursue the happiness and prosperity of the whole nation and of all its parts, cherishing all of the children of the nation equally, and oblivious of the differences carefully fostered by an alien Government, which have divided a minority from the majority in the past." Rebel News is promoting division.

Rebel News blindly endorses Benjamin Netanyahu who is a globalist and a corporate Communist just like Klaus Schwab and the Mossad. Right now, as Ezra Levant reveals his defiant arrogance on this issue it looks like he is a propaganda wing for Mossad now more than ever. This is how Globalism infiltrates the right and leads it astray. Muslims aren't the enemy. They see what kind of freedom they have in Communist China. The Intelligence Community and the WEF Agenda that has overtaken the UN is. The UN's NWO is insane. That is what we need to address.

We can debate mass mirration without criminal record checks but the freedom of religion is not debatable. I've had some clowns claim that the Star of David is a Satanic symbol because it has six points and therefore represents the number 666. That is ridiculous. Some of these clowns claim that Judaism is Satanism. That is ridiculous. That would be considered hate speech. It would also oppose the US Constitution and the Canadian Charter of Rights protecting Religious Freedom. Call a religion a cult and you are justified in wiping it out. Not.

This brings us to Netanyahu invoking the law of the Amalekites. Netanyahu is using defamation and a false flag attack to justify a genocide. Last year there were crazy billboards in Canada talking about babies held hostage by Hamas. Reminiscent of ISIS beheading people to create public outrage. Later we discovered that the CIA created ISIS just like Mossad created Hamas. This is what I mean about shunning extremes. Olivia Chow is indeed a leftist but she is the widow of Jack Layton and Jack Layton was well liked and respected. We need to balance the extremes.
Ezra claimed his moving billboard was about Hamas but it didn't say a word about Hamas. It showed pictures of Muslims praying and said "Is this Iraq? Is this Syria? No, this is Canada. Wake up Canada you're under siege." Under siege by Hamas? No. Under siege by Muslims.

Hamas is not in Iraq or Syria. George Bush invaded Iraq based on a lie. He said Iraq has WMD. We know it. Dr David Kelly said that was a lie. He said he was the weapons inspector based in Iraq and assured us Iraq had no WMD. Then after Bush invaded Iraq and found no WMD he said Mission Accomplished. At the time, Tony Blair was in bed with George Bush who gave him a congressional medal for perpetuating that lie. Before the invasion MI6 launched Operation Mass Appeal flooding the fake news with false information about Iraq's WMD.

When Tulsi Gabbard visited Syria the people asked her why America was supporting terrorists in Syria like ISIS who were raping Syrians. She was shocked and did not have an answer. The CIA created ISIS and ISIS K to win over public opinion to oppose Assad and the rival pipeline from Iran over the Saudi backed pipeline from Qatar. Notwithstanding the fact that Mossad created Hamas, Ezra's moving billboard didn't target Hamas it targeted Muslims in the same way Hitler's antisemitic propaganda during the Holocaust targeted Jews.

I can tell you right now, all the Jews in Israel protesting Benjamin Netanyahu's government did not approve the message on Ezra's moving billboard. Ezra is supporting the globalist narrative that divides people over religion to justify taking away civil liberty. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Children and civilians are literally starving in Gaza while Ezra pridefully drives this offensive circus side show to the police station demanding to be arrested. That is not good. That is not godly.