Sunday, August 11, 2024

RCMP identify suspect who set a Surrey man on fire

CTV is reporting that "Police in Surrey have identified the man they believe set a shopkeeper on fire and stole a car in the city last Friday, and are warning the public that he remains at large. Kalid Yimer is wanted for attempted murder, Surrey RCMP said in a news release Friday, adding that the 33-year-old is believed to be in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia or travelling to Alberta." Traveling to Alberta. Isn't that interesting. Edmonton again.

The people CSIS hired to kill Hardeep Singh Nijjar were brought in from Edmonton just like the guys who killed Ali were. As I previously reported, it was very strange how India's state run media picked up on the story so fast and were the first to identify the victim to be Rahat Rao which CBC has now confirmed. As soon as the violent assault happened, they started defaming the victim. This clearly looks like another CSIS sting operation.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

The Brothers Sun is Magnificent

I watched The Brothers Sun on Netflix and really enjoyed it. I found it captivating and positive. It's about gangs and organized crime but it involves triads not bikers. I can relate to the the Triads better because there are traditions and a code of conduct that ties them together. It's still making money from bad things. Selling drugs or living off the avails is not noble. Yet there are different ways of doing business and some are more noble than others.

For example, the Italian Mafia is known for extortion. No one respects that. Extortion is exploitation. I'm of the understanding that the Triads extort the businesses in Chinatown and that is a bad thing. Prostitution is bad but what consenting adults do behind closed doors is their business. The key words are concerning adults. Human trafficking and forced prostitution is evil. The Margo Compton story was shameful.

The Brothers Sun is kind of a comedy. It's a dry humour that I found very funny yet there was a positive moral that ran through it. One of the Brother's was raised in the life while the other brother wasn't. The brother who wasn't raised in the life said I don't want this. In the course of the series two of the main characters decide to leave the life while a third decides this is what I want but I want to do things differently. I want to run it smarter with less violence where everyone makes money. Everyone chooses their own destiny in life.

I found the Revenge Drama very toxic and unhealthy. As Buddha said about anger, revenge is like grabbing a hot coal to throw at someone else. As soon as you grab hold of it, you are the one that gets burned. There's no peace or enlightenment in revenge. Only sorrow and emptiness.

There was one funny part. The lady cop who wasn't really a cop she was a DA, was always eating Korean spicy chips. She was jumped by a mugger for investigating organized crime. She fights back and the mugger knocked her pepper spray out of her hands so she reaches in her purse, pulls out a bag of Korean spicy chips and crushes the chips in her assailants eyes. Nice.

Tulsi Gabbard added to the terrorist watch list

This is criminally insane. The day after Tulsi Gabbard was on television criticizing Kamala Harris and the military industrial complex she was added to a terrorist watch list. This is why torture and black prison sites are never acceptable. The CIA did 9/11. The CIA created ISIS. After they assassinated the Iranian general responsible for defeating ISIS in Syria, the CIA created ISIS K in Pakistan. The CIA are the terrorists. The people they torture are not.

Friday, August 9, 2024

Riots and Counter Riots: Anarchy in the UK

Sh*t be cray yo. We've all seen disturbing images of riots in England and Belfast as well as the counter riots that rationalize the original riots and it's clear a lot of people out there have lost their mind. It started when another migrant fatally stabbed three young girls in Southport. The people had enough. Then we had counter riots of Arab migrants assaulting white citizens. That was Haram. Are you condoning the murder of young children? That is mentally deranged.

Riots never solve anything. I suppose they can let people vent but as soon as you riot, your noble cause is lost. Mass migration is a problem. It creates racism. When mobs of migrants assault citizens of the host country they are guests in, they validate all the fears and concerns of those opposing mass migration. Any migrant who commits crime should be deported.

That's not debatable. Watch how the fake news spins it. They blame the riots on right wing extremists. No, the riots are the result of the leftist policies that creat crime and chaos to justify their insane agenda. Anarchy is an evil state. Communists use anarchy to justify their insane response. Mind how ya go. You can oppose mass migration without falling into their lawless trap.

I know a lot of people are discouraged. The insanity we witness is disturbing and the media's drive is part of a dark agenda. Yet all of this was foreseen. We are witnessing a gathering. A gathering of good and a gathering of evil. Despite the evil we see there still is a lot of good in the world. Embrace the good and shun the evil. It's time to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

IDF soldiers sexually abusing Palestinian prisoners

This is not the IDF I once knew. Pride cometh before the fall.

According to the law of Moses these soldiers should be stoned to death. I realize there is a reason we don't do that any more but there is a big difference between putting someone to death for an abomination and defiantly rationalizing and condoning the abomination. Both are extreme. That soldier has zero remorse. That is why the law used to say he should be put to death.

It's one thing to make a mistake and break a covenant through human weakness. It's another thing to defiantly mock the covenant with defiant abominations. The children of Israel are not the chosen people, they are the covenanted people. Abraham made a covenant to serve God and that covenant was renewed through Isaac and Jacob. Jacob was the father of the 12 tribes of Israel. There are 12 tribes not one. When Israel broke that covenant they became slaves in Egypt. Then Moses liberated them through divine intervention.

Yet as soon as Moses went up to the mountain to fast, the children of Israel were dancing naked around a golden calf. Israel is not always right. History has proven that. Moses said God hasn't brought you to this promised land because of your righteousness, God brought you here because of the extreme wickedness of the former inhabitants. We're not talking about the Palestinians. We are talking about other people before them.

Before Solomon built the Temple, Moses built a tabernacle in the wilderness, a holy tent where Moses brought the children of Israel into the bond of the covenant. In so doing, Moses clearly laid out the blessings of obedience and the cursing of disobedience to that covenant and said see, I have set before thee life and death, cursing and blessings. Chose life that ye and your household may live. In fact, it was the duty and obligation of the Levites to read out the cursing of disobedience to remind Israel the seriousness of their covenant.

I will emphatically point out that these deranged soldiers do not represent the majority of Israelis. I can tell you right now all these mass protests against Netanyahu, do not support what these disgusting soldiers did. This defiant soldier went on TV to condemn the journalist that leaked the video. He also praised the right wing extremists who support him. That is mentally deranged. That is why the old law said guys like that should be put to death. He is the reason for the old law.

The defiant mental case said the right wing extremist know what it takes to deal with the Palestinians. Hitler said the same thing about you, you worthless POS. Hitler was wrong and so are you. I had heard allegations of this kind of mistreatment of prisoners from the IDF before but I didn't believe it. Now I see it is a huge reoccurring problem.

This is like when Moses saw everyone dancing naked around the golden calf. He broke the tables and said who is on the Lord's side? Let him come unto me. The Levites gathered and slew 3,000 of their own men. Mental rejects like this one who mocks the oath of Abraham.

Now the WHO want to poison and sterilize Palestinian children with a tainted vaccine for a virus they planted. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is not a medical doctor. He was the leader of a violent Communist paramilitary organization in Ethiopia and permitted Netanyahu to give Ethiopians refugees in Israel a tetanus shot spiked with a serialization drug.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Brother's Keeper named in Townline shooting

The Vancovuer Sun is reporting that "Brothers Keepers gang associate named as Abbotsford shooter." Check this out. "On a Saturday night in February, Abbotsford police responded to a gangland shooting on Townline Road. Afterwards the wounded man’s stolen car was located in Coquitlam with the help of an RCMP helicopter and other police forces. While a suspect was arrested at the time, no charges have been laid." Things that make ya go hmmm....

"New details of the alleged circumstances of the attempted murder are contained in a lawsuit filed this month by the director of civil forfeiture. The suit alleges that the shooter was a Brothers Keeper’s associate named Bati Ahmed Mohamed, who was driving a 2021 Hyundai Elantra owned by his friend Kayla Campbell. The statement of claim said the Elantra should be forfeited to the government because Mohamed used the vehicle to attempt to commit murder.” AYFKM?

“In particular, B. Ahmed Mohamed held a firearm while in the vehicle, exited the vehicle with the firearm, and used the firearm in an attempt to murder two individuals in a different vehicle,” the director claimed. “Mohamed and his accomplices to the attempted murder then used the vehicle to escape the scene of the attempted murder. After Mohamed was arrested, police located a handgun magazine containing 9mm casings, in his pocket.” So why hasn't he been charged?

"Four days later, after getting a search warrant for the car, police found fentanyl, drug paraphernalia, three iPhones and three B.C. licence plates inside. The lawsuit alleged Bati has a history of selling drugs out of vehicles owned by others, including on 10 specific dates between 2021 and 2024." So why hasn't he been charged?!

This clearly illustrates the inherit problem with seizing the proceeds of crime legislation. Police are more worried about taxing crime and profiting from it than with stopping crime. We saw this in LA during Freeway Ricky's day. After the CIA pulled the plug on the Blandon bust, the DEA became corrupted. Instead of focusing on stopping crime they simply focused on profiting from it by seizing the proceeds of crime. In the crown's own evidence they admit that Bati often sold drugs out of other people's cars including a Ford owned by Campbell’s mother.

The lawsuit admits that Bati doesn't own the Hyundai Elantra. It's owned by his friend Kayla Campbell. Kayla? That's a girl. Is it her car or her mother's car? We know that higher level drug dealers often lease a car in a girlfriend's name like Larry Amero did with Sara Trebble. Bati isn't a high level drug dealer and a 2021 Hyundai Elantra isn't a high end SUV.

If Bati was a high level drug dealer he wouldn't be selling drugs out of his girlfriend's mother's car. Huston, we have a problem. E Division is compromised. They're more concerned with seizing the proceeds of crime than they are with stopping crime.

Another black guy working for the Edmonton Hells Angels

Now for the real story. The Brother's Keepers is an Indo Canada in gang run by the Edmonton Hells Angels. Mohamed is not a Punjabi name. Lil Man was also named Mohamed and he is Somalian. After the Edmonton Angels killed Ali they brought in some Driftwood Crips from Toronto and made Lil Man a full fledged member of the Brother's Keepers. He even had a BK tat. Lil Man was the lialison between the Brother's Keepers and the Driftwood Crips in Metro Vancouver.

So now we have another black guy selling drugs in Surrey for the Edmonton Hells Angels and the PoPo don't even charge him they just want to tax him. Sounds like E Division needs a reboot.

The Edmonton Angels hired a black guy and a white guy from Edmonton to kill Ali.

More recently three brown guys from Surrey and one black guy from Ontario were charged in a fatal shooting over in South Surrey. The guy from Ontario is a rapper from Driftwwod called Keyzie. Another connection between the Brother's Keepers and the Driftwood Crips here in SRY.

Another brother tied to BK killed a guy in Saskatoon. They rolled on him, Lil Man and 1hunnid.

Monday, August 5, 2024

The Ambulance: Avoiding bad decisions

I've been watching a couple of movies on Netflix and it reiterates the importance of avoiding bad decisions. I watched the Ambulance and although it's a little bit far fetched it does show how a couple of bad decisions can lead to some really bad life changing situations. It's kind of like waking up from a bad dream. Wow, I'm glad that wasn't real. I'm glad that didn't really happen. You don't want to put yourself in those kinds of positions. Crime doesn't pay.

Democrats Are Now The CIA Party

Jimmy Dore and Ian Carroll talk about how the Democrat vales have been co-opted by the CIA.

Jimmy Dore facts checks some Venezuela election claims

Remember this selfie that was going viral on Twitter? People claimed it was ballot counters in the Venezuela election. They said the TV screens in the background showed the opposition in the lead. I zoomed in and couldn't see what it said. Turns out these weren't ballot counters they were Mercal grocery store workers. The flag is in the background.

Jimmy Dore shows many statements about the election being shared were false.

Ontario Court of Justice rules PCR tests unlawful

Police on Guard is reporting that "In a much-anticipated decision, the Ontario Court of Justice has ruled that Covid-19 nasal swab screening tests are unlawful. Judge Paul Monahan has overturned a previous guilty ruling against Ms. Meththa Fernando for refusing to be screened for Covid-19, after arriving at Pearson International Airport on April 9th, 2022." They don't even work.