Friday, July 12, 2024

Pierre Poilievre and Clinton Jaws on Safe Injection sites

Taming of the Shrew in Maple Ridge

I saw a live Shakespeare play in Maple Ridge today. The Emerald Pig Theatre Society put on a live performance of the Taming of the Shrew at the Bard on the Bandstand which is the Gazibo in Memorial Peace Park on 224th off Dewdney Trunk Road. It was really well done and it was free. They sold raffle tickets and asked for a food bank donation. It will be playing there tomorrow as well June 12th at 7:00 PM. July 18, 19 and 20 it will be playing at Spirit Square in Pitt Meadows.

Shakespeare is old school in old English. Some are comedies and others are tragedies but you have to remember the comedies humor is from a different time and a different place however I did find it very funny. I didn't realize what this one was about.

It's about a father who has two daughters. The older daughter is wild and angry while the younger daughter is fair and desirable. Everyone wants to marry the younger daughter but the father can't let anyone court her until his older daughter is married. So they pay a con man to Tame the Shrew so to speak and marry the older sister so they can have a crack at the younger sister.

There was a younger disabled kid in an electric wheelchair that was dressed up and joined the cast. The ear to ear grim on his face from being able to participate in the play was priceless.

I wasn't sure if it's a con man who falls in love with her like the movie How to Lose a Guy in 10 days or if he actually shafts her. It kind of reminds of the John Wayne movie the Quiet Man. My father got me to watch that movie when I was young and it scared the life out of me. I dated a girl like that once and she scared the life out of me. I guess I still have a few scars from that : )

When I was young my parents used to take me to the theatre under the Stars in Stanley Park. I'm told they still do that. Live theatre is so rare now. It's nice to see people keeping the tradition alive.

Eminem goes Woke Drops 2 Candace Owens Diss tracks

LOL Biden called Zelensky Putin and said that Trump was his Vice President.

Candace Owens explains "The New York Times is an arm of the CIA and I'm not saying that to be funny, I hope you guys are very aware because you watch the show all the time that Operation Mockingbird was real and that the CIA was funneling a lot of money to the New York times so the New York Times would basically write whatever the deep state wanted written and I believe it still goes on. There has been no evidence whatsoever that that program was ever discontinued and to the contrary a ton of evidence that it's still going on." Let RFK run instead of Biden.

Live to Ride, Ride to Live

Since the boys are back and are in Lethbridge, let's talk about some common ground here. We all like to ride. When I was young the book Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance moved me. In the Florian Knights movie they talked about Wind Therapy. Firemen were riding motorcycles to help process PTSD. They hooked themselves up to equipment that monitored brainwaves and heart rate. They found that as they rode their motorcycles, other distractions faded away and they were able to focus on what was right in front of them. I really noticed it on my last road trip.

I've talked about how the fake News attacked the firemen and the veterans for wanting to ride because someone was seen with a member of the Hells Angels. This is where we need to balance the extremes. IMO the veterans and the firefighters have every right to ride motorcycles and join an MC. Preventing that is IMO government over reach.

Having said that I think if the veterans and firefighters join a MC, they need to be extra vigilant to stay away from the drug trafficking and the criminal element of OMGs. Riding motorcycles and selling drugs are two different things. You don't need a patch to ride a motorcycle and you don't need to be a 1%er to join an MC. Displaying a 1%er patch means you're bragging about being a criminal and as we've all seen in Rome, pride cometh before the fall.

The A&E series on the Hells Angels has been very enlightening. No lie can live forever. This means the club in Canada is at a cross roads. Recently the Hells Angels clubhouses in Kelowna, East Vancouver and Naniamo were seized under proceeds of crime. Each chapter was convicted of enough criminal activity for the courts to allow the police to seize their clubhouses. Personally I don't like proceeds of crime legislation. Not only is it a slippery slope but it also removes police incentive to stop crime. Instead it just makes them want to tax it and profit from crime.

The Aging Rebel covered the AFT trial in California where they were trying to seize the Mongol patch. I see that as government over reach. Although I am concerned with the prolific nature of some of the drug trafficking and human trafficking linked to the Hells Angels, I am also just as if not more concerned about government over reach. When the Hells Angels shoot a rival drug dealer that does not affect me at all but when Justin Trudeau and the fake news take away my civil liberty protected by law, that does affect me directly.

If you want to save the MC, drop the OMG. Larry Amero and Damion Ryan don't even ride motorcycles. Kick them to the curb. You're not getting a cut of their drug sales so lose them. Go on a road trip. Bring a tent. Live the dream don't pimp the dream.

Biden mistakes Zelensky for Putin

Wow. We can't make this sh*t up. God save the people.

Drugs, Gangs and Law Enforcement in BC and Alberta

In my post about the new Lethbridge chapter of the Hells Angels someone mentioned Project Forseti which targeted the Southland chapter. We can argue disinformation on both sides but that was a successful Police operation that took down a really bad drug ring that went well beyond running a few grows and was supplying toxic drugs to a local reservation that resulted in several fatalities. This is what I mean about greed. Criminals who sell toxic drugs are greedy.

Project Forseti was tied to the drug problem on the Blood Reservation southwest of Lethbridge. Wherever we see toxic drugs sold we also see human trafficking to fund it. That's exactly what an Alberta task force on human trafficking found on that same Blood Reservation.

What consenting adults do behind closed doors is their business. Human Trafficking is not consensual. It brings us back to Margo Compton, Janice Shore and Dianne Rock. It also brings us back to the murder of Wendy Carlick. She was a missing woman's advocate was murdered before she could testify at the new missing women inquiry. Marilyn Poitras resigned from the MMIW inquiry because it became a political farce and wasn't addressing its mandate.

Marilyn Poitras said "We've been down this road before... We had people tell us if you want to know who the problems are and how to fix them you go talk to the sex trade workers. They're going to tell you who they are. It's not a mystery. This isn't some person coming out of the blue and randomly taking women off the street. People know who they're threatened by. Lets go talk to them. We weren't doing any of those things."

In steps Janice Shore. Janice Shore was brutally murdered on the Surrey Strip. She was sexually assaulted and brutally beaten into a coma from which she never woke up. I visited her in the hospital on Christmas day. The whole side of her jaw was caved in from blunt force trauma.

After I put posters up asking for information about her murder a sex trade worker contacted me and explained what happened. Janice was a pan handler with an addiction. She was forced into the sex trade to support her addiction. The tree where she was found beside is where the drug dealers demand free service from the sex trade workers they sold drugs to. Dumping Janice's body there was a message to the other sex trade workers, pay your debts or end up like Janice.

On the Surrey Strip, drug dealers would give sex trade workers toxic drugs and when they got a trick, the drug dealer would take all their money. That is not consensual. That is human trafficking. The women found dead on the Pickton farm were sex trade workers that had drug debts.

Teri-Lyn Williams was from Calgary. She got addicted to drugs and ended up involved with the sex trade in Surrey and was murdered there. The before and after pictures of her drug use clearly show that peddling that poison is evil. Denying that is evil. Rationalizing that is evil.
Shannon Collins was murdered in Edmonton. Her sister was told she was leaving for Calgary to work for the Hells Angels. However, since she was living what police described as a high risk lifestyle, it appears she had already been working for the boys in Edmonton.

Georgina Papin was also originally from Edmonton. Her DNA ended up on the Pickton farm.

Law enforcement in southern Alberta is good. Law enforcement in Edmonton is not. ALERT, the Alberta Law Enforcement Team is good. IHIT and the CFSEU are not. EPS had a reputation for leaking Intel to the Hells Angels. Don't get me started on IHIT and the CFSEU.

It all comes back to greed. The Dianne Rock story clearly illustrated that. Dianne Rock's boyfriend was a longshoreman who sold crack. Crack is nasty like crystal meth. Longshoreman make a good wage. Supplementing that wage by selling crack and human trafficking is really low life.

It all starts off with strippers and blow. Then they say if you want to make a lot of money you should become an escort. Then when the drugs eat them alive they end up dead. There is nothing noble or admirable about making money from that. You need to get a real job.

Ten people facing charges in human trafficking case in southern Alberta

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Armed Security Protecting Supreme Court Justice Who Votes Against 2A Rights Shoots Armed Car Jacker

Uruguay players brawl with fans after loss to Colombia

Update: Here's why he stormed the stand. The fans were fingering him and swearing at him likely for the brawl in the middle of the pitch so he lost his temper and stormed them then made up that bullsh*t story about defending babies. He tried to throw a chair at the fans for fingering him.

Speaking of Copa America, Colombia beat Uruguay as expected with one hand tied behind their back to advance to the finals against Argentina. After the loss, some of the Uruguay players jumped the stands and brawled with the Colombian fans. What's worse is they lied about why.

Uruguay's José María Giménez claimed some of the Colombian fans rushed their families and put them in danger. "We had to get on the top of the stands as soon as possible to rescue our loved ones with newborn babies." OMG. Let's look at the facts.

The match was very chippy. Early in the second half Colombia's Daniel Muñoz elbowed Manuel Ugarte, leading to a second yellow card and leaving his team short handed for almost the entire second half. That was a humiliating defeat for Uruguay.

Darwin Núñez, the mental case that jumped the gate and started fighting Colombia fans plays for Liverpool. Liverpool fans have a very bad reputation for agro from hooligans so if any fans have ever put families at risk around the world it has been Liverpool. They've caused serious problems across Europe. One brawl started in the middle of the pitch before Darwin jumped the fans.
When you look at the video, none of the Colombian fans were fighting with anyone until Charlse the missing link Darwin jumped them. So why did he jump them? The fans were mocking him so he lost his sh*t and charged them. That whole protecting babies lie was ridiculous. Perhaps he was offended when they laughed at his sports bra. He tried to throw a chair at them.
In Canada and America fans don't fight each other at soccer games. They do that in England and Central America. We think that is stupid because it is. We support family events. The football hooligans in England are mental cases. So is Darwin's sports bra going to trend?
"The fight began after drinks were thrown at the players." Yeah, that's what we thought.

Can you imagine Argentina playing Colombia? Argentina is going to be diving all over the field again. It's amusing how many of the videos on Twitter of Argentina rolling around taking dives have been deleted over copyright. ACADEMY AWARD SINNER Fans want Argentina star De Paul to be awarded Oscar for outrageous theatrics during Copa America win over Canada Charles Darwin said he was protecting their families from Colombian fans. That was a lie. Before he rushed the fans the only fight was the one in the centre of the pitch. After that display of poor sportsmanship the Colombian fans near the end zone were booing him and fingering him calling him a b*tch. Darwin loses his sh*t tries to throw a chair at them then finally storms them and fights with them. After that fight he climbs up in the middle of the stand and goes get his son.

Chairlifts on Cypress open for summer hikers

We went to Cypress this weekend because they've opened up the Lions chair and the Sky chair for summer hikers. Now instead of hiking up you can just take the chairlift. They also have the chairlift on Black mountain running for the Eagle Coaster ride. You can take the chairlift up and the mountain coaster down but that's a separate ticket. The top pic is from Sky chair.

If you take the chairlift up Black Mountain there are a few short hikes you can go on from there. This is the view from Eagle Bluff on the opposite side of Mount Strachan.

Volcano in Italy erupted on July 4th 2024

Update: Powerful Explosion from Stromboli Volcano July 11th 2024

Yeah what he said. This guy is pretty technical but the images are stunning and he explains that since the density of the lava was lighter than water, the lava flow that did make it to the Mediterranean was able to travel a surprising distance because it floated on top of the water (0.24 in the second video). Holy Pompeii Batman.

He also said the alert rate in several North American volcanoes were also raised this week. As we recall, when Mt St Helen's erupted it was just a whole lot of ash. Baker is an active volcano as in it sometimes lets off a bit of steam but Mount Rainier, Mount St Helen's and Mount Hood appear to be much more active. Earthquake and Volcano Risks from the Juan de Fuca Plate.